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MariaDB Server

performance tuning
James McLaurin
Solution Architect

MariaDB Performance Tuning:

– Common Principles and Best Practices

– Server Hardware and OS
– MariaDB Configuration Settings
– Database Monitoring
– Query Tuning

Blog: https://mariadb.com/resources/blog/20-tips-prepare-your-database-black-friday-cyber-monday
Why Tune?

The task of scalable server software is to maintain top performance for an

increasing number of clients.
● Make efficient use of server resources
● Best performance for users
● Avoid outages due to server slowness
● Capacity
○ Be Prepared for Application Development Requirements
○ Allow for Unexpected Traffic Spikes or Other Changes in Demand
Tune what?

Initial recommended values for performance:

● transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED
● key_buffer – 128MB for every 1GB of RAM
● sort_buffer_size – 1MB for every 1GB of RAM
● read_buffer_size – 1MB for every 1GB of RAM
● read_rnd_buffer_size – 1MB for every 1GB of RAM
● thread_concurrency – is based on the number of CPUs so make it CPU*2
● thread-handling=pool-of-threads
● innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit != 1 – speed changes spectacularly if it’s !=1
● open_files_limit = 50000
Tune what?

● Configuring threadpool
○ Pool-of-threads, or threadpool, is a MariaDB feature that improves
performance by pooling active threads together instead of the old one thread per
client connection method, which does not scale well for typical web-based
workloads with many short-running queries.

● Change innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit to something !=1

○ speed changes spectacularly if it is !=1

● The more memory available … the better

The “performance values”

MariaDB performance parameters:

● InnoDB file-per-table
● InnoDB Buffer Pool Size
● Disable Swappiness In MariaDB
● Max Connections
● Thread Cache Size
● Disable MySQL DNS Lookups
● Query Cache Size
● Tmp Table Size & Max Heap Table Size
● Slow Query Logs
● Idle Connections
Common Principles and Best Practices
Tuning Routine - When to Tune

• Use Monitoring Tool - MonYog

• Tune from Start of the Application Lifecycle

– Start Early to Ensure Schema is Well Constructed
– Test Queries on Real Data — Watch for Bottlenecks
– Over Tuning without Production Data or Traffic is Counter Productive

• Conduct Periodic Reviews of Production Systems

– Watch for Schema, Query and Significant Changes
– Check Carefully New Application Features
– Monitor System Resources — Disk, Memory, Network, CPU
configuration file

• Change one setting at a time...

– This is the only way to determine if a change is beneficial.

• Most settings can be changed at runtime with SET GLOBAL.

– It is very handy and it allows you to quickly revert the change if needed.
– To make the change permanent, you need to update the configuration file.

• If a change in the configuration is not visible even after a MariaDB restart…

– Did you use the correct configuration file?
– Did you put the setting in the right section?
•Normally the [mysqld] section for these settings
configuration file

• The server refuses to start after a change:

– Did you use the correct units?
•For instance, innodb_buffer_pool_size should be set in bytes
while max_connection is dimensionless.

• Do not allow duplicate settings in the configuration file.

– If you want to keep track of the changes, use version control.

• Don’t do naive math, like “my new server has 2x RAM, it’ll just make all the values
2x the previous ones”.
Server Hardware and OS Tuning
Server Hardware

• One Service per Server is Ideal to Prevent Contention

– Have the database server be only a database server etc.
• More CPU Cores is generally Good
• More Disk is usually Better
– Large Datasets, Fast Disks are Ideal
• More RAM is usually Best — Traffic Dependent
– More of Dataset in Memory, Fewer Slow Disk Operations
OS Settings

○ Value for propensity of the OS to swap
to disk
○ Defaults are usually 60
○ Commonly set low to 10 or so (not 0)
Linux Settings
○ Mount disks with this option
○ Turns off writing of access time to disk
with every file access
○ Without this option every read becomes
an additional write
MariaDB Configuration Settings
Configuration Settings

