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Chem. Rev.

1987, 87, 1313-1357 1313

Mechanisms of Action and Reactivities of the Free Radicals of Inhibitors

Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, USSR


Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences, 117334 Moscow, USSR

Received August 1, 1986 (Revised Manuscript Received July 7, 1987)

Contents 2. Dismutation 1337

E. Ketyl Radicals 1339
I. Introduction 1313
1. Recombination 1339
II. Kinetics of Inhibited Oxidation of Hydrocarbons 1315
2. Self-Reactions of Radical Anions 1340
A. Mechanisms of Inhibited Oxidation of 1315
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F. Aminyl Radicals 1340

Hydrocarbons 1. Neutral Radicals 1340
B. Kinetics of Inhibited Autoxidation of 1318
2. Radical Cations 1342
Hydrocarbons G. 1,3-Dioxo-2-arylindan-2-yl Radicals 1342
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C. Catalysis of Chain Termination in Oxidation 1319

H. Solvent Effect on Reversible 1343
III. Radical Abstraction Reactions Involving Aroxyl 1321
Recombination Kinetics
1. Rates and Equilibria in Self-Reactions 1344
A. O-H Bond Dissociation Energies of Phenols 1321
2. Dissociation Kinetics 1344
B. Reactions of Aroxyl Radicals with 1322
I. Reactions of Aroxyl and Aminyl Radicals 1345
Hydrocarbons with Peroxyl Radicals
C. Reactions of Aroxyl Radicals with 1323
VII. Acid-Base Equilibrium Reactions of Inhibitor 1346
Hydroperoxides Radicals
D. Reactions of Aroxyl Radicals with Phenols 1324
VIII. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions of Inhibitor 1347
E. Synergism of the Inhibiting Effect of Binary 1325
Mixtures of Sterically Hindered and
A. General Comments 1347
Unhindered Phenols
B. Reduction of Aroxyl Radicals 1347
IV. Radical Abstraction Reactions Involving Aminyl 1326
C. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions of Radicals 1347
with Metals and Metal Compounds
A. N-H Bond Dissociation Energies of 1326
D. Labile Complexes between Aroxyl and 1349
Aromatic Amines
B. Reactions of Aminyl Radicals with 1326 Semiquinone Radicals and Metal
Hydrocarbon C-H Bonds E. Redox Potentials of Free Radicals 1350
C. Reactions of Aminyl Radicals with 1327
IX. Kinetic Topology of Inhibited Oxidation of 1351
D. Reactions of Aminyl Radicals with Phenols 1328 Hydrocarbons
A. General Principles of Kinetic Topology of 1351
E. Synergism in Inhibition of Oxidation with 1328
Inhibited Oxidation
Mixtures of Amines and Phenols
B. The Optimum Inhibitor 1353
V. Reactions of Inhibitor Radicals with Oxygen 1328
C. Effective Inhibition Temperatures 1354
VI. Bimolecular Reactions between Radicals 1329
X. Conclusions 1354
A. General Comments 1329
XI. References 1355
B. Diffusion-Controlled Reactions between 1330
Chemically Anisotropic Reagents I. Introduction
1. General Principles 1330
2. Reactivity Anisotropy of Reagents 1330 Autoxidation of organic compounds is a reaction of
C. Recombination and Disproportionation of 1331 unique importance for mankind, who live in an atmo-
Aroxyl Radicals sphere of the active chemical agent oxygen and heavily
1. Dimerization of Aroxyl Radicals and 1331 depend on organics for their existence. The enzyme-
Dimer Structure catalyzed oxidation of fats and carbohydrates is the
2. Kinetics of Reversible Recombination of 1332 source of energy in living organisms. In nature, spon-
Aroxyl Radicals taneous oxidation helps do away with enormous
3. Dimer Dissociation 1333 amounts of pollutants released into the environment
4. Hydrogen-Transfer Kinetics in Aroxyl 1333 by men and animals. Oxidation of organic compounds
Self-Reactions at moderate or elevated temperatures is one of the
5. Disproportionation 1334 principal routes of organic synthesis of large-scale
6. Recombination of Mono- and 1336 chemical processes.
Disubstituted Aroxyls At the same time autoxidation is obviously detri-
D. Semiquinone Radicals 1337 mental in some cases. Keeping or using various man-
1. Disproportionation 1337 made products in air often results in their rapid dete-

0009-2665/87/0787-1313$06.50/0 © 1987 American Chemical Society

1314 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

articles made from them, medical preparations, chem-

icals, solvents, foodstuffs, paints, etc. For this reason
much effort has been expended in finding appropriate
inhibitors or antioxidants to stop or control such aging.
The simplest solution to the problem seems to involve
adding a small quantity of some inexpensive compound
or mixture of compounds to obtain a maximum inhib-
iting effect on oxidation. Often, very small quantities
of inhibitor produce a strong inhibition of autoxidation
or initiated oxidation. This fact is not surprising when
we remember that oxidation is more often than not a
chain reaction.
The inhibiting activity is exhibited by materials of
a most variegated nature: metal compounds, aromatic
amines, hydroxy aromatic compounds, many natural
compounds, and vitamins. Using mixtures, it is some-
times possible to obtain an unexpectedly high inhibiting
Evgeniy T. Denisov was born in Kaluga (central Russia) In 1930. effect.
He graduated from Moscow State University in 1952. During
1953-1956 he was a postgraduate student of this University, and A rational approach to selection of inhibitors and
in 1957 he became a Candidate of Science (chemistry). Since prediction of their lifetimes and effectiveness in com-
1956 he has been working at the Institute of Chemical Physics. positions requires a knowledge of the mechanisms and
In 1964 he became a Doctor of Science (chemistry). Since 1967 kinetic parameters of oxidation of the chemical com-
he has been the Head of the Laboratory of Kinetics of Free Radical
Liquid-Phase Reactions, where he and his colleagues study the
pound in question, as well as the effect of the added
mechanism of action of antioxidants and elementary steps of free inhibitor on the mechanism and kinetics. Clearly, the
radical reactions. He is the chairman of the Kinetic Section in the ability to decelerate oxidation will depend on the nature
Scientific Council on Structure and Chemical Kinetics of the Aca- of the oxidized compound, temperature, and other re-
demy of Sciences of the USSR and a Titular Member of the IUPAC action conditions. It may be viable to have simple al-
Commission on Physicochemical Symbols, Terminology, and Units.
His publications include the monographs The Oxidation of Cyclo- gorithms for estimating the appropriateness of an in-
hexane (with I. Berezin and N. Emanuel), Liquid-Phase Oxidation hibitor for a given composition.
of Hydrocarbons (with N. Emanuel and Z. Maizus), Liquid-Phase Widely used for inhibition of oxidation of hydro-
Oxidation of Oxygen-Containing Compounds (with N. Mitskevich and
carbons are substituted phenols, aromatic amines, and
V. Agabekov), and the Handbook of Liquid-Phase Reaction Rate
Constants. other valence-saturated compounds capable of reaction
with the peroxyl radical to yield the inhibitor radical
(In'). The inhibiting effect is determined by the re-
activity of both the inhibitor (InH) itself and the rad-
icals that it produces.
In this review we discuss the various mechanisms of
the action of inhibitors. The reactivity of the free
radicals of inhibitors is analyzed and related with the
inhibition effectiveness.
There have been a number of books and reviews
dealing with the problem of inhibition of oxidation.1"11
Landmarks in the historical development of the field
have been as follows.
Backstrom12,13 was First to show that the inhibiting
effect of inhibitors in liquid-phase oxidation of aldeh-
ydes and sodium sulfite was due to chain termination,
Bolland and ten Haave1415 studied the kinetics of the
oxidation of ethyl linoleate inhibited with phenols and
Igor V. Khudyakov was born in Moscow in 1949. He graduated aromatic amines and established that the chain growth
from the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University in is stopped due to inhibitor reactions with the peroxyl
1971 and in the same year joined the staff of the Institute of radical. The participation of aroxyls in chain propa-
Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He won
his Candidate Degree (Ph.D.) in 1975 and his Doctor Degree (D.Sc.) gation through reaction with hydrocarbon was kineti-
in 1984 (both in chemistry). He has received several awards for cally observed by Bickel and Kooymen16 and then
young scientists. During 1971-1985 he was Junior Research thoroughly studied by Mahoney et al.17,18 In the case
Fellow, and currently he is a Senior Research Fellow. His scientific of cumene it was demonstrated that the reaction of
interests include fast reactions of free radicals in solution, the
aroxyls with hydroperoxides affects the rate of inhibited
kinetics of diffusion-controlled reactions, elementary acts of liq-
oxidation of hydrocarbons.19
uid-phase reactions, magnetic field effects in free radical reactions,
and photogeneration of free radicals in solution. His research The boom in the study of liquid-phase reaction ki-
activities have led to 100 publications of original and review articles netics that began in the mid-1950s has led to the ac-
and to the presentation of many papers at conferences and sym- cumulation of a huge amount of rate constant data for
posia held within the country. individual fast radical reactions. Porter and co-work-
erg2o-22 attracted attention to aromatic radicals (aroxyl,
rioration or failure. There are many such products, arylaminyl, ketyl, and semiquinone) as an important
including fuels, lubricant oils, rubber, polymers and class of reactive intermediates, identiFied them by their
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1315

absorption spectra, and began kinetic measurements. peroxide consists of the following elementary steps:3,6
An important body of kinetic data for aromatic rad- ki
icals has been obtained by Mahoney, Ingold, Howard, I (initiator) — 2r" (i)
Scaiano, and others. Their results are reviewed in ref K
22-34 and are included in handbooks.35,36 R* + 02 —*
R02* (1)
There has been a considerable inflow of new data
during the past decade that have allowed researchers R02- + RH ROOH + R* (2)
to obtain a much deeper insight into the reactivity of
the free radicals of inhibitors and kinetics of inhibited r* + RH rH + R* (20
oxidation. Roginsky37 carried out a systematic study
of the reactions of sterically hindered aroxyl radicals
ROOH RO- + HO* (3)
with hydroperoxides and peroxyl radicals in solution
and solid polymer. A wealth of material on the mech- or
anism of the inhibiting action of phenols and reactivity
of phenols and aroxyl radicals has been presented in a ROOH + RH RO* + H20+ R- (30
highly original kinetic-structural topology form in ref
38. Flash photolysis has been employed for investiga- or

tion of a broad range of recombinations of aroxyl rad-

icals, and a new class of reactions, the so-called pseu- ROOH + CH2=CHX RO- + HOCH2 •CHX
dodiffusion bimolecular reactions, have been discovered (3")
as a result.31 A number of reactions of the diphenyl-
aminyl radical have been investigated, and its high
activity in abstraction reactions has been demonstrated; 2ROOH R02-+ H20 + RO* (3"0
a new mechanism of the reaction of this radical with
hydroperoxide has been discovered.39 All these results R* + R"-
RR (or RH + olefin) (4)
form the basis for the present review. But in order to
outline the progress in the field and build a consistent
and integral picture, we have also used the data men- R* + R02* —*
ROOR (5)
tioned or described in earlier reviews (for aroxyl and
aminyl radicals). R02* + R02*-
This review deals with modern conceptions of the ROH + 02 + R/==0 or ROOR + 02 (6)
reactivity of inhibitors and their aromatic free radicals. Oxidation is a chain process if chain propagation
The kinetics of the elementary reactions involving in-
reactions 1 and 2 are faster than chain termination
hibitors and aromatic radicals is discussed, and a com-
reactions 4-6. Radical R* reacts violently with oxygen,
prehensive list of the rate constants of these reactions
is presented. The rate constants of the elementary k1 ^ 107-109 M_1*s_1; therefore, for oxygen concentra-
tions above 1CT4 M, [R02*] » [R*] and the chains are
reactions of radicals measured prior to the 1980s have
terminated by reaction 6. Under these conditions ox-
been given in ref 36. We will take care to avoid du-
idation rate v = U; + fc2(2fe6)-1/2[RH]i>j1/2, and chain
plicating the contents of ref 36 here and will report only mechanism is realized when initiation rate c; <
the most representative constants for each class of in-
hibitors (radicals). The main emphasis will be on the V^VMRH]2.
The compounds that inhibit oxidation of organic
most recent results of the mid-1980s. An attractive
feature of this review is that Russian-language refer- compounds in the liquid phase may be broken up into
four groups as regards the mechanism of such inhib-
ences have been drawn upon as comprehensively as
ition:40 (1) inhibitors that terminate chains through
possible, thereby providing to the English-speaking reactions with peroxyl radicals, including phenols,
reader information not easily accessible.
aromatic amines, diamines, and aminophenols; (2) in-
We have attempted in this review to generalize some
kinetic results in the form of diagrams or correlation hibitors that terminate chains through reactions with
alkyl radicals, including stable radicals, quinones,
The main purpose of this paper is to tie the elemen- quinone imines, methylenequinones, nitro compounds,
and condensed aromatic hydrocarbons (these inhibitors
tary reaction rate data reported in various publications are effective when dissolved oxygen concentration is
with modern conceptions of the kinetics and mecha-
nisms of the action of inhibitors (InH). low); (3) agents that decompose peroxides without
generating free radicals, including sulfides, disulfides,
II. Kinetics of Inhibited Oxidation of phosphites, metal thiophosphates, and carbamates; (4)
complexing agents that deactivate heavy metals capable
Hydrocarbons of catalyzing hydroperoxide decomposition to free
radicals and thereby promoting oxidation, including
A. Mechanisms of Inhibited Oxidation of
diamines, amino acids, hydroxy acids, and other bi-
Hydrocarbons functional compounds.
The oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of the sim- The following reactions take place in the system upon
plest, though extremely important compounds, hydro- introduction of InH, which reacts with R02‘:
carbons (RH), have been studied in much detail; see, « r

e.g., ref 1-4.

r* + InH —
rH + In* (70
The early stage of oxidation of an organic compound
at the C-H bond resulting in formation of the hydro- R02* + InH ROOH + In- (7)
1316 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

In' + ROOH InH + R02' (-7) MRH1 [InH]0

A[02] = ln (2-6)
fe7[InH] [InH]
R02* + In' —^ products (InOOR) (8) The ArO* formed from phenol (ArOH) or the Am*
2k9 formed from amine (AmH) may also participate in
In* + In*- products (9) chain propagation. As we have already pointed out, this
&10 may happen via one of three reactions. The first route
In* + RH —
InH + R* (10) is reaction 10 (see IHO scheme). When its rate exceeds
that of In* decay, the kinetics of inhibited oxidation is
InH + ROOH —products (11) changed. At fei0[RH][In*] » fc8[R02*][In*] 1/2vi, the

quasi-steady concentration [R02*] (^[RH]^/ =

InH + 02 In’ + H02* (12) /fe^sflnH])1/2 and the rate of chain oxidation is

InOOR InO* + RO* (13)

In’ Q + r* (14)

In!* + In2H k-15

I^H + In2* (15)
The oxygen absorption kinetics during the early stages
Reactions i, 1-15, including those marked by primes, of oxidation is described by41
make the principal kinetic scheme of inhibited hydro-
carbon oxidation (IHO scheme). Each of these reactions 1 / /fe7[InH] V/2
will be discussed in detail.
In a given system these reactions take place with
fc2[RH]3/2 \ klQVi ) 0) (2-8)

different intensities, so some are not as significant as The second route may be reaction with ROOH, reaction
others. -7. In this reaction Am’ and ArO*, which have no
If InH is so active and its concentration so high that ferf-alkyl substituents in the ortho position (see earlier),
R02* will react faster with InH than with RH, the ox- actively participate. If this exchange is fast enough
idation will be a non chain radical reaction with rate (fe_7[ROOH][In*] > Uj), it will affect the inhibited oxi-
v = Vi + fe2[RH] [R02*] =* v^ If the initiator radicals also
dation kinetics. The appropriate formulas for absorp-
react with InH, the reaction may proceed with a rate tion kinetics are given in Table 1.
less than Vj. When, for example, reactions i, 2', and 1' The third route of chain termination may be the
breakdown of the inhibitor radical to a radical capable
occur, the oxidation rate is
of participating in chain propagation. For example, the
v =
MRH][r*] =
w,(l + MlnHJ/MRH])'1 (2-1) n-alkoxyphenoxyl radical decomposes to quinone and
so that for fer[InH] » fe2/[RH] alkyl radical43
v a-
Uik2,[RH]/MInH] (2-2) R'O O' R'' + 0 .0 (14)

From eq 2-2 it follows that under certain conditions

On reacting with oxygen the alkyl radical is converted
(type and concentration of RH and InH, temperature),
the rate of inhibited oxidation may even drop below the to R02’, which propagates chains. As before, an in-
initiation rate. The stoichiometric coefficient of in- tensive enough decomposition will give rise to a chain
hibition, /, depends on the relation between the rates process with chains terminated through reaction 8 of
of reactions 8 and 9. the IHO scheme (cf. Table 1). As seen from Table 1,
Often, one meets with a different situation: the ox- relationships of the type v v^2 and v
[InH]“I /2 are

idation is a chain reaction. If In* takes no part in chain typical of all inhibited oxidation mechanisms with In*
participating in chain propagation. If In* does not
propagation but only reacts with R02*, the oxidation
rate is participate, v ~
v{ and v [InH]-1.~

When trialkylphenols are used to inhibit RH oxida-

v =
fe2[RH][R02*] = tion via the reaction between R02* and ArO’, o- and
i>i + wjjfe2[RH]//fe7[InH] «
Ui62[RH]//MInH] (2-3) p-quinolide peroxides are formed.3 The quinolide
peroxides decompose unimolecularly in hydrocarbons
As more InH is consumed, the oxidation rate will
(cf. Table 2).43 o-Quinolide peroxides decompose much
increase and oxygen absorption kinetics will be given faster than their para counterparts, owing primarily to
by (for current time t < /[InH]0/Dj)41 the lower activation energy for decomposition (Table
k2[RU] 2). Investigation of cumene oxidation with quinolide
A[02] = -

ln (1

Vit/f[lnH]0) (2-4) peroxide as initiator has shown that these peroxides

decompose to yield free radicals that initiate oxidation.
/A The initiation rate constant =
2efe13, where e is the
=/MInH] (2'5) probability for radicals to escape from a solvent cage;
A[02] k2[RH]ViA\t) in hydrocarbon solutions e e* 1, and in polymers e
Since R02* is involved in the oxidation and InH- 0.15-0.20.43 The degree of decomposition of the qui-
consuming reactions, the amount of absorbed oxygen nolide peroxide to radicals will determine the ArOH
and the amount of consumed InH in chain oxidation consumption rate in RH undergoing oxidation. At a
of RH are related by42 temperature where the peroxide is stable, ArOH is
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1317

TABLE 1. Kinetics of Inhibited Oxidation of Hydrocarbons

mechanism0 key reactions v,b M-s'1 A[02],“ m
I 2', r, 8 Di(l +'fe7,[InH]/fe2,[RH])-1 fa"1 In j(l + a[InH]0)(l + o[InH]0 -

II 7, 8 Vi Dj t

III 2, 7, 8 Djfe2[RH]/ffc7[InH] (fe2[RH]/fe7) In (1/(1


IV 2, 7, 8, 10 fe2[RH]3/2(fe10ui//fe7fe8[InH])1/2 2d0«-1[1

(1 -

V 2, 7, 8, 13 Dife2[RH]//fe7[InH] (fe2[RH]/fe7) In (1/(1


VI 2, 7, 8, 12 Mi2[RH][02]//fe7
VII 2, 7, 8, -7 fe2[RH](fe_7[ROOH]Di//fe7fe8[InH])1/2 ([ROOHJo1/2 + bdlnHJo1/2

([InH]0 -


VIII 2, 7, 8, 14 ^[RHPW/MjPnH])1'2 2D0a-1[l (1 a't)1/2]'’5
- -

IX 2, 7, 8, 11 fe2*u[RH][ROOH]//fe7 [ROOH]0[1

“A mechanism is defined by corresponding key reactions; see section IX. A also. Formulas for rate of oxidation. “Formulas for consumed

oxygen. dHere, o = JW^RH]-_1. “Here, a = Di/_1[InH]0 *. /Here, a' = : (d; + b^IInOORJXInHlo'1/-1. [ROOH]0 is the concentration of

ROOH dissolved in solution before the start of inhibited oxidation (at t = 0). ' Here, b = (^(RHl/aKDiL#,^)1/2. ‘Here, 0 = 2k2klv
[RH ]/fk1.

TABLE 2. Rate Constants, Preexponential Factors, and TABLE 3. Rate Constants, Preexponential Factors, and
Activation Energies of Reaction 13 for Quinolide Peroxides Activation Energies of Reaction 11 for Cumyl
in Benzene at 363 K“ Hydroperoxide and Phenols in Benzene at 413 K“
F d
log E13,d log (Au/ ^11)
subst R in peroxide k13 X lO5,6 s'1 (A13/s_1)c kJ/mol ArOH fen,6 M-i-s'1 kJ/mol
C(CH3)3“ 6.6 14.0 127.5 2,6-dimethoxyphenol 6.5 X 10~3 10 96
C(CH3)2CH2C2H6“ 6.3 14.1 127.9 4-methoxyphenol 4.3 X 10'3 10 97
C(CH3)2C6H5“ 19 15.5 134.6 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene 4.5 X 10"3 11 108
a-naphthol 6.7 X 10"4 10 101
bis(5-methyl-3-tert-butyl-2- 4.2 X 10-4 10 109
14 15.4 134.6 hydroxypheny 1) methane
4-methylpbenol 2.0 X lO-4 10 110
2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol 7.8 X 10’6 10 108

C(CH3)/ 0.18 14.0 137.9 “Reference 47. 6Determination error is 15%. “Determination
C(CH3)2CH2C2H/ 0.19 15.5 148.0 errorof log (An/iM"1^-1)) is ±0.5. Determination error of Eu is
C(CH3)2C6H/ 0.68 15.7 146.3 ±1 kJ/mol.

phenol-inhibited oxidation.
1.7 14.5 134.6 In hydrocarbon systems ArOH and AmH react not
only with R02* but also with oxidants such as 02 and
ROOH. The reaction with oxygen44,45
C(CH3)3* 0.66 13.6 137.9
OC(CH3)3* 2.5 12.8 121.2
c6h/ 3.7 14.4 131.7
InH + 02 In* + H02* (12)
“Reference 43. bDetermination error is 2%. “Determination is endothermic since in most cases bond dissociation
errorof log (A13/s_1) is ±0.1. d Determination error of U13 is ±0.2 energy (D) DIn_H > DH_o2. and its activation energy is
kJ/mol. “Peroxide has general formula i. /Peroxide has general about equal to its endothermicity. The kl2 values can
formula ii. * Peroxide has general formula iii.
be found in ref 35.
ArOH are oxidized with ROOH slowly (Table 3).
The reaction apparently involves abstraction of H atom
ROO (CH3)9COC> from ArOH by ROOH and scission of the 0-0 bond.46
00 R

The reaction is preceded by H bonding between ArOH
and ROOH:
consumed with constant rate
a =
const, and [InH] /H
ArOH + ROOH = ROO, —-
RO’ + H20 + ArO’ (11)
[InH]0 -

at a higher temperature ArOH will be

consumed with self-acceleration. For instance, in oxi-
dation of n-decane (398 K, initiator = ferf-butyl hy- As a result of reaction 11 free radicals are formed that
droperoxide at a concentration of 4.7 X 10-2 M), 2,4,6- initiate oxidation (RO*). This has been demonstrated
tri-ferf-butylphenol consumption is self-accelerated; if in studies of 4-methoxyphenol-inhibited oxidation of
it were used up at the rate v = 0.5ui( it would be half- cumene.46,47 The probability for radicals to leave the
consumed within 215 min, whereas in fact it took 170 cage in this reaction is e = 0.27 at 393 K in cumene.
min.43 The authors of ref 43 attribute this difference Aromatic amines react faster with hydroperoxides
to the extra initiation by the quinolide peroxide. De- than phenols. As with benzoyl peroxide, the reaction
composition of the latter cuts the induction period r. apparently involves electron transfer3
If the experimental temperature is high enough so that
ArNHAr + ROOH ArN+HAr +ROOH’- — —

kxf1« t, the (RH-InH-initiator-02) system will within Ar2N’ + H20 + RO’ (11)
time t ea kxf1 relax to a quasi-steady regime with re-
spect to the peroxide with the total initiation rate Both 02 and ROOH are normally present in oxidizing
O; + efc13[InOOR]
2u;(2 e)_1 if / = 2, as is usual RH, and InH is attacked by both these agents. Com-

for ArOH.35 The induction period in such a system will pare the rates of these reactions: vn/v12 = fcn[02]/
be r = 1/2[InH]0yr1(2 e); that is, decomposition of-

fe12[ROOH]. For p-cresol the kn/k12 ratio (see ref 35

quinolide peroxide shortens the induction period of and Table 3) is 8.5 X 10~3 at 373 K, whereas kxx/k12 =
1318 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

TABLE 4. Quantity of Consumed Oxygen in Inhibited Oxidation of Hydrocarbon under Nonsteady Conditions as a Function
of the Quantity of Used Inhibitor"
mechanism key reaction A[02],6 m a“ T, S

II 2, 7, 8 [InH]0(l *) -

/[InH]0/ (uio + V 2fe3[InH]0)

III 2, 7, 8 [InH]0a In (x 1) &2[RH]/fe7[InH]0

(1 /k3a)flJA + In x)'1 dxd

IV 2, 7, 10 [InH]„1/3a(l *V2)S/3

(9/Vfe10/fc3M8)1/3[RH] 7.5/[InH]02/3/fc3a
VII 2, 7, -7 [InH]01/2o(l xV2)

2fc2[RH](/fe_7/fe3M8)1/2 (2/[InH]„1/2/ksa) In / ev{0}

VIII 2, 7, 14 [InH]0,/3a(l x‘/2)2/3

(9/fc22£14[RH]2/fc3Ms)1/3 7.5/[InH]„2/3/fc3a
“For definitions of most parameters in the table, see text. 6Parameter x in this column is defined as x = [InH]/[InH]0. “Dimensional or
dimensionless parameter in corresponding equations presented in columns for A[02] and r; all rate constants are expressed in s"1 or
dxcr = [InH]cr/[InH]0, where [InH]CI is the critical concentration of InH (see text); A (fk2ks[RH]).

