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©2017 Mash Elite Performance
All Rights Reserved

Section 1: The Importance of Hypertrophy .................................................. 3

Section 2: The Science of Hypertrophy ................................................... 13
Section 3: Practical Application ................................................................. 22
Section 4: Mash Jacked Programming Concepts ..................................... 29
Section 5: Mash Jacked Weightlifting ...................................................... 37
Section 6: Mash Jacked Powerlifting ...................................................... 46
Section 7: Mash Jacked Super Total ..................................................... 55
Section 8: Mash Jacked Bodybuilding ...................................................... 64
Section 9: Mash Jacked Athletic Performance ....................................... 73
Section 10: Mash Jacked Beginner Athletic Performance ........................... 82
Appendix: Abbreviations, Terms, and Exercises ........................................... 92

If you’re thinking about using these programs, please be smart. Don’t

participate in strenuous exercise unless cleared by a competent medical
professional. Heavy weights can be dangerous, so only perform these
exercises if you can do so safely. If you follow any of these programs or
perform any of these exercises, you do so at your own risk.
Getting jacked is the universal desire that brings all strength
athletes together. Whether you’re a powerlifter, Olympic weightlifter,
or John Doe slinging weights in the garage, we all enjoy getting
jacked. If you go to the weightlifting gyms throughout the country,
you will see posters of Lu Xiaojun and Pyrros Dimas nailed to the
walls. So why are there posters of these two athletes and not some
of the other greats in the sport? Yeah, they are great weightlifters -
but they are not the best. However, both of them are jacked. Nothing
is cooler than seeing Dimas’s abdominals protrude through his
singlet. These two icons are strong, and they look strong.

People love powerlifters like Dan John and Ed Coan because

they could have easily been great bodybuilders if they had chosen
that path. People are intrigued by muscles whether they want to
admit it or not.

All you have to do is look at the rise in fame of Arnold

Schwarzenegger. Heck, I remember as a kid watching Conan the
Barbarian. I was blown away when I realized some people could
actually look like a comic book character in real life. Whether
people were admiring Arnold’s muscles or not, they couldn’t stop
watching his movies.

One of the things that intrigued me the most about the Chinese
Weightlifting Team was the overall muscular development of the
entire team. I remember watching the Chinese Team enter the
training hall at the 2016 Junior Worlds in Tbilisi, Georgia. They were
immediately set apart from the other athletes by their musculature

Mash Jacked 4
and low body fat percentage. They quickly breezed through their
warm ups, and then they spent a significant amount of time on
accessory bodybuilding work. Remember, this is the week before the
meet. They are definitely opposite from the proponents of complete
specificity for the last four weeks leading up to a competition.

The Chinese only validated my thoughts on hypertrophy training.

Two of my biggest influences in the strength world are Ed Coan
and Louie Simmons. Both are major proponents for hypertrophy
cycles and accessory work throughout training. Ed Coan looked
like a bodybuilder when he was at the top of his powerlifting game.
I remember when he was featured in Flex Magazine alongside
former Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates. They were compared side-by-
side in looks and workout styles. Ed’s back rivaled Dorian’s back,
and Dorian was known to have the biggest back in bodybuilding.


This book is for weightlifters, powerlifters, bodybuilders, football
players, and anyone wanting to get bigger and stronger. Most
people know Mash Elite for our amazing weightlifters, but we are a
gym full of amazing athletes from several backgrounds. This book
is going to be focused on anyone who wants to simply get jacked
and strong no matter their sport.

We have a lot of strong people at Mash Elite Performance.

We have Olympian Mattie Sasser - arguably the best female in
American weightlifting. We have Junior American Record Holder
Nathan Damron. Nathan is probably best known for his ability to
high bar back squat 700 pounds at 20 years old in the 94kg weight
class. 19-year-old Michael Black back squats 550lb in the 163lb

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weight class and holds multiple American Records. Cade Carney
is the starting tailback at Wake Forest University. He cleans 396
pounds, benches 405 pounds, squats 550 pounds, has a 40-inch
vertical leap, and runs a 4.4 second 40 yard dash. These are just a
few of our monsters.

People are constantly trying to figure out what we are doing.

One of the rumors is, of course, we must be taking drugs. This gets
a little old, but it really is the biggest compliment a drug-free gym
can receive.

A funny story: I was putting on a seminar earlier this year with

Zach Even-Esh. I was letting my athletes put on a show for the
campers when out of the blue USADA (United States Anti-Doping
Agency) knocks on the door. Once again, that was a little annoying -
but it was awesome the seminar attendees got to see firsthand the
process these athletes go through to lift in a drug-free sport.

My lifters are tested almost every month. Is that random?

Absolutely not! USADA has a tip line where athletes and coaches
can report other athletes who they suspect of doping. Either we
should play the lottery or a lot of people want to see us tested. I love
it because each test is another validation of what we are doing. If
you are one of these people, I suggest visiting the compound and
learning from us. That would be a better use of your time. We are a
clean club, and we intend on staying that way.

So if we aren’t taking drugs, how are we getting so strong on

a universal level? I attribute a huge portion of our success to our
focus on hypertrophy mesocycles. Those mesocycles happen right
after big meets, when we are the furthest away from our next big
competition. Those cycles can last anywhere from two to ten weeks
depending on how much time we have.

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During these cycles, we focus on the following:

• Adding quality muscle mass

• Strengthening any muscular imbalance
• Stabilizing positions required in our sport
• Breaking the competition lifts down into segments with a
focus on the weakest segment.
• Giving the joints a break while we destroy the muscles

Before I go on, I want to define hypertrophy training. Hypertrophy

by definition is the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the
increase in size of its cells. Studies have shown that your muscles
will experience hypertrophy from just about any rep range as long
as the volume is high enough. (I am going to get deeper into the
science of hypertrophy in the next chapter, so hang on just a bit.)

In this book, when I am referring to hypertrophy, I am talking

about repetition ranges between eight and twelve. Repetitions
between four and six are referred to as strength blocks. Repetitions
between one and three are referred to as absolute strength. I am not
saying that these are 100% accurate scientifically because there
are a lot of things to consider - like the individual person, muscle
groups being worked, and choice of exercise. I’m just referring to
these repetition ranges with these names for the sake of clarity.

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Here’s a little common sense on why getting jacked matters so
much. As far as I know these are the only parameters that affect
strength and power:

• Muscle fiber types

• Segment lengths (height, limb lengths, torso length, etc.)
• Muscle origins and insertions
• Motor learning factors
• Motivation/arousal/fatigue
• Muscle size


Muscle fiber types are mainly genetics. However, some muscle
fibers will mimic slow or fast twitch, but that’s going to happen
simply by the sport you choose. Not to mention after talking to Dr.
Andy Galpin (www.andygalpin.com), I am convinced that no one
knows enough about fiber types to formulate a training program
that might affect fibers one way or the other. Basically you have
what you are born with, so make the best of it.

Segment lengths are referring to height, arm length, femur

length, torso length, and so on. Basically short femurs allow us to
squat more. Short arms allows us to bench press more. Once again,

Mash Jacked 8
it doesn’t really matter because we can’t change these lengths. We
just have to make the best of what we have.

Muscle origins and insertions bring us again to genetics, and

there is nothing that we can do about the cards that we were dealt.
This is something people don’t talk about enough, but this a big
determining factor when it comes to absolute strength. If limb
length, fiber type, and muscle mass are the same, it comes down to
muscle insertions and origins. A muscle that attaches further from
the joint produces more torque on the joint. It doesn’t take much
to make a really big difference. An inch can increase the torque by
30% or more. Once again, it doesn’t really matter because we can’t
change this aspect of our body - so we have to focus on the things
we can affect.


Motor learning factors are something we can focus on. We can
get better at the movements important to us. If we are weightlifters,
we can practice the snatch and clean and jerk frequently enough to
get better at them. If we are powerlifters, we need to squat, bench,
and deadlift with enough frequency to perfect the movement over
our careers. The powerlifting movements don’t need as much
frequency as the Olympic lifts simply because they aren’t as
complex. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that high frequency
coupled with specificity can help advanced lifters improve in certain
lifts at a quicker rate.

This book wasn’t written to educate you on strength cycles

and peaking cycles. We have written several books to cover those
mesocycles like Squat Every Day, Squat Every Day II, and the Mash

Mash Jacked 9
Blueprint. The volume, frequency, and intensity required to get
someone more efficient at chosen lifts is individual to the person,
sport, and movement. I suggest trying multiple programs until you
find one that sparks a big jump. Then stick to that protocol until it
quits working.

Motivation, arousal, and fatigue are interesting factors

that deserve a few words to explain them a little more in-depth.
Obviously if you are motivated, your senses are aroused but not
overly stimulated, and you have a surge of energy – then you are
primed to hit a personal record. That comes with managing stress
and auto-regulating day-to-day and week-to-week. That also comes
with getting the right amount of sleep and eating the right kinds of
food. Basically you want to train hard and recover even harder.

