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Chapter I


Diversity has taken place in any form, especially diversity on people. Today,

LGBTQ+ Community has gained attention and acceptance from the society. But

there are instances that discrimination would take place. The LGBTQ+ has also

gained respect such as voices from the people and also the government. We

observed experience not only outside but also here in our institution specifically

in a classroom setting. Students, schoolmates and classmates are embracing

the gays generally the LGBTQ+

Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who

experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the

same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in

different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing

itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave

depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically

disordered. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the

gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual

complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved (CCC, 2357).

In the Philippines, according to Pew Research Center survey (2013) “The

Global Divide on Homosexuality” found that the Philippines were leaning closer

to acceptance of homosexuality in this divide. The survey revealed that 73

percent of Filipinos believe that homosexuality should be accepted. Philippines

has received praise for being named as one of the most gender-friendly

countries in the world as reported by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, the Filipino

LGBT community still faces issues, and many of Filipino LGBT individuals still

clamor for equal rights and anti-discriminatory laws, among others Especially to

Gay and Lesbian community. . Filipino LGBT individuals enjoy few protections

like the decriminalization of same-sex sexual activity and the military allowing

them to serve openly. Despite these, they cannot go into marriage or have their

marriage contracted in another country be legally recognized in the Philippines.

Additionally, same-sex couples cannot legally adopt children, and national laws

addressing sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) are absent.

According to Lugo & Tilos (2015) in a study conducted in Davao Oriental

State College of Science and Technology, it was found out that rejection

hindered them from expressing their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Generally they experienced discrimination at public places, school, home and

church. Social media print and magazines were the means of the respondents to

express their sexual orientation and to find their homosexual society.

Homosexual adolescents were interested to seek help for counseling specifically

on personality testing, crises management and trainings on how to handle

relationships with same sex, relationship with parents as homosexual and

relationship towards the community.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of our qualitative research is to examine the realities of gender

biases in the classroom experienced by students. Thus, our study aims to

provide new substantial information that will be a useful input for future purposes

out of the findings that we will be collecting for this study.

Research Questions

The research questions of the study are presented hereunder to serve as the

formulation of the interview questionnaire:

1. What are the struggles of gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril?

2. How do they cope with the struggles they have experienced as a gay student?

3. What are the insights of gays studying in Saint Peter’s College of Torill?

Theoretical Lens

The queer theory was introduced by writers and activists in the early 1990s

as the result of studies of women discrimination in treatment in the literature and

the issues of queer sexuality. This theory explores the issues like sexuality,

marginalization of women and other population, and power inequality in the

society as well as the culture. According to queer theory definition by the

theorists, it is a redefined term used for the studies of non-compliance of

anything with the set standards, norms, perceived and believed ways of doing

things. But in the context of sexuality, the queer is used with the behavior that is

not in line with the social and political norms of the society and government and

includes the population of gay, lesbian,bisexual, and transgender people.


Significance of the Study

We the researchers aim that this qualitative research will provide

knowledge and awareness to the following recipients who are the primary

beneficiaries of the study:

The results and findings of our study entitled mag-naning ta!”: lived

experiences of gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril can be a learning paradigm

that would provide new knowledge and awareness for the school administrator in

order for them to establish educational practice enhancement that would benefit

and meet the educational needs of the students. Also, the research findings

would serve as data guidelines for the implementation of learning equality and

gender bias free environment towards academic competence. For the students,

the results of this study would provide them more information to be reflective

enough in knowing their rights to have equal and fair will provide vast knowledge

in relation to their gender role fairness for a peaceful learning atmosphere. For

the future researchers, the data and information from this study can be used as

reference and data baseline of researchers who would undergo in-depth study.

Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

Our research study is to explore the lived experiences of gays in Saint

Peter’s College of Toril. Qualitative research design is utilized employing

phenomenological method. The participants of this study are 5 students who are

officially enrolled in St. Peter’s College of Toril in the Academic year 2018-2019.

The study will be conducted at St. Peter’s College of Toril, MacArthur Highway,

Toril, Davao City, Philippines. These 5 students are selected using a purposive

sampling and they will be categorized as type of participants: 5 for in-depth

interview . The interview guide will be utilized as research instrument in obtaining

the lived experiences of the students. Content analysis, thematic analysis,

narrative analysis and coding will be the techniques to be observed in analyzing

the responses and opinions of the participants. The results of this

phenomenological inquiry will provide new information and implications to the

school administrators, teachers, and students, and to the future researchers. The

results of the study are not generalized beyond the participation of the


Review of the Related Literature

Catholic Church on LGBTQ

The Catechism of Catholic Church states that the number of men and

women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This

inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial.

They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of

unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called

to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice

of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition (CCC,


It is further stated in the CCC that homosexual persons are called to chastity.

By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the

support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can

and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection (CCC, 2359).

Isolation and Rejection of Homosexuals in the Campus

Schools can be difficult environments for students, regardless of their sexual

orientation or gender identity, but they are often especially unwelcoming for

lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. A lack of policies and

practices that affirm and support LGBT youth—and a failure to implement

protections that do exist—means that LGBT students nationwide continue to

face bullying, exclusion, and discrimination in school, putting them at physical

and psychological risk and limiting their education. Over the last 15 years,

lawmakers and school administrators have increasingly recognized that LGBT

youth are a vulnerable population in school settings, and many have

implemented policies designed to ensure all students feel safe and welcome at

school. Yet progress is uneven. In many states and school districts, LGBT

students and teachers lack protections from discrimination on the basis of sexual

orientation or gender identity. In others, protections that do exist are inadequate

or unenforced. Areas of concern include bullying and harassment, exclusion

from school curricula and resources, restrictions on LGBT student groups, and

other forms of discrimination and bigotry against students and staff based on

sexual orientation and gender identity. While not exhaustive, these broad issues

offer a starting point for policymakers and administrators to ensure that LGBT

people’s rights are respected and protected in schools (Greer, 2016).

LGBT Experiences in School

Social pressures are part of the school experience of many students, regardless

of sexual orientation or gender identity. But the experience can be particularly

difficult for LGBT students, who often struggle to make sense of their identities,

lack support from family and friends, and encounter negative messaging about

LGBT people at school and in their community. As a result of these factors,

LGBT students are more likely than heterosexual peers to suffer abuse. Often,

LGBT students also lacked teacher role models. In the absence of employment

protections, many LGBT teachers said they feared backlash from parents or

adverse employment consequences if they were open about their sexual

orientation or gender identity LGBT students also described persistent patterns

of isolation, exclusion, and marginalization that made them feel unsafe or

unwelcome at school. Students described how hearing slurs, lacking resources

relevant to their experience, being discouraged from having same-sex

relationships, and being regularly misgendered made the school a hostile

environment, which in turn can impact health and well-being (Greer, 2016).

LGBTQ in Catholic Schools

With pressures from both religious edicts and secular laws, studies were

shown to make contradictory and inconsistent educational policies and curricular

decisions regarding LGBTQ issues. In the absence of a clear middle ground,

prejudice against LGBTQ staff and students abounded, including discriminatory

policies, curriculum exclusions, bullying, and harassment in schools. For

example, research shows that some Catholic administrators would investigate

rumors that certain teachers are lesbian or gay, gather evidence that these

teachers were living in a manner deemed contrary to Catholicity, and dismiss

them from their teaching positions. Examples in the study included living with a

same-sex partner, considering raising a child with a same-sex partner,

transitioning from female to male, and other suspicions of homosexuality. In

addition, students were prevented from expressing their non-heterosexuality,

particularly through their dress, mannerisms, dating, and involvement with

LGBTQ initiatives. This was particularly the case when participants disclosed

their homosexuality and experiences of harassment in schools; these students

were advised to avoid acting on their homosexuality, so as to not bring the

bullying on them.

Organization of the Study

Organization of the study

This qualitative research using phenomenological approach is classified into

three chapters. In chapter 1 are the rationale of the study, purpose of the study

research questions, theoretical lens, significance of the study, and definition of

terms, delimitations and limitations and organization of the study.

In chapter 2 are the ideas, principles and arguments of renowned

researchers from various disciplines. The articles and narratives from previous

researchers are considered as guideline data in the formulation of the research

questions, interview guide and to frame the theory where the current study is

anchored on.

In chapter 3 are the importance of research design, role of the researchers,

research participants, data collection, data analysis, trustworthiness and ethical




This chapter covers the overview of methodology used in the study. The

discussion in the chapter is structured around the research design, role of the

researcher, research participants, data collection, data analysis, measures to

provide trustworthiness and ethical consideration was also discussed.

In this study, methodology refers to how my research is conducted and it’s

logical sequence. The main focus of my study is to examine and discover the

lived experience of gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril . (Kothari 2014) stated

that methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the procedures

applied to a field of study.

Research Design

The researchers of the study used qualitative research design applying

phenomenology approach in order to know the lived experiences of the students

considering the lived experience of gays in SPCT. It became a useful method

when a subject will be too complex to be encapsulated by merely a hypothesis.

There are other types of qualitative research design and one of these is the

qualitative phenomenological design which is specifically utilized in this study.

According to Creswell (2013), it is an approach to qualitative research that

focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within a particular group. The

goal of this approach is to arrive at a description of the nature of that particular


Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the

world. Qualitative research consist a set of interpretive material practices that

make the world visible. These practices transform the world. They turn the world

into a series of representations including field notes, interviews, conversation,

photographs, recording and memos to the self. At this level, qualitative research

involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the world. This means that

qualitative researchers study things in natural setting, attempting to make sense

of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of meanings people bring to them (Denzin &

Lincoln 2011)

This study utilized the qualitative phenomenological design where in the

researchers responded to their own curiosity by providing the information that

everyone must know further. This design was concentrated on an in-depth

interview of the lived experiences of gays which includes their struggles, coping

mechanisms, and insights on how these individuals deal with a possible loss of


Role of the Researchers

The researchers explained the general description of the study that will be

conducted and asked the participants of the study to be of full participation to the

latter by signing the consent form. The consent form discussed the confidentiality

of the in-depth interview as well as the possible risks, and benefits of

participating in the study. In addition, the researchers did not change the views

of the participants to adhere to the study but rather, leave it as it is. In conducting

the interview, the researchers communicated to the participants in the language

both are comfortable with in order to avoid misinterpretation. More so, the role of

the researchers in this study was to provide an output that will serve as a voice

to the lived experiences of gay students in Saint Peter’s College of Toril.

Research Instruments

In gathering and collecting data, the researchers utilized validated

interview guide questions in order to get the necessary information needed in the

study. An interview guide question is a list of questions that the researchers will

follow during an in-depth interview with the participants of the study. The said

interview guide which is strictly validated consists of the research objectives and

corresponding research questions which are the main concerns in order to

gather sufficient and rich data with regards to the lived experiences of gays.

Before the actual interview, the researchers asked permission to the

participants of the study to set a schedule for the in-depth interview in their most

convenient time. After which, the researchers asked the approval of the

participants to utilize a recording tool specifically the voice recorder and to use a

phone camera for documentation.

Research Participants

The researchers will be employing purposive sampling as stated by

Patton (2002) as a technique widely used in qualitative research for the

identification and selection of information-rich cases for the most effective use of

limited resources. This involves identifying and selecting individuals or groups of

individuals that are especially knowledgeable about or experienced with a

phenomenon of interest (Creswell and Plano Clark 2011).

