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11/11/2019 Inkarnate - Fantasy Maps


Map ID: 7938583

The Odyssey: The Journey

For Classical Mythology with Professor moxon.

The departure from Ithica

Odysseus is now about to embark on his journey from his homeland of Ithica to go fight in the war against Troy.
He is feeling unwell as he is leaving his wife and kid behind without knowing when he will see them again.

Stop 1: Troy and The Horse

When landing here, Odysseus and the rest of his warriors upset the mighty Trojan army in an insane battle. They
used the Horse trick where the soldiers hid within the giant wooden horse and ambushed the trojans within their
confines. Odysseus' pride was through the roof at this point in the story.


Upon landing here, Odysseus, along with his crew, defeated the Cicones. They raided the land and gathered much
resources and eventually proceeded with their journey.

land of lotus eaters

When Odysseus' crew was trapped and entranced by the lotus. The trance made the crew wanted to stay due to the
intoxication but Odysseus forced them out and back on their way home.

Cyclops island

Odysseus and his warriors arrive on this island and encounter a cyclops who goes by the name of Polyphemus.
The crew gets trapped within his cave after he caught them stealing his food and wine. A few of the crew members
parish as they were eaten by Polyphemis, who claimed he was one of Poseidon's sons. Odysseus used his wit to
trick the cyclops into getting drunk. While the cyclops was intoxicated, the crew blinded the cyclops with a spear
and escaped. As the crew departed, Poseidon made the crews voyage even more hellish for what they have done.

Land of aeolia
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After the encounter with the cyclops, the cruised gets pushed to this land. Odysseus and the crew meet the Wind
King who grants him a bag of wind that would blow them all the way to Ithica after he was told of the Trojan war.
The crews own curiosity ruined evrything. They thought something valuable was in the wind bag and opened it
releasing all of the air blowing them all the way back to Aeolia. Odysseus begged the king for a refill but his
request was denied as the king believed his actions have already displeased the gods.

Land of laestrygonian

This is where the crew encountered the fort of Lamus. Unfortunately for them, the island is full of cannibals. All of
Odysseus' men parish except for the ones remaining on the ship.

aeaea 1

Upon arrival, the crew encounters Circe. Circe is a goddess. She turned Odysseus' crew into pigs. Odysseus being
himself tells her that he will take her to bed if she turns his men back to normal which she eventually does. She
also gave the crew valuable advice on how to get home along with how to contact Tireases who hails from the

land of the dead

Along with his remaining crew, Odysseus summons Tireases in order to receive valuable information.While being
there, Odysseus sees perished people including his mother, and Elpenor who was a crew member who died while
visiting Circe. Elpenor requested that Odysseus returns to Aeaea to retrieve his funeral rights.

Aeaea 2

Once the crew returned to Aeaea from the Land of the Dead, they cremated Elpenor's body and showed honor to
him using his oar. Circe then warned the men of other obstacles to come. She explained the Sirens to the men. The
sirens are named kill by luring people with their beautiful song. She the explained Charbdis, a deadly whirlpool.
Then the 6 headed serpent Scylla.

The sirens

The sirens lure people in using their songs to kill. Odysseus tied himself down to the ship so that he would hear the
songs but not jump off thus killing himself. The remaining crew used wax to plug their ears so the songs would be
drowned out.


Odysseus was able to evade the dangers of this deadly whirlpool until.............


The serpent eats one crew member for each one of its six heads. Unfortunately, they simultaneously encountered
the charbdis.


The only reason the Odysseus stopped here was because the crew was complaining about their exhaustion. While
they were at the island, Odysseus made the crew swear they would not lay a finger on Helio's cattle.
Unfortunately, a storm forced Odysseus and his crew to remain on the island for an entire month. This obstacle

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drained the only food they had forcing them to hunt for small animals on the island. As you might have expected,
Odysseus' crew dishonored his request and killed the cattle out of desperation.


Before arriving, Helio retaliated for the crews actions and sent a storm that killed the rest of them leaving Odysseus
solo. His ship was destroyed and he was stranded on Ogyiga with Calypso for seven years. Calypso had other
plans for Odysseus. She wanted to keep him to make him her husband. This was until mighty Zeus appeared and
forced her to release Odysseus so he could return to his homeland.


When Odysseus departed from Ogyiga, he used a raft to set sail. He eventually met the island of Phaeacia. He told
the inhabitants his incredible journey which earned him tons of brownie points. The inhabitants supplied him
which a new ship and crew so he could finally return to Ithica.

Home sweet home: Ithica

Finally, Odysseus reaches home. he disguises himself as he arrives. He then kills off Penelopes pursuers and
reunites with her as well as his son, Telemachus.

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