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Article · March 2017


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Víctor Hugo Marenco Boekhoudt

Masering SAS


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Víctor Hugo Marenco Boekhoudt

Masering S.A.S. Technical Department, Ing, MSc, Technical Manager, Barranquilla Colombia

Abstract. The Magdalena River, also called “Caripuña”, “Yuma”, “Guacacayo” or “Karakalí” by our
ancestors, is the main fluvial artery of Colombia. It displays a series of geological, geomorphologic and
hydraulic peculiarities in its final section arisen from a mega event, that here will be described. The
confinement or paleo-embalming of the river and its adjacent basin in the Momposina Depression, as well as
its subsequent hydro and debris spilling, are determinant of the depositional and geomorphological conditions
in the Colombian Caribbean coast terrains. There are today, some interesting and excellent stratigraphic
evaluations of its surroundings, as well as geomorphological characterizations that cover much of its influence
on the riparian populations. Environmental and ecological studies have also made fundamental contributions
to their knowledge and description, not without ruling out the hydraulic and hydrological aspects that have
also been covered by several authors. The transition phases within the geological and geomorphological
models are perhaps the most important conjunctural features that characterize and describe a river. Colombia
has several river basins and within them, fluvial assets that denote the validity and importance of the same to
the local and regional environment. The water cycle, as a supra-fundamental concept for the cataloging of
environmental and ecological state of Colombia among many instances, should be a supreme benchmark for a
conception as a country. However, given the particularity of depositional changes in its final section and the
influence of slight and biased tectonism in the Colombian Caribbean Region, the Magdalena River presents
very intrinsic and particular elements, which gives us a very specific visualization of its integral resurgence
according with this geocatastrophism.
Keywords: Geocatastrophism, paleoclimatology, geophorms, neotectonism, diastrophism, fluvial erosion,
limnic activity, trace formation, Pleistocene, Holocene, avulsion nodes, sediment genesis.
Резюме. Река Магдалена, также называемая «Карипунъя», «Юма» «Гуакакайо» или «Каракали»
нашими предками, является основной речной артерией Колумбии. Она представляет / демонстрирует
серию геологических, геоморфологических и гидравлических особенностей в своем финальном
разделе, возникшем из события мегагеостастрофики, который здесь будет определен. Конфайнмент и /
или палеовосстановление реки и ее прилегающего бассейна в Депрессии Момсины, а также ее
последующее обезлесение являются определяющими для осадочных и геоморфологических условий
на колумбийском побережье Карибского моря. Сегодня есть некоторые интересные и отличные
стратиграфические оценки его окружения, а также геоморфологические характеристики, которые
защищают большую часть своего влияния на прибрежные популяции. Экологические и экологические
исследования также внесли основополагающий вклад в их знания и описание, не исключая при этом
гидравлических и гидрологических аспектов, которые также были охвачены несколькими авторами.
Фазы перехода в геологических и геоморфологических моделях являются, пожалуй, наиболее
важными конъюнктурными чертами, которые характеризуют и описывают реку. В Колумбии имеется
несколько речных бассейнов, и в них речные активы, которые обозначают ценность и важность их для
местной и региональной среды. Водный цикл, как более фундаментальная концепция каталогизации
окружающей среды и экологического статуса Колумбии, во многих случаях, должен стать высшим
ориентиром для его концепции как страна. Однако из-за особенностей изменений осадконакопления в
его заключительном разделе и влияния слабого и предвзятого тектонизма в Колумбийском Карибском
регионе река Магдалена представляет собой очень внутренние и особые элементы, которые дает нам
очень специфическую визуализацию его интегрального возрождения в соответствии с этим
Ключевые слова: геокатастрофизм, палеоклиматология, геоформы, неотектонизм, диастрофизм,
речная эрозия, лимитная активность, следообразование, плейстоцен, голоцен, отрывковые узлы,
The geomorphological traces of the Magdalena River, its geological setting and the
geographic environment in which it is developed, have always been a subject of study.
Many grounded and interesting interpretations were given in relation to the impact of this
artery on the issue of threat and risk management. The municipal municipalities have been