0.02 at 423 K. Since normally [ROOH] £ [02], it is For every possible mechanism of inhibited oxidation
clear that oxidation with ROOH is the main (next to one may correlate [R02‘] with [InH] and [ROOH], ex-
reaction with R02*) route of ArOH consumption. For press the results mathematically and, after solving a set
AmH the kn/ki2 ratio is even smaller. of two differential equations describing absorption of
oxygen and consumption of InH, express the absorbed
B. Kinetics of Inhibited Autoxidation of quantity of oxygen in terms of the consumed InH
A[02] =
[ROOH] =
An important distinction of autoxidation of a hy- Jo
drocarbon is that its product (hydroperoxide) is an in-
itiator,1’3,5 which causes a progressively increasing ini- (2-11)
tiation rate in the course of the reaction. The rate of T=fSlwd[lnH]/Vi
j [InHlo

acceleration depends in turn on the rate of chain oxi- For each particular mechanism the correlation will have
dation; i.e., there is a kind of a positive feedback be- its special form. Table 4 contains formulas relating the
tween the autoinitiation and autoxidation reactions. A
degree of oxidation with consumed InH. The calcula-
similar feedback exists in inhibited oxidation of other tion was based on the following assumed conditions: (i)
organic compounds, too. A[02] = [ROOH], (ii) rate of initial chain generation
First, the more effectively the inhibitor terminates L’;o « fe3[ROOH], and (iii) the mechanism remains un-
the chains, the slower is its rate of consumption and the
changed through the induction period. It should be
longer is the effective inhibition period r, whereas in noted that all oxygen is not always converted to hy-
an initiated chain reaction, with =
const, r is inde-
droperoxide. For example, because isomerization occurs
pendent of InH effectiveness. Second, autoxidation of
during solid-phase oxidation of polyolefins51
RH can be inhibited not only with compounds that act
to terminate the chains but also with compounds that OOH O’ OH
\ /

decompose ROOH.1,3 Unless it involves buildup of free

c -c / (2-12)
radicals, such decomposition will hamper accumulation
of ROOH and thereby inhibit the autoinitiation. Good
/ \h/ x
\h/ \

peroxide decomposers include sulfur and phosphorus only a portion of the absorbed 02 is converted to
compounds and various metal complexes, e.g., thio- ROOH.51 In this case the formulas for r and 02 are to
phosphates and thiocarbamates of zinc, nickel, and be corrected accordingly.
other metals.48,49 Third, critical phenomena are often Since the rate of inhibitor consumption t>inH = v-Jf
observed in inhibited autoxidation experiemnts,50 which and Vi tends to increase during oxidation, the InH
must be attributed to the above-mentioned feedback consumption kinetics is substantially nonlinear. During
effect. the early stages of oxidation oInH = vi0//, but as more
Since ROOH is decomposed during autoxidation, the ROOH is accumulated i>inH increases and becomes
oxidation may follow either of two regimes, a non- maximum toward the end of the induction period.
steady-state or a quasi-steady-state one with respect to Calculation and experiment yield identical results;
ROOH. theoretically, this question has been treated in ref 3.
Under the non-steady-state process the ROOH is Chain initiation via RH reaction with 02 has been in-
stable and almost no decomposition is perceptible vestigated in a number of works (cf. review 52) ac-
during the induction period; that is, its decomposition cording to the early rate of InH consumption when
rate constant fe3 < t_1. Obviously, such a regime arises vi0 and &3[ROOH] « Di0.
due to specific conditions of inhibited oxidation, which At a sufficiently high temperature or in the presence
will depend on the structure and reactivity of RH, of a ROOH decomposer, ROOH will rapidly dissociate
ROOH, and InH. and therefore the oxidation regime will quickly become
Since oxidation of RH and consumption of InH are quasi-steady as regards the ROOH concentration, with
interrelated processes, the 02 absorption rate may be the decomposition rate being equal to the rate of its
quantitatively expressed in terms of the rate of con- formation. However, the ROOH concentration will tend
sumption of InH in the system by using the following to increase, since as more InH is consumed, the inhib-
equations (di„h is the rate of consumption of InH): ition effect will decline and the ROOH formation rate
v;o + fe3[ROOH] ^
fe3[ROOH]; uInH =
v-Jf will increase. A necessary condition for the quasi-steady
(2-9) process is the inequality k^r » 1, where kj_ is the total
rate constant of ROOH consumption by all possible
v =
fe2[RH][R02‘] + &7[InH][R02'] (2-10) routes, including dissociation to radicals, decomposition
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1319

TABLE 5. Quasi-Steady Autoxidation of Hydrocarbon: Formulas Tor v, [InH]er, [ROOH],, and t°

mechanism key reaction v [InH]cr, M [ROOH]b, m X

III 2, 7, 8 1 1-0
Mi -

fe2[RH] 0fe2[RH] /MInH]0
III 2, 7, 8 1 -

x'Hl + In x)c
fk7[ InH] fk7 Ml -

M fe2[RH]
IV 2, 7, 10 r1 0Vfelo[RH]3 1 -
x'1 In (1 + x)e
k7 V/2 /32fe22fe_7[RH]2 [InH]crui0 /M7MInH]0
VII 2, 7, -7 1 -

£2[RH]^ /fe3fc7fe8[InH] / fk3k7k8 /MIInH] -

[InHU 02fe22fe7[RH]2

/32fe22fe14[RH]2 /M8[InH]0ui0
VIII 2, 7, 14 r1 1 -
x'1 In (1 + x)c
/fe3fe7fe8[InH] 0VM[RH]s
“For definitions of most parameters in the table, see text; /3 = k3/k-£. b r0 = /[InH]0/ci0. 'Corresponding expression for x is presented in
the last column of the table. dF(x) = 1 + In (2 2xl/2 + x) + arctan (x1/2 1).
- -

to molecular products, and decomposition under attack function, containing groups reacting with both R02’ and
of free radicals. The change from a nonsteady to the ROOH, may be expected to be highly effective.
quasi-steady condition is related to the induction period
r, which depends on the InH type and concentration. C. Catalysis of Chain Termination in Oxidation
The transition from one inhibitor to another often
manifests itself in transitions from one type of aut- As it terminates the chains InH is consumed in the
oxidation process to another and various critical phe- course of the oxidation process. If chain termination
reactions 7 and 8 (see IHO scheme) dominate in the
What we mean by critical effects in inhibited aut- system and the products of reaction 8 are not active
oxidation of RH is that under a certain critical InH toward chain termination or initiation, f = 2. If In'
concentration [InH]CT there takes place a sharp change decays by recombination 9, / = 1. If reaction 8 products
in the r vs. [InH] relationship; i.e., dr/d[InH] for [InH] take part in chain termination, then it may be that f
> 2, but as experience shows, for oxidizing hydrocarbons
> [InH]cr is much greater than dr/dflnH] for [InH] <
[InH]cr. Critical effects may arise when inhibited oxi- { < 4 for hydroquinones, amines, and diamines of the
dation proceeds via mechanisms III and VII (see Table p-phenylenediamine type.35 At the same time there are
InH that in a given system cause catalyzed termination
5) and vi0 « ft3[ROOH], so that decomposition of
ROOH is sufficiently rapid and the condition k^r » of chains and f » 2.7’29,54 Multiple chain termination
was observed in oxidizing cyclohexanol with a-na-
1 for [InH] > [InH]cr is satisfied. As we have said
earlier the critical phenomena are due to the feedback phthylamine.55 This was shown to be typical of a
effect in inhibited oxidation and occur when both the number of AmH in primary and secondary alcohol ox-
formation and decomposition rates are similarly de- idation.56 The range of compounds in oxidation of
which the InH becomes involved in multiple chain
pendent upon [ROOH], for example, when they are terminations is rather broad and includes also cyclo-
directly proportional to [ROOH], which is just the case
in routes III and VII. If the oxidation rate v ~ hexadiene,57 primary, secondary, and tertiary aliphatic
amines,58,59 cyclohexanone containing hydrogen per-
[ROOH]n, with n < 1, and the decomposition rate is
oxide,60 and 1,2-disubstituted ethylenes.61 For these
proportional to [ROOH], the critical effects will never
take place. Table 5 contains formulas for chain lengths compounds f » 2 with AmH, nitroxyl radicals, certain
v, [InH]cr, and the quasi-steady hydroperoxide concen-
ArOH, and quinones used as InH. The high nonstoi-
tration [ROOH]s for different inhibited oxidation chiometric values of f are due to the catalytic mecha-
mechanisms. It is seen that the critical effects take nism of chain termination occurring in such systems.
The mechanism itself is due to the dual function of
place when the chain reaction proceeds via routes III
and VII, whereas no critical effects can be possible with hydroxyperoxyl, aminoperoxyl, and hydroperoxyl rad-
other mechanisms. The table also contains formulas icals, which may either oxidize or reduce. The pure
for the induction periods of inhibited autoxidation. The catalytic chain termination occurs on copper ions in
induction period was calculated as the time of InH oxidizing cyclohexanol62
decrease from [InH]0 to [InH]cr (routes III and VII) or >C(0H)00' + Cu+ —
>C(0H)00- + Cu2+ (2-13)
to zero (routes II, IV, and VIII).
One may obtain a synergistic effect in inhibition of >C(0H)00* + Cu2+ — >C=0 + 02 + Cu+ + H+
autoxidation if two different InH, one of which acts to (2-14)
terminate the chains (ArOH, AmH) and the other of
which decomposes by hydroperoxides (sulfide, zinc 1,4-Benzoquinone (Q) multiply terminates the chains
of oxidizing isopropyl alcohol63
carbamate, etc.), are added to RH. In combination the
two InH are operative for a longer period than either Q + (CH3)2C(0H)00' —
QH' + 02 +(CH3)2C=0
of them separately because one of them decelerates the (2-15)
buildup of ROOH by breaking the chains and the other,
by decomposing ROOH, reduces v{ and thus slows down QH' + 'OOC(OH)(CH3)2 —
Q + HOOC(OH)(CH3)2
the consumption of the first InH. InH of complex (2-16)
1320 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

The data summarized in sections VIII.C and VIII.E (i) Ar2NH + H0(*00)CR2 —
favor the possibility of reactions 2-13 to 2-15: copper Ar2N* + R2C(OH)OOH (2-23)
ions are highly reactive toward free radicals, and Q is
a strong electron acceptor. Ar2N* + H0(*00)CR2 —
Ar2NH + 02 + R2C=0
Nitroxyl radical is reduced to the corresponding hy- (2-24)
droxylamine, and the latter is oxidized back to the
(ii) Ar2N* + H0(*00)CR2 —
Ar2NO* + H0(*0)CR2
nitroxyl radical with the peroxyl radicals of cyclo-
hexylamine64 (2-25)
Ar2NO* + H0(*00)CR2 —
Ar2NOH + 02 + R2C=0
Ar2NOH + H0(*00)CR2 —

Ar2NO* + R2C(00H)0H (2-27)

(iii)CeH5NAr + H0('00)CR2

It is remarkable that oxidation-reduction activity is also

exhibited by peroxyls that have next to their *00 group
a heteroatom with a lone electron pair or a double bond:

NAr + H0('00)CR2 NHAr +

NHR •oo*
v®" v \ /'NR2 02 + R2C=0 (2-29)
xoff /xoo- /\o-
Such peroxyls probably react with the inhibitor radical,
•°^NHAr + HOCOO)CR2 —-
Q +

R2C(OOH)OH (2-30)
quinone, or variable-valence metal ion by way of elec-
tron transfer, e.g.
Multiple involvement in chain termination reactions
has also been observed for the stablenitroxyl radicals
NN + Cu2+ -- + Cu+ (2-19)
2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-lV-oxyl and its deriva-
^ ' tives.65 Nitroxyl radicals (>NO*) break the chains in
DO' ^00'
oxidizing hydrocarbons and polymers by reacting with
(cf. section VIII.C), followed by rapid elimination of the alkyl radicals65,66
proton and oxygen molecule >NO* + R* >NOR (2-31)
>C(00*)N+HR— >C=NR + 02 + H+ (2-20) If we accept this mechanism, the rate of inhibited
All the peroxyls we have mentioned decompose, gen- polymer oxidation must be
erating H02* v =
fci[02]Wi/fe31[>NO*] =
kiyP o2U;/fc3i [>N0*]
NN —-
^:C=o + ho2' (2-21 a)
/ where y is the Henry coefficient for 02. The k3l/k1 ratio
for 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-benzoylpiperidinoxyl equals
0.09 in polypropylene at 387 K and 0.027 in poly-
/V 00* H02' (2-21 b)
ethylene at 365 K.66 Nitroxyl radicals react slower than
oxygen with alkyl radicals, and their high inhibiting
DO* DOH effect in polymers is due to the relatively low dissolved
\ / \ /

c' + h2o2 + H02’ (2-22) oxygen concentration in polymers. The multiple in-
X DH Aqh volvement of >NO* in chain termination manifests itself
in the fact that the rate of >NO* consumption in a
Thus, generated in the system and participating in polymer is much smaller than the rate of initiation
catalyzed chain termination (if the corresponding InH under conditions where all the chains are terminated
has been added) are both hydroxyperoxides and hy- via reaction 2-31.65,66 Under the same conditions, but
droperoxides. Depending on the type of compound and in the absence of oxygen, the nitroxyl radical is con-
oxidation conditions (temperature, degree of conver- sumed at a rate equal to that of initiation. In an ini-
sion), either H02* or >C(0H)00* [>C(NH2)00*] rad- tiator-containing polymer all the >NO* will be con-
icals may preferentially take part in chain termination. sumed within a time equal to [>NO*]0/i); (as monitored
Things are just the same with chain termination in by ESR). However, >NO* reappears in the system to
oxidizing amines. Aliphatic and alkyl aromatic peroxyl which oxygen has been admitted, under attack of
radicals do not take part in reactions of this sort because R02*.65,66 Regeneration has been proposed to be due
they have no reducing activity. Since the hydroxy- to the following reaction:65
peroxyl (hydroperoxyl, aminoperoxyl) radical behaves
as both an oxidant and a reductant, it will react with ROOH + >C=C< >NO*
R02* + HCCON< — +
In* by two parallel routes. In the case of AmH the 1 1

following three mechanisms of chain termination appear
to be probable (Ar aryl) = This supposition is consistent with the following data.
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1321

The >N0* are formed from the products of reaction The authors of ref 69 investigated calorimetrically the
between the alkyl macroradical with >NO* only in the following reaction in benzene solution:
presence of 02 and initiator, that is, under attack of
R02*. The product cannot be the corresponding hy-
droxylamine since it could not be extracted from the
O, O' + C6H5NHNHC6Hs —
o OH +

polymer with a solvent.

The following reaction has been demonstrated ex- C6H5N = NC8H5 (3-1)
From the heat of reaction of eq 3-1 the difference of
[(CH3)3C]2NOC(CH3)3 + *OOC(CH3)3 formation enthalpies in benzene has been determined:
[(CH3)3C]2NO* + CH2=C(CH3)2 + HOOC(CH3)3 AlPfao. AH^oh 122 kJ/mol. If we ignore the in-

(2-34) significant difference of the dissolution heats of ArOH

and ArO*, then we obtain 339 kJ/mol for D0_H of
The k33 value is rather high; it is 44 M_1-s_1 at 403 K in 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol and 328 kJ/mol for D0_H of
tert-butylbenzene. The scission of the weaker second- galvinophenol.69
ary C-H bond should have been faster. The authors of ref 70 investigated calorimetrically
A different regeneration mechanism was proposed in and kinetically in chlorobenzene at 303-333 K reactions
ref 67, where it was noted that hydroxamic ester was of the type
thermally unstable and dissociated at the O-C bond,
which was followed by cage disproportionation of rad- ArO* + YC6H4OH ;=s
ArOH + YC6H40*, K15 =
ku/k.16 (15)
R2NOC(CH3)3 [R2NO* + H—CH2—C(CH3)2] —
R2NOH + CH2=(CH3)2 (2-35) ArO' + YC8H40' OArYC8H40 (O: 0—C8H4Y) (9)
By reacting with R02* hydroxylamine was converted to
>NO*. Below 400 K decomposition of hydroxamic es-
ArO* *
2, 4, 6 -\n-tert-butylphenoxyl
ters is slow (at 403 K N',iV,0-tri-tert-butylhydroxyl-
amine decomposed with k33 = 5.7 X 10'4 s-167) and The stopped-flow method was used to investigate the
cannot be responsible for the experimentally observed kinetics and to evaluate the rate constants fe15 and
regeneration rates. Besides, under the conditions that fc9/fe_9 as well as the activation energies E15 and 2?_15
had been used in the polypropylene experiments66 this (assuming E9 at 0). In the presence of 2,5-di-tert-bu-
mechanism runs contrary to some of the above factors. tylhydroquinone, an ArO* acceptor, the decomposition
Yet at a higher temperature when hydroxamic ester of the dimer 0ArYC6H40 has been investigated and E^
decomposes faster, this mechanism might possibly be- has been calculated. These data allow calculation of
come effective. the difference A/Pyc6h4o. ‘^fYC6H,OH and estimation

An increase of the stoichiometric coefficient / has also of the Z)0_H in the investigated ArOH, relying on the
been observed for ArOH in polymers as the partial 02 D0_h value for 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol obtained ear-
pressure was reduced. For example, f = 1 and 3.3 for lier. The results are as follows:
a-naphthol in oxidizing polypropylene at 388 K at Pq2 Y in YC6H4OH 4-OCH3 4-C(CH3)3 4-Br 3-C02C2H6
= 100 and 0 kPa, respectively.68 The reason is that the Dq-H, kJ/mol 339 361 367 373
reduction of [02] increases the fraction of ArO' reacting
with alkyl radicals, which not only recombine but also The ESR technique was used in ref 71 and 72 to
disproportionate investigate in benzene and n-heptane the equilibrium
(at 323-368 K)
ArO* + R2CHCR2 — ArOH + R2C=CR2 (2-36) CHa CH3 CH3 CH3
Thus the mechanisms by which the inhibitor radicals
are regenerated in chain termination are quite varie- ArOH + 'O —N :0 = ArO' + HO —
N O (3-2)
gated; cf. eq 2-23 to 2-30, 2-33, 2-35, and 2-36.
III. Radical Abstraction Reactions Involving
The difference in the bond dissociation energies of
Aroxyl Radicals ArOH and hydroxylamine was determined according
A. O-H Bond Dissociation Energies of Phenols to the temperature-dependent behavior of the reaction
3-2 equilibrium constant.73
Reactions of In* with different substrates, RH in For estimating the Dq_h for a series of 4-substituted
particular, have a strong effect on inhibition effective- 2.6- di-ferf-butylphenols the authors of ref 74 used the
ness. In this chapter we will discuss the kinetics of these ESR technique to investigate an equilibrium of the type
reactions and factors affecting them.
The activity of the aroxyl radical (ArO*) in abstrac- ArxO* + Ar;OH 3=£ ArxOH + Ar;0*, K1S

tion reactions is determined by two factors, viz., the

O-H bond dissocation energy (D0-h) of parent ArOH kl5/k-lb (15)
and availability of bulk substituents in the ortho pos- where ArjO* is galvinoxyl and Ar;OH is substituted
ition to create steric hindrances in the transition state 2.6- di-tert-butylphenol. The Z)0_H values reported in
of the abstraction reaction. It may therefore be helpful ref 74 are based on Do_H 317 kJ/mol for galvino-

to discuss in brief the ways for and results of evaluation phenol. In the following table we give the values of K15
of D0_h in ArOH. (298 K) measured in ref 74 and the Dq-h values calcu-
1322 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

TABLE 6. O-H Bond Dissociation Energies (kJ/mol) in and products. Since kX2 can be measured more accu-
Substituted Phenols RC6H4OH Measured by Different rately than E12 and the preexponential factor is constant
Techniques (A = 1010-5 M-1*s~145), the following formula may be
reaction obtained from data of ref 45 for calculation of D0_H
R 7,-7° 7,-7b 15,-15' 12d calcd'
Dq_h, kJ-moT1 =
218 -

RT In k12 (3-4)
4-OCH3 359 352 343 358 346
4-CH3 362 365 364 364 The D0-H calculated in this manner on the basis of the
4-C(CH3)3 362 364 365 data of ref 78 are presented in Table 6.
H 369 370 366 377
3-C(0)0C2H5 376 376 Finally, D0_H may be estimated from the Fieser
3-OCH3 369 critical potential E79 by using the formula80
3-CH3 366 368
4-C1 370 Z)o_h, kJ-moT1 =
1(T3 F Ec + 264 (3-5)
4-Br 372
where F is the Faraday constant (96485 C/mol) and the
a-naphthoF 354 340
d-naphthol^ 362 360 362 constant 264 kJ-moT1 may be estimated according to
the Dq-h of p-cresol. The Dq_h calculated by eq 3-5 are
'Reference 18. 6 Reference 77. 'Reference 70. dReferences 44
and 78. 'Calculated according to eq 3-5 (see text). ^Complete given in Table 6. It is seen from Table 6 that the Dq_h
name of ArOH. estimated by different methods are in fairly good
agreement with each other.
lated on the basis of D0-H = 328 kJ/mol for galvino- Linear correlations have been found between D0_H
and Hammet’s substituent constants <r74 as well as be-
phenol (see above) for a number of 2,6-fer£-butyl-4R-
tween Dq-h and k7 and E7 for reaction 7 between sec-
ondary R02* and various ArOH.81 The correlation
R OCH3 OC(CH3)3 c6h5 equations are as follows (333 K) (substituents R7 and
3.0 0.44 3.2X10”2
318 329 336 R2 are any primary or secondary alkyls, being constant
£>o-h, kJ/mol
through a reaction series):
K i6 X O 1.5X10"3 6.8XIO-5 1.1X10~6
£>0-h, kJ/mol 339 343 349 352
ArOH type RC6H4OH
Another way to evaluate D0_H consists in measuring
the forward and back reaction rate constants of reaction
7 368 + 21.7a 343 + 23.0a 355 + 22.1ct
D, kJ/mol
E-i, kJ/mol 0.32 D(y.n —94 0.37DO-H 107

R02* + ArOH ;=£ ROOH + ArO*, K7 =

k7/k^7 log (fe7/ 24.0 0.58DO-H 22.0 0.050Do_h
- -

k- is calculated from the RH oxidation rate vs. ArOH B. Reactions of Aroxyl Radicals with
concentration relationship: v = fc2[RH]Ui/2fc7[ArOH]. Hydrocarbons
k_7 is determined either from the v vs. [ROOH] rela-
Investigators of reaction 10 are faced with serious
tionship when reaction -7 is sufficiently favored or from experimental difficulties due mainly to the fact that the
the rate of consumption of the stable ArO' in the reaction of ArO" with most RH is slow whereas ArO'
presence of the ROOH. In ref 75 the rate of con- (with the exception of several stable ArO') recombine
sumption of 2,4,6-tri-fert-butylphenoxyl in the reaction very rapidly. The authors of ref 18 investigated the
with tetralyl hydroperoxide was investigated by the kinetics of the oxidation of 9,10-dihydroanthracene in-
stopped-flow method; the kinetic parameters of inhib- hibited with ArOH of different structures. Since this
ited oxidation of tetralin were also determined. It was
particular RH has weak C-H bonds in the CH2 groups
found that K7 = exp(29, kJAnoTV-RT) and therefore the
(Dc_h = 297 kJ/mol6), the ArO' formed in the inhibited
D0-h of the ROOH was 368 kJ/mol. The same result oxidation react as
was reported in ref 76. Thus D0_H of ArOH can be
determined if we neglect the difference in the dissolu- ArO' + RH ArOH + R' (10)
tion heats for ArOH and ArO' by using the K7 value in
the formula This has an effect on the rate of inhibited oxidation (see
later). From comparison of calculations with the ex-
Dq_h, kJ-rnol"1 RT In K7
= 368 -

perimental data in the form of relationships between
Table 6 lists the D0_H values obtained in this manner the oxidation rate v and variable [ArOH], [RH], and
by the authors of ref 18 and calculated from the k7 and Vi was calculated the ratio k1Q/(2k9)1/2, where k9 is the
k_7 values given in ref 77. The D0_H values calculated
ArO' recombination rate constant, which was measured
in both ways are in close agreement and do not differ in special experiments (for details, see section VI.C).
markedly from the data of ref 70 given above. Table 7 contains k10 and D0-H for ArOH as well as the
Dq-h may, alternatively, be calculated from the ac- heats (q) of reaction 10. For reaction of C6H50’ with
tivation energy data for reaction 12 tetralin the rate constant may be calculated on the basis
of the data of ref 17. Comparison of kw with the heats
ArOH + 02 ArO' + H02' (12) q (Table 7) shows that the higher the q, the higher the
kl0. The following correlation holds with good accuracy
This reaction is endothermal; its activation energy E12 (333 K):
AH°12, and AH°12 = D0_H °h-o2. + <?8> where qs is

the difference in the dissolution heats of the reactants log (fcjo/fM-1*"1)) = -1.7 + (0.056 ± 0.009)<7 (3-6)
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1323

