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Influential Spinning Disc 4

Kenrick: All right, so, my question to you now is, how did you do with this? What
results do you now have? I’ve never been so impressed with the response.

Participant: I’m existing in the future here and now.

Kenrick: Boy, I like the way that sounds. I’m existing in the future here and now.
So what is your future going to be like?

Participant: I’m growing my company and it’s going to continue growing.

Kenrick: Great. Excellent. And is it exciting? Does it feel like you’re able to do it?

Participant: It’s exactly as I’ve been imagining it all these years only now it’s

Kenrick: Great. You know, isn’t it amazing how a change like this can all of the
sudden put into action what it is you really want because there’s been some stupid little
thing holding them back. They’re not stupid, they’re not little, necessarily, but bang,
presto, here it goes and you know you can do it.

Participant: We changed the words.

Kenrick: You even look different, believe it or not. You look happier about it.
That’s awesome. Good job. Excellent job.

Participant: (Inaudible)

Kenrick: Well, good. Absolutely. Everyone deserves it. What else did you find?
I’d like to hear about exactly what this did for you. I’m making sure -- I’m hearing this
for a number of reasons so someone speak up and tell me what happened.

Participant: Actually, we (inaudible).

Kenrick: For the whole gang, huh? I see. A real bang, (inaudible).

Participant: (Inaudible). The challenge I have is, on my belief, is I went into the belief
of it I am more spontaneous being persuasive. And then me asking, how do I know
that I’m not spontaneous in the moment of being persuasive, being (inaudible) in front
of a client and the way I think about it is after the meeting or on the phone, I think
about things I should have done (inaudible).

Kenrick: Well, okay. I mean, I always do that too, it doesn’t mean I’m also creative
while I’m doing it, but --

Participant: I agree. At that moment I know (inaudible) things are going to be more
spontaneous so that’s why (inaudible) somebody else.

Kenrick: I see. Okay.

Participant: But we couldn’t’ discover anything that’s really limiting you.

Kenrick: I agree with that.

Participant: (Inaudible)

Kenrick: That makes sense. I agree with that. Who else? Someone make a change?
Let me hear from you. Wake up. Yes?

Participant: I (inaudible) the changes and they’re subtle changes with respect to
(inaudible) definite changes around (inaudible) thinking about --

Kenrick: How do you feel about getting what it is you want?

Participant: Well, I know that’s what I want.

Kenrick: Great. That sounds very, very good. All right, who else? What did you
come up with?

Participant: I’m still a little bit confused on the whole thing. So it’s somewhat settling
in, I think.

Kenrick: Okay. All right. Yeah?

Participant: Mine was going from -- when I go 100 percent -- when I went 100 percent
before I was afraid I was going to hurt other people now I know I can go 100 percent
without hurting anybody. (Inaudible) the fear of hurting somebody when I go 100
percent, that changed. It was really quick but (inaudible) trances are lasting a lot
Kenrick: Make sure you future pace it’ll last forever. Well, good. What happened?

Participant: After that he stepped up and went out to talk to a few people out in the

Kenrick: Really?

Participant: He was compelled to.

Kenrick: What did you do?

Participant: I went out and just asked what time it is? Was the clock okay, you know?

Kenrick: What changes did you make? What was the change?

Participant: I had a thing about telephones and strangers. I don’t feel like I can impose
myself on them or something. It’s --

Participant: You used to.

Participant: I used to. (Inaudible) problem, I can hardly wait to go try the telephone
now. Really, seriously.

Kenrick: That’s great. Wow. I can’t believe you had that and you wanted to go
into selling. I don’t believe this.

Participant: I’m a good salesman, Kenrick.

Kenrick: I’ll be you are.

Participant: I really am. I just, I have --

Kenrick: Scared to death of people and phones. (Laughter). I’m good. When I do
talk to them, I’m good, I swear.

Participant: (Inaudible)

Kenrick: Yeah. I sell friends and relatives face-to face.

Participant: I’d like to share my experiences too. I (inaudible) with my work

(inaudible). Now I’ll see that (inaudible).
Kenrick: It really kicked in hard, didn’t it? That’s great. Excellent. How’d you
guys do?

Participant: Great.

Kenrick: Did you get it all done?

Participant: Yeah, people were screaming in ecstasy. Save me. (inaudible)

Kenrick: That’s great. Okay. Now, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to
finish with an addition to the exercise as well as making -- let me ask you this. In the
realm of what you want to get most, are there any other beliefs that you’d change?

Participant: Many.

Kenrick: Many? Okay. Then you ought to work with someone to start changing
them. You want to get together and start in. It can happen pretty quick. If you identify
the actual belief, run through the meta yes, meta no, bang, bang, bang, change them
right after the other and put in new ones. You can do it fast. I mean, you can actually
do two or three beliefs in five minutes probably once you get the hang of it. So force
yourself to work quickly, but then what I want you to do is once you’ve made some of
these changes, think about the overall state. And ask yourself if you can bring to bear
additional emotional resources onto this state to make it more powerful, more
compelling, more exciting, more doable, what would they be.

So there we would have things like excitement, motivation, you name it. You’re going
to have a bunch though you can possibly use. And write them down, what you’d like
to have. Anchor those, think of the state, and then fire off the anchor as you’re thinking
about the state and future pace. And that’s going to create a new frame of reference
over the state, over the entire thing.

Okay? It’s real simple. That’s how we do it.

Participant: Could you repeat that again?

Kenrick: Yes, I’ll repeat it again. So we’re thinking of persuasion, let’s say, or
selling, or negotiating, or closing, or whatever it is that you’re wanting to aim all this at
for right now. You’ve changed the beliefs necessary to get this to work for you now, so
now your beliefs are supported and empowering. Now,, think of the overall frame of
reference. The overall frame of reference in this case, let’s just say, is persuasion. Okay?
And what I want you to do is when you first thought of it, you wrote down the meta
states that were there. Okay, so think of it again now and elicit the meta states. What’s
there now? What’s there? Same things? Different things? More things? Less things?
Whatever. Elicit it. And then say, now, here is the overall frame of persuasion and the
meta states associated with persuasion now are what I do for a living, it’s day to day
work, it’s work, but it’s also fun and I need to learn. Okay.

