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Methodology to Estimate the Hydraulic Efficiency of

Nontested Continuous Transverse Grates

Beniamino Russo, Ph.D. 1; Manuel Gómez, Ph.D. 2; and Jackson Tellez 3

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to improve and complete the results presented in a previous work published on this journal about an
experimental campaign focused on the hydraulic efficiency of continuous transverse grates for draining paved areas. This type of surface
drainage structure is commonly used in urban or impervious areas (public squares, airport pavements, parks, and pedestrian areas), where
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conventional inlets are not recommended because they are rendered ineffective by the lack of a well-defined channelized flow path and
gradients capable of directing flows toward the collecting hydraulic structures. In this paper, a methodology is presented to estimate
the hydraulic efficiency of nontested continuous transverse grates. Empirical expressions are proposed to relate grate hydraulic performance
to flow parameters and grate geometry without the need for laboratory tests. Moreover, the spectrum of the grates was extended in terms
of dimensions and hydraulic design with respect to the first study, to enlarge the range of validity of the proposed empirical expressions.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000625. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Experimentation; Drainage; Hydraulic structures; Inlets (waterway); Pavements; Urban areas.
Author keywords: Experimentation; Drainage; Hydraulic structures; Inlets; Waterways; Pavement design; Urban areas.

Introduction efficient. The experimental campaign was conducted by using a

full-scale facility with a platform simulating a traffic lane, where
The correct and rigorous design of surface drainage systems is es- grated inlets were placed and tested. Inlets were selected based
sential to reduce risks and damages during heavy storm events in on the results of a previous study (Burgi and Gober 1977) involving
urban areas. Inadequate surface drainage can produce excess runoff 11 grates. The purpose of these additional tests was to broaden the
in urban streets with serious problems for vehicular and pedestrian available design data for grated inlet widths other than the 0.61 m
traffic. Adequate knowledge of the hydraulic behaviour of surface width used in the first campaign. Tests reached the grate inlet width
drainage structures requires the consideration of hydrological con- of 0.91 m, although in no case was the entire width of the platform
ditions and rainfall patterns, the hydraulics of the surface flow, the covered.
hydraulic grated inlet capacity, and the hazard criteria related to Use of these grates is common in many urban or paved areas
urban runoff in case of storms. All of these factors affect the design (squares, airport pavements, parks, and pedestrian areas) where iso-
of a surface drainage system. lated inlets turn out to be ineffective in directing all runoff into the
The hydraulic behavior of grated inlets placed in street gutters sewer system during a storm event (Fig. 1).
has been extensively studied (Burgi and Gober 1977; ASCE 1992; Continuous transverse grates of various widths were tested in
Brown et al. 2009; Spaliviero and May 1998; Gómez and Russo the laboratory of hydraulic engineering of the Technical University
2011), although few studies are available regarding the hydraulic of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC) for different approaching flows
efficiency of continuous transverse grates (Burgi 1978; Gómez and and a large set of longitudinal slopes to evaluate their efficiency.
Russo 2009). Experimental data allowed a hydraulic characterization of the tested
In 1978, Burgi presented the results of hydraulic tests conducted structures, and empirical equations were obtained to relate the hy-
on three inlet designs identified as bicycle safe and hydraulically draulic efficiency of these structures to relevant flow parameters,
such as the Froude number and the flow depth. These results, cor-
Full Professor, Civil Engineer, Group of Hydraulic and Environmental responding to a first phase of this experimental campaign, were
Engineering, Technical College of La Almunia (Univ. of Zaragoza), published in this journal (Gómez and Russo 2009).
Mayor St., La Almunia de Doña Godina 50100, Zaragoza, Spain During the last phase of the experimental campaign, a wider
(corresponding author). E-mail: brusso@unizar.es
Full Professor, Civil Engineer, Research Group FLUMEN, Hydraulic,
spectrum of continuous transverse grates was analyzed, obtaining
Maritime and Environmental Engineering Dept., Technical Univ. of a significant amount of empirical data. Data processing allowed the
Catalonia (DEHMA-UPC), 1-3 Jordi Girona St., Barcelona, 08034 Spain. authors to obtain empirical relationships that link grate hydraulic
E-mail: manuel.gomez@upc.edu performance to flow parameters and grate geometry. It is finally
Civil Engineer, Master in Water Resources, Hydraulic, Maritime possible to estimate the hydraulic efficiency of continuous trans-
and Environmental Engineering Dept., Technical Univ. of Catalonia verse grates without the need for laboratory tests on various sizes.
(DEHMA-UPC), 1-3 Jordi Girona St., Barcelona, 08034 Spain. E-mail: Furthermore, the spectrum of the analyzed grates was extended in
jackson_tellez@hotmail.com terms of dimensions and hydraulic design with respect to the first
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 31, 2012; approved on
April 15, 2013; published online on April 16, 2013. Discussion period open
study, to enlarge the range of validity of the proposed empirical
until March 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for individual expressions.
papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage En- As demonstrated by recent papers (Aronica and Lanza 2005;
gineering, Vol. 139, No. 10, October 1, 2013. © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9437/ Gómez et al. 2009, 2011), the procedure proposed in this paper
2013/10-864-871/$25.00. may be extremely useful for designing surface drainage systems