the primary objectives in such an approach. Although several interpretations have been
made, in relation to their erratic wandering in search of the Caribbean Sea, there were no
clear foundations of their paleogeoforms, their formational vestiges nor of their
sedimentological contributions. Geological descriptivism and the setting of its inherent
expression, as generator of geomorphological units and landscapes, largely concentrate the
evaluative works related to its geographical location. However, the Magdalena River has
been characterized by its remarkable sedimentary load, its reluctance almost inherent to the
meandering of its course near the mouth and also by its extreme water and hydrological
Although the zonality and determinism of geomorphological studies respond to the
ambience of the areas of municipal interest, we could see that few follow their fluvio-
constructive and morphodynamic characteristics. Perhaps these observances of conceiving
this river artery as an aquatic asset, knowingly representing much more than that, denotes
our conceptual and holistic precariousness. From it we always hope to make the most of it,
especially in the economic field, worrying so little about its existence and its future in the
long term.
The river "Yuma", also called "Caripuña", "Guacacayo" or "Karakalí" by our older or
original brothers, according to their sections that they once knew, is more than a connector
of diversities. Eighty-two percent of Colombia's population lives in its basin; drinking and
non-potable water consumed transcends villages outside its environment. Fishing remains
vital for the livelihoods of impoverished riparian populations. Agriculture, monocultures
and extensive livestock have deprived of the arboreal clothing their shores and
surroundings. In short, its geoenvironmental health is not within the best ranks and states.
Its sedimentary load has become significantly greater and the constant discharges of the
black waters, of towns and cities, affect its biological, water and sedimentary
precariousness. However, not everything is lost.
A conceptualization of its geomorphological diversity, the revaluation of its socio-
environmental role, the acceptance of its geological influence within its surroundings,
makes the river revitalize its protagonism, basic to recover its plans and to project its future
in the short, medium and long term. The river is life.
Brief Geological Environment
The area of immediate interest is located mainly between the towns of Calamar (Bolivar
dept.) and its surroundings, converging the foothills of the Montes de Maria, following the
course of the river until Barranquilla (Atlantic dept. Colombia).
The peneplain of the Colombian Caribbean Region lies on a substantial sedimentary
terrains, under the influence of tectonic forces of slight intensities and expressions. The
geostructural framing of the Colombian Caribbean is very particular because of the
neotectonic collision of several substantial plates. Therefore the Sinú-San Jacinto Basin,
our referenced geoterrain, is covered by several sui generis geological structures, which are
subject to the lateralized collision of the Caribbean and South American plates, and
indirectly by the slight thrust of the Cocos and Nazca plates.
This geodynamic convergence occurs in the world only in
this sector of the Caribbean. (Giunta & Orioli, 2011 [10],
ANH, 2006 [1] and Pindell & Barrett, 1990 [16]). The
mud diapirism is consistent with this type of tectonism, as
Duque-Caro 1984 [4] define it as the great geostructure
determiner of this sedimentary basin.
In the specific area of study, it is evident the existence of a
set of inverse faults trending to the SE NW. A schematic
representation of the area of interest is centered in the
mountains vicinity of the Orogenic Belt of San Jacinto and
Sinú (OBSJS), close to the municipality of Calamar.
Toto and Kellog (1992) [19] argue that the OBSJS, as seen
in the profile of Fig. 2, is embedded in a sedimentary
wedge of more than 12 km in thickness. The encounters of
stresses of plates in biased directions, the enclosure of the
Caribbean plate in relation to the others and the low speed
of displacement, make the seismicity notoriously low in
the area of interest.
Brief Geomorphological Context
The water cycle reflects the erosive expression of great
execution of changes in the earth's surface. The Magdalena
River is the main agent and therefore in its works, leaves
geoforming remnants after Calamar derived from
environments of high transgresional speed. They have
originated spaced avulsion nodes and a perennial
attachment of its course towards its western shore.
Fig. 1 Area of evaluation.

