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24 August 1962, Volume 137, Number 3530 SCI ENCE

describing the anatomy of other struc-

tures, such as kidney or liver or other
organs of external or internal secretion.
Figure 1 gives in broad outline a
description of the "conductive zone" (I
Architecture c and II), of the larger airways and blood
vessels, and of the "respiratory zone"
(III and IV), with alveolar ducts, al-
the Human Lun .g veoli, and capillary network.
For the purposes of morphometry,
the small size, large number, and rela-
Use of quantitative methods establishes fundamenttal tively even distribution of the elements
relations between size and number of lung structure S. of the respiratory zone justify the as-
sumption of their random distribution.
This makes it possible to use statistical
Ewald R. Weibel and Domingo M. Gorniez methods of sampling and quantitation.
The definite orientation of the ele-
ments of the conductive zone requires
a quite different type of analysis-one
With the rapid advances of recent an inch" (0.25 mm) as ti he diameter of which can be carried out successfully,
years in quantitative measurements of a "middle-sized" alveoli in a calf's
is however, once the basic numerical val-
physiological functions in man, there lung, and he proceeded from this to ues for the respiratory zone have been
has developed an increasing need for calculate the total interinal surface of found.
comparably accurate measurements of the lung. In recent yea Lrs there have We devote the greater part of this
structure. While there is now an active been various measuremients of such article to description of the architecture
interest in this field (1), and while some single dimensions as alve-olar diameter, of the respiratory zone for two reasons:
significant and important preliminary number of alveoli, and a lveolar surface (i) analysis of the respiratory zone is
experiments have been carried out-for (5), but, so far as we ar*e aware, there more nearly completed, in our research,
example, in the study of the kidney (2) has been no comprehensiive quantitative than analysis of the conductive zone,
and the heart (3)-it is probably not survey of the entire luni g as an organ- and (ii) the respiratory zone is of pri-
unjust to state that, for the most part, ized and integrated struc-ture. mary physiological interest in its rela-
knowledge of quantitative human anat- Over the past two year s, in collabora- tion to alveolar ventilation and perfu-
omy lags far behind that of quantitative tion with our colleagues in physiology sion and to transcapillary diffusion.
human physiology. in the Cardiopulmonary Laboratory at
There is a particularly urgent need Bellevue Hospital, we Ihave been en-
for detailed quantitative information gaged in an investigatic in designed to Material and Methods of Preparation
about the structures of the human lung. achieve this objective. TIhe study is be-
Understanding of the physiology of air ing continued, but it has Xnow progressed In Table 1 are listed the properties of
flow and air distribution, of blood flow to the point where the mlain outlines of the five lungs used for microscopical
and blood distribution, and of diffusion the work have been defli ned and a pre- studies. The individuals from which
of gases, in all its phases, in both nor- liminary communication seems justified. they were taken ranged in age from 8
mal and pathological states, has reached As in any exploratory e ndeavor, much to 74 years at time of death, and the
the point where a more exact and de- of the planning, met}iodology, and lung volumes ranged from 2.5 to 7
tailed knowledge of the anatomical mathematical formulatiorn is new. These liters. These lungs were all prepared
structures involved is needed-knowl- will be presented here ve ry briefly; they according to a standardized method of
edge of their numbers, their dimensions, have been described in full in earlier formalin steam fixation, which has been
their shapes, their surfaces, and their communications (6, 7). reported elsewhere (6). All the lungs
geometric arrangements and inter- As a broader objectiv e, we have the were fixed at a degree of inflation which
relations. hope that the data here presented will
The quantitative study of pulmonary be of service to physiol ogists and bio- Dr. Weibel, who was until recently a member.
of the staff of the College of Physicians and
structure in relation to function is, of physicists in the correlaation of struc- Surgeons, Columbia University, and of the
course, not new. Stephen Hales, in 1731 ture and function. We sulggest also that Cardiopulmonary Laboratory at Bellevue Hos-
pital, is now affiliated with the RockefeUler In-
(4), being interested in the fate of the studies constructed acci ording to this stitute, New York. Dr. Gomez is associate direc-
air in the lungs, made the remarkably general model-quantitaative morphol- tor of the National Institutes of Health training
grant at the Cardiopulmonary Laboratory, Belle-
accurate estimate of "1/100th part of ogy or morphometry-miay be useful in vue Hospital.
24 AUGUST 1962 577
Table 1. Properties oL the five lungs studied. NAT, number of alveoli; N(D + S)T number of Respiratory Zone
allveolar ducts and sacs combined.
Airways. The airway element of the
Case Individual Lung Degree of Airway elements
No. No. Age
(Aygr) Sex volml)ato