Well, now what else could you do? You want to make it stronger, so what states could
you add to it? You say, well I could add wanton desire to absolutely make this totally
compelling to me. I could add ferocious tenacity so that I’m going to just pursue this
with everything I’ve got. There’s a bunch of them that you could -- just figure out what
would you like to make this overall persuasion stuff -- however you want to call it --
better for you. And then have someone anchor each of the states. Just use two or three
or four at the most but anchor them. On how many you’ve got, use different anchors.
Okay? And then you sit and think about persuasion, for example. I’m thinking of
persuasion, bang, they fire off the first one and hold it until you integrate it. And you
keep thinking about it and they fire off the second one. Hold it until you integrate it.
And actually, you could keep them all fired at that point if you want, just keep on
holding them all down and you’re thinking about it, then future pace.

So you’ve created a new canopy of consciousness over persuasion one that includes all
of those emotional resources. Make sure you future pace. And now what you’ve got is -
- and then the final step is how do you feel about it? Come back down to present. How
do you feel about it?

So what we’ve done is, we’ve removed your negative beliefs, we’ve installed positive
beliefs, and we’ve amended the framework to be even more powerful above and
beyond everything else that you’ve got. Now you’ve got something that should be so
all fired compelling that you just simply cannot wait. Someone gives you an objection,
you can’t wait. You’re going to take it and beat it up on one side and down the other.
You can’t wait to get into position of persuading someone or negotiating with them or
closing them or doing whatever it is that you want to use these skills to do. Okay?
That’s all there is to this. Don’t go looking for more beliefs than there are. If you’ve got
enough of them, you’ve got enough of them. If you find another one or two, whatever
you find, just go get them and blow them out. Make sense? Any questions about it?

Participant: Could we get a demo?

Kenrick: No.

Participant: Can we do it to ourselves?

Kenrick: Yes, you can do it to yourself. Would you rather do it to yourself?

Participant: I would.

Kenrick: Go right ahead. You can do it to yourself. You all want to watch him?
Okay, so -- the girls in the back go, well. . .

You absolutely can do it if you prefer to do it that way.

So what we might want to do is just -- we’re building that -- yeah, I’ll show you what
I’m talking about. Who in here has pretty clearly their beliefs are changed accordingly
and now we’re just going to add some new stuff? If you feel like you’ve got the beliefs
pretty well in order? Anybody? You? Come on up.

Okay, so now here’s what we want to do. So what is the new belief now about your --

Participant: The new belief is that I can do anything that I want to do.

Kenrick: In regards to --

Participant: Pretty much anything.

Kenrick: Okay, so wow, you’ve really generalized. Okay, that’s good. I can fly like
a bird. Is it a plane, is it a bird, it’s --

Okay, so now think about -- and do we aim this into a particular context to start with?

Participant: Well, business things and persuasion (inaudible).

Kenrick: So in that realm, when you think about that, tell me what you think about.

Participant: (Inaudible)
Kenrick: And when you think about doing anything that you want to do, what do
you think about that? Where do your thoughts and feelings go? Do you like it?

Participant: I definitely like it.

Kenrick: Great. And when you think about liking it, where do your thoughts and
feelings go?

Participant: Into the future.

Kenrick: In what way?

Participant: In utilizing all the stuff that I’ve (inaudible) throughout (inaudible).

Kenrick: So when you go into the future and you think about doing all the things
that you want to do, what do you think about that?

Participant: I think it’s strong and good.

Kenrick: Strong and good. Okay. So let’s do this, let’s pick a couple of things
you’d like to add to the strong. Strong is what I get from this as really what’s there,
probably, so let’s go, what’s something you’d like to add to that that would make this
even more compelling in the context --

Participant: Detail.

Kenrick: What about detail?

Participant: Well, I’d like to have finer resolution for an application of my skills.

Kenrick: I’m looking for emotions that you’d like to bring.

Participant: An emotion that I’d like to bring is triumph.

Kenrick: Triumph. It talks about triumph in the bible. Joseph rode in triumph.

Participant: And (inaudible).

Kenrick: Okay. So let’s use triumph, as a good one, okay? It talks about baseball in
the bible too, did you know that? In the big inning.
All right, so triumph is a really good one. I like triumph. And so what let’s do is, let’s
think about what triumph is like and when you really triumphed in your life, a time
when maybe you overcame all kinds of odds and all with your own inner resources you
kicked butt. What was that like?

Participant: It was great.

Kenrick: Really good. And when you feel it right now, where do you feel it?

Participant: I feel it all over.

Kenrick: Good. Excellent. That’s really good. SO I want you now to step out of
that and I want you to look at that triumph and I want you to make it bigger and
brighter and closer and really, really, really make it compelling. Isn’t that nice?

Participant: Yeah. It’s great.

Kenrick: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Participant: That’s a good one.

Kenrick: That’s a good one? So I want you to think about the strength now. You
have strength about your business, you have strength about your persuasion, don’t

Participant: Yes, I do.

Kenrick: And coming in on top of all of that and weaving its way through is
triumph. In business, you have strength and you triumph, don’t you? Notice how it
interweaves itself all throughout your business. Now, as you think about the future, I’d
like you to think about a time when you would have had strength, now you’ve got
strength and triumph. You win. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Participant: It feels great.

Kenrick: Now let’s go to another time in the future, maybe a few months out
further and I want you to think about having strength and triumph.

Participant: Excellent.

Kenrick: Isn’t that nice?

Participant: It’s superb.

Kenrick: Let’s go maybe a year and from that position now, let’s look back to now.

Participant: Okay.

Kenrick: And I want you to begin to see how you had strength and triumph all the
way to get you to where you are now, a year later, and how you’ll be able to make that
double and triple each year to follow thereafter or more. Like that?

