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Digital Marketing Framework

1. Strategy
a. Business Audit
i. Marketing audit
a) 4 P’s
b) 5W-1H
ii. Technical Audit (SEO tools)
a) iwebchk.com: check page size
b) seocentro.com
c) woorank.com
d) opensiteexplorer.org: check backlinks (number and health)
e) alexa.com
f) websiteoutlook.com
g) whois.sc: check server history
h) ahrefs.com
i) aboutus.org
j) spyfu.com
k) backlinkwatch.com: check whether the other site you have links from is bad
l) IPblacklist.com: check whether the other site you have links from is bad
m) validity.w3c.org: W3C validation
n) site: url in google search: check number of pages
o) copyscape.com: check content duplication
p) XENU: check broken link
q) brokenlinkchecker.com: check broken link
r) Google site optimizer: only free tool that follows the theory of A/B split test
to check whether design is good
s) Kissmetrix: paid tool to check whether design is good
t)crazyeggs: paid tool to check whether design is good

b. Keyword (no keyword staffing; intention-based search; LSI - Latent Semantic Indexing; long
tail keyword; Keyword density: 2-3%; Keyword stuffing: >7%)
i. Research
a) Google Instant
b) Search result
c) Google related research
d) AdWords planner
ii. Choice
a) Primary
b) Related
c) Location
d) Entity

c. Competition Analysis
i. How to find?
i. Google search
ii. SEO tools
ii. What to find?
i. Features
ii. Content
iii. Backlinks
d. Content Analysis
i. SILO framework
ii. Thematic group
iii. Content drill down
iv. Breadcrumbs
e. Differentiation (USP)
i. 3-second litmus test
ii. Trust factor
iii. Testimonials
iv. Who are we?
v. What we do?
vi. How one would get benefited?
vii. Language
viii. Content
ix. Value
f. LPO - Landing Page (Landing page content is the corner stone content; it is the first fold of the
website) Optimization
i. Interactive
a) Formal question
b) Informal question
ii. Trust
iii. direction
g. CTA (Call to action) - should be only 1 in every fold
h. Heatmap
i. Conversion

2. Planning
a. Digital Marketing mix
i. Own website
ii. Social media (tabs, apps, video marketing)
iii. Paid ads
a) AdWords
b) FB ads
c) LinkedIn ads
d) PPC banners
iv. E mail marketing
a) Newsletter
v. SMS marketing
vi. Affiliate marketing
vii. Local promotion
a) Just Dial
b) Sulekha
c) Asklaila
viii. Business directories
ix. Online tradeshows
x. Online events
xi. Blog comments
xii. Press release
xiii. Document sharing
a) PowerPoint
b) Word
c) PDF
d) Excel
xiv. E-book marketing
xv. Applications
a) Mobile apps
xvi. Video channels
a) You Tube
b) Vimeo
b. KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
i. Traffic
a) Unique Visitor (UV)
b) Pageview(PV)
c) Bounce Rate (BR)

ii. No. of leads or enquiry

iii. No. of backlinks
iv. Keyword rankings
v. Social engagement
vi. Conversion tracking

3. Execution
a. Structure
a) User Interface (UI-what a user sees of a website is the front end); every
webpage has three parts: Header - logo, contact, home about us, social network
logos etc.; Body - content and presentation; might have left bar, right bar and
centre; Footer – links copyright, contacts, social network icons, links, office
address; First fold - what a user gets at a first glance after tying the URL; is
called the first fold; Sweet spot - centre of the first fold is the sweet spot;
Heat Map - mapping of users’ eye movement pattern while viewing website
The shaded parts are the areas with high density. In other words these are the
parts where users pay maximum attention. So it is always advised that the first
call to action button of any website should be located in these parts of the first
fold of any website. (SeeMore) (Find More) (Check Demo)
studiopress.com ---- the arrow has increased the click on call to action button.

b) Optimized HTML coding

 No Nested Table (a webpage can have a table. Inside that another

table can be made…this is nested table. This is not given credit by
Google. Google says do this by div+css. This div is tableless div; CSS
– Cascading Style Sheet)