•The first setting to update

•The buffer pool is where data and indexes
are cached
innodb_buffer_pool_size • Utilize memory for read operations rather
than disk
•80% RAM rule of thumb
•Typical values are
✓ 5-6GB (8GB RAM)
✓ 20-25GB (32GB RAM)
✓ 100-120GB (128GB RAM)
Configuration Settings

● Query cache is a well known bottleneck

● Consider setting query_cache_size = 0
● Use other ways to speed up read
○ Good indexing
○ Adding replicas to spread the read
Configuration Settings

● Size of the redo logs - 25 to 50% of

innodb_buffer_pool usually
innodb_log_file_size ● Redo logs are used to make sure writes
are fast and durable and also during
crash recovery
● Larger log files can lead to slower
recovery in the event of a server crash
● But! Larger log files also reduce the
number of checkpoints needed and
reduce disk I/O
Configuration Settings

● Each .ibd file represents a tablespace of its

innodb_file_per_table ● Database operations such as “TRUNCATE”
can be completed faster and you may also
reclaim unused space when dropping or
truncating a database table.
● Allows some of the database tables to be
kept in separate storage device. This can
greatly improve the I/O load on your disks.
Configuration Settings

● MariaDB performs a DNS lookup of the

user’s IP address and Hostname with
Disable MySQL Reverse connection
DNS Lookups ● The IP address is checked by resolving it to a
host name. The hostname is then resolved to
an IP to verify
● This allows DNS issues to cause delays
● You can disable and use IP addresses only
○ skip-name-resolve under [mysqld] in
Configuration Settings

•‘Too many connections’ error?

•Using a connection pool at the application
level or a thread pool at the MariaDB level
can help
Configuration Settings

● Idle connections consume resources and

should be interrupted or refreshed when
● Idle connections are in “sleep” state and
Check for MySQL idle usually stay that way for long period of time.
● To look for idled connections:
Connections ● # mysqladmin processlist -u root -p | grep
● You can check the code for the cause if many
● You can also change the wait_timeout value
Configuration Settings

● The thread_cache_size directive sets the amount of

threads that your server should cache.
● To find the thread cache hit rate, you can use the
thread_cache_size following technique:
○ show status like 'Threads_created';
○ show status like 'Connections';
● calculate the thread cache hit rate percentage:
○ 100 - ((Threads_created / Connections) * 100)
● Dynamically set to a new value:
○ set global thread_cache_size = 16;
Configuration Settings

● MariaDB uses temporary tables when

processing complex queries involving joins
and sorting
● The default size of a temporary table is very
memory parameters small
○ The size is configured in your my.cnf:
tmp-table-size = 1G
max-heap-table-size = 1G
● Both should have the same size and will help
prevent disk writes
● A rule of thumb is giving 64Mb for every GB
of RAM on the server
Configuration Settings

● join buffer size

○ used to process joins – but only full
joins on which no keys are possible

● sort buffer size

Buffer Sizes ○ Sort buffer size is used to sort data.
○ The system status variable
sort_merge_passes will indicates need
to increase
○ This variable should be as low as

● These buffers are allocated per connection

and play a significant role in the
performance of the system.
Configuration Settings

● MariaDB splits data into packets. Usually a

single packet is considered a row that is sent
to a client.
● The max_allowed_packet directive defines
max_allowed_packet the maximum size of packet that can be sent.
● Setting this value too low can cause a query
to stall and you will receive an error in your
error log.
● It is recommended to set the value to the
size of your largest packet.
○ Some suggest 11 times the largest BLOB
Performance Monitoring
Database Monitoring
System Metrics
Metric Comments Suggested Alert

Load An all-in-one performance metric. When load is > factor x (number of

cores). Our suggested factor is 4.

CPU usage A high CPU usage is not a bad thing as long as you don’t reach the limit. None

Memory usage Ideally your entire database should be stored in memory, but this is not always None
possible. Give MySQL as much as you can afford but leave enough for other
processes to function.

Swap usage Swap is for emergencies only, and it should not be used. When used swap is > 128MB.