From Calamar without having an absolute

dating that estimates the beginning of its
passage to the mouth in the Caribbean, the
Magdalena has a very sui generis advancing.
There are very visible features that show that
the river does not begin its development in
this sector, in a lacustrine or fluvio-lacustrine
environment but in a dry one, framed in a
Fig. 2 Schematic Geological Profile Sinu – San Jacinto.
coastal plain. Its course makes the foundation of a primitive sedimentary filling close to
Calamar, wanders around Arroyo Hondo, Santa Lucía, and Mahates opening an incipient
branch towards the lower area of Barú Island. The lithic and rheological characteristics of
the adjacent lands show a gradation and mineralogical composition very similar to detritus
sediments carried by the Magdalena. However, the river chooses to consolidate its main
course by leaning to the tectonic line of the low elevation hills located in the present
“Atlantico” department in its east side. It is here where the river forms its typical
geomorphological expression. The deposit stratigraphy is conditioned by the prevailing
hydrosedimentary structures and by the deltaic interaction of the Caribbean Sea with the
river during the Pleistoceno (Briceño y Vernette, 1992 [6], Von Erffa, 1973 [25], Bernal &
Betancourt, 1996 [3]). There is a rhythmic series of morphogenic geostructures, which are
closely related to the fluvial passage of the Magdalena current, where the relics of the
paleoshores exhibit a diverse alternatives of mouths. Its rectilinear feature, with some
meager sinuosities in its final deltaic section, is the main conditioning of its restricted,
progradative geomorphogenesis.
The area of interest comprises the final section of the river from kilometer 43 to 23 before
its mouth, is framed within a recent fluviolacustre dynamic. The geomorphological and
stratigraphic elements to be highlighted within the area of interest are attributed to erosive,
fluvial and sedimentary processes, deposit drainage and channel reversals. Among them we
highlight the following: Main Channel, Complex of Swamps, Paleo-channels, Fluviomarine
Plain, Deposit Lobes, Active Channel Arm, River Island and Avulsion Nodes.
In particular, it should be emphasized that
according to its location, the formation of
geomorphological structures is conditioned
by the dynamics of the flow and by its water
and sedimentary inputs. Based on this
incidence and given the northern length of
the stream, many of the geoforms obey a
fixed pattern, by narrow depositional
contributions, framed within lobes that vary
Fig. 3 Typical example of an avulsion node and its in extent and length. The stratigraphy of the
derivation close to Sitionuevo, Magdalena dept. (Landsat deposition in river banks and surrounding
April 2016).
areas is homogeneous, just because it takes
place in the transitional phase of the river, in
its transit towards the actual anthropogenic mouth in the Caribbean Sea.

Diastrophism and Hydrogeology

To get an idea of what happened, we refer to what is now known as an "Extreme

Condition". That means a paleolake, collecting water from four major tributaries, suffering
evaporations, leaking and also, subject to the skewed and incipient drift of the Caribbean
plate. The explanation of such phenomenology is due to the action of extremely complex
plate tectonics, which continues nowadays in the north of Colombia, as well as to a
climatological environment with many precipitations and a medium but important thaw
from peripheral peaks. All this special condition is part of the so-called Last Glaciation
Period of Late Pleistocene. It is estimated that 22.10³ years ago BP (years before the
present, where "the present" begins from 1950 BC). The polar ice caps began their
withdrawal and the sea level rose, as they do today. In short, the Montes de Maria closed
the way to a flow of water that went down, up, erratically stabilized and continued its
incremental pace. At the same time, tectonism increased the mountainous slenderness and
therefore this whole situation ended in a competition of two effects: On the one hand, the
water was stored looking for an escape, while the local diastrophism (set of processes of
deformation, dislocation and alteration due to the interaction of plate tectonics) limited and
confined its inherent fluxes.

Work Methodic

Everything concerning the feasibility of the objectives is centered, according to the

particularities of the environment, time and space, in the next following five fundamental

Field Observations. In my daily work, consultancy and execution of duties, throughout the
Caribbean Region of Colombia, special interest was dedicated to the origin of the formation
“Rotinet Gravels” (Zapata, Barrera, Reyes, 2000) [24], constituted by sands from fine to
coarse, silts, gravels of diverse size and clays, arranged in a chaotic matrix. A more detailed
description of this "Trace Geological Formation" will be given ahead.

Sampling Procedures. Samples of the material under study were made at various sites in
the area of interest where granulometry analyses, petrographic description together with a
several “Los Ángeles” Abrasions tests that also were performed.