J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 2013.139:864-871.

Fig. 1. Typical applications for continuous transverse grates

and controlling urban runoff in paved areas according to maximum Previous Experimental Campaigns
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flow parameters (generally water depth and velocity) fixed by the

public or private administrations that manage these areas. In 1997, the Flumen Research Group of the UPC promoted a new
research line in the field of the hydraulic efficiency of surface drain-
age structures. Various experimental campaigns were conducted
Hydraulic Efficiency of Surface Drainage Structures and several types of grates (conventional grated inlets, macrogrates,
and continuous transversal grates) were tested in the hydraulic lab-
In cases of unsurcharged sewer systems, the hydraulic efficiency of oratory of the UPC by using a platform in real scale that can sim-
a grated inlet placed in street gutters, can be defined as the follow- ulate the behavior of a road lane and a surface drainage structure
ing ratio: under flooding conditions.
Results concerning a specific methodology to estimate the
Qint hydraulic performance of grated inlets located in a gutter at the road
E¼ ð1Þ
Q side were recently published (Gómez and Russo 2011). As men-
tioned earlier, very few studies have been conducted on the
where E = efficiency of the inlet; Qint = discharge intercepted by the hydraulic efficiency of continuous transverse grates, despite the
inlet; Q = total discharge approaching the inlet. Considering uni- importance and the general use of this type of surface drainage
form flow conditions as a first assumption, E depends on several structure. The use of continuous transverse grate is especially
parameters, such as approaching flow (Q), type of grate, longitu- needed for sloping roadways, where the transverse profile does
dinal slope of the gutter (I y ), transversal slope of the paved area not allow the flow to be directed to the side of the road and where
(I x ), pavement roughness (n), gutter geometry, and clogging factor. the provision of isolated grates is ineffective. To fill this gap, five
In recent studies, some empirical equations were derived relating types of this hydraulic structure were tested in a campaign in the
the efficiency (E) of grated inlets placed in street gutters to the flow laboratory of the hydraulic department of the UPC by using the
depth (y) [Neenah Foundry Company (NFCO) 1998] and the ratio previously mentioned platform. Experimental data allowed a hy-
(Q=y) (Spaliviero and May 1998; Gómez and Russo 2011). draulic characterization of the tested structures and empirical rela-
The hydraulic efficiency of a continuous transverse grate can be tionships were proposed to relate the hydraulic efficiency of these
expressed in terms of unit E (efficiency per meter of grate) to facili- structures to relevant flow parameters, such as the Froude number
tate the use of the results for engineers and foundries that might and the flow depth (Gómez and Russo 2009).
need this type of information. Therefore, Eq. (1) can be replaced
with the following expression:
Last Phase of the Experimental Campaign: Test
E¼ ð2Þ Facilities and Experimental Protocol
During the last phase of the experimental campaign on continuous
where q = flow rate per unit width flowing on the street (L=s=m); transverse grates, the range of tested elements was extended to
and qint = intercepted flow rate per unit width intercepted by the seven grates with different dimensions and geometric characteris-
grate (L=s=m). tics (Table 1, Fig. 2).

