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American Wars:The Conflict

and Crisis in the Muslim Lands

The sinister struggle for control of Pakistan and the Mus-
lim world between two opposing fascist ideologies of
Western / Hindu Zionists and Kharjee Takfiris

They said it – lest we forget:

“When the wealthy Jews play, the nations and the rulers dance."
"The Jews make countries fight each other and when they want, make
peace. But whatever happens, they get rich from this."
Founder of Zionism, Theodore Herzl

"There is only one power which really counts, the power of po-
litical pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth,
be- cause we have this power, and we know how to apply it."
Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935

The History
Almost ninety years ago, in the beginning of the 20th century, a most shattering and devastating blow was suf- fered by the
Muslim world as its maps were radically re-drawn by the invading and victorious Western powers when the Ottoman Empire
was defeated and dismembered. It was during this outrageous and sacrilegious pil- lage of the Muslim lands that the State of
Israel was sanctioned to the world Jewry by the triumphant British Empire. It took another great war a few years later, with
horrendous bloodshed and destruction of humanity both in the East and the West, to finally materialize the dream of the Zionist
Jewry – the State of Israel in the Holy Lands. A political, military and ideological dagger pierced the Muslim heartland.
Pakistan was born almost at the same time as Israel. Both countries, representing two diametrically opposite religious
ideologies hostile to each other, were born to be enemies and have remained in a state of covert war ever since. India, a State
which is secular on paper only, is led and controlled by idol worshiping Brahmin pagans with extreme hostility towards
Pakistan, hence becoming a natural born collaborator of the Zionist State. The following quote by the founding father of the
Jewish State completes this geopolitical and strategic equation in totality:
“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it.
And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our
existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This
lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter,
it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps
against Pa- kistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose
hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important
base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base
and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and
secret plans.”
David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.
His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle, August 1967.

The Environment

As the 21st century unfolds, the contemporary times are witnessing yet another epic struggle within the
Mus- lim heartland. The Muslim world is desperately fighting an existential war, this time against two
violent ideolo- gies which have invaded from opposing prongs. The entire Muslim heartland – from the
Arabian Peninsula to the greater Middle East including Pakistan - is the battle ground, and the ultimate
prize. Not just that the heart and soul of the Muslim world is at stake, even the geography is once again
threatened to be altered radically. In terms of phenomenon and scale, the threat is so severe and unique
that it has baffled even the finest Muslim thinkers, philosophers, Generals and analysts who are
desperately trying to understand and then cope with the staggering emotional turmoil and the ensuing
ground violence within the Muslim lands. The ideological, po- litical and military confusion and chaos is
so complete within the Muslim world that mature reason and sound logic has almost given way to
irrational radicalism or defeated resignation to fate, as violence, anarchy and the dizzying pace of
unfortunate events cripple the capacity of the Muslim world to develop even a reactive response let
alone a pro-active one. There is no strategic threat analysis, hence no long term response strategy. The
Muslim political leadership, despite hanging on to power, has crumbled in totality to rise to the
challenges, hence giving a free run to the invaders, leaving the hapless Muslim population to the wolves.

Once again it seems sharply clear that the colonial and anarchic invading forces – operating on external
and internal axis -- will further attempt to divide, conquer and dismember the Muslim countries into
smaller ter- ritories. The 4th Generation war deployed in the greater Middle East today was first applied,
experimented and perfected upon pro-Soviet Yugoslavia in the last decade of the 20th century,
obliterating the country into

history. Now the American wars are being waged right into the Muslim heartland, with genuine threats
of re-drawing of greater Middle Eastern Maps as well. After bringing death and destruction to
Afghanistan and Iraq, Pakistan is now in the eye of the storm, already staggering under the sheer scale of
violence, war, chaos as well as political and economic anarchy.

However, the threat is still manageable, downslide can be checked and rock solid responses can be built
but this remarkable turnaround would need a genuinely great leadership with vision, courage and
spiritual prowess to dream and then achieve the seemingly impossible under these desperate conditions.