volume inflation (¢) NAT N(D + S)T
respiratory zone is the alveolar duct. It
(yr) (I A (
consists of a central air channel which
2471 8 M 2580 0.80 304 X 106 13.6 X 106 is in continuity with other ducts at
555 16 F 2680 .80 288 x 10" 15.8 X 106 either end, and which is surrounded by
9975 34 M 5750 .75 310 X 10" 14.3 X 106 a sleeve of alveoli. Three to four gener-
8710 48 M 7100 .74 286 X 106 13.5 X 106 ations of alveolar ducts are connected
3361 74 F 5950 .75 286 X 106 11.6 X 108 in series, terminating in an alveolar sac
which is of basically identical structure
Averages of airway elements 296 x 106 -+. 3.9%* 13.8 x 106 + 11%* but which is closed at its peripheral end.
* Coefficient of variation. Figure 2 shows two alveoli in their
relationship to an alveolar duct. A dia-
corresponded to approximately three- mensions obtained on either fixed or grammatic representation of this rela-
fourths of total lung capacity. This fully processed material (histological tionship (Fig. 3, left) reveals that the
could be estimated by comparing the slides) into values for the fresh state. idealized configuration of the typical
inflated volume and weight of the fresh All the data that follow, therefore, refer alveolus has several features in common
lungs. An important antecedent investi- to a fresh lung at three-fourths of total with the cells of a honeycomb. It is,
gation involved the determination of lung inflation. however, more complex, in part because
correction factors for artificial tissue- The large structures of the conduc- the alveoli open on a cylindrical tube
shrinkage induced by this standardized tive zone were quantitated mainly on rather than on a plane.
procedure. These factors made possible vinyl casts of bronchial and vascular - For quantitative definition of the
the approximate conversion of all di- trees (8). airways of the respiratory zone, infor-
mation is needed on (i) the distribution
of fhe volume of the lung among vari-
ous components, such as alveoli, alveo-
lar ducts, and tissue; (ii) the number of
alveoli and alveolar ducts; and (iii) the
geometry and characteristic dimensions
of these structural elements.
The volumetric proportions of the
various components of the respiratory
zone were determined by a linear mi-
croscopic integration method (9). This
is based on a principle (10) commonly
used by geologists: If the fraction of a
line traversing a given component on a
section can,be determined, this linear
fraction can be used to estimate the
fractidn of the volume occupied by the
given component. The integrating eye-
piece of Leitz (9) makes it possible to
carry out the analysis on histological
sections. The fractional distribution of
the lung volume is represented graphi-
cally in Fig. 4. The respiratory zone
constitutes about 90 percent of the lung
AVID1TES VIM**. volume; airways and blood vessels of
Acvak S & CAl the conductive zone make up the re-
-.0. a --+ b-022
b --__C ---* --o. e f fl* A.
_2 maining 10 percent. In the lungs of the
\ \7 ---~~~~ 1
1~ .-. t younger subjects the 90-percent respi-
ratory fraction had the following com-
position: alveoli, 57 percent; air ducts,
27 percent; tissue and smaller blood
vessels, 6 percent. In the two older sub-
jects the alveolar fraction appeared to
have been reduced to 52 percent, while
the duct fraction had risen to 32 per-
Although the number of samples
is small, the difference between the
younger and the older age groups is
Fig. 1. Zones of airways and blood vessels of the human lung. highly significant (P < .001). Subse-
578 SCIENCE. VOL. 137
quent investigations of a larger number
of samples will show whether this dif-
ference with age is characteristic of the
entire population. It is, however, well
known that aging induces changes in
the physiological air volumes, a finding
which may be related to our observa-
tion (11).
In order to count the number of
alveoli and alveolar ducts, a new prin-
ciple had to be devised, since no method
of direct counting was available. The
method we devised is presented else-
where in full detail (7). Briefly stated,
it is this: If some structures of given
shape are randomly distributed within
a volume, then the number N of these
structures contained in the unit volume
can be inferred from counting the num-
ber n of transections through these
structures on the unit area of a thin
histological section by applying the
N = 2/z3/2/ p1/2 (1)
In this equation the coefficient /8 relates
the volume of the investigated structures
to their average cross-sectional area; it
is a function of the shape of these
bodies and has been formulated else-
where (7). In our special case the value
of /8 was found to be 1.55 for alveoli
and 1.97 for alveolar ducts. The co-
efficient p represents the fraction of the
total volume occupied by the structures
under investigation. We have already
discussed the volumetric fractions of
the respiratory zone occupied by alveoli
(pA) or alveolar ducts (pD), respectively;
they are demonstrated graphically in
Fig. 4 for each case. Transections of
alveoli and alveolar ducts were counted
on histological sections, providing the
n of Eq. 1.
From the number of alveoli or (ducts)
per unit volume N thus obtained, the
total number of alveoli (NAT) and of
alveolar ducts and sacs (NDT) could be
inferred (Table 1). It was found that
all lungs, regardless of their size or of
the age of the individual, were con-