Table 1. Geometric Data for the Transverse Grates

Type of Effective Number of Number of Number of
transverse Width Length length, L Total area Void area longitudinal bars transverse bars diagonal bars
grate (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm2 ) (cm2 ) (nl ) (nt ) (nd )
1 100 30.2 25.0 3,020 1,112.4 34 1 0
2 100 19.5 15.0 1,950 751.9 36 0 0
3 100 12.4 10.4 1,240 397.4 34 0 0
4 100 12.4 12.0 1,240 582.4 1 3 59
5 100 50.0 50.0 5,000 2,012.0 4 2 25
6 100 25.6 22.5 2,560 1,081.5 1 1 35
7 100 48.6 47.6 4,860 2,455.5 3 1 32
Note: These data are related to a continuous transverse structure with a width of 1 m. For calculations of the number of bars, only the bars at the same level of
the platform pavement are considered (excluding the structural bars in the table).


J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 2013.139:864-871.

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Fig. 2. Panels from the continuous transverse grates tested on the UPC platform

Tests were made at 1∶1 scale on a rectangular testing area that is A motorized slide valve regulates the flow discharged to the
1.5 m wide and 5.5 m long with a platform able to simulate road model. Discharge is measured by an electromagnetic flow meter
lanes with transverse slopes of up to 4% and a longitudinal slope up with an accuracy of 1.0 L=s. The flow reaches the test area through
to 10% (Fig. 3). For the fifth and seventh grated inlets, the width of a tank located upstream of the platform. This tank dissipates the
the testing area was limited to 1 m (because of the high captured flow energy and ensures that the surface water level is horizontal
flows and the limited capacity of the model to measure them). in the transverse section. In this way, surface water elevation is the
With the available system capacity, it is possible to test inlet same for the entire platform width and is a one-dimensional flow
grates and to study their hydraulic capacity for a large set of flows condition. Under these circumstances, the approximation of steady
(0–200 L=s). Pump systems discharge the flow up to a tank placed and uniform flow can be considered acceptable. The discharge in-
approximately 15 m above the platform. tercepted by the inlet is conveyed to a V-notch weir and the flow is

Fig. 3. UPC platform and test area for the continuous transverse grates


J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 2013.139:864-871.

