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Electrochemical methods reference electrode with constant voltage electrochemical cells consists of

two half cells and a salt bridge device that produces an electromotive force

Electromotive force maximum difference in the sensual between the two electrodes at second of zero

Two types of electrochemical cell galvanic cell to electrodes that are connected by an electrolyte
solution that conducts ions operates spontaneously even without the application of external potential
difference conversion of chemical to electrical energy which produces potential difference electromotive
force it is the basis for potentiometry

Electrolytic cell external voltage is applied to a polarizable working electrode application of external
voltage difference chemical reaction basis for a roma tree voltammetry conductometry and coulometry

Potentiometry measurement of electrical potential difference or voltage between two electrodes in a

solution or electrochemical cell determination of the concentration of ions in a solution is calculated
from the measured potential difference the measured cell potential is related to the molar
concentration using nernst equation

Applications of potentiometry ph partial pressure of carbon dioxide electrolytes such as sodium

potassium chloride calcium magnesium lithium in whole blood serum plasma and urine transducers for
developing biosensors

Types of electrons redox electrons chemical equilibrium involving electron transfer reaction couple

Ion selective electrode

Electrode potential reduction potential couples potential measured with respect to the standard
hydrogen electrode which is set equal to zero computation of potential and nernst equation

Redox electrode inert metal electrode platinum and gold in earth metals used to record the potential of
a redox couple of and used in hydrogen electrode special redox electrode for ph measurement platinum
or gold electrode coated with platinum black to catalyze the reaction

Standard hydrogen electrode often used as a reference standard electrolyte solution consists of
aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid with an activity of hydrogen ions of 1.000 metal electrons silver
silver chloride silver wire or rod coated with silver chloride solid immersed in a chloride solution
saturated potassium chloride greater than or less than two molars

Uses internal reference element and ion-selective electrodes external reference electrode half-cell of
constant potential

Calomel Hg/Hg2Cl2

Mercury chloride in direct contact with mercury in a solution of potassium chloride

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