One big mistake that lifters make is screaming and yelling while
killing the nose torque on a daily basis. This is a great way to crush
the adrenal system. The key to successful training is going hard
enough to stimulate a response without crushing the CNS for the
sake of future workouts. The more quality sets and reps you can
have will ultimately lead to a successful training cycle. We want all
of that energy stored up for meet day when it actually counts.


But here’s the key: Muscle size is where the magic can happen.
A bigger muscle can become a stronger muscle - and that’s a fact,
jack. I am not telling you to gain useless weight. Fat doesn’t make
you strong. I am talking about adding quality muscle mass.

A massive driver of strength and power - one that we can

actually change - is how much muscle we add to our frames.

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That’s the point of this book. We are going to show you different
hypertrophy plans for the different sports. We are going to explain
those programs, and we are going to explain the exercises.
However, first we are going to get a little deeper into the science
of hypertrophy. I want you guys to understand why we write these
workouts the way we do.

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Here’s the truth. There are many ways to get stronger without
getting bigger muscles. If this weren’t true, the Bulgarian Method
would never have worked. There are several neural mechanisms
that don’t involve hypertrophy. That’s why we practice the lifts. If we
get better at the movements, then we can lift more weight whether
we are talking about powerlifting or weightlifting.

The Bulgarian Method was superior at these mechanisms.

Their lifters practiced the competition lifts on a daily basis, and
they practiced them with the same heavy weight. They were more
sport-specific than any other team on the planet.

However, eventually those neural gains are maximized - and then

the only way to get stronger is to build a bigger muscle. There’s
another reason for spending time in that eight to twelve repetition
range, and that is to give the joints a break from heavy weight.

Most injuries occur from the joint damage caused by the day-
in and day-out grind with heavy loads. That’s why it’s wise to
spend quality time in that 65-85% range. It is easier to recover
from those loads, and muscle is getting packed on like bricks on
a wall. This is why I believe the Chinese system to be superior.
They wave their mesocycles to include hypertrophy, strength, and
absolute strength.

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When I decided to write this book, I didn’t just want to write
a book detailing the things we do. I wanted to research, so that
I could best explain why it works. To be honest, I also wanted to
make sure we were programming hypertrophy in the most optimal
way. I found out we are on the right path. However, I definitely made
a lot of cool improvements that I will talk about in just a bit.

My favorite part of my job is the research and learning that goes

into writing these books. Every resource is a new experience, and
every time I learn new things. This one really hit home because,
like a lot of you, I started my love of the barbell with bodybuilding.
I was fascinated with Arnold, Lou Ferrigno, Franco Columbu, and
all of their friends.

I equated big muscles with massive amounts of strength. Guess

what? I was on the right track. Yeah, bodybuilders aren’t as strong
as powerlifters - but jacked powerlifters are stronger than their
less jacked counterparts. As a matter of fact, the powerlifters who
take a few lessons from their bodybuilding brothers end up adding
more muscle and getting stronger in both absolute strength and
pound-for-pound. The bottom line is we should learn from each
other in the barbell family.

The bodybuilders who spend quality time getting stronger end up

dominating their competition because getting stronger stimulates

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hypertrophy as well. It’s a marriage of the two disciplines that
creates this muscle and strength utopia.

I had one burning question going into my studies. “How does
one combine strength and bodybuilding together to create the
perfect program?”

For the answer, I turned to three people in the strength world:

1. Brad Schoenfeld. If you haven’t heard of this guy, you really

need to look him up. He’s pretty much the leader in the industry
when it comes to hypertrophy and getting jacked.

2. Brett Contreras, PhD. You might know him as the glute guy,
but he knows about much more than just glutes. Brett has pretty
much tackled every aspect of the strength and conditioning world.
The cool thing is how he breaks the research down and makes it
easy to digest.

3. Greg Nuckols. This young man started training with me when

he was 14 years old. Now he’s training me with his fantastic website.
He’s one of the strongest drug-free powerlifters in the world, and
he’s definitely the smartest. You definitely want to check him out if
you want to keep up to date in this ever-changing world of strength.

There really aren’t a lot of studies out there regarding hypertrophy,

but I read the ones I came across. I also checked out most of the
scientific articles about the matter. Some of the elements were
questionable like frequency, exercise selection, and volume. When
it comes to these three, I think that we can all agree that finding the

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exact frequency with the best exercises and optimal volume is very
individual to the person. However, I did learn some guidelines that
I will go over in just a bit.


With that being said, everyone agreed that there are the three
mechanisms to growing muscles:

• Mechanical Tension
• Metabolic Stress
• Muscular Damage

I am going to explain each in detail. Knowing what each of the

mechanisms is will only give you a small piece of the muscle-building
puzzle. You have to know how they work together. You have to know
the amount of focus each requires depending on the time of year.
You also need to know how to program each based on the sport you
are competing in or based on your individual goals. Here’s where it
gets fun, and this is where experience comes into play.

Basically this is lifting heavy as heck weights. Powerlifters and
weightlifters have this one down. The key is taking heavy weights
through a full range of motion like deep squats, RDLs, or heavy
bench presses.

There are two types of muscular tension: passive and active. If

you lie on your back and stretch your hamstrings (without letting

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the muscle contract), you are creating passive elastic tension. If
you do a bicep curl and hold it with an isometric contraction at the
top (without letting the muscle lengthen), you are performing active
muscular tension. Both are forms of muscular tension, but there is
another form that is superior.

When you pick up five slabs of beef on a back squat and sink
to the bottom with your hamstrings resting on your calves, you
are performing both, as the muscles are both active and passive.
The muscles are contracted while being allowed to stretch and
lengthen into that deep squat position. If you read any of the
studies on fiber recruitment during the back squat, the studies will
tell you the only two things that matter are the range of motion
and the load on the bar.

Put simply, if you want your muscles to grow, you have to lift
heavy weights in a full range of motion. Most strength athletes have
this one down to a science. (That is, except for the ones who cut
their squats. I mean are those guys really strength athletes? That’s
the source of another book.)

However, it is the next two factors that strength athletes really

need to listen to. These two are the nuggets that make this book
worth every cent.

This is the factor that got a little heavy on the science end. A
lot comes into play with this mechanism of hypertrophy. Basically,
metabolic stress is that magnificent pump all meatheads crave
- when it feels like your bicep might actually explode. We all

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remember what Arnold said about the pump in the epic cult movie
Pumping Iron.

Weightlifters and powerlifters miss the boat on this mechanism

the most. They love to go heavy, but they don’t embrace the
10-repetition, skin-popping pump sessions. We have been
hammering this home at Mash Elite since the beginning. I attribute
most of our success to our willingness to bang out some high
repetition hypertrophy phases.

All you have to do is hang out with Nathan Damron during his
hypertrophy phase right after a major competition. He’s pretty
miserable from his high repetition squats, pulls, and presses. He’s
not a lot of fun to be around during this portion of his training. (We
outline his workout plan exactly in our book, Train Stupid.)

Even before reading all the science research, I have had my own
theories for years. I have always believed that a bigger muscle is a
stronger muscle. I love high repetition hypertrophy cycles with a lot
of bodybuilding type movements to build bigger muscles. I believe
in strength blocks to get stronger while still focusing somewhat on
hypertrophy. I add a short absolute strength peaking cycle to get
lifters ready for competition. I never completely drop hypertrophy - I
just put less and less focus on it.

While I was reading through the research, it was nice to know I

am on the right path. But here’s the issue: how does it work? That
was the question during my research. Here’s why metabolic stress
is effective for hypertrophy:

1. When you are banging out those reps, you are pumping more
and more blood into the muscles. This constant pumping causes

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occlusion of the veins, trapping that nourishing blood in the muscles.
This is why blood flow restriction protocols work so well.

2. When the blood gets trapped, hypoxia or lack of oxygen

occurs. Since the Type I fibers need oxygen to be recruited, the
bigger, stronger Type II Fibers take on the load.

3. The buildup of metabolic byproducts such as lactate help

to set off an increased hormonal surge. Hypertrophy training that
elicits an amazing pump helps to create greater levels of IGF-1
and growth hormone, while down-regulating the muscle growth-
hindering pest known as myostatin. This positive hormonal state is
what allows for better muscle protein synthesis. Basically, we are
able to add more protein to our muscles than we break down.

Here’s what happens: Lactate triggers the anterior pituitary

gland to produce growth hormone. Growth hormone is great for
strengthening tendons and increasing muscle collagen, which is
great for injury prevention. Contrary to popular belief, growth hormone
has little to do with protein synthesis. However, it does trigger the
liver to produce IGF-1, which is responsible for growth-promoting
effects on almost every cell in the body - especially skeletal muscle,
cartilage, bone, and more. This is where the magic occurs.

4. The cell volumization or swelling also caused from the pooling

of blood helps to create muscle hypertrophy from the inside out.

