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3.1  Introducing Windows Forms
Windows Forms:
To write GUI applications in Microsoft .NET, Windows Forms are to
be used. Windows Forms are a new style of application built around classes in
the .NET Framework class library's System.Windows.Forms namespace. The
programming model is cleaner, more robust, and more consistent than models
based on the Win32 API or MFC, and runs in the managed environment of the
.NET Common Language Runtime (CLR). For an old MFC (or Windows
API) developer, Windows Forms are a great way to get started with the .NET
Framework class library because they enable to write traditional GUI
applications that create windows, process user input, and the like. Learning
Windows Forms makes working with other parts of the .NET Framework
easier, too.
The chief benefit of writing Windows-based applications the Windows
Forms way is that Windows Forms homogenize the programming model and
eliminate many of the bugs, quirks, and inconsistencies that plague the
Windows API. For example, every experienced Windows-based programmer
knows that certain window styles can only be applied to a window when that
window is created. Windows Forms largely eliminate such inconsistencies. If
you apply a style that's only meaningful at creation time to an existing
window, Windows Forms will quietly destroy the window and recreate it with
the specified style. In addition, the .NET Framework class library is much
richer than the Windows API, and when writing applications using Windows
Forms, the full power of the framework at the developer’s disposal. More
often than not, applications written using Windows Forms require less code
than applications that use the Windows API or MFC.
Another benefit of Windows Forms is that the same API is used,
regardless of which programming language is chosen. In the past, the choice
of programming language drove the choice of API. Programmers in Visual
Basic used one API (the one embodied in the Visual Basic language), while C
programmers used the Win32 API, and C++ programmers, by and large, used
MFC. It was tough for an MFC programmer to switch to Visual Basic, or vice
versa. All applications that use Windows Forms are written to one API—that
of the .NET Framework class library. The knowledge of one API is sufficient
to allow programmers to write applications in virtually any language they
Windows Forms Programming Model:
A form is a bit of screen real estate, usually rectangular, that you can
use to present information to the user and to accept input from the user. Forms
can be standard windows, multiple document interface (MDI) windows,
dialog boxes, or display surfaces for graphical routines. The term “form”
means the top-level window in Windows Forms. An application's main
window is a form. Any other top-level windows the application has are forms
also. Dialog boxes are also considered forms. Despite their name, applications
using Windows Forms don't have to look like forms. Like traditional
Windows-based applications, applications exercise full control over what
appears in their windows.
The easiest way to define the user interface for a form is by placing
controls on its surface. Forms are objects that expose properties, which define
their appearance, methods that define their behavior, and events that define
their interaction with the user. By setting the properties of the form and
writing code to respond to its events, you customize the object to meet the
requirements of your application.

As with all objects in the .NET Framework, forms are instances of

classes. The form that is created with the Windows Forms Designer is a class,
and when displayed an instance of the form at run time, this class is the
template used to create the form. The framework also allows you to inherit
from existing forms to add functionality or modify existing behavior. When
you add a form to your project, you can choose whether it inherits from
the Form class provided by the framework, or from a form you have
previously created. Additionally, forms are controls, because they inherit from
the Control class.

Within a Windows Forms project, the form is the primary vehicle for
user interaction. By combining different sets of controls and writing code,
information could be elicited from the user and responded, work with existing
stores of data, and query and write back to the file system and registry on the
user's local computer. Although the form can be created entirely in the Code
Editor, it is easier to use the Windows Forms Designer to create and modify

