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Aprobación Oficial Lic. Funcionamiento Nº 007655 del 31 Octubre 2.016
Registro Dane Nº 315516000466


1. you use this to sharpen your pencil
NAME AND SURNAME______________________ 3. you bring your school supplies in it
5. you can only write with him in the English
1. Complete the dialogue with words in the notebook
box. Down
2. you need this to take notes
From / what’s / where / are / what / I / am / how
4. you use this to correct
/ old /
6. you need this to measure

Mary: Hello, my name is Mary. ______ 3. complete los cuadros escribiendo los
yours? números en inglés.
Joseph: Pleased to meet you, Mary. My 77 13
name’s Joseph.
11 40
Mary: Nice to meet you. Where ___ you
___? 48 99
Joseph: I’m from Michigan. Detroit,
29 82
specifically. And you? ____ are you from?
Mary: I’m from Las Vegas.
Joseph: Oh wow! Las Vegas is a very 4. Choose the correct answer. (Elije la
interesting city. ____ do you do, Mary? respuesta correcta).
Mary: ___ ___ an accountant. I work in an  We ____ in the park
a. Is
office downtown.
b. Are
Joseph: Oh, that’s nice. What’s the name c. Yes
of your company?  I___ ill
Mary: United Widgets Industries. a. Is
b. Are
Joseph: Fascinating! ___ old are you,
c. Am
Mary?  ___ you Colombian?
Mary: I’m 25 years ___. a. Is
Joseph: Oh, that’s good. I’m 28 b. Am
c. Are
2. Complete the crossword correctly.  My brother and I ___ at home
a. Aren’t
b. Isn’t
c. Good
 The cat___ a very nice.
a. Yes
b. He
c. Is
5. Write the correct form of the TO BE verb.
 We ___ in the park
 David _____ happy (negative)
 ___ you Spanish?
 My brother and I ___ at home
 It ____ 8 o’clock
Aprobación Oficial Lic. Funcionamiento Nº 007655 del 31 Octubre 2.016
Registro Dane Nº 315516000466

6. Complete the information M: Miraflores, nice place. And, where do

English verb Spanish verb Simple past you live?
Do C: I live in Surco, Santiago de Surco.
Have M: Who do you live with?
Got C: I live with of course my wife Marisu, my
Work sister and mother-in-law, and also my wife’s
Jump grandmother.
Eat M: OK, Tell me about your wife.
C: Well, my wife is a teacher too. She works
7. Choose the correct answer. at centre de Idiomas San Martin de Porres
Ella come: a. she eat b. she eates c. and she’s very beautiful.
she eats M: And, what’s she like? (question about
Ellos duermen a. they sleep b. sleep description)
c. they seleeps C: Well um, she’s smart. She’s tall. She has
Yo salto a. I jump b. I jumps brown hair and she’s a great person; she’s
very easygoing.
c. I jumpes
M: Great and, what do you like doing in
Mi gato llora a. It cryes b. my cat cry
your free time?
c. it cries
C: Well, I like going to the movies.
M: Ok. How often do you go to the
8. Sort elements. movies?
Relacione los enunciados con las C: I go… well before, we used to (solíamos)
definiciones go every week but now we go maybe once
or twice a month.
Cepillarse los dientes / terminar de trabajar /
M:What kind of movies do you like?
acostarse / ir a la cama /
C: I would say that we like horror and
Brush my teeth dramas.
Go home M: Ok. And, do you like eating out?
Go to bed C: Oh yes. We love eating out.
Finish work M: What kind of restaurants do you like?
9. Mark in the conversation the irregular and C: Well, we love seafood so we usually go
regular verbs that you find, and translate to “cebicherias”. It’s very common here, it’s
then. a very common dish here “el cebiche
peruano” and every week we go out and..
M: Hi, what’s your name? eighty percent of the time we have cebiche.
C: I’m, Carlos M: Here in Lima we have some nice
M: Where are you from? restaurants, right?
C: I’m from Peru, actually, I’m from Chosica C: Yeah.
(a town near Lima)
M:Chosica. What’s your nationality?
C: I’m Peruvian.
M: Great. I’m Peruvian too. How old are
C: I’m thirty one years old, I’m old.
M: Oh, I’m twenty seven.
C: Yeah right.
M: Hahaha, and, are you single?
C: No, I’m not. I’m married.
M: Oh, and, what do you do?
C: I’m a teacher and also I’m an
administrator, like a manager, and as you all
know, I’m a blogger.
M: Where do you work?
C: Well, I work on the Internet and then I
teach at different locations but the main
office is in Miraflores.
Aprobación Oficial Lic. Funcionamiento Nº 007655 del 31 Octubre 2.016
Registro Dane Nº 315516000466