Fig. 2 (top right). Photomicrograph of two

alveoli opening of an alveolar duct, which
is sectioned transversely. Thick section of
a human lung.
Fig. 3 (middle right). Three independent
methods for determining the alveolar sur-
face area.
Fig. 4 (bottom right). Fractional distribu-
tion of the total lung volume and of the
respiratory zone among alveoli, air ducts,
tissue, and conductive structures. YLAI5
24 AUGUST 1962
structed of an essentially equal number where the coefficient k depends on the 1.54 X 10'. As Fig. 5 shows, the
of alveoli (about 300 million) and of 14 total number of alveoli, on their shape, values of T obtained for our samples
million alveolar ducts and sacs. The and on the fraction of the lung volume conform well to the theoretical func-
standard deviations from the group they occupy. These factors were found tion (3).
means were 4 and 11 percent, respec- to be constants for all lungs (except for It is of interest to consider, on
tively. slight changes in the volume propor- hypothetical grounds, the changes in
As we have pointed out, the "typical" tions that occur with age). Thus, k dA at different degrees of lung infla-
alveolus is somewhat similar in geome- is a constant with the approximate value tion. If we take the anatomical volume
try to the cell of a honeycomb. A
mathematical formulation of this shape,
which seems to have a minimal surface,
is not attempted here. However, one
functionally important geometrical prop-
erty of the alveolus is the relation 0A of
its surface SA to its volume vA, which
can be expressed as
SA = OA VA2/8 (2)
where O7A is a dimensionless coefficient
independent of the size but a function
of the geometric shape of the body.
For exarnple, for a cube of any size,
a = 6, but for a quadratic prism which
is three times as high as it is wide, a = 7.
Through a rather elaborate procedure,
formulated elsewhere, it was possible
to determine experimentally the value
of OIA for alveoli. In the five lungs of l.o
our study the value was found to be
constant, with an average of W = 4.87
(standard deviation, +- 0.19). By coin- .75
cidence, this value is close to that for
a sphere (4.83)-the smallest possible
value of o- for a closed body. We have
to consider, however, the fact that the
alveolus is open on one side, like an 1 2 3 *4 6 5 6 7 9 10 LITaS
open cubic box, for which cr = 5.
The alveolar dimensions are best Fig. 5. "Mean diameter" of the alveolus as a function of constitutional lung volume
characterized by an "average diameter." VTLC and degree of inflation t.
Although the alveolus is not spherical,
the "diameter" is of the same order
of magnitude in all directions (Figs. 2 0c
and 3). This "average alveolar diam- o.7
eter" dA could be obtained by two in- .o.6S
dependent procedures, and these yield- S GEOOMTQ. *MEAN CI4OQD ALIN-bIM.
ed values that were in good agreement.
They have been plotted in Fig. 5
against the size of the individual lungs.
The crosses indicate values derived from i
measurements obtained on sections; the
horizontal bars, to "average diameters"
inferred from the volume-to-surface re-
lationship of the whole lung according 40
to a principle proposed by Hennig (12).
The heavy dots represent the mean of 74 481 *-AGE
the two values; in adults this was /to
found to be of the order of 250 to
290 microns. SA=k(V
The "average alveolar diameter" dA
is a function of the lung volume VL. I