The researchers chose the participants of the study based on the

following selection criteria: (a) the individual must be a bona fide student in Saint

Peter’s College of Toril (b) the individual must be in the institution for at least 2

years (c) the individual must be a self-confessed gay The researchers used

these set of criteria to ensure that the data being collected are of reliable source

and are credible for a better understanding of the study partaken. Furthermore,

the researchers selected five (5) students studying in the said institution to

participate in this study.

Data Collection

We researchers are to craft suitable research questions in order to extract

the ideas, emotions, and lived experiences of the students concerning their

gender bias in the classroom. In-depth interview will be the main method that we

will be using for the data collection in this study. We will be proposing interview

guide questions to the panel of experts for validation. Once validated, these

questions will then be employed to ask the participants to describe their

experiences being gays in SPCT and to reveal their views and perceptions.

In –depth interview was utilized by the researchers in this study in order to

gather information from a single view of concept into a larger point of view

coming from the experiences that will be elaborated by the participants of the

study. The researchers continually asked questions to the participants until a

satisfying outcome of sufficient data was gathered. The participants were free to

ask questions, to clarify certain points, to stop answering, and to take a break if

necessary. The participants were allotted enough time to elaborate and discuss

their answers for as long as it stays on track and not go the long way down.

Data Analysis

In data analysis, we will pursue the procedures on reducing and organizing

the data that we will be collecting in order for us to yield research findings that

have to be interpreted the narratives and lived experiences out of the

participants of this research. The analysis of the interview data followed a

simplified version of the general steps of qualitative data analysis described by

Creswell (2009).

Thematic-Pictorial Analysis. This tool was utilized to emphasize

pinpointing, examining and recording patterns within data. This was applied by

the researchers to move from a broad reading of the data toward discovering

patterns and framing a specific research question (Komori, 2018). In this paper,

thematic analysis was utilized to provide a more profound understanding on the

lived experiences of gays by providing a clear concept through the use of

themes as a means of providing a specific idea. The researchers will go through

diverse stages of collecting and coding information for the validity of the study



As researchers it is our duty to present our study with trustworthiness

through coding detailed data from our participants lived experiences. As stated

by (Henderson, 2006 cited Veal, 2011) that thorough reporting of the process

and the results of qualitative data collection and analysis is the key to justifying

and assuring that trustworthiness exists in the study.

In our study, we will follow the study of Veal (2011), Bryman (2012) and Loh

(2013) and Lincoln and Guba (1985). According to them, trustworthiness

consists of four different components. First, credibility corresponds to the validity

of the findings; second, transferability the applicability of the findings in other

contexts; third, dependability reliability of the findings at another time; and

confirmability objectivity of the researcher while carrying out his/her research. 

This study utilized three components which are credibility, dependability

and confirmability. For credibility, is the confidence that can be placed in the

truth of the research findings. It establishes whether the research findings

represent plausible information drawn from the participants’ original data and is a

correct interpretation of the participants’ original views.

Dependability is the stability of findings over time. Dependability involves

participants’ evaluation of the findings, interpretation and recommendations of

the study such that all are supported by the data as received from participants of

the study.

Confirmability is the degree to which the findings of the research study

could be confirmed by other researchers. The latter is concerned with

establishing that data and interpretations of the findings are not figments of the

inquirer’s imagination, but clearly derived from the data.

Ethical Consideration

It is an important matter for our study to take into consideration the ethical

concerns because this is to protect the research participants and would not

cause harm against them. We ensure that the involvement of the research

participants is purely voluntary and fully informed them regarding the procedures

of the research study and their role as respondents. Possible research

participants have the free will to make a decision on their engagement for the

study and must be free from any forced persuasion.

The data coming from the latter was secured privately to avoid any breach

in confidentiality. Thus, the researchers did not use the exact identity of the

participants rather; other representation was considered which are letters and

numbers. All of the included researches and studies in this paper were

referenced and cited in an APA format to credit the use of its data for the

undertaking of this research study. The validated interview guide questions

contain only useful and comprehensive statements and will be avoiding

unnecessary and discriminating statements that might offend the participants of

the study. Furthermore, a certificate of gratitude was given to the participants

who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study.

Chapter 3

Results and Discussions

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the collected data.

In this chapter, the researchers present the results and discussions of the study

gathered through an in-depth interview conducted in Saint Peter’s College of

Toril. Purposive sampling was utilized by the researchers wherein, five

participants from the Grade 12 of the said institution were chosen based on the

criterion set by the researchers.

The readers will be guided accordingly through the use of the

representations P and L which highlight the quoted response of the selected

research subjects throughout the in-depth interview. P stands for the participants

involved in the research study which is then followed by a number that

corresponds to the latter and L stands for the coded lines in the transcription of

interview response that are found in the appendices.

In this study, the researchers mainly focused in gathering pure and

untainted data from the participants of the study concerning their lived

experiences as gays in a catholic school. It involves their struggles, their coping

mechanisms in dealing with those struggles and the insights that can be learned

from their lived experiences as a gay.

Struggles of Gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril

The common struggles facing gays of Saint Peter’s College of Toril is

compressed into three main themes which are student-related discrimination,

school-related discrimination and personal.

With regards to student-related discrimination sub-themes emerged which

are bullying and stereotypes. Participants 2, 3 & 5 stated that they have been

bullied. In an article by Mosquera (2018) in Ditch the Label, it was stated that In

various settings, particularly at school and home, children are often put under

pressure to think and behave in certain ways that define them as ‘masculine’ or

‘feminine’. This can lead to bullying in that people with strict ways of thinking and

behaving may not have the tolerance and acceptance to welcome people who

do not behave in ‘typical’ ways. As stated by Participants 2, 3 & 5:

“...ginasaway ko nila nga naa koy uyab nga tomboy pero

kanang kuan lang man kanang dili man sa kuan struggles jud
siya kay dapat di man jud siya kanang sawayon kay, Love has
no gender piliion.” P2 L1

They always tease me that I am in a relationship with a

lesbian but I don’t consider it as a struggle because its not
worth a tease, love has no gender.

“...kanang sa mga wala lang kaila sa akoa kanang nag-

discriminate sila kanang wala sila kaila kung unsa jud ang
bayot ana…” P2 L7

To those people who does not know me are the people who
keeps on discriminating me. 19
“...naay nay times nga kanang I-bully jud ka kay diba kanang
kuan Bayot mana ing-ana kay wala nay kusog, ayaw nag taga-
ig ing-ana…” P3 L1

There are times that people will bully you because you’re just a
gay that you don’t have any strengths to lead the pact or to do
the task.

“...diba known man jud ang mga bayot nga tabian ana, tapos
imbis gud na ako lang nag-joke ba tapos wala ko nikatawa sa
akong joke tapos mangatawa akong mga classmate sa ako’y
kasab-an…” P4 L2

Gays are known to be talkative, sometimes when I throw a joke

all by myself my classmate would still laugh and now I am the
one to blame.

“Sa among classroom sa una kay gina-bully jud ko nila kay dili
man ko mulaban, sa ano jud na Grade 7, Grade 8 hangtod
nag-Grade 12 ko kay sa classroom gina-bully jud ko kay pangit
kog nawng nga bayot, nga ana.” P5 L1

In our classroom way back in junior highschool I am the most

bullied student because I don’t know how to fight back and
defend myself. And now I can still experience bullying. They
always say that I am an ugly gay.

Participant 2 stated that most of the times, people are teasing him for having

a lesbian partner and also discriminate him even other people don’t know what is

a gay. Participant 3 stated that there are times that he get bullied because gays

are considered as weak. Participant 4 stated that gays are known for their

talkativeness and whenever he jokes and his classmates will burst into laughter

even if he did not laugh, the blame will put unto him. Participant 5 also stated

that he would get bullied because he will fight back and also for his looks.

In the theme of school-related discrimination, sub themes emerged which

are unaccepted and restricted. All of the participants have stated that school do

not accept and restrict the practices of being gay. According to Human’s Right

Watch (2017), the mistreatment that students faced in schools was exacerbated

by discriminatory policies and practices that excluded them from fully

participating in the school environment. Schools impose rigid gender norms on

students in a variety of ways—for example, through gendered uniforms or dress

codes, restrictions on hair length, gendered restrooms, classes and activities that

differ for boys and girls, and close scrutiny of same-sex friendships and

relationships.  As stated by participant 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:

“Once nga, diba MRYE man jud ng Grade 12- St. Jude nga
HUMSS so dapat dili jud mi… dili jud dapat ipakita imong
pagkabayot dapat magpalala-lalaki jud daw dapat ko.” P1 L4

Once we entered MRYE we should always keep our gayness

we should act like a masculine.

“…sa pagka, like dili nimo kaayo ma-express ang ano gud,
ang imong pagkabayot diri,.” P1 L5

We can’t really express our gayness here.

“Ay O katong sa kuan lang katong sa Christmas Party, kay

kanang wala nila kay kikuha, kikuhaan ko nilag kuan kanang
outfit, OOTD. Like kanang katung wig nako, gitanggal nila.” P2
When we had our Christmas party they confiscated a part of
my outfit, They confiscate my wig.
“...maski kanang kanang maglamya-lamya lang kag lakaw
badlongon naka…” P3 L5

When you walk lamely they will get your attention and talk to

“...naligo mig dagat siyempre nag one-piece ko na sabay nako

akong family… siyempre supportive akong ate picture-picture
tapos nag change dayon kog profile picture pagka-gabii tapos
gi-pm sa isa ka teacher nga dili daw mag ingato kay kanang,
dili daw mag ingato kay kanang, officer daw ka sa skwelahan
na kanang di daw magpalabig bayot-bayot…” P4 L4

We went to the beach and I wore a one piece bathing suit I was
with my family. My elder sister was very supportive she even
took pictures of me then I changed my profile picture on my
facebook account. When we went home one of the teachers
messaged me on messenger that I should change my profile
picture because I am an officer in our school council, I should
be a role model for other students.”

“...sa kanang teachers ana ana, kanang ginatago pa nako ang

mag-liptint ko, dili pa kaayo ko as in confident nga maglakaw-
lakaw nga pula kaayo’g lips sa una pero karon okay na, kay
ginabadlong ko ni Ma’am Marin ug Ma’am Batoto ana ug sa
ubang teacher pod. “ P5 L2

I always hide whenever I put liptint. I am not that confident to

walk around having a really red lips. But now, it’s okay because
the teachers always talk and explain to me that its not proper to
have really red lips inside the school.

Participant 1 stated that in terms of being unaccepted, the problem he had

faced was when he is not allowed to show his gayness and should act like a

man. Also he stated that he cannot express his being gay in the institution.

Participant 2 stated that last Christmas Party, they asked him to remove his outfit

and also his wig. Participant 3 also stated that even when he walked lamely they

will call him out. Participant 4 said that one teacher called him out because of his

profile picture wearing a one-piece and ask him not to do it because he is an

officer in the school and not to be too gay. Participant 5 also said that he would

hide his liptint and he is not that confident to walk with his lips so red because

Ma’am Marin or Ma’am Batoto or other teachers would call his attention.

In personal struggles, one of the sub themes is feeling of self-consciousness.

As stated by Participant 2, 3 & 4:

“Pwede sa CR? Kay lisod man gud mamili pag kung sa girls
baka or sa mmmm.” P2 L8

Is it okay in the comfort room? It’s difficult to choose whether in

girls or hhmmmm.