I am pumped as I write this because I am preparing to host Dr.

Zach Long on my podcast, The Barbell Life. We are discussing the
blood flow restriction training that he prescribes and teaches. After
researching hypertrophy, it is easy to see the benefits of causing
more blood to pool. You are causing a positive hormonal response

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and a swelling of the cells with very little load. However, there is
one more mechanism of hypertrophy that blood flow restriction
training will not trigger.

If you want to know about muscle damage, just come to the
Mash Compound on Mondays during their hypertrophy phase.
Monday is exactly two days after their big squat day on Saturday.
100% of the team will be walking funny because that’s the peak of
DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). No one enjoys this feeling,
but it is a necessary evil for optimal muscle growth.

Muscle damage is produced in three ways:

1. Damage is produced by the Conjugate System. Simply put,

you can change exercises, tempo, or any other aspect of training
to make it unfamiliar to the body. The body responds by recruiting
more fibers to handle the new stimulus. This response creates a
lot of stress on the muscles causing abnormal damage. Then the
body responds by building those muscles back stronger than ever.

2. You can accentuate the eccentric portion of the exercise.

Eccentric refers to the lowering or negative portion of the lift. There
is nothing like adding some tempo work to squats, presses, and
pulls to crush the muscle fibers. Once again, it’s the rebuilding of
those fibers that builds them back bigger and stronger.

3. Great results come from stretching a muscle while it is being

activated. RDLs and dumbbell flies come to mind when I think about
ways to accomplish this.

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So switch things up, crush the eccentric portion of the lift, and
choose exercises that will stretch the muscles while activated -
these are the keys to breaking down the muscle. Muscle damage
is relative, though. Beating up a muscle to where you are sore for a
couple days is great for hypertrophy. But annihilating a muscle to the
point where you are wrecked for a week and miserable is too much.

Here’s how we bring this together: It is the relationship of

mechanical load, metabolic stress, and muscle damage that we
have to pay attention to so we can elicit the most optimal response.
If you pay too much attention to one aspect, you will neglect the
other two. If I am so sore I can’t train, then I will slow the frequency
of mechanical loading. If I lift all the weight in the gym and have
tremendous mechanical loading, my joints aren’t going to feel like
putting in the work to elicit metabolic stress and muscle damage.
The magic happens when you can use all three variables the most
frequently, while recovering the most efficiently.

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Exercises aren’t created equal. Some are better for certain
mechanisms than others. When it comes to mechanical loading,
the big movements are the best - like squats, pulls, presses, and
rows. They place the most tension on the most fibers. Different
versions of these lifts and some smaller lifts will maximize tension
across a broad spectrum of fibers.

In my programming, I recommend putting the heavier compound

movements at the beginning of the training day. While performing
these heavier compound movements, I recommend you focus on
mechanical tension, range of motion, and the technique of the lift.
I recommend taking optimal rest, which is around three minutes.
During these heavy movements, you can maximize range of motion
and use some tempo work to aid in metabolic stress and muscle
damage, but those elements aren’t the focus.

Following the heavier compound movements, throw in the

bodybuilding movements - keeping the reps high and taking smaller
rest periods of around 60-90 seconds. We are trying to keep those
muscles contracted, so the blood is pumped in like crazy and then
veins are occluded. Adding weight when possible, focusing on the

Mash Jacked 23
eccentric, and keeping a full range of motion will aid in mechanical
tension and muscle damage, but once again those factors aren’t
the focus of this portion. A mind-blowing pump is the goal.

To catch a pump that makes you feel like you are about to pop,
choose exercises that exert maximal tension when the muscles are
completely contracted. The best exercises for this job are lateral
raises, leg extensions, and the pec deck. Man, I remember pumping
away in my first gym, Little’s Health and Fitness. I would stay on the
pec deck for days watching my chest swell with blood. I loved it.

At strategic times, we will also throw in exercises designed for

muscle damage. I already talked a little about this, but here it is
again: Exercises that activate the muscles while allowing them to
completely stretch will elicit the most muscle damage. Exercises
like RDLs, dumbbell flies, and goodmornings come to mind. RDLs are
a mystery exercise. You can perform those, and you feel absolutely
fine during and after. Then you wake up the next morning crippled.

All three mechanisms are very related. The magic occurs in the
way they are all put together so that one doesn’t take from the other
and yet the best response is still achieved.

Later in this book, you will get to look at six different hypertrophy
cycles that I use with my own athletes. However, if you want to
ensure that you are performing the best program for you as an
individual, you are going to have to endure some trial and error.
Some people respond better to higher volume than others. Some
people respond better to certain exercises than others. This is really
the fun part. This is the search we are all after - the search for the
perfect program drives us all.

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The fact is that you will spend a lifetime searching. Here are a
few keys though:

• Muscle soreness is cool, but being wrecked for a week isn’t.

• Try to create just enough muscle damage to cause soreness
that peaks in two days and then starts to disappear.
• Performing the bigger lifts as frequently as possible will elicit
the most hypertrophy.
• Work through soreness, but don’t destroy yourself.
• You have to eat! You can’t gain muscle while maintaining a
caloric deficit.
• It’s about balance: Big lifts, long eccentrics, exercises that
cause muscle damage, exercises that give you a pump, and
total volume.

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It would have been nice to write one program for you guys, and
then tell you one plan fits all. This would have taken a lot less time,
but that’s not the way it works. I have weightlifters, powerlifters,
hybrid super total athletes, football players, soccer players, and
people trying to get jacked for the summer. All of you have different
needs that must be addressed.

My powerlifters and weightlifters do similar movements, but

normally their programs are very different. When a powerlifter is in the
off-season, he still wants to build the primary movers. A powerlifter
will also want to address any imbalances. You can normally bet that
a powerlifter needs to strengthen their external rotators, rhomboids,
and serratus anterior. Otherwise, I want to use basic bodybuilding
to add as much hypertrophy as possible - while giving the joints a
break from the heavy squats, benches, and deadlifts.

A weightlifter is definitely trying to add muscle to get stronger.

However, there is something even more important for them. They
are trying to add muscle to become more stable in their positions.

For a weightlifter, every millimeter counts when it comes to

optimizing the center of gravity. When they pull from the ground,
they want to keep their shoulders over the bar without getting
pulled to their toes. They want to keep their back in extension for
the entire pull. During the catch of the snatch or clean, they want to

Mash Jacked 26
meet the bar in the deepest and most upright position in the bottom
of their squat. They want to meet the bar without losing extension
throughout the entire torso. They have to be stable in the hips and
overhead during the split jerk.

Weightlifters aren’t without their imbalances either. A lot of

weightlifters are quad dominant. A lot of them have weaker glutes
and hamstrings in comparison. Unlike powerlifting, there is more
external rotation than internal. All of these things should be taken
into consideration when designing a plan.

When you are talking about athletic performance, it will come

down to the sport an athlete plays. A balanced approach is always
good with both anterior and posterior chain exercises. I look at the
sport and determine the areas that need protection and how much
physical contact will take place. I will also look at the individual’s
weaknesses and muscular imbalances. Then I design a plan.

Let’s look at a football player for just a minute. There’s going

to be a lot of physical contact. They are going to be planting and
changing direction. They will be jumping and landing on one or
two feet. They will be taking and giving big hits. Therefore, I know I
need to stabilize their necks, knees, and even shoulders. I will want
to work with them in all planes of movement. There will be close
chained and open chained movements. I am also wanting to add as
much lean muscle as possible. The added muscle becomes their
battle armor as Dan John describes. A huge key is to improve their
relative strength as well. They have to be able to move their bodies,
and that is a fact.

If you’re talking about bodybuilding, you will need to consider

symmetry. If an athlete has massive pecs and weak delts, you
are going to want to focus on deltoid hypertrophy. If they have

Mash Jacked 27
massive quads but disappear when they turn sideways due to
zero hamstring development, the goal is to target the hamstrings.
After that, it’s just a balance of mechanical load, metabolic stress,
and muscle damage. A big mistake a lot of bodybuilders make is
simply focusing on metabolic stress or the pump. That’s not what
the best bodybuilders do. Arnold, Franco, and Ronnie all lifted
those heavy weights.

Here’s the summary of what to remember:

• Look at the sport

• Look at the individual
• Target imbalances
• Target weaknesses
• Find a mixture of mechanical load, metabolic stress, and
muscle damage that allows you to hit the bigger movements
as frequently as possible.

Mash Jacked 28
I know most of you bought this book because you wanted the
programs, but there are a few things I want to explain before we
dive into them.

For each program, there will be two mesocycles of hypertrophy-

focused work. The first four-week phase is non-specific - or what I
am calling accumulation. The accumulation portion is designed to
give your joints a slight break from so many multi-joint and heavy
load exercises. This phase is going to create a lot of the metabolic
stress we talked about. There will be some mechanical loading and
obviously some muscle damage.