Programmers see Microsoft .NET through the lens of the .NET

Framework class library. Applications using Windows Forms rely heavily
upon classes found in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. That
namespace includes classes such as Form, which models the behavior of
windows or forms; Menu, which represents menus; and Clipboard, which
enables Windows Forms applications to access the clipboard. It also contains
numerous classes representing controls with names like Button, TextBox,
ListView, and MonthCalendar. These classes can be referred to using their
class names only, or using fully qualified names such as
At the heart of nearly every Windows Forms-based application is a
class derived from System.Windows.Forms.Form. An instance of that class
represents the application's main window. System.Windows.Forms.Form has
scores of properties and methods that comprise a rich programmatic interface
to forms. Windows Forms-based applications that use pushbuttons, listboxes,
and other Windows control types rely on the control classes in
Another important building block of an application that uses Windows
Forms is a System.Windows.Forms class named Application. That class
contains a static method named Run that gets a Windows Forms-based
application up and running by displaying a window and providing a message
loop. Many classes have virtual methods that you can override to respond to
paint messages, mouse messages, and the like. For example,
System.Windows.Forms.Form contains a virtual method named OnPaint that's
called when a form's client area needs updating. OnPaint is one of many
virtual methods to override in a derived class to build interactive forms;
OnMouseDown, OnKeyDown, and OnClosing are some of the others.
Another important facet of the Windows Forms programming model is
the mechanism that forms use to respond to input from menus, controls, and
other GUI application elements. Traditional Windows-based applications
process WM_COMMAND and WM_NOTIFY messages using Windows
Forms process events. In C# and in other languages that support the .NET
Common Language Runtime (CLR), events are first-class type members on
par with methods, fields, and properties. Virtually all Windows Forms control
classes (and many non-control classes, too) fire events. For example, button
controls—instances of System.Windows.Forms.Button—fire Click events
when they're clicked. EventHandler is a delegate defined in the System
namespace. A delegate is the CLR's equivalent of a type-safe function pointer.
An EventHandler is wrapped around the method that handles an event and
added to the list of event handlers called when the control fires the event.
A Simple Windows Forms Example:
In this example we will develop a very simple and standard “Hello World”
application as a Windows Forms application in C# using VS.NET.
Step 1: Open the VS.NET, choose File->New->Project from the menu. The
following dialog box appears:
       Choose “Visual C# Projects” on the “Project Types” window,
       Choose “Windows Application” on the “Templates” window,
       Type the “Name” as “HelloWorld” and
       Choose the path under which the application folder would be stored.
Click OK.

Step 2:
The following Forms Designer appears on the screen with an empty form
“Form1.cs[Design]” as shown below. Some of the features of the VS.NET are
described hereunder:
To view the code of the Form, right click on the “Form1.cs” in the “Solution
Explorer”, choose “View Code”. The “Form1.cs” is now available as a tabbed
window next to the “Form1.cs[Design]”.
On the “Properties Window”, set the “Name” property to “HelloWorldForm”
and the “Text” property to “HELLO WORLD”.
                                                                        Properties Window
            Design View                                                                           Solution
Toolbox                       Code View
Step 3:
Move the mouse over the “Toolbox” on the upper left corner of the
window. The toolbar slides out. Choose “Label” under “Windows Forms”,
drag and drop it inside the form.
While the focus is on the “label”, make the following changes in the
properties window:
       Change the “Name” to hwlabel
       Change the “Text” to “HELLO WORLD”
       Change the “Text Align” to MiddleCenter
Step 4:
From the menu choose Build->Build (or Rebuild All). Choose Debug->Start
Without Debugging to run the application. The following form appears as the

The code generated for the above application is hereunder:
using System;                                       // The root of the namespaces in the .NET framework
using System.Drawing;                          // The namespace for GUI in the .NET framework
using System.Collections;                       // The namespace for data structures
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;               // The namespace for Windows Forms Application
using System.Data;
namespace HelloWorld                          // The name of the project
      /// <summary>
      /// Summary description for Form1.
      /// </summary>
      public class HelloWorldForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form  // The form class
            private System.Windows.Forms.Label hwlabel; // The label declared
            /// <summary>
            /// Required designer variable.
            /// </summary>
            private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
            public HelloWorldForm()  // The constructor of the form
                  // Required for Windows Form Designer support
                  InitializeComponent(); // This method initializes all the components of the
                       // form with the properties specified in the properties window for each of them
                  // -------------TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
            /// <summary>
            /// Clean up any resources being used.
            /// </summary>
            protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
                  if( disposing )
                        if (components != null)
                  base.Dispose( disposing );
            #region Windows Form Designer generated code
            /// <summary>
            /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
            /// </summary>
            private void InitializeComponent()
                  this.hwlabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
                  // -------------------------------------hwlabel
                  this.hwlabel.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.None;
                  this.hwlabel.Name = "hwlabel";
                  this.hwlabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(296, 280);
                  this.hwlabel.TabIndex = 0;
                  this.hwlabel.Text = "HELLO WORLD";
                  this.hwlabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                  // ----------------------------------HelloWorldForm
                  this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
                  this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 273);
                  this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
                  this.Name = "HelloWorldForm";
                  this.Text = "Hello World";
            /// <summary>
            /// The main entry point for the application.
            /// </summary>
            static void Main()           // The main method that starts up the form application
                  Application.Run(new HelloWorldForm());
3.2  The .NET Framework Classes for Windows Forms
As described earlier the namespace System.Windows.Forms contains the
framework of classes that aid in developing Windows Forms applications
in .NET. The following chart explains in detail the hierarchy of the classes in
this namespace.

