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Basic Vehicle Dynamics

Prof. R.G. Longoria

Updated for Spring 2010

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Lecture goals
• Review concepts from dynamics
• 2D (planar) dynamics problems
• Discuss cases studies and illustrate need for
introducing 3D dynamic effects

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Part 1: Review concepts in dynamics
• Basic coordinate systems
• Free body (or force) diagrams
• How to express position vectors in defined coordinate systems,
and how to differentiate them to get velocity and acceleration if
• Relative velocity/acceleration, transferring between coordinate
• Mass properties (e.g., moments of inertia, inertia matrix, etc.)
• Particle and rigid body kinematics
• Newton’s laws, Euler’s equations
• Coordinate transformations are essential for some problems
(e.g., turning) – reviewed later
• Bond graphs – optional (*-ed slides)
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Vehicle-fixed coordinate system
Ground vehicle coordinate systems commonly employ a
coordinate system standardized by SAE.

Consider the standard SAE SAE vehicle axis system

coordinate system and x = forward, on the longitudinal
terminology. plane of symmetry
y = lateral out the right side of the
z = downward with respect to the
p = roll velocity about the x axis
q = pitch velocity about the y axis
r = yaw velocity about the z axis
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Earth fixed coordinate system
X = forward travel
Y = travel to the right
Z = vertical travel (+down)
ψ = heading angle (between x
and X in ground plane)
ν = course angle (between
vehicle velocity vector and X
β = sideslip angle (between x
and vehicle velocity vector)

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example: 2 axle vehicle



ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Relative velocity of particles

It is recommended that you review these basic

kinematic concepts in a reference of your choice.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Relative acceleration of particles
It is recommended that you review these basic
kinematic concepts in a reference of your choice.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Rigid body velocities
Vp = Vo + Ω× V
Ap = A0 + Ω× R + Ω× Ω× R ( )
(cf. Karnopp&Margolis, eqs. 1.18)

(a) Transfer the c.g. velocity to body-fixed directions at the four wheels
(b) If each wheel is constrained to have no velocity perpendicular to the
plane of the wheel, state the kinematic constraints for each wheel.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Translating and rotating ref. frames
It is helpful to have an understanding of the coordinate systems used
for rigid body analysis, and the terminology employed for these
applications. One of the key results is given below.
Rotating reference axes rotate with
velocity Ω, and body rotates with
angular velocity, ω.

This relationship between

vector quantities in xyz and
XYZ will prove very useful.
 dV   dV   
  =  + Ω× V
 dt  XYZ  dt  xyz
Translating reference axes, with body 
rotating with angular velocity, ω. V can be any vector quantity.
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Rigid body in 3-D motion
By using body fixed coordinates, the
rotational inertial properties remain fixed.

The products of inertia* are all zero, and this

makes it convenient for our purposes.
*See dynamics text to review inertial properties.

Newton: p ≜ mv (trans. momentum)

 dp 
F =   + Ω×p
 dt  xyz

v = vx vy vz  With v relative to rotating frame.

Ω = Ω x Ωy Ω z 

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Basic equations for a rigid body
The complete equations for a rigid body are nonlinear,
coupled differential equations.
dp dh
F= + Ω×p T= + Ω×h
dt xyz
dt xyz

Fx = pɺ x + Ω y pz − Ω z p y Tx = hɺx + Ω y hz − Ω z hy
Fy = pɺ y + Ω z px − Ω x pz Ty = hɺy + Ω z hx − Ω x hz
Fz = pɺ z + Ω x p y − Ω y px Tz = hɺz + Ω x hy − Ω y hx
These are sometimes referred to as the Euler equations, often only when you let the
ref. axes coincide with the principal axes of inertia at the mass center or at a point
fixed to the body so the products of inertia go to zero – this leads to a simpler form.
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
System dynamics formulation
• State space formulation for the vehicle dynamic
• For modeling, use momentum states: p, h
• Can readily switch to velocity states as needed

pɺ x = Fx − Ω y pz + Ω z p y hɺx = Tx − Ω y hz + Ω z hy
pɺ y = Fy − Ω z px + Ω x pz hɺy = Ty − Ω z hx + Ω x hz
pɺ z = Fz − Ω x p y + Ω y px hɺz = Tz − Ω x hy + Ω y hx