The prongs

Today, the Muslim world finds itself between the two proverbial jaws of an alligator, facing the following
invading prongs from opposing directions:

1. The Western Crusaders, US, NATO, Neo-Cons and the Zionists. Using the full might of the
western military and industrial power, backed by the massive use of information warfare and Psy-
ops weapons, another wave of physical colonization of Muslim lands has begun.

2. The Radically anarchic Takfiri Kharjee religious militants. Exploiting the heretical interpretations
of religious ideals, these terrorist gangs have been on the rampage within the Muslim lands,
primarily target- ing Iraq and Pakistan with devastating effects. By declaring war on the Muslim
lands from within their territories, the Kharjees have become the most valuable assets for the
Western crusaders to justify their global wars and colonization.

This particular crisis confronted by the Muslim world today, of facing two prongs of such attacks, has
only one precedent in the entire 1400 years of Muslim history, though in terms of phenomenon and scale
the threat today has magnified many times over.
Historically, it is not new for the Muslim world to come under attack from the powerful Western
civilization or radical Zionist ideologies from the Judeo-Christian world. The Crusades are a vivid and
brutal expression of the militant and violent Judeo-Christian anarchists’ ideology invading the Muslim
heartland for religious, political and economic reasons.

Similarly, radical anarchist thoughts within the Muslim world are also not without precedent. The
Kharjiites, during the times of the companions of the Prophet, declared war on the Muslim political and
civil society. The radical and anarchists ideology of Assassins came later during the 10th century and
wreaked havoc within the Muslim society for almost 200 years during and after the times of Crusades.
The great Kurdish Sultan of Syria and Egypt, Salahuddin Ayubi had to fight and subdue Assassins
within the Muslim society before he could attack and counterattack the invading Crusaders from the
Western world.

It would be interesting to note for our readers that the English word Assassin has come from the Arabic
word Hashashin, meaning the ones who use Hashish or intoxicating drugs. The murderous thugs of The
Order of the Assassin cult were drugged with Hashish and then sent on dangerous suicide missions
within the Muslim world for murders, sabotage and creating terrorism, hence the word Assassins came
to be used in Western languages, representing the qualities of a hidden, terrorist murderer. In mid
nineteenth century, a German

historian, Von Hammer wrote a rare and invalu- able book on the ideology and practices of medi- eval
assassins, titled the History of the Assassins, where he vividly explains their murderous prac- tices and cult
ideology, which succeeded in over running almost the entire Muslim heartland, even coming close to
assassinating Sultan Salahuddin during the peak of the Crusades. Even Salahud- din could not finish off the
cloak and dagger cult of the Order of the Assassins, who were finally, decisively and ruthlessly eliminated
by the ram- paging Mongol armies which had also over run the Capital of Khilifat in Baghdad around 13th
century AD.
It is only now, after the times of the Crusades, that the Muslim world is again facing two prongs of oppos-
ing violent, fascist, political ideologies – Crusading Zionists and the Assassin Kharjees – often fighting with
each other as well within the Muslim world for control, power, influence and turf. The game is sinister, evil
and indeed bloody with violent consequences for the Muslims. External invasion fueled by religious fanati-
cism of the Judeo-Christian Zionists and aided by Hindu Zionists and internal sabotage by home grown cult
of Kharjees have recreated the threats, risks and the environment of the Crusades after almost a 1000 years.

Similarly, though all Muslim Ummah disapproves of the western invasion of Muslim lands, Kharjees are
ex- ploiting this Zionist invasion to wage their own war against the Muslim societies and governments
by declar- ing them partners in crime in these Crusades. Thus the Kharjees are also trying to grab the
strategic control of the Muslim world by exploiting the emotional upheaval and anger within the Muslim
societies due to the lack of any quality leadership within their countries.

The War on Terror (WOT) actually means Wars of Crusades by Zionists within the Muslim world for its
colo- nization, using the radical ideology of Kharjees as a justification for invading and forcing the
Muslim society to accept this invasion by presenting to them the Kharjee ideology as a bigger threat to
the Muslim world. So even if the Kharjee threat is not real in certain lands, creating, fabricating and
promoting the phantom bogey through orchestrated media campaigns and psy-ops, remains an integral
part of the entire Zionist war effort.