measured through a limnimeter with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. Flow model in terms of captured flow, 1 m of the grate was tested
depth measurements on the platform are directly obtained with a according to the following flow rates per unit width, (q): 10.0,
thin, graduated invar scale (Fig. 4). Fig. 5 shows a schematic sketch 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, and 100.0 L=s=m.
of the test facilities. 2. Longitudinal slope (I y ): 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%.
Using these laboratory facilities, the seven selected continuous 3. Transverse slope (I x ): fixed to 0%.
transverse grates were tested to estimate their hydraulic efficien-
cies. The testing protocol established the following geometric con-
ditions for different flow rates per unit width: Results of the First Experimental Campaign
1. The flow rate per unit width approaching to the inlet through Hydraulic efficiency was obtained for each continuous transverse
the platform (q): 6.7, 16.7, 33.3, 50.0, and 66.7 L=s=m. For grate and each geometric configuration. The results showed that
the Grated Inlets 5 and 7, because of the limited capacity of the efficiency decreased for high longitudinal slopes and high flow
rates. For low flow rates, the hydraulic efficiency of this type of
structure is close to 100%, whereas for the maximum flow rate
tested (100–66.7 L=s=m) and high longitudinal slopes (close to
10%), the tested grates had hydraulic efficiencies between 15
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and 50%, depending on the grate type (Table 2). These values, com-
pared to data obtained for grated inlets placed in the gutter at the
road sides (Gómez and Russo 2011), demonstrate better hydraulic
performance. This conclusion is in agreement with Burgi (1978),
who concluded that, for a given grated inlet surface area, a partial
increase in grate width results in a greater percentage increase in
hydraulic efficiency, E, than an increase in length.
Experimental data were used to create summary tables and
graphs for each tested grate, relating hydraulic efficiency to flow
rate per unit width and longitudinal slope. For cases that were
not included in the testing protocol, interpolation and extrapolation
is required (Gómez and Russo 2009).
Fig. 4. V-notch weir and limnimeter used for the measurement of The analysis of tests results shows clearly that Grated Inlets 1, 2,
captured flow: the limnimeter is connected to the tank that collects 5, 6, and 7 have very high hydraulic efficiencies. However, if the
the captured flow and its measurement is provided through Pascal’s range of hydraulic efficiencies is related to the size of the grates, for
principle of communicating vessels the tested circulating unit flow rates, Grated Inlet 1 shows perfor-
mances similar to Grated Inlets 5 and 7, which have greater sizes.
Another interesting conclusion about the hydraulic design of the
grates was deduced by comparing the efficiency between two
grates with similar sizes (Grated Inlets 1 and 5). In this case,
the results of the tests show that hydraulic design of Grated Inlet
1 (with bars parallel to the flow) is better than the hydraulic design
of Grated Inlet 6 (fishbone design). The explanation of this result is
that the fishbone design produces more splash phenomena than
bars parallel to the flow, with a decrease of captured flow.
As stated in the first paper published on this experimental cam-
paign, flow conditions and dimensional analysis suggested that a
nondimensional quantity such as hydraulic efficiency should de-
pend only on the geometry of the grate (length, void area, and
shape) and that the Froude number of the approaching flow (or
an equivalent nondimensional quantity describing the inertial
and gravitational characteristic of the flow) is strictly related to
the discharge, the surface roughness, and the street geometry
(Gómez and Russo 2009).
The linear relationship between Froude number and hydraulic
efficiency for each type of grate and each flow rate per unit width
proposed in the previous work was extended to the new tested con-
tinuous transverse grates. This relationship is:

Table 2. Efficiency Ranges for the Continuous Transverse Grates

Grate type Range of efficiency (%)
1 53–100
2 40–100
3 19–97
4 15–97
Fig. 5. Schematic sketch of the test facilities; Qby-pass is the 5 46–100
flow not intercepted by the inlet defined and can be defined as 6 32–93
Qby-pass ¼ Q − Qint 7 50–100


J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 2013.139:864-871.