The classes in the above hierarchy chart are explained in detail in the section
“Controls in Windows Forms”.
3.3  Creating Windows Forms
The steps involved in creating a simple Windows Form using C# was
depicted in the “Hello World” example in the first section of this chapter.
While the example dealt with the creation of the form using VS.NET, the
application can be developed on any text editor, by writing a class that derives
from System.Windows.Forms.Form class of the .NET Framework’s class
Form is a container control that derives from
System.Windows.Forms.Form class. A form can be derived from an existing
form too, which is called “Visual Inheritance”. The purpose of a form is to
present information to the user and to accept user input. Users interact with
the controls on the form. The properties that a form exposes are discussed in
the section “Working with Properties” and the events that correspond to forms
are discussed in the section “Working with Events”. The following section
explains in detail about the controls that can be added to a form. The example
provided hereunder is the same “Hello World” application that was discussed
earlier; this time developed using a notepad. The steps involved are provided
in detail.
A Simple Windows Forms Example:
Type the following code in a notepad and save it as
using System;
public class SimpleHelloWorld : System.Windows.Forms.Form {
        public static int Main(string[] args) {
            System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new SimpleHelloWorld());
            return 0;
        public SimpleHelloWorld() {
            this.Text = "Hello World";
To compile the above program, type the following in the MS-DOS prompt, in
the directory under which the file exists:
csc simplehelloworld.cs
The above command produces simplehelloworld.exe, the executable that
could be run to see the following output.
As we had not added any control to the form, except that we set the Form’s
“Text” property, the output is as shown above.
Note that in order to compile and run the above code, the “path” should
be set to the directory in which the “csc.exe” exists. Typically it would be
under C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.2914, and so the path
should be set to this directory before the compile command is issued on the
DOS prompt. To run the program, just say “simplehelloworld” at the prompt,
as this is the name of the “.exe” file generated after compilation.
3.4  Controls in Windows Forms
This section explores the various controls available for the programmer in
the .NET framework that could be used in Windows Forms
applications. Controls are components that allow a user to interact with the
application in various ways – for example a commonly used control is the
push button. The .NET control types can be broadly classified into the
following types:
Command Controls:
       Button, LinkLabel, NotifyIcon and ToolBar
Text Controls:
       TextBox, RichTextBox, Label and StatusBar
Option Controls:
       Checkbox, RadioButton, CheckedListBox, ComboBox,
DomainUpDown, NumericUpDown, ListBox, ListView and TreeView
Container Controls:
       Panel, GroupBox, and TabControl
Graphic Controls:
       PictureBox and ImageList
Menu Controls:
       MainMenu and ContextMenu
Dialog Controls:
       OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, ColorDialog, FontDialog,
PrintDialog, PrintPreviewDialog and PageSetupDialog
Other useful controls:
       DateTimePicker and MonthCalendar
       DataGrid
       Splitter
       HscrollBar and VscrollBar
       TrackBar and ProgressBar
       Tooltip and ErrorProvider
       Timer
These controls are subclasses of  System.ComponentModel.Component.
Adding and Removing Controls:
To include a control in a Windows Form, we must add it to the form.
To do this, we must first create an instance of the desired control and add it to
the Windows Form. Adding controls to a Windows form could be done either
by drawing the control on the Form when working on VS.NET or adding the
control programmatically incase of developing an application without the
IDE. These methods are explained hereunder:
In order to draw a control on a Windows Form,
 The Form is opened using the Forms Designer
 From the Toolbox, the desired control that needs to be added to the Form is
 Now, a click on the Form would fix the upper left corner of the control on the
form and the size and its lower right corner are decided by dragging and
releasing the mouse on it
If we desire to add controls using their default sizes that is provided by the
framework, then,
 The Form is opened using the Forms Designer
 From the Toolbox, the desired control that needs to be added to the Form is
clicked, dragged and dropped at the desired location on the form
 Double-clicking the control in the Toolbox would add it to the center of the form
in its default size.
Controls can also be added to a form using the Add() method as follows. In