Network bandwidth Unless doing backups or transferring huge amounts of data, it shouldn’t be the None

Disk usage Make sure you always have free space for new data, temporary files, snapshot or When database, logs and temp is >
backups. 85% usage.
Disk Monitoring

Metric Comments Suggested Alert

Read/Write requests IOPS (Input/Output operations per second) None

IO Queue length Tracks how many operations are waiting for disk access. If a query hits the cache, it doesn’t create None
any disk operation. If a query doesn’t hit the cache (i.e. a miss), it will create multiple disk operations.

Average IO wait Time that queue operations have to wait for disk access. None

Average Read/Write Time it takes to finish disk access operations (latency). None

Read/Write bandwidth Data transfer from and towards your disk. None
MariaDB Metrics

Metric Comments Suggested Alert

Uptime Seconds since the server was started. We can use this to detect respawns. When uptime is < 180.

Threads_connected Number of clients currently connected. If none or too high, something is wrong. None

Max_used_connections Max number of connections at a time since server started. When connections usage is > 85%.
(max_used_connections / max_connections) indicates if you could run out soon
of connection slots.

Aborted_connects Number of failed connection attempts. When growing over a period of time When aborted connects/min > 3. (only
either some credentials are wrong or we are being attacked. on not public exposed servers,
otherwise will generate noise)
MariaDB typical errors
common failure points to keep an eye on

Metric Comments Suggested Alert

(Errors) Are there any errors on the mysql.log file? None

(Log files size) Are all log files being rotated? None

(Deleted log files) Were any log files deleted but the file descriptor is still open? None

(Backup space) Do you have enough disk space for backups? None
Monitoring caches, buffers & locks

Metric Comments Suggested


Innodb_row_lock_waits Number of times InnoDB had to wait before locking a row. None

Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free Number of times InnoDB had to wait for memory pages to be flushed. If too high, None
innodb_buffer_pool_size is too small for current write load.

Open_tables Number of tables currently open. If this is low and table_cache is high, we can reduce cache None
size. If opposite, we should increase it. If you increase table_cache you might have to increase
available file descriptors for the mysql user.

(Long running transactions) Tracks whether too many transactions are locked by other idle transactions, or because of a None
problem in InnoDB.

(Deadlocks) Deadlocks happen when 2 transactions mutually hold. These are unavoidable in InnoDB and None
apps should deal with them.
Monitoring Queries

Metric Comments Suggested Alert

Slow_queries Number of queries that took more than long_query_time seconds to execute. Slow queries None
generate excessive disk reads, memory and CPU usage. Check slow_query_log to find them.

Select_full_join Number of full joins needed to answer queries. If too high, improve your indexing or database None

Created_tmp_disk_tables Number of temporary tables (typically for joins) stored on slow spinning disks, instead of faster None

(Full table scans) Number of times the system reads the first row of a table index. Sequential reads might indicate None
Handler_read% a faulty index.
Query Tuning
Query Tuning

Enable Slow query Logs

Logging slow queries can help you determine issues with your database and help you debug them. This can be easily
enabled by adding the following values in your my.cnf configuration file:

slow-query-log = 1
slow-query-log-file = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-slow.log
long_query_time = 1

