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HELENA DETY/112017083

On Monday, February 24th I have joined field study to CLT at UNIKA Soegjipranata Semarang.
There, I have attended a seminar at CLT that discussed about CLT itself. The speaker of the seminar
was Pak Pandit, he is a director of CLT. At first, he was talking about the background of CLT. Used to
the name was not CLT, it was a language centre that has collaboration with ELTI in the 1990s. However,
on 11 March 1996, the university officially launched the name CLT. Then, on 15 March 2000, CLT
launched it is a new brand identity. CLT itself used as a supporting unit and strategic business unit of
the university.
Furthermore, CLT offers some products courses such as English for General Purpose, English
for Specific Purposes, Conversation Class, etc. CLT also has some tests like the diagnostic test, TOEFL
test, etc. And then they also provided services such as an English course: regular/private, in-company
training, etc. I think it was good, they do not have so many products which offer to the customer.
However, there was a student asked about how they decided the product, do they have some surveys
about the student needs. Then the speaker answered that question, he said that they do not do any
survey. So, how they decided on the product. Because in our class if we want to offer some products,
we should look at the students' needs, lacks, and desires so we can decide the product or program
that will help them in learning.
Next, in marketing their institution, the speaker does not tell any specific way. There was a
student asked about how they do the promotion. The speaker said that they do not do so many
promotions because of the budget limit. They use such kind of online promotion like Instagram and
others. They do not use the promotion like put a banner in the street because it is too expensive. Even
though they do not do so many promotions but their institution persisted until now.
In recruitment and staffing, the speaker did not tell any reasons. However, there was one thing that I
have asked the speaker about the diagnostic test. My question is: are the diagnostic tests use to recruit
the employee or the students? and how they know the student’s level? Are they put in the same class?
Why I asked like that because during the discussion there a part that the speaker talks about the
diagnostic test that uses for recruitment of the employee. Then, the answered it is used by the
students to know their level and they do not put in the same class. And I think there is no discussion
that talks about staffing.
So, the most interesting thing that I could not expect before is about the competitors. Why I
said so, because so far when we discuss about competitors, we do not think that our competitors
nowadays are like YouTube, Ruang guru, and other application that offers a program in learning
English. Why I think it is interesting because it can be one of the things which should consider by us.
In planning our institution, we only see that the competitors just come from the environment.
However, through this seminar I came to know that our competitors are from applications too.
Therefore, we should start to think about the thing which makes our institution different from them.

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