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Linking of the Concepts to current practices:

Stereotyping Error- The concept of stereotyping is a prevalent and highly

noticeable concept seen these days in our organisations, here through our small
effort of role play presentation. We are trying to put some light on this
concerned issue and how the effective and efficient employee productivity is
effected through these errors, so we are trying to propose some solutions, so that
organisations can avoid such kind of practices as well as employee can
effectively handle these one.

Cultural Differences- As we know that India is a land of highly diverse culture

and values, which varies from every boundary to boundary. But to work for the
nation’s growth, we all have to come under a single roof, so to provide a
productive outcome so to uplift position of our nation in this world and from
this role play our team is trying to reduce these cultural differences.

Language Diversity- Sometimes in organisations we notice that people our

judged by their language or by their accents, but through our role play, we have
tried to raise this concept, that focus should be there on identifying the talent of
individual rather on judging them.

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