TABLE 7. Rate Constants of Reaction 10 Involving Aroxyl (The constants in eq 3-9 to 3-11 correspond to 333 K.
Radicals and Hydrocarbons, Dissociation Energies of O-H In these equations k_7 has units of M'^s"1 and D and
Bonds of Phenols, and Heats of Reaction 10 at 333 K q have units of kJ/mol.)
subst in phenoxyl *10, M'V1 Do-h, kJ/mol q, kJ/mol As have stated above, ArO* react much slower
4-OCH3 37“ 359 62 with RH; cf. eq 3-6. For a thermally neutral reaction,
4-C6H6 12“ 353 56 log (k-7/kw) = 5.7 at 333 K; i.e., the reaction rate with
4-CH3 99“ 362 65
ROOH is almost 6 orders of magnitude faster than with
4-C(CH3)3 87“ 362 65
78“ 354 57
2-CH3, 6-CH3
3-C(CH3)s, 5-C(CH3)3 176“ 363 66 At least tworeasons may be responsible for so large
4-H 110“ 369 72 a discrepancy between the reactivities of RH and
3-C(0)0C2H5 1640“ 376 79 ROOH with respect to ArO*. The first inheres in the
naphthalene-2-oxyl4 62“ 362 65
H 1.0C 369 26 energetics of the transition state. In accordance with
the bond energy-bond order method,82 in the transition
Oxidation of 9,10-dihydroanthracene in chlorobenzene. kw de-
state of abstraction reactions of the type
termination error is ca. 5%; after ref 18. 6 Complete name of ArO".
Oxidation of neat tetralin; after ref 17. k10 calculated with litera- X* + HY -*• XH + Y* (3-12)
ture data18,35 on k2, k7, and ks for this RH. Determination error is
ca. 15%. two of the three electrons taking part in the rear-
rangement have parallel spins and repel each other.
For certain RH, e.g., 9,10-dihydroanthracene, relation- The repulsion energy depends on the antibonding or-
ship 3-6 takes the form bital energy of the X-Y bond. The higher the energy
of this bond, the stronger is the repulsion and the higher
log (^/(M-V1)) = -18.3 + 0.056Do-H (3-7) the activation enery. Since the C-0 bond (334 kJ/mol)
has a much higher dissociation energy than the 0-0
(In eq 3-6 and 3-7, q and D have units of kJ/mol.)
On the whole, available data on reactions of ArO’ bond (142 kJ/mol), it follows that £_7 < Ew for one and
with RH are scarce and are obtained by indirect the same reaction heat. The second reason has already
methods. Further work in this direction may be de- been mentioned and consists in that the reaction of
sirable. ArO* with ROOH is preceded by the formation of a
The kinetics of reactions of ArO* with alcohols is complex, whereas with RH aroxyls react in bimolecular
discussed in section VIII.B. collisions. Since the concentration of the ArO'-HOOR
complexes is higher than that of the ArO*—HR cage
C. Reactions of Aroxyl Radicals with pairs, the reaction with ROOH will be faster for other
conditions identical.
Sterically hindered aroxyl radicals (2,6-di-terf-bu-
Aroxyls exhibit rapid reactions with ROOH, ab- tyl-substituted phenoxyls) react slower with ROOH.
stracting H from the O-H bond This enables one to monitor their consumption in the
reaction with ROOH by ESR or spectrophotometric
ArOH + R02*
ArO* + ROOH (-7) means. Since they do not recombine (provided there
is a steric substitutent in the para position), the fol-
For example, C6H50* abstracts the H atom from tetralyl
lowing reactions must take place in the ArOH + ArO*
hydroperoxide with fe_7 = 1.2 X 104 M_1-s_1 at 333 K in + ROOH system:
tetralin.18 For ArO* that do not have any tert-alkyl
substituents in the ortho position the reaction involves ArO* + ROOH *=£ ArOH + R02* (7)
the intermediate step of the radical-H-bond complex *7
ArO* + R02* — ROOArO (quinolide peroxide) (8)
ArO* + HOOR 3=£ ArO*-HOOR
The ArO* in such a system are consumed at a rate
ArOH + R02* (-7) (3-8)
v =
so that the effective rate constant k.7 = K^k 8. The =
value of k_7 is estimated from the RH oxidation kinetic keft 2feJ7fe8[ROOH]/fc7[ArOH] (3-13)
data in the presence of the corresponding ArOH and if the conditions &7[ArOH] » fe8[ArO*] and fe6[R02‘]
ROOH. Under specific conditions, the inhibited oxi- « fc8[ArO*] are satisfied. The rate constants are re-
dation rate v = Uj + fc2[RH](u;fe_7[ROOH]/2fe7£8- ported in ref 36 and are practically independent of the
[InH])1/2 and the v vs. v-v [ROOH], and [InH] rela- ROOH structure. However, the solvent does affect k.7.
tionships are used to find the ratio k2(k-7/2k7k8)1/2, from In aromatic solvents k.7 is lower than in carbon tetra-
which k_7 can be calculated for known k2, k7, and k8. chloride, apparently due to formation of a hydrogen
Values of k_7 have been compiled.36 Depending on the bond between ROOH and aromatic solvent. The value
substituent, the reactivity of ArO* varies over a range of fe_7 depends on R in the series of 2,6-di-terf-butyl-
of 2 orders of magnitude. There is a linear correlation 4R-phenoxyl radicals: there is a linear correlation be-
between log &_7 and cr18 tween log fc_7 and a of the substituent R.83 At 333 K
log fe_7
= 4.0 + 1.56a (3-9) 0.25 + 2.12a
log (fe_7/(M_1*s-1)) =
as well as between log fc_7and D0-h or q The stronger the O-H bond of ArOH, the more active
log k„7 = -29 + 0.09Do_h (3-10) the ArO* and the higher the k_7\ there is also a fairly
linear relationship between log k_7 and D0_H or q. At
log k_7
= 4.0 + 0.09q (3-11) 333 K
1324 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

log (^/(M"1*"1)) = -27 + 0.08Do_h = 2.6 + 0.08(7 of 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl with 4-phenylphenol (297
(3-15) K, benzene), fei5H/7ei5D = 7.6.85 A series of measure-
ments of kibH/klbD was undertaken in ref 86 for the
(In eq 3-15 D and q are in kJ/mol.) From comparison reaction of galvinoxyl with a number of ArOH con-
of these relationships for 4-RC6H40* and 2,6-di-tert-
taining different substituents in the para position (298
butyl-4R-phenoxyls it follows that when q 0 the -

K, benzene):
sterically unhindered ArO' react 25 times as fast at 333
K. R H OH CH30 C(CHs)3
1-2 4 3.5 2.1
It is known that in an ArO" the unpaired electron *15H/*15D

density is distributed mainly among 0, C2, C4, and C6. The isotope effect is seen to vary tangibly (from 1.2 to
Therefore, ArO* can enter reactions typical of alkyl 4). The low &i5H/&i5D in such systems may alternatively
radicals. In particular, they enter substitution reactions be due to the reduced concentration of deuteriated
with peroxides84 ArOH through exchange with the uncontrolled admix-
tures of hydroxy-containing compounds. In the ex-
R + (CH3)3COOC(CH3)3 -- change reaction between indophenoxyl and indophenol
(studied by the NMR technique) the isotope effect was
1.8 (300 K, carbon tetrachloride).87 The klb values are
collected in ref 36.
X X=0 + (CH3)3CO (3-16) The klb values may vary over a range of 6 orders of
magnitude: from 0.1 to 105 M_1*s_1 (333 K). Two factors
(CH3)3CO '^=i( control klb, viz., reaction heat q, equal to the difference
Reaction 3-16 is very slow as compared with reaction of dissociation energies of the formed and broken O-H
with hydroperoxides. bond, and the steric factor, which manifests itself when
there are bulky substituents in the ortho position of the
D. Reactions of Aroxyl Radicals with Phenols ArOH or ArO*. For reaction of 2,4,6-tri-tert-butyl-
phenoxyl with ArOH of the type 4-RC6H4OH there is
Aroxyl radicals react with phenols rather fast. Pro- a linear correlation with Hammett a constants of sub-
vided the starting and the end ArO’ do not recombine,
stituents R
an equilibrium becomes established in the system. One
example is the reaction of galvinoxyl with 2,6-di-tert- log (^/(M-V1)) = 1.21 -
3.41(r (333 K)18 (3-18)
log (^/(M-1*-1)) = 1.22 -
3.03(r (297 K)88 (3-19)
The NMR technique allows one to measure the hy-
drogen transfer rate from ArOH to ArO’ of identical Ar
when q = 0. The results of such measurements at 300
K are as follows: klb = 660 for 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol
and klb = 1400 M^-s'1 for indophenol.87 Another factor
having an important effect on the rate of this reaction
is the solvent—primarily the tendency of ArOH to form
hydrogen bonds with it.
The equilibrium constant K15 is determined entirely by It was found63 that kXb decreases in passing from
the difference in energies of the O-H bond formed and carbon tetrachloride, which does not form hydrogen
the one broken, so that AG° ^ AH° ^ -RT In Klb.39 bonds, to benzene, acetonitrile, and dioxane. The rea-
The Klb have been given in section III.A, where the son lies with the fact that the H-bond-forming solvent
energies of these bonds have been discussed. There is screens the O-H bond of ArOH from attack by ArO*.
a linear correlation between log Klb and o\74 At 298 K Reaction 15 is therefore preceded by formation of the
log Klb = -2.0 3.66(t (3-17)

hydrogen-bonded complex89
For ArOH whose ArO* enter a recombination, reaction Kft &20

A^O’ + HOAr2 Ar10‘—HOAr2 —

15 is followed by recombination 9; e.g.
ArxOH + Ar20* (15)(3-20)
*15 and the experimentally measured fe15obsd = k2oKH. The
O’ H0CeH4Y
k -15 OV-°H +
estimates of ref 89 give for hydrogen transfer step 3-20
in such a complex preexponential A2o 1013 s-1 and

H-bond formation entropy ASH = -150 J/(molK). This

‘0C6H4Y (15)
explains the relatively low observed A15 values for hy-
drogen abstraction reaction in such systems.
o o’ + ’OC6H4Y === 0:
>- oc6h4y
(9) Thorough study of the reaction of 2,4,6-tri-tert-bu-
tylphenoxyl with ArOH in different solvents allows us
to make the following conclusions.89 The activity
When the reaction is slow enough it may be studied by coefficients of the ArjO*-HOAr2 transition state are the
conventional kinetic methods, observing the concen- same in carbon tetrachloride and benzene; that is, the
tration of the starting ArO* by spectrophotometry or transition state energy does not vary in passing from
ESR. If it is fast, flow techniques have to be used. carbon tetrachloride to benzene. Therefore, the ex-
Substitution of deuterium for hydrogen in the hy- perimentally observed reduction of klb from the former
droxyl group decreases klb. For example, in the reaction to the latter solvent is due only to formation of the
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1325

hydrogen bond between ArOH and benzene. The inhibits oxidation to a small degree. When the mixture
transition state in polar solvents is weakly solvated in of phenols is added, the ArxO’ generated by ArxOH
comparison with the starting reactants, which means become involved in the exchange reaction
that it is nonpolar. Thus the complex ArxO'*"HOAr2
is nonpolar. From correlations for the H-bonded com- ArxO* + Ar2OH *=£
ArxOH + Ar20' (15)
plex formation rate constant it is known that KH de-
pends little on the substituent(s) in the phenol mole- Thereby, the less active Ar2OH also becomes involved
cule. Hence the effect of substituent at the para and in the chain termination process. ki5 = 5 X 105 M_1-s-1
meta positions on the klb value is due to its effect on and Klb 50;36 i.e., the equilibrium is shifted to the
the transition state energy through the reaction heat. right, thus creating the conditions necessary for chain
Correlation formulas like log kib = B + bq, composed termination via reactions 8 and 9 (see IHO scheme).
on the basis of literature data with the help of the Z3q_h In oxidation of ethylbenzene with 4-methoxyphenol
values given in Table 6 or calculated from the <x-cor- (ArxOH) (333 K, initiator = azobisisobutyronitrile,
relation equations (see above), are as follows: [ArxOH] = 1.5 X 1CT4 M) ArxOH is consumed at a
= 4.5 + 0.14$
constant rate of 0.5U;. However, after addition of the
log klb (3-21)
two inhibitors ArxOH and ionol (Ar2OH), one first ob-
for 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl (benzene, 297 K, q is in serves a slow consumption of ArxOH for a time period
kJ-moT1) and close to 2[Ar2OH]0/Oi, whereafter ArxOH disappears
7.6 + 0.18$ more rapidly at the rate Oj/2.90 What this means is that
log klb =
first ionol is consumed in the system and then ArxOH.
for galvinoxyl (carbon tetrachloride, 300 K, $ is in Since R02* react with Ar2OH 1 order of magnitude
kJ-moT1). slower than with ArxOH, the fact must be due to the
Both correlations are for reactions with $ < 0. The fast exchange reaction of Ar20* for ArxO*. The fact that
exothermic reaction of any radical of structure RC6H40' consumption of ArxOH follows in time the consumption
with 2,4,6-tri-£er£-butylphenol proceeds with ft15 = 3 X of Ar2OH is clear from comparison of the kinetic curves
105 to 6 X 105 M-1*s_1 (333 K), whatever the substituent of chemiluminescence in ethylbenzene oxidation with
R. ArxOH, Ar2OH, and their mixture.90 Similar results are
observed in oxidation of ethylbenzene with 2-tert-bu-
E. Synergism of the Inhibiting Effect of Binary tyl-4-methoxyphenol, ionol, and their mixture.90 The
Mixtures of Sterlcally Hindered and Unhindered latter composition displays a well-defined synergism
Phenols under autoxidation of ethylbenzene. With ionol the
induction period is 9 h, with 2-£er£-butyl-4-methoxy-
tert-Alkyl groups in the ortho position decrease the phenol the induction time is 10 h, and with a mixture
reactivity of both the starting phenols and the aroxyls of 80% of the former and 20% of the latter the in-
formed from them. The following table compares the
duction time is about 15 h (393 K, total concentration
rate constants of three reactions involving two phenols
of phenols 1(T5 M91). Judging by the kinetic curves of
and aroxyls (333 K, aromatic solvent, data of ref 36).
chemiluminescence, the rapid exchange of ionol radicals
fe7, k-’], &10> for semiquinone radicals also occurs in initiated oxi-
reaction (see IHO scheme) M^-s"1 M-hs’1 M-hs’1
dation of ethylbenzene with a mixture of hydroquinone
4-methoxyphenol 2.5 X 105 650 37 and ionol (393 K90). A further reason for synergism in
(4-methoxyphenoxyl) inhibition with a mixture of monosubstituted phenol
2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol 1.4 x 104 0.87 ~io-4
(2,4,6-tri-fert-butylphenoxyl) and trialkylphenol is the reaction of ArO' of a different
structure which yields a thermally unstable quinol ether
It is seen that tri-£ert-butylphenol and the corre- of the type
sponding ArO* are slower in all these reactions than
4-methoxyphenol and 4-methoxyphenoxyl. However,
the actual reduction is widely different from one reac-
tion to another: in reaction with R02* the rate con-
stants are only 1 order of magnitude different, whereas
in reaction with RO0H the reactivity of these ArO* (See section VI.C for more details.) This ether slowly
differs by almost 3 orders of magnitude. This difference dissociates to the two starting ArO’ and, following their
is the major principle behind the synergistic effect that reaction with R02", results in chain termination.88 It
is observed when hindered and unhindered phenols are has been shown for 9,10-dihydroanthracene that the
added simultaneously to an RH mass.88-92 Initiated quinol ether inhibits oxidation of RH.88 The formation
oxidation of 9,10-dihydroanthracene remains almost of the quinol ether is mentioned in ref 89 as the factor
unaffected in the presence of 10~4 M 2,4,6-tri-tert-bu- responsible for the synergism in inhibiting effects of
tylphenol (Ar2OH), but a similar quantity of 4-meth- 4-methoxyphenol and mesitol on oxidation of cumene
oxyphenol (ArxOH) will hinder it to give rise to an in- at 333 and 393 K.
duction period.89 The induction period is almost dou- Returning now to the chief reason of synergism in
bled when both ArOH are added at 1CT4 M concentra- such binary ArOH mixtures, namely, the substitution
tion (333 K, [RH] = 0.15 M). The synergistic inhibition of one type of ArO' with others, we note that the fol-
of the ArxOH + Ar2OH mixture, compared to no in- lowing conditions must be met for synergism to occur.
hibiting effect at all of Ar2OH, is due to the following First, for one of the phenols, ArxOH, the inhibition must
reasons. Since kn{X) < k7(2), the following conditions were follow the mechanism involving participation of ArxO*
satisfied in the above experiments: &7(1)[ArxOH] > in chain propagation via reactions with ROOH or RH,
(2fe6oi)1/2 and fc7(2)[Ar2OH] < (2fe6ui)1/2; therefore Ar2OH and Ar20' (2,6-di-£ert-alkylphenol) must be inactive in
1326 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

such reactions; i.e., the rate of such reactions must be TABLE 8. N-H Bond Dissociation Energies (kJ/mol) in
lower than that of initiation. Second, the ArO' ex- Aromatic Amines Measured by Different Techniques
change through reactions with ArOH must be fast (at reaction
a rate much greater than that of initiation) and equi- AmH calcdc
7,-7“ 12fc
librium 15 must be shifted toward the low-active ArO*.
c6h6nh2 379
The latter condition is possible when Dq_h is higher for 4-CH3C6H4NH2 374
ArxOH than for Ar2OH. Third, since the reaction of 4-CH3OC6H4NH2 356
trialkyl-substituted phenoxyl radical with R02* yields c6h6nhch3 372
4-(CH3)2NC6H4NH2 344
quinolide peroxide,44 then for synergism to manifest (C6H5)2NH 367 367
itself there must be an upper temperature limit owing a-C10H7NH2 364 351
to the thermal instability of quinolide peroxide. /3-C10H7NH2 373
a-C10H7NHC6H5 368
IV. Radical Abstraction Reactions Involving /3-C10H7NHC6H6 367 364
p-C6H5NHC6H4NHCeH5 338
Amlnyl Radicals /3-C10H7NHC6H4NH-/3-C10H7 343

A. N-H Bond Dissociation Energies of Aromatic “Calculated (see text). 6Reference 45. cCalculated according to
eq 4-5 (see text); after ref 80 and 81.
The data from which one may calculate the N-H 2. The DN-h may be calculated from the activation
bond dissociation energies are much more scarce for energy or reaction rate constant data for
aromatic amines (AmH) than for ArOH. Available data
are summarized below. AmH + 02 —-*•
Am* + H02* (12)
1. As for phenols, the DN_H of aromatic amines may
This reaction is endothermal and its E12 is about equal
be estimated from the equilibrium constant
to its endothermicity: El2 AH°12, whence —

R02* + AmH ;=£ ROOH + Am* Dn-h Ei + -Dh_o2. + A (4-2)

(7) 2

using the equality AH°7 =

-RT In X7 + TAS°7, where where A is the difference of dissolution heats of the
AS°7 =

= and Atf°7
11 J-moT^K-193 starting reagents and products. Since &X2 have been
Drqo-h H\-H 368 kJ /mol, whence
— — —

measured with a higher precision than EX2, E12 may

Z)N_H (kJ/mol) = 368 RT In K + 0.011 T

(4-1) advantageously be replaced with the equivalent ex-

fe7 and k_2 have been measured for two AmH, viz., di-
phenylamine and Ar-phenyl-/3-naphthylamine. Cumyl E\2 = RT(In AX2 In &X2) = Z)N_H Z)h_q2. A (4-3)
- - -

peroxyl radical reacts with diphenylamine with a rate from which we obtain
constant k7 = 3.4 X 105 M_1*s_1, and the rate constant
of the diphenylaminyl radical with ROOH is fe_7 = 1.1 -DN.j^kJ-moT1 =
RT(In Ax2 In ki2) +B3 =

X 105 M_1-s_1 at 348.5 K in benzene.39 The constant K7 RT(24 In kl2) + 236 (4-4)

3, AH°1 0.3 kJ/mol, and Z>n_h = 368 kJ/mol for ifwe put, in accordance with ref 45, In AX2 = 24 and
diphenylamine. A close result is obtained from the calculate the constant B3 using k12 = 5.6 X 10“5 M-1<s-1
kinetic data for the reaction for N-phenyl-/3-naphthylamine (453 K, chlorobenzene45)
and .Dn-h = 364 kJ/mol. The Z)N_H values calculated
in this manner are listed in Table 8.
3. As for ArOH, one may estimate On_h in AmH
using the potential Ec (cf. section IV.A), with which
Dn_h is related as
DN^kJ-mor1 = HT3 FEC + 270 (4-5)
The constant 270 kJ/mol in eq 4-5 is obtained if we
take Dn-h = 367 kJ/mol for diphenylamine. The es-
Measured by the flash photolysis technique,94 K15 = 1.4 timates are given in Table 8. Comparison of Tables 7
X 104 (293 K), whence AH°X5 = -RT In Ku + TAS° =
and 8 shows that the dissociation energies of the O-H
28 kJ/mol and Dn_h « 339 + 28 = 367 kJ/mol.
bonds of ArOH and N-H bonds of AmH are close and
Kinetic investigations of cumene oxidation inhibited lie within the range 340-380 kJ/mol.
with iV-phenyl-d-naphthylamine revealed kinetic be-
havior typical of the mechanism where the Am* reacts B. Reactions of Aminyl Radicals with
with the ROOH95 (see below). From the kinetic data
was calculated the ratio &_7/fe8 = 3.6 X 10"4 exp(-7.7,
Hydrocarbon C-H Bonds
kJ'mol_1/i?T). Assuming that ks 6.8 X 108 M_1>s_1 (see
= Few data are available for this important reaction
section VI.I) for diphenylaminyl and N-phenyl-/?- (reaction 10). Recently, a new approach was inaugu-
naphthylaminyl radicals, we find for the latter &_7 = 2.2 rated that permitted study of the reaction of di-
X 105 exp(-7.7, kJ-moH/RT) = 1.4 X 104 M^-s"1 (333 phenylaminyl radical with ethylbenzene.97 In this ap-
K). Reaction 7 for N-phenyl-/3-naphtylamine is char- proach tetraphenylhydrazine is used as the source of
acterized by k7 = 1.1 X 107 (exp(-14, kJ-moT1//??1) = diphenylaminyl radicals. The generated diphenyl-
6.8 X 104 M_1-s_1 (333 K95). From these data it is easily aminyl radicals recombine (see section VI.F for a dis-
obtained that AH°7 = -1 kJ/mol and DN_H = 367 kJ/ cussion of the recombination kinetics and products) or
mol for jV-phenyl-/3-naphthylamine. react with RH
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1327

amine and cumyl hydroperoxide under oxygen-bubbling

(C6H5)2N* + RH (C6H6)2NH + R* (10) conditions.99 The cyanoisopropyl radicals formed from
The decomposition is carried out in the presence of 02, AIBN were converted to R02* via reaction with 02,
with which the generated R* radicals react rapidly. The which then reacted with AmH, and Am* reacted with
resultant R02* react with (C6H5)2N* (Am*), with the ROOH.
formation of brightly colored quinone imine and other It was found from these data that k_7 1.1 X 105

colored products. It is thereby possible to monitor M'1*"1 (348.5 K).