Information Collection. It was possible to gather an important amount of studies of

geological, tectonic and geomorphological nature of the area, between monographs and
plans of several sources. We reviewed the information on territorial plans of most of the
municipalities in the neighborhoods.

Generation of Geographic Information. The query and production of cartographic

information was elaborated based on ArcGis systems version 10.2.1. Autocad 16, Google
Earth Pro and Yandex 2017. The coordinate system used is the Sirgas 2000 datum.

Analysis and Treatment of information. Cross-checking, comparative analysis,

endorsement and verification of information in field visits, aerial, nautical and other
observations were crucial for the approach, solidification and verification of the
discussions, thematic and related conclusions and recommendations.

Mechanics of Geocatastrophism

Systematism is essential to enter to make the description of the event, effect or phenomenon
of our interest. The crucial and most important part has always been rooted in the question
of the existence of “Rotinet Gravels” formation. Litologically, it consists of a
uncontaminated succession of gravel beds with a variable size from granules to pebbles,
with some volcanic rocks, flints, milky quartz, cherts and medium to thick quartz-feldspatic
sands of predominantly yellowish-brown color as well as beds of fine sands. It is common
to observe concretions of ferruginous arcillolites and limolites in a cross stratification
forming channels (Link, 1927) [14].
Fig. 4 General view of our main area of interest between Calamar and Plato municipalities. Roscosmos 2013.

The Magdalena River in today’s days, due to its low speed and narrow channel width, does
not have the capacity to transport heavy and clastic materials. The paleo-reservoir
dewatering process occurred in a period of time that is determined by the completion of the
Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary (Van der Hammen
et al. 1981) [20]. With the interpretation of the provided Russian satellite photographs, we
came to several conjunctural conclusions. Starting with the geomorphometrization process
of confinement emptying or dewatering, we proceed to describe its most relevant stages:

Paleoenviromental and Paleoclimatic conditions. According to Wang W. and Lawrence

E. (2017) [23], the time interval between 5.10³ and 11.10³ AP at the end of the Tardiglacial
and in the beginning of the Holocene was characterized as humid, with high vegetation
cover and with an intense rainfall regime. The mega accumulations in lagoons, the great
amount of humidity generation and evapotranspiration and rainfall convective loads,
characterized the environment of that time. To this condition of extreme rains, it must
adhere to the perennial tendency since the end of the LMG, determined by the increase of
the average temperatures in the tropical zones. This transitive effect generated not only the
increase of humidity, but also the extension of the tropical forests displacing grasslands in
the prairies and the gradual increase of sea level. Based on paleoclimatic evaluations, taking
samples and detailed studies of calcareous cave sprues in both Brazil and Peru (Wang,
Edwards, Auler and others, 2017) [23] established in a very precise way, an important
increase of regional precipitation, from the middle of Holocene to its beginnings (That
means from 5.10³ to 10.10³ AP years). Precisely the work related to the environmental
evolution and other landscape peculiarities of the Momposina Depression (Herrera,
Sarmiento, Romero and others, 2001) [12] also defines a drastic change in the soil and
vegetation in the Holocene - Pleistocene transition. Based on a well drilled in the town of
Boquillas, (Magangué, Bolívar dept.), a sedimentary boundary is established of sandy and
sandy soils embedded in a silty-clay matrix with high ferrous oxidation presence (red soil
equals dry climate) to layers of mud, silt and clays with high content of organic material
(gray soil means a humid climate).

The sedimentogenesis is spreaded in a dry

environment, with little precipitation and
scarce vegetation, between 10,6.10³ to
10,1.10³ AP years. The effect agrees with the
changing rainfall regime corroborated by the
time dating in the caves of Brazil and Peru,
which expose a drastic precipitations in the
Holocene - Pleistocene border. The
conclusive paleoclimatic concordances of
Fig. 5 The Momposina depression and the Boquillas well these two dating process are highly
in the Caribbean plains in north Colombia. interesting.

Hydro-Sedimentological Imbalance. The referenced paleolake, within its intrinsic

conformation ascended and descended according to the prevailing rain regime on those
times. The natural drainage influences decisively considering the maximum level reached
and specified in Fig. 6 due to the rainfall variations.

