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Name: Courtney Hallam Exceptionality: Autism Spectrum Disorder EDSP 200—Dr.


The IDEA defines autism as a developmental disability affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social
interaction that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.
The APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders claims that autism spectrum disorder has four
main areas including autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, or pervasive
developmental disorder not otherwise specified. In order to be diagnosed with ASD, one must meet certain criteria.

There is no medical test available for ASD as the specific The characteristics of ASD include impaired social interaction,
neurobiological cause is unknown. However, it is communication and language deficits; repetitive, ritualistic, and
recommended that children are screened with a unusual behavior patterns; insistence on sameness, unusual
responsiveness to sensory stimuli, deficits in cognitive tasks and
standardized autism-specific screening tool at 18-months
skills, challenging behavior, intense interest in a particular
of age and 24-months of age again to check for regressed subject, difficulty with fine- and/or gross-motor skills, speech
Identification Characteristics
development. Children who fail screening tests or whose and language impairments, difficulty understanding others’
caregivers suspect that they may have an ASD, can have feelings, superior rote memory, inflexible adherence to routines,
them diagnosed to be sure. This is done using several extensive vocabulary, reading commences at an early age, and
rating scales, observation checklists, and diagnostic perfectionism. However, students with ASD can also have
interviews. positive attributes and strengths.

As of 2018, 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with

ASD. Neuropathy: Research shows a clear biological origin for ASD in the form of abnormal
5 times as common in boys and occurs in all racial, prenatal and postnatal brain development, structure, or neurochemistry.
ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.
Genetics: having one child with ASD can increase one’s chances of having another child
Autism is the fourth largest and fastest growing
with ASD, siblings have 35 times the normal risk of developing ASD, and identical twins
Prevalence disability within the special education Causes have a 56%-95% chance of developing ASD if one twin has it. ASD can be caused a
chromosomal abnormality or a genetic mutation.
During the 2012-2013 school year, 498,000
Environmental: High levels of air pollution affect the mother or toxic chemicals can
students between the ages of 3 and 21 received
affect the brain development.
special education under the category of autism.
Epigenetics is when environmental factors affect gene activity and make them irregular.

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) is a one-to-one treatment for several

General Education Classrooms: Educating children with autism in
hours per week before the age of 4 that allows children to learn how to behave
appropriately. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) uses behavioral principles such as inclusive settings is becoming more common and more accepted. This
positive reinforcement to teach children skills in a planned, systematic manner. is because socially competent children are essential for peer-mediated
Discrete trial training (DTT) is not ABA, and ABA can be done with DTT. DTT is interventions, an evidence-based practice for children with autism.
one-on-one sessions during which a routinized sequence of contrived learning trials Children who received EIBI transition well to public schools
is presented as teacher and child sit at a table. Visual supports can be used to help compared to their peers with ASD that did not. Evidence-based
students with ASD cope with social situations and increase their independence in the practices can be used in this classroom with all students to help
classroom. Visual activity schedules show a sequence of activities within a daily
students with ASD learn and to make the classroom even more
Instruction routine or a series of steps for completing one task. Social stories explain social Placement options inclusive.
situations and concepts, and the expected behaviors of the people involved in a
format understandable to an individual with ASD. Technologies such as Resource and Special Classrooms: The general education classroom
Smartboards, computers, and tablets with high-speed Internet access, three- is not always the least restrictive environment for all students with
dimensional printers, and other peripheral devices can be used to assist students with ASD because many children at the severe end of the autism spectrum
ASD. Facilitated communication (FC) is a process by which a facilitator (a teacher, are best served in a setting where they can receive a highly
therapist, friend, or parent), provides physical support to assist an individual who individualized program. A resource room can provide a more effective
cannot speak or whose speech is limited to type on a keyboard or point at pictures,
setting in which to conduct small-group activities with peers from
words, or other symbols on a communication board. Evidence-based practices
should be always be used to assist students with ASD, not unproven treatments. general education classrooms.

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