reaction 10 according to the rate of accumulation of the 2. Another approach was used in the same work.99
colored products of R02* reaction with Am*. Experi- Tetraphenylhydrazine was decomposed in chloro-
mental conditions are chosen to be such as to cause all benzene in the presence of cumyl peroxide and di-
R02* to react with Am*. Under such conditions the phenylamine. As in the previous case, the conditions
reaction rate u10 is equal to the product buildup in the were adjusted to ensure radical decay only through
reaction of Am* with R02* (reaction 8). In addition, the reactions 6 and 9. The rate of reaction 8 was measured
conditions are so adjusted that the rates of Am* re- according to the buildup of the colored products. The
combination and its reaction with RH are commensu- result, k_7 = 1.1 x 10® M_1-s_1, is exactly the same as that
rate. For such competing processes it was possible, of the previous case.
using the dependences of the rate of reaction 8 for R02* 3. In ref 98 tetraphenylhydrazine was decomposed
with (Am*) on concentration of RH and tetraphenyl- in the presence of cumyl hydroperoxide in p-xylene (343
hydrazine, to calculate the ratio fc10(2fe9)-1/2, where fe9 K). The formation of diphenylamine was used as an
pertains to recombination of Am*. The rate constant indicator of the reaction rate. k-7/k9V2 3.8 X 10"2

of Am* reaction 10 with ethylbenzene in chlorobenzene M_1/2.s_1/2 and hence k_7 = 160 M-1*s-1, which is 3 orders
at 348.5 K was found to be 0.7 M-1*s-1. Values of k9 are of magnitude below the values obtained in approaches
listed in Table 19; cf. section VI. For comparison, the 1, 2, and 4 (see below). The primary reason for such
rate constant of the reaction of R02* with ethylbenzene a large variance consists in that the authors of ref 98
is k2 = 9.6 X 105 exp(-35, kJ-mol^/RT) = 4.5 M_1-s_1 failed to take into account the very fast reaction be-
at 348.5 K36 in ethylbenzene. Thus Am* are similar to tween R02* and the generated AmH. What was actu-
R02* in their activity as hydrogen acceptors. The re- ally measured was the difference of the rates of two fast
action of N-phenyl-/3-naphthylaminyl radical with reactions, reactions 7 and -7: Am* with ROOH and the
ethylbenzene was studied in ref 98. Using the rate back reaction of R02* with AmH.99 Neither was the
constant ratio kw/k8 = 3.1 X 10-9 (333 K, ethylbenzene) formation of AmH via reaction 9, Am* + Am*, ac-
and assuming k8 = 6 X 10® M_1-s_1 as for the di- counted for (see below).
phenylaminyl radical, we obtain kw = 19 M_1-s_1. Since 4. Reaction of diphenylaminyl radical with cumyl
the value of k10 for Am* reactions with RH depends on hydroperoxide in cyclohexane was studied by flash
the N-H bond dissociation energy formed in the process photolysis in ref 39. In the ROOH concentration range
and since Z)N_H for AT-phenyl-/?-naphthylamine is less (1.4-5.1) X 1<T3 M, k.7 = 1.1 X 105 M'V1 (293 K), which
than Dn_h for diphenylamine, it may be expected that is coincident with the above values. If we use A_7 =
k10 < 0.2 M_1>s_1 for the V-phenyl-/3-naphthylaminyl
1.6 X 107 M-1-s_1, then we have &_7 =
1.6 X 107 exp-
radical if we depart from k1Q = 0.7 M_1*s_1 for reaction (-12, kJ-mor1//?^. Analysis of the reaction of di-
of diphenylaminyl radical at 348 K (see above). The phenylaminyl radical with ROOH over a broad ROOH
large discrepancy may be due the rather fast reaction concentration range (5 X 10-3 to 2.6 X 10'1 M) has
of Am* with ROOH. Extra luminescence light due to shown that for [ROOH] > 0.02 M the reaction takes a
reaction of Am* with R02* cannot be ruled out. more complicated route.39 The Am’ acts like a base
The reaction of diphenylaminyl radical with cumene with respect to ROOH
was investigated by observing the diphenylamine
buildup rate in the decomposition of tetraphenyl- Am* + HOOR *=£ AmH*+,ROO- (4-6)
hydrazine in p-xylene containing cumene.99 The ex-
periments were conducted for different cumene and This is evidenced by the appearance of a new particle
tetraphenylhydrazine concentrations. k10k9~1/12 = 3.8 X in solution, viz., the cation radical (C6H5)2NH*+, dis-
10-® (M-s)_1/2 (343 K) was calculated from experimental playing a typical absorption spectrum. The cation
data. Using the known k9 (Table 19), one obtains kw radical and aminyl radical are consumed through
= 0.15 M_1*s_1, which is similar to k10 = 0.7 M_1-s_1 for first-order reactions, obviously involving electron
reaction of diphenylaminyl radical with ethylbenzene transfer:
(see above). This value of fe10 can only be considered
to be tentative, because the above kinetic scheme dis- AmH’+,ROO~ AmH + R02* (4-7)
regarded the formation of diphenylamine through the
reaction Am* + Am* (reaction 9) (cf. section VI.F) and K6 42 M_1 and ir7 = 1.0 X 103 s_1 (393 K, cyclohexane)

were calculated from the kinetic data.39 The reaction

through disproportionation between Am* and R*.
involving consecutive proton transfer and then electron
C. Reactions of Aminyl Radicals with transfer is slower than the abstraction: k7 X K8 = 4
X 104 M_1’S_1 and fe_7 = 1.1 X 10® M_1,s_1. Investigation
Hydroperoxides of the kinetics of cumene oxidation in the presence of
Reactions of diphenylaminyl radicals with hydro- iV-phenyl-/3-naphthylamine has shown that cumyl hy-
peroxides were investigated by different techniques in droperoxide promotes initiated oxidation of cumene by
a number of works. the mechanism where Am* reacts violently with
1. Decomposition of azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) ROOH.95 In this case the oxygen absorption kinetics
was effected in benzene in the presence of diphenyl- is given by95
1328 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

i[0,| ( k_, V'! reacts with R02* much slower, but its ArO* (2,6-di-
IM1_t/r)l (4-8) tert-butyl-substituted phenoxyls) do not take part in
irht 2Hm;[R00H1v chain propagation, so that the reaction of R02* with
where r is the induction period, equal to /[InHlo/uj.
ArOH results in chain termination. When added to-
From eq 4-8 we find k_7/k8 4 X 1.0-4 exp(-7.7, kJ-
= gether, the merits of the two InH combine. AmH rap-
idly reacts with R02‘, Am* exchanges for ArO* with
mol~l/RT). Hence, k_7 = 2.2 X 10B exp(-7.7, kJ- ArOH by reaction 15, and ArO* does not participate in
mol~l/RT) = 1.4 X 104 M-1'S-1 (333 K), if we assume that chain propagation but goes on to react with R02*. In
= 6 X 108 M'V1, as for diphenylaminyl radical.100
ref 103-105 Am* was assumed to participate in chain
(More details on reaction 8 are given in section VI.I.)
propagation only by reactions with RH. Since the rate
constants of reactions of diphenylaminyl radical both
D. Reactions of Aminyl Radicals with Phenols
with ROOH and with ethylbenzene have recently been
Aminyl radicals react rapidly with phenols. Reaction reevaluated (see above), it may be worthwhile to re-
of diphenylaminyl radical with 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol consider the problem. We will exemplify it with
was studied by flash photolysis in cyclohexane at 293 ethylbenzene oxidation inhibited with diphenylamine.
K94 with tetraphenylhydrazine as the source of di- Suppose 10“4 M AmH has been added to ethylbenzene
phenylaminyl radicals. The reaction and the initiation rate 0; = 10-7 M*s-1. If Am* react fast
with RH, the inequality k8Vi < fe7fe10[RH] [InH] must be
valid (see below). At 348 K, k7 = 3.4 x 105, fe8 = 6X
108, and kw = 0.7 M-1-s-1; thus k8v^ = 60 s-2 and k7k10-
[RH][InH] = 200 s~2—i.e., the inequality is valid.
Therefore, chain termination occurs by reaction 8 be-
tween R02* and Am*, and the ethylbenzene oxidation
rate is

( k10Oj V^2

is bimolecular and occurs with k15 =* 1.5 x 107 M 1*s b

2.1 X 10‘7 M-s-1 (4-9)
E. Synergism in Inhibition of Oxidation with where k2 = 4.2 M-1'S-1,35 f = 2.8,35 and k7, k8, and k1Q are
Mixtures of Amines and Phenols as above. The induction period r under such conditions
is /[AmHJo/Ui = 2.8 x 103 s. Within a period of, say,
The authors of ref 101, who investigated the inhib-
500 s a concentration of 1 X 10-4 M ROOH is produced.
iting effect of mixtures of AmH and ArOH on initiated
oxidation of ethylbenzene, discovered that ArOH dis- Already in the presence of such a small quantity of
ROOH chain propagation through reaction of Am* with
appears before any AmH is consumed. Such a sequence ROOH is faster than through reaction of Am* with RH,
in the consumption of the inhibitor components was not
since fe_7[ROOH] = (1.1 X 105) X (1 x 10-4) = 11 s-1 and
due to the higher susceptibility of ArOH to attack by
&10[RH] = 0.7 x 8.2 = 5.7 s-1. As the reaction proceeds
R02*. On the contrary, the InH used in ref 103 reacted and more ROOH is formed, the role of the latter will
with R02’ with the following rate constants: k7 104 ~

increase. It may therefore be safe to conclude that the

M-1-s-1 for 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol and k7 = 1.3 x 10B
M-1*s-1 for iV-phenyl-/?-naphthylamine (ethylbenzene, synergism in the inhibition of oxidation of RH with a
333 K).3B AmH therefore reacts faster with R02* than
mixture of AmH and sterically hindered ArOH is due
to the following reactions. AmH rapidly react with R02*
the ArOH, but still it is ArOH that is consumed first.
The reason is the following fast exchange reaction but, in the absence of ArOH will also rapidly react with
RH and ROOH, the latter being the main contributor.
In the presence of ArOH, the Am* will be rapidly sub-
Am* + ArOH 3=t AmH + ArO’ (15) stituted for with ArO*, which slowly react with ROOH
and decay through reaction 8 with R02*.
whereby [Am*] « [ArO*] under the standard oxidation However, as recently shown in ref 104 this presenta-
conditions, and hence the rate of reaction 8 between tion of the mechanism of synergistic effect of mixtures
ArO* and R02* by which ArOH is actually consumed of AmH and ArOH is incomplete. For the iV-phenyl-
is greater than that of reaction 8 between Am* and R02" d-naphthylamine-a-naphthol pair in cholesteryl pe-
so long as there is any ArOH in the system. Synergism largonate undergoing oxidation (348 K, initiator =
is observed in inhibition of autoxidation of ethylbenzene azoisooleic acid dinitryl) it was shown that the mixture
with a mixture of ArOH and AmH: the resultant in- of AmH and ArOH broke more chains than each of
duction period r is longer than the mere sum of the these separately. While for AmH f = 2.5 and for ArOH
induction periods due to inhibition with ArOH and f 2, for their mixture f = Oir/([AmH]0 + [ArOH]0)
= =

AmH separately.102 The synergistic effect resulted only 3.7 ([AmH] =

3 X 10-5 M, [ArOH] =
1.2 X 10-4 M, vt
with 2,6-di-terf-butyl-substituted phenols, on the one =
6.6 X 10-7 M*s-1). This increase in the stoichiometry
hand, and primary and secondary aromatic amines or of chain termination is due to the reactions of the
substituted p-phenylenediamines on the other.103 The products of these ArOH and AmH.
mechanism of synergism in this case is as follows.102,103
AmH rapidly reacts with R02*, but the active Am* take V Reactions of Inhibitor Radicals with Oxygen
part in the chain propagation process (it had previously
been attributed to reaction with RH), which decreases Important for inhibited oxidation is the reaction of
the inhibiting effect of AmH. On the contrary, ArOH inhibitor radicals with oxygen
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1329

ki TABLE 9. Rate Constants of Reaction 5-1 between

In* + 02 —
products (5-1) Inhibitor Free Radicals and Oxygen at Room Temperature
radical solvent kx, ref
This reaction has been investigated by different tech-
water ~1.0 x 106 107
niques, including flash photolysis. Aromatic inhibitor 4-CH3C6H40*
4-+NH3CH(C00-)CH2C6H40- water ~1.0 X 106 107
radicals range broadly in their ability to react with 9,10-anthraquinone-2-sulfonate water 1.8 X 108“ 113
oxygen. anion
ArO* react with oxygen to form R02*, which, on re- 1,4-benzoquinone anion water <1 X 107 109
action with a second ArO*, produce peroxide duroquinone anion water 2.0 X 108“ 109
9,10-anthraquinone- 2,6-disulfonate water 5.0 X 108“ 114
(C6H5)2COH benzene 2.3 X 109“ 112
(C6H5)C(OH)CH3 benzene ~3.0 X 109 112

“Determination error is ca. 10-15%.

VI. Bimolecular Reactions between Radicals

A. General Comments
Most of the aromatic inhibitor free radicals (In') are
The first reaction is reversible, so that the aroxyl radical active short-lived particles and enter fast bimolecular
consumption rate follows the equation37,76 reactions with each other. The rate constants are ele-
v =
mentary reactions of In* have in most cases been de-
fe2ob8d[ArO*]2[02] termined by fast-reaction techniques. Bimolecular
radical decay involves recombination, disproportiona-
For 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl radical the observed tion, or electron transfer (reaction 9) and plays an im-
rate constant is independent of temperature in the portant part in inhibition (section IX). For brevity we
range 295-348 K, and fe2obsd = 4.9 X 103 M'V1 in n- will refer to reaction 9 simply as recombination here.
decane.37 The oxidation of galvinoxyl is different. Its In the absence in solution of other active reactants (free
oxidation is self-accelerated, owing to the formation of radicals, oxygen, oxidants, reductants) recombination
peroxide.37 ArOH inhibits oxidation of galvinoxyl. of aromatic radicals
2.6- Di-fer£-butyl-l,4-benzoquinone and 4-formyl-2,6-
2i, (2*,)
di-fer£-butylphenol, which are products of decomposi- In* + In*- products (6-1)
tion of the unstable quinolide peroxide, have been
identified among the oxidation products. is the dominant if not the only route of their decay. In
The radicals of very effective polymer stabilizers, order to choose the optimum conditions for promoting
2.6- diphenyl-4-alkoxyphenols, which feature a devel- (or suppressing) reaction 9 in complex chemical sys-
oped system of conjugation, do not react with oxygen- tems, one must know the rates of this reaction and have
105,106 The short-lived ArO* of a notion about the manner in which the radical struc-
p-cresol and thyrosine
decay by a first-order reaction in air-saturated solution, ture and solvent affect these rates. This is the main
which indicates that reaction 5-1 is taking place.107 At topic of this chapter.
the same time the attack of atmospheric oxygen leaves In this chapter we also consider ketyl radicals of
almost unaffected the decay rates of many short-lived benzophenone and other aromatic ketones. The anti-
ArO* and neutral semiquinone radicals (see section oxidant properties of the starting valence-saturated
VI.A), which allows us to estimate kx as «106 M-1*s_1. compounds are unknown. But these aromatic radicals
l,3-Dioxo-2-arylindan-2-yl radicals (see section VI.A) have been thoroughly studied by fast-reaction tech-
do not react with oxygen.108 niques and may be advantageously considered alongside
For quinone radical anions (Q*") there is, generally, other aromatic radicals. Probably, benzopinacol, which
an equilibrium33,109 dissociates to ketyl radicals, is an inhibitor. We are
considering reaction 9 with participation of 1,3-dioxo-
2-arylindan-2-yl radicals. The starting 2-arylindan-
Q- + 02^Q+02- (5-1)
1,3-diones and radical dimers are effective inhibitors for
hydrocarbon oxidation.108
The position of the equilibrium depends on the redox Hydroquinone, catechol, and their derivatives are
potential of the Q/Q’~ pair (cf. section VIII.E). typical InH of the phenolic type, which generate neutral
As monitored by pulsed radiolysis, the decay of the semiquinone radicals or radical anions. We discuss
neutral p-benzosemiquinone radical was promoted by semiquinone radicals in this chapter, and we shall
oxygen.110 However, the authors of ref 110 preferred discuss their properties in sections VII and VIII.
to attribute this acceleration not to reaction with oxygen In most cases the distribution of unpaired electrons
but with the hydroperoxyl radical formed in the ex- in radicals is anisotropic, and therefore the reactivity
periments. of such radicals is also largely anisotropic. Bimolecular
Aniline radical cations decay in air-saturated solu- reactions of radicals are fast reactions and are charac-
tions by a first-order reaction.111 Ketyl radicals of terized by high rate constants lr7 c* 107-109 M_1-s_1
benzophenone and acetophenone (see section VI.A) (nonviscous solvents, room temperature).
react with oxygen with diffusion rate constants.112 Before turning to analysis of the available kinetic
The rate constants of reaction 5-1 for different aro- data, it may be useful to recall the basic principles of
matic radicals are given in Table 9. the modern theory of diffusion-controlled reactions
1330 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

between chemically anisotropic reagents.

B. Diffusion-Controlled Reactions between
Chemically Anisotropic Reagents
General Principles
OG-0Q 0&copy; O
Diffusion-controlled reactions are those which occur
upon the very first contact of reactants in Solution. An Figure 1. Diagram of reaction between black spheres (1) and
overwhelming majority of reactions of this type take between white spheres with black spots (3). Brackets indicate
place when the reactants approach each other to within that the spheres are within the solvent cage; (2) the polar angle
9 determines the relative size of the black spot; (4) mutual ori-
a distance p close to the sum of the van der Waals radii
entation of reagents in first contact.
of the radicals (molecules). The rate constant of a
diffusion-controlled reaction between uncharged reag-
ents is given by the well-known Smoluchowski formu-
If the spin-statistical factor is to be accounted for, the
la31,115 following formula should be used instead of eq 6-4:
k =
4rrpD (6-2) km =
2RT/(3000 ri) (M"1*'1) (6-7)

where D is the coefficient of mutual diffusion. If there are electrostatic interactions between the rad-
For a diffusion-controlled reaction between two icals participating in diffusion-controlled recombination,
identical agents, —d[In*]/d£ = 2Ir1[In’]2 and 2k l = ki]S. the following equation should replace eq 6-2 and 6-6:
More general than the Smoluchowski boundary con- k (2k) =
tr(47rpD)x (6-8)
dition, which assumes an infinite rate of the chemical
act, is the radiation boundary condition, implying a where x > 1 (x < 1) is the Coulombic term depending
finite rate of the chemical act.31,115 Under this condi- on the product of the reactants’ charges and dielectric
tion31’115 constant of solvent.31
It may be expected for a diffusion-controlled reaction
^ (6-3a) that the activation enthalpy (activation volume) should
^diff ^chem be equal to the activation energy B (activation volume
111 AV*diff) for the viscous flow of solvent
^1 ^diff ^chem AH* =B (6-9)
where &chem is the rate constant of the bimolecular re- AV* = A V* diff (6-10)
action between the reagents. The constant kchem would
have given the exact reaction rate had their been an 2. Reactivity Anisotropy of Reagents
equilibrium spatial distribution of reagents in the sys- For convenience and brevity we will make use of the
tem. The rate constants of the pairwise encounters
(fediff) and the chemical act proper (kchem) appear in
concepts of “black”, “gray”, and “white” spheres. Black
formulas 6-3 as inverse resistivities, which is natural for spheres are exclusively reactive agents, reacting upon
consecutive reactions. The kinetic experiment for bi- the very first contact. Equation 6-2 is valid for black
molecular reactions of radicals supports formula 6-3. spheres. Gray spheres are moderately active reagents
To calculate kii{{ in eq 6-2 it is necessary to know p and obey eq 6-3. For white spheres, irx = &chem = 0.
and D. In the simplest case the reactant diffusivity is In deriving eq 6-2 it was assumed that the reactant
molecules are spherical particles with isotropic re-
expressed with the Stokes-Einstein formula. Substi-
tuting this D into eq 6-2 we obtain the Debye equation activity (black spheres, Figure 1). However, as men-
for reaction between identical reagents31 tioned above, reactivity of free radicals is substantially
anisotropic. The probability of a reaction upon en-
km =
SRT/(3000 ri) (M_1-s_1) (6-4) counter of radicals in solution depends on their mutual
orientation. It is conventional in this case to use the
where r) is the solvent viscosity. Equation 6-4 must be concept of a “white sphere with a reactive spot”; see
viewed as the lower estimate of the true kiiS{. For more Figure 1. If upon contact the reaction will occur with
accurate evaluation of kii{{, the “microfriction” factor a probability of unity, the spot will be referred to as
ip < 1 is entered in the denominator of eq 6-4 (for de- “black”. If the probability is between zero and unity,
tails, see ref 31). the spot will be “gray”. Clearly, the requirement of
The radical spin must also be taken into account. If specific mutual orientation of contacting reactants, like
the singlet-triplet transitions fail to occur in the radical the requirement of a specific spin status of a radical
pairs within their encounter time, eq 6-3 should be pair, causes kl to be lower than fediff (eq 6-2).
modified as follows for reactions between radicals: The geometric steric factor /g is equal to the statistical
rr/?diff^chem weight of orientations that are favorable for the reac-
ki = -

(6_5) tion. The factor /g equals the ratio of the product of

™diff '
^chem the surface areas of the spots to the product of the
surface areas of the spheres. In different theoretical
where J/4 is the spin-statistical factor. If recom-
bination is diffusion-limited (kc^em » &diff)> eq 6-5 will models (see below) the reaction spots on the surface of
reduce to the spherical reagent particle are normally assumed to
be limited by a circle characterized by the polar angle
k (2k) —

ckdiff =
<r(4rrpD) (6-6) 9 (Figure 1). Then for reaction between two identical
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1331

TABLE 10. Rate, Equilibrium, and Thermodynamic Data for Reaction 6-1 Involving Aroxyl Radicals at 293 K“
Jci X 10‘8 I?! X
subst in phenoxyl solvent M-1-s-1 k-u s'1 10s, M AH\ AH*.! AH° -AS'i AS*_i AS0 ref
2,6-diphenyl-4-methoxy n-hexane 32 80 2.5 2 53.5 51.5 50 -21 30 106
4-phenyl toluene 7.0 0.0070 0.0010 9 10 92 38 67 105 124
2,4-diphenyl n-hexane 18 1.3 0.074 2 94 92 54 83 138 124
2,6-diphenyl n-hexane 8 2 63 124
2-methoxy n-hexane 17 2 54 124
2,6-dimethoxy n-hexane 4.3 11 2.6 1 30 29 75 -121 -46 124
2,6-diphenyl-4-(diphenylmethyl) n-hexane 7.5 3.0 0.40 2 75 73 63 25 88 125
2,4,6-triphenyl n-hexane 5.4 1600 300 106
2,6-diphenyl-4-stearoxy n-hexane 20 200 10 0 80 80 63 83 146 32
2,6-diphenyl-4-stearoxy 1-propanol 1.9 1000 500 17 58 40 25 17 34 106
2,6-diphenyl-4-methyl n-hexane 11 0.23 0.020 6 113 105 46 142 188 32
2,6-diphenyl-4-(chloromethyl) n-hexane 13 0.027 0.0020 2 119 117 55 155 209 32
2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,6-diphenylphenoxy) n-hexane 0.5 30 60 4 69 65 84 25 109 32
2,6-dicyclohexyl-4-phenyl 1-propanol 0.27 1100 4000 106
4-(methoxycarbonyl)-2,6-di-tert- deuterio- 0.05 210 8500 -7 42 48 138 -21 117 126
butylphenyloxyl6 chloroform
4-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2,6-di-fert- carbon 0.133 120 1900 -12 34 46 155 -58 92 126
butylphenyloxyl6 disulfide
2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl toluene 0.45 112 250 -4 69 73 105 38 142 125
di-n-butyl 0.075 6.75 90 12 81 69 63 54 117 125
n-hexane 1.1 50 45 -6 90 96 105 100 205 32
2,6-diphenyl-4-ethoxy n-hexane 22 315 14 2 73 71 58 58 117 32
2,6-dimethyl-4-(l,3-dioxo-2-indanyl) toluene 2.0 0.21 0.43 6 63 57 54 -33 21 127
di-n-butyl 0.05 0.16 0.008 13 72 60 71 -42 29 127
“AH is in kJ/mol; AS is in J/(mol-K). The mean errors are as follows: Ku 20%; klt k.lt 25%; AH, ±2 kJ/mol; AS, ±8 J/(mol-K). bFull name
of radical; dimerization at 250 K.

spheres with spots fg = sin4 {8/2), and for reaction be- gave relatively close values for degrees of anisotropy
tween a sphere and the white sphere with a reaction averaging for /eff 10-2, which in a sense simplifies for
spot, fg = sin2 {8/ 2). the experimenter the problem of selecting the proper
In the liquid phase, owing to the cage effect (the model for data analysis. So far there is apparently no
extended encounter time and repeated contacts), the hope of assessing or refusing any particular model on
anisotropy of reactivity may be partially, or even wholly, the basis of experimental data. But the reverse prob-
averaged. If in their first contact the spheres with black lem, that of building the /eff vs. fg relationship from
spots have approached each other in an unfavorable experimental results, is obviously more realistic.122
orientation, they will have a chance to change their The molecular mobility limited bimolecular reactions
orientation before they meet again and react; see Figure between reactants, at least one of which features a
1. It is also probable, however, that because of steric substantial anisotropy of reactivity, have recently been
limitations the reagents do not react and part unreacted termed pseudodiffusion reactions.31 For a pseudodif-
(Figure 1). fusion reaction eq 6-11 holds true, and /eff < 1.
Thus the cage effect may raise fg up to the effective
steric factor fe{{. C. Recombination and Disproportionation of
For the molecular mobility limited reaction Aroxyl Radicals
k {2k) =
<r(4irpZ3)/eff (6-11) 1. Dimerization of Aroxyl Radicals and Dimer
From the above it follows that 0 < /g ;$ /eff < 1.
In the general case the spot on the surface of the In the absence of scavengers, ArO’ decays via di-
sphere is gray. Numerical and analytical calculations merization (recombination) reactions
show that instead of eq 6-3 and 6-5, the following more
general formula should be used:31 ArO* + ArO* 5=^
D; Kx =
k.JlCj (6-1)

k <rkchem a{4wpD)fe({ Aroxyl radical dimers are bonded with C-C or C-0
bonds. The 0-0 dimers cannot be stable since the high
If fcchem is high enough, so that fechem » cr(4xpD)/eff, the energy of stabilization of ArO* (75 kJ/mol for the un-
reagents should be treated as white spheres with black substituted phenoxyl radical32) due to delocalization of
spots and eq 6-12 reduces to eq 6-11. the unpaired electron, results in a low dissociation en-
The theory of reactions between chemically aniso- ergy for the 0-0 bond. The dimer bond is rather weak
tropic reactants has been tempestuous development (AH° = 30-120 kJ/mol, Table 10), and dimerization of
during the past decade or two and is now nearing com- ArO* is therefore reversible. At the same time in many
pletion. Choosing a certain model of chemical anisot- cases the equilibrium is completely shifted to the right
ropy and reactant motion patterns, the authors of and recombination of some ArO’ is irreversible. Such
theoretical treatments116-122 established the relation- radicals include mono-, di-, and certain trisubstituted
ships between fg and /eff. The theoretical treatments radicals (Table 11).
of anisotropy-averaging effects are reviewed in ref 31 The mechanism and kinetics of ArO* decay in liquid
and 123. It has been shown there that different theories solutions is largely determined by the nature of the
1332 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

TABLE 11. Rate Constants and Activation Parameters for Recombination 6-1 of Aroxyl Radicals'1
log (A x/ E !,
formula of ArO’ solvent T, K klt M-bs"1 (M-bs-1)) kJ/mol ref
c6h6o- water + 0.1 M H2S04 293-298 1.3 X 109 128
c6h5o- chlorobenzene + 1 x 10~3 M 303 2 x 10® 12 19 129, 130
p-toluenesulfonic acid
3- 0HC6H40' water, pH 7.0 298 1.5 x 10® 131
4- NH2C6H40' water, pH 10.5 293-298 1 X 109 132
benzene 303 5 x 109 8.8 -5 129, 130

4-C6H5C6H40' n-hexane 293 5.5 X 109 10.3 1 124
2-C6H5C6H40' n-hexane 293 1.8 X 109 9.8 3 124
o' di-n-butyl phthalate 293 5.0 X 10® 10.3 21 124

0‘ n-hexane 293 2.2 x 109 9.7 2 32

4-CH3C6H50' water, pH 8.0 285 ± 2 5.5 X 107 133

“Mean errors are klt 20%; E1 ±2 kj/mol; log (A -1)), ±0.4.

dimer structure of certain aroxyl radicals has been

discussed in ref 32.
2. Kinetics of Reversible Recombination of Aroxyl
The kinetics of reaction 6-1 for ArO* have been
studies by NMR, ESR, flash photolysis, and pulsed
radiolysis. The rate constants of ArO* recombination
(&i) and dimer dissociation (lr_x) heavily depend on the
chemical type, volume, and position of the substituent
in the phenol moiety (Tables 10 and 11).
Analysis of recombination of 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4R-
phenoxyl radicals by NMR led the authors of ref 126
to propose the following scheme for reaction 6-1:

Figure 2. log {2k r)vs. log (T/tj) relationship {T = 293 K; rj in

cP) for (1) recombination of 2,6-dimethyl-4-(l,3-dioxo-2-
indanyl)phenoxyl (6) and (2) disproportionation of the 2,6-di-
tert-butyl-4-(l,3-dioxo-2-indanyl)phenoxyl radical (1). The dotted
line is the relationship predicted by eq 6-7.127

substituents at the para and ortho positions relative to

the monovalent oxygen.
ArO* containing three substituents in the ortho and
para positions, for example, 2,6-di-fert-butyl-4R- and
2,6-diphenyl-4R-phenoxyl radicals with R not contain-
ing any mobile a-hydrogen atoms, may for considerable
periods of time remain in equilibrium with their cor-
responding dimers32,126