The second mesocycle (which I am labeling the hypertrophy

phase) is more specific to the individual sport and is filled with
more of the exercises you are used to - but these exercises are
designed to add muscle, strengthen positions, and prepare you for
the strength work that lies ahead. This second four-week phase will
focus on mechanical loading and muscle damage even more.


I wouldn’t recommend staying on a hypertrophy cycle indefinitely.
These Mash Jacked programs are great to prime your body for

Mash Jacked 30
hypertrophy, but you’ll want to move on after a Mash Jacked
cycle and integrate some strength work and absolute strength

This is obvious for strength athletes, but even bodybuilders would

benefit from incorporating strength blocks into their programming
in between hypertrophy efforts. The strength increase allows them
to lift more weight and enhance their future hypertrophy work.

After completing one of these eight-week cycles, our original

Squat Every Day program would be an excellent next step. But if
you want to go to another program, feel free to go right into the
strength portion of your next program. Many of my programs start
with a few weeks of hypertrophy anyway, so you can skip that. To
make it simple, just move into the part of the program where you
are dealing with rep schemes from one to five.

For all you who really want to build muscle: after you run a strength
phase, start again on one of these Mash Jacked hypertrophy blocks
if you really want to keep packing on size.

One trait you will notice about my programming is how I use
the conjugate system - but I am not random like CrossFit. I change
things up every four weeks. During any four-week block, there
is nothing I program that I don’t want you to get better at. Each
movement has a purpose, so I have to leave it in the workout long
enough to stimulate adaptation.

During any phase I program, I use sets, repetitions, load, time

under tension (eccentric, concentric, isometric shortened, and

Mash Jacked 31
isometric lengthened contraction times), and total volume to
implement the conjugate system. I am not into random. I am
into results.


I realize some of you might not have time to train five or six days
per week. The volume programmed might be too much for you, or
you might not have time to complete the prescribed exercises.

If you need to cut exercises, I suggest you keep the main lifts in
your sport in the workout. Weightlifters, Super Total competitors,
and those interested in athletic performance should prioritize the
Olympic lifts along with the squats. Powerlifters will want to keep
in the squats, bench, and deadlifts. Bodybuilders should prioritize
the compound, multi-joint exercises.

Otherwise, you can pick and choose the exercises based on

your specific weaknesses and imbalances. Here’s a tip: I write my
exercises in order of importance most of the time. If you need to
eliminate exercises for time’s sake, start from the bottom up.

In the appendix, you will find a list of many of the abbreviations
and conventions I use for my programs. There are also several
exercise explanations for the more unfamiliar exercises that I
prescribe. Let me point out some major ones right now.

Mash Jacked 32
I wanted to give you all a few tastes of the Mash Method. A lot of
you have probably downloaded the Free E-Book. The Mash Method
is my way of using post-activation potentiation. This example uses
the heavy doubles to recruit more fibers for the down sets. The third
set sets you up to handle 70% of your one-rep maximum for more
times than you normally would. Basically after hitting the heavy
double, 70% is going to feel light to the body. It is already charged
for the heavy weight. For more on this concept, you can download
the free Mash Method ebook at www.mashelite.com.

Mash Method Front Squat with Belt

Set 1 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6+

Here’s the way this would go:

Set 1- you will hit 88% of your one-repetition maximum for two
reps. After a two-minute rest, you will proceed to front squat 70% of
your one-repetition maximum for six reps.

Set 2- After around three minutes, you will add approximately 5

kilograms to each preceding set and repeat the process.

Set 3- After another three minutes, you will add approximately

5 kilograms to each preceding set and repeat the process except
for one small detail - you will notice this is a “plus” set. That means
you will lift it for as many reps as you can, leaving “one in the tank.”

Mash Jacked 33
You will want to pay close attention to any notations about the
concentric or eccentric portion of the lift. There are also multiple
places where I indicate pauses in specific parts of the lift as well.


Mash Jacked Weightlifting - A weightlifting hypertrophy workout
should be designed to add muscles to the major joints that are
needed during the sport. There will always be a focus put on squats,
pulls, and presses. However each phase will emphasize the major
movements in a slightly different way.

Mash Jacked Powerlifting - When powerlifters perform

hypertrophy blocks, it’s actually a time of getting jacked. It’s not
far from basic bodybuilding, but just a little more focus on the
competition lifts.

Mash Jacked Super Total - This program is a strategic marriage

between the Olympic weightlifting and Powerlifting workouts.

Mash Jacked Bodybuilding - This is the one to do if you are just

trying to get jacked out of your mind. You are going to add quality
muscle through a balance of mechanical loading, metabolic stress,
and muscle breakdown.

You will find it to be a lot like the powerlifting program, but there
will be a lot more exercises to elicit a pump or metabolic stress.
You will notice all of the mechanisms that we mentioned in the
earlier chapters for causing hypertrophy.

Mash Jacked 34
Mash Jacked Athletic Performance - Most of you know that I
have a special place in my heart for athletic performance. I have
worked in the strength and conditioning world a lot longer than I
have been a weightlifting coach. I have always enjoyed working
with all types of athletes. It keeps me interested in what I am doing.
Athleticism is just movement. Once you figure out the movements
required for the sport, you can then develop a specific workout.

However, this hypertrophy phase could be used for just about any
sport. I have used programs like this for Tommy Bohanon (starting
NFL Fullback) and Cade Carney (freshman starting Running Back
for Wake Forest University). These two blocks would be perfect for
preceding any strength block that you might develop.

If you are a coach, I suggest peeling away any exercise that you
don’t feel proficient at teaching. Performing an ugly clean is a bad
use of time. If the movements aren’t performed properly, then you
are wasting time.

You will notice that this program is very similar to the Super
Total program, but the biggest element I want to point out is the
plyometric contrast training on day one. We are pairing a plyometric
movement, prisoner squat jumps, with a front squat. The plyometric
movements are performed during the work sets of the front squats.
This is a great way to guarantee that the Type II fibers are being
used and primed.

Mash Jacked Beginner Athletic Performance - This program

would be fine for most high school athletes who have some
background in the movements. It’s a little shorter, and we have
taken jerks out of the equation (we left them optional). We have
turned the snatches into an easier movement to coach and master,

Mash Jacked 35
like the muscle snatch. This version will render some major results.
Once again if you don’t know how to teach a certain movement,
just leave it out.

Mash Jacked 36
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Front Squat (5 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Muscle Snatch 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
DB Fat Grip Bilateral Overhead Lunges 3 x 30yd

Clean High Pulls 5 x 5 at 80% of Clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs
Strict Press 10 x 3 at 80%
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 60%
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 3 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
DB or KB Upright Rows (Eccentric Slower 5 x 10 at 60%
than Concentric)

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Start with 25% of Squat for 3 x 8
Seated Band Leg Curls 4 x 10
TRX or Ring Ab Fallouts 3 x 10

Snatch Grip Push Press 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 60%
Dips 3 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 ea side (7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40yd
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40yd each arm

Mash Jacked 38
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Front Squat (5 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Muscle Snatch 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
DB Fat Grip Bilateral Overhead Lunges 4 x 30yd

Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 80% of Clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs
Strict Press 10 x 4 at 80%
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 65%
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 4 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
DB or KB Upright Rows (Eccentric Slower 5 x 10 at 65%
than Concentric)

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5-10k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
Seated Band Leg Curls 5 x 10
TRX or Ring Ab Fallouts 3 x 10

Snatch Grip Push Press 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 65%
Dips 4 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 ea side (7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40yd
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40yd each arm

Mash Jacked 39
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Front Squat (5 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Muscle Snatch 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
DB Fat Grip Bilateral Overhead Lunges 3 x 40yd

Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 85% of Clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs
Strict Press 10 x 5 at 80%
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 70%
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
DB or KB Upright Rows (Eccentric Slower 5 x 10 at 70%
than Concentric)

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
Seated Band Leg Curls 5 x 10
TRX or Ring Ab Fallouts 3 x 10

Snatch Grip Push Press 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 70%
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 ea side (8 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50yd
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50yd each arm

Mash Jacked 40
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Front Squat (5 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Muscle Snatch Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
DB Fat Grip Bilateral Overhead Lunges 4 x 40yd

Clean High Pulls 3 x 5 at 80% of Clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs
Strict Press 10 x 3 at 80%
DB or KB Push Presses 3 x 10 at 60%
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 3 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
DB or KB Upright Rows (Eccentric Slower 3 x 10 at 60%
than Concentric)

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 3 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Take original weight for 2 x 8
Seated Band Leg Curls 3 x 10
TRX or Ring Ab Fallouts 3 x 10

Snatch Grip Push Press Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Closegrip Bench Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 3 x 10 at 60%
Dips 3 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm

Back Squat with Belt Take 90% of best 10RM for 3 x 10
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 ea side (7 RPE)
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50yd
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50yd each arm

Mash Jacked 41
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Power Cleans from Blocks 65% for 2 x 3, 70% for 2 x 3, work to max single (no
Mash Method Front Squat with Belt
Set 1 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6+
Snatch Pulls 90% for 5 x 3 with 6-sec eccentric
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around 3x8