The relationship is expressed by the I 2 34 5 6 7 L

equation LUNG VOLUME
Fig. 6. Total alveolar surface as a function of total lung volume and volumetric frac-
dA= k VL13 (3) tion of alveoli a. "Lung volume" includes gas, tissue, and blood.
580 SCIENCE, VOL. 137
of the lung at a maximal degree of
inflation corresponding to the physio-
logical measurement of "total lung
capacity" (VTLC) as a standard base-
line volume, then every other state of
inflation can be expressed as a fraction
g of VTLC. This has been plotted graphi-
cally as a set of isopleths about the
abscissa of Fig. 5. Comparison of
the inflated volume and weight of the
fresh lungs allowed us to estimate that
the lungs of our sample were fixed at
a degree of inflation g' 0.75, so that
the curve of dA could be fitted to this
set of isopleths (Fig. 5). This combina-
tion allows us to make a speculative
estimate of the "average alveolar diam-
eter" at any degree of inflation t if the
constitutional lung volume VTLC is
known. The more general form of
Eq. 3 is, now,
dA = VTLC)O'
k (D (4)
The validity of this equation remains
to be established experimentally. As a
good approximation it is valid, how-
ever, since possible changes in the vol-
ume proportions (Fig. 4) occurring with
inflation or deflation would affect this
relation only by a factor proportional
to their cube root.
One of the morphological quantitities
of highest functional importance is the
extent of the air-tissue interface, since
this influences the exchange of gases
between the air and the tissue layer
of the alveolocapillary membrane (13).
The interface is proportional to the total
alveolar surface SAT, which can be
estimated from the morphometrical
studies by three entirely independent Fig. 7. Interalveolar septum in flat aspect, with alveolar capillary network exposed.
methods (Fig. 3). In the first method
the alveoli were considered to be the
elements of a geometrical system simi-
lar to a honeycomb. The total internal
(alveolar) surface SAT of this system
(a VL. 2/8
where NAT is the total number of
alveoli (Table 1), a is the alveolar
fraction of the lung volume VL (Fig.
4), and UA is the coefficient relating
alveolar surface to alveolar volume,
as described earlier. All these quantities
are known. In the second method no
geometrical assumptions had to be
made. The value for SAT was calculated
by the method of Tomkeieff-Hennig
(14) from the "mean linear intercept"
of pulmonary parenchyma. lFinally,
direct measurements of alveolar diam- Fig. 8. Model of the capillary network and of cylindrical capillary segments.
24 AUGUST 1962 581
eters on histological sections yielded a L. and its diameter D.. In order to As stated earlier, the extent of the
third value for SAT. As shown in Fig. define the dimensions of the total air-tissue interface determines the de-
6, these three values agreed very well capillary network, the average number gree of gas exchange between the air
with each other for all samples. The of capillary segments per unit area of and the tissue layer of the alveolocapil-
points followed a function expressed by alveolar membrane must be counted, lary membrane. The counterpart of this
the equation so that the total number of segments interface, on the vascular side, is the
on the total area of the alveolar mem- tissue-blood interface; its extent in-