While Zionists invade Muslim lands and occupy them, they want the Muslim world to fight and finish
off the Kharjees first. On the other hand, it is the ultimate desire of the Kharjees to bring about a
massive, high in- tensity conflict between the Muslim world and the Crusading Zionists so that a power
and leadership vacuum within the Muslim world would allow Kharjees to break out and grab power, just
as the Assassins did in the past during the Crusades. The Zionists as well as the Kharjees want each
other to finish off the Muslim world, and one is using the bogey of the other to justify their presence
within the Muslim heartland and society. Both are waging a war against the Muslim world with
devastating effects and the battleground is the Muslim urban societies. In reality, they are often willing
partners with the agenda to destroy the status quo within the Muslim

world through violent means. The net result for the Muslim world will be total and complete destruction,
if any or both of the ideologies are successful.

The commonly known name for the modern day Kharjees in Pakistan is Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and
the so called Al-Qaeda, both of them have waged bloody wars within the Muslim world against Muslim
States and Muslim societies, while occasionally terrorizing western societies as well. A comprehensive
analysis and introduction of this ideology and its patronizing gangs have been discussed in detail in the
BrassTacks September issue. Baitullah Mehsud, Hakim ullah Mehsud, Mullah Fadlullah, Ayman
Zawihiri and Osama Bin Laden as well as Uzbek militants and Lal Masjid gangs are examples of this
anarchic cult in modern times. Another example of Kharjee thought is the group of Utaibi who took over
the Holy Kaaba in 1979 in an armed rebel- lion against Saudi monarchy during Hajj, which resulted in
thousands of casualities in the holiest Masjid of Muslims in the world. The similarities between the siege
of Makkah in 1979 and siege of Lal Masjid in 2007 in Islamabad are strikingly obvious, with similar
ideological, militant and political goals of the Kharjees and with the identical end of the two cult

The Great Game

Having understood the ideology of the two invading prongs, we come to the grand strategic objectives of
the Neo-Con foreign policy for the 21st century in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. This is the larger
game of the Neo-Cons for which an “enemy” had to be created and the Zionist backed Kharjees played
this anarchic role, within the Muslim world, rather brilliantly.

1. Defense and Security of Israel and to create weak, headless States in the Middle East, even
changing geography to create a new Middle East. Stopping Muslim countries from acquiring nuclear
weapons is an integrated part of this objective.

2. Containment and destruction of political and militant Islam.

3. Control of fuel assets.

4. Control of global trading routes, oil pipelines and strategic water ways like Gulf, Suez, Bosporus,
horn of Africa, Gibraltar, Malacca straits.

5. Encirclement and Containment of Russia.

6. Encirclement and Containment of China.

We emphasize that everything, repeat – everything that is happening in the ME, Africa and Asia has to
do with one or more of these objectives as well as the clash between US foreign policy and the rest of
the regional players who have a stake in preventing the US from achieving these objectives. These world
wars and global agenda have nothing to do with “war on terror”. The “WOT” is the new great game to
gain strategic foothold in the 21st century.

Political heavyweight, Zbigniew Brzezinski, clarified the importance of Central Asia to the US plans for global
dominance in his book, “The Grand Chessboard”
“Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some 500 years ago, Eurasia has been the
center of world power”…“For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia—and America’s global
primacy is directly dependent on how long and how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian
continent is sustained”….“How America man- ages Eurasia is critical. Eurasia is the globe’s largest
continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s
three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests
that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the
Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent. About
75% of the world’s people live in Eurasia and most of the world’s physical wealth as well, both in its
enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for 60% of the world’s GNP and about three-
fourths of the world’s known energy resources.”