5. Escriba los verbos en la forma correcta.
NAME AND SURNAME______________________ (presente simple)

1. Complete las letras faltantes para encontrar la Anne (work) in a language school.
palabra. She (be) a teacher.
H __ __ d
She (teach) English.
E __ e
T __ n __ g __ e Her students (come) from all over the
__ e a __ t world.
__ t __ m a __ __ Anne usually (go) to school by bus.
__ r a __ ___
B __ __ e s On the bus she (have) time to correct a
few tests.
2. Draw each human organ (fist point).
6. Form3 oraciones negativas.
3. Complete with the correct form. (auxiliar+ing)

I (write) a poem now. The children (be/not) tired.

Carol (have/not) any brothers or sisters.
She (leave) tomorrow morning.
I (drink/not) milk.
We (build) a house. She (like/not) maths.
I (be/not) from England.
Paul and Jennifer (study) French
at university. 7. Form3 oraciones interrogativas con los
elementos entre paréntesis.
Peter (leave) outside.
(have/you/a dog)
Tom is (teach) English at that high
school. (be/I/right)
(play/he/tennis) (be/you/on
You (make) a great effort.
They (tell) Mary what happened 8. Realice un texto describiendo las imágenes.

I (watch) TV right now.

She (play) volleyball this


4. Complete con el artículo necesario. (A/AN)

I'm ___ English teacher
He is ___ honest man
This is ___ university
This is ___ university
___ woman is singing
___ European country
___ hammer
___ hour and ___ half
___ helicopter
This is ___ omelette
___ umbrella
Aprobación Oficial Lic. Funcionamiento Nº 007655 del 31 Octubre 2.016
Registro Dane Nº 315516000466


NAME AND SURNAME______________________

1. Complete the information using simple past

William (visit) his grandparents last

Jane (arrive) an hour ago.
We (go) to Bob's birthday party
I (be) on holiday last week.
She (see) fire.

2. Transforme las frases siguientes en negativas.

6. Complete las siguientes oraciones usando will
o going to según corresponda.
I phoned Lucy last night. → I Lucy last
night.You tidied up your room. → You up I think we should stay at home. Look at
your room. those clouds, it ___________________
Olivia became an actress. → Olivia an
Can't you open the jar? Don't worry, I
We found the treasure. → We the ___________________ (open) it for you.
He spoke Spanish. → He Spanish. I ___________________ (take) my
children to the theme park soon.
3. Forme frases interrogativas (past simple).
We ___________________ (not be) in
(you/dance) at the party last night? time for the show if we don't hurry! It's
almost eight now!
(she/do) her homework?
(Robert/work) at the post office? There seems to be a traffic jam further
up that road, se we _________________
(they/help) you with the washing-up?
(take) the other one.
When (I/say) that?
The cat has been acting weird for a few
days so I ___________________ (take)
4. Make a list almost 20 irregular verbs and their
it to the vet.
Infinitive Simple past participle Spanish She has bought some comic books for my
brother. I'm sure he ______________
(like) them.

I ______________________ (not clean)

up your mess again.
5. Create a text for describe the image. Use the
prepositions. Watch out! You ___________________
(fall) into that hole.

This year I ___________________ (win)

the lottery for sure, I have a hunch.
Aprobación Oficial Lic. Funcionamiento Nº 007655 del 31 Octubre 2.016
Registro Dane Nº 315516000466

7. Complete la tabla con el adverbio opuesto y

ponga su ponga equivalencia al español.

Carefully ___________

Better ______

Together ______

Right _____

Well ______

8. Pase a lengua ingles las siguientes oraciones.

9. llamar a mis padres más a menudo.

No debería trabajar tan duro.


