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PKSR 1 TAHUN 6 / 2016

SAINS 018/2
Kertas 2
1 jam
Satu Jam
SULIT 2 018/2

1. Microorganism carries out the same living processes as other living things.

Rajah 1 shows the results of an experiment for the doh that is kept for 3 hours.

Before After

Rajah 1.1

a) This shows …………………………………................................................................

[ 1 markah ]

b) ✓ b) Tick at the spaces given for the making of tempe.

Soya nuts are soaked

Mixed with flour

Wrapped with leaves

[ 1 markah ]

c) c) What will happen if the tempe is kept at open place for seven days?


1 [ 1 markah ]

d) d) Diagram below shows a thermometer.

At what temperature are food best stored to last longer.

1 ………………°C.

[ 1 markah ]
SULIT 3 018/2

2. Rajah 2.1, shows an investigation to study the properties of light.

Rajah 2.1

a) State the property of light s shown in rajah 2.1.

[ 1 markah ]

b) Object in rajah 2 has caused formation of shadow. How can the size of the shadow be increased? 1

[ 1 markah ]

Distance of object from light 1

Size of shadow (cm)
source ( cm )

5 10

6 12

8 14

10 Y
Jadual 1

c) Based on the information in Jadual 1, design a bar graph.

[ 1 markah ]

d) What is the value of Y ? :……………………………… [ 1 markah ]

SULIT 4 018/2

3. Every object has different properties. Rajah 3.1, shows three objects that
has the same properties.

Plastic container rubber glass

Rajah 3.1

a) a) What is the properties of the objects in rajah 3.1

. …………………………………………………………………………………………..

[ 1 markah ]

b)1 b) Waterproof materials are ………..………………………………………………………

[ 1 markah ]

c) (i)Workers in workshops are usually equipped with thick booths made of rubber. However, many of them
do not use it. Why are the workers equipped with thick rubber shoes?


[ 1 markah ]
ii) What might happen if the workers only wear slippers ?


[ 1 markah ]

d) d) The information shows the results of a few objects that are dipped into water that is 60 °C.

Type of spoon Observation

Metal Hot after 2 minutes
Plastic Not really hot
Glass Stays cold after 2 minutes
Based on the information above, design a table to classify the results.

[ 1 markah ]
SULIT 5 018/2

4. Solar System is made of Sun, planets, moon and asteroids.

a) Define asteroid.



[ 1 markah ]


b) Rearrange the planets from the ones with the fastest time to rotate the Sun to the slowest.

[ 1markah]

Rajah 4.1

c) Based on rajah 4.1, how is the object formed and looks bright.

i) Formed when …………………………………………………………………………...

[ 1 markah ]

ii) Looks shiny when…………………………………………………………………

[ 1 markah ]

e) Why is the size of the Sun same when compared to the size of the moon?

Because ……………………………………………………………………………………

[ 1 markah ] 1
SULIT 6 018/2

5. The increase in the number of vehicles has caused traffic jam and air pollution.

a) The statement above is related to ……………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1

[ 1 markah ]

b) The fertilizer has increased the production of farmers. This means…………………..


[ 1 markah ]
The increase of the number of vehicles will cause the petroleum to be gone one day.

What can be done to overcome this problem?


…. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
[ 1 markah ] 1
c) The information below shows the results of an investigation.

Walking : 1 km, masa - 15 minit

Running : 1 km, masa - 8 minit

Cycling : 1 km, masa - 4 minit

Base don the informaation above, design a bar graph.

[ 1 markah ]

d) What will be the pattern for time of movement if a motorcycle is used?


[ 1 markah ]
SULIT 6 018/2

6. Extreme weather is a reason why animals have special characteristics and behaviours to protect itself
Among the behavior is migrating.

(a ) Define migration.

1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

[ 1 markah ]

( b ) How does polar bear or artic fox protects itself against extreme weather?
[ 1 markah ]

( c ) State the effect of the rise of sea water temperature towards the aquatic animals.

1 [ 1 markah ]

Inn certain months, it is observed that birds that can only be found in the north can be see
everywhere in Malaysia.

( d ) Why does migration only happens at certain months, not for the whole year?

………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
[ 1 markah ]

( e ) Predict the time when migration happens from the North Pole to the south.
[ 1 markah ]

SULIT 7 018/2
7. Rajah 7 shows two different types of fruits with the same chemical properties.