The Grand Chessboard

To achieve the above stated six Grand strategic objectives, the Muslim lands need to be further
dismembered. US forces need to be based within Muslim lands. Ethnic and sectarian wars need to be ignited
in order to create “new blood borders” on ethnic and religious lines. Muslim nuclear potential needs to be
blunted. Defense of Israel is not possible if Pakistan or Iran possess nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
If Pakistan does not agree to surrender its nuclear weapons and missile program, then TTP Kharjees have to
be deployed to create such mayhem and anarchy within the state that Pakistan becomes a failed and
dysfunctional state forcing the world community to “step in” to prevent the “proliferation” of nuclear
weapons into “wrong” hands. The New Middle East map planned by the US, for which multiple wars would
be launched in the region, is similar to what is shown below. The US government has recently officially
denied any such plans, but the events on ground and US force positioning in the region, point towards what
the US denies.

The modern, easy to understand name for Zionists is Neo-Conservatives Christian Evangelicals and they
rule the United States of America today with their ideological allies in London, Tel-Aviv and Delhi. The
Christian Zionists believe that the State of Israel must be protected at all costs as that is the place where the
final war with the Anti-Christ, Armageddon, will take place and Christ would return to earth to lead the
good Chris- tians. Hence, their fanatical loyalty to Jewish Zionists and their ideals of creating a greater
Israel in the Middle East at the cost of the Muslim world. The Crusades of the Middle Ages were religious
wars; the Crusades of the 21st century are equally fanatical in religious fervor, driven by the same ideals
which drove the frenzy of earlier Crusades.
It should be noted that not every Jew is a Zionist just as not every Christian is a Neo-Con. In fact true
Jewsand good Christians hate Zionism and Israeli policies. There are millions of them but they are denied
space on the mainstream media, which is also controlled by the Zionists. A quick Google search will show
up many such Jewish and Christian groups rejecting Jewish and Christian Zionists.

It would be appropriate here if we give some time and space to understand the Neo-Con Christian
ideology, as it is the least understood phenomenon amongst Pakistani planners and strategists. The
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) for Public Policy Research, founded in 1943 during the post WWII
era, is located in Washing- ton D.C. It is an organization dedicated to strengthening national defense,
Jewish cultural and political institu- tions of and related to Israel. The American Enterprise Institute
(AEI) is fundamentally made up of mostly scholars, corporate executives and politicians with
Neoconservative leaning. It is more or less a central “think tank” of Zionism. They over-see and make
decisions regarding trade, economics, social welfare, government tax, spending, US policies on foreign
affairs and all US defense policies related to Israel and the entire Middle East. AEI is a nonpartisan
organization composed of Neoconservative and Compassionate Conservative Zi- onists. It considers
itself to be the American-Jewish political presence in the world. World domination is their goal. The
Neoconservative dream world is a Jewish World. Global domination, with Israel by its side, is the main
concern of the US government and all its Neoconservative think thank organizations, such as the AEI.

Christian Zionists, or dispensationalists, give Israel total support because they think there has to be a state
there, a place — not for Jews, but for the battle of Armageddon to take place, which they actually believe
must occur. It is part of the required steps, they believe, that will lead to their Rapture and the Second
Coming of Christ. American Christianity — referring to what is variously called American Evan- gelism,
Christian Zionism, or Dominion- ism, and comprising much of mainstream American Protestantism — isn't
Christianity in reality at all. By 1947, the Jewish Zionists in US had formed a powerful, $100 million a year,
lobbyist organization in Washington that pushed Truman into forcing the U.N. to giving away 55% of the
Palestinian people's land to the Zionist Jews.
Back in 1947, the United States government had not been so heavily infiltrated by the Jewish Zionists or non-
Jewish Zionists. The State Department, Senate, House of Representatives, Pentagon, and White House were still
Christian and conservative Americans – very unlike today. In present times, their infiltration is massive
-- it almost represents a coup d'etat. The most recent Zionist group to infiltrate the US government is called
the Neocons (Neoconservatives).

In the 1960’s, Irving Kristol and other East European Zionist Jews, founded the Neocon movement in
New York. They followed the political and philosophical writings of another German Zionist Jew, who
taught at the University of Chicago and whose classes many of them attended. His name is Leo Strauss
(1899-1973). Kristol, the godfather of the Neocons, became the managing editor of Commentary
magazine, which accord- ing to the Christian Science Monitor, became the "neocon bible." Later, he
founded additional magazines: the Public Interest and the National Interest.