The hydrostatic pressure exerted on the

calcareous formations of the Montes de
Maria was remarkably incident. It is very
probable that small streams were present at
the beginning of the highly erosive event,
which gradually grew until it was configured
within geocatastrophic dimensions.
Sequentially, due to the effects of
Fig. 6 Schematic profile of the paleolake before its paleoclimatological and geological
conditions, the emptying of the paleolake is
therefore widely activated.

Filling, Saturation and Sedimentary Expression. The starting rupture and the opening of
a very large overflow generated a water fluid with little solid material within a big erosive
capacity. Downhill, the high energy streams swept through a low hills geoforms covered by
a dry tropical forest. The erosive action of the water originates a system of paleo waterfalls
which goes in concordance with the crests of the inverse faulting, prevailing in the OBSJS.
The very high power of shedding, the poor material resistance and cohesion in situ
(calcoarenites in clay matrix) and a topographic gradient greater than 120 meters, led to the
consolidation of a cascade system that advanced rapidly, upstream by the paleo-reservoir.

The emptying did substantial contributions

of solid material from the lacustrine bottom
which in conjunction with water formed
mass movements that produced wide erosive
effects and substantial fluvial-sedimentary
depositions in the basins they encountered.

The remodeling of the geomorphology

Fig. 7 Schematic profile of the paleo cascade system.
concerning the banks of the paleolake,
defined by a reverse fault train, the containing syncline (Figure 12) and the negative slope
to the northeast opened the layout of the Magdalena river rebirth. Then there is a
connection type vessels tending to balance levels, transferring water flows and various solid
materials as a product of ablation and denudation of surroundings. The work of
geomorphological readjustment includes the conformation and expansion of fluvial
geoforms within the paleolake. Indeed, the river in its resurgence traces the trends of its
hydrogeological resilience.

Course reorientation and redirection. Within its inherent limnic and geomorphological
condition, the paleo-reservoir ascended and descended according to the prevailing rainfall
regime. The natural drainage according to the morphostructural enclave of that time, does
not differ much from the present one, considering the maximum relative level of overflow
(47 mosl). From a complex dynamics by a mega deviation of colossal characteristics, the
incipient hydro flow began the searching of its own sedimentary expressions.

The flow proclivity tending to the northwest could be explained by the course of a slope or
water stream entangled between the slopes of the hills and in turn, in the searching of
topographically depressed areas. Although the location of the Caribbean Sea shore was not
established for the time of the emptying, it was a little more far away from its present
position (Van Der Hammen et al. 1981) [8]. Similarly, the transitory hydro flow makes its
sedimentary and depositional, in a small hydrographic basin that involves nowadays the
Guájaro reservoir, in which it makes a diminished accumulation to continue running along
the plain adjacent to the Caribbean coast. Tectonically the hydrographic basin of Guájaro
reservoir is located within a system of twisted and inverse faults, which disconnects the
OBSJS from the one of Luruaco. (Zapata G. et al. 2001) [24].
The partial fluvial-sedimentary accumulation
in the limits of the Guájaro reservoir was
made prior to the transfer through the present
lagoons of Luruaco, Tocagua and Totumo, as
shown in Fig. 8. Transitional changes in
course orientation are also indicated in the
same schematic figure.

The colossal hydro sedimentary flow begins

by filling a micro basin in the south of the
Atlantic department, and then sediments and
Fig. 8 Fluvial-sedimentary expression of the emptying hydro-saturates the Guájaro, Luruaco and
Tocagua low lands, flows towards the
present lagoon of Totumo and finally spills its rich material fluids to the Caribbean Sea. At
the same time, there was also a course to the sea that overcame other heights and accidents,
and then continued its transit along the geostructural lines near the present towns of
Gamero, Mahates, Malagana and María La Baja (Reyes and Clavijo, 1996) [17]. Although
this second variant of dumping to the Caribbean Sea did not have neither the dimension nor
the temporality like the one that happened near the present municipality of Galerazamba, it
was still significant. So far we start from the possibility that the facts that these two fluvial-
sedimentary events, previously described occurred simultaneously. It should be noted that
one of the lines of research that is suggested to continue, is the detailed evaluation of the
hydro sedimentary work, product of the geocatastrophism here described.