“...lahi dapat ang sa lalaki na sayaw lahi pud ang sa mga

babae nga sayaw sunod ma-awkward man ko musayaw sa
panlalaki…di man jud nako feel na, feel man jud nako kay
pangit kay ko tan-awon musayaw ato.” P4 L1

Boy’s dance should be different from the girls.23 I get awkward

when I dance with the boys. I feel like I look so bad at dancing.
Participant 2 stated that he had a hard time deciding what restroom should

he choose. Participant 3 stated that when it comes to role playing he would have

a hard time to be masculine because he used to act girly-girly. Participant 4 also

stated that he would feel awkward when he would dance masculinely.

Another sub theme under personal struggle is the fear of being

discriminated. As stated by Participant 5:

kanang magpabayot-bayot ko sa mga role play maulaw ko

mag-ano basta sa akong classmate kay basi malibakan ko nila.
O, mahadlok kog malibakan, mao jud na akong kahadlokan sa
tanan.” P5 L6

When I show my gayness in role playing I get scared because

my classmates would backstub me. And that my darkest fear.

Participant 5 stated that he would feel shy whenever he show his gayness on

a role play because his classmates would backstab him and that’s what fear him

the most.


Student-related School -related

discrimination discrimination

bullying unnacepted

Fear of being
stereotype restricted

Figure 1. Pictorial Analysis of the Struggles Encountered by Gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril
Coping Mechanisms with the Struggles Experienced as a Gay

The coping mechanisms with the struggles experience, as a gay is

compress into two themes that are personal and social. These main themes has

corresponding sub themes in line with the coping mechanism of the gays.

In terms of Personal Coping Mechanism, the sub theme situational

understanding, conforming to rules and academic competence emerged.

Specifically in situational understanding, participants 2 and 3 stated that not

“…dili na nako sila gina-isip cause I cannot please everyone to

kanang to respect me. Naa ra na sa ilaha kay wala, dili pud ko
kabuot sa ilaha kung ing-ana basi naa pud silay bad experience sa
about sa gay.” P2 L19
I do not mind them because I cannot please everyone to
respect me. You cannot control their minds and maybe, they have
bad experiences from gays.

Participant 2 stated that respecting other’s opinion should be done

because no one can control someone’s mind and take over what others are

thinking about you.

“…kabalo man jud ka nga ing-ana jud ilang pagtan-aw mulikay

nalang jud ka sa pagbuhat ug ing-ato kanang murespeto nalang
gud ka, kanang wala man, wala man jud tay choice kay diba naa
man ta diria unya kailangan buhaton man pud nila ilang, ilang
pagtoo nga mali jud to, pero maski, maski dili gud pero kailangan
kanang maningkamot nalang sad tag sabot sa ilaha kay kailangan
man nato magsinabtanay jud.” P3 L7
If you are aware that they see you in that way, you should
distance yourself from doing those things because we do not have a
choice and they will believe what they believe even if it is not true
but we just really need to understand each other.
Participant 3 stated that in order to avoid misunderstanding accepting other

people’s perspective should be done and when you know that a situation will get

worse, you should have the initiative to distance yourself.

Under the personal coping mechanism, the sub theme conforming to rules

emerged. Participant 1 stated that as an enrollee, the need to follow the rules

especially those that are stated in the student’s handbook is necessary.

“Wala jud kay laing choice but mag-conform nalang jud ka sa rules.
Like kung unsa’y juy dapat buhaton sa usa ka formal nga student,
despite kung gay man ka or babae man ka. Wala kay laing mabuhat
like to follow na lang jud sa ilang rules kay mao man juy, naa man
ka diri, diri man ka nag-enroll, nag-sign man ka sa ilang ano, sa
agreement sa ilang rules kanang nabasa man nimo ilang
handbook.” P1 L8
You do not have a choice but to conform to the rules, whether
you are a boy or a girl. You cannot do anything because you are
enrolled here; you signed the agreement stated in the handbook.

Participant 1 stated that as an enrollee and as someone who agreed with

what the agreement in the student’s handbook states, the need to conform to the

rules is necessary.

Under the personal coping mechanism, the sub theme academic

competence emerged. Participant 4 stated that being academically competent

could help to eradicate the discriminations experienced by gays.

“…naningkamot jud ko pagskwela gud kay kabalo man gud kay diba
pag tan aw nila sa imo kay bright ka naa kay achievements sa
academics kay murag di naka nila ma basta basta gud og kanang
bully bully” P4 L6
I strive hard in studying because if they see you having
achievements, they cannot easily bully you.

Participant 4 stated that gays should establish academic competence so

that bullies would not be confident in discriminating gays and how they perceive

them would change.

In terms of Social Coping Mechanism, the sub theme peer factor


“…magpabully rapud ko sauna, karon kay gina storyahan naman ko

sa akuang mga amigo na dili jud magpa apekto pasagdaan nalang
nang ga away sa akoa mga nag discriminate ug karon kay kato lagi
ginapasagdan nako” P5 L10
Before, I let them bully me, but now my friends encourages
me not to get affected anymore and leave those who discriminates
me and that is what I am doing.

Participant 5 stated that because of his friends, he just leaves those who

bully him.
Coping Mechanism


situational Peer factor


conforming to


Figure 2. Pictorial Analysis of the Coping Mechanisms of Gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril
Insights of Gays Studying in Saint Peter’s College of Toril

The coping mechanisms with the struggles experience, as a gay is

compress into two themes that are personal and social. These main themes has

corresponding sub themes in line with the coping mechanism of the gays.

In terms of Personal Insights, the sub theme self-realization, knowing

limitations and motivation emerged. Specifically in self-realization

“Actually, diri sa St. Peter mas nadiscover jud nako kung nga like
katong highschool ko kay siyempre bayot naman jud ko pero pag-
aabot nako diri sa St. Peter murag mas ni ano ko, mas nibayot pero
mas kanang ano na gud mas formal na, dili na kaayo kiat” P1 L10
I have discovered here in Saint Peter my fullest formal gay side.

Participant 1 stated that he discovered himself as a formal gay as he

studied in Saint Peter’s.

“kanang kuan na realize nako na dili lang ko basta basta bayot lang,
tao pud ko nag skwela diri, studyante pud ko nag skwela pud ko
pareha lang nila diria na nag skwela” P5 L12
I have realized that I am not just a regular gay, I am an
educated gay, I study too just like the other students.

Participant 5 stated that he realized his worth both as a student and as a


Under the personal insight, the sub theme knowing limitations emerged.

Participant 2 and 4 emphasized how it is important to know limitations.

”…naka kuan pud ko sa akong limitations sa akong lugar kung asa
ko mu-limit just like in school. Like bawal ko mag-girly diria sa kuan
except lang sa kuan kung naay program kung kuan jud siya
kailangan” P2 L23
I have realized my place and where will I limit myself just like
in school. I know not to be girly unless there are programs or
whenever it is needed.

Participant 2 knew when and where he should be girly and to limit himself

especially in school.

“…dapat, kanang I-know your limitations so kay nag-study… gipili

man nato nga mag-skwela sa catholic school so kailangan nato
mag-folllow ug rules and regulations pero that doesn’t mean na
kailangan pud nato kanang atong hadlangan atong pagkabayot,
pwede man nato ipakita atong pagkabayot pero dapat dili na ta
maglabag sa rules” P4 L13
You should always know your limitations especially that we
chose to study in a Catholic school and we need to follow the
regulations but it does not mean that we hinder ourselves from
whom we truly are. We can show that we are gay but we should not
violate the rules.

Participant 4 stated that as an enrollee in a Catholic school, we can be

gays but we should follow what the school rules are.

Under the personal insight, the sub theme motivation emerged. Participant 4

encourages gays to be inspired and motivate themselves as stated

“…mas maging strong na gud ka na dapat ipakita pud nimo
imong side na kaya diay nimo ni so ma mawala na ma kanang
struggle gamiton nimog motivation para next school year kay dili na
nimo ma-experience na mga struggles ug para happy lang ka sa
imong life ug wala nay magbuot sa imoha ug dawaton naka nila
wholeheartedly” P4 L10
You should be stronger and show your side who can do
everything so that the struggles will serve as motivation for the
coming years and for you to be happy with your life because no one
dictates you what to do and they people will accept you

Participant 4 stated that the struggles experienced should be use as a

motivation so that you can be yourself and others will accept you as who you


In terms of Social Coping Mechanism, the sub theme inspiration to other

gays emerged. As stated by Participant 5

“…pwede biya nimo I-inspire laing ano laing na mga bayot na dili pa
kanang kuan dili pa kanang dili pa kanang showy gani sa ilang kuan
na kanang murag ma-ulaw pa sila kay panan-aw nila ingani I-judge
sila ingani ingana jud diba naa juy biya ingana na kanang dili nila
kayang mag-face ug ingani ka daghan nga crowd kay kanang
mahadlok sila. So kanang bali kami kay kanang kanang diba hasa
naman mi nya kabalo man jud mi na kanang daghan naga-support
sa amoa so kanang pwede mi ma, pwede ma mahimong voice nila
ba.” P3 L10
You can inspire other gays who cannot go out from their
shells yet because they are shy and they are afraid to be judge and
those who are afraid to face a crowd. We can be their inspirations
because we are already use in facing the crowd and we can be their
Participant 3 stated that gays like him could be the voice of the younger

gays who cannot come out because of the fear of judgment from other people.

Personal Social

Self- realization Inspiration to

other gays


Figure 3.Pictorial Analysis of the Insights that can be learned from the Experiences of Gays in Saint Peter’s College of
Chapter 4

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter contains the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations of the study.


The researchers utilized an in-depth interview in order to gather pure and

untainted data from the lived experiences of gays studying in Saint Peter’s

College of Toril. The researchers used purposive sampling for the determination

of the five (5) research participants from Saint Peter’s College of Toril located in

Mc Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City based on the criterion set by the

researchers. The study focused on knowing the lived experiences of gays that

involves their struggles, their coping mechanisms in dealing with those struggles

and the insights that can be learned from their lived experiences.


It was affirmed in the study that indeed gays from Saint Peter’s College of

Toril encountered struggles. In line with these struggles, gays came up with their

personal coping mechanisms to deal with the struggles they are facing. The

researchers came up with themes with regard to the research questions

concerning the study. In terms of struggles, themes such as student-related

discrimination, school-related discrimination and personal emerged. In terms of

how gays cope, themes such as personal and social coping mechanisms were

driven. Lastly, with regard to the insights that can be learned from the lived

experiences gays, themes such as personal and social emerged.


The following recommendations are forwarded based on the findings and

conclusions of the study. It is beneficial in the further depth of the former to add

up additional factors to better the study and for an understanding of the lived

experiences of gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril.

Furthermore, recommendations to specific beneficiaries should be

considered such as the following:

Saint Peter’s College of Toril: The researchers would like to recommend

the institution to accept fully the differences of students especially the

acceptance of the LGBT community and to empower them to be true to

themselves and help them bloom to the fullest. In addition, we would like to

recommend that the rules of the school regarding how the gays students act

especially during performances or dress during occasions should be consistent

and clear so that there will be no confusion.

Gays in Catholic institutions: The researchers recommend the gays in

Catholic institutions to know their limitations especially when they are in the
school premises but they need not to hide themselves, they need to empower

one another.

Students: The group recommends the students to widen their

understanding and acceptance to the wide array of people we have in the

society today and completely avoid bullying because it can result to a worst

situation that will affect everyone.