Front Squat with Belt 1RM paused 5 seconds (7 RPE)
Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 70% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Jerk Recoveries 5RM, then -10% for 5
Muscle Snatch 3RM (no misses - 8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 3
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 5RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -10% for 2 x 5 all paused
Strict Presses 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Clean Grip Deadlift from 2" Deficit (Paused 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not
at Mid Shin) paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset Axle Bar Closegrip Bench Press (with 25-50lb of
chains) for 5 reps superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for
10 reps (with 2 sec pause): 5 sets

Overhead Squats 5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 (no
Band or Cable Pull Throughs 3 x 15
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand
Swiss Ball Stir the Pots 3 x 30 seconds each direction
Bear Crawl Sled Drags 3 x 20 yards

Snatch 3RM, then -15% for 3
Clean and Jerk 3RM, then -15% for 3
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Klokov Presses 3 x 10

Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
2" Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band 3 x 8, progress and end with a 7-8 RPE
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 seconds
Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg

Mash Jacked 42
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 3 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Power Cleans from Blocks 68% for 2 x 3, 73% for 2 x 3, work to max single (no
Mash Method Front Squat with Belt
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6+
Snatch Pulls 90% for 5 x 3 with 6-sec eccentric
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around 3x8

Front Squat with Belt 1RM paused 5 seconds (7 RPE)
Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 75% for 3 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Jerk Recoveries 5RM, then -10% for 5
Muscle Snatch 3RM (no misses - 8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 3
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 5RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -10% for 2 x 5 all paused
Strict Presses 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Clean Grip Deadlift from 2" Deficit (Paused 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not
at Mid Shin) paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset Axle Bar Closegrip Bench Press (with 25-50lb of
chains) for 5 reps superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for
8 reps (with 2 sec pause): 6 sets

Overhead Squats 5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 (no
Band or Cable Pull Throughs 3 x 15
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand
Swiss Ball Stir the Pots 4 x 30 seconds each direction
Bear Crawl Sled Drags 4 x 20 yards

Snatch 3RM, then -15% for 3
Clean and Jerk 3RM, then -15% for 3
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Klokov Presses 4 x 10

Back Squat 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
2" Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band 4 x 8, progress and end with a 8-9 RPE
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 seconds
Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg

Mash Jacked 43
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, work to 90% of best 3RM for 3
Power Cleans from Blocks 65% for 2 x 3, 70% for 3 x 3
Mash Method Front Squat with Belt
Set 1 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5+
Snatch Pulls 95% for 3 x 3 with 6-sec eccentric
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around 3x8

Front Squat with Belt 1RM paused 5 seconds (7 RPE)
Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, work to 90% of best 3RM for 3
Jerk Recoveries 5RM, then -10% for 5
Muscle Snatch Work to 90% of best 3RM for 2 x 3
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 3RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -15% for 2 x 5 all paused
Strict Presses 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Clean Grip Deadlift from 2" Deficit (Paused 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not
at Mid Shin) paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset Axle Bar Closegrip Bench Press (with 25-50lb of chains
- 8 RPE) for 5 reps superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for
7 reps (with 2 sec pause): 7 sets

Overhead Squats 5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 (no
Band or Cable Pull Throughs 3 x 15
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand
Swiss Ball Stir the Pots 3 x 45 sec each direction
Bear Crawl Sled Drags 3 x 30 yards

Snatch 2RM, then -15% for 2
Clean and Jerk 2RM, then -15% for 2
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Klokov Presses 5x5

Back Squat 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
2" Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band 4 x 8, progress and end with a 9-10 RPE
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 3 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg

Mash Jacked 44
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 55% for 3, 65% for 3, 75% for 3, work up to 3RM
Power Cleans from Blocks 1RM
Mash Method Front Squat with Belt
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Snatch Pulls 95% for 3 x 3 with 6-sec eccentric
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around 3x8

Front Squat with Belt 1RM paused 5 seconds (7 RPE)
Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 55% for 3, 65% for 3, 75% for 3, work up to 3RM
Jerk Recoveries 5RM
Muscle Snatch 3RM
OH Axle Bar Carries 3 x 40 yd

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 1RM (Pausing 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at top), then
4 Sec Concentric) -15% for 2 x 3 all paused
Strict Presses 5RM, then -15% for 5+
Clean Grip Deadlift from 2" Deficit (Paused 5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not
at Mid Shin) paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Superset Axle Bar Closegrip Bench Press (with 25-50lb of chains
- 8 RPE) for 5 reps superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for
10 reps (with 2 sec pause): 3 sets

Overhead Squats 5RM
Band or Cable Pull Throughs 3 x 15
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand
Swiss Ball Stir the Pots 4 x 45 sec each direction
Bear Crawl Sled Drags 4 x 30 yards

Snatch 2RM
Clean and Jerk 2RM
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Klokov Presses 3x5

Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
2" Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band 3 x 8, progress and end with a 7-8 RPE
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg

Mash Jacked 45
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 5 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 3 at 80%
Competition Grip)
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Start with 25% of squat for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
TRX or Ring Ab Fallouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 60%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 ea side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 47
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 4 at 80%
Competition Grip)
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 10

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5-10k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd
TRX or Ring Ab Fallouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 65%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 ea side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 48
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 85% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 5 at 80%
Competition Grip)
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 5 x 10

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5-10k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 3 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
TRX or Ring Ab Fallouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 70%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 8x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 ea side (8 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 49
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 3 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 3 at 80%
Competition Grip)
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 3 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Take original weight for 2 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd
TRX or Ring Ab Fallouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Incline DB Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 3 x 10 at 60%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 4x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt Take 90% of best 10RM for 3 x 10
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 ea side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 50
Mash Method High Bar Back Squats
Set 1 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 80% for 1, 70% for 5, 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 88% for 1,
Concentric) 80% for 5, 90% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around 3x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 60% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 3 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 5RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -10% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 3x8
Wide Stance Pull Throughs 3 x 15
BB Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Cable or Band Face Pulls 3 x 12

Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 68% for 8+
Closegrip Axle Bar Floor Presses with 50lb 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
of Chains
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 3 sets
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 51
Mash Method High Bar Back Squats
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 83% for 1, 73% for 5, 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1,
Concentric) 83% for 5, 93% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 4x8
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around 3x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 65% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 4 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 5RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -10% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 4x8
Wide Stance Pull Throughs 3 x 15
BB Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 4 x 10
Cable or Band Face Pulls 4 x 12

Back Squat 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Bench Press 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Closegrip Axle Bar Floor Presses with 50lb 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
of Chains
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 4 sets
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 52
Mash Method High Bar Back Squats
Set 1 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1, 83% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 5x8
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around 3x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 70% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 5 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 3RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -15% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 5x8
Wide Stance Pull Throughs 3 x 15
BB Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 4 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 5 x 10
Cable or Band Face Pulls 5 x 12

Back Squat 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 3 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Bench Press 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Closegrip Axle Bar Floor Presses with 50lb 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
of Chains
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 5 sets
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 53
Mash Method High Bar Back Squats
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 90% for 1, 80% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 85% for 5, 95% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around 3x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 3 x 10 at 60% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 5 x 10
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 3 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 1RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -15% for 2 x 3 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 4x6
Wide Stance Pull Throughs 3 x 15
BB Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% AMRAP
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Cable or Band Face Pulls 3 x 12

Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 1RM, then -15% for 3
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Closegrip Axle Bar Floor Presses with 50lb 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
of Chains
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 3 sets
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 54
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 5 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 3 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 60%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Start with 25% of squat for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 60%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 each side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 56
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 4 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 65%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5-10k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 65%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 each side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 57
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 85% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 5 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 70%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 5 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 3 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 70%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 8x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 each side (8 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 58
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 3 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 3 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 3 x 10 at 60%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 3 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Take original weight for 2 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd

Closegrip Bench Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Incline DB Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 3 x 10 at 60%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 4x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt Take 10% of best 10RM for 3 x 10
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 each side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 59
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 70% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Power Cleans from Blocks 65% for 2 x 3, 70% for 2 x 3, work to max single (no
Mash Method High Bar Back Squat
Set 1 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 80% for 1, 70% for 5, 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 88% for 1,
Concentric) 80% for 5, 90% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8

Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 70% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 60% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 3 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 5RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -10% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 3x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10
Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 3 sets

Clean and Jerk 3RM, then -15% for 3
Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Snatch 3RM, then -15% for 3
Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Set 2 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Set 3 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 60
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 75% for 3 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Power Cleans from Blocks 68% for 2 x 3, 73% for 2 x 3, work to max single (no
Mash Method High Bar Back Squat
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 83% for 1, 73% for 5, 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1,
Concentric) 83% for 5, 93% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 4x8

Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 75% for 3 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 65% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 4 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 5RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -10% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 4x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10
Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 4 x 10
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 4 sets

