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He wants to do things right but hav temperament of rebel

Critical thinking, not just an independent verdict, but also, the factors that appeal – tie in reality
distortion field

Words and logics are the FINAL manifestation of subconsciousness, framed around one’s exp (distorted
facts), values/beliefs, feelings/use of languages, selective/distorted stream of memories bended to
current results, anchored with one focus. Either fooled/ambiguous or enlightened. It still makes sense.

The reason books are so much different from real experience,

- From separatism angle, you do what you have, but do you really have it, or is it this false feelings
of you have it.
- Reading is just one kind of
- You’re good at what you do. Does reading make you good at doing?

But be simplistic, don’t need to explain shit on that, just do it, it’s helpful,

Make it yours, mean you really do it, prevent the feel,

Result is another

Independently, just do it,

You can never explore yourself enough, so be clear, be manifest,


Experiment, Experiment, make it yours, try it, do it, I mean really do it, get your hands on it, be specific
about it, let your subconscious out,

Memory Distortion Field

Get into deepstate means that you can prevent any kinds of feelings or subconscious feelings,

Get from small to large, get from small to large, think small to large, think small to large, think small to
large, you read this,

It’s just theory until you get your hands on it, It’s just theory until you get your hands on it,

If you read it read it all over all over again, a repetition, it will fool your mind into believing it, well, that
sounds logical to me, but is it really true, in aspect of depth, it’s not deep enough,

Words are a manifestation of subconscious so don’t believe it,

It may be true or not true, but I

It’s not yours until you do it, it’s not yours until you do it, it’s not yours until you do it,

Give him a cue, and align everything to that cue and belief, the subconscious mind will try to connect
everything together, the only way to trust your feelings is to practice a lot, to create firm belief on what
you’re doing, practice, practice, iterate with

It’s gotta be a process, try it, be self-aware on what you need, what you lack, the worst thing is you do
not admit your lackness, push to a big 1, t

If people can decide what is wrong and what is right, why is there lots of people succumbing to Nazi,
even professors, intellectuals,

People feel pressed to transform, because knowledge

All commonsense, people take on the mass ideas, external pressure and influence

humans have the desire to connect and to belong (conform)

people do not have rational thoughts, every intellectual

tie to bigger values

maturity, get over it, sensitive

I’m starting to fear, my dad is a psychopath, charming and manipulative at times and hide the bad traits,

how to master story telling. Story telling, it’s a good tool

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