SAT = 3.22 x 103 (aVL)2/3 (6) brane SAM can be estimated. The value fluences the transition of gases from
which is deduced from Eq. 5, since for SAM corresponds to about SAT/ 2, tissue into the blood and vice versa.
NAT and UA were found to be con- since SAT is the estimated area of the The tissue-blood interface is represented
stants. The reduction in the alveolar surface bounding this double-faced by the total alveolar capillary surface
fraction a observed with age (Fig. 4) membrane on its two sides. SCT, which can be calculated from
led to a relative reduction in the value In Fig. 9 the average length of the the measurements obtained on the
of SAT; accordingly, measurements of capillary segments Lc and their average capillary segments. This surface was
the alveolar surfaces of the lungs from number nfc per square centimeter of found to be a function of the extent
the two oldest subjects lie on a lower alveolar membrane are plotted against of the alveolar membrane, and of the
isopleth than measurements for lungs SAM. We observe an increase in the degree of capillary filling represented
from the younger subjects. length of the segments with an increase by_ the average capillary diameter
Blood vessels. The alveolar capil- in the area of alveolar membrane, (2Re). In Fig. 10 the dots represent
laries form a very dense network which whereby the calculated capillary surface for
is spread in two dimensions within the each case; the bars show the position
interalveolar septa (Fig. 7) and is EC = 2.14 x 10-6(SAM)1/2 (7) of the corresponding average diameter
continuous through a large part of the We find a concurrent decrease in the relative to the isopleths, which indicate
lung. The element of this network is number of capillary segments on the how the capillary surface increased with
a short cylindrical capillary segment unit area of the alveolar membrane. the alveolar surface at a given average
which communicates at either end with As a result, the total number of capil- capillary diameter. The equation for
two other, identical segments. Geo- lary segments appears again to be fixed this family of curves is
metrical analysis of this network re- for all five lungs, with a group aver-
SCT= NCT [9.48 X 10 6 Re X SATI/2
veals that it can be considered to be age of 277 billion (standard deviation,
built up of hexagonal meshes, as il- ±8 percent). The average capillary -4.6 Rj] (8)
lustrated in Fig. 8, although in the true diameter was found to be 8.3 microns. where NCT (= 2.77 X 10") is the total
network we meet with a considerable The individual variations in capillary number of capillary segments. The
degree of distortion of this model (Fig. diameter were related not to the size numerical coefficients are given by
7). The dimensions of a capillary seg- of the lung but, presumably, to the the shape of the segments (Fig. 8).
ment are defined by its axial length degree of vascular filling. If we accept, pending more precise

L4 Fig. 9 (left). Length Le and number of alveolar capillary seg-

ments: n¢, number of segments per 1 square centimeter of
alveolar membrane; NCT, total number of segments in the
16. entire lung. Fig. 10 (below). Total capillary surface as a func-
tion of total alveolar surface and of degree of capillary filling.
= 12.

-4 .