The filling and saturation of the microbasins

or the spaces left by the paleogeography,
until their extreme saturation, are the cause
of the changes in the course of the hydro
fluids searching new forms of sedimentary
expressions. In the last instance, when the
dewatering declines from its sedimentogenic
habits, in the south of the Atlantic

Fig. 9 Schematic profile of flows transitions. department, it chooses to rotate (behind the
Cerro de San Antonio municipality as shown
in Fig. 8), bifurcates and traces its current course clearly cursive but not sinuous searching a
circumscribed basin in today's “Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta” (CGSM), an important
and extensive gulf in those times. The seashore by that time was located about 80 Km away
according to its current position.
The anthropogenic channeling of the river in
its final mouth by the construction and usage
of levees starting from 1936, has ended up in
the formation of a hard and rigid point, thus
canceling its inherent filling-sedimentary
vocation. That doesn’t mean that in the near
future, the Magdalena River could retake its
natural sedimentary fillings and reactivate the
delta-estuarine tendency that always has had.

Fig. 10 Schematic profile of the final sedimentation effect

Dating and paleoclimatism

A dating that determines the occurrence of these events has not yet been established in
absolute terms. Undoubtedly, the fossil remains of large mammals, such as mastodons and
megatheriums, found in the southern Atlántico Dept. and north of Bolivar Dept. were found
lying and associated within the Rotinet Gravel trace formation (Villaroel y Clavijo 2005)
[22]. Somehow these fossils must be considered as reference standards for future remains to
be discovered.

The vestiges found and to be found, dated and controlled on the basis of isotopic fractions,
of those exuberant mammals that populated the region during the event occurrence of our
interest, will be highly valuable. Within this context the stratigraphic correlation plays a
substantial role prior to a precise, correlative and referential geocatastrophism dating. The
Rotinet Gravels besides being defined as the characteristic “Trace Formation”, just because
is presented as the result, the expression and the final Sine Qua Non product of
paleoembalming and its emptying process, is also the main sedimentary formation that
holds the key and referential geochron of the geocatastrophism here described.

Past and recent studies, from the anthropological and anthropogenic points of view, have
contributed enormously to describe the settings and the spatial temporality, possibly
associated with the paleolake dewatering. The evaluations of the original populations and
their settlements in the area of interest, led by the anthropologist Carlos López (López and
Realpe 2015) [15] show so far that first settlements date to 10,5.10³ AP years. The paleo
confinement and its associated dynamics may explain in part, the lack of early
archaeological evidence in a large sector of the lower Magdalena portions, which contrasts
with the older and widely distributed settlements that appear south of its middle section. In
the perimeter center of the paleolake confinement, a controlled dating of human aboriginal
people, shows only human settlements after the 2,6.10³ AP years.
Fig. 12 Supra-superficial trawl of the heights ≥ 5 masl in the area of interest. The paleolake was contained within a
syncline sunk to the NE. The geostructural expressions of the axis and its wings are evident. The displacement
therefore is a transition almost perpendicular to the stratigraphic course SO-NE.

According to the chronostratigraphy of

Villarroel and Clavijo (2005) [22], the fossil
remains found in the area of interest (bone
remnants of mastodon molars) place them at
the transitional boundary of the Pleistocene to
the Holocene; About 11.5.10³ years AP after
the Tardiglacial (Fig. 13) (Herrera L.F. and
others ... 2001) [12]. According to Wang and
Lawrence (2017) [23], the situational
framework that delivers speleothems dating
Fig. 13 Sea level growth after the U.M.G. by R. Roghes
in a cave in Peru defines a wet and rainy
paleoclimatology, which is directly correlated with the ecological setting in the Momposina
Depression and its peripheral environments.