Participant: Yeah. Definitely.

Kenrick: How do you feel now?

Participant: Superb.

Kenrick: What’s different?

Participant: Everything’s a lot stronger.

Kenrick: Good. Good. And there we go.

Participant: (inaudible)

Kenrick: Good.

Participant: So those are things that will actually happen?

Kenrick: Well, what it means is that he’ll actually have those feelings. Look at him,
look at him go right into how well it actually goes. Isn’t that great? You don’t have to
believe that it will.

Participant: Talk about increasing outcome.

Kenrick: Great. Okay. That’s how easy this is. It’s literally that easy to do. So
make sure you’ve got their beliefs changed accordingly and then go right in and change
the frame by adding in additional values or additional feelings, emotions like that.

What we’ll do, you should be able to accomplish that pretty easy in groups of two this
time, so it’s just you and one other person, in 45 minutes. Okay? The homework is only
to finish this. Just finish this. If you don’t finish, find somebody that you can work
with and get it done so that all the beliefs in relationship to persuasion, sales, or
whatever, are changed and you have a new framework built in and you’re ready to go.
It’s just that simple.

All right, so overall now, how do you feel about what we’ve done today? Do you feel
it’s pretty powerful?

Participant: Yeah.

Kenrick: Good. It’s really exciting to watch you go through these changes. It’s a
day in which it’s all about making you better for you, giving you the resources you
need to go out there and use everything you’ve got with full tilt boogie, absolute balls to
the wall, so to speak, you know, making things happen and getting things done,
because with this attitude, with this kind of an approach, what can’t you do? See? Now
add all the skills that you’ve got. And the skills you’ll get tomorrow. Now what can
you do? If it can’t be done, if you can’t do it, it doesn’t need to be done, probably. And
that’s the whole point of this, so we’re right absolutely on schedule with it and I’m
excited to continue on with this.

Go finish your exercises, help each other get as far done as you need at which point
then you can go ahead and do whatever you want to do. By all means, come back with
those changes. It’s real important. It’ll give you the head start that you need. Okay.

Okay, so did we get all the beliefs changed and new states installed as a frame over it?
Did we get that all the way done, is that cleared up? Yes? No? Deep trance? I see you
sitting there immobile. They turned you into a blur altogether.

Did you get it done? Missing one or two? There was no way you could finish them all
anyway last night, was there?

Participant: Apparently not.

Kenrick: Probably no way you could really get them all anyway right now, huh?
Because that way you’d have to feel good. You don’t want to feel all the way good yet,

Okay, so for the rest of you, you got most of the way done, is that right?

Participant: Yes.
Kenrick: Or all the way done?

Participant: All the way.

Kenrick: Or do we need help? Are you like juiced up and ready to go? If the signal
hits, are you able to respond the way you want? Yeah? Okay, good, great.

Okay, then let’s go to language. Language is the most fun application of anything as far
as I'm concerned. Now that we have a basic understanding of how this works, let me
give you the long and short, the easy and the simple way of understanding how this
applies to language.

It’s simple. Meta states really are emotional states. It’s really what they are. We’ve
come to find that out. Meta states are emotional states that apply themselves to other
emotional states. How’s that any different than anchoring, for pete’s sakes? Well, it is a
little bit because it’s another way in. It’s like another window that we can kind of open
up into our experience of how to deal with other people.

So with an anchor, I’d have to elicit a state and use it. Here we’re going to depend upon
the word, in part, eliciting the state. And, through a couple of interesting language
patterns, some of which you apparently know, we’re going to be able to combine those
states and make them work on each other.

There’s a couple of ways to think about these to make them easy. First is, any reframe
that you ever use is the equivalent of changing a meta state. That’s first and foremost.
Second, any time you bring one meta state in on another, you’re meta stating, you’re
spinning, if you will -- I like spin because the idea behind spinning is, everybody wants
to put their slant on it, their spin, right? So like you hear the president give a speech
and then you hear the republicans put the republican spin. They even call it that. The
republicans put the republican spin on the presidential state of the union message. And
then the democrats get to spin the republican spin. And what they’re really doing is
they’re reframing what it is that’s being said. That’s actually where I came up with the
word, with the idea for that, is that what we’re really doing is we’re spinning the
thoughts I people’s minds to take on new and different meanings.

So the president says, for the first time, we have an excess in our budget. And I want to
be responsible with the excess money. Not just dump it back in people’s pockets to be
spent. I want to make sure that Social Security lasts a good 20 more years. At least. I
want to fund it. Let’s do the responsible thing and let’s invest in American companies,
in the American stock market. So what do the republicans do? They want to spin it.
They go, the president says he wants to be responsible and he says that you can’t be
responsible. Do you mean to tell me the great citizens of this United States can’t be
responsible with their money? Hooey. The president wants to control you just like the
democrats always do. He wants to control how you spend your money and where you
spend it. Now tell me this, how is he going to take your money and invest it impartially
in the stock market? You know that’s never going to happen. You know there’s going
to be some special interest group that’s going to vie for that money to be deposited in
their account or with some certain brokerage or some other place and you know it’s
never going to get done fair. And yet, he wants to advocate not giving you back the
money you gave us to get the budget even, but to take your excess and keep it against
your will and spend it in some way that will never be fair. And he calls that

That’s the republican spin. Now the democrats come back with their spin. If you
analyze those words, you’re going to see a lot of attacking at the emotional level using
emotional words. He says, I want to be responsible. So he’s bringing in the frame of
responsibility and what they do then is they try to knock that frame out and say, control
freak, government interference, okay? So then the democrats will try to come back with
-- how do they knock out control freak/government interference and put back ‘for the
people’? So they may come back -- one argument that may work is, well, you could
certainly call that being controlling and trying to take control of the money, but by the
same token, the citizens of the United States, while great, and sovereign, have
demonstrated that they’re more willing to spend their money on other things besides
long term savings. We’ve got an obligation as a government to deal with these people
as they get older. What are we going to do? So if we don’t take control and help
everyone make the right decision, then it may not get made. So let us help you now
when we can, when there’s the money there to spend Let us help you. Let us help you
do the right thing, the thing that you probably want to do anyway.