(p 20
30 -

40 vri1

10 0

121 <00

582 SCIENCE. VOL. 137

information, the range of 7 to 9 microns among 300 million alveolar units. In acterized as dichotomous. The irregu-
as the normal range of variation of order to fulfill this task efficiently the larity in the dimensions of the elements
the average capillary diameter, we find conductive zone is organized according is related to the shape of the lung. After
that the alveolar capillary surface in to a rather rigid pattern of branching, four generations of airway branching
adults varies between 60 and 80 square which is briefly analyzed in the fol- (Fig. 12) the basic shape of the lung
meters. The tissue-blood interface is, lowing paragraphs. appears to be outlined.
therefore, of the same order of magni- Because of the polar organization of In a polar system which is branching
tude as the air-tissue interface, and the conductive tubes of the lung, every dichotomously, the "location" of the
both are functions of the size of the element is characterized by its dimen- element may assume the meaning "the
lung. sions and by its location with respect order of the generation of branching
The alveolocapillary membrane. Oth- to its pole-the mouth or the heart, z, where the trachea is "generation
er morphological quantities that in- depending on the system. "Location" z 0." This scheme appears to be
fluence the exchange of gases between may have several meanings: it may particularly useful because the number
air and blood are the variations in represent the linear distance from the n(z) of elements in each generation
thickness and composition of the fine mouth or the heart, or the order of of dichotomous branching is well de-
tissue layer of the alveolocapillary generations of branching, as discussed fined as
membrane (13). Conclusive definition in a later section. The dimensions re-
of these parameters through morpho- quired for definition of the conductive n (z) = 2Z (9)
metrical investigations will eventually system are the number of elements, This relationship was applied in de-
make it possible to correlate what the their diameter, and their length. These termining the order of airway branch-
physiologist observes in the exhaled dimensions are significant only if they ing at which terminal airways (alveolar
air and in the peripheral arterial blood are related to the location of the ele- ducts and sacs) are found.
with the actual events occurring in the ment. It is known that these airways com-
lung. It may eventually be possible to Conductive airways. Figure 11 shows prise the four most peripheral airway
demonstrate a quantitative dependence a plastic cast (7) of the bronchial tree generations. The total number of about
of these functional events on such over- of an average-sized adult. Part of this 14 million ducts and sacs (Table 1)
all morphological parameters as body tree is shown schematically in Fig. 12. must, therefore, correspond to the
size or age of the individual. Examination reveals that each bronchus sum of the values for n (z) for these
As Fig. 1 indicates, the elements of divides into two distal bronchi. This four generations. It can easily be shown
the conductive zone are represented by pattern of branching is called dichot- that the summation of 220, 221, 222, and
hollow tubes of basically cylindrical omy and is very frequently observed 22' most nearly satisfies this condition.
shape. These elements have a distinct in nature. The dichotomous branching In other words, on the average, the
polar orientation, and this is one of may sometimes be obscured by consider- airways terminate in alveolar sacs after
the important properties of the con- able variation in the length of the ele- about 23 generations of dichotomous
ductive system of the lung. It serves ments. Nevertheless, of more than 1000 branching.
to distribute the air, or the blood, branchings analyzed in the cast shown In reality, marked variations in the
which enters the lung at a single point in Fig. 11, all of them could be char- total number of airway generations


Fig. 11. Cast of the bronchial tree of an adult human lung. Fig. 12. Schematic drawing of the first four generations of air-
[Courtesy A. A. Liebow] ways of the lung of Fig. 11.
24 AUGUST 1962 583
are observed in different parts of the aerodynamical considerations if certain eter of alveolar ducts and sacs in adults
lung. This is a result of the irregular precautions are taken. is of the order of 400 to 450 microns.
pattern of dichotomous branching. Ac- The average diameter of the airway Plotting these dimensions for genera-
cordingly, the linear dimensions of the elements is found to be a decreasing tions 19 to 23 (Fig. 13), we observe
elements in each generation do not have function of the order of generation z. that they do not lie on the straight
a given value but, rather, show a dis- When the average diameters of the first line. The diameter of an alveolar duct
tribution about an average; this is ap- ten generations are plotted semiloga- measures about five times the value
parent in the measurements obtained rithmically against the generation (Fig. expected from extrapolation from the
on the cast of Fig. 11. We shall, how- 13), they appear to lie approximately graph. The respiratory bronchioles
ever, at first neglect these irregularities on a straight line, which is given by which constitute about three generations
in order to illustrate some of the har- the equation just proximal to the alveolar ducts
monic features of the system, taking measure about 500 microns in diam-
the average value for the linear dimen- d(z) = d'o X 2-z/3 (10) eter, or more than twice the extrapolated
sions of the elements in each genera- where d'0 is the intercept at the origin value.
tion. This reduction of the true air- (15). In general terms, analysis of the
ways to a system of regular branching Measurements obtained on histologi- physical implications of these dimen-
will prove useful for some over-all cal sections show that the average diam- sional relationships indicates that where
there is mass movement of air, the
principle of minimum resistance and
minimum mass seems to hold. Toward
the periphery of the lung other physi-
LXI cal phenomena-mainly phenomena of
molecular diffusion-play a dominant
role in the transport of gases. The find-
ing that the actual diameter of the
LaI peripheral airways deviate from the
values obtained by extrapolation of Eq.
10 toward larger values supports the
d view that these functional phenomena
~ -