The Neocons teach that one of the best ways to maintain political order is to have an external threat. It
unifies the people behind the President. If there is no external threat, they say, then the government
should manufac- ture one. In that vain perpetual war is a good goal. War is also good because it keeps
people away from their more hedonistic tendencies. Therefore, the U.S. being the world's only
superpower, should aggressively use its military might to promote the U.S. values around the world,
especially in the Middle East, which translates for the Zionists into the U.S. protecting and supporting
Israel at all costs.

Hindu Zionists – Hitching the ride with Western Zionists

Hindu Zionists are no different from their Judeo-Christian counterparts in antipathy towards Islamic
world, but suffer from an intrinsic inferiority complex against Muslims due to the fact that the Muslims
had ruled India for a thousand years till 1857 and then India fell into the hands of the British for another
90 years.
Hindu zealots are burning with anger to avenge their 1000 years of shame and subjugation at the hands
of the Muslims, but lack the courage and ferocity to do the job themselves, especially against Pakistan,
their arch- enemy. They need Western Zionists to do the job for them. It is the ultimate dream of their
foreign policy and diplomacy to get the western countries to attack and destroy Pakistan. One can still
remember the eagerness and impatience of the Indian government to offer bases to the US forces after
9/11 to attack and destroy Pakistan! Just like the Israelis, the Indians also plan to fight Pakistan to the
last American!

Regarding Hindu Zionists and their objectives, Vijay Prashad, on August 8th, 2001, in a fascinating and
thought provoking article titled Hindutva and Zionism, writes:

“The fantasy entertained by the Hindu Right government is that an alliance

with the world's lions (USA-Israel) will allow India to sup at High Table, to
eat high on the hog. Certainly the expectation is that trade will follow the
military tie-up.

For that reason, we see a wholesale sell-out by the Hindu Right to US-Israeli
for- eign/military policy objectives. The Hindu Right recognize the
persistence of US imperialism, and Israeli sub-imperialism -- and they want a
piece of the action
in South Asia. It appears that the Hindu Right seeks the franchise for US
lack- ey against what it sees as Islamic fundamentalism and Chinese

But the alliance with Israel is not so strange after all, because at the ideological
level, Hindutva is much like Zionism, for both extol the importance of the Race-
State, and both cast aspersions at the presence of a Muslim minority. An India-born
analyst at the Zionist Freeman Center in Houston, Texas, makes just this
connection: "Islamic fas- cists see Bharat [India] as the soft spot to propagate their
irrational creed and foment violence. India tries to placate them. Israel expels them.
This is what Bharat should
do. If they hate Hindu Rashtra so much they are free to leave for dar-ul Islam."

At the unofficial level, the links seem to be growing. Among semi-fascists the links
are deep. The restless lions of west and south Asia join the tigers of East Asia to
encircle China and the predominantly Muslim states of west and central Asia. The big
cats are at Genoa, but they significantly meet in military headquarters and in the
secure offices of arms merchants around the world, eager to undermine the political
process with the sorts of hardware that ensures that our world remain undemocratic.
Empire is alive and well”

The Dirty Wars

Post 9/11 American wars designed to redraw the Middle East map are based on what Robert Greene, in
his book “The 33 Strategies of War”, described as unconventional or dirty war. Greene explains this war

“A general fighting a war must constantly search for an advantage over the opponent. The
greatest advantage comes from the element of surprise, from hitting enemies with
strategies that are novel, outside their experience, completely unconventional. It is in the
nature of war; however, that over time any strategy with any possible application will be
tried and tested, so that the search for the new and unconventional has an innate tendency
to become more and more extreme. At the same time, moral and ethical codes that
governed warfare for centuries have gradually loosened. These two effects dovetail into
what we today call “dirty war”, where anything goes down to the killing of thousands of
unwarned civilians. Dirty war is political, deceptive and supremely manipulative. Often
the last recourse of the weak and desperate, it uses any means available to level the
playing field.
The dynamics of the dirty war have filtered into society and the culture at large. Whether
in politics, business or society, the way to defeat your enemy is to surprise them, to come
at them from an unexpected angle. And the increasing pressures of these daily wars make
dirty strate- gies inevitable. People go underground; they seem nice and decent but use
slippery devious methods behind the scenes.”

