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--------- beginning of main

03-14 21:41:15.201 25172 25172 I BitmapFactory: set decoder allocator to gralloc

03-14 21:41:15.201 25172 25172 I gralloc : Alloc req: dev=0x7f7edcdc60, w=467,
h=131, format=0x1, usage=0x2000003
03-14 21:41:15.202 25172 25172 I gralloc : Alloc handle(0x7f60d8b800):
interfmt=0x1, stride=512, size=270336
03-14 21:41:15.208 25172 25172 I gralloc : Free handle(0x7f60d8b800)
03-14 21:41:15.210 25172 25172 E android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER:
03-14 21:41:15.210 25172 25172 E android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER: ║ Thread: main
03-14 21:41:15.210 25172 25172 E android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER:
03-14 21:41:15.210 25172 25172 E android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER: ║
NewSurActivity.onCreate (NewSurActivity.java:90)
03-14 21:41:15.210 25172 25172 E android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER:
03-14 21:41:15.210 25172 25172 E android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER: ║
03-14 21:41:15.210 25172 25172 E android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER:
03-14 21:41:15.211 25172 25172 E preferencesSaveCall: saveParam: getRealHeight
03-14 21:41:15.212 25172 25172 E preferencesSaveCall: saveParam:
03-14 21:41:15.218 25172 25172 I CrashReport-Native: Set native info:
03-14 21:41:15.219 25172 25172 I CrashReport: [session] launch app one times (app
in background 1584204075 seconds and over 30 seconds)
03-14 21:41:15.219 25172 25172 I CrashReport: add a timer to upload hot start user
03-14 21:41:15.222 25172 25275 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.223 25172 25172 I HwSecImmHelper: mSecurityInputMethodService is
03-14 21:41:15.223 25172 25230 I CrashReport: [UserInfo] There are too many user
info in local: 20
03-14 21:41:15.223 25172 25205 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will
not be used
03-14 21:41:15.231 25172 25275 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.256 25172 25212 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.257 25172 25212 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.263 25172 25258 E FBAudienceNetwork: You are using custom
Application class and don't call AudienceNetworkAds.isInAdsProcess(). Multi-process
support will be disabled. Please call AudienceNetworkAds.isInAdsProcess() if you
want to support multi-process mode.
03-14 21:41:15.307 25172 25221 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.309 25172 25276 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
03-14 21:41:15.315 25172 25221 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.317 25172 25276 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/35') failed:
Permission denied [fd=35]
03-14 21:41:15.317 25172 25276 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the
library "libhwaps.so". Will use given name.
03-14 21:41:15.364 25172 25211 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.367 25172 25211 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.371 25172 25208 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.376 25172 25208 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.387 25172 25172 I System.out: [getprop, ro.build.display.id]
03-14 21:41:15.387 25172 25172 I System.out: null
03-14 21:41:15.387 25172 25172 I System.out: null
03-14 21:41:15.392 25172 25172 I System.out: Calling
03-14 21:41:15.426 25172 25172 I System.out: [getprop, ro.vivo.os.build.display.id]
03-14 21:41:15.426 25172 25172 I System.out: null
03-14 21:41:15.426 25172 25172 I System.out: null
03-14 21:41:15.426 25172 25172 I System.out: Calling
03-14 21:41:15.509 25172 25172 I AudioRecordPermission: remindWithResult:false
03-14 21:41:15.511 25172 25172 I HwAudioRecordImpl: HwAudioRecordImpl
03-14 21:41:15.511 25172 25172 I HwAudioRecordImpl: checkRecordActive
03-14 21:41:15.520 25172 25172 I HwAudioRecordImpl: sendStateChangedIntent, state=3
03-14 21:41:15.535 25172 25172 I HwAudioRecordImpl: sendStateChangedIntent, state=1
03-14 21:41:15.537 25172 25172 I HwAudioRecordImpl: sendStateChangedIntent, state=1
03-14 21:41:15.543 25172 25172 E preferencesSaveCall: saveParam: PermissionAdModel
03-14 21:41:15.564 25172 25172 W InputMethodManager: Current bind isn't success!
03-14 21:41:15.565 25172 25249 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.google.android.webview
version 50.0.2661.86 (code 266108650)
03-14 21:41:15.574 25172 25249 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/40') failed:
Permission denied [fd=40]
03-14 21:41:15.574 25172 25249 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the
library "/system/app/WebViewGoogle/WebViewGoogle.apk!/lib/arm64-
v8a/libwebviewchromium.so". Will use given name.
03-14 21:41:15.622 25172 25172 I CrashReport-Native: Set native info:
03-14 21:41:15.699 25172 25249 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/36') failed:
Permission denied [fd=36]
03-14 21:41:15.699 25172 25249 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the
library "/data/dalvik-
cache/arm64/system@app@WebViewGoogle@WebViewGoogle.apk@classes.dex". Will use given
03-14 21:41:15.704 25172 25249 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
03-14 21:41:15.707 25172 25172 I AppCompatDelegate: The Activity's LayoutInflater
already has a Factory installed so we can not install AppCompat's
03-14 21:41:15.725 25172 25249 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 3
ms (timestamps 1086-1089)
03-14 21:41:15.725 25172 25249 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version
number "50.0.2661.86", actual native library version number "50.0.2661.86"
03-14 21:41:15.727 25172 25249 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/39') failed:
Permission denied [fd=39]
03-14 21:41:15.727 25172 25249 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the
library "/system/lib64/libwebviewchromium_plat_support.so". Will use given name.
03-14 21:41:15.739 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:15.739 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
03-14 21:41:15.739 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:15.739 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
03-14 21:41:15.739 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:15.739 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ 11