have a significant role.

Blood vessels. The larger branches
of the pulmonary artery follow almost
ci I-
lun exactly the pattern of the bronchial
tree. Their dimensions are nearly the
same as those of the accompanying
L9 > bronchi, and consequently, down to
of generation 10 they follow approximately
the graph of Fig. 13. Preliminary de-
termination of the number of pre-
capillaries leading into the capillary
network locates these terminal branches
of the pulmonary artery at about the
28th generation. They are found to
measure from 15 to 25 microns in di-
ameter-a range which agrees well
with the value of 20 microns obtained
I0- by extrapolation of values from the
graph of Fig. 13 to the 28th generation.
This demonstrates once more a well-
known property of the circulation of
blood-that its organization appears
to agree with the principle of minimum
resistance and minimum mass (15).

An attempt has been made to de-
11111 lI II II 11 fine quantitatively the architecture of
airways and blood vessels of the human
0 5 10 202~3 26 lung. For this purpose five normal
GENO?ATION lungs from individuals aged 8 to 74
years were subjected to a dimensional
Fig. 13. Average diameter of conductive airways, respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts,
and precapillaries in adult human lung as functions of the order of generation of analysis by several methods of meas-
dichotomous branching (see text). urement based on statistical principles.
584 SCIENCE, VOL. 137
The elements of the "respiratory of the lung show a polar orientation. schen Antatomie (Springer, Leipzig, 1936),
vol. 4, pt. 3; G. Hieronymi, Ergeb. Pathol.
zone" may be regarded as randomly The airways have, on the average, 23 41, (1961).
distributed in the lung. There are generations of dichotomous branching; 6. E. R. Weibel and R. A. Vidone, Am. Rev.
Respiratory Diseases 84, 856 (1961).
essentially the same number of alveoli the pulmonary arteries reach the pre- 7. E. R. Weibel and D. M. Gomez, J. Appl.
(300 million), alveolar ducts (14 mil- capillaries after about 28 generations. Physiol. 17, 343 (1962).
8. We wish to acknowledge our indebtedness to
lion), and capillary segments (280 The average diameters of the airway Dr. A. A. Liebow of Yale University for
billion) in all lungs. The dimensions and blood-vessel elements at each gen- lending us his valuable casts.
9. E. Schuchardt, Z. wiss. Mikroskop. 62, 9
of these architectural elements are eration appear to follow the laws of (1954).
10. E. Rosiwal, Verhandi. geol. Reichsamts Wiert
shown to depend mainly on the size of "best" dimensions. The functional signif- 1898, 143 (1898).
the lung. The effect on these dimensions icance of this finding is discussed. 11. N. L. Kaltreider, W. W. Fray, H. W. Hyde,
Am. Rev. Tuberc. 37, 662 (1938).
of such functional variables as the de- It is suggested that morphometric 12. C. Elze and A. Hennig, Z. Anat. Entwick-
gree of inflation of the lung or of the studies conducted according to this lungsgeschichtte 119, 457 (1956).
13. H. Meessen, Verhandl. deut. Ges. Pathol. 44,
filling of capillaries with blood are dis- general model may be useful in the 14.
98 (1960).
S. I. Tomkeieff, Nature 155, 24 (1945); A.
cussed. anatomical description of other organs Hennig, Mikroskople 11, 1 (1956).
The alveolar and alveolar-capillary (16). 15. D. W. Thompson, Growth and Form (Cam-
bridge Univ. Press, New York, 1942), p. 948;
surface areas, which are of importance W. R. Hess, Arch. Entwicklungsmnech. Organ.
in the analysis of gas exchange be- References and Notes 16, 632 (1903).
16. We wish to acknowledge our indebtedness to
tween air and blood, are found to in- 1. R. P. Grant, Circulation 23, 645 (1961). Dr. D. W. Richards and Dr. A. Cournand
2. S. E. Bradley, J. H. Laragh, H. 0. Wheeler, for their help and stimulating interest in this
crease with the size of the lung. In H. MacDowell, J. Oliver, Trans. Assoc. Am. work. This investigation was supported by a
our material, both varied in the range Physicians 72, 294 (1959). research grant of the New York Heart Asso-
3. A. J. Linzbach, Am. J. Cardiol. 5, 370 (1960). ciation, by the National Heart Institute,
of 40 to 80 square meters. 4. S. Hales, Vegetable Staticks: Analysis of the Bethesda, Md. (grant No. H-2001), and by
air (1731), p. 240. an Investigatorship tNo. 1-126) of the Health
The elements of the conductive zone 5. W. Bargmann, Handbuch der Mikroskopf- Research Council of the City of New York.