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Value of understanding 6 DOF eqs.
• By having the full dynamic equations at your
disposal, you can:
– Examine effects that might be hard to ‘see’
intuitively or reliably
– You can ‘throw out’ terms that do not apply and
keep those that will impact the problem at hand.
pɺ x = Fx − Ω y pz + Ω z p y hɺx = Tx − Ω y hz + Ω z hy
pɺ y = Fy − Ω z px + Ω x pz hɺy = Ty − Ω z hx + Ω x hz
pɺ z = Fz − Ω x p y + Ω y px hɺz = Tz − Ω x hy + Ω y hx
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Rigid body - using bond graphs*
Rigid body motion in a body-centered coordinate system:
–vector angular velocity
–coordinate system moves
with body
–3 components of
translational momentum
–3 components of angular
–6 nonlinearly-coupled

Karnopp and Rosenberg (1968)

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Planar dynamics of a vehicle
Consider a car with total mass,
m, centered at CG reaches
maximum acceleration, and
assume the mass of the wheels z
are small compared with the total
mass of the car. The coefficient
of static friction between the
road and the rear driving wheels
is assumed known as µ.
Find relations for the forces at
the front and rear pairs of wheels
the under condition of maximum

Must assume relation for friction force.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
planar dynamics (cont.)

pɺ x = Fx − Ω y pz + Ω z p y hɺx = 0 = Tx − Ω y hz + Ω z hy
pɺ y = 0 = Fy − Ω z px + Ω x pz hɺy = 0 = Ty − Ω z hx + Ω x hz
pɺ z = 0 = Fz − Ω x p y + Ω y px hɺz = 0 = Tz − Ω x hy + Ω y hx

+∑ Fz = 0 = W f − Wr − mg +∑ Ty = 0 = Wr ( l1 + l2 ) − µWr h − mgl1

Solve for the forces, apply to x-direction equation.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example: Deriving Bicycle Model
Symmetric vehicle, No Roll
•Represent the two wheels on the front and rear
axles of a two-axle vehicle by a single equivalent
•The bicycle model has at least three states:
–forward CG translational momentum or velocity
–lateral CG translational momentum or velocity
–yaw angular momentum or velocity about CG

Wong, Eqs. 5.25 – 5.27:

m (Vɺx − Vy Ω z ) = Fxf cos(δ f ) + Fxr − Fyf sin(δ f )

front drive rear drive lateral force effect
You should be able to see how the equations
m Vɺy + Vx Ω z = Fyr + Fyf cos(δ f ) + Fxf sin(δ f )
( )
shown here (from Wong) can be derived from the
basic Euler equations. ɺ = l F cos(δ ) − l F + l F sin(δ )
I zΩ z 1 yf f 2 yr 1 xf f
Note that the right-hand sides are basically just
the ‘external’ forces and torques (here applied by
the tire-surface interaction).
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Contrast D’Alembert Formulation
It is common in conducting some
basic rigid body analysis, to
employ kinetic diagrams to
visualize the effect of
translational and rotational
The analysis breaks down, effectively, to a d’Alembert
formulation, where an ‘inertial force’ becomes part of a ‘dynamic
equilibrium’ analysis.
F1 * ∑
F− m a = 0
F2 pɺ dp ɺ Rate of change of
=p momentum – ‘inertial
1 I:m
Fn V dt force’

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example of D’Alembert Approach
A bicyclist applies the brakes as he descends a
10° incline. Meriam & Kraige (6/3)

What deceleration a would cause the dangerous

condition of tipping about the front wheel A?

The combined center of mass of the rider and

bicycle is at G. Ans. a = 0.510g

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Case study: 2D Vehicle Rollover
• Rollover can occur on flat and level surfaces (on-road). On-
road rollovers typically arise from loss of directional control,
which may result from driver steering actions.
• Off-road rollover may result from the cross-slope effect adding
to lateral forcing from curb impacts, soft ground/soil, or other
obstructions that “trip” the vehicle.
Off-road path

Loss of directional control

due to excessive corrective Steering input to re- Marine, et al (1999)
steering enter roadway

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Rollover Classification
• Friction rollover - occurs due to high lateral
friction forces in tire-surface interaction without
any tripping
• Spin out rollover - rear outside tire saturates
before front leading to yaw instability
• Plow out rollover - front outside tire saturates
before rear leading to understeer and possibly
inability to steer out of accident

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Quasi-static Rollover V
of a Rigid Vehicle x
Rigid vehicle moving in a steady turn,
and assume there is no roll acceleration.