Future Researchers: The group recommends the future researchers to

widen the range of choosing the participants. Specifically, the group

recommends future researchers to choose more participants coming from

different Catholic schools.


Appendix A

Interview Guide Questions

1. What are the struggles of gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril?

1.1 What are your experiences in the classroom?

1.2 What struggles you have encountered as student in the classroom?

1.3 What are the effects to you of being a gay in a catholic school?

2. How do they cope with the struggles they have experienced as a gay student?

2.1 Can you site one example of the struggles you have encountered?

2.2 How did you cope with that struggles?

2.3 How did you feel when you solved this struggle?

3. What are the insights of gays studying in Saint Peter’s College of Torill?

3.1 Does this struggle help you to become more confident about your


3.2 Will you consider this struggle as an eye-opener for you to improve


3.3 What are your advices to those gays studying in catholic schools?
Appendix B

Saint Peter’s College of Toril

McArthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
A. Y. 2018-2019

January 23, 2019

Mr. Emmanuel L. Templa

Social Science Coordinator
Saint Peter’s College of Toril
High School Department
McArthur Highway, Toril,
Davao City 8000

Dear Sir,
The undersigned is currently working on their research entitled “Mag- Naning
Ta!: Lived Experiences of gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril” which is a
requirement for the Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion.

With your expertise, we are humbly asking for your permission to validate the
attached survey questionnaire for the study using the attached rating tool.

We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive response.

Thank you and more power!

Respectfully yours,

Gabriel Marc Hormillada, et.al

Saint Peter’s College of Toril
McArthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
B. Y. 2018-2019

January 23, 2019

Mr. Felmark B. Fuego

Practical Research Teacher
Saint Peter’s College of Toril
High School Department
McArthur Highway, Toril,
Davao City 8000

Dear Sir,
The undersigned is currently working on their research entitled “Mag- Naning
Ta!: Lived Experiences of gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril” which is a
requirement for the Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion.

With your expertise, we are humbly asking for your permission to validate the
attached survey questionnaire for the study using the attached rating tool.

We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive response.

Thank you and more power!

Respectfully yours,

Gabriel Marc Hormillada, et.al

Saint Peter’s College of Toril
McArthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
C. Y. 2018-2019

January 23, 2019

Mr. Ace John Bersabal

English Teacher
Saint Peter’s College of Toril
High School Department
McArthur Highway, Toril,
Davao City 8000

Dear Sir,
The undersigned is currently working on their research entitled “Mag- Naning
Ta!: Lived Experiences of Gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril” which is a
requirement for the Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion.

With your expertise, we are humbly asking for your permission to validate the
attached survey questionnaire for the study using the attached rating tool.

We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive response.

Thank you and more power!

Respectfully yours,

Gabriel Marc Hormillada, et.al

Appendix C

Consent Agreement Form

Title of the Study: “Mang-naning Ta!”: Lived Experiences of Self- Confessed

Gays in Saint Peter’s College of Toril”


Iantha Marc L. Acain

Rezamae P. Egote
Rocel T. Gallegos
Kyle Nove C. Helburion
Gabriel Marc G. Hormillada
Joanne B. Olaer
Kaye R. Radoc
Romeo B. Rodrigueza Jr.
Larraine M. Valenzuela

Mentor: Mr. Josua Barangay

Description of the Study:

Thank you very much for participating in an interview for my research. Your
participation is completely voluntary. You can choose not to participate at any
time or change your mind, and you can stop answering questions at any time.

Your participation will be very helpful in providing information about a group that
is often marginalized and whose experiences are not often heard. I’m interested
in hearing about your experiences with mobility experiences on hand. I will ask
you series of questions of open-ended interview questions. The entire interview
should take about forty-five minutes.

Risk and Benefits

Some of my questions may be personal, and may focus on your feelings about
your lived experiences in the hospital setting you are in as well as other personal
experiences. There is a risk that you may experience feelings of anxiety, anger,
or sadness as you answer some of the questions. I encourage you to seek
counselling if this interview brings out issues that you would like to someone
about and therefore, you will be provided with a list of counselling resources.
You may request a break at any time or refuse to answer question at any time.

All of the information that you share is confidential. I will never include your name
or any of your identification information with the information that I receive from
you. I will keep notes and recordings from our entire interview on a secure laptop
with privacy control settings to ensure confidentiality.
All identifying material, including this signed consent form will be stored
separately in a locked filed cabinet. Other than myself, my advisor, who is
overseeing my project, will have access to these records.

If you do not wish to be tape recorded, I will take handwritten notes that will not
be shown to anyone else. Records will be kept confidential to the extent provided
by the republic of the Philippines or local law.
However, the Senior High School department of Saint Peter’s College of Toril
which is responsible for monitoring this study may inspect the records. One copy
of this document will be kept together with research records of this study. Also,
you will be given a copy to keep.

You will not incur any financial cost due to your participation in this study. As a
thank you for participating in this study, you will receive a token as well as an
intangible benefit for sharing your story.

Contact information
If you have questions or comments about this study, you may contact the

primary investigator, Gabriel Marc Hormillada at any time. His hand phone

number is 09171246951.

You may contact also my advisor in the Senior High School Department, Saint

Peter’s College of Toril, MacArthur Highway, Crossing Bayabas, Toril, Davao

City 8000 with the telephone numbers 291-2007 local 126/ 291-0257 local 126.
Study Participation


I have read [or been informed] of the information given. _______________ has
offered to answer questions I may have concerning the study. I hereby consent
to participate in the study.

Name and Signature Date


Please put a check mark on the box provided before the statement.

□ I am willing to have this interview tape-recorded.

□I am willing to have the interview recorded in handwritten notes.

Name and Signature Date


Please put a check mark on the box provided before the statement.

□ I am willing to have this interview documented through photo shots.

□I am willing to have the interview documented but photo shots are

silhouette or the back portion only.

Name and Signature Date
Appendix D


Research Questions Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Participant 4 Participant 5