Table 3. Values of the Parameters a and b for Eq. (3)
Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse
Grate 1 Grate 2 Grate 3 Grate 4 Grate 5 Grate 6 Grate 7
q (L=s) a b a b a b a b a b a b a b
100.0 −0.074 0.867 −0.078 0.881
75.0 −0.113 1.026 −0.076 0.967
66.7 −0.100 0.944 −0.103 0.766 −0.054 0.374 −0.156 0.661 −0.145 0.858
50.0 −0.120 1.083 −0.147 0.960 −0.071 0.457 −0.203 0.803 −0.119 1.146 −0.152 0.975 −0.080 1.062
33.3 −0.051 1.030 −0.076 0.985 −0.059 0.557 −0.149 0.840 −0.166 1.146
25.0 −0.036 0.998 −0.041 1.065
16.7 −0.063 1.087 −0.065 1.050 −0.057 0.760 −0.147 0.997 −0.064 1.043
10.0 Hydraulic efficiency close to 100%
6.7 Hydraulic efficiency close to 100%
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E¼a×Fþb ð3Þ the design of the surface drainage system (supercritical flow con-
ditions were guaranteed for the tested geometric configurations and
where a and b = characteristic parameters depending on grate flow rates per unit width from 16.7 L=s). For intermediate flow
geometry and approaching flow (Table 3); and F is the Froude num- values, interpolation is required.
ber, related to the street flow q approaching the grate, defined as Unfortunately, Eq. (3) is not very practical to use, because a and
b are both related to grate geometry and approaching flow, which
v may create difficulties in the procedure to calculate hydraulic effi-
F ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ
gy ciency. To achieve a general equation that is valid for any approach-
ing flow, a dimensionless equation was proposed on the basis of the
where v = flow velocity upstream the grate; and y = depth of experimental data, which is common to all the seven grates. This
the flow. expression links hydraulic efficiency to certain flow parameters
The coefficient of determination (R2 ) between experimental (Froude number and flow depth) and geometric parameters (effec-
data and linear trendlines was very high for all tested continuous tive length of the grate):
transverse grates (for high values of q, the values of R2 ranged from " #0.812
0.95 to 0.99). The graphs and the relations using Eq. (3) are char- y
E¼α×F× þβ ð5Þ
acteristic of each type of grate and each flow rate per unit L
width (Fig. 6).
This type of equation may be used as a first approach to design a where α and β depend on the geometric characteristics of the an-
surface drainage system considering a constant flow rate. In this alyzed grates; L = effective length (length of the grate opening in
case, to calculate the Froude number, a kinematic wave model with the direction of flow); and y=L = normalized flow depth related to L
normal depth conditions can be assumed as the first approach for and calculated immediately upstream of the grate.

Fig. 6. Efficiency-Froude number relation for Continuous Transverse Grate 6


J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 2013.139:864-871.

Table 4. Empirical Characteristic Parameters α and β and Coefficients of Determination R2 of the Continuous Transverse Grates for Eq. (5)
Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse
Grate 1 Grate 2 Grate 3 Grate 4 Grate 5 Grate 6 Grate 7
α −0.882 −0.799 −0.544 −0.774 −1.292 −1.289 −1.209
β 1.209 1.215 0.861 1.030 1.187 1.279 1.201
R2 0.872 0.928 0.890 0.898 0.885 0.952 0.969

In Eq. (5), F ranges from 1 to 5.7 (supercritical flow conditions), Results of the Second Experimental Campaign:
whereas y=L ranges from 0.03 to 0.63. Supercritical flow was prac- Estimation of α and β from Transverse Grate Geometry
tically guaranteed for all tested conditions (flow rates per unit width As stated in the previous section, the hydraulic efficiency of a
from 16.7 to 100 L=s=m). Subcritical flow conditions were continuous transverse grate could be expressed by the Eq. (5),
recorded only for low flow rates (6.7–10 L=s=m) in which effi- depending on two characteristic parameters related to grate
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ciency values were close to 100%. These values were not used geometry. These parameters can be achieved through experimental
to develop Eqs. (3) and (5). Therefore, the range of applicability tests in real scale, although this practice is not common among
of the equations in terms of flow rate per unit width is from manufacturers.
16.7 to 100 L=s=m. To extend the methodology presented in this paper to grates
Table 4 shows the characteristic coefficients of the continuous not previously tested, the α and β coefficients need to be related
grates. Through the developed equation, all values for different to relevant geometric parameters of the grates. On the basis of
flow rates collapse into single curves that can be approximated previous experiences regarding single grated inlets placed in street
as straight lines, as shown in Fig. 7. The values of R2 are not much gutters (Spaliviero and May 1998; Gómez and Russo 2011), these
lower than for the previous case (Table 4). These values demon- coefficients were related to some relevant geometric parameters,
strate a close correlation between the experimental data and the pro- which allowed the following equations to be obtained:
posed expressions.
Grate 5 was used to validate Eqs. (3) and (5). Specifically, L0.631
α ¼ −1.924 × × ðnd þ 1Þ−0.089
Fig. 8 shows the validation results for Eq. (5) with a R2 equal AH
to 0.89.
× ðnl þ 1Þ−0.238 × ðnt þ 1Þ−0.045 ð6Þ