R =

As a result of dissociation of dimer with the rate con-

Dimers of ArO* are stable in solution and
some stant ka an intermediate product of unknown structure,
sometimes may be recovered as solids. Most such di- the complex between the radicals, is formed. The
mers, e.g., dimers of 2,6-di-fert-butyl-4R- or 2,6-di- complex may be reconverted to the initial dimer with
phenyl-4R-phenoxyl radicals, have structures of quinol a rate constant kb, converted to a dimer in which the
ethers (“head-to-tail”). This dimer structure has been radicals have swapped places (also with the rate con-
convincingly demonstrated by NMR analysis.105 The stant kb), or dissociate to two free radicals with a rate
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1333

constant kc. The radicals combine into a complex with tion is observed for dissociation of 2,4,6-tri-£er£-butyl-
a rate constant kd. If these complexes are in quasi- phenoxyl dimers with strically unhindered phenoxyl
steady concentrations and kh » kc (the validity of such radicals.18,70
an assumption is verified by experimental data of ref The k-i values for dissociation of 2,4,6-tri-£er£-bu-
126), we have irx = kd. tylphenoxyl radical with meta- and para-substituted
The calculated ki values are several orders of mag- phenoxyls correlate with the <r+ parameters of the
nitude smaller than fediff (Table 10); i.e., the complex substituents and have p = -3.3.70 The ratio of k_x to
between radicals is formed at far from every encounter rate constant of hydrogen abstraction by the 2,4,6-tri-
between them. In all probability, recombination of tert-butylphenoxyl radical from a sterically unhindered
these radicals is a pseudodiffusion reaction (see section ArOH is practically independent of substituent. The
B of this chapter). In fact, investigation of solvent authors of ref 70 measured relatively high k_i for rad-
viscosity effect on recombination rate of related 2,6- icals with substituents in the ortho positions, whereas
di-£er£-butyl- and 2,6-di-£er£-butyl-4-methylphenoxyl A£T*_X were smaller than expected from electronic effect
radicals has shown these reactions to be pseudodiffusion considerations. The reason is that ortho substituents
ones; indeed, /eff a* 10-2.32 Recombination of many create steric hindrances to dimerization; see above.
other ArO' is diffusion- or pseudodiffusion-con- This is why the quinol ethers produced from the
trolled.31,32Figure 2 shows as an example the rela- 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl radical and ortho-substi-
tionship between the recombination rate of the 2,6- tuted phenoxyl radicals are less stable. For example,
dimethyl-4-(l,3-dioxo-2-indanyl)phenoxyl radical and in the case of 2,6-dimethylphenoxyl and 2,4,6-tri-
solvent viscosity. From Figure 2 it follows that k1 < chlorophenoxyl radicals the strain energy of the C-0
&diff and ki if1; i.e., the reaction is a pseudodiffusion bond formed in dimerization is 20 kJ/mol.70

From the data of Tables 10 and 11 it follows that lrx 4. Hydrogen-Transfer Kinetics in Aroxyl
greatly increases if the £er£-butyl groups in the ortho
positions of the phenoxyl moiety are replaced with 2,6-Di-£er£-butyl-4R-phenoxyl radicals where the
phenyl or methoxy groups. The reason lies with the substituents R contain mobile a-H atoms undergo
lower screening of monovalent oxygen by the last two disproportionation at a rather rapid rate;30,32,125,134-140
substituents in comparison with ferf-butyl groups. (The e.g.
£er£-butyl group is known to create considerable steric
O' OH 0
limitations, higher in fact than either the phenyl or T

methoxy group, which is relfected by the respective
steric constants of these substituents, Ea.)
Further, recombination of many mono- and di-
of —

phenyl-substituted phenoxyls and 2,6-diphenyl-4-alk- CH(CeH5>2 CH(C6H5)2

oxy-substituted phenoxyls is limited by molecular mo-
bility.32 The reactivity anisotropy of these radicals is The reaction products are ArOH and quinone methide.
largely averaged out during the encounter time, and the Where R does not create substantial steric hindrances
numerical values of 2k i are close to the corresponding in 2,6-di-£er£-butyl-4R-phenoxyl radicals (for instance,
ff&diff (eq 6-6, 6-7). The constant kx decreases with R = CH3 or C2H5), disproportionation is accompanied
increasing number of carbon atoms in the alkoxyl sub- by formation of the corresponding dimer via reaction
stituent of the 2,6-diphenyl-4-alkoxyphenoxyl radical 6-1.
(Table 10). The explanation is that the area of the In this case quinone methide and ArOH may be
reaction spots remains almost unchanged as the radical formed either through reaction 6-13 or through uni-
volume increases; as a result, fg and, consequently, fe({ molecular cleavage of the dimer;32 e.g.
and kx decrease. kx increases further if the alkoxyl
substituent is replaced with the phenyl substituent, due
apparently to the more severe steric limitations to
radical dimerization. An even further decrease of lrx
results from substitution of phenyl groups at ortho
positions with more bulky cyclohexyl groups (Table
Thus the steric limitations imposed by the substitu-
ted in the aroxyl radicals have a controlling effect on
their recombination kinetics.
In analysis of activated reaction it is conventional to (6-14)
use the concept of steric hindrance around the reaction
site. Obviously, steric hindrances reduce the rate of
activated recombination of radicals.32
The ArO' decays here in two steps. First, an equilib-
3. Dimer Dissociation rium establishes itself very quickly (eq 6-1), and then
reactions 6-13 or 6-14 follow. Below we give two al-
The dissociation rate constant of the dimers of 2,6- ternative schemes of radical decay.32,125,137-140
diphenyl-4R-phenoxyl radicals, k_x, strongly depends, SCHEME 1
as does AJBT*_X, on the nature of the substituent (Table
10): k_i decreases and AH*_i increases with increasing 2R'

stable products
acceptor properties of the substituent. A similar rela-
1334 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

Under the condition k-X » kXi we obtain TABLE 12. Rate, Equilibrium, and Activation Parameters
for Disproportionation 6-13 of Aroxyl Radicals at 293 K°
-d[R*]/dt =
2*14Jt1[R*]2/[*_1(l + 4*1[R*]/fc-i>] *13> ^13> 4l3>
(6-15) radical solvent kJ/mol ref
If 41r1[R*]/lr_1» 1, then the irreversible radical de- chloro- 0.785 28.8 1.6 x 105 1 35

cay (decrease of their quasi-steady concentration) will benzene6

follow first-order kinetics with fcob8d = ku/2; if o
41r1[R*]/fc_1 « 1, the decay will follow second-order CH(CHj)2
kinetics with 2feobsd = 2kxku/k.x. Thus in the case of
o' toluene 7.5 X 107 12 2.5 x 1010 127
high concentrations, radicals decay by a first-order re-
action, and in the case of low concentrations, by a
second-order reaction.
0=0 0=0

D <
2R*- stable products

Under the condition kx » k13 we have benzene 0.6 17 5.5 X 102 125

-d[R*]/dt =
21r13[R*]2/(l + 41r1[R‘]/*.1) (6-16)

Similarly, for 4Ir1[R*]/lr_1 » 1, radical decay will CH(C8H6)2

occurwith first-order kinetics and kohsA = kx3k_x/(2kx),
0* benzene 2.0 x 104 8 6.0 X 106 25
and for 4Ar1[R*]/lr_1 « 1, radical decay will be a sec- 1

ond-order reaction with 2&obsd = 2k x3. Decay of ArO*
having no substituents in at least one of its ortho or
para positions occurs in two steps30,32’124’129,130 CH(C8H8)2

O' 0 0 aThe mean errors are £13,10%; E13, ±1 kJ/mol; A13, 40%. bAt
283 K.

starting ArOH with chemical agents.26,125,127,134-139 The

kinetic and activation parameters for reaction 6-13 are
given in Table 12.
00 HO OH Disproportionation of ArO’ 4-7 occurs, under pulsed
radical generation conditions, in two steps.125,127 First
equilibrium 6-1 rapidly establishes itself and then re-
action 6-13 or 6-14 follows.

Reaction 6-17 is enolization.

5. Disproportionation
The kinetics of disproportionation of radicals of the

is strictly second-order.125,127 It has been estimated that Disproportionation (Schemes 1 and 2) of radicals 4-7
for these radicals K S; 1CT3 M.125,127 Steric hindrances
x (the slow stage) obeys first-order kinetics with kohsA =
about the reactive sites (oxygen atom and para-carbon k x3k_x/(2k x) if disproportionation takes route 6-13 or
atom) in radicals 1-3 created by the ferf-butyl group(s) feob8d
= k i4/2 if disproportionation takes route 6-14.
and the diphenylmethyl or l,3-dioxo-2-arylindan-2-yl The rate, equilibrium, and thermodynamic parame-
group prevent formation of the dimer, quinol. For- ters for reaction 6-1 involving radicals 4-7 are given in
mation of the diketo dimer is also impossible because Table 10. The kinetic and activation parameters for
of steric hindrances. disporportionation routes 6-13 and 6-14 are presented
Quinonemethides were observed to accumulate sym- in Table 13.
batically with decay of ArO* 1-3.124,125,127 Quinone The disproportionation kinetics of radical 5, the ArO*
methides are the final products of oxidation of the obtained from the important InH ionol, was the subject
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1335

TABLE 13. Rate, Equilibrium, and Activation Parameters for Reactions 6-13 and 6-14 of Reversibly Recombining Aroxyl
®13> •El4>
radical formula T, K *13, M-'-s-1 kj/mol a13, m-v1 *u, s-1 kj/mol A u, M-1-s-1 ref
o x 103 1.0 X 107
295d 1.0 13 0.02 88 7.5 X 1013 137
298d 1.6 X 104 4 5.0 X 104 6.3 x 10~3 77 1.6 X 1011 138
293d 3.0 x 103 1.0 X 10'2 125
293d 3.0 x 10s 1.35 X 10‘2 136
323d 2.2 X 104 20 7.5 X 106 139
293d 2.8 X 106 4 1.5 X 107 0.4 67 3.0 X 1012 125
293“ 5.0 X 106 12 8.5 X 108 0.25 71 1.0 X 1012 125

0* 293d 2.0 X 108 -18 1.0 X 106 42 29 6.0 X 106 127

293“ 7.8 X 10s -22 1.0 X 106 13 34 1.5 X 107 127


o=c \=0

299d 2.0 X 102 29 2.5 X 107 139

1.2 X 10s 16 3.9 X 105 139

1.1 X 103 30 6.6 X 107 140

“Measurement accuracy was widely different and is presented in the references. 6In benzene. “In acetonitrile, dIn 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-

of anumber of studies125,136-140 (Table 13). The ku ing scission of the C-0 and C-H bonds in a four-center
results are in fair agreement throughout. For instance, transition state
within experimental error ku obtained in flash photo-
lysis experiments125 coincides with ir14 obtained by ESR
in ref 136 and 140 (Table 13).
To establish the mechanism of two-step dispropor-
tionation is undisputable interest. In ref 32,124,125,
and 127 all the elementary constants (lr1( k_u k13, ku),
and in many cases the corresponding AH* and AS*, This transition state merits a more detailed discussion.
have been measured. These data provide sufficient Carbon atoms participating in the formation of the
ground for speculation about the reaction mechanism. cycle are saturated and occupy a configuration between
Disproportionation of ArO* 6 follows reactions 6-1 and sp2 and sp3. The transition state may be schematically
6-14. Indeed, if we presume that disproportionation represented as
takes route 6-13, then for a given ArO* we have lr13 >
k3 (cf. Table 13), which is contrary to the initial as-
sumption of kx » Ir13; besides, large negative values
of AH*13 will result (Table 13).
Very probably the disproportionation of the other
ArO' investigated also occurs by reactions 6-1 and 6-14.
The arguments are as follows. A B
1. Reaction 6-14, provided it takes place at all, is
concerted decomposition to complex fragments involv- In variant A the O atom supplies two hybrid orbitals,
1336 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

whereas in variant B it supplies only one p orbital; in From the data of Table 14 it follows that kxl has a
both variants the 0 atom supplies one electron. The weak dependence on the polarity and viscosity of the
plus and minus signs at the blades of the orbitals have solvent. One may expect enolization to be acid-cata-
been written in accordance with the prescriptions of ref lyzed.130 In fact, kn increased when acetic acid or
141. In both versions, six electrons are involved and the formic acid was added to benzene or toluene.124 In
blades of the orbitals are in-phase. This means that the acetic acid lr17 was an order of magnitude higher than
reaction is allowed for symmetry rules and must have the standard value in benzene or toluene (Table 14). In
a low or moderate activation energy.141 Such activation the stronger formic acid k17 is so high that recombina-
energies have indeed been measured experimentally tion becomes the limiting step.
(29-88 kJ/mol, Table 13). It is interesting that the recombination of unsubsti-
2. Let us now consider more closely the activation tuted phenoxyl or methyl-substituted phenoxyl radicals
parameters for reaction 6-14 (Table 13). AH*14 (see in water strictly follows second-order kinetics.30 Yet,
above), AS*14 = -110 to 0 J/(mol-K), or Au = 107-1013 an increase of pH of solvent causes some decrease of
s'1 are consistent for dissociation through a four-center the recombination rate constant.30 This means that
transition state. The authors of ref 138, who analyzed enolization has some effect on the observed decay rate.
A u values for decomposition of the dimer of ArO* 5, The structure of the primary labile dimers (eq 6-1 and
were of the same opinion. Reaction 6-(—1) is in fact a 6-17)
simple breakdown into two large groups. Clearly, in 0 0
both the gas phase and the liquid phase it must hold
that AS*^ > AS*U (A_! > A14), since the transition
state of reaction 6-(-l) is “looser” than the cyclic tran-
sition state of reaction 6-14.
The data of ref 32 and 125 allow one to make such
a comparison for dissociation of a given dimer; in this
may be inferred from the structure of the stable final
case the condition A8*-i > AS*u must always be true.
products, also bound with the C-C or C-0 bond.
As follows from Tables 10 and 13, this condition does Chemical oxidation of 2,6-dimethoxyphenol or 2,6-di-
hold for ArO* 4-6, giving further support to the mech-
phenylphenol in dimethylformamide and acids (polar
anism (6-1, 6-14). solvents) yields predominantly diphenoquinone,
Yet it can hardly be claimed at present that either whereas oxidation in benzene and other nonpolar sol-
mechanism (6-1, 6-14) or (6-1, 6-13) is a sure fact for vents yields phenoxyphenol.105 A buildup of colored
ArO* 4, 5, and 7. Besides, it makes no sense to insist
diphenoquinone symbatically with radical decay was
on the general nature of the mechanism of ArO* dis-
observed in the flash photolysis of these ArOH in air-
proportionation, since the precise routes of scission saturated polar solvents.124 Consequently, the reaction
reactions are often very sensitive to even slight varia-
may be schematically represented as
tions in the nature of the solvent, reaction conditions,
and reactant structure.141 Knowing the radical dis-
proportionation mechanism bears rather an academic
interest, for it is necessary to know, in the analysis of
inhibited oxidation kinetics, the rate with which ArO*
decays (cf. section III), whereas the mechanism itself
is insignificant.
6. Recombination of Mono- and Disubstituted Aroxyls
The kinetics of decay of mono- and disubstituted
ArO* of structures 8-10 have been investigated in ref
124. Under the experimental conditions used (T 5: 293


; I

C6H5 C6H5
8 9

K), the initial radical concentration decreased only

down to a quasi-steady concentration as a result of
equilibrium 6-1, whereafter the relatively slow enoli-
zation 6-17 takes place. The thermodynamic data for
the reaction 6-1 of ArO* 8-10 are given in Table 10.
The equilibrium concentration of radicals decreases
slowly via reaction 6-17. Under the experimental con-
ditions used, 4[R*] was more than an order of magni- nonpolar solvents
tude greater than (Table 10); therefore, the radical
decay obeyed a first-order law with &obsd kxl/2 (see
= The dipole moment of labile dimer A is obviously
Scheme 1). The measured k17 for ArO* 9 are presented higher than that of dimer B, which explains the prev-
in Table 14. alent formation of diphenoquinone in polar media.
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1337

TABLE 14. Rate and Activation Parameters for and what its contribution to QH* decay rate is.
Enolization 6-17 of the Dimer of the 2,4-Diphenylphenoxyl Normally reaction 6-20 would not make much of a
Radical at 293 K“ contribution to QH* decay via reaction 6-1, character-
solvent k17, a
AH*17, kj/mol AS*17, J/(mol-K) ized by ki = 107-109 M-1*s-1.154 In ref 156 it was shown
carbon tetrachloride 2.0 67 -4 that the decay rate of the durosemiquinone radical in
toluene 4.3 59 -25 ethanol is independent of its preparation history,
benzene 4.2 63 -13 whether by reaction 6-19 or reaction 6-21
tetrahydrofuran 6.2 42 -80
chlorobenzene 6.5 63 -8
-71 Q*t + QH2 —
2QH* (6-21)
chloroform 8.2 44
dichloromethane 7.1 61 -17
acetone 8.3 38 -92 It has been shown in CIDNP and magnetic field ef-
acetonitrile 20.0 42 -71 fect experiments that any or all of the following reac-
acetic acid 31.0 46 -55 tions occur in the cage during quinone photoreduction
di-n-butyl phthalate 2.4 63 -17
with an aliphatic alcohol.157,158
“Reference 124. Determination errors are k17 , 20%; AH\7, ±2
kj/mol; AS*17, ±15 J/(mol-K). QH* + (CH3)2COH —
Q + (CH3)2CHOH
D. Semiquinone Radicals —
QH2 + CH2=C(CH3)OH
In the absence of scavengers, neutral semiquinone (6-22b)
radicals (QH*) decay through bimolecular self-reac-
QH2 + (CH3)2CO
QH* + QH* —
Q + QH2 (6-1)
However, in the bulk of solvent reactions 6-22a-c
resulting in formation of p- or o-quinone and a cores- cannot contribute to QH* decay since the alcohol rad-
ponding hydroquinone (catechol). Reaction 6-1 is dis- icals are oxidized by the starting quinone.159
proportionation. In the absence of oxidants or other
active agents the quinone radical anions also decay (CH3)2COH + Q —
(CH3)2CO + QH* (6-23)
through bimolecular self-reactions (dismutation)30
The disproportionation kinetics of the 2,6-diphenyl-
4-(3,5-diphenyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)phenoxyl radical (11)
Q- +
Q-^Q + QH2 (6-18)
in benzene, toluene, and 1-propanol deviated from the
second-order law. In these solvents reversible dimeri-
The disproportionation and dismutation of semiquinone
radicals have been studied by pulsed radiolysis, flash
photolysis with optical and ESR recording, and the
ESR technique in combination with a rotating sector.
The decay of p-semiquinone radicals has been inves-
tigated much more thoroughly. The rate constants of
reactions 6-1 and 6-18 are listed in Tables 15 and 16.
1. Disproportionation
Disproportionation of many sterically unhindered
semiquinones is either a (pseudo)diffusion-controlled took place apart from disproportionation.147 Dimers of
or activated reaction.
In ref 144 the ESR technique has been used to in- this structure are formed from different 2,6-diphenyl-
vestigate the decay of neutral p-benzosemiquinone and
4R-phenoxyl radicals (see section VI.C), and the as-
4-hydroxy-l-naphthoxyl radicals. It has been shown sumption that there must be an equilibrium 6-24 is
that disproportionation of these radicals is limited by valid. In acid solutions such dimers are unstable (cf.
molecular mobility,144 and disproportionation of the section VI.C) and dissociate to Q and QH2. Therefore
latter radical should be classified as a pseudodiffusion in acids the decay of QH* 11 strictly follows second-
reaction (cf. section VI.B.2). Detailed kinetic studies order kinetics147 (Table 15).
of QH* of p-benzoquinone, naphthoquinone-1,4, and 2. Dismutation
duroquinone in solvents of different viscosity were
carried out in ref 142,154, and 155 (cf. Table 15). The It is believed that reaction 6-18 occurs via one-elec-
conclusions concerning the reaction type made by the tron transfer.150,160 The dianion formed in reaction 6-18
authors of the different references have been very sim- is rapidly protonated, since the pKa of hydroquinone
ilar. (catechol) derivatives is usually much greater than the
In investigations of the decay of semiquinone radicals pKa of QH* (section VII). The k18 values of p-benzo-
generated by photoreduction of quinones (Q) quinone radical anions fit nicely into the Marcus rela-
Q* + SH — QH* + S* (6-19)
tionship between electron-transfer rate constant and
reaction heat for a broad range of reactions.160 The
one faces the problem of whether there is a cross-re- results of ref 150 on the effect of the donor-acceptor
action between QH* and S' properties of substituents in p-benzoquinone radical
anions on their decay rate show that the reaction in-
QH* + S* —products (6-20) volves electron transfer. The ratio of the one-electron
1338 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

TABLE 15. Rate, Equilibrium, and Activation Parameters for Disproportionation 6-1 of Semiquinone Radicals at Room
radical formula solvent ku M-hs"1 log (A i/(M_1-s-1)) Ei, kJ/mol ref
4-H0C6H40- toluene/2-propanol (15:85 (v/v)) 1.8 X 108 11 16 142
2-H0C6H40‘ water, pH 2.0 2.0 X 108 131
o' toluene/2-propanol (15:85 (v/v)) 1.4 x 10s 10 11 142

water, pH 3.0 + 1-3 M 2-propanol 6.5 x 108 143

2-propanol 1.0 x 108 159

2-propanol 2.5 X 107 145


water, pH 7.0 3.0 X 107 131


O* OH 5.0 X 104 7.6 17 146


o' acetic acid 5.0 X 108 147



2-propanol 8.5 x 105 10.6 26 159

acetic acid 1.2 X 108 148

toluene 6.5 X 104 147

o' acetonitrile 2.8 x 108 149


O' acetic acid 8.5 X 108 149


“The mean errors are kj, 15%; Elt ±2 kJ/mol; log (A 1/(M"1-s'1)), ±0.7.
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1339

TABLE 16. Dismutation 6-18 Rate Constants for Quinone TABLE 17. Rate Constants for Recombination 6-1 of Ketyl
Radical Anions at Room Temperature Radicals at Room Temperature"
starting quinone solvent *18,“ M-hs'1 ref starting ketone solvent ku ref
1,4-benzoquinone methanol + 0.1 M 1.65 150 benzophenone water 8.0 X 10s 165, 166
tetraethylammonium 1-propanol 2.5 x 107 166
perchlorate 4,4'-dimethylbenzophenone 1-propanol 1.6 x 108 166
water, pH 7.0 8.0 X 107 151 3.2 X 107 166
4,4'-dimethoxybenzophenone 1-propanol
duroquinone water, pH 9.0 1.6 X 107 143 X 107
4,4'-dichlorobenzophenone 1-propanol 6.0 166
cyano-1,4-benzoquinone methanol + 0.1 M 1.65 X 103 150
5.0 x 107 166
4-bromobenzophenone 1-propanol
perchlorate “Determination errors in ki do not exceed 20%.
9,10-anthraquinone-2- water, pH 4.0 6.3 X 108 152
methyl 9,10-anthra- water + 5 M sodium 4.0 X 10s 153 ketyl radicals (BPH*) decay by recombination into
quinone-2-sulfonate chloride
pinacols and isopinacols164-168

Mean determination error in kw is 15%.

potentials (cf. section VIII.E) of a number of pairs in (6-1)

water (pH 7.0), En\Q/Q'-) and E72(Q'~/Q2-), shows that
E 2 > E-j1 and that one radical anion may oxidize the
other in water at pH 7.0.
At the same time it is known that Q' decay is de-

celerated as the basicity or pH of aqueous solution is

increased (within, of course, pH > pKa), and in strongly
basic solutions Q'" are relatively stable.161,162 On these
grounds the authors of ref 145 proposed a protonation
mechanism for the decay of Q'

q.- + h+^qh- (6-25)

The corresponding kl are presented in Table 17.
which is followed by disproportionation of the resultant Disproportionation of BPH*
QH* by reaction 6-1. For such a mechanism
2BPH* -*
BP + BPH2 (6-27)
2k1[H+]/Ka (6-26)
is energetically unfavorable and makes virtually no
From eq 6-26 it is apparent that kis decreases as pH contribution to BPH* decay.169 For benzophenone ketyl
increases. The two mechanisms (one-electron transfer radical 2k m ckm (eq 6-6) in water, and 2k t
x if1 in ~

and protonation + disproportionation) are not mutually water-glycerol mixtures. This reaction is diffusion-
exclusive and probably there are conditions in which controlled. Similarly, recombination of ketyl radicals
in n-hexane is a diffusion-controlled reaction.166 The
they may coexist.
The fe18 values (Table 16) are about an order of suggestion was made that recombination of ketyl rad-
icals of benzophenone and acetophenone may take place
magnitude smaller than the corresponding kx for the
same radicals (cf. Table 15). The most conspicuous at each one of their random encounters in solution in
reason for such a relationship between the constants is the singlet state only when the intermediate dimers,
the mutual repulsion between the like-charged radical isopinacols, are yielded by the reaction apart from pi-
anions.30 Investigation of the effect of the viscosity of nacols.122
a water-glycerol binary mixture on the rate of reaction Investigators of the decay of photogenerated ketyl
6-18 for p-benzoquinone, 1,4-naphthoquinone, and radicals have to face the problem of whether there is
a cross-reaction between BPH* and solvent or donor
9,10-anthraquionine 2-sulfonate radical anions has
shown that these reactions are (pseudo)diffusion-con- radicals (compare section VI.D). Alcohol radicals ef-
trolled.155 In not too viscous media the 2kls are smaller fectively reduce the starting ketones and do not con-
than the corresponding fediff estimated by formula 6-8. tribute materially to BPH* decay.166 n-Hexane’s and
The main reason for such a relationship consists ob- indole’s radicals undergo cross-recombination, and in
viously in the steric factor /eff = 0.1-0.5 for these re- this case the [BPH*]-1 vs. t plot is not a straight
actions. Reaction 6-18 takes place only upon direct line.112,166 Aliphatic alcohols solvate ketyl radicals,
contact of the reactants with their sites characterized decelerating their recombination165,166,168 (cf. section
by the highest electron density and unpaired electron VI.H).
density (primarily the oxygen atoms of Q* ”). To sup- For recombination of ketyl radicals of 4,4'-dichloro-
port this assumption we refer to the results for spin benzophenone and 4-bromobenzophenone in viscous
solvents the 2have been found to be larger than <rfediff
exchange between duroquinone radical anions,163 which
is characterized by /eff 0.45. = (eq 6-6).166 It has been proposed that recombination
of these heavy-atom-containing radicals removes the
E. Ketyl Radicals spin forbiddance166 (<r > x/4; see eq 6-6).
Generally, recombination of BPH' is reversible.
1. Recombination Compounds such as benzopinacol, 4,4'-dibromo-
benzopinacol, and 4,4,,4",4/,,-tetramethoxybenzopinacol
In the absence of atmospheric oxygen, free radicals, in benzene and 2-propanol are in equilibrium with the
oxidant-reductant, and other active agents, aromatic corresponding BPH' at 353-414 K.168
1340 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

TABLE 18. Rate and Activation Parameters of Reaction 6-28 c2h5

for Aromatic Ketone Radical Anions at Room Temperature9 N
log -^28.
^28> (-428 / kJ/
starting ketone solent M-V1 (M'^s-1)) mol ref
benzophenone water, pH 11.0 3.2 X 106 164
water, pH 12.0 2.9 X 105 13 44 166 Unpaired electron delocalization in aminyl radicals
4,4'-dimethyl- 1-propanol + 2.5 x 105 12 37 166 affects their ESR spectra and reactivities. Aromatic
benzophenone 10~2
aminyl x radicals form products not only in N-N but
4,4'-dimethoxy- 1-propanol + 2.8 x 106 11 31 166
also in C-N and C-C combinations.171
benzophenone 10’2 M KOH
4,4'-dichloro- 1-propanol + 1.2 X 105 10 26 166 Strong screening of aminyl nitrogen may result in
benzophenone 10-2 M KOH C-N dimerization173
4-bromobenzo- 1-propanol -1- 3.2 X 105 12 38 166
phenone M KOH
acetophenone water, pH 12.2 4.8 x 108 161 2

“Determination errors are le28, 20%; E28, ±2 kj/mol; log (A28/(M~‘-

s'1)), ±1.