The first directive enables the logging of slow queries, while the second one tells MariaDB where to store the actual
log file. Use long_query_time to define the amount of time that is considered long for a MariaDB query to be completed.
Query Tuning
FROM employees
Query Analysis MONTH(birth_date)
● Use the Slow Log to find Problem Queries
● Use mysqldumpslow Utility for Manageable
= 8 \G Reports
id: 1
WHERE MONTH(birth_date) = 8 \G ● Use EXPLAIN to see how MariaDB Executes a
id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE Troublesome Query and if Indexes are Used
select_type: SIMPLE table: employees ● Use EXPLAIN EXTENDED and SHOW
table: employees type: ALL
type: ALL WARNINGS to see how MariaDB Rearranges a
possible_keys: NULL possible_keys: NULL Query before Execution
key: NULL key: NULL
key_len: NULL key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 299587 ref: NULL
Extra: Using where rows: 299587
Extra: Using where
Query Tuning
FROM employees
= 8 \G
● Try Not to Query Tune on Production Server
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE ● Use Test Server with same Hardware and OS
● Use Copy of Production Data Set
Query Tuning Overview
table: employees
● Query Frequency is as Important as Query
type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL Speed
key: NULL ○ Moderately Slow Queries are often a Bigger
key_len: NULL Problem than a Rarely Run Very Slow Query
ref: NULL
rows: 299587
Extra: Using where
Query Tuning
FROM employees
WHERE ● Indexes Improve Read Performance
MONTH(birth_date) ● Without Index, MariaDB Must Read Every Row —
= 8 \G Full Table Scan
id: 1 ● With Index, MariaDB can jump to Requested
select_type: SIMPLE Rows
table: employees
Indexing type: ALL
● Reduced I/O and Improving Performance
● Index Increase cost of Writes
possible_keys: NULL ● Find Balance
key: NULL ● Index for Speed, but Avoid Indexing Excessively
key_len: NULL or Arbitrarily
ref: NULL ● Remove Dead or Redundant Indexes
rows: 299587
Extra: Using where
Query Tuning
FROM employees
WHERE ● Keep Indexes as Small as Practical
MONTH(birth_date) ○ Faster since More Likely to Fit in Memory
= 8 \G ○ Rebuilds Faster after Writes
id: 1 ○ PRIMARY KEY should be Minimum Useful
select_type: SIMPLE Size
table: employees ● Use Partial Prefix Indexes for String Columns
Index Size type: ALL ○ May Slow Searches Slightly, but Reduce
possible_keys: NULL Index Size
key: NULL ● Use Index Cardinality (Uniqueness Measure)
key_len: NULL Only If Necessary — Re-evaluate as Data Grows
ref: NULL ○ Low Cardinality Indicates many Duplicates
rows: 299587 ○ High Cardinality is More Useful
Extra: Using where
Query Tuning
FROM employees
WHERE ● Identify Accurately and Carefully Trouble Spots
MONTH(birth_date) ○ Guessing is Rarely Useful
= 8 \G ● Gather Performance Stats with MariaDB and OS
id: 1 Tools
select_type: SIMPLE ○ SHOW Statements
table: employees ○ PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA
Tools & Statistics
type: ALL ○ CPU, Disk, Network, Memory, & Swap Stats
possible_keys: NULL ● Retain Snapshots of Multiple Stats
key: NULL ○ Data from a Single Point Shows very Little
key_len: NULL ● Automate the Collection of Stats into Logs
ref: NULL ○ Can be Useful for Emergency Tuning
rows: 299587
Extra: Using where
Query Tuning
FROM employees
= 8 \G ● Snapshot of mysqld Activity
id: 1 ● mysqld is Multi-Threaded, One Thread per
select_type: SIMPLE ○ Client Connection (i.e., query, transaction) —
table: employees a "process" is a "thread"
type: ALL ● Accumulate SHOW PROCESSLIST Snapshots to
possible_keys: NULL
key: NULL build History of Thread Activities
key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 299587
Extra: Using where
Query Tuning
FROM employees
WHERE ● Returns List of Internal Counters
MONTH(birth_date) ● GLOBAL for System-Wide Status — Since
= 8 \G Start-Up
id: 1 ● SESSION for Local to Client Connection
select_type: SIMPLE FLUSH STATUS Resets Local Counters
SHOW STATUS table: employees

● Monitor Changes to Counters to Identify Hot
Global or Sessiontype: ALL Spots
possible_keys: NULL ● Collect Periodically Status Snapshots to Profile
key: NULL Traffic
key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 299587
Extra: Using where
Query Tuning
FROM employees
MONTH(birth_date) Performance Tuning
= 8 \G ● Monitors MariaDB Server Events
id: 1 ● Function Calls, Operating System Waits, Internal
select_type: SIMPLE Mutexes, I/O Calls
table: employees ● Detailed Query Execution Stages (Parsing,
type: ALL Statistics, Sorting)
possible_keys: NULL ● Some Features Storage Engine Specific
key: NULL ● Monitoring Lightweight and Requires No
key_len: NULL Dedicated Thread
ref: NULL ● Designed to be Used Iteratively with Successive
rows: 299587 Refinement
Extra: Using where
Thank you

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