 No Frame (when putting video from YouTube it is better not to put

iframe code rather put the object code)

 Proper Sequence of elements (the page source or the HTML code or

the back end should be in the same sequence as the sequence visible
in the front end by the users)

c) Page speed (denotes how fast a website is loading; more speed and less time
are better; ideal performance for a website is 0.01 to 1 second to open; tools like
gtmetrix.com or Google page speed tool measures page
speed; to increase page speed, decrease resources like pictures, videos; for
display of heavy stuffs, Content Delivery Network (CDN)
should be used; For SEO, asynchronous load is best. For an image
content when server needs, JS gets loaded. Now say if JS is in header, then
body takes time to loads sequentially. So instead of wasting time if loading
happens asynchronously, JS keeps loading parallel, other things keep loading;
d) Server Location (hosting server must be where you have the business or where
you have the customer base)
e) Server History (every IP address has a history, if you bought that as a web
hosting server and previous server user did something wrong, then your
credibility is affected; so, one must check the history of the previous server
user; to check server history, tools such as who.is or whois.sc must be used;
dedicated IP is better than shared for digital marketing; ipblacklist.com or
backlinkwatch.com checks the quality of sites
f) Domain IP History (also known as C Block - dedicated or unique IP)
g) 301 permanent redirect / www resolve/canonical
h) 404
i) Robots.txt [File; Only 1 in a web site; Placed in root folder; Sitewide crawl
direction; Guideline for robots; Codes - allow: * (I am allowing all bots),
disallow: (disallow if nothing written), sitemap <path>, disallow: /img/ (If I do
not want to reveal path of any image); Though not mandatory, yet should be
given as it is an etiquette; Good robots – Yahoo, Google etc.; Bad robots –
known as content scrapers that pick up content from other websites and use for
their own; All top is a content aggregator that aggregate or collect content from
different sites by mentioning the links; bad robots do not obey robots.txt]
j) Metarobot [Tag; Page specific crawl direction; Unlimited; Crawling direction
of all pages - Index Follow: index the page and follow the links, Index No
Follow: partial hiding; index my page, gives score, but do not pass my authority
to other page, No Index Follow: partial hiding, No Index No Follow: complete
k) Page Size
l) Page Length (means the size of coding in HTML. The heavier the coding
lower will be the speed; size should be 30 kb to 100 kb, max 1 MB;
too less-thin content; too much-oversized; 500-2500 words per page; iwebchk
measures page size)
m) Text to Code Ratio (above 15% is good; ideal should be 30%)
n) W3C validity (validity.w3c.org checks whether HTML matches the w3c
standard; Infinite Scrolling; Parallex)
o) CSS and JS files (CSS can be internal and external. External CSS is
best for SEO)
p) Browser compatibility (website should be compatible to all browsers)
q) URL parameter (use hyphen in URL rather than underscore; no use of
irrelevant character; maximum URL length: 100 characters;
ideal URL length: 60 characters)
r) Permalink (for SEO, ideally URL structure must not contain special character
or underscore to maintain canonical structure; rather should contain keywords
of your business)
s) Caching (when you put an URL and press enter, server starts reading the pages;
in caching, server saves the home page in static format, so as soon as you press
enter the static form is visible; caching is a plug-in to be added; types are: Page
caching, Database caching, Object caching, Browser caching, Header expiry and
gzip compression; server caching and browser caching are different; server to
browser loads, gzip is like zip file compression - best for SEO. Zend is plugin
that zips; Gzip compression enabling is done by server people; Page caching –
All contents of a page are stored by the server in a static format; Ioncube can
hide the source code, but Google in that case cannot read. Hence not usually
used; but could be used for the software; Header expiry – What is the duration
of caching, i.e. after what interval should caching keep changing. For e.g. any
counting should change fast.)
t) Title (minimum 3 characters; length not more than 59
characters; keyword should be there)
u) Description (not more than 159 characters; ideally 150
v) Keyword (max 4-5 key words. All these in meta keyword, meta description;
max. 2% keyword density)
w) Headings (only one main heading per page i.e. H1; more than one sub headings
are allowed- H2 to H6).
x) Open Graph (OG) (when URL needs to be shared on FB or twitter, then if you
have OG you just type the URL in share and picture description etc. come
automatically, i.e. picked up and shared. OG is a standard protocol to easily
share your website content on social media. It helps in getting thumbnail, title,
description easily.)
y) Alt Tag (description for image: up to 150 characters)
z) Mobile Responsive The (website should open at ease on mobile phones as
well; http header check tool shows whether a site is mobile responsive; if a site
is mobile responsive, meta view port tag has to be there
aa) Navigation (2 types – lightweight Drop down with few options and heavy
Megamenu with detailed options like Flipkart)
bb)Link Title
cc) Bold/Italics (if any line or phrase is important, Google says you can put that
part in bold or italics. This helps Google in emphasizing that part while doing
ranking; for any page maximum 2 lines can be made bold or italics.
dd)Sitewide links
ee) Contextual links
ff) Ads in pages
gg) RSS feed
ii) Internal Links and anchors (the text as phrase or keyword within sentence
which takes to other part of website such as “contact us”; in any page,
number of internal links should be within 100)
jj) Breadcrumbs (path of any particular page showing its hierarchical tree or
kk)Outbound or external links (<= 20% compared to total internal plus external
ll) Do follow or no follow outbound links
mm)Overall usability of site and easiness to browse
nn)Schema.org (HTML 5 is now in vogue however many old websites might have
been developed in older versions. So these codes need to match the new HTML
5 ones; format- star rating, price rating, reviews by experts or customers,
a) Rich snippet

