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In accordance with the instructions of the guide I chose 2 topics namely:
1. There are several "mix" formal education and job training
Based on the topic will be analyzed regarding the advantages and disadvantages
2. Student opinion about the correlation between "money-education"
Based on the topic an argument will be elaborated with several sources, both agreeing or
disagreeing will be given a reason


After determining the topic, the things I did to describe my idea were:
Topic 1
1. Look for the advantages and disadvantages of formal education without job training and
formal education with job training
2. Summing up the search results
3. Make an opinion that is accompanied by an argument / reason
1. Cari kelebihan dan kekurangan dari pendidikan formal tanpa pelatihan kerja dan pendidikan
formal dengan pelatihan kerja
2. Menyimpulkan hasil pencarian
3. Buat opini yang disertai dengan argumen / alasan
Topic 2
1. Determine 2 speakers (silvia, lulu)
2. Make a list of questions to be asked to interviewees during the interview
3. Determine Conducting interviews
4. Summarize the opinions of each resource person

Topic 1
In topic 1 the author will describe how his opinion on the topic will be discussed. In the essay the
author's arguments will be outlined how the effect of the addition or mixture of job training in
formal education, besides that there are also sources supporting the statement of the author such
as the definition and so forth. This means that the writer will pour subjective arguments but with
logical and empirical reasons.

Topic 2
In topic 2, the author's views on the two very sensitive aspects to be discussed will be explained.
So in the decomposition of the argument the writer will include the results of the interview or
quoted opinion of the resource person related to the topic. In the essay will also be explained the
reasons from sources and authors themselves in responding to the topic, because everyone has
their own perceptions and reasons in assessing something.


Topic 1
In topic 1 5 paragraphs will be covered. Paragraph 1 will explain or introduce what formal
education and job training are. Before knowing more about a topic, we must define and
understand the topic correctly.
In paragraphs 2 and 3 the advantages of formal education with job training and the impact or
lack of formal education with job training will be given. We know that every thing has its own
advantages and disadvantages so that in this paragraph we will explain in more detail.
Paragraphs 4 and 5 will provide a description of the author's opinions and arguments on the
topic. The documents included are the observations and subjective opinions of the author on the
topic. In this paragraph the reasons for the pros or cons will be explained.
Topic 2
In topic 2 5 paragraphs will be elaborated. The first paragraph will be given an argument about
the condition of students in the current era. The mindset and perspective of students can be
influenced by time, so that the background and social conditions related to education and money
will be outlined.
 In paragraphs 2 and 3, the opinions of each resource person will be explained. Opinions that will
be filtered out in the form of opinions come from direct interviews with 10 minutes each
resource person and there are 5 questions: 1) what do you think about education? 2) do you think
it is important an education? , 4) do you think our education can be successful? , 5) Do you
currently have education to seek knowledge or be oriented to money (work) ?.
In paragraph 4 the author's opinion will be given about the results of the interview and some
opinions received. Opinions are given based on sources who describe the reasons subjectively
 In paragraph 5 conclusions will be given


Topic 1
Education is the learning of knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people who are passed
down from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. (Wikipedia).
Formal education gives 90% to theory and 10% to practice, while formal education mixed with
job training has a presentation of 40% theory and 60% practice.
the mixture of formal education and job training can influence the lack of interest in continuing
formal education alone or with added work training have their respective advantages and
the writer's conclusions and arguments are subjective

Topic 2
Today's students are students in the millennial era who are all technology and tend to choose
something instant.
Opinion from resource person 1 "education is a bridge to success oriented to work (money)"
(silvia / 8 December 2019)
The opinion of the speaker 2 "One must prioritize education, because money does not become a
benchmark for someone to be successful" (lulu / 9desember2019)
The correlation between money and education
Education and money have a high correlation because it is one of the reasons for undergoing


Formal Education with Job Training
Education is the learning of knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people who are passed
down from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research (Wikipedia). So
based on this definition formal education means the learning process carried out in official
institutions on a regular basis. In the implementation, it is carried out in stages, namely
elementary, junior high school, senior high school, and lecture. But in its realization now many
schools are mixing work training with the aim of increasing student soft skills. This is indeed
common and an interesting topic when analyzed for strengths and weaknesses.

Money VS Education
Today's students are students in the millennial era who are all technology and tend to choose
something instant. As a result affects the level of creativity possessed. For students of education
may still have a narrow definition, which is as a condition for someone to get a job. Yes, of
course it will be oriented to "money". Based on socio-cultural background, education is now a
benchmark of a person's social level in a group. So does money and education have a
correlation? The answer varies greatly according to the perspective and thinking of others,
because this is a discussion that must be objective.
Name : anisa fitriyani
Npm : 1917031012
Class : A

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