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a sedative a bronchodilator

How to give MEDICATION This is medicine for .... stomach acid headaches
diabetes pain
infection rashes
inflammation anxiety
Learning Objectives
sleep nausea
In this unit, you are expected to be able to:
understand and use the vocabularies about giving medication allergies asthma
understanding and reading doctor’s prescription and explaining it to the patient
This medication is to .... stop pain prevent nausea
lower your blood pressure prevent blood clots
Task 1 reduce your cholesterol
Read the conversation below. help with your arthritis
take care of your rash
Doctor : Mrs. Williams, I’m going to give you a couple prescriptions.
Patient : Great.
Doctor : The first medication is an anti-inflammatory. This is medicine to Try the conversation again and change the prescription to the other medications.
prevent inflammation in your knee joints. You should take one capsule
twice a day as needed.
Task 3 Label the types of medicine below.
Patient : OK. Will it help with the pain?
Doctor : Yes. The second medication is a diuretic. This is medicine for your
high blood pressure. You should take one tablet once a day. 1 2 3 4

Patient : Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Explaining Medication
Task 2 Pay attention to these expressions.

This medicine is .... an antibiotic an anti-inflammatory

This medication is .... a fever reducer a diuretic
a steroid a cough suppressant
an antacid a pain reliever
5 6 7 8 qh : quiaque hora every hours
q4h : every four hours setiap 4 jam sekali
When to Take Your Medication (waktu minum obat)
a.c. ante cibum before meals sebelum makan
p.c post cibos after meals setelah makan
p.o per os per oral/ orally melalui mulut
int between meals di antara makan
hs hora somni at bed time pada jam tidur
d day

How Much Medication to Take (berapa banyak dosisnya)

gtt gutta : a drop (satu tetes) ss one half
caps capsule tabs tablets
9 1 1 1 i, ii, iii, or iiii number of doses (1, 2, 3, 4) tbsp tablespoon (15ml) (sendok makan)
mg milligrams tsp teaspoon (5ml) (sendok teh)
0 1 2
ml milliliters

How to Use Your Medication (Cara menggunakan)

ad : right ear ou : both eyes
al : left ear po : by mouth
c or o : with s or ø : without
od : right eye sl : sublingual
os : left eye top : apply topically
pr : rectally prn : as needed (for ...)

Singkatan Lain
m.f misce fac buatlah
pulv pulvis Serbuk (puyer)
Task 4 dtd da tales dosis sesuai dosis
No. XC nomero xc banyaknya obat
PRESCRIPTION DIRECTION SHORTHAND da in caps da in capsule buat dalam bentuk kapsul
DAW dispense as written No generic subtitution
Disp Dispense Banyaknya obat
How Often to Take Your Medication (Seberapa sering harus minum obat) Refill Menggunakan resep seperti itu berapa kali
sol solution Cairan
ad lib : freely, as needed bebas, sesuai kebutuhan tinct tincture Sebuah obat dicairkan dengan alkohol
b.i.d : bis in die twice a day dua kali sehari inf Infuse
t.i.d : ter in die three times a day tiga kali sehari fl flesh Botol
q : every ue Usus externus Gunakan sebagai obat luar
qd : once a day sekali dalam sehari corig Gunakan dengan sendok takar yang ada di wadah
q.i.d : quarter in die four times a day empat kali sehari imm in manu medici Di tangan dokter
CITO Segera Rx sol. Atropine 0.1% Patient: You should take 10 drops of Atropine 0.1%
PIM Sangat segera
Mitte 10ml twice a day before meals.
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration (Nomor Obat, untuk
Pharmacist: Give 10 ml
penggunaan narkotika atau obat terkontrol lainnya) Sig 10 drops 2x daily b4 meals.
mitte Banyaknya Glucophage 500 mg. Patient: you should take 1 tablet of
amp ampoule 1 wadah obat cair steril (suntikan)
SC subcutaneously Di bawah kulit, disuntikkan Sig: i po bid pc Glucophage 500 mg orally twice a day after
syr syrup Dispense #90 meals
ung ointment Pharmacist: give 90 tablets,it can be refilled
Refill 3 times
cr cream
three time, it can be substituted.
DAW left blank

Task 5 Rx tab. Paracetamol 500mg Patient : You should take 1 tablet of

Try a few of these. What are the directions you should tell the
paracetamol 500mg oral 3X day. Pharmacist:
Mitte 30
give 30.
1. 1 tid : This is your aspirin. You are supposed to take 1 Sig 1 tab oral 3x day
tablet three times a day. Rx insulin Patient: you should take three times a day of
2. 2q4h prn : ___________________ Mitte 5 amp insulin before meals, subcutaneously
3. (apply) qd prn rash : ___________________ Pharmacist: give 5 amp
4. 2gtt os tid : this your eye drop. You are supposed to take two Sig 3x daily b4 meals SC
drops for left eye three times a day. ___________________
5. 1 bid pc prn pain : ___________________
6. 1 tsp tid x 7d : ___________________

Task 6
Language useful for explaining medication
This is .... Take ....

This is your antibiotic. Take this three times a day.

This is a prescription for an antibiotic. Take this twice a day, after meal.

This is the antibiotic the doctor prescribed for you. You are supposed to ....

These are .... You are supposed to take three times a day.

These are your antibiotics. He is supposed to take this after meals.

Task 7 Write some sentences about these prescriptions.

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