β ¼ −26,803 × L−4.953 þ 1.213 ð7Þ

where L = effective length of the grate (previously described), ex-

pressed in cm; AH = grate void area, expressed in cm2 ; and nd , nl ,
and nt = number of diagonal, longitudinal, and transverse bars of
the grate, respectively. All of these parameters should be evaluated
per unit width of the grate, which was 1 m in this case.
Eqs. (6) and (7) allow designers to estimate α and β parameters
when it is not possible to obtain them through tests that represent
the desirable solution in any case.
According to the previous experimental campaign, Grates 1, 2,
3, 4, 6, and 7 were used to derive Eqs. (5) and (6), whereas Grate 5
was used to validate the formulas.
The results of this campaign demonstrate that, even without the
Fig. 7. Efficiency-Froude number relation for Continuous Transverse
experimental geometric parameters α and β, Eqs. (6) and (7) can
Grate 6
accurately estimate the hydraulic efficiencies of nontested grates.
Table 5 shows the characteristic parameters α and β from
Eqs. (6) and (7) and the coefficients of determination (from 0.85
to 0.94) expressing the agreement between trendlines based on
these equations and experimental data. The accuracy of the pro-
posed procedure is also proved by the comparison between the lin-
ear trendlines based on experimental data and the linear trendlines
obtained from Eqs. (6) and (7).
Fig. 9 shows the trendlines related to Grate 5, used for valida-
tion. For this case, by using Eqs. (6) and (7) to estimate α and β
parameters, the coefficient of determination changes from 0.89 to
0.87, as shown in Tables 4 and 5.
Eqs. (3), (5), (6), and (7) are derived while assuming that
the grate is free of blockage and debris. As demonstrated by
several authors, clogging effects should be considered as a reduc-
tion in terms of hydraulic efficiency through specific clogging
Fig. 8. Efficiency-Froude number relation for Continuous Transverse
factors (Guo 2000; Gómez and Russo 2013). Further experi-
Grate 5, used for validation
mental campaigns should be conducted to demonstrate how


J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 2013.139:864-871.

Table 5. Characteristic Parameters α and β Achieved from Eqs. (6) and (7) and Coefficients of Determination of the Continuous Transverse Grates for Eq. (5)
Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse
Grate 1 Grate 2 Grate 3 Grate 4 Grate 5 Grate 6 Grate 7
α −0.862 −0.709 −0.682 −0.867 −1.324 −1.171 −1.277
β 1.210 1.173 0.967 1.092 1.213 1.208 1.213
R2 0.880 0.921 0.844 0.883 0.882 0.938 0.958


The following symbols are used in this paper:

AH = grate void area;
a = characteristic parameter depending on the grate type and
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circulating discharge;
b = characteristic parameter depending on grate type and
circulating discharge;
E = hydraulic grate efficiency;
F = Froude number;
I x = transversal slope;
I y = longitudinal slope;
Fig. 9. Experimental linear trendline (based on experimental data) ver- L = effective length (the length of the grate opening in the
sus proposed linear trendline [from Eqs. (5)–(7) for Continuous Grate direction of flow);
5, used for validation]; the coefficient of determination varies from 0.89 nd = number of diagonal bars of the grate;
(for the experimental linear trendline) to 0.87 [for the proposed trend- nl = number of longitudinal bars of the grate;
line achieved by Eqs. (6)–(8)] nt = number of transverse bars of the grate;
Q = flow rate approaching the grate;
Qint = captured flow rate;
q = flow rate per unit width flowing on the street;
Eqs. (3), (5), (6), and (7) can be used to represent the hydraulic qint = flow rate per unit width intercepted by the grate;
behavior of partially clogged inlets. v = flow velocity;
y = flow depth;
L = normalized flow depth upstream the grate;
α = characteristic parameter depending on grate
Conclusions geometry; and
Continuous transverse grates are common in paved areas (airport β = characteristic parameter depending on grate
aprons, squares, parks, and pedestrian areas), where isolated inlets
turn out to be ineffective in collecting the entire runoff into the
sewer system during a storm event, because of the lack of a well
defined flow path and gradients capable of directing flows toward
the collecting hydraulic structures. The hydraulic efficiencies of
several transverse grates were studied through an experimental Aronica, G. T., and Lanza, L. G. (2005). “Drainage efficiency in urban
campaign. The first results on this subject were presented in a areas: A case study.” Hydrol. Processes, 19(5), 1105–1119.
previous paper published on this journal, where, on the basis of ASCE. (1992). Design and construction of urban stormwater management
experimental data, linear equations relating hydraulic efficiency, system, Reston, VA.
E, and Froude number, F, were presented. These results have been Brown, S. A., Schall, J. D., Morris, J. L., Doherty, C. L., Stein, S. M.,
updated and improved by new data obtained from new experimen- and Warner, J. C. (2009). “Urban drainage design manual, Hydraulic
tal tests. Engineering Circular No. 22.” Publication FHWA-NHI-10-009,
3rd Ed., US National Technical Information Service, Springfield,
These equations link the hydraulic efficiency to specific param-
VA, 4–47.
eters related to the geometry of the grates and the flow rate per unit Burgi, P. H. (1978). “Bicycle-safe grate inlets study, Hydraulic character-
width upstream the grate. istics of three selected grate inlets on continuous grades.” Rep. No.
Through additional experimental tests, a new procedure was FHWA-RD-78-4, Vol. 2, Federal Highway Administration, Washington,
developed to estimate the coefficients of these equations for non- DC.
tested continuous grates on the basis of relevant geometric param- Burgi, P. H., and Gober, D. E. (1977). “Bicycle-safe grate inlets study,
eters of the grate. This procedure extends the methodology to grates Hydraulic and safety characteristics of selected grate inlets on continu-
not previously tested, but with similar dimensions and geometry ous grades.” Rep. No. FHWA-RD-77-24, Vol. 1, Federal Highway
to those tested. The test results provide information that can be Administration, Washington, DC.
Gómez, M., Macchione, F., and Russo, B. (2009). “Comportamiento
used directly by manufacturers and engineering firms to design
hidráulico de las calles durante lluvias extremas en zonas urbanas
adequate surface drainage systems for urban areas. The scope of [Hydraulic behaviour of urban flooded streets during heavy storm
applicability of the proposed procedure is represented by all public events].” Ingeniería hidráulica en México, 24(3), 51–62.
or private paved areas where it is necessary to limit urban runoff Gómez, M., Macchione, F., and Russo, B. (2011). “Methodologies to study
to fulfill the required hazard criteria (generally, water depth and the surface hydraulic behaviour of urban catchments during storm
velocity). events.” Water Sci. Technol., 63(11), 2666–2673.


J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 2013.139:864-871.

Gómez, M., and Russo, B. (2009). “Hydraulic efficiency of continuous trans- Guo, J. C. (2000). “Design of grate inlets with a clogging factor.”
verse grates for paved areas.” J. Irrig. Drain. Eng., 135(2), 225–230. Adv. Environ. Res., 4(3), 181–186.
Gómez, M., and Russo, B. (2011). “Methodology to estimate hydraulic Neenah Foundry Company (NFCO). (1998). “Inlet grate capacity.”
efficiency of drain inlets.” Proc. Instit. Civ. Eng. Water Manag., 164(2), Construction castings, Catalog R, 12th Ed., Engineering Laboratory
81–90. Design, Inc., Lake City, MN.
Gómez, M., Hidalgo, G., and Russo, B. (2013). “Experimental campaign Spaliviero, F., and May, R. W. P. (1998). “Spacing of road gullies.
to determine grated inlet clogging factors in an urban catchment of Hydraulic performance of BS EN 124 gully gratings.” Internal Rep.,
Barcelona.” Urban Water J., 10(1), 50–61. HR Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK.
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J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 2013.139:864-871.

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