Clean and Jerk 3RM, then -15% for 3
Back Squat 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Snatch 3RM, then -15% for 3
Bench Press 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Set 2 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Set 3 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 61
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 65% for 2 x 3, work up to 90% of best 3RM for 3
Power Cleans from Blocks 65% for 2 x 3, 70% for 3 x 3
Mash Method High Bar Back Squat
Set 1 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1, 83% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 5x8

Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, work up to 90% of best 3RM for 3
Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 70% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 5 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 3RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -15% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 5x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10
Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 4 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 5 x 10
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 5 sets

Clean and Jerk 2RM, then -15% for 2
Back Squat 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 3 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Snatch 2RM, then -15% for 2
Bench Press 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Set 2 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Set 3 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 62
Clean and Jerk from Blocks with Bar at 55% for 3, 65% for 3, 75% for 3, work up to 3RM
Power Cleans from Blocks 1RM
Mash Method High Bar Back Squat
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 90% for 1, 80% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 85% for 5, 95% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8

Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 55% for 3, 65% for 3, 75% for 3, work up to 3RM
Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 3 x 10 at 60% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 5 x 10
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 3 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 1RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -15% for 2 x 3 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 4x6
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10
Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for AMRAP
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 3 sets

Clean and Jerk 2RM
Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 1RM, then -15% for 3
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Snatch 2RM
Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Set 2 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Set 3 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 63
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with Rear
Leg Elevated Splits Squats (Stay at 7 RPE) for 12 reps
each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 5 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 10 x 3 at 80%
Upper Body Superset Incline DB Press for 10 reps at 60% superset with
Bentover Rows for 10 reps at 60%: 5 sets
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10
Standing Calf Raises 3 x 10

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Start with 25% of squat for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 sec
Band Around Waist
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Upper Body Superset Dips for submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
superset with Pull-Ups for submaximal reps (switch
grips each set, moving from weakest to strongest): 5
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
BB Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 65
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 4 x 12 reps superset with
Rear Leg Elevated Splits Squats (Stay at 7 RPE) for 5 x
12 reps each leg
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 10 x 4 at 80%
Upper Body Superset Incline DB Press for 10 reps at 65% superset with
Bentover Rows for 10 reps at 65%: 5 sets
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 10
Standing Calf Raises 4 x 10

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5-10k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 sec
Band Around Waist
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Upper Body Superset Dips for submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
superset with Pull-Ups for submaximal reps (switch
grips each set, moving from weakest to strongest): 5
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
BB Ab Rollouts 4 x 10

Mash Jacked 66
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 4 x 12 reps superset with
Rear Leg Elevated Splits Squats (Stay at 7 RPE) for 5 x
12 reps each leg
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 85% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 10 x 5 at 80%
Upper Body Superset Incline DB Press for 10 reps at 70% superset with
Bentover Rows for 10 reps at 70%: 5 sets
Axle Bar Curls 5 x 10
Standing Calf Raises 5 x 10

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 3 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Upper Body Superset Dips for submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
superset with Pull-Ups for submaximal reps (switch
grips each set, moving from weakest to strongest): 5
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 8x8
between Sets)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
BB Ab Rollouts 5 x 10

Mash Jacked 67
Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Pause in Bottom)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 4 x 12 reps superset with
Rear Leg Elevated Splits Squats (Stay at 7 RPE) for 3 x
12 reps each leg
Clean High Pulls 3 x 5 at 8-% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than Normal 10 x 3 at 80%
Upper Body Superset Incline DB Press for 10 reps at 60% superset with
Bentover Rows for 10 reps at 60%: 3 sets
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10
Standing Calf Raises 3 x 10

Back Squat with Belt Take 90% of best 10RM for 3 x 10
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Take original weight for 2 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Closegrip Bench Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Upper Body Superset Dips for submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
superset with Pull-Ups for submaximal reps (switch
grips each set, moving from weakest to strongest): 5
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 4x8
between Sets)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
BB Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 68
Upper Body Superset 1 Competition Grip Bench Press for 10RM, then -15% for
2 x 10 superset with Chest Supported T-Bar Rows for
10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Upper Body Superset 1 DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 60% superset with
Supinated Grip Bentover Rows for 10 reps at 60%: 5
TRX or Ring Abdominal Fallouts 3 x 10

Mash Method High Bar Back Squats
Set 1 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 80% for 1, 70% for 5, 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 88% for 1,
Concentric) 80% for 5, 90% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Upper Body Superset 1 Standing Strict Press for 3 reps at 80% superset with
Pull-Ups for 3 reps (add weight if too easy - should be
RPE 8-9 by final set): 10 sets
Upper Body Superset 2 Plate Front Raises for 10 reps (7 RPE) superset with
BB Upright Rows / High Pulls (eccentric slower than
concentric) for 10 reps at 60%: 5 sets
Upper Body Superset 3 Seated DB Power Cleans for 15 reps superset with BB
Shrugs for 15 reps: 3 sets

Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Seated Calf Raises (Focus on Range of 3 x 20
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Closegrip Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 68% for 8+
Upper Body Superset Dips with 25-50lb of chains dangling for 10 reps at 60%
superset with Preacher Curls at 60% for 10 reps: 5 sets
Arm Superset Nosebreakers with chains dangling for 10 reps
superset with DB Incline Curls for 10 reps: 5 sets

Mash Jacked 69
Upper Body Superset 1 Competition Grip Bench Press for 10RM, then -15% for
3 x 10 superset with Chest Supported T-Bar Rows for
10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Upper Body Superset 1 DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 65% superset with
Supinated Grip Bentover Rows for 10 reps at 65%: 5
TRX or Ring Abdominal Fallouts 4 x 10

Mash Method High Bar Back Squats
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 83% for 1, 73% for 5, 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1,
Concentric) 83% for 5, 93% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 4x8
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Upper Body Superset 1 Standing Strict Press for 4 reps at 80% superset with
Pull-Ups for 4 reps (stick with weight from last week):
10 sets
Upper Body Superset 2 Plate Front Raises for 10 reps (8 RPE) superset with
BB Upright Rows / High Pulls (eccentric slower than
concentric) for 10 reps at 65%: 5 sets
Upper Body Superset 3 Seated DB Power Cleans for 15 reps superset with BB
Shrugs for 15 reps: 3 sets

Back Squat 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Seated Calf Raises (Focus on Range of 4 x 20
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Closegrip Bench Press 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Upper Body Superset Dips with 25-50lb of chains dangling for 10 reps at 65%
superset with Preacher Curls at 65% for 10 reps: 5 sets
Arm Superset Nosebreakers with chains dangling for 10 reps
superset with DB Incline Curls for 10 reps: 5 sets

Mash Jacked 70
Upper Body Superset 1 Competition Grip Bench Press for 10RM, then -15% for
4 x 10 superset with Chest Supported T-Bar Rows for
10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10
Upper Body Superset 1 DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 70% superset with
Supinated Grip Bentover Rows for 10 reps at 70%: 5
TRX or Ring Abdominal Fallouts 5 x 10

Mash Method High Bar Back Squats
Set 1 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1, 83% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 5x8
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 3 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Upper Body Superset 1 Standing Strict Press for 5 reps at 80% superset with
Pull-Ups for 5 reps: 10 sets
Upper Body Superset 2 Plate Front Raises for 10 reps (9 RPE) superset with
BB Upright Rows / High Pulls (eccentric slower than
concentric) for 10 reps at 70%: 5 sets
Upper Body Superset 3 Seated DB Power Cleans for 15 reps superset with BB
Shrugs for 15 reps: 3 sets

Back Squat 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
BB/DB/KB Lunges 5 x 10 each leg
Seated Calf Raises (Focus on Range of 5 x 20
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Closegrip Bench Press 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Upper Body Superset Dips with 25-50lb of chains dangling for 10 reps at 70%
superset with Preacher Curls at 70% for 10 reps: 5 sets
Arm Superset Nosebreakers with chains dangling for 10 reps
superset with DB Incline Curls for 10 reps: 5 sets

Mash Jacked 71
Upper Body Superset 1 Competition Grip Bench Press for 10RM, then -15% for
2 x 10 superset with Chest Supported T-Bar Rows for
10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Upper Body Superset 1 DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 60% superset with
Supinated Grip Bentover Rows for 10 reps at 60%: 3
TRX or Ring Abdominal Fallouts 3 x 10

Mash Method High Bar Back Squats
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5+
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 90% for 1, 80% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 85% for 5, 95% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Upper Body Superset 1 Standing Strict Press for 3 reps at 80% superset with
Pull-Ups for 3 reps: 10 sets
Upper Body Superset 2 Plate Front Raises for 10 reps (7 RPE) superset with
BB Upright Rows / High Pulls (eccentric slower than
concentric) for 10 reps at 60%: 3 sets
Upper Body Superset 3 Seated DB Power Cleans for 15 reps superset with BB
Shrugs for 15 reps: 3 sets

Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 1RM, then -15% for 3
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Seated Calf Raises (Focus on Range of 3 x 20
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Closegrip Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Upper Body Superset Dips with 25-50lb of chains dangling for 10 reps at 60%
superset with Preacher Curls at 60% for 10 reps: 3 sets
Arm Superset Nosebreakers with chains dangling for 10 reps
superset with DB Incline Curls for 10 reps: 3 sets

Mash Jacked 72
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Contrast Superset Front Squat (4 Sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in
bottom) for 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5 superset
with Prisoner Squats for 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 5 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 3 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 60%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Start with 25% of squat for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 60%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 each side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 74
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Contrast Superset Front Squat (4 Sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in
bottom) for 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5 superset
with Prisoner Squats for 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 4 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 65%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5-10k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 45 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 40 yd

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 65%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 each side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 75
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Contrast Superset Front Squat (4 Sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in
bottom) for 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5 superset
with Prisoner Squats for 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 85% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 5 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 70%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 5 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Add 5k from last week’s start for 3 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 3 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 70%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 8x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 each side (8 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 76
Hang Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Contrast Superset Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec Pause in
Bottom) for 2 x 5 with 90% of last week’s weight
superset with Prisoner Squats for 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 3 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 3 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 3 x 10 at 60%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 3 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
Wide Goodmorning (Stay at a 7-8 RPE) Take original weight for 2 x 8
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with 4 x 60 sec
Band Around Waist
Axle Bar Zercher Carries 3 x 50 yd

Closegrip Bench Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Incline DB Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 3 x 10 at 60%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 4x8
between Sets)

Back Squat with Belt Take 10% of best 10RM for 3 x 10
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4" Deficit 3 x 10 each side (7 RPE)
DB Leg Curls 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Mash Jacked 77
Power Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Mash Method High Bar Back Squat
Superset with Seated Box Jumps
Set 1 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6,
then 5 box jumps at 80%
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6,
then 5 box jumps at 80%
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 70% for 6+,
then 5 box jumps at 80%
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 80% for 1, 70% for 5, 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 88% for 1,
Concentric) 80% for 5, 90% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8

Power Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 70% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 60% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 3 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 5RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -10% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 3x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10
Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 3 sets

Clean 3RM, then -15% for 3
Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Snatch 3RM, then -15% for 3
Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Set 2 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Set 3 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 78
Power Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 3 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Mash Method High Bar Back Squat
Superset with Seated Box Jumps
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6,
then 5 box jumps at 83%
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6,
then 5 box jumps at 83%
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 2, rest 2 minutes, then 73% for 6+,
then 5 box jumps at 83%
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 83% for 1, 73% for 5, 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1,
Concentric) 83% for 5, 93% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 4x8

Power Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 75% for 3 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 65% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 4 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 5RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -10% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 4x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10
Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 4 x 10
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 4 sets

Clean 3RM, then -15% for 3
Back Squat 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Snatch 3RM, then -15% for 3
Bench Press 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Set 2 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Set 3 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 79
Power Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, work up to 90% of best 3RM for 3
Mash Method High Bar Back Squat
Superset with Seated Box Jumps
Set 1 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5,
then 5 box jumps at 85%
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5,
then 5 box jumps at 85%
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 75% for 5+,
then 5 box jumps at 85%
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1, 83% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 5x8

Power Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, work up to 90% of best 3RM for 3
Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 70% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 10 reps: 5 sets
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 5 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 3RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -15% for 2 x 5 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 5x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10
Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 4 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 5 x 10
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 5 sets

Clean 2RM, then -15% for 2
Back Squat 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 3 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Snatch 2RM, then -15% for 2
Bench Press 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Set 2 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Set 3 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 80
Power Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee 55% for 3, 65% for 3, 75% for 3, work up to 3RM
Mash Method High Bar Back Squat
Superset with Seated Box Jumps
Set 1 (start with 2-5k more than last week) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5,
then 3 box jumps at 80%
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5,
then 3 box jumps at 80%
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 90% for 1, rest 2 minutes, then 78% for 5,
then 3 box jumps at 80%
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 90% for 1, 80% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 85% for 5, 95% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8

Power Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 55% for 3, 65% for 3, 75% for 3, work up to 3RM
Competition Grip Bench Press 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 3 x 10 at 60% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows for 5 x 10
Dips with 25-50lb of Dangling Chains 3 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans 3 x 15

Front Squat (All Reps 5 Sec Eccentric and 1RM (Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at
4 Sec Concentric) top), then -15% for 2 x 3 all paused
Squat Bottoms 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs from 2” Deficit with Purple or Green 4x6
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10
Ab Rollouts 3 x 10

Closegrip Bench with 50-100lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for AMRAP
Upper Body Superset DB Tricep Extensions for 8 reps superset with Band
Pushdowns for 15 reps: 6 sets (30 sec between sets)
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
Back Superset Rows for 10 reps superset with Band Pull Aparts for 10
reps: 3 sets

Clean 2RM
Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 1RM, then -15% for 3
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

Snatch 2RM
Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Set 2 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Set 3 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 81
Hang Muscle Snatch below Knee (4 Sec 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Contrast Superset Front Squat (4 Sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in
bottom) for 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5 superset
with Prisoner Squats for 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 5 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 3 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 60%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (7 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 4 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 60%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)

Mash Jacked 83
Hang Muscle Snatch below Knee (4 Sec 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Contrast Superset Front Squat (4 Sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in
bottom) for 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5 superset
with Prisoner Squats for 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 4 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 60%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 40 yd each arm

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 65%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 65%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 6x8
between Sets)

Mash Jacked 84
Hang Muscle Snatch below Knee (4 Sec 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Contrast Superset Front Squat (4 Sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in
bottom) for 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5 superset
with Prisoner Squats for 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 6 x 5 at 85% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 5 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 5 x 10 at 70%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 4 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) 5RM (9 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10 (last set is 10+)
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 5 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Closegrip Bench Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Incline DB Press 5 x 10 at 70%
Bentover Rows 5 x 10 at 70%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 8x8
between Sets)

Mash Jacked 85
Hang Muscle Snatch below Knee (4 Sec Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Contrast Superset Front Squat (4 Sec Eccentric and 2 Sec Pause in
Bottom) for 2 x 5 with 90% of last week’s weight
superset with Prisoner Squats for 3 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Lower Body Superset Seated Band Leg Curls for 12 reps superset with
Lateral Lunges for 10 reps each leg: 4 sets
Clean High Pulls 3 x 5 at 80% of clean - finish each set with 10 shrugs

Wide Grip Bench Press (Wider than 10 x 3 at 80%
Competition Grip)
DB or KB Push Presses 3 x 10 at 60%
Pull-Ups 5 x submaximal reps (switch grips each set, moving
from weakest to strongest)
DB or KB Upright Rows 5 x 10
Dips 5 x submaximal reps (if 10 or more add weight)
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 10

Hang Clean (Below Knee 4 Sec Eccentric) Take 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Back Squat with Belt Take 90% of best 10RM for 3 x 10
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 10
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (Stay at a 3 x 12 each leg
7 RPE)
KB Bottom Up One Arm OH Carries 3 x 50 yd each arm

Closegrip Bench Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Incline DB Press 3 x 10 at 60%
Bentover Rows 3 x 10 at 60%
KB Bottom Up Z Press 3 x 10 each arm
DB Tricep Extensions (15-30 Sec Rest 4x8
between Sets)

Mash Jacked 86
Power Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee 70% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
(Jerk Optional)
Contrast Superset Front Squat (all reps 5 sec eccentric, 4 sec concentric,
paused 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at top) for 5RM,
then -10% for 2 x 5 (all paused) superset with Prisoner
Squats for 3 x 5
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 80% for 1, 70% for 5, 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 88% for 1,
Concentric) 80% for 5, 90% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Muscle Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 70% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Closegrip Bench with 25-50lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 60% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows (or any version of row) for 10
reps: 5 sets
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Seated Shoulder Superset 10 Plate Front Raises superset with 10 DB Side Lateral
Raises superset with 10 DB Power Clean and Presses:
3 sets

Clean (Jerk Optional) 3RM, then -15% for 3
Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
Eccentric - 8 RPE, Focus on Form)
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist (7 RPE)
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

DB Power Snatch 5RM each arm (start with weaker arm), then -15% for 5
each arm
Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5, 65% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 80% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 60% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 87
Power Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee 75% for 3 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
(Jerk Optional)
Contrast Superset Front Squat (all reps 5 sec eccentric, 4 sec concentric,
paused 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at top) for 5RM,
then -10% for 2 x 5 (all paused) superset with Prisoner
Squats for 3 x 5
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 83% for 1, 73% for 5, 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1,
Concentric) 83% for 5, 93% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 4x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Muscle Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 75% for 2 x 3, work to 3RM, then -10% for 3
Closegrip Bench with 25-50lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 65% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows (or any version of row) for 10
reps: 5 sets
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Seated Shoulder Superset 10 Plate Front Raises superset with 10 DB Side Lateral
Raises superset with 10 DB Power Clean and Presses:
3 sets

