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The Air elements in tarot and astology

Court Cards of the Air Element

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are associated with the Air

element and the suit of Swords. They represent thinkers and
intellectuals. The Air element tries to bring balance to the suit
of Swords. Swords and the Air element symbolize people who are open,
talkative and fair. Information and organising ideas into an understandable
collective captivates them. People with the Air element in their zodiacal sign
may emotionally appear to lack warmth and affection, and seem to be
unsympathetic and distant, but in actual fact they have very deep feelings
have difficulty expressing them. They often represent professional and
educated types of people who are endowed with a sharp and quick mind.
When Swords are negative they symbolize people who can be liars, verbally
aggressive, hostile and resentful. They seldom look to physical violence and
would usually hurt with sharp words.
Positive Gemini – Page of Swords
Geminians are lively, intellectual, quick-witted and talkative.
They are logical, quick thinkers and need variety in life.
They are also very independent, and jealousy and
possessiveness does not play any part in their life. Friends
are very important to Geminians, and they will find it
unbearable to be stuck in a relationship where they are not
able to have the freedom to spend time with their close friends. They are
capable of taking in information very quickly, but take the risk of knowing
little about too much. In relationships, Geminians find it very difficult to
to a steady partner, and the relationship will not last very long if the
partnership is tedious because they can become easily bored and need
shared interests, but not necessarily shared views as Geminians love to have
a debate. They can be sophisticated and have a superior artistic palate. They
are tactful and also good judges of character and ability.

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