Rajah 7

( a ) What is the chemical properties of the fruits ?

[ 1 markah ]
( b ) Why are the fruits in rajah 7 might be necessary in some cooking?


[ 1 markah ]

( c ) If the fruits are tested with blue litmus paper, what do you think will happen ?

[ 1 markah ]

( d ) Why is there a change in the blue litmus paper?

[ 1 markah ]

Materials Changes in litmus paper

Blue Red, red red.

Red Blue Blue Blue

Blue Blue Red Red


(e ) State the variable involved ;

( i) Manipulated variable : …………………………………………….

( ii) Responding variable :……………………………………………

[ 2 markah ]
SULIT 8 018/2

8. A group of pupils carry out an investigation about the stability and the strength of the object.
Rajah 8 shows about the stability of object P and Q

( a ) State the stability of object P and object Q :




Kestabilan P :………………… Kestabilan Q : ………………

Rajah 8

[ 1 markah ]

( b ) Predict what will happen if another pin is placed under object P?

1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

[ 1 markah ]

( c ) Sketch the position of the pins to have the best stability.

[ 1 markah ]
SULIT 9 018/2

( d Object P and object Q were blown from a short distance. It was noticed that Object P falls first followed
Followed by object Q.
What is the factor that affects the situation?


[ 1 markah ]

( e ) State the constant variable for this investigation. 1


[ 1 markah ]

( f ) State a hypothesis based on the stability of object P and object Q. 1



[ 1 markah ]


018/2 SULIT



1(a) Yis / mikroorganisma bernafas 1

1(b) Kacang soya di rendam [/] 1

Digaul dengan ragi secukupnya [/]

1(c) Busuk/ berwarna hitam / tidak boleh dimakan. 1

1(d) Satu nombor bulat diantara 0 – 10 C 1


2 (a) Cahaya bergerak lurus 1

2(b) Objek di dekatkan dengan sumber cahaya. 1

2(c) ( Lakaran geraf menepati saiz bayang yang diberikan ) 1

2(d) Y = 16 cm 1


3(a) Kalis air/ tidak menyerap air / penebat 1

3(b) Bahan yang tidak menyerap air 1

3(c) Mengelakkan dari renjatan/kejutan elektrik 1

3(d) Mudah tergelincir/ mudah terkena renjatan/ kurang geseran. 1

3 (e ) Jawapan murid dalam bentuk jadual yang lengkap :

Besi - Panas

Plastik - kurang panas 1

Kaca - tidak panas.


4(a) Batuan logam yang beredar mengelilingi matahari 1

4(b) Zuhrah – Marikh – Zuhal – Musytari – Jasad kerdil. 1

4(c)i Terjadi daripada gas beku,batuan dan debu. 1

4 ( c ) ii Kelihatan bersinar apabila : berada dekat dengan matahari 1

4(d) Jarak bumi dengan bulan lebih hampir berbanding matahari 1


5(a) Keburukan Teknologi 1

5(b) Kebaikan Teknologi 1

5(c) Menggunakan kenderaan yang menggunakan bateri/elektrik 1

5(d) Carta palang yang bersesuaian dengan maklumat yang diberi. 1

5(e) Berkurang/ menurun 1


6(a) Pergerakan bermusim dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. 1

6(b) Berhibernasi 1

6(c) Terancam kehidupan / mati/ populasi berkurang 1

6(d) Waktu itu musim sejuk/ tempuh pembiakan haiwan 1

6 (e ) November – Januari ( satu diantaranya juga di terima ) 1


7(a) Asid 1

7(b) Masakan berasa masam 1

7(c) Bertukar/menjadi merah 1

7(d) Bersifat Asid 1

7(e) i. Pembolehubah manipulasi : Jenis Bahan

ii. Bergerak balas : Perubahan warna litmus 2


8(a) Objek P : Kurang stabil, Objek Q : Lebih Stabil 1

8(b) Lebih Stabil 1

8(c) Lakaran Rajah mesti menunjukan peningkatan kestabilan objek 1

8(d) Jarak bukaan/ tapak jarum peniti berbeza. 1

8(e) Saiz gabus/ Jenis/ Saiz Jarum Peniti ( salah satu ) 1

8(f) Bertambah jarak bukaan jarum peniti,bertambah kestabilan. 1


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