2. Self-Reactions of Radical Anions

In the absence of oxygen, free radicals, and other
active agents the radical anions of aromatic ketones The reversible recombination of the diphenylaminyl
decay by second-order kinetics164-166 radical merits a more detailed discussion because the
starting AmH is an important inhibitor.
BP’- + BP’-- products (6-28) Recombination of (C6H5)2N’ results in formation of
The elementary reaction is electron transfer166 or for- tetraphenylhydrazine (rate constant 2 kx) and the C-N
dimer (rate constant 2kx")
mation of the C-C bond in twice-ionized pinacol.164
At pH > 10 or high alkali concentrations in water- (C6H5)2NN(C6Hs)2
alcohol solutions, the contribution of the reaction A

2(C6H5)2N' (6-1)
BPH* + BP’

products (6-29)
to the observed BP’- decay rate may be neglected.164,166 (C6H5)2N.
The corresponding fe28 and activation parameters are yzzix
presented in Table 18.
F. Aminyl Radicals
In hydrocarbons kx"/kx =1.4.100
1. Neutral Radicals The values of kx = kx + kx" for (C6H5)2N* and other
are listed in Table 19. At elevated temperatures A is
Recombination of arylaminyl radicals (Am’), like that
in equilibrium with (C6H5)2N’. A complex series of
of aroxyls and ketyls, is often reversible170,171
reactions takes place in the system: B reacts with
Am’ 4- Am* D (6-1) (C6H5)2N* to yield (C6H5)2NH plus Am’ of p-semi-
2 *L, dine.100 The latter radical undergoes further conver-
sions to ultimately form oligomeric semidines.100
However, Am* may also decay irreversibly (cf. section Recombination of (C6H5)2N’ and other diarylaminyl
VI.C.5). radicals has a small activation energy (10-15 kj/mol);
Most Am’ are short-lived and can be detected by
nevertheless, recombination is an activation-controlled
flash photolysis or by ESR only at low temperatures. reaction.100,122 The formation of a sterically strained
Steric screening of the aminyl nitrogen is an important transition state in reaction 6-1 of these radicals mani-
factor controlling the stability of Am’. For instance, fests itself in low preexponential factor of recombination
the screened radicals
A1.177 A Hammett relationship was found between log
Cl Cl Cl Cl
kx for diarylaminyl radicals and a constants of the
Oxidation of iV-phenyl-2-naphthylamine and photo-
lysis of l,4-di(2-naphthyl)-2-tetrazine yield the 2-
naphthylphenylaminyl radical180
are monomers. The sterically hindered radicals

Then C-C and C-N dimers are formed as a result of

recombination of these Am’.180
Sterically unhindered neutral Am* recombine pre-
have lifetimes of the order of hours.171 Unpaired elec- dominantly to hydrazines. The decay of phenylaminyl
tron delocalization also improves the radical stability. radical in water (pH 9.8) obeyed second-order kinetics
For example, a relatively stable radical is 9-N-ethyl- (Table 19). The measured 2kx (Table 19) is higher than
phenazyl172 the theoretical value ftdiff 1.2 X 109 M-1*s-1 calculated
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1341

TABLE 19. Rate Constants for Recombination 6-1 of Aminyl Radicals at Room Temperature"
aminyl radical solvent ki, ref
C6H5NH water, pH 9.8 2.0 X 109 174

methylcyclohexane6 0.2 175

di-tert-butyl peroxide 4.5 176

(C6H5)2N- cyclohexane 2.0 X 107 100

toluene 1.5 X 107 122
c 2.7 X 107 177
n-hexane 4.0 X 107 178
benzene 2.0 X 107 178

n-hexane 3.0 X 107 178, 179

benzene 2.5 X 106 178, 179

c 3.0 X 106 177

c 1.1 X 106 177

c 5.5 X 106 177
<CH3)3C—(^Q^— n—(^3)
c 5.5 X 104 177


c 1.7 X 106 177

(Ch3)3c C(CH3)3

c 1.2 X 106 177


C 3.0 X 107 177

C 3.1 X 10® 177

c 1.9 X 10® 177

c 2.2 X 10® 177

“Mean determination error is ca 15%. 6At 259.2 K. “Solvent is toluene/di-fert-butyl peroxide (85:15 (v/v)).

with eq 6-6 and is apparently slightly overestimated. A somewhat unusual route of decay of the phenyl-
There is no question that recombination of phenyl- aminyl radical was observed in ref 181, where the aro-
aminyl radicals is a diffusion-controlled reaction.174 matic radicals obtained from 2,2,4-trimethyl-l,2,3,4-
Recombination yields the following products:174 tetrahydro-8-hydroxyquinoline, an effective InH, were
studied by ESR and flash photolysis techniques. Under
photolysis this compound produces an ArO*, which
isomerizes to Am*

The Am* decays slowly into unidentified products. It

has been determined that k30 = 4.0 ± 0.5 s"1 (n-hexane,
1342 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

TABLE 20. Rate Constants of Aromatic Amine Radical Cation The decay of the radical cation of NJV-diphenyl-p-
Decay by Second-Order Reaction at Room Temperature0
phenylenediamine in acid EPA solutions at room tem-
starting amine solvent k, M_1.s_l reaction ref perature and lower temperatures takes the route 6-32
c6h6nh2 water, pH 2.0 4.9 X 105 6-31 174 and is a dismutation reaction.182
c6h5nh2 pH 2.0 8.2 X 10® 6-32 174
The radical cation of lV-(/3-hydroxyethyl)-./V-
c6h5nh2 water, pH 2.0 X 10® 6-32 111
c6h5nh2 water, pH 7.0 8.0 X 10® 6-33 21 methylaniline decays in water by reaction with the
N- (/3-hydroxyethyl)-2V- water, pH 3.5 1.4 X 10® 3-31 183 starting amine (Table 20) and produces the dimer
methylaniline D'+.183 In deoxygenated solutions D*+ participate in
dimer of N-(/3-hydroxy- water, pH 3.5 2.0 X 105 6-32 183
(C6H5)3N acetonitrile 1.1 X 103 6-32 184 2^30
(p-C2H6C6H4)3N acetonitrile 1.1 X 101 6-32 184 D- + + d* +-* D +D2+ (6-32)
“Mean determination error is ca. 15%. bThe corresponding radical By oxidation of triarylamines containing no substit-
cation has the structure
uents in the para position one obtains short-lived radical
y=H3 cations that undergo dimerization to tetraaryl-
benzidine.170 Under the effect of an oxidizing agent (an
electrode potential, a copper(II) salt, or some other
agent), tetrarylbenzidine oxidizes further to dica-
298 K). Atmospheric oxygen promotes decay of the tion170'184
Am*; the ESR spectrum of the product of such a decay,
a nitroxyl radical of structure181

Tris-para-substituted triarylaminyl radical cations
was recorded. with electron-accepting substituents are also unstable
and go on to react with each other by forming ortho
2. Radical Cations combinations.170
The decay of radical cations of aromatic amines is a G. 1,3-Dloxo-2-aryllndan-2-yl Radicals
complex process often involving a cation’s interaction
with the starting AmH The rate, equilibrium, and thermodynamic parame-
ters for reaction 6-1 involving l,3-dioxo-2-arylindan-2-yl
RNH2*+ + RNH2 products (6-31) radicals (A*) are presented in Table 21. Structural
formulas of these radicals (12-25) are given in Chart 1.
The main product of aniline oxidation in acidic aqueous
solutions is a polymer that is formed via the reactions174 A* + A* =* D, Kx =
k„x/kx (6-1)
,+nh2 nh2
In the absence of other active radicals, equilibrium
systems such as C-C dimer/A* are stable in hydro-
carbon solvents.108,185 The kinetics of radical recom-
bination (dimer dissociation) have been studied by flash
photolysis in ref 108 and 185-187. Investigation of
recombination of A* 12-19 in solvents of different vis-
cosity has shown that for A’ 12-15 reaction 6-1 is dif-
fusion-controlled at rj £ 5 cP and activated at 5 2 77

The k31 values for C6H5NH2*+ and other radicals are cP.185 Recombination of A* 16-18 is diffusion-limited
listed in Table 20. The rate constant of reaction 6-32 over the entire viscosity range (0.6 < < 18.4 cP).185

The reactivity anisotropy of A* 12-15, 17, and 18 is
RNH2*+ + RNH2*+-* products (6-32) completely averaged as the reactants undergo transla-
tion or rotation during their encounter time.
was determined in an investigation of the decay of
Recombination of A* 16, which contains bulkier
C6H5NH2*+ in acid solutions using the flash photolysis phenyl substituents, is pseudodiffusion-controlled at 77
technique, i.e., under relatively high radical concen- S; 0.6 cP.31 Recombination of A* 19 is activation-con-
trations.174 The value of 2k32 determined in ref 174
trolled, its rate not depending on 77, and H*x > B\ cf.
(Table 20) is greater than &diff (eq 6-8) and is apparently eq 6-9.185
somewhat overestimated. The k32 obtained in ref 111 Consider now the relationship between the structure
(Table 20) appears to be more correct. Thus the aniline and reactivity for radicals 12-19 in chlorobenzene
radical cations generated in acid media participate in (Table 21). The Kx values for radicals of similar
two reactions, reactions 6-31 and 6-32. The decay of structure (12-18) are strongly dependent upon the na-
C6H5NH2*+ at pH 7.0, equal to the pKa of C6H5NH2*+ ture of the substituent in the phenyl fragment (Table
(section VII), obviously follows the reaction21 21). The steric hindrances to recombination of A* 12-18
(or dissociation of the corresponding dimers in non-
C6H5NH2*+ + C6HgNH* products (6-33) viscous solvents) may be considered to be roughly the
(See Table 20.) same, and differences in Kx may be attributed to
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1343

TABLE 21. Rate, Equilibrium, and Thermodynamic Data for Reaction 6-1 Involving l,3-Dioxo-2-arylindan-2-yl Radicals at
293 K“
radical 10~7lr lf M_1-s lOlr.i, s'1 10•Kl, M
AH* ! AH* _! AH0 AS*x AS*-! AS0 ref
12 80 0.9 0.14 10 84 75 42 8 50 b
13 50 2.5 0.5 15 82 67 25 21 46 b
14 30 2.7 0.9 14 94 80 33 54 88 b
15 35 1.75 0.5 15 85 70 29 17 46 b
16 45 0.015 0.0035 105 62 51 42 -105 -63 b
17 180 12 25 b
18 250 13 21 b
19 0.055 90 17000 13 76 64 93 29 122 b
20 40 0.044 1.1 -5 74 79 18 8 97 c
21 34 0.065 1.9 -3 74 77 84 8 97 c
22 50 0.11 2.2 -4 74 78 88 13 101 c
23 60 0.07 1.2 0 79 78 71 25 92 c
24 20 0.0012 0.060 -1 84 85 92 4 92 c
25 10 0.0003 0.030 -2 84 86 88 -4 92 c

AH is in kj/mol; AS is in J/(mol-K). Mean errors are Ku 10%; kx, 15%; k_ i, 15%; AH0, AH*x, AH*-x, ±2 kJ/mol; AS °,AS*i, AS'-i,
b c
±8J/(mol*K). Reference 185. Reference 186.

CHART I of the ring, thereby disrupting the conjugation of the

lone electron pair of the nitrogen atom with the di-
oxophenylindanyl fragment, and as consequence con-
siderably reduces the degree of delocalization of the
unpaired electron. Similarly, due to the mutual re-
pulsion of hydrogens in the triphenylaminyl group of
12, Ri aH; R2 = N(CH3>2 A* 16, the diphenylamino group is deconjugated from
13, R, »H; R2« N(C2H5)2 the phenyl ring bonded to the trivalent carbon. Radical
14, Ri » H: R2*N(/7-C3H7)2 16 happens to be more reactive than any one of the A*
15, H; R2 * N(/7 C4H9 )2
12-15—its recombination is molecular mobility limited

16, R, =
H; R2 = NPh2
17, Ri =
R2 = OCH3 up to i\ = 0.6 cP.31,185
18, Ri =
Br, R2aN(CH3)2 The kx values for recombination of dioxoarylindanyl
radicals in a viscous solvent (?j £ 5 cP) decrease in the
series A* 12,13,14,15,16.31,185 As for ArO* (cf. section
VI.C), this is due to the increasing volume and van der
Waals surface of radicals in the series, while the reaction
spot surface area remains the same.
Comparison of Kx and AH° for reaction 6-1 of ArO*
(Table 10), triphenylmethyl radicals,32 and A* (Table
21) shows that the dimers of the last radicals dissociate
to a much smaller degree and are characterized by
significant bond dissociation energies.
H. Solvent Effect on Reversible Recombination
In the previous sections of this chapter we have
shown that solvent viscosity has in many instances a
20-25 decisive effect on the rates of fast self-reactions between
20 Ri Cl;
R2= R3 * R4s H inhibitor radicals. At the same time one may not dis-
21 R2*CI; R^Rjj* R4 = H
gard the possible formation of solvation complexes with

22 , R2 * Br; Ri R3 « R4 H -

23, R2* I: Ri* R3- R4* H the solvent (S).

24, R2 =
N(CH3)2: Ri = R3*R4=H
R* + S <=± Rs* (6-34)
, Ri -
R4 -
Ph; R2 *
Rs * H

In the literature there has been mention of the effect

electronic effects. However, in dissociation of the C-C of the so-called “specific” solvation (complexing with
dimer or related structure A* 19 equilibrium 6-1 is the solvent) and “nonspecific” solvation on radical re-
shifted toward the A* side, as compared with A* 12-18 activity; see, e.g., ref 11 and 188. In this section we
(Table 21). The reason is that dissociation of the dimer summarize the available information concerning the
of A* 19 results in relatively stable radicals where the effect of solvent on the rates of reversible recombination
unpaired electron is delocalized along the developed and disproportionation of aromatic radicals
system of ir bonds, including the p orbital of the oxygen 2*1
atom. Introduction of a bromine atom at the ortho R* + R* D (6-1)
position with respect to the dimethylamino group of
1,2-bis [ [4- (dimethylamino) phenyl] phthaloyl] ethane RH* + RH* —-
R + RH2 (6-1)
(dimer of 18) results in complete displacement of the
equilibrium to the dimer formation side. The bromine derived chiefly by fast reaction technique. The kinetic
atom turns the dimethylamino group out of the plane data are presented in Tables 10-21 and may be also
1344 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

similar it -a complexes with this radical.189

In many cases radical solvation involves participation
of free-valence atoms or, in other words, the sites with
the highest unpaired electron density.188 These atoms
also bind the radicals in a dimer; therefore, recombi-
nation may be expected to cause desolvation. In ex-
periments on high-pressure recombination of radical A*
16 it has been shown that radical recombination in the
solvent cage does cause desolvation.192
The energy required for desolvation may be so high
that a reaction which is (pseudo)diffusion-controlled in
Figure 3. log k1 vs. Er(30) relationship for recombination of
a nonsolvating solvent will be activated in a solvating
2.6- di-terf-butyl-4-(j8-phthalylvinyl)phenoxyl radical.189
medium of identical viscosity, and AH*x will be much
found in ref 32, 35, and 36. greater than B (eq 6-9). Indeed it has been measured
in chloroform that AH*x = 3.55.189
1. Rates and Equilibria in Self-Reactions Thus radical solvation by a solvent may change the
reaction control from (pseudo) diffusion to activation
Obviously, the solvent effect on the rates of activated and thereby inhibit it. This is the reason behind the
and molecular mobility limited reactions should be slowest recombination of A* 16, ArO* 7, and ArO* 9 in
analyzed in different ways (cf. section B of this chapter). chloroform than in any other nonviscous solvent.32,189
If recombination is molecular mobility limited (is Solvation of ketyl radicals of benzophenone with
diffusion- or pseudodiffusion-controlled), one may ex-
1-propanol or ethanol is responsible for the fact that
pect that their recombination, which is diffusion-controlled in
= const (6-35) water, becomes activated in alcohol solutions.166 In ref
166 there are arguments favoring the solvate structure
i.e., is independent of solvent at constant pressure and i rather than ii.
temperature. (<p is microfriction factor, see section
VI.B1.) Equation 6-35 is satisfied to a good accuracy (CgHs )2C0H*»>0—R (C«H5)2C—-HOR
by 2,6-di-tert-butyl-, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl-, and
2.6- dimethoxyphenoxyl radicals.31 2,6-Di-fert-butyl- i ii
substituted phenoxyl radicals are incapable of forming
solvation complexes Rg' through reaction with mono- It may be speculated that radicals might also take
valent oxygen because of steric hindrances.136 For part in the (pseudo)diffusion-controlled recombination
nonsubstituted phenoxyls and the simplest alkyl-sub- as solvation complexes Rg*. In some cases it has been

stituted phenoxyls there also has been no evidence to possible to find experimental support for this logical
support the existence of Rg*. For phenyl-substituted assumption.166
aroxyls and a number of other phenyl-substituted aro- On the basis of K1 values for reversible recombina-
matic radicals the authors of ref 106 and 189 found tion 6-1 of phenyl-substituted aroxyls, it may be con-
empirical relationships—the more or less clearly defined cluded that radical solvation increases the more polar
the aprotic solvent, since the corresponding
dependences on the Dimroth-Reichardt solvent pa- ap-
rameter ET(30)\ see Figure 3. The situation is some- parently increase.106
what amended if we take into account the viscosity and V-Shaped ki vs. 5r(30) relationships have also been
“microfriction” factors; still eq 6-35 will not be obeyed recorded for activated recombination of 2,6-diphenyl-
as closely as it is for 2,6-di-terf-butyl-substituted phe- 4-(diphenylmethyl)-, 2,4,6-triphenyl-, and 2,6-di-tert-
noxyl radicals. In this case we have to describe it as butyl-4-(/3-phthalylvinyl)phenoxyl radicals.106,189 In
these cases kl varies over a broader range than in the
“specific” solvation of radical by the solvent (eq 6-34).
case of radicals whose recombination is limited by
Phenyl-substituted aroxyl radicals are known to possess
a developed system of conjugated bonds and low steric molecular mobility, which is consistent with the general
hindrances around the monovalent oxygen (section observation that solvent affects more the slow reactions
VI.C), thereby promoting formation of Rg* of different than the fast reactions.106
types. The existence of charge-transfer complexes be-
The effect of the composition of binary solvent mix-
tween 2,4,6-triphenylphenoxyl radicals and molecules tures on the recombination rate of a number of ArO*,
of different solvents has been experimentally demon- A* 16, and 2,6-diphenyl-4-hydroxyphenoxyl radicals has
strated in ref 190. An attempt to find an explanation been studied.106,193,194 In near-ideal solvent mixtures one
of the V-shaped k1 vs. ET(2>0) curves has been made in observes a monotonous variation of the self-reaction
ref 106. It was found that 2,6-diphenyl-4-methoxy- rate with mixture composition.106 It has been found
phenoxyl and other phenyl-substituted aromatic radi-
that the relationships between the self-reaction rate and
cals recombined most slowly in chloroform, whereas composition of strongly nonideal binary mixtures have
2.4.6- triphenylphenoxyl radicals recombined most extrema that are due to changes in solvent struc-
ture.106,193,194 Correlations between the product k^ and
slowly in pyridine and chloroform.106 There have been
conjectures regarding the possible formation of 1t-<t mixing heat have been established.194
complexes between chloroform and 2,6-diphenyl-4R- 2. Dissociation Kinetics
phenoxyl radicals.191 The l,3-dioxo-4-[(diphenyl-
amino)phenyl]indan-2-yl radicals A* 16 (see section Solvent has a considerable effect on rates of disso-
VI.G) recombine most slowly in solvents whose mole- ciation of aromatic radical dimers, too.32 The following
cules also contain the group >CHC1 and probably form general behavior has been discovered: the rate of dis-
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1345

sociation of the majority of ArO' and A* dimers in- conditions of RH oxidation, react exclusvely with R02*.
creases with solvent polarity.106,189 Therefore, the dipole As a result quinolide peroxides are formed that are
moment of the transition state of reaction 6-(-l) is stable at moderate temperatures (T < 350 K) but de-
higher than that of the starting dimer D. The inves- compose at higher temperatures to free radicals.43
tigated examples include dimers of 2,6-diphenyl-4- Peroxyls may couple ArO’ radicals both at para and
methoxyphenoxyl radical, ArO* 7 (see section VI.C), and ortho positions. The ortho/para ratio depends on the
A* 12 (see section VI.G). (Dissociation of 2,6-di- type of substituent. For instance, addition of R02* to
phenyl-4-methoxyphenoxyl radical dimer is limited by 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl is 8 times faster at the para
diffusion; what we mean, therefore, is the effect of the position than at the ortho position, whereas the ortho
dielectric properties of solvent on dimer dissociation position is preferred in the addition to 2-methyl-4,6-
rate in the solvent cage.) Only the “nonspecific” sol- di-tert-butylphenoxyl.43 The k8 values of R02* reactions
vation affects the kinetics of dissociation of the A* 12 with 2,4,6-trisubstituted phenoxyl radicals have been
dimer, as well as its recombination rate and equilibrium measured in ref 83. ESR has been used to study the
parameters. For dissociation of this dimer it has been ArO’ buildup rate in benzene in the presence of the
found that log kis a linear function of the Kirkwood corresponding ArOH, with azobisisobutyronitrile as the
parameter (e l)/(2e + 1); kx weakly depends on the

source of cyanisopropyl radicals. In such experiments

solvent. Isokinetic (for reaction 6-(-l)) and isoequili- the ArO* concentrations passed through a maximum,
brium relationships with characteristic temperatures /3 such that [ArO’]max = &7fe8_1[ArOH]. Therefore, the
= 408 K and /3° = 651 K have been obtained. For ratio k1/k8 could be calculated according to the
dissociation of this dimer, 5M In k_x = y5u In Klt where [ArO*]max vs. [ArOH] relationship and k8 could be de-
5m is the Leffler-Grunwald operator. The high y {y
termined by using literature values of k7 (benzene, 333
0.8) and the increase of the dipole moment of transition K)
state of reaction 6-(—1) over that of D mean that the _< OCHs C6H5 C(CH3)3 Cl CN 0(0)C6H5
transition state is more like a radical pair than a di-
mer.189 X
I. Reactions of Aroxyi and Aminyl Radicals with kg X 1CT8, M-V1 7.2 6.0 3.2 1.7 2.7 1.9
Peroxyl Radicals
It is seen that, as for most ArO*, the values of k8 are
The In* radicals formed via reaction 7 in the course within 107-108 M_1-s_1. The constant k8 tends to de-
of inhibited oxidation of RH go on to react with R02‘, crease as the electron-donor substituents are replaced
reaction 8; see the IHO scheme in section II.A. The with electron-acceptor ones, which indicates that there
quasi-steady concentration of In* depends on whether is a relationship between the reaction 8 rate of ArO* and
the reaction is fast or not. If the In* radicals participate R02* and the electron density at the para and ortho
in the chain propagation process via reactions with RH positions of the phenyl ring of ArO*. The activation
and ROOH, the rate of reaction 8 will determine the energy varies widely, from -33 to +10 kJ/mol, but
rate of inhibited oxidation of RH (see section IX). symbatically varies the preexponential factor A8 from
The authors of ref 18 estimated k8 for a number of 103 to 1010 M-1^'1; i.e., there is an apparent compen-
ArO" by studying the inhibited oxidation of 9,10-di- sation effect.
hydroanthracene as a function of [RH], [InH], and i>; Aminyl radicals react with R02* by two routes to form
at 333 K in chlorobenzene with 2,2,3,3-tetraphenyl- N-0 and C-0 bonds, respectively.195 Decomposition
butane as the initiator. The following k8 values were of the resultant unstable peroxide yields a nitroxyl
obtained: radical in the first case and an imino quinone in the
X in p-XC6H4OH och3 c6h5 CH3 C(CH3)3 h second
kg X 10-®, 7.8 3.9 2.4 1.1 1.6
ROON(C6H5)2 — RO* + (C$H5)2NLO’ (8a)
Reaction 8 is seen to be fast, the k8 values varying
between 108 and 109 M_1-s_1; depending on the sub- /
+ c6h5nc6h5
stituent. The products of this reaction have not been ro2
studied thoroughly, but an analogy with 2,4,6-trisub-
stituted phenoxyl radicals (see below), it may be as-
sumed that the process involves addition of R02* to the
phenyl ring at the ortho or para position in relation to
monovalent oxygen
In the case of diphenylaminyl radical the ratio of the
rates of reactions 8a and 8b will depend on the structure
of R02*: for secondary R02* the yield of nitroxyl rad-
icals (reaction 8a) is 0.11-0.19, whereas for tertiary R02*
followed by formation of alochol and quinone it is 0.20-0.33.195 The rate constant of reaction between
radicals R02* and (C6H5)2N* has been measured by
using the flash photolysis technique in cyclohexane at
room temperature.100
The corresponding fc8 6 X 108 M_1"S_1 (R02* is cy-

clohexylperoxyl radical).100
Phenoxyl radicals substituted in the 2,4, and 6 positions Associated with the reaction between R02* and Am’
decay slowly (see section VI.C) and, under the standard (reaction 8) is the phenomenon of chemiluminescence
1346 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

of amine-inhibited oxidation of polar organic mole- TABLE 22. pif, Values of Inhibitor Free Radicals Taking
cules.196 Under liquid-phase oxidation, chemilumines- Part in Reactions 7-1 and 7-2 in Water at Room
cence arises in the disproportionation of secondary Temperature
(primary) R02’ in which a triplet-excited carbonyl starting compd PKS ref
compound is formed197 l,4-benzoquinone° 4.1 ± 0.1 109
duroquinone0 5.1 ± 0.2 109
2R02* ROOOOR -*