03-14 21:41:15.739 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:15.746 25172 25250 E VersionHelper: getRomVersion
03-14 21:41:15.749 25172 25250 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.756 25172 25250 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:15.766 25172 25172 E PRETTYLOGGER:
03-14 21:41:15.766 25172 25172 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ Thread: main
03-14 21:41:15.766 25172 25172 E PRETTYLOGGER:
03-14 21:41:15.767 25172 25172 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ LauncherActivity.onCreate
03-14 21:41:15.767 25172 25172 E PRETTYLOGGER:
03-14 21:41:15.767 25172 25172 E PRETTYLOGGER: ║ uuid=4253baebc08a3887
03-14 21:41:15.767 25172 25172 E PRETTYLOGGER:
03-14 21:41:15.838 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1384, previously 1447
03-14 21:41:15.839 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 429, previously 485
03-14 21:41:15.839 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 975, previously 993
03-14 21:41:15.839 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 11, previously 24
03-14 21:41:15.839 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 668, previously 726
03-14 21:41:15.917 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 443, previously 447
03-14 21:41:15.918 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 197, previously 215
03-14 21:41:15.919 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 161, previously 585
03-14 21:41:16.031 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 532, previously 613
03-14 21:41:16.031 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 1033, previously 1030
03-14 21:41:16.031 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 445, previously 491
03-14 21:41:16.031 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 257, previously 989
03-14 21:41:16.107 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 514, previously 516
03-14 21:41:16.107 25172 25172 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count
inconsistent: given 159, previously 587
03-14 21:41:16.118 25172 25172 E socket :
03-14 21:41:16.118 25172 25172 E socket : ║ Thread: main
03-14 21:41:16.118 25172 25172 E socket :
03-14 21:41:16.118 25172 25172 E socket : ║ SocketServerUtils.creatServerSocket
03-14 21:41:16.118 25172 25172 E socket :
03-14 21:41:16.118 25172 25172 E socket : ║ 开启服务
03-14 21:41:16.118 25172 25172 E socket :
03-14 21:41:16.119 25172 25251 E VersionHelper: getRomVersion
03-14 21:41:16.120 25172 25251 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.121 25172 25300 E socket :
03-14 21:41:16.121 25172 25300 E socket : ║ Thread: io-pool-1-thread-0
03-14 21:41:16.121 25172 25300 E socket :
03-14 21:41:16.121 25172 25172 E readInputListenr: startInputListener
03-14 21:41:16.121 25172 25300 E socket : ║ SocketServerUtils$1.doInBackground
03-14 21:41:16.121 25172 25300 E socket :
03-14 21:41:16.121 25172 25300 E socket : ║ doInBackground
03-14 21:41:16.121 25172 25300 E socket :
03-14 21:41:16.123 25172 25251 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.132 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.132 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
03-14 21:41:16.132 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.133 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
03-14 21:41:16.133 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.133 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ 1
03-14 21:41:16.133 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.136 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.136 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
03-14 21:41:16.136 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.136 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
03-14 21:41:16.136 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.136 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ 18
03-14 21:41:16.136 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.137 25172 25253 E VersionHelper: getRomVersion
03-14 21:41:16.138 25172 25253 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.140 25172 25250 E VersionHelper: getRomVersion
03-14 21:41:16.141 25172 25253 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.141 25172 25250 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.143 25172 25251 E VersionHelper: getRomVersion
03-14 21:41:16.144 25172 25250 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.144 25172 25251 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.147 25172 25251 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.158 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.158 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ Thread: main
03-14 21:41:16.158 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.158 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ PUserTrajectory.postEventReport
03-14 21:41:16.158 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.158 25172 25172 E trajectoryType: ║ 22
03-14 21:41:16.158 25172 25172 E trajectoryType:
03-14 21:41:16.162 25172 25172 I CrashReport-Native: Set native info:
03-14 21:41:16.164 25172 25308 E preferencesSaveCall: saveParam: SPGETAPPJSON
03-14 21:41:16.165 25172 25253 E VersionHelper: getRomVersion
03-14 21:41:16.167 25172 25253 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.170 25172 25172 I Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
03-14 21:41:16.172 25172 25253 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.224 25172 25172 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version
number "50.0.2661.86", actual native library version number "50.0.2661.86"
03-14 21:41:16.225 25172 25172 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(143)]
Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
03-14 21:41:16.248 25172 25172 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process,
03-14 21:41:16.313 25172 25280 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:16.398 25172 25252 I System : core_booster, getBoosterConfig = false
03-14 21:41:20.817 25172 25172 I Hwaps : APS: version is 3.1.13
03-14 21:41:20.823 25172 25172 E ApsLdfGameIdentify: binder error
03-14 21:41:20.989 25172 25172 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 25172 SIG: 9

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