Deberían practicar más si quieren ganar el


9. Indique el error en cada frase y corríjalo

Aprobación Oficial Lic. Funcionamiento Nº 007655 del 31 Octubre 2.016
Registro Dane Nº 315516000466


She's had health problems she was a
NAME AND SURNAME______________________ child.

They've never liked people walking on their

1. Changue the verb into the correct form
land they bought it.

Have you known the Jones's very long?

The water sprinklers have been on this


4. Complete the nouns.

Singular Plural Singular

inglés inglés español
House Houses Casa
2. Complete the conversation using the present
Brother Hermano
Complete la conversación usando el presente
Sister Hermana
perfecto, use los verbos en paréntesis.
Friend Amigo/a
Recuerde: (have + past participle)
Family Familia
Party Fiesta
Puppy Cachorro
Library Biblioteca
Box Caja
Class Clase
Gas Gas
Bush Arbusto
Quiz* Pasatiempo

5. Describe one of the peer’s recipes and draw

3. Use Since or For según el context.

I've been on the waiting list ages now.

Steve's had that car as long as I can


I haven't thought about what

happened we last talked about it.

Our company has had financial

problems it first started.

The mansion has stood there time out of

mind. Ingredients…

Mrs Spencer has lived in that old

shack over fifty years.
Aprobación Oficial Lic. Funcionamiento Nº 007655 del 31 Octubre 2.016
Registro Dane Nº 315516000466

REINFORCEMENT WORKSHOP TENTH GRADE 5. Complete la información (presente perfecto)

NAME AND SURNAME______________________ We___________________ to a song.

Paul__________________ an apple.
1. Complete con los ejemplos necesarios. You__________________ a nice jacket.
I ____________________ English grammar.
Linda and Ron_______________ to the teacher.

6. Complete the vocabulary

2. Describe each of the seasons, and the care frost
that must be taken in each one of them. lightning

7. Make a comparative table to locate the

seasons of the year and the climate in
Colombia and the United States.

3. Tenga en cuenta la estructura del presente

continuo para hacer afirmativas las siguientes
 You (go) to the shops now
 I (watch) television at the moment.
 Look, he (plays) football.
 She (have) her lunch just now.
 It (rain) this morning.
 They (read) the newspaper at the moment.
 The boat (sail) on the sea.
 He (worry) about his exams.

4. Redacte en forma negativa.



(he/read/the paper) ______________________

Aprobación Oficial Lic. Funcionamiento Nº 007655 del 31 Octubre 2.016
Registro Dane Nº 315516000466


vacation (US)
NAME AND SURNAME______________________
1. Complete las siguientes oraciones con el tipo to travel
de condicional correcto: to fly
If I ___________ (know) the truth I wouldn’t have said
those stupid words. Luggage
Hand luggage
If I ___________ (have) more money I would buy a
new house. Timetable
John ___________ (come) if Mary calls him.
If I _____________ (be) you, I would visit Ann. 3. Complete with mine - yours - his - hers - its - ours -
yours – theirs
You ____________not arrive) on time unless you
hurry up.
 Paul and Jeannie are going tovisit friends
If I ___________ (study) harder I will pass my two
exams tomorrow. tomorrow.

Rose __________ (come) if you hadn’t been so stupid  He usually goes to England
with her.
for holidays.
2. Create a text using the vocabulary.
 Sheila is buying a present
travel agency
accomodatio for mother.
to rent a car  We are living in new home.
guide  This is their car. It's .
double room 4. Seleccione el pronombre indefinido
single room adecuado.
to go to the
beach a) I have looked (everything – everybody –
everywhere) for my keys.
to go
b) There is (nothing – anything – everything) to
to go camping eat. Go buy something.
to go abroad
c) There is (somewhere – nowhere –
to go on anywhere) as beautiful and romantic as Paris
tourist office d) Is there (anybody – somebody – nobody) that
to have a can help me?
good time
e) I like to buy (anything – nothing –
to have a bad
everything) from this store. It’s gorgeous.
sunburn f) Would you like to go (anywhere –
to make a somewhere – nowhere) this weekend?
to g) If there is (something – nothing –
book everything) I can do for you, call me.
to sunbathe
to take a

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