Take moments about outside wheel,

 t  t
∑ o
M = ma y 

h cos ϕ −
sin ϕ 

− mgh sin ϕ − mg
cos ϕ + Fzi t = 0

Assume that ϕ is small, then you can solve for the

ϕ ratio of lateral to gravitational acceleration,
ay 1 t Fzi t 
‘vehicle-fixed’ axes =  + ϕh −
g h − ϕt 2  2 mg 
Fzi 1
Note, you assure tire contact forces are equal, or, mg = 2
ay g
by making,  t a y  (cross-slope design)
1 + 2h g 
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria  
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Quasi-static Rollover
of a Rigid Vehicle
The lateral acceleration at which rollover begins is
the “rollover threshold”.

The point where the inside contact force goes to

zero specifies,
ay 1 t 
= + ϕ h
g F =0 h − ϕ t 2  2 

The Static Stability Factor (SSF) is defined for ϕ = 0, or

ϕ ay t
= ≜ SSF
g Fzi = 0,ϕ = 0
Cross-slope angle can
counter lateral This can also be referred to as “rollover threshold”.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Rollover Threshold
Rollover Threshold (Gillespie, 1992)
Note that these values can exceed the
cornering capabilities that arise from friction
limits (about 0.8). F y
So vehicle could spin out in such a case,
implying rollover would not occur. We know
this is not true.
Rollover threshold

We have examined ‘rigid body’ rollover. Lateral

The effect of roll angle shows that, at least Accel ay
for a simple steady-state case, there is more φe = tan −1
to rollover prediction than this simple
ay t
= − tan φ Roll Angle, φ
g Fzi = 0,ϕ = 0
Roll lowers SSH
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Summary of dynamics review
• We need models for insight, basic analysis/simulation, and
control design.
• Not possible to make comprehensive review. Instead, adopt
dynamics concepts for vehicle system modeling on an ‘as
needed’ basis, focusing on answering the questions asked.
• Rely on fundamental concepts such as relative
• It can be helpful to understand the basic 3D rigid body
equations as a basis for studying simple (e.g., 2D) problems.
• Example given of how vehicle static stability (rollover) can be
evaluated with basic planar dynamics.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
1. J.L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (4th
ed.), Wiley and Sons, Inc., NY, 1997.
2. D.T. Greenwood, Principles of Dynamics, Prentice-Hall, 1965.
3. T.D. Gillespie, Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, SAE, Warrendale,
PA, 1992.
4. J.Y. Wong, Theory of Ground Vehicles, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, 1993 (2nd) or 2001 (3rd) edition.
5. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 9th ed., Prentice-Hall.
6. J.P. Den Hartog, Mechanics, Dover edition.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Appendix A: Example Problems
1. Anti-rollover control (gyro stabilizer)
2. Bus flywheel
3. Truck with trailer

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
1. Anti-rollover control
with gyro stabilizer
An experimental car is equipped with a gyro stabilizer to counteract
completely the tendency of the car to tip when rounding a curve (no change
in normal force between tires and road).

The rotor of the gyro has a mass mo and a radius of gyration k, and is
mounted in fixed bearings on a shaft that is parallel to the rear axle of the
car. The center of mass of the car is a distance h above the road, and the car
is rounding an unbanked level turn at a speed v. At what speed p should the
rotor turn and in what direction to counteract completely the tendency of the
car to overturn for either a right or a left turn? The combined mass of car and
rotor is m.

We introduced this example to motivate the need to review 3D rigid body dynamics: useful for
‘back of the envelope’ analysis but also for building an understanding helpful for more complex

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Dynamics of Spinning Flywheel
With the symmetric flywheel spinning about
the z-axis, if the forces are applied about the
‘torque’ axis, the right-hand rule helps indicate
how the flywheel would precess.