Clean (Jerk Optional) 3RM, then -15% for 3
Back Squat 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
Eccentric - 8 RPE, Focus on Form)
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 45 sec
with Band Around Waist (7 RPE)
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

DB Power Snatch 5RM each arm (start with weaker arm), then -15% for 5
each arm
Bench Press 65% for 8, 75% for 5, 85% for 3, 93% for 1, 88% for 3,
78% for 5, 68% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 83% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 63% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 88
Power Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, work to 90% of best 3RM for 3
(Jerk Optional)
Contrast Superset Front Squat (all reps 5 sec eccentric, 4 sec concentric,
paused 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at top) for 3RM,
then -15% for 2 x 5 (all paused) superset with Prisoner
Squats for 3 x 5
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 88% for 1, 78% for 5, 90% for 1, 83% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 5x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Muscle Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 65% for 2 x 3, work to 90% of best 3RM for 3
Closegrip Bench with 25-50lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for 4 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 10 reps at 70% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows (or any version of row) for 10
reps: 5 sets
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Seated Shoulder Superset 10 Plate Front Raises superset with 10 DB Side Lateral
Raises superset with 10 DB Power Clean and Presses:
3 sets

Clean (Jerk Optional) 2RM, then -15% for 2
Back Squat 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
Eccentric - 8 RPE, Focus on Form)
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 3 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist (7 RPE)
BB/DB/KB Lunges 4 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

DB Power Snatch 3RM each arm (start with weaker arm), then -15% for 3
each arm
Bench Press 68% for 8, 78% for 5, 88% for 3, 95% for 1, 90% for 3,
80% for 5, 70% for 8+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 85% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 65% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 89
Power Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knee 55% for 3, 65% for 3, 75% for 3, work to 3RM
(Jerk Optional)
Contrast Superset Front Squat (all reps 5 sec eccentric, 4 sec concentric,
paused 3 sec in bottom and 5 sec at top) for 1RM,
then -15% for 2 x 3 (all paused) superset with Prisoner
Squats for 3 x 5
Deadlift (Eccentric Slower than 85% for 1, 75% for 5, 90% for 1, 80% for 5, 93% for 1,
Concentric) 85% for 5, 95% for 1, 5RM
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls 3x8
DB Leg Curls 3 x 10

Muscle Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee 55% for 3, 65% for 3, 75% for 3, work to 3RM
Closegrip Bench with 25-50lb of Chains 5RM, then -15% for AMRAP
Upper Body Superset DB Flat Bench for 3 x 10 at 60% superset with Chest
Supported T-Bar Rows (or any version of row) for 5 x
DB Tricep Extensions 6x8
Seated Shoulder Superset 10 Plate Front Raises superset with 10 DB Side Lateral
Raises superset with 10 DB Power Clean and Presses:
3 sets

Clean (Jerk Optional) 2RM
Back Squat 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Deadlift with Alternate Stance (5 Sec 1RM, then -15% for 3
Eccentric - 8 RPE, Focus on Form)
KB/BB Deadlifts on Belt Squat Machine or 4 x 60 sec
with Band Around Waist (7 RPE)
BB/DB/KB Lunges 3 x 10 each leg
Unilateral Farmers Walk 3 x 40 yd each hand

DB Power Snatch 3RM each arm (start with weaker arm)
Bench Press 63% for 8, 73% for 5, 83% for 3, 90% for 1, 85% for 3,
75% for 5+
Mash Method Push Presses Set 1 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Set 2 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Set 3 (add 5 kilos to each if possible) 88% for 3, rest 2 minutes, then 68% for 10
Pullups (Alternate Grips) 3 x submaximal reps
Preacher Curls / Incline Curls / Standing Curls 3 x 10

Mash Jacked 90
I hope all of you have enjoyed this short but informative book.
I have thoroughly enjoyed writing every word. I especially enjoyed
the research that went along with the writing of the book. I already
knew the plans worked. I have more data from the last thirty years
of my own training and the twenty-plus years I have been coaching
than any study could ever hope to produce or pull from.

However, I wanted to see for myself what the studies were

saying. I wanted to know what the experts were saying. They
definitely confirmed we are on the right track. I even learned some
new parameters that are show up in these workouts.

I will never assume that everything I am doing is perfect. I will

always search for new and better ways. My athletes deserve that
from me. They trust me with their future goals. All of you trust me
with your goals, and I am going to continue to look for new and
better ways to get you all where you want to go.

Now I want all of you to get to work! It’s time to get jacked!

Mash Jacked 91
If you’re familiar with my programming, you’ve probably seen
most of these terms and abbreviations before. Here’s what I mean
when you see them written in these plans.

DB - Dumbbell

BB - Barbell

KB - Kettlebell

OH - Overhead

RDLs - Romanian Deadlifts

Unilateral - One-sided, using only arm or leg. (Example:

Unilateral RDLs use only one leg, but you can hold the weight with
both hands)

Bilateral - Using both arms or both legs

AMRAP - As many reps as possible

Mash Jacked 92
Submaximal - When you see an exercise prescribing
submaximal reps, you’ll want to stop just before you reach failure
in that exercise.

RM - This stands for repetition maximum. When you see 10RM,

you will work up to a ten-rep maximum (as heavy as you can go
for ten reps). 3RM, for instance, would be as heavy as you can go
for three reps.

3 x 8 - This is the way I write sets and repetitions. In this

example, you would perform three sets of eight repetitions.

3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3 - This means that once you have
reached a rep max (in this case, your three-rep max), you will then
drop down ten percent in weight for two down sets of three reps

60% for 3 - This means to perform three repetitions with 60%

of your one-rep maximum weight.

Superset - A superset is when two exercises are perform back-

to-back. So 3 sets of 10 tricep extensions superset with 10 band
pushdowns would have you performing 10 tricep extensions and
then immediately 10 band pushdowns. Then you would rest before
performing both exercises back-to-back again. Then you would
perform them once again back-to-back for your third superset.

RPE - This stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion and is an

important abbreviation to understand for these programs. RPE is
based on a scale from one to ten, with ten being an all-out maximum
effort. When you see RPE 8, that means put forth an effort that’s an
eight on that ten-point scale. An RPE of seven means to leave two

Mash Jacked 93
to three reps in the tank. An RPE of eight means to leave about two
reps in the tank.

+ - When you see this, perform as many reps as you can in that
exercise without going to failure. A good rule of thumb is to leave
one in the tank. So if you see 5+, you will lift at least five reps and
hopefully a few more.

KB Bottom Up Z Press - You will perform this exercise sitting on

the ground with both legs straight out in front of the body and your
legs together. Your torso will maintain a good posture with a neutral
spine. Your torso should make a 90 degree angle with the legs. You
can perform this exercise unilateral or bilateral. The handle of the
kettlebell will rest firmly in your hand with the bottom of the bell
facing the ceiling or upside down. The goal is to emphasize stability
and position. I personally love this exercise to perfect overhead
position while encouraging a better overall mobility.

Suitcase Deadlifts from a 4” Deficit - a lot of you might know

this one, but it is still unfamiliar to a lot of people. First you will need
a four-inch platform to stand on. You can use a barbell or farmers
walk handles. You will place the barbell or handles beside you body
like a suitcase - or like you would if performing a one-arm farmers
walk. Then you will deadlift the weight for the prescribed sets and
reps per arm. I recommend that you maintain a fully extended back
as if deadlifting or cleaning.

Axle Bar Zercher Carries - if you don’t have an axle bar, you
can use a regular barbell. However, you will probably want to wrap
a towel around the bar because you are going to hold the bar in
the crook of your arm right in the pocket of the elbow. The axle
bar makes it less painful because it distributes the weight over

Mash Jacked 94
a bigger surface. However, I performed them with a bar and no
towel, so maybe you want to get a little tougher. That’s up to you! I
won’t judge.

Blocks with Bar at Knee - I normally refer this height of blocks

as medium blocks. As long as the bar is located approximately at
the knee, the height will suffice.

Power Cleans - In the weightlifting world this means to catch

the weight above parallel.

KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist

- If you have a belt squat machine, then you know what to do. You
will choose a load both on the belt squat and with the kettlebell
that is manageable for 60 seconds. If you don’t have a belt squat, I
suggest attaching a jump stretch band around a secure railing like
on a power rack that is bolted in the ground. Then you will attach the
other end around your waist. The whole point is to create resistance
during the final inches of hip extension.

Squat Bottoms - This is one of my favorite exercises for getting

athletes comfortable in the bottom of a squat. You simply squat the
weight to a full eccentric contraction in the bottom of a squat. Then
you will perform a six-inch concentric contraction, and then you go
back to the bottom. Basically you are performing multiple six-inch
partial squats in the bottom, and then you stand all the way up.

Deadlift with Alternate Stance - If you are a conventional

deadlifter, then you will perform these with a sumo stance and
vice versa.

Mash Jacked 95

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