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Meaning of political and social science

The study of everything that concerns society,government, and decision making
that deals with power
2. Democracy
Democracy is a government system in which important government decisions are
made directly or indirectly based on the agreement given by the people and the people
are the holders of power in a government that has the right to regulate, maintain and
protect themselves from coercion from their representatives
3. Feudalism
Feudalism is a system of government controlled by aristocrats and controlling
various regions through cooperation with local leaders as partners
4. Monarchy
It is a government led by a monarch, this government system is the oldest
kingdom system in the world, the monarch is the head of the State for all his life without
a period of time
5. Capitalism
Capitalism is the process of exploiting welfare to be able to meet the needs that
are owned by everyone
6. Communism
Communism is an understanding or thought that focuses on shared ownership
which has the aim of creating a prosperous society, a classless communist society and
everyone is equal or equals all things
7. Globalization
Globalization is the thing that causes boundaries between countries to be non-
existent, globalization makes one country with other countries interdependent which
includes various fields such as in the fields of technology, economy, etc.
8. State Sovereignty
State sovereignty is the highest power that a country has to control the territory of
government and its people. all must submit to the state. The state here is considered as
the whole that creates the rule of law.
9. Nationalism
Nasionalism is the thing that creates and maintains state sovereignty by realizing
the concept of shared identity for a group of people. The attitude of nationalism can
make people understand national unity.
10. Sociology
Sociology is one of the social sciences related to community life or the study of
humans or society.Sociology can also be called community science. The aim of
sociology is to study society, the behavior of the community, and existing social
behavior and observe group behavior.
11. Secularism
Secularism is philosophical understanding or view which holds that morality does
not need to be based on religious teachings.In other words, secularism is worldly and
materialism that rejects religion altogether.
12. Liberalism
Liberalism is one type of ideology or understanding that indeed prioritizes
freedom and freedom for each individual.The freedom granted in this case covers all
fields such as politics, economy, social, religion, and various other fields.

Rani Dianah Mulia


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