They can go on and on like that. So who wins? Well, who is able to implant in your
mind the highest frame and hold it there? And that’s really what this is all about. The
reason I went to language patterns last is because now you have a lot better grasp of
what emotions do and how they do it, how they work, why they work, how to loosen
them up, how to tighten them up, how to make them stronger, how to make them
weaker, how to move them around, and how to do all kinds of interesting things with

Now, it makes more sense to you as you start applying them with language what you’re
actually doing when you bring them in on another state, what’s actually happening in
the mind of the listener and how it’s affecting them. And it’s really that simple. I look
at this as another language pattern but one which enables us to set frames, the frames of
which will naturally bring the conclusion to our way of doing things. Instead of having
to be quite so forcefully persuasive, we now are going after the setting of frames in
people’s minds.

So I went through a big switch in the way I was presenting and persuading. Instead of
persuading by saying, command, command, command, bind, bind, bind, on into
wherever until I bludgeoned him into submission, I now have a tendency to more aim
at the frame I want established because the minute I get him to accept that frame, I win.
It’s just a matter of time. If I could truly get him to accept the frame, then everything
that frame controls, as long as it will come into my favor, I win. It’s much easier to set
the frame that controls than it is to go all the way down to his behavior. In other words,
this would be much the equivalent of finding someone who says, I want to go north and
you really want them to go east -- not necessarily the opposite direction -- you want
them to go east, and so you’re able to so persuasively tell them why east is better that
they go right ahead and go along with you and offer you a ride, which is exactly where
you were headed.

And it was so simple, when it was all said and done. It was just a natural conclusion
that of course they’d be giving you a ride. If they were going east, it’s a natural
conclusion. I noticed the other day in the car we stopped by a little store on the way
home. This lady walked up. It was quite a good question, I thought. She said, is this
38? We were walking over to the car. Yes. She said, are you going that way? Well, the
minute you say yes to that, what are you inclined to do? Oh, great, may I catch a ride
she would have said next, I’m sure. (Inaudible) was hilarious. He goes, no, this isn’t 38.
And she looked down and she said, I thought it said 38. He goes, well the sign’s wrong.
She goes, well, does the bus come down this road? He goes, no, it goes down that road.
I guess she didn’t buy it because she started walking down the same way she was going
before. Maybe she was being really slick and asking for a ride.
So it’s interesting how people will put these spins. If we can get the frame set -- is this
38? Well, that sort of assumes if it is and we’re going that way, she can catch a ride. It’s
hard to say no at that point. Versus, I went to the store the other day and this guy
comes out, I don’t know how to define him other than scary maybe a little bit. You
know? And he comes out and he goes, say, say, say, and I’m ignoring him walking to
the car. I’m sure he’s going to ask me for a dollar. So I get almost to the car, say! I said,
what? And I turn around, he goes, I was calling you. And I said, and if I had wanted to
talk, I’d have turned around, I suppose, huh? And he goes, uh, well, um, I need a ride,
man, you going that way? And I said, no, I’m going the other way, which was true
fortunately. And I got to thinking afterwards, well if I was going that way, it would
have been hard to then say, what difference does it make what way I’m going? I didn’t
offer you a ride, nor am I offering you a ride.

It’s interesting how if you get the frame set, it tends to make you fall into alignment. So
where do you feel compelled to take action where no language patterns were used?
None, whatsoever?

Participant: (inaudible)

Kenrick: And so watch where those occur.

Participant: (Inaudible)

Kenrick: Caildini deals with frames set in our environment on different levels, like
for example, the authority frame. Okay? So (inaudible) and it may well make people
jump, especially if he says it with some authority. Of course, he doesn’t say it with
enough authority yet, but he will if he goes through residency. Residency is where they
teach doctors to be assholes. So he hasn’t had his asshole training yet. Once he gets
that, then he’ll be very capable walking in, I’m a doctor, get out of the way, and they
will. It’s amazing how they jump because they’re trained. Especially if they’re wearing
a white coat or any of the other equipment, stethoscopes or whatever, you know.

By the way, if you ever want to try something really fun just to set frames like that, put
on a lab coat and a stethoscope and walk around and introduce yourself as doctor so
and so and watch how people jump out of your way. It’s really kind of fun.

Participant: How are you trained to think?

Kenrick: That’s real clear, watch them. Watch everybody jump around them. I
walked into my podiatrist that way once, I put a stethoscopes on and a black lab jack
that I had and he had different staff in that day because of some training rotation going
on so I walked in and I said, well, I’m Dr. Cleveland, I’d like to see dr. so and so. The
lady says, oh, just one moment, sir. He’s with a patient, I’ll go run and tell him you’re

He comes out and he looks at me. He starts laughing. He goes, hey, I’m not going to
wait today. You’re going to see me on time, god dammit. I’ve got patients waiting. He
howled, man. He howled. I’ve never seen him laugh so hard in my whole life. Every
time I go see this guy he makes me wait an hour. Screw that, I’ve got patients. A
limited amount though.

So these frames will work miracles for you if you want to learn to use them. Now, for
example, other frames set in society things like when you give your commitment to
something, you’ll tend to follow it through. However, I don’t see that as quite the same
thing as a frame as a meta frame will do, although that’s a commitment frame. You can
look at that as a commitment frame. So we have the commitment frame that we can
look at and we have all these kinds of frames that can be attacked directly with
language or they can be said directly with language. But here’s the fallacy, and this is
the thing I want to make really clear to you. I was reading on the internet, somebody
was writing about the canopy of consciousness and how frames set all this stuff, that
everything, the minute you set a frame, everything underneath that frame is going to be
subject to the higher frame. Well, obviously someone doesn’t know their meta states
very well. Because, why does that work? Can anybody tell me? Anyone thought this

Participant: (inaudible)

Kenrick: Bingo. Say it louder.