this example, a Textbox control is added at location (50,50) on the Form.
            Textbox tb = new Textbox();               // this creates the Textbox
            tb.Location = new Point(50,50);         // this fixes the location at
            this.Controls.Add(tb);                         // this adds the control to the
Sometimes, it would be necessary to remove a control from a form when it is
no longer required in the application. To do this, we can use
the Remove() method as follows:
            this.Controls.Remove(tb);  // this removes the text box added above
from the form
Responding to Controls:
Except for labels that are passive controls, all controls generate events
when accessed by the user. An event is an action that you can respond to or
"handle" in code. Events can be generated by a user action, such as clicking
the mouse or pressing a key, by program code or by the system. Event-driven
applications execute code in response to an event. Each form and control
exposes a predefined set of events that could be programmed against. If one of
these events occurs and there is code in the associated event handler, that code
is invoked. An event handler is a method that is bound to an event. When the
event is raised, the code within the event handler is executed.
For example, most objects will handle a Click event — if a user clicks
a button, code in the button's Click event handler is executed. Many events
could occur in conjunction with other events. For example, in the course of
the Click event occurring, the MouseDown, MouseUp, and Click events
occur. The concept of Event Handling and how events are handled in .NET
are discussed in detail in the section 3.6 of this chapter. The various types of
controls briefly described above are explained in detail in this section. The
following section 3.5 explores the properties that can be set to different
controls as well as the Form of a Windows Form application.
Command Controls - Button:
The most widely used control is the Button, a component that generates an
event when pressed. It has a label on it displaying some message to the user
on its usage. This may be in the form of a text or in the form of images. The
Button allows the user to click on it to perform some actions. When clicked it
looks as if it has been pressed and generates the Click event. If code exists for
Click event handling method of the button exists then it is executed.
To demonstrate the usage of a Button in a Windows Form Application, let us
consider a very simple example:
This example has three buttons on a form and a label that displays an
appropriate message on the click of each button.
 Choose File->New->Project on VS.NET.
 In the dialog box, choose “Visual C# Projects” in the “Project Types” and
“Windows Application” in the “Templates”.
 Give the name as “ButtonDemo”, choose an appropriate folder and click “OK”.
The project is created and an empty Windows Form appears on the Forms
Designer. On the “Properties Window” of the Form,
       Set the form Name as “btnForm”
       Set the form Text as “DEMO FOR BUTTON CONTROL”
       Choose the “Button Control” on the Toolbox and drag and drop it
thrice side by side onto the Form.
       Set the properties of each button as follows:
Button1 – Name : btnAccept
                 Text   : ACCEPT
Button2 – Name : btnReject
                 Text   : REJECT
Button3 – Name : btnUD
                 Text   : UNDECIDED
 Choose the “Label Control” on the Toolbox and drag and drop it below the
buttons on the Form, drag the mouse to change its size to fit the width of the
Form. Set its Name property to “lblChoice” and its Text to be empty.
Now that we have designed our form, we can add events to each of the three
buttons. Double clicking the mouse on each of the buttons takes us to the
event handler method for the button.
 Double-click on the ACCEPT button and add one line of code in the method to
look as follows:
private void btnAccept_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                                             lblChoice.Text = "You chose ACCEPT as your option";
 Now double-click on the REJECT and the UNDECIDED buttons and add code
in the methods to look as the following respectively.
private void btnReject_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                                             lblChoice.Text = "You chose REJECT as your option";
                              private void btnUD_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                                             lblChoice.Text = "You chose UNDECIDED as your option";
As we could see from the above code, we are just setting the Text of the label
that we added to the form to display a message indicating which option has
been chosen, when each of the buttons is clicked by the user.
 Compile the above application choosing Build->Build from the menu.
 Run the application choosing Debug->Start without Debugging from the menu
The following screen appears:

Click on each of the buttons to find the message displayed.


Creating an Access Key for a Button:
We can also give the option of selecting a button to the user in the form
of typing the ALT key + any character in the text displayed on the button, by
adding an ampersand in front of the letter to be made as the access key. For
example, in the above example, the ACCEPT button could also be made to
access by the ALT+A key if the btnAccept.Text property is set as
“&ACCEPT” instead of “ACCEPT”. Now, let us change the Text of each of
the buttons in the example as follows:
            ACCEPT as &ACCEPT
            REJECT as &REJECT
Now compile and run the application to see the results using the
ALT+key options. Choosing ALT+A displays the following:

Command Controls - LinkLabel:
A LinkLabel control is very similar to a Label control except that it is
used to display hyper-links on a Windows Form. Clicking the hyper-link
would perform a specified task, for example display a web site in the Internet
Explorer, as the code in the LinkClicked event handler method would
specify. A LinkLabel could be made to display multiple hyper-links as each of
the links is an item in the LinkCollection of the control. Also, links can be
added and removed from the LinkCollection using
the Add and Remove methods respectively. Alternatively,
the LinkArea property could be used to specify the link in the LinkLabel. The
LinkLabel.Links.Add method enables to convert text within
the LinkLabel control to a link that can be clicked on by the user to perform
tasks similar to a Button control.
The LinkLabel provides a number of properties that enable you to
define the display appearance of hyperlinks in the control. The
ActiveLinkColor, DisabledLinkColor, LinkColor and VisitedLinkColor
properties define the colors used when displaying a hyperlink in various
states. The LinkBehavior property defines the display of the underline that is
associated with a hyperlink.
Let us consider an example that has a hyper-link, clicking which would take
the user to the page “www.msn.com”.
 Create a new project choosing File->New->Project from the menu
 Choose Visual C# Projects and Windows Application
 Name it “LinkLabelDemo” and choose an appropriate folder to store it in
 On the Forms Designer, set the Text of the form as “DEMO FOR LINK
LABEL” and its Name as lnklblForm.
 Choose LinkLabel control from the Toolbox, drag and drop it onto the Form.
 In the property window of the LinkLabel control, set the following:
Name : lnklblMSN
Text : Click here to reach to MSN
We can see that the entire Text is shown as a hyper-link on the form. This is
because by default the entire text is added to the LinkCollection class of the
 Set the LinkArea property as 6,4 – meaning the hyperlink should be starting
from the position 6 and of length 4 in the Text specified.
Now we can see that only “here” is shown as hyperlink.
 Double click on the LinkLabel to open the event LinkClicked handler and type
in to make the method look as the following:
private void lnklblMSN_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
               // Determine which link was clicked within the LinkLabel.
               lnklblMSN.Links[lnklblMSN.Links.IndexOf(e.Link)].Visited = true;
// Display the appropriate link based on the value of the LinkData property of the
Link //object.
               System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(e.Link.LinkData.ToString()); // starts IE
 Also add the following line in the constructor code below “TODO”
// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
lnklblMSN.Links.Add(6,4,"www.msn.com");  // sets link for here in Click here to reach MSN
 Build and run the application. Make sure that you are connected to the internet.
The following screen appears:
We can see that when the hyperlink is clicked, we are connected to the MSN
homepage. This explains the usage of a LinkLabel control in an application.
You can set multiple hyperlinks to a single link by making different parts of
the text property of the label link to point to different web sites. For
example,  by adding the following two lines in the constructor, Click (in Click
here to reach MSN) will point to msn site and to will point to yahoo site:
Command Controls - ToolBar:
A ToolBar control is one that is used to display a set of ToolBarButon
controls, that would act as short-cuts to any menu item in an application. The
buttons can be of various styles like a standard button, toggle button and drop-
down button. Images and Text can be added to the buttons to display any
useful message about the button. ToolBarButton controls are added to the
toolbar by using the Add or Insert methods on the Buttons property of the
ToolBar. The event handler method ButtonClick is invoked when a button on
a ToolBar is clicked.
Let us now consider a small example to understand the usage of a ToolBar
and ToolbarButton control in a Windows Form application.
 Create a new project called “ToolBarDemo” as a Visual C# Project – Windows
Application on VS.NET.
 Set the Text property of the Form as “DEMO FOR TOOLBAR CONTROL”
and the Name property as “tbForm”
 Add a ToolBar control to the Form in the Forms Designer by choosing it from
the Toolbox, dragging and dropping it on to the form. Note that a ToolBar is
added to the top of the form.
 Click on the ToolBar on the Form, while it is highlighted, set its Name property
in the Property Window to “tbDemo”.
 Now let us add three ToolBarButton controls to the ToolBar. Choose the
Buttons property on the Properties Window of the ToolBar. The “ToolBar
Collection Editor” appears as shown below. Choose the Add button on the
dialog. This adds one ToolBarButton control to the collection – set its Name
property to “tbBTN1” and Text to “Button 1” in the adjacent window that
exhibits its properties. Similarly add two more buttons and set their Name to
“tbBTN2” and “tbBTN3” and their Text to “Button 2” and “Button 3”
respectively. Note that the indices for these three ToolBarButton controls in the
collection are 0, 1 and 2 respectively. Click OK to finish.
 Note that three buttons appear in the ToolBar added to the Form.
 Now add a “Label” control by choosing it from the ToolBox, dragging and
dropping it on to the form below the ToolBar. Set its Name as “lblMessage” and
the Text property to be empty.
 Double-click on the ToolBar in the Forms Designer to go to the event handler
method of the ToolBar. The tbDemo_ButtonClick() method should look like the
following for this demo after adding the code to the method.
private void tbDemo_ButtonClick(object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e)
                              case 0:
                                             lblMessage.Text = "Button 1 was clicked on the ToolBar";
                              case 1:
                                             lblMessage.Text = "Button 2 was clicked on the ToolBar";
                              case 2:
                                             lblMessage.Text = "Button 3 was clicked on the ToolBar";

 Build the project and Run the application. The following screen appears. Click
on each of the button in the ToolBar to see the corresponding message displayed
in the position of the label. This explains the usage of ToolBar control in
Windows Form applications.
Initial screen:                                               When Button 1 is clicked:

When Button 2 is clicked:                            When Button 3 is clicked:

The appearance and behavior of the ToolBarButton controls on the ToolBar
can be set to different types and styles as desired by the developer. Also
images can be added to the ToolBarButton controls and the text made to
appear at different positions on the button controls. These are set using the
properties of the ToolBarButton Collection and would be discussed in the
section “Working with Properties”.
Text Controls – Label:
The easiest control that could be used in any Windows application is a
“Label”. It contains a string that it displays. Labels are passive controls that do
not support any interaction with the user. At any point of time, the string that
is held by the Label control is accessed using its Text property. In the
examples that we had seen so far, we had used label controls in almost all of
them. We hope that the reader would have understood the usage of this control
well through those examples and hence a separate example for this control is
not provided here.
Text Controls – TextBox:
A TextBox control is used whenever user input in an application is required.
Typically a TextBox control is used to accept single-line input from the user,
but by setting certain properties it could be modified to accept multi-line input
and also to accept passwords that would not appear as characters but as an
asterix on the screen. Also Horizontal and Vertical Scroll bars could be
activated incase of multi-line input.
The following example explains the usage of a single-line and a multi-line
TextBox control in any Windows Application.
 Create a Windows Application, Visual C# Project on VS.NET “TextBoxDemo”
 Set the Name to “tboxFrom” and the Text to “DEMO FOR TEXTBOX
CONTROLS”            on the properties window of the Form in the Forms
 Drag and drop two labels ( “lblName” – Name: and “lblComments” –
Comments) onto the form to the positions as shown below.
 Drag and drop two TextBox controls onto the form in the positions shown.
Set the properties of each of the TextBox controls as follows:
TextBox control 1 :
Name – tbName
Text – empty
TextBox control 2:
Name – tbComments
Text – empty
Multiline – true
Size – 270, 60
ScrollBars – Vertical
 Add a Button control by dragging and dropping it and set its Name to “btnOK”
and its Text to “OK”. Double click on it to go to the Click event handler method,
add the following code.
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
               string str = "";
               str += "Name entered is : " + tbName.Text + "\n";
               str += "Your comment is : " + "\n";
               str += tbComments.Text;
 Build and Run the application. Enter a name in the first text box and some
lengthy text in the Comments and click OK. Note that the Vertical scroll bar gets
activated once the length of the text exceeds the initial size of the text box. A
message box appears displaying all the information typed into the text boxes, as
the code in the handler method above has been written so.
This explains the usage of TextBox controls, single-line and multi-line in a
Windows Application.
Initial screen in which user input in the TextBox controls are to be entered:

Message box displaying all information entered, to demonstrate that input
through text boxes could be read in the application and manipulated using
relevant code.

Text Controls -  RichTextBox:
The RichTextBox control allows the user to enter and edit text just as a
TextBox control, but it provides more advanced formatting features than the
standard TextBox control. This control is typically used to provide text
manipulation and display features similar to word processing applications
such as Microsoft Word. A list of features offered by the RichTextBox control
are summarized as follows:
 Text within the control can be assigned character and paragraph formatting.
 Bullets can be created inside the text.
 Color, Font, Font style (regular, bold, italic etc.) and Size of the text can be
 Text can be loaded from a file and the text can be saved to a file
 Hyper-links can be represented in the text and handled through respective
handler methods
As the usage of a RichTextBox control is similar to that of a TextBox control
explained in the previous section, we skip a separate demo of this control’s
Text Controls – StatusBar:
A StatusBar control is generally added to a Form to display certain useful tips
and messages to the user when the application is running. It is added by
default to the bottom of the Form as the DockStyle.Bottom is used in the
constructor of the StatusBar control.
To exhibit the use of a StatusBar control, let us add a StatusBar to the
TextBoxDemo application that was developed before.
 Drag and drop a StatusBar control from the Toolbox onto the Form in the Forms
designer. Note that a StatusBar is added to the bottom of the Form. Set its
properties as follows:
Name  - sbDemo
Text – empty
 Double click on the TextBox control in that accepts name. It takes us to the
tbName_TextChanged() handler method. Enter the following code in it.
private void tbName_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
               sbDemo.Text = "User typing name";
 Double click on the TextBox control that accepts comments. Enter the following
private void tbComments_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
               sbDemo.Text = "User typing comments";
 Build and Run the application. Note the message displayed on the StatusBar
when typing the name and the comments. We hope the above example would
have demonstrated the usage of a StatusBar control in a Windows Application.
When name is entered:                                 When comments are