However, we also know that if we spin the

flywheel and precess about the y-axis, a torque
will be applied about the x-axis. The applied
moment would be, M = I Ωp
Ω = precess velocity
Right-hand rule p = spin velocity
This concept can be used to solve the gyro-
stabilizer problem.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Solution from Meriam and Kraige
Here is the solution from the The sense of the spin actually can be inferred
Instructor’s manual. by always making sure you form the right
hand system with spin-precession-torque.


Rotor should spin in a direction turn
opposite to rotation of wheels.
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Finding Rollover Torque
Identify the relevant body velocity as you make a left turn, as shown
here, or a right turn. For this case the body has an angular rotational
Ω = −Ω z k ˆ

When you apply Newton’s law for the y direction, you account for
the effect of this rotation (through the Euler equations), showing
how this so-called ‘centrifugal force’ arises,

Note py here is
mv 2
momentum, not spin Fy = pɺ y − m Ω x v y + m Ω z vx =
velocity (as in SAE).    R
=0 =0 =v

So in a left-hand turn, this induced force generates a moment about the roll axis (x) that
tends to induce rollover. This rollover torque we are trying to control is,
mv 2
Tx = Fy h = h
Note the sign change for a right-hand turn.
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Applying Euler’s Equations

Assume that Iy−Iz>0.

hɺx = Tx − Ω y hz + Ω z hy
In a left-hand turn, Ωz<0, the torque to control
= Tx − Ω y I z Ω z + Ω z I y Ω y
is positive, and we require Ωy>0.
= Tx + ( I y − I z ) Ω y Ω z
   In a right-hand turn, Ωz>0, the torque to
torque This term must cancel control is negative, and we require Ωy>0.
the rollover torque

For both, the rotor should spin opposite to the

direction of rolling wheels.
hɺx ≈ 0
− ( I y − I z ) Ω y Ω z = Tx
Required spin Ω = mvh
v h velocity:
Neglecting Iz: I yΩ y = mv 2
cf. M&K solution
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Visualizing with a Bond Graph*
Now visualize with a bond
The sum of torques at this 1-
graph. junction reflects the relevant
roll I:Ix dynamics. It is just the relation
Causally, you can see that a we wrote before but now we
torque from the vehicle
Txhx ωx might write:
body induces precession of
1 ɺ = T −Ω h + Ω h
the rotor, but it is the
hzωy h
angular velocity ωz that hyωz x x  y z
 z y
rollover spin precession
leads to a torque about x. hz hy torque torque torque
The same can be said for the Ty Tz
torque induced by the spin ω y ωz
velocity ωy.
1 G 1
ωy precession
hx ωz
I:Iy I:Iz
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
2. Bus Flywheel
An experimental antipollution bus is
powered by the kinetic energy stored in
a large flywheel that spins at a high
speed p in the direction indicated. As the
bus encounters a short upward ramp, the
front wheels rise, thus causing the
flywheel to precess. What changes occur
to the forces between the tires and the
road during this sudden change?
(Meriam and Kraige, 7/100)

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
A Bond Graph Perspective
on the Bus Flywheel
• The bus flywheel is a good example of how rigid body bond
graphs can be used to represent or apply the rigid body
• One advantage is that graphical modeling can be used for
`intuitive' gain, and for some people this is helpful.
• As previously discussed, a spinning flywheel is mounted in a
bus or cart. The body fixed axes are mounted in the vehicle,
with the convention that z is positive into the ground.
• The bus or cart approaches a ramp, and the questions which
arise include whether any significant loads will be applied, what
their sense will be, and on which parameters or variables they
are dependent.

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Flywheel on Bus
Bond Graph Representation

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
3. Truck with Trailer
A loaded pickup truck which weighs 3600 lb with mass center at G1, is hauling an 1800-lb
trailer with mass center at G2. While going down a 10-percent grade, the driver applies his
brakes and slows down from 60 mi/hr to 30 mi/hr in a distance of 360 ft. For this interval,
compute the x- and y-components of the force exerted on the trailer hitch at D by the
truck. Also find the corresponding normal force under each pair of wheels at B and C.
Neglect the rotational effect of the wheels.

To find the unknown forces, need to determine

Meriam & Kraige (6/26) acceleration and then the inertial forces.
ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
3. Truck with Trailer (cont)

Compare to

Meriam & Kraige (6/26)

ME 379M/397 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin

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