Participant: Can’t always set the frame.

Kenrick: Can’t always set the frame. So watch this, I’m really glad you’re in class
today and the framework we’re going to be operating from today is how you’ll be give
in me all the extra money you earn for the rest of your life. Now, do you want to do
that by form of contract or did you want to handle it in some other method with me?
Participant: Neither.

Kenrick: That’s not an option. Since your behavior is controlled by the frame I set, I
would like you to give me all your money.

Participant: How do you know?

Kenrick: I don’t have to know. The frame said, I want your money. I said it. I said
it. Isn’t that all it takes?

Participant: No.

Kenrick: Isn’t that what setting a frame is? I say it?

Participant: You have to sell it.

Kenrick: You’ve got to sell the frame, don’t you? That’s the real key, the unwritten
key to everything you do with spinning, meta states, whatever you want to call it, is
you’ve got to sell the frame. You’ve got to sell the frame. If they don’t buy it, what
difference does it make? You can say it until your heart bleeds. It won’t make any
difference, will it? You say it until hell freezes over and if the people aren’t buying into
it, then there’s nothing that’s going to make sense. There’s nothing that’s going to
happen, no one’s going to take action and you’re not going to get anything.

And the thing I really want you to watch out for is thinking you’ve set the frame and
not having set it because if you think you’ve set it, you may well go, all my work here is
done. And you walk away thinking you’re going to get what you want and it doesn’t
come close. But when you ask the person about what’s going on, well I never agreed to
anything. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Yes?

Participant: An example of setting the frame for this class, you go in and say, well, in
this class we’re going to go through X, Y, and Z, and give high level criteria (inaudible)
number of people here, and that’s how you sold it and (inaudible) anyone’s who’s in
this class (inaudible) criteria.

Kenrick: Yes. I could do it even a different way still. What I can do is go beyond, a
little bit above criteria and I can talk about things that you can experience with your
emotions as a result of being here -- contentment, satisfaction, a sense of superiority
because you know something a lot of people don’t know.
One of the first great, true breakthroughs, and I believe this to be true, in probably ten
years, as it relates to NLP, and you can be one of the first to have it. For any of you that
that appeals to, you’ll be here. Now, if you buy into that, I don’t have to persuade
anymore. You may look and try to confirm that and say, well, how else might I learn
this? Well, if I want Kenrick’s spin, I better be here. I could buy it later, but either way
you’re still buying it. Either way, I’m still benefitting and so are you. Whether you buy
it from me now or you buy it from me later, I don’t care. You’re still spending your
money. See the point? If I can get you to buy that frame, if I can get you to buy the
frame, I’ve got you.

Now, what if I add to that frame? Not only can you be one of the first to understand,
but if you’re curious as to the new breakthroughs, and you have to understand it now,
or wonder every day of your life what it is you could be using and can’t, because you
don’t know this, then I understand you picking up the phone immediately to find out
more about this and register for the program. Now what am I doing? Stacking it.
Stacking the meta states. Now what does that do to you as you hear it? Some of you
respond -- somebody respond. How did you feel as you hear that?

Participant: More compelled.

Kenrick: More compelled. Some of you may not be as compelled, actually. Some
of you may go, ah, it’s starting to sound like bullshit. Okay? But maybe not.

Participant: (Inaudible)

Kenrick: Yes.

Participant: How do you know that you’ve sold the frame to the person?

Kenrick: Well, that’s a great question. The answer is quite simple. First of all, if
you’re doing it on a group basis, you won’t know individually if you’ve sold the frame,
but if you’re doing it one on one they’ll say, oh, wow, that sounds really great. And it’ll
sound just like you sell anything else. Like, they’ll go along with it.

The difference here is, instead of me trying to think, now where shall I aim my
commands? I want to aim at your behavior -- first your thoughts and then your
behavior, then I’m going to bind you into taking action and I’m going to future pace to
make sure you stay sold -- all I’ve got to do is sell the frame. If I sell the right frame and
you go along with it -- now, let’s say I sell the frame of prestige, curiosity, and urgency
as it relates to this training and you buy it. You go, god, I’m thinking of this training
and it just sounds great. Man, the only problem is, I just can’t get here. I just -- I’ve
asked my boss, they’re just not going to let me come.

Is there -- and I had 10 people say this to me. I just can’t get there. Too short of notice.
Is there anything I can do to be able to get the same price for the seminar (inaudible)
paid for? Nope. Now why do I say no? Well, the frame’s set. I got them. Nope. And
actually there’s way more reasons behind that for me, but anyway -- but no, I can’t, or
yes, I can help you some. Here’s what I can do. And so what happens? That frame is
still set. They go off into the world and the frame’s still set. It’s only a matter of time
before they come back.

Now, can you think of in your area, in your life, where it would be useful to be able to
set frames like that? Yeah? If you could set frames like that, wouldn’t it be useful -- you
know, for example, if you’re working for somebody and you want a pay raise, what if
you set the frame that you were so valuable that it was absolutely critical to keep you
happy in order to keep you at the job and that regular reviews and pay raises are what
would do it, and if they buy that, then what’ll happen is, on a regular basis, they’ll start
reviewing you and raising you. Or else, they know to expect you to leave.

Where else is this feasible? Where else -- I’m telling you, it just goes out throughout
everything. So what I’ve done is I’ve shifted a lot of my emphasis. Instead of looking at
the whole sales process -- and I still judiciously use everything I know as I see it
necessary -- but I now aim at the frame first. I aim at setting the frame first.

Let’s look at some ways of using the language. Okay? You’ve all heard, perhaps, the
words bring to bear on. So things like, as you bring a sense of urgency to bear on your
need to be in this training -- now what happens? Urgency and need collapse. Come
into each other. Okay? Here’s a bunch more -- blend into or with, leverage into,
combine with on a higher level -- that’s a great one. The sense of X opens onto (name
their frame) and necessitates -- so the sense of urgency opens onto your need to
understand the latest breakthroughs and combines into a real drive to do what it takes
to be here.