b) Google author mark (linked with G+)

c) Micro format (address that comes below the result in SERP)
 Geotag.de (the option of Dublin core not there
 NAP data (Name, Address, Phone no.)

b. Content
a) Definition (matter which is used for target audience to provide related
information or knowledge or awareness about the goods or services to the target
audience via electronic and digital medium; should be related and informative;
should be interactive and must have a personal touch; advantages: Knowledge,
Informative, Spreading awareness, Branding; focus must be to build
relationship and trust with the end user; business analysis: To gather company
data from marketing point of view, to get 4P’s information, to get to know 5W-
1H; to gather as much possible regarding target audience, location, purpose of
business, description and rationale of pricing strategy, possible reason of
customers’ preferring products over others
b) Type (Text, Audio, Video, Image, Graphics, PowerPoint, PDF, Podcast,
Webinar, Animation)
c) Keyword (the word which is important for business)
i. Thematic grouping/Long Tail Keyword (4 types: Primary, Related,
Local, Entity)
ii. Page level (in one page, atleast 3 keywords or keyphrases)
iii. Site wide Level (keywords used in overall site describing nature of
iv. Content tweak (alteration of content to optimize page level and site
wide level keyword; content should be more informative by keeping
these keywords or phrases; modify and/or update on the basis of
research and analysis of competitors’ web content)
v. Density (number of keywords as compared to number of words in the