1. What are the P1 L1: “Wala P2 L1: “Uhmmm, P3 L1: “Wait lang, P4 L1: “Ako? P5 L1: “Ay, oo.
struggles of gays in may naga-bully kuan, ginasaway kanag Grade Wala man ay wala Tung Grade 7 ko,
Saint Peter’s College of sa ako tungod sa ko nila nga naa School ko diria, man ko naka-feel ang mga bayot diri
Toril? akong pagka- koy uyab nga murag okay ug kanang sa St. Peter kay
bayot. Uhmm, tomboy pero raman gud pero experiences jud dili pa kaayo
unsa man? kanang kuan lang naay nay times na kanang gina- shine, dili pa
Actually wala man kanang dili nga kanang I-bully bully- bully ko kaayo gawas-
may problema man sa kuan jud ka kay diba tungod sa akong gawas ang
ang akong struggles jud siya kanang kuan pagkabayot kay pagkabayot. Ako
classmate sa kay dapat di man Bayot mana ing- kanang buotan kay gina-ano jud
una sa akong jud siya kanang ana kay wala nay biya ko. Pero naa ko nila, gina-
pagka-bayot jud sawayon kay, kusog, ayaw nag lay kanang mga discriminate kay
uy.” Love has no taga-ig ing-ana ano kanag pangit daw lagi
gender piliion. So, melet kemedu, struggles na ko for daw ko nga bayot.
P1 L2: “Wala mga dapat dili jud ana. Ana pana, example katong Sa among
man sad, pero sila manghinaway anang jung-ani ulawon man jud classroom sa una
katung kay bayot, ang mga mga bagay ko Grade School kay gina-bully jud
elementary pero uban dira naka- bagay kay dili daw tapos labi na pag ko nila kay dili
dili naman diri sa crush ra diay to nako kaya maski level day kanang man ko mulaban,
St. Peter.” unya nagsaway- kaya gud nako Grade 1 Day, sa ano jud na
saway sa akoa. kay dako man kug Grade 2 Day naa Grade 7, Grade 8
P1 L3: “Yes, diri
lawas yot. man jud na hangtod nag-
sa St. Peter.” P2 L2: “O, naa always sa St. Grade 12 ko kay
daw koy uyab nga P3 L2: “O kanang
P1 L4: “Siguro tomboy.” murag kanang Peter tapos kay sa classroom
kung ano, kung kanang panan-aw lahi dapat ang sa gina-bully jud ko
sa mga side lang P2 L3: “Sa Grade nila nga dili nimo lalaki na sayaw kay pangit kog
sa mga sister 11, wala man kay kaya kay bayot lahi pud ang sa nawng nga bayot,
kay, diba kay mga, mga wala ka, ingana gud. mga babae nga nga ana. Mao
ano man jud na man pud toy buot Pero dili siya sayaw sunod ma- tung struggles
sila formal. Like akong mga always kay murag awkward man ko kanang, kanang
ano, ambot kung classmates sa diria man gud sa musayaw sa gina-bully. Ay,
open jud sila sa Grade 11. Mga school kay, diri sa panlalaki. Katong mao lagi tu akong
LGBT. Pero supportive.” SPCT dawat man Grade 5 ko didto struggles.”
Once nga, diba jud gud tang mga jud ko nag-start
P2 L4: “Yes, ana!” P5 L2: “Ay kanang
MRYE man jud bayot, para sa na niingon di nako
ng Grade 12- akoa.” musayaw sa sa mga teachers,
P2 L5: “Yes.”
St. Jude nga panlalaki so kay kabalo man
HUMSS so P2 L6: “Kuan P3 L3: “Unsa na nisayaw ko sa ko nga bawal man
dapat dili jud mi, lang, okay lang nga kuan bayot? mga sa jud diria sa St.
ingon ni Sister man pud, Kuan, unsa man pangbabae nga Peter ang mag-
nga dili jud dapat supportive pud uy. Kuan day, as sayaw kay each kuan kanang
ipakita imong akong mga a student, dili na section man kay I- showy nga bayot,
pagkabayot classmate sa bayot-bayot o divide lalaki, kanang mag-
dapat Grade 12. Kato ra bayot bayot lang babae dapat naa liptint, mag-
magpalala-lalaki jud akong gihapon. Kuan moy presentation. lipstick-lipstick
jud daw dapat problema. Gusto kanang unsa man Na ang sa sayaw nga bayot, kanang
ko. So mao lang ko mawala talaga uy. Ay kanang man sa babae kay mag-wig-wig ana.
siguro tong sa yun ay.” mga role-play role Born This Way Ang kanang ano
ano, which is play, o kanang tapos sabay lang, kay mag,
conformable P2 L7: “As a mga ing-ana. nakog sayaw sina akong struggles
man jud siya.” student? Uhm, Kanang kailangan Kate Ablanque, kay, sa kanang
wala man koy nimo magpalalaki sayaw mi ato nila teachers ana ana,
P1 L5: “O, dapat problema. Kanang kay wala nay laing sa ilaha ko kanang ginatago
kanang ano jud kuan lang sa mga kanang kuan kay nisabay na, wala pa nako ang mag-
daw formal jud kanang sa mga mga, ang mga ko nisabay ang liptint ko, dili pa
daw dapat mag- wala lang kaila sa uban mga wala mga lalaki namo kaayo ko as in
teach ug akoa kanang nag- nay tarong lalaki
na-curious ngano confident nga
maglalaki-lalaki, discriminate sila ing-ana nga
nisabay man ka maglakaw-lakaw
di daw kanang wala sila kanang kuan so.sa mga nga pula kaayo’g
magbayot- kaila kung unsa Parehas atong
pangbabae nga lips sa una pero
bayot.” jud ang bayot Grade 8 ko kay babae mana sila karon okay na,
ana. Sa mga wala kailangan ug lalaki
na lalaki man ka, kay ginabadlong
P1 L6: “Siguro kaila sa akoa, sa among play. giingnan nako sila ko ni Ma’am Marin
sa prefect kay, murag kanang- Kay wala nay na nganong ug Ma’am Batoto
sa rules nila kay, ijudge nila kuan, tarung lalaki jud
musayaw man ko ana ug sa ubang
sa pagka, like dili ing-ana lang.” mapili dae, akosa inyo nga teacher pod.
nimo kaayo ma- nalang jud ay. O
inyong sayaw kay Uhmmm, mas
express ang ano P2 L8: “Pwede sa SLR. Mao tu day,
katong Today I pula pa akong lips
gud, ang imong CR? Kay lisod may gani last part
don’t feel like kaysa sa ilang
pagkabayot diri, man gud mamili lang to. Unta
doing anything, lips. Tapos
pareha sa, sa ila pag kung sa girls kanang lisod jud
tapos di man tu kanang sa kanang
Nat-Nat ug sa baka or sa gani kaayo kay nako, di man jud magwig-wig,
atoa mga bayot mmmm. Pero sa naanad naman
nako feel na, feel kanang magwig-
kay strict ilang offices wala man. gud ko nga mag man jud nako kay wig nga
rules ba. Bawal Wala.” girly-girly, ing-ana
pangit kay ko tan- pagkabayot kay
magwega-wega, gud. Nya, lisodawon musayaw kuan, ay, bawal
magmake-up jug P2 L9: “Ay O
kaayo ato. Mao lang na man jud diria, sa
taman-taman, so katong sa kuan
magpalalaki- akong mga gamay balay raman ko
mao man jud lang katong sa
lalaki.” nga struggles naga-wig-wig dili
nang nature sa Christmas Party,
kanang kailangan man ko diri sa
mga bayot. So kay kanang wala P3 L4: “O, kanang
daw nga school.”
sa rules siguro nila kay kikuha, mapugos. Pero magpalalaki imbis
nila.” kikuhaan ko nilag sa, para sa kuan, P5 L3: “O, sa
dili ko ganahan
kuan kanang para prefect ug kanang
nga magpalalaki
outfit, OOTD. Like uban sa faculty
kanang katung sa…….mmm.” ko.” naa pud. Naa si
wig nako, Sir Efondo. O,
gitanggal nila.” P3 L5: “Ay kanang P4 L2: “Struggles badlungon ko niya
dira, dira may tungod sa akong sa una Grade 11
P2 L10: “Struggle daghang pagkabayot? Ano pero karon dili
kaayo tu siya sa problema dae. mga struggles na.”
akoa kay ulaw Okay lang man sa diba known man
kaayo sa akong estudyante kay as jud ang mga bayot P5 L4: “Ay sa mga
part. Naulawan ko in kanang sa una nga tabian ana, PM, basta
atong Grade 11.” palang jud kay tapos imbis gud makakita kog
dawat man jud mi na ako lang nag- madre kay
P2 L11: “Ah yes.” diri kanang mga joke ba tapos tabunan jud nako
bayot maglangas- wala ko nikatawa akong baba. Di
P2 L12: “Wala na,
langas dira okay sa akong joke jud ko mag
cause I’m a
lang jud na tapos mangatawa kanang, kanang
friendly person.”
kanang dawat jud akong mga naay Sister mu-
P2 L13: “Oo yes
mi tanang lalaki classmate sa ana ko, ay
kay diba okay ako’y kasab-an, confident pa
P2 L14: “Wala.” lang jud na sa una nga murag imbis kaayo ko pero
P2 L15: “Oo” kanang murag wala pa lang wala okay raman ang
murag welcome pa lang gani ko mga sister, ay dili
kaayo mi sa nitingog kay feel diay okay ang
tanang kuan nila na ako na mga sister, taguan
kanang mga boys dayon ang pakana jud nako akong
dira nga mga ng lahat ng gulo, baba.”
sikat-sikat kay ana gud.”
kadto muadto ang P5 L5: “Uhmm
GG Dolls dira kay P4 L3: “O, source kuan, wala man.
naa man mi grupo of kanang noisy, Uhmmm,
sa una nga GG ako dayon day. confidence.
Dolls no pag Na… oo… na ang Confidence kay…
muadto sila dira struggles, gina- Ay dili ana uy, ay
kay, okay lang consider pud nako kanang ano man
makighalubilo jud ni usahay ug gud siya sa
ang mga lalaki struggles kay St.Peter, naay
pero kanang, kana diba kanang naga-bully sa ako,
bayot, naa juy knowing na bayot naa puy naga-
mga, mga kuan ka, kabalo man ka admire sa akoa.
bayot kanang mga nga bayot mga Ambot lang kung
mga madre diria talented jud na naay naga-admire
kanang kanang halos tanan lang pero naa man juy
OA ra gani kaayo ipasa sa imoha mga friends, diba
maski kanang kanang ingana friendships mga,
kanang gud, ipabuhat sa mga, mga ano
maglamya-lamya imo kay talented nako, mga kanang
lang kag lakaw lagi daw ka, bayot mag ano ba
badlongon naka lagi ka kanang kanang
katong kanang bayot maparaan magpataas sa
bag lang, bag lang biya na. Usahay akong confidence,
nga pangbabaye struggle, usahay mao lang. Mga
ha, unya, mao na kay maka-flutter aff… mga affects.”
gud ang man jud pero
naandang na mostly P5 L6: “Ay sa
kanang man jud siya kay kanang sa mga
pangskwela unya grabe magperformance like
dili gud kanang manage sa imong kanang sa
okay lang jud siya time, naa kay classroom setting
na kanang kuan schedules, busy kanang magrole-
ngano man diay schedules.” play kay dili kay,
kung ing-ana okay lang diay
iyang bag at least P4 L4: “Ay sa pero dili kaayo ko
wala siya nag offices! Uhmm, o, as in kanang
make-up, at least Ay, sa mga magpabayot-
wala siya, friend teachers. Ano bayot ko sa mga
nako na siya ha, diba bayot ko, I’m role play maulaw
at least wala siya a gay, tapos I am ko mag-ano basta
nag make up niya proud, tapos my sa akong
gibadlong siya family is also classmate kay
day kay nganong proud tapos basi malibakan ko
ing-ana iyang bag kanang okay lang nila. O, mahadlok
officer pa naman gud sa ilaha so kog malibakan,
siya. Unya unsay murag gigrab mao jud na akong
unsay naa kung nalang pud nako kahadlokan sa
magdala siyag ang chance kay tanan.”
kanang okay lang sa ilaha
pangbabae nga so. Naa tuy time P5 L7: “Ay okay
bag, makakuan pa diba murag JEC lang sa akong mg
diay na siya at pud ko ato nga close friend nga
least wala siyay time tapos diba libakon ko nila
ginatamakan nga dapat daw leader- pero dili, pero
tao. Diba, O. As leader daw ko, basta naa lang ko
in, kanang mga role model, tapos sa atubangan.”
teacher pud nga naligo mig dagat
hate gani ang siyempre nag
mga bayot. Naa one-piece ko na
jud biya na. Bayot sabay nako akong
si sir kuan sa una, family. Nag-one-
si sir *gagging piece ko siyempre
sounds*, kato supportive akong
siya, kabalo namo ate picture-picture
ato. Sir nya, diba tapos nag change
kay kanang pag dayon kog profile
culmination kay picture pagka-
kami man jud gabii tapos gi-pm
nang suki no kay sa isa ka teacher
kami jud ang nga dili daw mag
ginaasahan sa ingato kay
una kay kanang kanang, dili daw
kuan lagi mga mag ingato kay
bayot maoy kanang, officer
makapalingaw sa daw ka sa
culmination niya skwelahan na
mga sayaw-sayaw kanang di daw
niya, bayot, magpalabig bayot-
nagcheka siya bayot ana tapos
dae nga give sa ako atong
chance to others murag, sabay
daw kay kanang. man nako akong
Niya dili daw siya family so okay
ganahan kay man sa akong
barbie daw kaayo family na, na naa
na magbuot mao man jud silay na
manang kailangan wala man nag-
jud didto nu para ingon na nag tago
mudaog mi laing tago ko na dili
kaayo magkuan- man gud ko sa
kuan mi. Buang akoa pud kay lahi
man guro ka! Ana! man gud ko sa
As in jud dae, school, lahi man
kanang naa juy pud ko sa outside.
biya mga teacher Kung unsa
na dili sila ipabuhat sa akoa
ganahag bayot sa school na
nu, wala na unta kailangan na
mo nagkuan diria ginabuhat man
no. Rrrrrrr! Nya, pud nako. Nya, sa
naa pa tu dae, dili gawas natingala
pako mahuman. lang pud ko ato
Nya pa tuy kuan kay murag,
bayot, bag-o lang nganong
ni siya karon lang kailangan pud na
ni siya nga year. pati akong
Project nila sa pagkabayot kay
Aral…. O ato nga kailangan ma-
subect. Aral, Aral minimize na imbis
Pal….. Project nila mao nalang gani
ato nga subject, akong source of
unya ang ilang happiness, ang
kanang topic kay pagkiat-kiat. Mao
mga, mga social to mga, mostly
issues nya mga ing-ana kana
kanang mga gani, tungod lang
bayot-bayot pud sa akong
kanang ing-ana pagkabayot kay
gud Gender ilang ginaconnect-
Equality ana-ana connect na nila sa
kemedo. So mao akong mga dapat
tu ilang gihimo himoon parehas
kay ilang, ilang sa mga teachers.
grupo daghan Sa mga students
mag bayot so mao apil pa?
to ilang, ilang
gihimo kay P4 L5: “so diba
kanang murag mostly sa saint
kanang about gud peter’s diba di
gani sa bayot nga man nato ma
mga video-video deny na kanang
para ma, para murag naga shine
murag kanang shine jud ang mga
ilang pagtan-aw bayot diri sa saint
kay ing-ani man peter’s kay murag
diay ni sila. Nya, mahatagan jud
bayot ang pagtan- silag spotlights tas
aw sa kanang, ako sad nasad
ing-ana, kani nga, koy akoang
kani nga maestra spotlight for
kay lain, melet example dili man
kemedo. Nya, nya sa sayaw, dili man
ilang topic kay sa pag perform
kanang kuan pero sa mga
mismo, unsaon na pagiging
nila kanang ambot kanang… so ako
uy, lisod kaayoo kay naa pud koy
siya kanang akoang spotlight
kuanan ba so dili man sa
kanang, lisod performer na
kaayo siya I- pagka bayot, di
explain gani na man sa pagka in-
kanang, kanang ana entertainer so
sila nag-topic ani naa ko sa kanang
nya sila mismo dili mga student
nila madawat. eaders so tungod
Kato pa jud ta siya kay bayot ko
nga teacher, active lagi kay ko
naabot sa Pre… kay tungod sa
abot na didto sa akong pagkabayot
“Pre- kay murag naka
Deployment”. daghan pud kog
Naabot na didtoa benefits na
sa office nya mao makuha like mag
to OA na kaayo adto adto sa laing
kay ipatanggal lugar para mag
daw in-ato. Nya, represent sa saint
sila nag-effort peter’s ana ana
silag edit ato diba sa akong talent
sayang kaayo ana ana effects
ilang pagkuan nya pud kay murag
nag-conceptualize feel nako kung dili
na sila, aaa ko bayot kay dili
conceptualize, ko in ani karon,
english. Unya,diba dili ko kanag
nasayang lang murag leader
ilang effort. Basta leader sa school
ing-ana nga mga feel nako kay
teacher ipatanggal ulawon ko kung
unta na sila.” lalaki ko feel nako
kay dili ko ma
P3 L6: “Being gay honor kung lalaki
na Catholic ko kay sipat guro
School. Effects, kay ko kung ma
kanang kuan, lahi lalaki ko so
siya kay kanang thankful pud ko
diba naa biyay kay nabayot ko.
mga bayot nga daghan jud kag
kanang kuan, mga benefits pag
kanang, bayot bayot ka ana kay
lang wala’y pag bayot ka kay
kanang diha lang daghan kag mapa
sila sa gawas, ing- happy na tao
ana kemeleng effects na na siya
kemfet. Nya, diria murag naa silay
baya kay positive feedback
ginakuan jud biya sa imoha na
ta, ginahasa jud kuntahay lingaw
tag pag-ampo yot. ka na pagka
Kada-subject bayot, ay lingaw
ampo, kada-kuan, mana siya ana
kada-subject, ana. Kung muag
kada… kanang maldita ka,
kada-sugod, parehas nimo.”
kada-human sa
klase kay ampo
jud day maskin
hala, hala, ampo
jud, bayot ampo
jud bayot. Nya
kanang kuan,
maskin asa
ampo. Hala
masugat na na
ampo. Mao na
kanang, siguro
ang effects sa
kuan kanang naa
ko diria no kay
kuan kanang
makatuon ka
kanang musalog
gani sa Ginoo,
kanang kabalo ka
kanang kung
kabalo ka na wala
jud kay
ginatamakan na
tao, ah again. Ug
kabalo ka wala
kay ginatamakan
nga tao ug wala
kay gina-disobey
commandments ni
God. Okay lang
jud na siya, as
long as happy ka
ug kato siya,