Doesn’t that sound cool? It adds a real hypnotic measure because it’s chunked up too.
Because we’re dealing with a higher chunk, it has quite an impact.
Join -- join your -- pick an industry. Pick -- join your need to learn to protect yourself
with the understanding that in this class, that will happen quickly. We’re setting the
frame. Okay? Neutralize that with. Someone says, you know, I just don’t -- I just don’t
think that’s all that important. Well, you could neutralize all of those thoughts with the
understanding of being wrong and replace it all together with a whole new realm, the
realm that begins first with curiosity about what you don’t know and blends
comfortably into understanding about how useful it really will be leading you
ultimately and experiencing it all together with absolute intensity to make that part of
your everyday language capacity because as you do that now, you find yourself in
such a world of a different space that doing what was necessary to make these
suggestions work for you was absolutely worth it.

Fun, huh? Fun with words. Can you say that? That’s good. I knew you could.

Okay, your value of X beats that up, a frame you don’t like, and causes it to be replaced
with X. Or let’s split that thought off for now and replace it with -- or enhance that
though, enhance that thought with -- let’s build into that thought. Wrap all that in the
feeling of, and now let me tell you that you want to gain infinite additions to the
language I’m listing here, all spatial presuppositions can be used like that.

From between the idea of concern erupts absolute conviction that this is what’s
necessary and as that happens -- which by the way, isn’t that also a swish pattern? --
and as that happens, the concern fades to nothing, hasn’t it? Only as quickly as you
realize that that conviction is backed by incredible desire to understand what it is you’re
missing. So ask yourself, what is it you’re not thinking about right now? And of
course, that’s what you’re missing and since you don’t now and couldn’t know, the
only way to understand is to be here and from this perspective, take into mind all the
suggestions given and begin to use them in a way that will leverage your results and
leverage your ability with this every which way but loose. Can you say that from the
position of the authoritative voice that operates within you now?

Has the authoritative voice begun to come up with additional ideas and ramifications
positive for you being here? Is it telling them to you now?

Do you see why we went through the emotional things first? This gets incredibly
powerful and it’s going to get even more so.
Participant: (Inaudible)

Kenrick: Yes, you have a lot of fun with metaphor with this.

Participant: (Inaudible) combination of persuasion skills with personal power


Kenrick: Yeah, drink it all, have it affect every atom. Cellular food for the soul.
Cellular food for your emotions.

Participant: (Inaudible) in traditional sales training they often talk about hooks. Are
hooks a part of what we’re trying to (inaudible)?

Kenrick: Yes, they can be, and I’m going to show you how to make them that in a
moment but really hooks and sales training are considered criteria. That’s what a hook
is in sales training. And what’s funny is they can’t tell you how to get them, as you well
know. They just tell you to look for them.

Participant: (Inaudible) and meta states, are they (inaudible)?

Kenrick: Well, not necessarily, but they certainly can have that kind of impact. So
we can use them directly for that or we can just simply bring them to bear in whatever
willy fashion we want, but they may or may not work. So the idea is to get buy in and
one of the biggest ways to get buy in of course is to use all of the suggestion patterns
that you know. Right? So we want to get massive buy in by using suggestions and
combining with what else? Turn the page and you will see. What?

Participant: (inaudible)

Kenrick: Yes. You bet they can. So how can we guaranty the person we’re
influencing will buy into our frame? Well, using the criteria and values as the overall
frame, so we simply elicit their criteria and values and use that as the frame. Now
what’s funny is, we have previously -- I taught you how to elicit criteria, very quickly,
and attach it to what you’re doing, but basically, you elicited criteria and just attached it
through language to something specific like buying a house or whatever. But
something specific in the process, like they say, it’s important for me to have a school
nearby so I can get my kids there. Great. I’ve got a house within just half a mile of a
school. Wouldn’t it be nice to know your kids can go to school so close by? That’s how
I taught you basically to use criteria.
Now, though, we’ve got a way to use it that’s a slight shift and it’s such a powerful one.
So the criteria is, I want the kids to be nearby a school. What’s important about that?
Well, ultimately I want to provide very well for my children. Fantastic. What I’d like
you to do then as we go out today to look at homes is I would like you to see in my
ability as the realtor, all of the things it takes for you to feel good about providing for
your family and for your children in the form of the home you’re going to be living in.
When you and I together establish a home that you want, we put a bid on it, you will
absolutely have the understanding that you’ve done everything necessary and more
and you can feel proud of the job you’ve done to provide like that for your family. And
I’ll tell you one thing, you’ve got an awfully lucky family.

Now we’re setting the frame in a way that they cannot argue with. And it is powerful.
This is so powerful. This is what got me going. When this triggered in my mind, that’s
when you heard me start jumping for joy on the conference calls. I went, oh, my god,
have I found something. People were going, what is it? I’m thinking -- I kept trying
and I kept using it and it kept working. And I kept thinking, it can’t work this simple. It
just can’t be this easy, and you know, my head would hurt and pound trying to come
up with how to make it different and it really is that easy. Is it the same as using criteria
before? No. It’s a slant about like that. You’re still going to elicit it the same basic way,
but then you’re going to wrap it over everything with your language, just tilt this thing
a little different than you were doing and all of the sudden you’ve got an incredible
overall persuading force that goes to work on the mind of the person you’re dealing
with and you almost don’t have to do anything else.

Not that I want to make you lazy, because I don’t. Still, you need to be watchful of
everything, you know, make sure their emotions are great. If you’re a realtor, you take
them in the house and you go, I don’t know how quickly you’ll be visualizing your
furniture in the house exactly the way it will be when you get moved in, but let’s go to
the kitchen and let me show you something I like. Go ahead and use some good
suggestion power.

