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WPS: Atin Ito

Over a year ago, I could not forget the first encounter I had with this man from our barangay. His
name is Manong Junjun, 28 years old, and a Filipino. I introduced to him the policies and
changes I intend to push for our barangay and after which, he just gave me a nod. I then tried
talking to him about national issues. But unfortunately, he refused to listen and this made me
wonder why. Was I being too technical? Or was it that he was just one of those who do not care
at all?

Ladies and gentlemen, our esteemed panel of judges, and above all, my fellow Filipinos, a
pleasant evening.

Here in the Philippines, the enrichment of our political discourse is handicapped. Ignorance is
being used against the sphere that is supposed to be the battleground of unity in fighting for what
is ours. I could not help it but be bothered to which my mind would madly say, you do note that
the liar is a fake!

But tonight, we will defy that! We are going to talk about the most controversial issue as far as
our national territory is concerned. A very powerful national concern that made the current
administration powerless to enforce the arbitral award. But, this is also the same powerful
national concern that should awaken the giant hero within us.

Three years ago, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague favored our maritime claims
over the West Philippine Sea and legally discredited China’s nine-dash line claims to the South
China Sea. The award upheld the Philippines’ rights to a full 200-nautical mile Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) in the West Philippine Sea.

However, President Rodrigo Duterte has set aside the award in exchange for economic aid and
investments from China. Taking up this challenge of looking for a formula to enforce the arbitral
award, Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio proposed several ways to do so.
To a few, he said that the Philippines can file with the UN Commission on the Limits of the
Continental Shelf an extended continental shelf claim off the coast of Luzon facing the South
China Sea and also to send the Philippine Navy on joint patrol with the US Navy and with the
other naval powers of the world when they conduct freedom of navigation and overflight
operations in the West Philippine Sea.

Brilliant. An enemy has been slain. See? War is not the solution. Well in fact, our Constitution
prohibits war as an instrument of national policy. Now, where do we get in and how can we
contribute as ordinary citizens?

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I propound the following: Acquire, thrive, involve, navigate,
initiate, teach, and open.

Acquire. Acquiring enough knowledge is imperative. As future lawyers with conscience, now is
the perfect time for us to fully shape our legal minds for us to utilize all avenues and remedies
under the international law as our strongest weapon in protecting our EEZ.

Next is to thrive. The establishment of multilateral marine protected areas and proliferation of
our investment on Science and Technology in our EEZ by equipping our local scientists through
infrastructure and human resources developments should be deemed necessary. To thrive also
means to keep pushing ourselves to the limit. But how?

Get involved. Involvement is key to engagement. Citing a survey by Pulse Asia that said three-
fourths of Filipinos are not familiar with the 1987 Constitution, we are given the premise that
constitutional illiteracy in is prevalent in our country. Engage with your fellow Filipinos
especially to the youth whom you think you can empower through sharing the knowledge you
have about our constitution.

Next is to navigate. In this country that you think full of heartless Chinese vessel that rammed
into the Filipino fishing boat, be like the Vietnamese vessel and navigate your way out to rescue
our Inang Bayan in these dark times of need. We are the Filipino people and it is our duty to
defend the State. Let not anyone be trapped in this fraudulent political dynamics and let not
China seize what international law has declared to be our own. Salus populi est suprema lex, the
safety of the people is the supreme law.

Next is to initiate, teach and open. Initiate and be part of a positive movement for responsible
stewardship for the West Philippine Sea. Each of our voices is too loud not to be heard by the
leaders of this country who are turning a deaf ear to those who fight for what is right. Teach.
Teaching the Filipino people why the award is immensely beneficial to our national interest
would anchor our generation in shaping their minds who can pass on the spirit of nationalism to
the next generation. And lastly, to open. If our voices will be heard collectively as one nation to
the world, this will open the firmly closed fist that is leading our country today. My Inang Bayan
deserves a leader who leads not with a fist, but with an open hand who can firmly stand to fight
for our sovereignty.

One year had passed, and I went back to Manong Junjun. Same cycle. Same drill. And when I
mentioned to him the West Philippine Sea, his response filled my heart with gladness, he said,

A-cquire, T-hrive, I-nvolve, N-avigate, I-nitiate, T-each, O-pen.


To know where you want to take this nation, you first need to know where you come from.
Today, let’s pay homage to our dear National Heroes by awakening that giant hero within you
because the most powerful enforcement is us.

Ang mamatay ng dahil sayo!

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