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Positive Libra – King of Swords

Libra is the zodiacal sign of balance and harmony. They are

fair and compassionate and love everyone to be happy like
themselves. Librans make good mediators because they
can see both sides of a situation and love a good
discussion but cannot stand disagreements. They have a
strong sense of justice, fair play and morals that comes
from their need for balance and rapport in their relationships. Their sociability
and magnetism make them likeable people. Librans need to be liked and are
friendly, affectionate and highly value their relationships. They can also be
creative and artistic and it is usually reflected in their homes and their clothes.
They have charm and an attraction they definitely know how to use to their
advantage. Librans are always in demand socially because they make good
company to be with.

Negative Libra

Librans can be indecisive, that is because they are always looking for
balance, and then start thinking about the reasons for and against a situation,
and never actually make a decision. In relationships, Librans tend to jump into
a love affair thinking that this just might be the one true love and perfect
partnership, therefore, obviously they sometimes get it wrong and end up
heartbroken, until the next time. If Librans cannot find the balance they are
always looking for, they can turn from being charming and polite to annoying
and obstinate.
They can be easily influenced and too easy-going, to the extent
where they will neglect themselves and become lazy.

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