text; ideally 1-2%; seocentro.com is the keyword

density checker tool; if there are more keywords than the

permissible limit, it has to be optimized by content tweaking)
vi. Proximity (distance between two related keywords, which form a
primary keyphrase)
d) Competition analysis (analysis of competition website from content point of
e) USP
f) SILO structure (also called Structural SEO - structuring in such a way
that enables users to specialize)
g) Title [homepage: 50 to 59 characters; other page: 70 to 80 characters;
separators - Microsoft: │( Pipe); it means both left and right side are equally
important, Google, Facebook: - (Hyphen), Wordpress: >>; keyword should be
there atleast once in title
h) Abstract/Description (can be same as Meta Description; must be most
attractive and appealing; main keyword should be there; website with no
content is called Thin content)
i) Headings (only one H1 in a page and it can go upto maximum 120 characters)
j) Subheadings (can be many subheadings usually H2 – H6)
k) Styling Paragraphs (should be primary keyword at the beginning of main
paragraph and end after H1; preferable to highlight related keywords with bold
and italics; in main paragraph, it should be made anchor text and linked to
l) Anchors and link title (internal) [internal anchor text can be used maximum 3
to 5 times in a page]
m) Anchor text (External) [maximum 2 in a page]
n) Image Alt Tags and Title Tags (description for image; up to 150
o) Related Content
p) Content Tweaking
q) Content Search
r) Content Distribution
s) Social Content (daily maximum 3 to 4 updates in FB at a gap of 3-4 hours; on
twitter one might tweet in every 30 minutes)
t) Content Contextuality
u) Text limit
v) Content freshness
w) Unique content/No Content Duplication (same content cannot be repeated in
the website)
x) Content Variation (create the same concept in different formats and use in
different places. The objective is to create as much variation as possible.
y) Rich snippet (when someone searches something then along with regular title
whatever extra information is generated on the SERP - Like votes, ranks, price,
Star rating, Local Addresses, Map, Reviews etc. So it enhances the experience
of the person who is searching. This follows schema.org protocol)

c. Popularity (denoted by number of people, visitors and mentions or digital footprints)

a) Mentions (how many people are talking about you and how; with or without
link, the brand name or the author of site…what is mentioned; earlier Google
used to check backlinks; now it does not check backlinks only but also
considers mentions without links as well, which adds to the popularity)
a) Citation
 Social (how many people are talking)
 Media (how much the media is covering)
b) Local (forums locally when discusses your business for e.g. in
just dial etc.)
c) Domain/Brand (how much others have used your domain
name or brand name)
b) C Block (it denotes Domain Hosting Server IP; many websites are generally
there in one Domain hosting Server IP, so all links received from different
websites in one server IP are together considered as one link; so popularity
increases only when we get links from websites hosted in different C Blocks;
instead of shared IP we can take a dedicated IP; manipulation – take dedicated
IP for all sites in the server and purchase all the sites, then you have a separate
C Block from other sites in the same server as yours, which increases your
c) Knowledge Graph [box right hand side of SERP]
d) Links to your site [no. of back links being received; links received should be
relevant, fresh, slow and natural; should not push to get links; create such
content that it pulls others to link; link should always be one way; reciprocal
link exchange has no value; links happen in two ways – Do Follow (You pass
my positive juice or parameters to other sites – this means who gives you link
trusts you completely) and No Follow (when the site allows to follow without
passing juice or credit. The site mentions through link but does not mean trust is
there). Link profile consists of:
i. Naked anchor or link (name of website as anchor text; e.g.
www.7boats.com) 5-10%
ii. Brand anchor (brand name to website; e.g. use of 7boats infosystem]
iii. Author rank [author D Banerjee wrote this] 5-10%
iv. Primary or Exact match keyword 5-10%
v. Related match keyword 20-30%
vi. No keyword (irrelevant word; e.g. visit here, Go there, click here)
20 to 25%
vii. Link wheel [7boats makes PPT on slideshare) 10-15%
viii. Local signal [local businesses should have NAP and footprints in the
local directories; e.g. justdial.com, asklaila.com, sulekha.com]10-15%
ix. Social signal [social site links – part of content marketing; number of
fans and followers; Engagement: time spent; reshare or like, comment]
x. Citations [no anchor, no link but your name is used e.g. 7boats is very
good upcoming company]
xi. Link Freshness (continue getting fresh links; continue improving
xii. No Follow Do Follow ratio - 80:20
xiii. Link detox [if any link is in bad marketpace or bad neighbourhood]
xiv. Link variation [do not get link from same or same type of websites,
i.e. for increasing quantity; do not get many Do Follow from unnatural
links or irrelevant links]

e) Measurement tools:
i. New measurement tools: quicksprout, nibbler.silktide.com,
ii. Old measurement tools: iwebcheck.com, opensiteexplorer.org
[checks the quality of backlinks through Page Authority (PA) and Domain
Authority (DA). Authority means trust. PA is page wise number and
quality of backlink, whereas DA is for the entire domain], alexa.org

4. Monitoring
a. Google Webmaster Tool
b. Google Analytics

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