Delto-estuarine drift

From Calamar, without having an absolute dating that estimates the beginning of its
passage to Bocas de Ceniza (final mouth), the Magdalena River has been very sui generis in
its transit. His previous route resided within a confinement in the environments of the
Momposina depression. The Magdalena River does not begin its development in this sector,
in a lacustrine or fluvio-lacustrine environment but in a dry, hilly plain. Its course makes
the foundation of a primitive sedimentary fill in the vicinity of Calamar, wanders around
Arroyo Hondo, Santa Lucía, Gamero, Mahates and Maríalabaja opening an incipient branch
towards the lower zone looking for the Caribbean Sea. The lithic and rheological
characteristics of the adjacent terrains show a gradation and mineralogical composition very
similar to the solid sediments carried by the Magdalena. The river consolidates its course,
lying to the tectonic line of the last vestiges of the OBSJS in the western bank. Its typical
geomorphological expression is consolidated with the conformation of extensive alluvial
terraces, while interacted with a vast paleo-gulf located between the Sierra Nevada of Santa
Marta and the last vestiges of the south east folding of the OBSJS. From the geotectonic
point of view, the course of the Magdalena River has been influenced by plate tectonism,
periods of alternating rainfall, substantial variations of sea level and finally, by Pleistocene
glaciations. The river begins to form a restricted delta, with wide islands, diverse channels,
delimited as much by the west hard bank folding (Atlantic dept.) as by the immense gulf
close to the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta.

The process of avulsion (nodes

formation) of the Magdalena River
presents a series of new challenges for
the fundamental knowledge of its
progradative genesis. These described
geomorphological and geological
expressions, can provide a novel
understanding how the fluvio-deltaic
regime of the Magdalena River

Fig. 14 Avulsion nodes in its final section. interact, interacted and could interact
with the Caribbean Sea. Within the
study developed for the Ribera Este Consortium, within the Environmental Diagnosis of
Alternatives, Eng. Néstor Escorcia and his work team make a series of proposals framed
within the avulsive characteristics of the river, the identification of several of its nodes,
avulsion arms, sedimentary extensions, orientation changes and their probable recurrence
and resilience in case of sea level rise.

Probably the CGSM arises not so much because of the fluvial-sedimentarism with the
Caribbean. It responds to the river hydro fluid’s adjoining in his western margin, its
avulsive rhythmic progradation, due to the constant and interactive variation of its mouths.
The avulsion of the river and its interaction with the paleo-gulf probably defined its
progressive rhythm and the contextual formation of the CGSM.

The specificities of the transition of the river in question, its hydrological, hydrological,
sedimentary, geological and geomorphological evolution, provide several alternatives for
its current and subsequent knowledge. The Karakali river, Yuma, Caripuña or Guacacayo,
known by our original ancestors (Magdalena, named today), consolidated the hydro-
lacustrine pot known as the Momposina Depression, due to the effects of a paleo
confinement, originated by the tectonic enhancement of the Montes de María (Geographical
unit associated with OBSJS).

A macro event of this style is expressed as a

crucial conditioner of all related geological,
geographic and geomorphological
environments. To catalog this aspect and to
enter within its substantial description, it
generates a rethinking of the total study of its
adjacencies, lands and geoforms associated to
the expression of the geocatastrophism under

Undoubtedly, this will lead to the review of

Fig. 15 Paleolake perimetrization and sizing. previous studies, their adjustments and the
rethinking of information related to their
spatial, regional and local descriptions. The geocatastrophism that details the transition of
the present Magdalena River (Yuma, Guacacayo, Karakalí or Caripuña) from a closed and
collective environment to a dynamic and fluvial one (as it is today expressed) is
transcendental and determinant for the whole geographical environment of the Colombian
Caribbean Coast. The geostructural set of the reference is shown (Fig. 12), within which the
paleo confinement settled and denoted its paleo-geomorphological expressions. A vast
syncline here proposed, slightly sunk to the northeast, served as a hydrogeological
container for the paleolake; its incremental advance, depending on the water contributions,
continued the trace of the major axis of the upraised geostructure.

The Rotinet Gravels are described, specified and presented as the preeminent "Trace
Formation", which attests and describes the referenced mega emptying. This geological
unit is also the carrier of the key information for the date of the occurrence of the
devastation, not only by the fossil witnesses it carries, but also because it entails the
possible anthropological occurrences which testify the settlements of the original settlers.
The Gravels of Rotinet have their origin and present regional sedimentological disposition,
by the wide catastrophism dimension, the vast phenomenal expression and by the later
geomorphological rearrangement as devastation’s product.
Considering the details of paleogeography, paleogeomorphology and regional geology of
the areas of influence (south of the department of Atlántico and north of the departments of
Bolívar and Magdalena), under post-deviation sedimentation, it is crucial and imperative
for the detailed understanding of the mega colluvial-alluvial filler (defined, endorsed and
correlated by the trace formation (named and determined here as "Rotinet Gravels").