2. How do they cope up P1 L7: “So kato P2 L16: “Oo, P3 L7: “Kuan, P4 L6: “Kanang P5 L8 Katung
with the struggles siya, struggle tu kanang kuan lang tung sa family, ay pag cope up sa ano. Kanang gina
experienced as a gay? siya sa mga respeto nalang diri sa school? struggles? Ay oh bully, bully and
bayot, sa mga pud sa school, Kuan katu siguro kanang pag cope discriminate sa
bayot sa atoa. kay Christian sa mga teachers, up nako no kay classroom sa
Pero dili nako School biya ni. So sa mga, sa mga murag gina ano akung mga
siya maagian respeto nalang organizers, sa jud nako kanang classmates. Ay dili
nga struggle kay pud nga kanang mga taas-taas murag imbis no na kanang harap
dili man gud na siya sa rules, diria. Kanang dili kayko bright harapan jud
kaayo ka fan sa so gilabag nako kuan, kanang no kay kanang sauna,
make-up, dili pud so, tanggapun kabalo mad jud ka naningkamot jud sauna tung grade
ko nagapang- nako kung gikuha nga ing-ana jud ko pagskwela gud 7 pako kay
lipstick or nila pero, pero dili ilang pagtan-aw kay kabalo man ginabastos jud ko
nagapangwig- dapat ing-ato nga mulikay nalang gud kay diba pag nila kanang basta
wig, dili pud situation katung jud ka sa tan aw nila sa imo bastos siya ana
kaayo ko naga- sa public jud siya pagbuhat ug ing- kay bright ka naa ana, pero abi guro
ano sa kilay- gi-kuan.” ato kanang kay achievements ang tan aw nila sa
kilay, wala koy P2 L17: “Aah sa, murespeto nalang sa academics kay akua igat na bayot
arte nga pagka- aah sa kanang gud ka, kanang murag di naka nila which is not real
bayot like dili lang. Kanang sa wala man, wala ma basta basta kay di man jud koi
nako bet ang mainggit lang jud man jud tay gud og kanang gat nga bayot.
make-up, so siya, as in, choice kay diba bully bully. Mao Pero ilang
wala koy kanang, kung naa man ta diria jud na ang gusto ginakuan sa ako
struggle ana wala sila’y unya kailangan nako na I ano gud kay kanang ang
pero sa uban relasyon, dili sila buhaton man pud kanang I- tan aw guro nila
siguro naa silay mangguba’g nila ilang, ilang establish daan na sa akua kay bitch
struggle kay relasyon. Kung pagtoo nga mali naa ka kanang bitch ay kanang
nagaga, wala silay kuan, jud to, pero maski, naay academics bithc bitch. I feel
nagapangmake- partner, so maski dili gud mao di jud ko disheartened, ma
up man sila.” mangita sila’g pero kailangan ganahan mag disheartened ko
partner dili sila kanang absent absent kung gina kuan ko
P1 L8: “Wala jud mang-kuan.” maningkamot para ma kanag nila. Kanang
kay laing choice P2 L18: “Yes, nalang sad tag kuan ko ba ginakuan lang ko
but mag-conform mind your own sabot sa ilaha kay kanang wala gud nila kanang gina
nalang jud ka sa business. Pero I kailangan man koy ma miss. same ang same
rules. Like kung accept opinions of nato Tapos mag tag-as lang ang tan aw
unsa’y juy dapat people around magsinabtanay sad ang grado nila sa mga bayot
buhaton sa usa me.” jud. Kato lang.” ana para di naka gud.”
ka formal nga nila ma easy easy
student, despite P2 L19: “Ay P3 L8: “Kanang, ba ma. I bully P5 L9: “Uhm gina
kung gay man ka kanang dili na naay part na bully ka nila bayot ano lang nako,
or babae man nako sila gina-isip kanang peaceful bayot lagi daw dili ginaa. Ay sauna,
ka. Wala kay cause I cannot na siya kanang bright so dapat tung grade 7
laing mabuhat please everyone diba okay na kay bright bright ka na pako, grade 7
like to follow na to kanang to wala kay kuan pagka bayot. Mao grade 8 kay kuan
lang jud sa ilang respect me. Naa pero naay part na na akong kanang dali ra ko
rules kay mao ra na sa ilaha kay kanang sayanga ginagamit para ma hurt, oh ma
man juy, naa wala, dili pud ko oy kay, o, maka cope up gud down jud ko, pero
man ka diri, diri kabuot sa ilaha sayanga oy kay ko kay para dili ka karon kay naa
man ka nag- kung ing-ana basi dili namo need ug nila I disrespect man koy mga ano,
enroll, nag-sign naa pud silay bad dili namo ni kay kabalo sila na mga dile nako sila
man ka sa ilang experience sa mabuhat tungod nagatarong ka sa ginatagad na ang
ano, sa about sa gay.” ani, tungod lang imong pagskwela. uban kay dili nako
agreement sa aning isa ka tao ginapansin
ilang rules P2 L20: “Kanang nga nagabara P4 L8: “ ang kanang ilang mga
kanang nabasa kuan nalang, pero ang uban struggles kay saway saway sa
man nimo ilang pasagdan kay support kanang kanang bullying akua mao tong dili
handbook.” basi naa silay bad ingana gud. Pero gud, kanang kaayo ko ma
experience about kanang, ay, bullying, apektuhan sa
P1 L9: “Siguro gays, so kanang kanang kuan lang discrimination, kay ilang mga
na-feel nako naa silay jud siya kanang bayot lagi ana ana ginaingun. Oh
uhmmm ang makakitag gay happy ug sad kay kanang gina gara ana, makaingun
akong pagka- kanang, dili sila diba happy kay garaan mi. jud ko nga di
obedient charot kaila basi mao kuan siyempre tinuod kay I know
pagka-obedient rana ilang pagtan- P4 L9: “kanang
kanang wala nay myself man jud
kung unsa jud ko aw wala nakoy feel gud na
dili kay ka better.”
nga pagka sa mahimo kasi I happy, maka
mabadlungan kay
akong sarili or cannot please happy man gud P5 L10: “Ano,
ginasunod man
mas napa-ano everyone to like siya knowing na sauna kay down
nimo, dili kayko
nako ni improve me, respect me.” kanang gamay, jud ko wa koy
ma kanang, dili
nako ang kanang least lang mahimo kay
gud ka kanang
obedient ano P2 L21: “Ah yes initan kay kanang
jud kaayo like pag magpadala rapud
pagka-obedient kanang, kanang sa in school ang ko sa ay kanang
ginasunod man
nako sa usa ka kuan lang jud nimo ang ilang
storyaan, di kay magpa kuan kuan
rules or sa usa mind your own gina-ingon pero nako ma feel na rapud ko ba
ka butang.” business, kanang sad kay kanang gina discriminate magpabully rapud
support, support, kato kung unsa tu gud ko, dili kay ko sauna, karon
supportahan nimo imong naandan nako ma feel na kay gina
tung mga taong na buhaton kay gina bully ko kay storyahan naman
support sa imoha. dili nimo mabuhat diri sa school pero ko sa akuang mga
Pasagdan nimong masking, o, dili pag sa gawas amigo na dili jud
tung mga taong nimo kaayo nimo nuon kanang mga magpa apekto
kuan kanang dili ma-express imong gara gara sa mga pasagdaan
support sa imoha, kuan jud imong driver mg pangit pasagdaan nalang
walay ra may true colors.” mana sila. Mao to nang gas away sa
gihapon silay siya pero pag sa akoa mga nag
mabuhat gud school lang, kay discriminate ug
katung sa walay kanang murag ma karon kay kato
musup- kanang feel jud nako na lagi ginapasagdan
dili support sa kanang murag nako kay
imohang, so satisfying diay ma nagkahinayhinay
kanang kuanun bayot kay wala naman silag
nalang nimo.” naman gud ko kawala siguro kay
naka feel kaayo ni mature naman
P2 L22: “I feel og kanang grabe sad ilahang mga
confident. Yes, na discrimination utok. Ay na feel
because kanang og bullying inside nako na mas
kung kuan man sa school. Maka nigaan akung
gud kung ma- happy siya. feeling ug mas ni
solve nimo tung confident ko ug
just like in our mas ni showy
daily lives . akung
Kanang kugn pagkabayot.”
makakita kag
solution, diba ma-
feel man nimo
comfortable ka,
confident ka sa
imong kuan. Just
like sa akong
situation, ana.
Confident nalang
ko na kanang
kuan gi-face nako
ang challenges
and solve it with
my own hands
and own talent.”