>C=0*t + O, + ROH (6) 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone0 4.45 ± 0.1 109
>C=0 + hv 1,4-naphthoquinone0 4.1 ± 0.2 143
>C=0*T —
9,10-anthraquinone" 5.3 ± 0.2 143
3.9 ± 0.2
Upon addition of an AmH the concentration of R02’ 9,10-anthraquinone-2-sulfonate° 161
9,10-anthraquinone-2-disulfonate° 3.2 ± 0.1 114
is decreased, and thereby the R02* disproportionation aniline4 7.0 ± 0.1 21
rate and chemiluminescence intensity are reduced, too. diphenylamine4 4.2 ± 0.1 199, 200
After all the AmH has been consumed in the oxidizing p-phenylenediamine4 5.9 • 0.1 200
RH (i>j
const) chemiluminescence returns to its ori- iV,/V-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine4 6.1 ± 0.1 200
acetophenone0 9.9 ± 0.2 161
ginal level. On addition of primary and secondary AmH 9.2 ± 0.1 161
to chlorobenzene in the presence of alcohols, ethers, phenol4 -1.95 ± 0.1 201
esters, or even water, the chemiluminescence increased o-cresol4 -1.8 ± 0.1 201
1.5-7-fold. The luminescence is due to reaction 8, R02‘ m-cresol4 -1.9 ± 0.1 201
+ Am’, since additions of ArOH quench the lumines- p-cresol4 -1.7 ± 0.1 201
catechol4 -1.65 ± 0.1 201
cence in these systems. The quenching effect of ArOH
catechol0 >7.0 202
is due to the exchange reaction resorcinol4 -1.45 ± 0.1 201
hydroquinone4 -0.77 ± 0.05 201
ArOH + Am* -» ArO’ + AmH (15)
“Reaction 7-2. 4Reaction 7-1.
whereby the R02’ decay not via reaction with Am’,
which causes chemiluminescence, but with ArO’, which
The acid-base equilibrium reactions of semiquinone
does not cause chemiluminescence. After all the ArOH
radicals have mostly been studied by pulsed radiolysis
has been consumed the chemiluminescence is enhanced
(Table 22). In ref 201, 203, and 204 equilibrium 7-1 has
again, since when only AmH is present R02’ reacts with been investigated for aroxyl radical-aroxyl radical
Am* (reaction 8). Important for the formation of the
cation. It has been shown that in acid aqueous solutions
electronically excited product is the polar environment;
there is no luminescence when there is no such envi- (up to 12 M sulfuric acid) unsubstituted phenoxyl
radicals are not protonated.204 At the same time it was
ronment (e.g., in a RH). Probably, quinone imine is the
observed that the 2,4,6-triphenylphenoxyl radical and
product the corresponding radical cation were present in about
equal concentrations in water-ethanol solution that
contained 15 N sulfuric acid.204 It has been demon-
strated that four water molecules are required to re-
move the proton from the phenoxyl radical cation203
^C=0T* PhOH*+ + 4H20 *=* PhO’ + H904+ (7-1)
which causes luminescence.39 The ESR-measured pK& values for various aroxyl
radical cations are presented in Table 22. As expected,
VII. Acid-Base Equilibrium Reactions of pK& values increase with the electron-donor property
Inhibitor Radicals of the substituent in the aroxyl radical.
Many free inhibitor radicals participate in acid-base Normally, neutral radicals decay in bimolecular re-
actions faster than the respective radical ions (section
equilibrium reactions.198 The reactivity of the acidic
and basic forms of free radicals is substantially differ- VI.D-F). Further, radical anions are more active re-
ent. Therefore, by varying the acidity (basicity) of the ductants than the respective neutral radicals (see sec-
medium or the solution pH, one may directionally tion VIII.E). These properties may be used to find the
control the radical reactivity. Using strongly acidic or pKa of radicals. Such radical titration techniques have
basic solutions, it is sometimes possible to extend the been used to determine the dissociation constants of
radicals that are difficult to obtain by spectrophoto-
lifetime, or even stabilize, the otherwise short-lived
radicals. For example, relatively high concentrations metric methods.
of quinone radical anions (Q'“) may be obtained in The rates of protonation of benzophenone and p-
strongly basic solvent.162 cyanoacetophenone radical anions were measured in ref
The acid-base equilibria 205 with the aid of the pulsed radiolysis technique. The
radical anions decayed via reactions 7-2 and 7-3.
R’ + H+^RH’+ (7-1)
R’ + H20 RH’ + OH“

R’- + H+^RH’ (7-3)

(7-2) ^-3

are usually established sooner than radical decay in The following results have been obtained at room tem-
bimolecular reactions. The equilibrium constants for perature: k2 1.2 X 1010 M^-s"1 and k3 =* 7.8 X 104

reactions 7-1 and 7-2 were determined by flash photo- s-1 for benzophenone radical anion (BP*-) in water
lysis, pulse radiolysis, and ESR techniques. To obtain containing 2.5 M fert-butyl alcohol.205 The rather high
the pKa of radicals (Table 22) one plots some selected values k2 ~
1010 M^-s"1 and k3 = 5 X 109-10u M^-s"1
parameter, e.g., optical absorption at maximum, against indicate that the acid-base equilibrium is established
the pH of the aqueous solution. very rapidly.
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1347

Linear correlations have been found between the pK& transfer reaction, while secondary alcohols were oxi-
of radicals and the Hammett and Taft constants,28 re- dized mainly via hydrogen abstraction reactions (the
dox potentials of ketones, aldehydes, and quinones (for solvent was the corresponding alcohol). At 338 K the
ketyl and semiquinone radicals),198,206 and the difference reaction is more specific: the reaction route that dom-
in the rr-electronic energies of the acid and basic forms inated at 373 K becomes the sole route at 338 K.
of conjugated radicals.207 There is promise in the As shown in ref 212 stable aroxyls oxidize organic
quantum-chemical calculation of radical affinity for compounds having no labile hydrogens via electron
proton (PA). In the absence of entropy and solvation transfer
effects, PA should be expected to correlate with the
corresponding pK& values.208
Dissociation constants of neutral radicals (radical
cations; cf. Table 22) provide useful information for
kinetic analysis of oxidation of organic compounds in
water inhibited with phenol-, carbonyl-, or aryl-
aminyl-based compounds.
Acid-base equilibrium reactions of radicals can also
occur in nonpolar media. The authors of ref 39 came (8-1)
up with a fact very important for the theory of inhibited
oxidation: in cyclohexane the diphenylaminyl radical Galvinoxyl and indophenoxyl are reduced to the re-
is protonated by cumyl hydroperoxide spective phenolate anions through reaction with OH'
and the anion p-CH3C6H4N02".212
(C6H5)2N + ROOH ** (C6H5)2NH+,R02- (4-6) Methoxy- and dimethoxyphenoxyl radicals oxidize
ascorbate anion in water at pH 10-11214
VIII. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions of o
Inhibitor Radicals
ArO* +
A. General Comments
In many cases free aromatic radicals are generated
in solutions containing metal compounds, hydrogen
donors, electron donors, and electron acceptors. Aro- (8-2)
matic radicals can react with these agents. The re-
duction of aroxyl and aminyl radicals through ab-
straction of a hydrogen atom from a donor (hydro-
carbon, hydroperoxide, a second inhibitor, etc.) has been For this reaction, k2 108-109 M'^s'1, and it may be

discussed in sections III and IV. These reactions play used for near-quantitative removal of ArO* from an
an exclusive role in inhibited oxidation and largely aqueous solution.214
control the inhibition effect. Apart from the inhibitors, Aroxyls exhibit not only electron-accepting but also
to the solution of the oxidized compound are sometimes electron-donor properties.212,215'217 At low temperatures
added transition-metal compounds that show an in- galvinoxyl has been found to from charge-transfer
hibiting or promoting (depending on conditions) effect complexes (CTC) with a number of electron donors and
on the oxidation process.209 The combined effect of the acceptors.216 It has been shown that the CTC are not
inhibitor and transition-metal compound may be, first, always the intermediates of an electron-transfer reaction
a sharp deceleration of reaction followed by its pro- between galvinoxyl and donor.216
motion.210 The complex series of reactions taking place
in such a system normally includes reaction of the in- C. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions of Radicals
hibitor radical with the metal compound.210 Oxida- with Metals and Metal Compounds
tion-reduction reactions of In* are important if inhib- As strong reducing agents, alkali metals reduce in-
ited oxidation takes place in the presence of metal dophenoxyl and galvinoxyl via the reaction212
ArO* + K — ArO' + K+ (8-3)
B. Reduction of Aroxyl Radicals Reactions of aromatic radicals with metal salts and
Aroxyl radicals oxidize those compounds which con- complexes have been studied very thoroughly.33,218 A
tain a nucleophilic heteroatom or a labile hydrogen radical may react with metal compound Mn+LM by
atom.18,105,211,212 Aroxyls are usually converted by the different elementary routes. The following reactions
are known for aromatic radicals:33,131
reaction to the corresponding phenolates (phenols) or
cyclohexadienones.18,105,211,212 There has been much R* + Mn+Lm -»
R" + M(rl+1)+Lm (electron transfer)
discussion in the literature concerning the mechanism (8-4a)
of such reactions, i.e., whether the mechanism involves
electron or hydrogen transfer. In ref 213, the mecha-
R+ + M(”'1)+Lm (electron transfer)
nism of the elementary reactions of the 2,6-diphenyl- (8-4a0
4-stearoxyphenoxyl radical and galvinoxyl with C!-C4 —*
*RMn+Lm_1 + L (ligand substitution)
aliphatic alcohols in the corresponding neat alcohols or (8-4b)
benzene-alcohol mixtures has been identified by using
the spin-trap technique. At ca. 373 K primary alcohols —
R*-Mrt+Lm (CTC formation)
and fert-butyl alcohol were oxidized mainly via electron (8-4c)
1348 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

In the following we consider examples of such reac- TABLE 23. Rate Constants and Enthalpies of Activation of
tions and their principal distinguishing features. Reaction 8-7 for Ortho-Substituted 4-Hydroxyphenoxyl
2,4,6-Tri-fert-butylphenoxyl, galvinoxyl, and indo- Radicals and Copper(II) Benzoylacetonate and Half-Wave
Potentials of Reduction of Starting Quinones at 293 K°
phenoxyl are oxidized with Lewis acids MHal„ (M =

Sbv, Nbv, TF, SnF Alm; Hal = Cl", Br") as well as with k1 X KT5,6 a hv
subst in radical M-V1 kJ/mol ~Em,d V
VOCl3 and AgC104 in various solvents
2,6-diphenyl-3,5-dichloro 1.1 40 0.10
2,6-diphenyl-3-chloro 4.4 34 0.15
ArO* + Mn+ ArO+ + M(n"1)+ (8-4a') 2-phenyl 2.3 38 0.18
2-(3-chlorophenyl) 2.9 38 0.19
That reaction 8-4 really takes place has been convinc- 2- (4-chlorophenyl) 2.8 36 0.20
ingly demonstrated by ESR, NMR, spectrophotometric, 2,6-diphenyl 32 0.21
and polarographic techniques.212 The stability of the 2-fert-butyl-6-phenyl 2.3 38 >0.30

diamagnetic salts produced in reaction 8-4 depends on “Reference 221. bDetermination error is 15%. 'Determination
the radical structure, the type of oxidant, and the me- error is ±2 kJ/mol. dData of ref 222.
dium. It has been found that k4 =* lCb-lO3 M_1-s_1 for
different MHal„.212 Addition of an electron-acceptor substituent, chlorine
Galvinoxyl is oxidized with RuC13 and RhCL and atom, to the meta position relative to the monovalent
reduced with Fe(acac)2 and Co(acac)2 in 1-propanol.219 oxygen results in increased -E1/2 and decreased k-
2,6-Diphenyl-4-stearoxyphenoxyl radical in the same (Table 23).
solvent is oxidized with RuC13 and RhCl3, the reaction A strong donor, the radical anion of the sodium salt
having third-order kinetics (the first with respect to of 2-sulfo-9,10-anthraquinone, is rapidly oxidized with
radical and second with respect to metal chloride).219 copper(II) perchlorate in water and water-glycerol
It has been proposed that the reaction proceeds through mixtures: in viscous (?? 10 cP) solvents the reaction
an intermediate complex219 is a pseudodiffusion one220 (cf. section VI.B). Similarly,
ketyl radical of benzophenone, also a strong donor, is
ArO* + MC13 ^ ArO’-MClg (8-4c) rapidly oxidized with copper acetate in acetic acid; k4
(4.5 ± 0.2) X 106 M’Ls"1 has been determined at room
ArO’—MCl3 + MC13 —*•
products (8-5) temperature.33 Another strong electron donor is the
The kinetics of oxidation of aromatic radicals with 3-hydroxynaphthoxy-2-yl radical, which is also quickly
oxidized with the chloride, sulfate, and acetate salts of
copper(II) compounds have been investigated in ref 131,
copper(II) at room temperature in water (pH 6.8): k4
148, 220, and 221. Despite their relatively low redox =
(3.2 ± 0.6) X 106 M"1-s"1 for all of the above-men-
potentials, copper(II) compounds are known to exhibit tioned salts.33
high reactivity toward free radicals. This fact has been The chloranyl radical anion is oxidized with copper-
established for alkyl radicals.218 According to Kochi’s
(II) chloride in a 9:1 (v/v) water-l-propanol mixture:
hypothesis,218 this high reactivity of copper (II) in rela-
tion to free alkyl radicals is due to formation of an k4 (1.0 ± 0.1) X 109 M"1-s"1 at room temperature.33

intermediate organocopper compound; where the alkyl Thus, in water or acetic acid in the form of labile aquo
radicals do react, they are either oxidized or react with complexes or acetates copper(II) compounds oxidize,
in one step, those radicals that possess sufficiently high
the solvent. Owing to the high lability of many cop-
electron-donor properties. It is virtually impossible to
per(II) compounds, e.g., Cu(H20)62+, the radicals un- detect the intermediate complex CuIILn_1R (cf. eq 8-6)
dergo oxidation in the inner sphere of the ion since it is always present in very low concentrations.
While investigating the absorption spectra and decay
CunL„ + R* CunLn_!R -*
Cu1 + R+ (8-6) kinetics of the 2,6-diphenyl-4-hydroxyphenoxyl radical
(QH-) in acetonitrile, the authors of ref 148 observed
Analysis of the data for oxidation of aroxyl and
semiquinone radicals shows that Kochi’s hypothesis
promotion of QH* decay when a solution of Cu(acac)2
was added in increasing concentrations and the sym-
presents a good tool for their description, and it may batic building of the second intermediate—the complex.
be safely concluded that oxidation follows reaction 8-6.
Moreover, in some cases it is possible to interrupt the QH- + Cu11 Q* "Cu11 + H+ (8-8)
reaction at the labile complex formation step (see sec-
tion VIII.D). Addition of acetic acid (C £ 5 X 10“3 M) to solutions
Kinetic and activation parameters of reaction 8-7 shifts equilibrium 8-8 to the left; this is accompanied
have been obtained for oxidation of phenyl-substituted by oxidation 8-7 of QH* with divalent copper.
p-benzosemiquinone radicals (QH*) with acetyl- The Q* "Cu11 complexes break down via the bimole-
acetonate or benzoylacetonate of copper(II) (Table cular self-reaction

Q* "Cu11 + Q* 'Cu11 —*-* products (8-9)

QH* + Cu11 —Q + Cu1 + H+ (8-7)
slower than QH* and Q*~ decay in self-reactions 6-1 and
Reaction 8-7 takes place only where there is acid 6-18, respectively.
present, which facilitates replacement of ligand with Thus by adding copper(II) compounds to QH" solu-
radical.221 tions in acetonitrile it is possible to inhibit radical decay,
It is important that the semiquinone oxidation rate whereas addition of acetic acid in combination with
decreases as the oxidative potential of the radical, re- Cu(II) to the same solutions can render the process as
flected by the parameter -E\j2 (Table 23), increases. fast as one could wish. By adding copper(II) com-
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1349

agents, hydroperoxides in particular, are not detri-


D. Labile Complexes between Aroxyl and

Semiquinone Radicals and Metal Compounds
Charge transfer between a reacting donor and ac-
ceptor may only be partial. Then charge-transfer com-
plexes are formed.
The oxidation-reduction reactions between radicals
and metal compounds taking place in the inner or outer
sphere terminate in decomposition of the intermediate
collision complex to the final products. However, if no
Figure 4. Scheme of reaction between copper(II) compounds
and free radicals of inhibitor.123
oxidation-reduction occurs, there may be formed
charge-transfer complexes, associates, or coordination
compounds with radical ligands. Apart from the
pounds it is possible to control the lifetime of the radical chemical affinity of the radical for the particular metal
particles over very broad ranges. compound, the important factors include the para-
We would like to note the following tendency in re-
actions of aroxyl and semiquinone radicals with cop- magnetic interactions between unoccupied or partially
occupied orbitals of the metal and the vacant orbitals
per(II) compounds. For radicals possessing high elec- of the radical. Complexes between radicals and metal
tron-donor properties the intermediate complex CunR
compounds (ions) are interesting because complex
(cf. eq 8-6) is short-lived and oxidation is a single-step formation affects the radical reactivity. In many cases
process. If the radical is a weaker donor, it is sometimes this results in a relative stabilization of the radical.
possible to record the absorption spectrum of the com- Coordination between radical and metal may greatly
plex, which then decomposes to reduction-oxidation increase the radical stability with respect to the de-
products. For still weaker donors the reaction stops at composition process.
the complex formation stage, and the complexes decay
Depending on the completeness of charge transfer,
through bimolecular self-reactions 8-9. The weakest the complexes may be nominally represented with the
donors do not react with Cu11. Examples derived from
formulas218 R-Mn+, R+M("-1)+, and RrM("+1)+. The
ref 131, 148, 220, and 221 are shown in Figure 4. radical ligand has an unpaired electron that is also
The paramagnetic transition-metal ions (Mn2+, Co2+, delocalized along the metal shell. In many cases there
Ni2+, Fe3+, Mo3+, Fe2+, Cu2+) reduce the lifetimes of the has been observed hyperfine splitting in the radicals’
radical anions of the disodium salts of 2,6-disulfo- ESR spectrum due to the interaction of the unpaired
9,10-anthraquinone and 2-methyl-9,10-anthraquinone electron with the paramagnetic metal nucleus.33,218
in water or water-2-propanol mixtures owing to the Nevertheless the spectra show that the radical remains
reduction-oxidation reactions involved.113,223 what it was.
1,4-Benzoquinone (Q) radicals enter reduction-oxi- The labile complexes of aroxyl and semiquinone
dation reactions with iron(II,III) ions in water-1-
radicals, especially o-semiquinone radicals, with metal
propanol mixtures224 compounds have been studied in great detail. In ref 131
and 217 variations in the absorption spectra and decay
+ Fe2+ QH2 + Fe3+

Q* (8-10) kinetics of 2-methylphenoxyl, 3-hydroxyphenoxyl, and

3-hydroxy-5-methylphenoxyl radicals in water have
QH* + Fe2+ QH2 + Fe3+ (8-11) been detected in the presence of Cu+aq, Cu2+aq, Mn2+aq,
and Fe2+aq ions, which could presumably be bound into
QH* + Fe3+ Q + Fe2+ (8-12) complexes

For all three reactions at

ArO* + M"+ ^ ArO--Mn+ (8-13)
room temperature, lr10_12 =*

107 M-1*s-1.224 The complexes have been ascribed the t-v struc-
Using the stopped-flow method, the authors of ref 225 ture131,217
studied the kinetics of oxidation of the 2,5-di-fert-bu-
tyl-l,4-benzoquinone radical anion with Co(II), Fe(II),
and Mg(II) tetraphenylporphyrins in tetrahydrofuran.
The results at room temperature were fe(Con) = (5 ±
2) X 105, &(Fen) = (9 ± 4) x 106, and fe(Mgn) =* 107
M_1-s_1. It is believed that in all cases the first step is
electron transfer between the radical anion and the Complexes of the 3-hydroxyphenoxyl and 3-hydroxy-
central ion; this reduces, for example, Co11 to Co1 and 5-methylphenoxyl radicals decay with first-order ki-
(in case of Fe11) the porphyrin ring.225 netics and k = (3.0 ± 0.5) X 103 s_1 for both radicals in
To improve the inhibiting effect of phenolic inhibitors water at room temperature (pH 2.0); cf. Figure 4.131
the aroxyl (semiquinone) radicals must be removed In a nonpolar medium the 2-methylphenoxyl radical
from solution as soon as possible by combining them forms complexes with Co(acac)2.215 The complexes
into molecular products.37 As follows from the data of decay via bimolecular self-reactions 8-9 slower than the
this section, compounds of transition metals, e.g., cop- starting radicals.215
per (II), are good for this purpose. Of course, one must The existence of complexes between the stable
make sure that reactions of these compounds with other 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl radical and Co(acac)2 has
1350 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

been demonstrated by ESR in ref 226 and 227. There TABLE 24. One-Electron Redox Potentials vs. NHE of
was a coupling between the unpaired electron and co- Quinoid and Phenolic Compounds in Aqueous Solutions at
balt nucleus: besides the triplet due to the aroxyl Room Temperature0
radical they observed an octet due to the complex.226 starting compd E\ V E2, V pH ref
The authors of ref 131, who studied the effect of 1,4-benzoquinone 0.099 0.480 7.0 232

and Cu2+aq ions on the decay kinetics and ab- duroquinone -0.244 0.355 7.0 232
sorption spectra of the p-benzoquinone radical anion 9,10-anthraquinone-2-
0.075 7.0 232

(Q* ~) in water at pH 6.0, discovered that Q*” formed 9,10-anthraquinone-2,6- -0.32 7.0 234
complexes of 1:1 composition with these ions. The disulfonate
complexes decayed via reaction 8-9. The following ir9 menaquinone -0.203 0.207 7.0 232
values were found at room temperature: k9 = (8.0 ± phenol >0.5 13.5 235
4-methoxyphenol 0.320 13.5 235
1.0) x 106 M_1*s_1 for Cu+Q- and k9 = (1.9 ± 0.3) x 106 resorcinol 0.304 11.6 235
M”1^”1 for Cu2+Q* ”, which is 1-2 orders smaller than hydroquinone 0.057 11 235
the dismutation 6-18 rate constants (cf. section VI.D). catechol 0.139 11 235
Thus the reaction of Q*” with copper ions results in 3,3',5,5'-tetrachloro- 0.26 7 149
more stable radicals. The reason for such an increase 4,4'-diphenoquinone
3,3',5,5'-tetrab romo- 0.26 7 149
in stability seems to consist in unpaired electron delo-
calization along the electronic shell of copper and the
“Determination errors vary from :±0.001 to ±0.01 V and
appearance of steric hindrances during self-reactions are

of complexes, reaction 8-9.131 Similarly, the complex given in the cited references.
of the 2-hydroxyphenoxyl radical with Cu2+aq was con-
sumed 2 orders of magnitude slower in self-reactions icals must be based on an adequate knowledge of the
8-9 than the starting 2-hydroxyphenoxyl radicals un- one-electron redox potentials E1 of such pairs as
derwent disproportionation.131 R + e R*“ (8-14)
With the help of ESR it has been shown that there
exist a large variety of tert-butyl-substituted complexes RH -

e~ <=

R' + H+ (8-15)
of o-semiquinone radicals with metal compounds of RH* e” ± R + H+

groups 1-4 and 8 of the periodic table,228,229 and their
properties have been investigated. The ESR data show R’ + e‘ ^ R” (8-17)
that most of the complexes remain ir radicals, the de-
Of special interest are E1 in water measured relative to
gree of transfer of the spin density to the metal ion
the normal hydrogen electrode at pH 7.0 (E7X), T = 298
being low.230 The nature of the oxygen-metal bond has
a significant effect on unpaired electron density dis- K, or at some other pH.
tribution in o-semiquinone and on the hyperfine cou- Experimental determination of the E1 of short-lived
radicals often meets with difficulties because it is nec-
pling with the paramagnetic nuclei of the central atom.
The complexes with alkali metal ions (e.g., 26) may be essary to generate radicals and measure their Ex before
they decay. Equilibria must be established sooner than
radicals decay by other reactions, including self-reac-
tions. In most cases equilibria like 8-14 are the ones