It is interesting to find the original people

settlements or primitive tribes, who at that
time together with the extinct mammals
populated the environments of our interest.
Findings of this style would have radical
implications in the anthropological and
geoenvironmental understanding of the
Colombian Caribbean Coast. An absolute,
controlled and classified dating of fossil
Fig. 16 Delimitation of the Paleodelta in front of remains of one or more Pleistocene mammals
Galerazamba, as a product of catastrophism and the to be located is necessary. Based on this
island with gravel.
procedure, it will be possible to determine
with more precision, the age of the occurrence of the geocatastrophism. The aspects related
to the precise dating of the occurrence of the event here described, should be considered
and evaluated with extreme detail, in order to be able to establish with absolute certainty, its
occurrence. A collection plan for fossil samples of extinct mammals should be clearly
established in the surrounding region in order to be able to perform isotopic dating,
controlled comparisons and other correlations. We start from the fact that the fossil remains
found in the formation "Rotinet Gravels" belonged to and came from Pleistocene mammals,
which suffered and perished evidently, under the causes and consequences of the treated
geocatastrophism. In this way we can clarify many details of this series of
paleoenvironmental instances. The existence of settlements of native populations,
contemporaneous with the occurrence of the devastation and with the extinct mammals, is
highly probable. These probabilities will denote a supreme landmark for the
anthropological, geological and related sciences, both in the region and in the country.
Something that within our research projection, is very feasible in order to clarify the
interaction of the native settlers with mammals in a broad aspect.

The geomodeling effects inherent to the water emptying, conditioned by the fault train and
geostructural guidelines of the OBSJS, its predominant stratigraphic courses and by the
slope to the northeast, require a revision of the pre-effect regional geology. This set of
geological phenomena opened not only the new layout of the river, but also acted as a
substantial conditioner of its later geomorphological expression. The occurrence of a
connection type connecting vessels, with the tendency to balance levels, to transfer hydro
fluids, to denudate ridges and to transfer solid materials (detrital rocks and fossil vestiges
among others) from the paleolake to the coastal strip is categorical.

While it is possible to open new research

branches to detail, specify and describe all
paleoenvironmental instances subsequent to
geocatastrophism, it is important to know the
precatastrophic conditions. It is imperative to
compare paleogeographic areas, pre-existing
water channels and previous geological
mapping. It is urgent to obtain, model and
measure a reconditioning and updating of the
paleogeographic information, from the
Fig. 17 Geographical representation of the paleolake
before the emptying. existing geoseismic bases and related, in the
searching of hydrocarbons. There is no
absolute clarity of the geographic and geomorphological parameters, within which were
developed after the water emptying, the infiltration and the sedimentogenic advance of the
materials towards the Caribbean Sea littoral.

The geomorphological landscapes after the plains adjacent to the present municipality of
Calamar deserve new conceptual approaches, both basic and detailed. The sedimentary silt
- sandy after water emptying, deltaic and sedimentary deltaic irrigation of the present
municipality of Galerazamba should be commensurate, considered and reconditioned. The
sudden and dynamic changes of the mega devastation in its initial stage, it’s very high
power of erosive expression and finally, the fluvio-sedimentary advance of the
geocatastrophism itself and after its same occurrence. Probably a comparative and detailed
auscultation of the various detrital sedimentary expressions in the area of interest and its
peripheral areas could reveal the connection of its geological genesis with the confinement
phenomenon treated here.

Special thanks

We would like to thank the MASERING SAS Group and its associated companies for their
unconditional support on this project.

To geologists José Franco and Hermes Sossa; To the Engineers Carlos Ruiz and Carlos
Ramírez, for their suggestions, advice and substantial guidance.

To The Society of Colombian Engineers (Atlantic Dept. Branch) and its President Eng.
Fernando Villareal who has been fundamental in supporting and disseminating this research
proposal. Thanks to all them by the advices and suggestions.

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