By the same token, imagine the power of what you’ve done to the mind of the listener
when they’ve bought in -- and why are they buying in to your frame? Because you’re
using their values. They can’t help it. But instead of their value just about the home,
now we’re attaching the value to me about the job I’m doing overall, as it relates to
what I want them to do. Therefore, they don’t have to anymore go, well is this criteria
and this thing he’s asking me to do the same? It overrides all that. Is this criteria of, I
want to be close to the school, does this house meet that? I’ve now gone way beyond it.
I’ve gone to a higher level. I’ve attached it to me and to us buying a house, so that you
can demonstrate in the physical world, the care and love you have for your family.

Man. Man, man, man. I mean, that -- that ought to be regulated.

Participant: How do you know what level to go up?

Kenrick: Okay, great question. Here’s the general rule. Generally go to a

nominalization. Generally go to a nominalization. But minimally, go up at least one
above wherever they are because if you go up at least one, you control a bigger thing.
You don’t want to go too far so that you lose emotion. If you go too -- in other words,
what’s important to you about taking good care of your family? Well, that’s what life’s
all about. Okay. What’s important about doing what life’s all about? I don’t know, I
guess it’s why I exist. I’d like you to consider your existence for a moment and put it
over this house. You know, there’s no emotion there and it’s too broad to have any
impact. So you don’t want to go up to the point of losing emotion but you want to go at
least one above where they’re at currently because you want to contain something more
-- okay, for example, let me show you. I asked you, what’s important about being in
this class and what do you say?

Participant: Learning.

Kenrick: Okay. Now, learning what?

Participant: Learning how to (inaudible).

Kenrick: Okay. And do you have a reason that you want to do that?

Participant: So I can be more successful.

Kenrick: Okay, so you want to be more successful. That’s wonderful. That’s really
wonderful. Think for a moment as you consider your skills draped in the
understanding you gained as a result of being here, being applied out in the real world
and your success going up and up, always moving forward the way you want, such
that looking back through all of that and seeing how you got them here always reminds
you of the good decisions that you’ve made together you and I as it relates to the
success in getting you what you want. Feels good, doesn’t it?
Participant: Sure.

Kenrick: Now, let me show you another way. Let’s say that I would have stopped
before success and I would have just taken learning and I said to you, imagine this
seminar draped in learning. And how that helps you to go out and learn even more in
life. See, I don’t really know where to aim, so I just talk about you learning in life. Well,
that’s not nearly as compelling, is it? It’s like, okay, but you’re sort of supposed to give
me learning. The learning -- what I want to find out is, what controls that learning?
You want to learn for a reason. If I can get that and tie that to the learning and to me
and to our future and our decision -- I’m tying you up every which way but loose -- if I
just tie learning, I can only relate it this one seminar or to what I’m doing right here, to
that criteria. That really isn’t as compelling as I want it.

Participant: (Inaudible) what are thoughts and feelings about success?

Kenrick: I can, sure, but in reality, I don’t need to pull it apart, I just want to know
higher. Thus I ask what’s important about. I just want to go higher. Give me a higher

Participant: The experience of the frame or state -- isn’t that unique to the individual?

Kenrick: Yes.

Participant: So since you’re using the one that they’ve set, you’re pointing into their --

Kenrick: Actually, you’re taking the one they gave you and you’re setting it by
suggesting that obviously they can think of this in even a bigger way. They can use that
information to cover themselves or to cover our activity or bathe our activity in a new
light such that it really has the impact they’re looking for.

We’re slightly reframing what it is they’re doing, reframing it with additional intensity,
is really a way to look at this.

Participant: I can’t just go in and say, okay, now I’m in the frame of getting rich?

Kenrick: Well --

Participant: To some people, that means nothing.

Kenrick: Right. I could come in here and say, now in the frame of being ultimately
persuasive, and what it may invoke is you going, you know --

Participant: (Inaudible)

Kenrick: No. No, it’s not. We’re fine as long as you said it to me. But the problem
is, if I say it to you without eliciting it first, I could have trouble because you might go,
eh, is it really going to be ultimately persuasive or not? Does that make sense?

Participant: People don’t want money, they want the things money can get.

Kenrick: Regardless, that’s not the point. The point is, is that, in terms of going
above and beyond and applying this in the form of a frame, that’s what I’m really
talking about is how to apply it as a frame. In other words, whatever I hear, I’m going
to apply up and beyond and -- in other words, I’m leveraging what they’ve told me via
suggestion to be the frame that controls the transaction or to be the frame that controls
the interaction. That’s a great way to put it. I’m taking their criteria or values, getting it
high enough, and then via suggestion on my part, I am boosting their values to be the
controller of our interaction. Thus, they have to see me through their values all the
time. They can’t not see me through their values if they’ve bought into it.

Participant: (Inaudible)

Kenrick: Right. Exactly. Versus, me doing the simple connection cause and effect
stuff that I taught you how to do in the past. All right? Because there, all they’re doing
it to is the product or service like I used to have you do it, versus now they’re doing it to
the entire transaction. The whole transaction must come into conformity with that
value, that frame. Yeah?

Participant: (Inaudible) context where you (inaudible). What if in a situation where

(inaudible) sell him something he previously had no interested in? Would I go to a
universal frame (inaudible)?

Kenrick: Actually, I would rather see you ask him directly. Why can’t you ask him?
Let’s say that he has no real need for insurance right now, but you want to sell him
insurance, okay. So you say to him, then by the way, is your car insured?

Participant: Yes.
Kenrick: Why do you bother?

Participant: It’s state law.

Kenrick: It is a state law. And the law probably is there for some kind of a reason,
wouldn’t you say?

Participant: Yeah.

Kenrick: Do you know, a lot of people, while they can’t legislate that a person
needs life insurance -- do you know for the same reason that a person gets car
insurance, there’s some valuable reasons to have life insurance?

Participant: Some people (inaudible).

Kenrick: And not for everybody, huh?

Participant: Right.

Kenrick: Right. So what I’d like to suggest is the following -- it probably is for
everybody, but a lot of people don’t understand why. Now, maybe not, but I’d like to
simply ask this -- what’s important to you about know your car is well taken care of?

Participant: I need to have transportation to get around and (inaudible) something’s

broken my insurance would help me make sure (inaudible).