Sn(CHa>3 that satisfy this requirement since they yield relatively
long-lived radical anions.
28 Quinone radical anions (Q* ”) take part in reversible
electron-transfer reactions with other quinones, violo-
considered as contact pairs. The complexes with Tl1 gens, or dye molecules (A)232,233
and In111 are obviously chelates (compound 27). The
radical identified in ref 231 as tin-containing radical 28 Q’” + A
Q+ A’” (8-18)
may, on the basis of the ESR data, be described as an
organometallic radical. The ir-electron system of the The E7X values for quinone/quinone radical anion
radical includes a total of nine electrons delocalized with pairs obtained by pulse radiolysis are given in Table 24.
respect to eight centers. The metal is coupled to the Equilibrium 8-18 sets in rather fast. The radicals
radical ligand via the hybrid orbitals of oxygen located decay by reactions Q*” + Q*”, A*” + A’”, and Q*” + A*”
in the point plane of the ir-electron system. The ESR much slower.232,233 It has been demonstrated that the
spectra show splitting on the protons of the o-semi-
concomitant spectral changes were due to none other
quinone aromatic ring and the magnetic nuclei of the
but electron transfer; the observed first-order rate
metal and ligands L. Typically the splitting constants constant (relaxation to equilibrium) is in this case ex-
vary only slightly in passing from free radicals to chelate pressed by
complexes. This is indicative of a low degree of spin kobsd
fc-is[Q] + fcis[A], S'1 (8-19)
density transfer from the radical ligand to the MLm
fragment. At the same time the hyperfine coupling To determine the one-electron potential £71(Q/Q’") the
constants are extremely sensitive both to the nature of equilibrium rate constants Kia were measured. As A,
the atoms and to the geometry of the M environment.228 a reference compound of known one-electron potential
was used. For known Kia it is easy to obtain the desired
E. Redox Potentials of Free Radicals E7X values by using the formula

E7\Q/Q* ”) =
E7x(A/A- ”)- 0.059 log Kia, V (8-20)
Any prediction of the direction and rate of the oxi-
dation-reduction reactions of inhibitors and free rad- The second potential of quinones £2(Q‘”/Q2”) (see
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1351

Table 24) is usually calculated from the measured E1- (reaction -7) and In* + RH (reaction 10) are much
(Q/Q*~) and known two-electron potentials E° l/2(E1
= smaller than the rate of the reaction R02* + In* (reac-
+ E2). In ref 235 E2 were measured by pulse radiolysis tion 8). Therefore, when v2 > v{, where v2 pertains to
in reactions of aroxyl radical with different di- and reaction R02* + RH (reaction 2), reactions 2 and -7 will
trihydroxybenzenes and aromatic diamines in alkaline be the crucial ones, and the oxidation rate v = fe2-
media (hydroquinone was the reference compound). [RH]i>i/2fe7[InH]; i.e., the rate is controlled by reactions
The E2 values are given in Table 24. 2 and 7, which are the key ones. The ratio of the rate
Knowing the one-electron potentials enables one to constants of these reactions, k7/k2, will be a charac-
calculate exactly the quasi-equilibrium concentrations teristic of InH effectiveness. For InH causing chain
of radical anions in solutions in the presence of electron termination by reaction with R02*, the following
donors or acceptors and predict with sufficient confi- mechanisms, each consisting of a set of elementary
dence the rates of the reduction-oxidation reactions of steps, can be singled out as principal; see Table 1.
radical anions. The reorganization energy of water as 2. If we use a different InH or a different oxidizing
solvent is about the same for different pairs, and the RH or change the oxidation conditions, the mechanism
rate of electron transfer in any series of compounds is may change, too. Therefore to enable a systematic
mainly determined by the free energy of reaction or approach it may be helpful to consider the domain of
AE\ existence of a particular inhibited oxidation mechanism.
The available information (Table 24) will no doubt For one InH and one RH it will be a set of conditions
be beneficial in the analysis of the kinetics of ArOH- under which the mechanism in question persists. But
inhibited oxidation in aqueous solutions. the concept of the domain of existence may be broad-
On many occasions radicals become involved in ir- ened if we extend it to a range of oxidizing compounds
reversible reduction-oxidation reactions because of the and a range of InH.
very fast decay of either the radicals themselves or their 3. The domain of existence of each mechanism de-
oxidation (reduction) products. In such cases E1 can pends on the relative rates of a large number of ele-
be of no use. Yet, for comparing the redox properties mentary acts. For instance, the following seven ine-
of radicals in specific series of radicals, one may have qualities must be valid in order to channel the reaction
to resort either to the so-called “kinetic” potentials Ekx according to mechanism III, where the chains are ter-
orthe half-height potentials of the polarographic re- minated via reaction 7: fc2[RH] » &7[InH]; fe2[RH] >
duction or oxidation waves (cf., e.g., ref 33 and 236). 2fe7[InH]; fe_7[ROOH] < fe8[R02*]; fe10[RH] « fc8[R02*];
V\» (feu(ROOH] + fe12[02])[InH]; fe13[InOOR] « ku
IX. Kinetic Topology of Inhibited Oxidation of « fe8[R02*]. In real situations the realization of each
Hydrocarbons mechanism depends on the relative rates of all the el-
ementary reactions involved. This multiparameter re-
A. General Principles of Kinetic Topology of lationship may be simplified if we use correlation
Inhibited Oxidation equations. To this end the range of InH must be bro-
ken down into groups, each falling under a specific set
The conclusion we draw from the kinetic data on of correlation equations. For example, depending on
inhibited oxidation of RH set forth in previous sections their structure the ArOH may be divided into the fol-
is that even for a system consisting of a particular InH
added to a particular RH, the oxidation may take one lowing three groups.
of several possible routes or mechanisms determined Group A consists of phenols reacting with R02’,
by a number of key reactions (cf. Table 1). If we have ROOH, and 02, the ArO* being active enough to react
with RH and ROOH under certain conditions. The
investigated an InH in a given system so that we know
all the elementary reaction rate constants involving RH, products of their reactions with R02* are not peroxides
InH, R02*, In*, ROOH, and 02, we will be in a position InOOR, and the ArO* do not decompose to active rad-
to calculate the RH oxidation kinetics under any con- icals. This group includes all ArOH except 2,6-di-
ditions. If we do not know the rate constants for all tert-alkyl-substituted and o- or p-alkoxy-substituted
elementary reactions, we may solve the problem by phenols. For such ArOH, mechanisms I, II, III, IV, VI,
staging a series of experiments. Yet this oversimplified VII, and IX may be valid (cf. Table 1).
approach falls short of providing us with answers to a Group B consists of phenols generating inactive ArO*
number of general questions: How is the inhibited that under oxidation conditions are practically unable
oxidation mechanism related to the InH and RH to react with RH and ROOH, the ArOH themselves
structures and reactivity of R02*? What particular InH being capable of slowly reacting with ROOH and R02*.
will be most effective under given conditions in a given By reacting with R02*, aroxyls of these ArOH form
system? And so on. Answeres to these, and like, peroxides that decompose to free radicals. Therefore
questions can be obtained by using the approach set such ArOH can react by only mechanisms I, II, III, and
forth in ref 38, 78, and 237-239. In summary, the V.
principles of this approach are as follows. Group C consists of phenols with alkoxy substituents
1. The elementary reactions accompanying RH ox- producing the ArO* which dissociate to an alkyl radical
idation in the presence of an InH may be many in that propagates the chain. Such ArOH can react by
number (see the IHO scheme, section II.A), but the mechanisms I-IX.
actual reaction mechanism is determined by only a few All reactions in which ArOH or ArO* take part de-
of them, which may be called key ones. For example, pend on the bond dissociation energy of the phenol’s
the reactions involved in cumene oxidation in the O-H bond. Therefore within each group of ArOH the
presence of p-cresol at 320-380 K are reactions 2, 7, -7, activation energies and rate constants of each elemen-
9, and 10. However, the rates of reactions In* + ROOH tary step may be expressed in terms of one parameter,
1352 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

TABLE 25. Correlation Equations for the Key Reactions of

Phenol-Inhibited Oxidation of Hydrocarbons
reaction no.“ log (fe/tM-bs-1))4
sec-R02* + RH (2) 9.0 -

3000/T + (330/T) log k2*

tert-R02‘ + RH (2) 8.2 -

3000/T + (330/T) log k2*

ROOH — RO- + HO" (3) 13 -

Group A Phenols'
R02- + InH (7) 7.2 -

2400/T + (330/T) log k7*

In- + ROOH (-7) 7.2 + 1260/7-- (710/T) log k7*
R02" + In" (8) 8.5
In" + In" (9) 8.5
In- + RH (10) 9.2 1800/T + (520/T) log k7*

530/T log k2*
InH + ROOH (11) 1.0 8100/T + (570/70 log k7*

InH + 02 (12) 9.9 -

8700/7- + (570/70 log k7*

Figure 5. Graphic representation of the domains of relaization
of different mechanisms of phenol-inhibited oxidation of hy-
Group B Phenols' drocarbons in T vs. log k7* coordinates with k2* = 1 [RH]
R02- + InH (7) 7.2 2410/T + (330/ 70 log k7*
= 10 M, / = 2, [InH] = [ROOH] = [02] = 1CT3 M, and Vi = 10'7
InOOR — InO- + R0‘ (13) 14 7225/7-
M-s *. The mechanism numbering and the key reactions of each
In- + ROOH (-7) 7.2 + 530/ 7-- (710/ 70 log k7* mechanism are given in Table 1.

Group C Phenols'
In" -*•
Q + r" (14) 12.7 -


IHO scheme in section II.A. 4 Index of k is the number of
the corresponding reaction in the leftmost column. 'Phenol
groups are described in the text; see section IX.A.

viz., DaiO-h- On the other hand, the activation energies

for reactions in which RH takes part may be expressed
in terms of the R-H bond dissociation energy. It should
not be overlooked that tertiary R02’ react somewhat
slower than either the secondary or primary ones.
4. It is therefore possible to reduce the variety of
structural factors, the relative impact of which on ox-
idation is determined by the rate constants of a total Figure 6. Graphic representation of the domains of realization
of different mechanisms of phenol-inhibited oxidation of hy-
of nine reactions, to only two parameters, namely, Z)R_H drocarbons in T vs. log k2* coordinates with k7* = 104 M_1-s_1,
and Dato-h- However, there is not enough literature [RH] = 10 M, / = 2, [InH] = [ROOH] = [02] = 10'3 M, and Vi
data available on the R-H and ArO-H bond dissocia- =
10 7 M-s 1. The mechanism numbering and the key reactions
tion energies. On the other hand, the rate constants of of each mechanism are given in Table 1.
reactions 2 and 7 have been measured for a great num-
ber of compounds.35,36 For this reason this information Table 26). The boundary strip has a finite width, so
is used to characterize the initial reactivity of R02*, In', that the transition from one mechanism to another is
RH, and InH78,238,239 (Table 25). For convenience, we smooth. Following suggestions of ref 78, we may define
introduce the parameters k2* = k2 at 333 K and k7* =
the width of the boundary strip as the range of factor
fe7 at 333 K. values that cause the ratio of the rates of crucial reac-
5. For each mechanism its domain may now be ex- tions to vary e times. This corresponds to a 3-fold
pressed as a certain volume in three-dimensional space: variation of one of the parameters which determine the
“k2*, k7* and conditions” (T, vit [InH], [RH], [ROOH], boundary.
[02]). The domain will be defined by the ranges of k2* Figures 5 and 6 show domains of inhibited oxidation
and k-j* and experimental conditions (e.g., temperature). mechanisms as a function of the InH activity, expressed
One domain will be separated from another by a through k7*, and RH oxidizability, expressed through
boundary “strip”, i.e., ranges of k2* and k7* and con- k2* and T. This presentation allows us to make certain
ditions for which signs of both mechanisms will be ev- conclusions. First, we may now pinpoint the chief
ident. The boundary conditions between any two do- factors that control the mechanism. They are DR_H,
mains may be formulated as the appropriate inequal- •DAro-H> and T. Affecting but not controlling the
ities and expressed in terms of parametric formulas mechanism are the concentrations of RH and ArOH.

TABLE 26. Equations for Domain Boundary Strips and Their Presentation in the T =
mechanism key reactions domain boundary equation X y
II, III 2, 7b ft2[RH] =
ffe,[InH] 600 + 330(log k7* log fe2*)
1.8 + log ([RH]//[InH])
III, IV 8, 104 ksVi M10[RH][InH]
= 4200 + 90 log k7* 530 log k2*

7.9 + log ([RH][InH]/u,)

III, IV-VI 7, 124 /fcu[InH][0,] = 8700 570 log k7*
9.9 + log (/[InH][02]/i>i)
III-VII -7, 84 kav-t M-7[ROOH][InH]
= 1140 + 380 log k7* 5.9 + log ([ROOH][InH]/cj)
III-VIII 8, 144 fe8Ui
fe7fc14[InH] 8210 330 log k7*

11.4 + log ([InHj/Oj)

III-IX 7, ll4 /fen[InH] [ROOH] =
8100 570 log k7* 10 + log (/[InH] [ROOH] /ut)

II, III 2, 7' k2[RH] = fk7[ InH] 600 + 330 (log k7* log k2*)

1.8 + log([RH]//[InH])
III-V 2, 7, 13' fcistlnH] vt =
7225 14 + log (/[InH]/0i)

“This form enables one to get an analytical relationship between log k2*, log k7*, [InH], [ROOH], /, v„ and T for the domain boundary
strip. Units of M and M^-s-1 are used. bFor phenols of the A group; see text. 'For phenols of the B group; see text.
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1353

Factors such as vb [02], and [ROOH] will affect the higher the temperature and InH and 02 concentrations.
mechanism only under specific conditions. Second, At = 10‘7 M-s-\ [InH] = [02] = 10"3 M, and f = 2,
from analysis of the analytical formulas it follows that the optimum log k7* 8 (T = 350 K), 7 (400 K), 6 (450 -

there are structural ranges responsible for a particular K), and 5 (500 K). For ArOH k7* < 107 M-1*s_1.
mechanism. It appears that it is not always possible If it is the reaction of InH with ROOH that is the
to implement, by merely varying the conditions, a main route of InH consumption, the inequality, upon
particular mechanism for a given RH-InH pair. For substitution of the correlation equation and transfor-
example, mechanism III (Table 1) may be realized only mation, takes the form
for such pairs for which
log k7* < 14.2 -

DK 0.36DAro-H “t 142, kJ/mol (9-1) [18.6 1.8 log (Ui//[InH][ROOH])] X 10-3T (9-3)

Third, using this approach it is possible to derive par- It follows from eq 9-3 that at higher temperatures the
ametric equations for the rate of inhibited oxidation and range of suitable ArOH is narrower. At = 10“7 M*s_1
employ them for rough estimates of vy and / = 2 [ArOH] = [ROOH] = 10-3 M, the optimum
values of log k7* are 6.9 (350 K), 5.8 (400 K), 4.8 (450
B. The Optimum Inhibitor
K), and 3.8 (500 K).
The inhibiting effect is characterized by duration and In the general case ArOH reacts both with 02 and
extent of reaction inhibition (effectiveness). The latter, ROOH. Therefore to use an ArOH as effectively as
for chain terminations, may be expressed in terms of possible the total rate of these reactions must be rela-
the chain length v = v/v-y The ArOH that under spe- tively low; i.e.
cific conditions provides for the minimum chain length /(fc„[ROOH] + fc12[02])[Ar0H] <
0.25u; (9-4)
is the more effective. From the data of Table 26 it
follows that the inhibiting effectiveness depends on the The competition between reactions 11 and 12 depends
oxidation mechanism, types of reagents (RH and on T, [02], and [ROOH]

ArOH), and conditions (T, vy reagent concentrations). ^11/^12

fcn[R00H]/fe12[02] (9-5)
In Table 26 all the parameters relating to reactions that
involve ArOH and ArO* are in terms of k7*. From log (vn/v12) «
600/T + log ([ROOH]/[02]) (9-6)
consideration of the equations for v under different At temperatures standard for oxidation (350-450 K)
mechanisms, it follows that in all cases v is smaller the and [ROOH] > 0.1 [02], the prevalent reaction is that
higher the k7*. Hence the InH characterized by a between ArOH and ROOH (reaction 11).
maximum k7* will be the most effective one in any case.
Another important characteristic of an ArOH is the Similarly, one may estimate the optimum InH for
duration of its inhibiting period r, which, provided the quasi-steady oxidation of RH. For example, if the
InH is consumed only for chain terminations, is de- prevalent mechanism is III (see Table 1), the rate of
InH consumption with allowance for initiation and InH
termined by its initial concentration [ArOH]0, coeffi-
cient /, and initiation rate vy Under these conditions consumption via reaction with ROOH is
the rate of consumption of InH is uInH = vjf. Side finH =
v-j~l + fcu[InH][ROOH]s (9-7)
reactions, e.g., reactions of InH with 02 and ROOH, will
vi0 + (k3 + 2efcn[InH])[ROOH],
reduce the effective inhibition period. The effectiveness i>i (9-8)
of an InH as an inhibiting agent is higher the smaller and
the contribution of side reactions to the total con-
sumption of InH. Therefore the optimum InH will be UinH
vi0r + fea/-1 + ku(2e + /_1) [InH] [ROOH],
the one that ensures the minimum chain length v with (9-9)
a relatively low loss of InH through side reactions. The
([ROOH], was defined in section II.B.)
important factor is the relative fraction of InH loss via Using the data of ref 47, assuming [InH] = 0.5[InH]0,
side reactions w = fv inuM, where is the rate of InH and considering the case fiv « 1, we obtain upon sub-
consumption via side reactions. Suppose for an effec- stitution of [ROOH], in eq 9-9
tive InH, « < 0.25. Since ku and ki2 increase sym-
batically with k7* (cf. Table 25), the optimum InH is yInH
therefore expected to satisfy contradictory require- k2[RU]
ments: it must be maximally active in chain termina- vi0.f1 + + 0.5^11(1 + /)][InH]0
tion but react as slowly as possible with 02 and ROOH. (9-10)
If the main side route of InH consumption is its reaction
with 02, the condition « < 0.25 will mean that 4fc12- (]3 is defined in Table 5 (see also section II.B); v is the
[InH][02] < fj, which, after substitution of the corre- chain length.)
lation equation from Table 25 and necessary manipu- After differentiating oInH with respect to k7* and
lations, takes the form putting di>InH/d&7* = 0, we find k7* for which the uInH
is minimum
log k7* 15.3 -

[18.4 -

1.8 log (i>i//[InH][02])] X

10"3T (9-2) log k7* =
14.2 -

17.5 X 10~3T + 1.8 X

10"3T log (fe3/(l + /)[InH]0) (9-11)
(Units of M and s are used in eq 9-2 and equations
below.) We shall call the value of k7* that satisfies the de-
Obviously, the InH that has the maximum k7* and mand of L>inH to be minimum the optimum value k7*opt.
satisfies inequality 9-2 will be the best one. As follows Table 27 contains formulas for k7* of an optimum
from eq 9-2, the optimum k7* value will be lower the InH for different inhibited oxidation mechanisms. As
1354 Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 Denisov and Khudyakov

TABLE 27. Equations for the Selection of Optimum reaction 11), we come up with the formulas given in
Inhibitor from Group A Phenols0 Table 28. This table consists formulas for estimating
mechanism key reactions log (fe7*opt/(M”1-s”1)) Tmax under different oxidation mechanisms for any k2*
III-VIII 2, 7, -7, 8, 10, 144 14.2 -

18.6 X 10”8T + 1.8 X 10”3T and the k7* of the optimum InH, assuming reaction
log (u;/[/[InH] [ROOH])) with ROOH as the main side route. Evaluation of Tmax
III 2, 7“ 14.2 17.5 X 10”3T + 1.8 X 10”3

for n-alkane oxidation under the conditions [InH] =

T log (*3/l(l + /)[InH]0|)
IV 2, 8, 10“ d [ROOH] = 10"3 M and v{ = 10"7 M-s-1 gives Tmax = 440
VII 2, -7, 8“ d K (mechanism III), 445 K (mechanism IV, reactions 2,
VIII 2, 8, 14“ 14.2 -
17.5 X 10”3T + 1.8 X 10”3T 7, 8, and 10), 520 K (mechanism IV, reactions 9 and 10),
log (&3/{(l + /)[InH]0)) 400 K (mechanism VII), and 425 K (mechanism VIII).
III 2, 7“ 14.2 17.5 X 10”3T + 1.8 X 10”3T
Referring to Figure 6, we see that for n-alkanes in the

log (Ag/(1 + /HInH]0)

IV 2, 8, 10“ 1.8 X 10'3T log (*3/(l + /)[InH]0) presence of ROOH, mechanism VII is preferable to
VII 2, -7, 8“ 15.2 17.5 X 10”3T + 1.8 X 10”3T
- mechanisms II and IV because of the very strong R-H
log (fc,/[U + /)[InH]0|) bond. Therefore the most confident of all estimates will
VIII 2, 8, 14“ 13.6 17.5 X 10”T + 1.8 X 10”3T

be Tmax for mechanism VII (Table 28). Apparently all

log (fe3/[(l +/)[InH]„|) such estimates are approximate since the correlation
The phenols are characterized in section IX.A. 4 The oxidation equations themselves are approximate. For instance,
reaction proceeds in the following regime: Uj = const, side reaction in the case of oxidation by mechanism III and for an
11 (see IHO scheme in section II.A). “The regime is the following:
error in the difference of measured activation energies
fe3[ROOH], ROOH is present at quasi-steady concentration.
(E2 Ex) = 6 kJ/mol, the error in Tmax will be ±30 K

dThe optimum InH is that possessing the maximum k-*. “The

regime is the following: u; = &3[ROOH], ROOH concentration is (Tmax
= 440 ± 30).
X. Conclusions
follows from Table 27, such formulas are identical for
mechanisms III and VII, whereas the InH for which k7* The review presents a state-of-the-art report on the
is maximum is the optimum one for mechanisms IV and activity of phenols and amines as inhibitors of oxidation
VII. of organic compounds. The inhibiting effect of these
compounds depends on the rate constants of their re-
C. Effective Inhibition Temperatures actions with peroxyl radicals k7, but it is not this re-
action alone that controls the inhibitor effectiveness.
It is important to know temperatures at which a Also important are reactions of inhibitor radicals In',
compound of a given class may be used as an effective including In* + In' (reaction 9), In* + ROOH (reaction
InH. In the case of ArOH the problem may be solved -7), and In* + RH (reaction 10). Kinetic analysis of the
on the quantitative level if we rely on the approach and situation has shown that, depending on the conditions
equations presented in this paper. The inhibitors that and activity of InH, RH, and In*, some reactions are
terminate chains remain effective as long as they ensure more important than others and may be called “key”
short enough reaction chains v < vmax, where vmax is the ones. Using the parametric relation between the rate
maximum possible chain length in a system. On the constants of reactions involving InH, In', and R02’, one
other hand, for an InH to be effective, its k7* should may generally reduce the variety of reactions in such
not, as we have shown above, be greater than some systems to the following two key reactions: R02* + InH
optimum value fc7*opt. Using the correlations of Table (reaction 7) and R02* + RH (reaction 2). This enables
25 and the formulas for /e7*opt of Table 27, one may one to tackle the problem of estimating the effectiveness
obtain Tmax, above which the inhibition by a given of inhibition of different RH with a whole class of InH
mechanism stops being effective. For example, in the under different conditions and allows one to choose the
case of mechanism III, v = fe2[RH]//&7[InH], and put- optimum InH and to estimate the temperature ranges
ting v = ymax, taking the logarithm, and substituting the of effective inhibition, opting for inhibition mechanism
equations of Table 25, we obtain depending on conditions and InH structure.
log jw =
1-8 ~

600/T + 300/T log (k2*/k7*) + The inhibition effectiveness is largely determined by

inhibitor radical reactivity. Very important are reac-
log ([RH]/[InH]) (9-12)
tions of In* termination (reaction 9) and abstraction of
Substituting in eq 9-12 the formulas for &7*opt (for side hydrogen atom from RH (reaction 10), which we have

TABLE 28. Formulas for the Upper Temperature Limit Tmax of Inhibiting Action of Phenols Presented in the Tmax =
mechanism key reactions X Y
III 2, 74 600 + 330 log (k7*/k2*) 1.1 + log ([RH]//[InH])
IV 2, 8, 104 2700 + 420 log k7* 600 log k2*

5.0 + 1.5 log [RH] 0.5 log (/[InHJu,)


IV 2, 9, 104 1800 + 520 log k7* 530 log k2*


4.3 + log [RH] 0.5 log (/[InH]Ui)


VII 2, -7, 84 1170 + 520 log k7* 330 log k2*

4.1 + log [RH] + 0.5 log ([ROOH]//[InH]v,)
VIII 2, 8, 146 4700 -

330 log k2* 6.8 + log [RH] 0.5 log (/[InH]c;)


III 2, 7“ 5290 -

330 log k2* 6.9 + log [RH] 0.6 log (u;/[ROOH]) 0.4 log (/[InH]^)
- -

IV 2, 8, 10“ 8660 -

600 log k2* 14.5 + 1.5 log [RH] 1.3 log + 0.3 log (/[InH]) + 0.8 log [ROOH]

IV 2, 9, 10“ 9180 -

530 log k2* 13.7 + log [RH] 1.4 log u, + 0.9 log (/[InH][ROOH])

VII 2, -7, 8“ 8550 -

330 log k2* 13.5 + log [RH] + 1.4 log [ROOH] + 0.4 log (/[InH]) -

1.4 log c;

“Group A phenols under consideration; cf. section IX.A. It is assumed that Vj = const. The Tmax = X/Y form enables one to get an
analytical relationship between Tmix and log k2*, log k7*, [RH], [ROOH], [InH], ut, and f. k2* and k7* are in any concentration is in
M, and c; is in M-s”1. 4It is assumed that = 5. “The k7* value is expressed by eq 9-3. It is assumed that rmax = 10.
Free Radicals of Inhibitors Chemical Reviews, 1987, Vol. 87, No. 6 1355

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