Status bar displaying the messages
Option Controls – CheckBox:
A CheckBox control is one that is used to give the user an option such as yes
or no. It is a combination of a small box and an associated label or image or
both that describes the option represented by the CheckBox control. The box
can either contain a check mark or not depending on whether the option is
turned on or off respectively. The user can change the state of a CheckBox
control by clicking on it. A CheckBox control is usually used in places where
the user is asked to choose a combination of options from a list.
The Checked property of the CheckBox control is used to get or set its value.
To demonstrate the use of CheckBox controls let us consider a simple
Windows Form application hereunder:
 Create a new Windows Application as a Visual C# Project in VS.NET by name
 To the form in the Forms Designer, add a label from the Toolbox and set its Text
as “Choose your options from below:”
 Add four CheckBox controls by dragging and dropping them onto the Form as
shown below. Set the Name property of each of them as cb1, cb2, cb3 and cb4 &
the Text property as Apple, Orange, Strawberry and Pear respectively in their
property window. Set the “Checked” property of “Apple” to “true”. This would
mean that when the initial screen appears, all the CheckBox controls except for
Apple would be unchecked.
 Add a button by Name “btnOK” and Text “OK” to the form below the
CheckBox controls.
 Double click on the button to go to the Click event handler and add necessary
code as shown below.
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
               string str = "Chosen fruits:\n";
               if(cb1.Checked == true) str += cb1.Text + "\n";
               if(cb2.Checked == true) str += cb2.Text + "\n";
               if(cb3.Checked == true) str += cb3.Text + "\n";
               if(cb4.Checked == true) str += cb4.Text + "\n";
 Build and Run the application. Choose some fruits from the screen by clicking
on the check boxes, note that they get checked by clicking on them. Click OK. A
message box displaying the fruits checked on the screen appears.
The above example describes the usage of CheckBox controls in Windows
Form applications.
Initial screen :

Message Box that appears on OK:
Option Controls – RadioButton:
RadioButton and CheckBox controls have a similar function: they offer
choices a user can select or clear. The difference is that
multiple CheckBox controls can be selected at the same time, but radio
buttons are mutually exclusive. That is only one of the set of radio buttons can
be chosen as the option by the user. Radio buttons are to be defined as a group
of which one would be chosen. When the user selects one radio button within
a group, the others clear automatically.
The following example explains the usage of radio buttons in an application.
 Create a Windows Application as Visual C# Project in VS.NET by name
 Set the Form’s Text property to “DEMO FOR RADIO BUTTON CONTROLS”
 Add four RadioButton controls by dragging and dropping them onto the Form as
shown below. Set the Name property of each of them as rb1, rb2, rb3 and rb4 &
the Text property as Very likely, Likely, Not likely and Definitely Not
respectively in their property window. Set the “Checked” property of “Very
likely” to “true”. This would mean that when the initial screen appears, “very
likely” would be the default choice of the user.
 Add a button by Name “btnOK” and Text “OK” to the form below the
RadioButton controls.
 Double click on the button to go to the Click event handler and add necessary
code as shown below.
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                              string str = "";
                              if(rb1.Checked == true) str = "You are very likely to attend the meet";
                              if(rb2.Checked == true) str = "You are likely to attend the meet";
                              if(rb3.Checked == true) str = "You are not likely to attend the meet";
                              if(rb4.Checked == true) str = "You will definitely not attend the meet";
 Build and Run the application. Choose an option from the screen by clicking on
the radio button, note only one of the four buttons are checked at any point of
time unlike the CheckBox controls. Click OK. A message box displaying the
option chosen on the screen appears.
The above example describes the usage of RadioButton controls in Windows
Form applications.

Message on OK:

Option Controls – ListBox:
A ListBox control provides the user with a compact, single or multiple choice,
scrollable selection list. The SelectionMode property has three modes single,
simple multiple (selects all items clicked) and extended multiple (SHIFT and
CTRL keys activated) options. It also has properties when set, would avoid
scrolling and display the items in the ListBox in multiple columns. The
ListBox class supports three types of Collections that enable us to access the
items in the ListBox. They are briefly explained hereunder:
ListBox.ObjectCollection:                            Contains all the items in the
ListBox control. The Add method of
this class is used to add items to the
ListBox control.
ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection:             This contains the objects that
have been selected in the
ObjectCollection of the ListBox. It
represents a subset of the entire set of
items in the ObjectCollection, those
items that are selected from the list.
ListBox.SelectedIndexCollection:                Contains a collection of the
selected indices, which is a subset of
the indices of the
ListBox.ObjectCollection. These
indices specify items that are selected.
The following example explains the usage of ListBox controls in Windows
Form applications.
 Create a Windows Application as Visual C# Project in VS.NET by name
“ListBoxDemo”. Set the Text of the Form to “DEMO FOR LISTBOX
 Add two labels and set their Text to “Choose some colors:” and “Choose some
paint types:” as shown below.
 Add two ListBox controls by dragging and dropping them onto the Form. In the
property window of each of the ListBox controls set the following:
ListBox control 1:
Name – lbColors
SelectionMode – MultiSimple
Click on the Collection of the Items property that displays a dialog.
Type in some colors one per line and click OK.
Adjust the size of ListBox control lbColors to display only three colors
and the rest scrollable.
ListBox control 2:
Name – lbPaint
SelectionMode – MultiExtended
Click on the Collection of the Items property that displays a dialog.
Type in some paint types – Oil paint, Cement paint, Emulsions, Plastic
coats etc. one per line and click OK.
Adjust the size of ListBox control lbPaint to display only three paint
types and the rest scrollable.
 Add a button name it as btnOK and its Text as OK. Double click on it to go to
the Click event handler method. The event handler code is as follows:
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
               string str = "Selected Colors :\n";
               foreach (object item in lbColors.SelectedItems)
                              str += item.ToString() + "\n";
               str += "\nSelected Paint Types :\n";
               foreach (object item in lbPaint.SelectedItems)
                              str += item.ToString() + "\n";
 Build and Run the application. Click some colors in the first list box and some
paint types on the other. Observe their behavior and how items are selected.
Click OK to display the message box of what have been selected in both the list
Initial Screen:

When items are selected:

Message box on OK:

Option Controls – CheckedListBox:
A CheckedListBox control is very similar to a ListBox control, except that
each item in the list has a check box associated with it that the user can check
or uncheck by clicking on it. Also the user can move through the items in the
list either using the scroll bars or the keyboard.
Similar to the ListBox control’s Collection types, a CheckListBox control is
also associated with three types of collection classes –
CheckedListBox.CheckedItemCollection and
CheckedListBox.CheckedIndexCollection - that accomplish the same tasks
as the collection classes of the ListBox.
The following example explains the usage of a CheckedListBox control.
 Create a Windows Application as Visual C# Project in VS.NET by name
“CheckedListBoxDemo” ”. Set the Text of the Form to “DEMO FOR
 Add a label and set the Text to “Choose states in the US you would like to visit:”
as shown below.
 Add a CheckedListBox control by dragging and dropping it onto the Form. In
the property window of the control set the following:
Name - clbStates
Click on the Collection of the Items property that displays a dialog.
Type in some name of US states one per line and click OK.
Adjust the size of CheckedListBox control clbStates to display only
three states and the rest scrollable.
 Add a button name it as btnOK and its Text as OK. Double click on it to go to
the Click event handler method. The event handler code is as follows:
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
               string str = "You would like to visit:\n";
               foreach (object item in clbStates.CheckedItems)
                              str += item.ToString() + "\n";
 Build and Run the application. Click some on the list. Observe their behavior
and how items are selected. Click OK to display the message box of what have
been selected in the list box.
Initial Screen:                                                     When some states are selected:
Message Box on OK:

Option Controls – ComboBox:
The ComboBox control is used to create a drop-down list of items from
which the user may choose one. When inactive, the control takes the space of
displaying one item only that is currently selected. When the user clicks on the
arrow of the control, the entire list drops down, from which a new selection
could be made. Items could also be added to the list at runtime using
the AddRange (multiple items) and the Add (single item) methods.
The following example explains the usage of a ComboBox control.
 Create a Windows Application as Visual C# Project in VS.NET by name
“ComboBoxDemo” ”. Set the Text of the Form to “DEMO FOR COMBOBOX
 Add a label and set the Text to “Your age is in the range of:” as shown below.
 Add a ComboBox control by dragging and dropping it onto the Form. In the
property window of the control set the following:
Name - cbbAge
Click on the Collection of the Items property that displays a dialog.
Type in the ranges of ages as shown below and click OK.
 Add a button name it as btnOK and its Text as OK. Double click on it to go to
the Click event handler method. The event handler code is as follows:
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
               string str = "You selected the range : " + cbbAge.SelectedItem.ToString() + "\n";
               str += "The index of this range is : " + cbbAge.SelectedIndex;
               lblMessage.Text = str;
 Add another label “lblMessage” with Text as empty to start with below the
ComboBox and the Button controls to display the result of the event handler.
 Build and Run the application. Select any range from the list that drops down
when the arrow on the ComboBox is clicked. Click OK to display the message
of what has been selected and the index of the item in the list (indices start from
base as 0).
Initial Screen:                                               When some age range is selected:

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