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The Merkaba Meditation restores man to the powers of enlightenment and

healing in Ancient Wisdom.

Once considered a privileged reserve of Secret Societies and Ancient Mystery

Schools, the Merkaba Meditation has been resurrected during the past 20 years
through the writings of Drunvalo Melchizedek. At the center of the Merkaba
meditation is the awakening of the ancient wisdom of the human light body which
has remained inactive since the fall of Atlantis 13,000 years ago.

Ancient Wisdom and the Fall of Atlantis

Before the fall of Atlantis, man had the power of ancient wisdom to exist within
multiple dimensions. Human consciousness was multi-dimensional. Plato in
Critias specifically located the fall of Atlantis in the loss of divinity within its
inhabitants towards the latter days. The divine part of the Atlanteans (who
descended originally from a divine ancestor—Poseidon) became diluted with
crossbreeding and union with mortals. In time, the Atlanteans became addicted
to the visible world and lost sight of their divinity within. Before the fall, man could
breathe prana, the life-force energy of the universe, through the electro-magnetic
fields that surrounded his body. After the fall, man collapsed into three-
dimensional reality, lost his power to breathe prana and became locked in
polarity consciousness. Instead of participating in all reality, man became
isolated within a body looking outward, separating the self from universal

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Mental Yoga and Healing
The Merkaba Meditation was devised to help man reclaim the lost secrets of
ancient wisdom. A form of mental yoga, the meditation allows him to visualize
and activate the geometries of the electro-magnetic field that have remained
dormant since the fall. Using specific postures and regulated breath, initiates
practicing the Merkaba Meditation are able to activate the human light body, a
spiritual vehicle that allows them to access the wisdom of higher dimensions and
reclaim the healing powers that once were their birthright. Because the counter-
rotating fields of light in the Merkaba are activated simultaneously, man is able as
well to reclaim his whole brain, the left and the right, working together as one.

Sacred Geometry and Enlightenment

Once his three-dimensional consciousness is re-united with higher dimensions,
man will understand more succinctly that the geometries that operate within his
field are exactly the same as those that govern the natural world, the planets and
galaxies. Practicing mental yoga with sacred geometry facilitates his union with
all things. Through the vehicle of the Merkaba, man becomes part of universal
consciousness and enlightenment.

Read on 
• Sacred Geometry
• Universal Life Force – Prana Energy
• Kundalini Energy Awakening
The spirituality implicit in the Merkaba Meditation is inclusive, which means that it
does not contravene against the spiritual practices of other religious disciplines.
In fact, the Merkaba Meditation can be used in conjunction with other spiritual
practices because the basis of this meditation is the healing call for oneness.
Such a call is more than appropriate in light of the approach of 2012.


Melchizedek, Drunvalo. The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Vols. 1-2.
Flagstaff, AZ: Light Technology Publishing, 1998-2000.

Read more at Suite101: The Merkaba Meditation: Mental Yoga for

Enlightenment and Healing http://www.suite101.com/content/the-merkaba-

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