Kenrick: Right. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Jonathan, when you die, what’s
going to pay for your expenses?

Participant: I don’t know.

Kenrick: Mom and dad?

Participant: I guess so.

Kenrick: Yeah. Is it fair when they help you to get a vehicle to drive around it, let’s
say, as a kid, if they did, or to make sure that you have what you need -- is it fair then to
take more from them simply because you didn’t plan ahead for your death? I mean, it
seems like an awful unthoughtful son that would leave their expenses back to their
parents without even trying to work out how that might take place.
Now, by the same token, I could understand if it costs so much money that a person
couldn’t do it, but you now, for about 10 bucks a month, you could make sure that your
parents don’t suffer. I mean, for less than the price of a movie and dinner once. It
seems like it would be a lot more important to consider your overall behavior towards
your parents and whether or not you’re really doing your part.

I’m just talking about enough to get by. I’m not talking about over burdening you. We
want to get that burden off them a little bit. Yeah.

Participant: You set the frame of being an ungrateful son. (inaudible)

Participant: You’re presuming that he gets along with his parents.

Kenrick: Now if he said that my parents are jerks, I want nothing to do with them
and I can’t wait to die and leave them that debt, I would take it and reframe it, but
notice the frame didn’t even have to involve insurance but it involves being grateful or
an ungrateful kid. I mean, that’s a pretty powerful frame. See? I’d much rather elicit it
pretty directly. Okay? The only time I can’t do that pretty much is when?

Participant: Speaking in groups.

Kenrick: Speaking in groups. But what can you do there? Sort of the same thing.
Groups are always together for a reason and there’s always a common reason, okay? So
with this group I could say, you know what? Look, guys, you’re here because you want
to ultimately be better persuaders. So what I want you to do is to focus in on something
because to the extent that I’m able to help you zero in on what you want, I can help you
more effectively. So for a little bit here if you would, I’d like you to think about what’s
important to you about persuading. I want you to get clear on it. Real clear on it. For
you, not for anybody else. You don’t have to tell anybody about this, just think about it,
and whatever answer you come up with, ask the question again. Great, now I have a
little better idea about why I want to learn to persuade. What’s important about that to
me? And then ask, so ultimately, what’s important about persuading? What’s the
biggest thing I hope to gain?

Raise your hand when you understand what that is. You don’t have to tell anyone, just
raise your hand when you know what that is. Okay? Good. Good. Okay. This is
what I want you to do now for a moment is to think about that. Because little
beknownst to you, that answer has already been circulating in your mind. That answer
has been looking for ways to embed itself in ways that will change what you do, change
the way you think, and change the way you behave. You see, without even knowing it,
your conscious mind has already begun to increase your commitment to this material
and as you understand it will increase your ability to persuade, your commitment to it
equally increases, doesn’t it? And without you knowing it, that answer also began to fit
its way in to leverage its way into your desire and as you increase your desire to
become a better persuader, you’ll be paying more high quality attention, and it’s easy to
pay high quality attention when you know that you’re getting what you want. Always,
when you deal with courses that I teach, you’ll begin to find ways to make that
commitment and desire grow further because you’ll see immediate application, you’ll
see immediately how to use it, you’ll begin to understand how much more money it’ll
make for you. You’ll begin to understand how much more it gives you more of that
answer that you’re thinking about right now, so as you envelop what we do in that
frame, holding it constant, it will always answer the question for you of why you’re
here. But soon the question not only won’t be being asked, soon it will be turned into
additional questions like, how can I get more of this? How can I perfect these skills?
What else can I do to be around this kind of information more? Because that’s the kind
of effect it really has on you, isn’t it?

Participant: You just sold some (inaudible) for the next five years.

Kenrick: Five, my ass. I didn’t do very well if I only got you for five.

Participant: I’m in.

Kenrick: You’re in. Okay. But that’s my point. You see, that’s what you can also
do to an entire group. Imagine if you use this at the start of your presentation. Would
that not add enormous power to what you’re doing? The framework becomes I and my
material will single handedly give you what it is you’re looking for and if that weren’t
true, the bank wouldn’t have me here to do it.

Participant: You know your audience, you can do that (inaudible)

Kenrick: Of course you know who your audience is.

Participant: But I’m saying if you didn’t.

Kenrick: Oh. Well, if mail order is still appealing to someone they have a common
set of values with other people that want the service, so for example, Jay Abraham
always advocates the use of long copy. Actually what he says is, write enough to get
your point across but don’t stop if your point isn’t done just because you’ve gone past
two or three pages.

You want to preach to the choir. You want to preach to those that absolutely have the
same values that you are writing towards. Okay? You’re probably not -- the guy who
doesn’t have those values, is going to take one look at the letter and go, it’s not for me.
That’s okay, that’s not the guy you wanted to read your letter.

Cool, huh? You can use this in groups, just like that, by looking at what’s common,
starting with that and asking them to answer the criteria questions and holding it in
their mind and then put that as the frame overall. Now you know why I was howling
with laughter when I hear people quoting out of the books “meta states area canopy of
consciousness, the advantage being that they simply control everything underneath
them” and we’re talking about people that are trying to figure out that control aspect
and can’t because if they could, they’d be telling you exactly what you’re hearing,
which is exactly how they control.

It’s called punctuating embedded commands with table noise. New advanced forum.
Teaching my next class, two grand. Bring your own table.

Now, is this pretty cool stuff? You getting the hang of it? Okay. Once again, I’m
hoping to just flat move right through the crap that will twist your brain around when
reading about this and give you the stuff that instantaneously works. So there’s two
things that I want you to know. The first thing is, on the previous page are the different
languages of ways to weave it together. The different languages -- that’s just a
sampling, okay? You can come up with tons more.

Then, on the page that you just turned from, page seven, the idea of setting the state by
eliciting criteria. Okay? So what I’d like you to do now is to practice -- actually, let’s
take 10 minutes break so you can kind of sink this in for a minute and then walk
around. Maybe I can get my contacts to work.

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