3. What are the insights P1 L10: P2 L23: “Yes, P3 L9: “O, naay, P4 L10: “so P5 L11: “Uhm
of gays studying in Saint “Actually, diri sa cause, kanang, alangan kay diba siyempre kung yes, kay yes kay
Peter’s College of Toril? St. Peter mas naka kuan pud ko diria kay nay mag… kuan, unsa gani
nadiscover jud sa akong ginatudloan man namag. Tanan to? Oh. Oo maka
nako kung nga limitations sa jud ta na dapat I- man jud problema tabang siya kay,
like katong akong lugar kung support jud nato naay solusyon so tas ako mana
highschool ko asa ko mu-limit ning kanang kuan ako diba na silang
kay siyempre just like in school. diba kanang pag giingnan nako ginapasagdan. Oh
bayot naman jud Like bawal ko curriulum ta diba unsaon pag-cope maka help siya
ko pero pag- mag-girly diria sa magtinabangay up. O, maka-help kay kuan oh the
aabot nako diri kuan except lang jud ta ingani- man jud siya like more nako
sa St. Peter sa kuan kung ingana nya kanang naagian pasagdan the
murag mas ni naay program kanang kuntahay naman nimo ni more nako
ano ko, mas kung kuan jud representative siya so mas mahimong
nibayot pero siya kailangan tapos kuntahay pagkanext school confident, yes.”
mas kanang ano pero kanang sa ako unya kanang year or unsa pa
na gud mas mga basic lang na dili nako ma-feel ba mas maging P5 L12: “Eye
formal na, dili na kuan mu-respeto ba na kanang strong na gud ka opener unsa
kaayo kiat, pero pud ko kay gi- kuan gani di nako na dapat ipakita mana? Realize?
kiat pa gud respect, gidawat ma-feel na alone pud nimo imong Yes? Oh, kay
gamay pero ko nila maskin gani ko ani na, ani side na kaya diay unsa gani to?
kung I-bayot ko, maskin na laban kay nimo ni so ma Ayaw ko ninyug
compare…” Christian School, kabalo jud ko na mawala na ma kataw I ba,
so respituhon pud naay mga, naa juy kanang struggle kanang kuan na
P1 L11: “Nga… nako ang school mga teacher nga gamiton nimog realize nako na
ma… kaning… o ana.” mag-support sa motivation para dili lang ko basta
dili siya nga mas akoa like kato sila. next school year basta bayot lang,
nibayot nga ano P2 L24: “Yes, Kanang dili jud kay dili na nimo tao pud ko nag
jud ba kanang… because every mawala nga naa ma-experience na skwela diri,
mas na-formal struggle resolves juy kanang, naa mga struggles ug studyante pud ko
jud ko nga bayot in every lesson juy kanang kuan para happy lang nag skwela pud
kay lahi ra jud after naman din. ba naa juy mu- ka sa imong life ko pareha lang
tung highschool Tama ba akong support sa imoha ug wala nay nila diria na nag
kanang magkiat- English? Ah, naa juy nya naa magbuot sa imoha skwela, oh bayot
kiat like barkada basta katung mga pa juy estudyante ug dawaton naka lang kanang nao
sa akong mga… kung kanang mga nga kanang nila lang mi kanang sa
barkada nako struggle nimo sa supportive kaayo wholeheartedly. akua lang jud ning
mga bayot sad kinabuhi tung una imong mga friends sarili ning bayo
then laag-laag ra mahimo ra man ug, diba kanang P4 L11: “Yes uy tko pero pareha
then diri kay… gihapon siyag instead na tagdon kay naa man jud rata tao dae,
diri pag-abot lesson learned nimo tung gamay tay mga, naa man kanang uban mga
nako diri ambot para dili nimo siya lang kaayo na juy aside maka- lalake kay
lang kung sa kanang kanang kanang kuan realize man jud ta muingun sila sa
school ba or kanang magamit gamay lang kaayo ana, maka-realize akua na bayot
basig naa puy nimo siyag na makadaot jud ka ana na bayot ko pero
influence ang kanang as a guide maypag tagdon tanang nilang atleast nay pinag
mga mga pud ba ana gud nalang nimo tung ginapang-ingon aralan diba kaysa
lessons or mga sa padulong sa daghan kayo nga kay para lang gud bugo bugo.
academics so imong future self naga-support sa sa imoha kay feel Naimprove nako
mao na, mao ana. Like respect, imoha na kaya nako kuntahay akung self while
nga ka kining kanang dawaton nimo ni, kabalo ka naa kay mga gina bully ko nila
ma-formal gud nimong unsay tama ug friends na willing ako nag study
ka like dili na kamatuoran nga mali, diba, dapat ka tabangan man kog tarong,
kaayo ka naa juy mga tao didto ka sa ano, kanang sturyahan bali kanang k\gina
magkiat-kiat ana nga dili kuan. kung asa ka jud ka nila ug bully ko nila, ah
so or na maturity Lesson learned.” comfortable.” unsa dapat imong sige mag tarong
pud siguro sa himoon like lang kog skwela
imong self.” P2 L25: “So, ang P2 L10: “Oo, oy. ingana. So, basin maka bawi
akong maadvice Siguro kay makatabang jud ko sa inyuha.
P1 L12: “Mmmm lang is to have kanang pwede na siya sa imoha. Gina padaan nako
Mmmm. Char, in respect sa imong biya ka maano, So dapat kanang sa pag study. Yes,
what way? Okay, sarili ug sa others pwede biya, kana gani ilang to make myself
siguro sa atoa kay kung pwede biya nimo ginapang-ingon, better and kanang
diba like for girespeto nimong I-inspire laing ano ginapang-saway ipakita sailaha na
example ang sarili, respituhon laing na mga sa imoha dapat dli jud koy ing ato
katung mga pud nimo ang bayot na dili pa gamiton nimo nag na bayot kanang
struggles nga uban, mao ra kanang kuan dili motivation gud parehas sailang
akong, ang… dili gihapoy mabalik pa kanang dili pa para sa imong mga gipang ingon
man pud kaayo sa imoha, respeto. kanang showy sarili na mas like kanang sige
ko naga-suffer Mao lang.” gani sa ilang kuan mapa-better pa rag igat igat. Oo
sa struggles sa na kanang murag imong sarili, sa dapat ipakita jud
mga rules diri. P2 L26: “Give and ma-ulaw pa sila imong pagkatawo sailaha na dili jud
So ang akoa take. Kung unsa kay panan-aw nila kay, ako gani sa ka, na mali sila.”
lang is siguro sa imong kihatag nga ingani I-judge sila una wala man jud
ubang mga repseto mao pud ingani ingana jud P5 L13: “Uhm sa
nako kigusto na
bayot dapat imong dawaton, diba naa juy biya akua kay ano man
mahimo kong
uhmmm… kung respect.” ingana na kanang jud ni siya sa akua
bayot pero
asa man sila na- dili nila kayang gidawat nako na from me jud ni,
belong kung asa mag-face ug bayot ko kay kanang dili magpa
man sila nga ingani ka daghan tungod lang pud apekto sa mga
institution naka- nga crowd kay sa akong sa, sa discriminate
enroll as long as kanang mahadlok akong nakita nga discriminate sa
kaning, ang rules sila. So kanang kaayohan sa mga tao and dili
didto is different bali kami kay pagiging bayot.” mag sobraan ka
and ang ang kanang kanang ano, kanang
rules didto is diba hasa naman P4 L12:” Dapat dili showy kay sa pag
murag deviant mi nya kabalo nimo siya gamiton pag masobrahan
gud sa imong man jud mi na na kanang, dili ka magpa showy
nature so, wala kanang daghan nimo gamiton tung mag make up
kay laing naga-support sa mga struggles make up mag
mabuhat kay amoa so kanang para magdepress- kanang mag liptint
naka… naka ano pwede mi ma, depress ka dapat liptint na pula
man ka, naka- pwede ma gamiton nimo as parehas sa akua,
enroll man ka mahimong voice kanang motivation learning na pud ni
ana nga school nila ba. Pwede mi na dapat mag- siya sa akua na
or institution so mahimong kanang strive hard pa ka ano limitan lang
dapat I-follow jud kuan ba, para mulahi ilang ang pag liptint, so
na nimo whether kanang,mmm, tan-aw sa ano, sa, akung advice
kiat or formal ka diba, o nakaya sa mga bayot.” sailaha kay dili
nga bayot I- niya unsa nalang kaayo showy
P4 L13: “So ang
follow na nimo, kaya ko na kuan, kanang liptint lagi
advice nako sa
ang rules nila, o, naa diay tu siya kay basig
mga students nga
mao lang.” ginata… ginatago malibakan jud ka
mag, nga naga-
pud na talent na dae mao jud na
P1 L13: “Sa study sa catholic
mas kuan pa mas dae. So mao to
ano… sa, sa schools is first and
naning pa diba.” para dili ka
imong self.” foremost dapat,
malibakan, dili kay
P3 L11: “Kuan dapat, kanang I-
mag showy kay
P1 L14: “So sa lang jud bes, diba know your
ano pud nako na
akong, sige ang kanang naa ta limitations so kay
siya pinagdaanan
eye-opener sa diria para kuan nag-stud… gipili been there done
akong self?. nang pride sa man nato nga that. Ug kanang
Unsa man, atong school. mag-skwela sa sa social media
unsang klase? Bitaw, ang St. catholic school so kaya no napud
Like, what you, Peter biya karon kailangan nato nako ni kanang na
uhhh, Will you no kay Love Wins mag-folllow ug been there done
consider this na kaayo rules and that napod.
struggle as an compared sa una, regulations pero Kanang dili mag
eye-opener for sa una jud kay that doesn’t mean pa over kanang
you to improve tago jud tanan na kailangan pud tahay pangit
yourself? Yes, kuan day kanang nato kanang kayka tapos mag
because sa kuntahay bayot, atong hadlangan pa gwapa gwapa
akong self… maya, maya tago atong pagkabayot, ka na bayot sa
unsa man akong jud day. Karon pwede man nato facebook kay
self? Wala ko kay kanang showy ipakita atong libakon jud ka
kaila sa akong na kaayo sila pagkabayot pero libakon jud ka sa
self. Uhmmm, sa ingana diba dapat dili na ta personal, mao
akong self kay, kanang Oh My maglabag sa rakto akung
unsa man? God, dapat ingana rules. Kung unsa maingon, dili mag
Siguro, O, dapat dapat kanang ta, ipakita nato pa showy showy
mas maging ano murag kanang pero dapat kabalo na pagka bayot
jud mas maging kanang ma-feel ta sa atong mao rato akung
formal or like nimo ba nga equal limitations nga, general advice to
diba people, ta tanan diria dapat dili nato I- the future gays of
people see at, kanang walay limit lang atong catholic school.
people see gays lugar para sa self nga or dili
as kanang, o kanang kuan nato mag pabaya
kanang kiat-kiat. lalaki, walay lugar kanang mu-ano
Mao jud nay mu- para sa mga… gud ta sa, go
ano sa akong tanan naay lugar beyond so. ‘Tay
utok nga basta ana, dili kanang bawal mag-
bayot kanang kuan lang dili pud crossed dress kay
kiat-kiat ra, basta pareha diri na catholic school tu,
bayot kay kaning lalaki, pabebe dapat dili sad ka
panguwartahan ingun ana. So mag-crossed
lang so, ang, akong maingon dress ana gud.
siguro sa akoa lang jud sa ilaha Dapat kabalo ta
since na-belong na kanang diba sa atong
man ko ani nga naa man ta sa limitations, tapos
institution, which Catholic School dapat happy lang
is very strict, so mag respeto ka always. Kay
murag na na- nalang pud ta na nag-skwela man
realize nako nga kanang siyempre ka sa catholic
dapat, dapat mga religious man school, be
nga, dapat jud ang mga tao prayerful, matakot
nakong, maging, diria, naa man juy ka sa Dios.”
mag-act ta as uban na kanang
professional. kaning bawal jud
Especially sa sa ilaha kay
mga LGBT, sa kanang panan-aw
mga LGBT jud nila kay mali
members kay jud. So, mag-obey
siyempre sa na lang jud ta kay
imong self sad kabalo man ta na
para dili pud ka mas makapadako
ma, uhh para na man tu sa kuan ug
murag ma-gain mas kabalo ta
pud nimo ang kung buhaton pud
dignity ug nato to kay
respect sa usa makuan ta, initan
ka tao.” ta, or maunsa ba
ta kanang. Basta
P1 L15: “So ang, uy, mali siya kung
ang eye-opener mag-disobey ta sa
nako mao tu siya ilaha kay sila man
kaning dapat ang nakabalo, kita
diba as a gay kay bata pa man
dapat na-realize ta so dapat I-
jud nako sa follow nato sila.
akong self, char Tapos, ang akong
sa akong self jud message lang jud
as a gay nga sa kanang mga
dapat mag-act ta kuan, sa mga
as professional gays sa LGBT diri
not just only sa school kay
ahhh because kanang kuan lang
gay ta, but para jud be confident,
na pud sa ayaw jud mog
society nga para kahadlok na I-I
dili ta kanang kanang I-show
tamak-tamakan inyong talaent kay
lang or dira magsugod
something ang, tanang pag
ang, ang, ang, igawas na nimo
murag ang mga na tanang kay
pre-conceive malay mo dira ka
ideas sa mga tao makitag love life,
jud biya kay lahi dira makitag sa
jud biya kaayo imong pag show
like kanang ug talent dira ka
grabe ang mga ma-confident, dira
pagtamak sa nimo makuha
imoha or tanan jud makuha
something like, nimo imong
usahay dili ka inspiration kay
respetuhon, or pag makuha na
tamay-tamayon nimo imong
lang ka. Mao kuntahay naa diay
lang siya.” talent nimo mao
diay na siyay mu
kanang kuan mao
diay na siyay
imong future,
kanang kuntahay
drawing nimo
wala ka kabalo
masikat diay ka
tungod ana,
musikat diay ka
tungod ana. So,
dapat kanang
kung unsa ka na
kuan kung unsa
jud imong ma-feel
kay dili jud dapat
ka mag-ulaw-ulaw
dapat ipakita nimo
kung unsa ka,
kung unsa imong
Appendix E

