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Name_________________________________ Period______

Personal Logo Design Rubric

• Draw twenty thumbnail sketches (variations of
the SAME design) of a personal logo
incorporating the following: your initials, a
symbolic object, and interesting use of positive
and negative space. Think about the style of
your letters and the overall format.
• Each thumbnail sketch should be a slight
refinement of the thumbnail sketch before it; in
total your thumbnail sketches should show your
design process from your initial idea to your final
concept with your thinking in between.
• On a piece of practice paper, make an enlarged rough draft of your best thumbnail sketch
idea. Use the colored media you plan to use in your final on this draft.
• On a piece of final paper, draw your final draft. Enlarge your draft to fill the entire paper.
• Render (color) the final draft using sharpie markers, colored pencils, and/or marker pens.
• Complete an artist statement explaining the significance of your logo.

Concept Exceeds (4) Meets (3) Approaching (2) Experiencing

Difficulty (1)

Thumbnails and Excellent effort A good amount of Some thumbnail Several thumbnail
rough draft given in effort given in sketches missing; sketches missing;
thumbnails; shows thumbnails; shows shows little minimal amount of
clear progression some progression progression of effort given.
of your idea from of your idea from your idea from
beginning to end. beginning to end. beginning to end.

Design of Logo Excellent design of Design is fairly Design contains Design is not bold
logo; design is bold and semi- just a little or original, nor
bold, eye-catching, original; logo boldness and is does it include
and unique; logo contains initials semi-original; logo required initials or
contains initials AND symbolic is missing initials symbolic object.
AND symbolic object. or symbolic object.

Use of positive and Excellent use of Good use of Some attempt to No attempt to use
negative space positive and positive and use positive and positive and
negative space negative space negative space negative space

Craftsmanship Extremely clean Mostly clean Somewhat clean Extremely messy,

rendering; rendering, strong rendering, weak markers or colored
excellent use of use of markers or use of markers or pencils used
markers or colored colored pencils in colored pencils in weakly.
pencils. most places. some places.


Student Reflections:

What I did well on this piece was


This piece was a challenge because


One thing that I will remember for next time is


My logo represents me in the following ways:


Total Points: ______

15-16 = A
13-14 = B
12 = C
10-11= D
0-9 = F

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