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DFM Research

Interviews: 400 North Dakota likely voters by live caller
Margin of Error: +/- 4.9 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence
Interview Dates: March 3-5, 2020
Sample: Landline and cell phone sample. Phone numbers stratified into five distinct North
Dakota geographical regions to ensure urban/rural balance
Survey Sponsor: DFM Research

Q2: I’m now going to read you some names of public figures; for each one, please tell me if
you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion, and if you never heard of them before, just
let me know:
Favorable Unfavorable Neutral (VOL) Never Heard Of

a: Donald Trump 57% 40 3 0

c: Joe Biden 43 50 6 1
d: Bernie Sanders 26 67 5 2

Q3: Now let’s look ahead to the presidential election. If the election was today for President
of the United States, for whom would you vote: Donald Trump the Republican or Joe
Biden the Democrat?
Donald Trump .................................................................................. 55%
Joe Biden .......................................................................................... 38
(VOL) Someone else ....................................................................... 2
(VOL) Unsure ................................................................................... 5

Q4: Now suppose the candidates for President of the United States were Donald Trump the
Republican and Bernie Sanders the Democrat, for whom would you vote?
Donald Trump .................................................................................. 58%
Bernie Sanders ................................................................................. 33
(VOL) Someone else ....................................................................... 4
(VOL) Unsure ................................................................................... 4

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