Confirmability Check

Saint Peter’s College of Toril

McArthur Highway Toril, Davao City

This is to certify that I agree with the results and analysis of data in the

research entitled: Life on the Line: Experiences of Operating Room Nurses on

Loss of Patient.

Participant‘s Signature
Appendix F

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Iantha Marc Laurel Acain

June 17, 2000


Don Lorenzo, Dacoville Sub., Dumoy, Davao City

Elementary: Davao Grace Learning Center

Junior High: Saint Peter's College of Toril

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Computer Club

Hobby/ies: surfing the net

Rezamae Payot Egote

July 12, 2001


Greenland Village, Dumoy, Davao City

Elementary: J.Bastida Elementary School

Junior High: Doña Carmen Denia National High School

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Musikerong Petrean

Hobby/ies: singing and reading Wattpad

Rocel Tuba Gallegos

December 5, 2000


Rasay Street, Toril, Davao City

Elementary: Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elementary School

Junior High: Doña Carmen Denia National High School

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Musikerong Petrean

Hobby/ies: singing and dancing

Kyle Nove Cayao Helburion

November 1, 2000


Binugao, Toril, Davao City

Elementary: Binugao Central Elementary School

Junior High: Doña Carmen Denia National High School

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Peer Facilitators Organization Secretary, Musikerong

Petrean President, Humanistang Petrean

Hobby/ies: singing, dancing, writing, photography, calligraphy, reading books,

surfing the net
Gabriel Marc Gallardo Hormillada

December 8, 2001


Bohol Avenue, Toril, Davao City

Elementary: Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elementary School

Junior High: Saint Peter's College of Toril

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Peer Faciliatatora Organization Vice- President, Teatrong

Petrean HUMSS Representative, Senior Executive Council

Hobby/ies: Singing, dancing, acting, cooking, playing instruments, surfing the net
Joanne Bongato Olaer

July 4, 1999


Bago Aplaya, Talomo, Davao City

Elementary: Generoso Elementary School

Junior High: Doña Carmen Denia National High School

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Senior Plus Red Cross Organization

Hobby/ies: eating, taking pictures

Kaye Ranes Radoc

July 3, 2000


Mcleaod, Daliao, Toril, Davao City

Elementary: Santa Clara Elementary School

Junior High: Saint Peter's College of Toril

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Computer Club

Hobby/ies: surfing the net

Romeo Rodrigueza Jr.

May 3, 2000


Villa Grande, New Lizada, Toril, Davao City

Elementary: Sugud Elementary School, Albay

Junior High: Doña Carmen Denia National High School

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Sports Club

Hobby/ies: surfing the net

Larraine Madera Valenzuela

August 5, 2001


Elementary: Dr. P. Ocampo College Davao Campus Inc,.

Junior High: Dr. P. Ocampo College Davao Campus Inc,.

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Affiliation/s: Member, Computer Club

Hobby/ies: anything fun

Appendix G


In My Life Research is like Challenges, Obstacles that need to experience

as human beings so that life become strong and brighter, In life of being Student

its very hard to have this kind of subject most specially when it comes to

Defence there are so much emotions that you felt nervous,happy,sad,enjoy and

etc nervous because of the question that the punnels asked and happy because

we made it successfully, sad because there are part of chapter’s that are not

enough or the punnels are not contented to the the chapter that we gave

Research is very hassle to the students life, because there are so much time that

you should have inshort time management, because there are chapter’s that has

snd its not easy to complete it all in Limited day and time, In Research you

should have Patience, Cooperation, Time-Management so that you will have a

successful Research Paper. Research for me is very Challenging it makes me

feel strong and responsible enough when it comes to studying our assign topic,

and im very happy to have this subject because it inhances our skills to become

responsible enough and to develop ourselves to become a responsible students.

– Rocel Gallegos
My insights about the Inquiries Investigations is to undertaken either by an

individual or a group of individuals with varying expertise and working for a

collaborative research goal the reasons that gathering truthful and correct data

lends integrity to every step of take inquiry process from the design of the actual

research work, to the selection of appropriate and validated methods to test your

hypothesis to the interpretation of data without prejudice and backed by results

of previous studies. And also research is an important undertaking as it present

new knowledge methods of qualitative research include observation and

immersion interview open ended survey, focus groups, content analysis of visual

and text materials and also research is give more knowledge about the essential

concept in the conduct of the subject research is a careful consideration of study

regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific methods.

– Joanne Olaer
My insight of this Research is I have learned a lot specially with the help

of our 3 I’s teacher sir Baranggay He taught us everything what we could ask for.

and I appreciated all his effort and time teaching So our chosen type of research

is Qualitative, So what is Qualitative? Qualitative is research is a process of

naturalistic inquiry that seeks in-depth understanding of social phenomena within

their natural setting. Since research involves the investigation of constructs and

ideas that constitute one's area of interest, The researchers see this as an

important issue that needs to be resolved using appropriate methods that fit the

purpose of the study, the knowledge to be derived from this investigation comes

from measurement and analysis of data.

– Romeo Rodrigueza
There are a lot of hardships and struggles that i have encountered during

our research study. in doing our research paper is quite hard because there are

a lot of problems that we encountered along the way. I have some background

about conducting a research paper but i did not expected that our research

would really be a tough one. My knowledge about research is only limited but

during our discussions it widened my understanding and i realize that it is a great

help for me to become a more productive student . During our research defense i

need to improve myself in terms of talking in front of many people, improve my

speaking skills and vocabulary so that i can express my thoughts and opinions. I

would like to thank our research teacher, Mr Josua Barangay, who have teached

and gave us the opportunity to become a better student.

– Iantha Marc Acain

My 3 I’s insights i’ve learned that making Research is not that quite easy.

First we identify our Research title, Our chosen type of research is Qualitative

Research, It is very quite challenging for us because we had only small

background on this type of research. Conducting interview is such a fun

experience since it is our first time but also we are making it seriously and made

it possible I thank our group leader, who dedicate so much time and effort just to

finish our research. and to our teacher sir Barangay who also take time in

teaching us step by step for us to follow and understand. while conducting our

interview we asked them if it is okay to video and record their answers some

says yes and some says no. with hardwork, teamwork and perseverance, we

have accomplished a whole-some and effort-worthy research study.

– Kaye Radoc
My insights about the subject Inquiries, Investigations, and immersions is

that it had given me a lot of knowledge about the essential concept in the

conduct of the said subject. In the end of the subject, I have developed a deeper

appreciation of the role and importance of research in upholding of the welfare

and safety of mankind. I believe that our research Mang Naningta! the lived

experience of homosexual senior highschool in saint peter's college of toril,

would not have been successfully conducted without our trusty leaders Ms. Nove

Helburion and Mr. Gabriel Hormillada, most of the works are done because of

them. Writing a research report is a skill that can be learned through practice

over a period of time, thanks to our leaders, they have guided us in things we

have to do regarding our research. Moreover, the success of our research have

rested on each and everyone's ability to identify research problem, to strategize

how to approach such problem, and to communicate the outcome of the

investigation. Special thanks also to our research teacher Mr. Joshua Baranggay

for guiding us through this process.

- Laraine Valenzuela
My insight about the subject inquiries, investigation,and immersion is very

difficult by making research, because theres a lot of struggles that we

encountered especially when we do our interview, we need to interview some

gays students in grade 12 for our respondents so that we can finish our

research. In our research ive learned that making a research we need to have a

unity from the group because making research is not easy. I would like to thank

our group leaders who always guide us on what should we do in our research to

help them, they do all their best to finish our research and we are so lucky and

thankful that they are our leader.And to our teachet mr. Barangay who guiding us

through making research.

-Reza Mae Egote

Having another study is a pressure for me coming from a successful

research in the first semester. However, at the same time I am more confident

because I know that my group mates and I can work hand in hand to achieve

what we have done on our first study. But not everything is a cup of tea for us.

The validators approved our study but not with the school administration and I

think it was the hardest point for the whole duration of our study. We were

warned not to pursue what we have started. Nevertheless, we know the purpose

of our research and we know what research is all about. I would like to express

my heartfelt gratitude to our teachers who supported us with the study and to our

validators who believed in us. I know this is just a training ground for college and

what we have learned from this will be useful in our future endeavors. I wrote this

insight at 11:42 PM, an evening before our final defense, while everyone is still

busy. In addition, I guess this is something memorable and worth the while.

-Kyle Nove Helburion

3I’s or Inquiries, Investigations, & Immersions is a challenging subject. To

be honest this subject gives us nothing but stress and anxiety, but it makes me

think on the positive side that I am preparing myself for college research or

thesis which would really drain us. We took the challenge of doing the Qualitative

approach of the study since last school year our research paper was not even

that good. It was not easy, there are some different points from our past

research. There are some problems met to the extent that it was almost to be

stopped by the administration but thanks of our instructor Mr. Josua Barangay

and Mr. Emmanuel Templa, our research can still be proceed. I would like to

express my gratitude to the teachers who helped and supported us every step of

the way, and to my groupmates who without a doubt would extend a hand to

help in finishing paper. We could never do this without each others help. This is

one of my most memorable Senior High School experiences, finishing your

research paper the day or hours before your defense. This serves as one of our

passports for our graduation and hoping for our success. Ad majorem Dei


-Gabriel Marc Hormillada

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