tion studies suggests intelligence of an

order anywhere between that of a dog
and that of a chimpanzee. Wide interest
has rightly been aroused by current
discussions of the brain of Tursiops.
Evolution of Intelligence In view of this, and of the fact that the
acquisition of high intelligence and the
and Vocal Mimicking ability of vocal mimicking have been
crucial in human evolution, it seems
appropriate at this time to consider
Studies of large-brained mammals promise to the factors which seem to have affected
the evolution of these two character-
elucidate some problems of human evolution. istics in the mammals in general.
Let us consider the problem of
mimicking first. It appears that Tur-
R. J. Andrew siops truncatus will answer human
laughter, whistles, and Bronx cheers
with similar sounds (2, p. 201). This
however, is not in itself evidence of
Some 20 years ago McBride and unsafe to predict on this anatomical true mimicking; it is rather the elici-
Hebb (1) pointed out that the brain basis alone, as Lilly does (2), that tation of a call by sound which re-
of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops Tursiops will prove to be as intelligent sembles it, since these calls are part
truncatus) was comparable to that of as man, although perhaps with an in- of the normal repertoire of the species
man, both in size and in general cor- telligence specialized along different (3). Such a condition has evolved at
tical development, and argued that this lines. Direct evidence for very high least twice, and probably many times.
species (and presumably other Cetacea) intelligence (5) in Tursiops seems to in the Primates. In the Lemuroidea,
were therefore probably of a very high be lacking. The most striking differ- Lemur fulvus and related species answer
order of intelligence indeed. This argu- ence from other mammals appears to any loud, short, deep sound from a
ment has recently been revived and be the degree to which dolphin vocali- social fellow with their contact call.
greatly extended by Lilly (2, 3), on zation can be modified; dolphins can which is loud and deep; Lemur catta
the basis of extensive studies on T. be trained to vocalize for a reward, gives its contact call (a high wail) in
truncatus. The advanced nature of the and there is evidence of some degree response to high-pitched sounds of
structure of the brain in T. truncatus of mimicking (2). However, compari- similar quality (6). The gelada baboon
appears to be fully established. Not son with birds suggests that a difference (Theropithecus gelada) will give the
only are cells as densely packed in in the control of vocalization may be characteristic baboon "segmented grunt"
the thalamus (4), for example, as in involved rather than a difference in in response to human imitations. Hylo-
man, but the cortex shows extensive intelligence. Anecdotal evidence from
"silent areas" (2). However, it seems The author is an assistant professor of zoology
animal trainers and from brain-stimula- at Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
24 AUGUST 1962

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