Now, following is the brief summary of the ridiculous situation in which Pakistan finds itself today due
to these US “dirty wars”. It is a masterpiece of Pakistan’s foreign and national security policy blunders,
failures and confusion, fully exploited by the Zionists and Kharjee Fascists.

1. US is threatening to invade Pakistani tribal areas and regularly attack targets of its choice using
Drones and other means. Relations between the US and Pakistan are tense, nervous and based on
mistrust and be- trayal. The US supplies pass through Pakistan, making the US vulnerable to
developments in Pakistan. War in Afghanistan is not going as the US had planned, creating a military
and political crisis for the United States and NATO, making the US even more nervous and jittery
regarding Pakistan. The US now want Pakistan to fight Afghan Taliban and other resistance groups
on behalf of the Americans, and is using all forms of carrots and sticks to push Pakistan into another
war in North Waziristan.

2. Pakistan is still not sure about its role in Afghanistan and remains clueless regarding an Afghan
policy and has no defined rules of engagement with the US. Even after nearly 10 years of Afghan
war, Pakistan neither has a vision to protect its interests and assets in Afghanistan nor any defined
and declared national security goals. Despite the anarchic chaos and the conflict within Pakistan due
to US presence in Afghani- stan, the government and the military is still not sure what is good for
Pakistan – American presence in Afghanistan or their withdrawal from it!!

3. Pakistan is still not sure about its role in Afghanistan and remains clueless regarding an Afghan
policy and has no defined rules of engagement with the US. Even after nearly 10 years of Afghan
war, Pakistan neither has a vision to protect its interests and assets in Afghanistan nor any defined
and declared national security goals. Despite the anarchic chaos and the conflict within Pakistan due
to US presence in Afghani- stan, the government and the military is still not sure what is good for
Pakistan – American presence in Afghanistan or their withdrawal from it!!
4. Pakistan is still not sure about its role in Afghanistan and remains clueless regarding an Afghan
policy and has no defined rules of engagement with the US. Even after nearly 10 years of Afghan
war, Pakistan neither has a vision to protect its interests and assets in Afghanistan nor any defined
and declared national security goals. Despite the anarchic chaos and the conflict within Pakistan due
to US presence in Afghani- stan, the government and the military is still not sure what is good for
Pakistan – American presence in Afghanistan or their withdrawal from it!!

5. Kabul government remains hostile to Islamabad and is supporting multiple insurgencies, aiding
the Indians to establish bases all along the western border, staging terror campaigns inside Pakistan
and pro- tecting wanted terrorists. Pakistan has not made any significant breakthrough in the
Northern alliance nor taken any independent initiative to play an aggressive role as a peacemaker in
Afghanistan. Islamabad’s hesitation and lack of confidence to get involved is fatal.

6. TTP Kharjees, Al-Qaeda and their allied militant gangs have maintained their open war against the
State of Pakistan. Their supplies remain open from Afghanistan making it impossible to eliminate
this threat decisively despite major gains made by the army against these terrorists. The entire
judicial system of the country has failed to respond to the threat. Security forces are fighting a
reactive war where the advantage remains with the terrorists to hit urban soft targets of their choice
with surprise and impunity.
7. Afghan Taliban are still not considered as assets for Pakistan nor are they offering any direct
support to crush the Kharjee insurgency against Pakistan. Although they have not declared any war
against Pakistan, they are extremely unhappy with the way Pakistan has handled the entire crisis.

8. Indian Zionists continue to work on the plan to get Pakistan beaten up by the Americans. They
have been on this agenda since 9/11, when they had offered bases to the US to attack Pakistan! It is
the Indian desire to create a situation in which an open confrontation is developed between Pakistan
and the US where the US would be doing the dirty job of destroying Pakistan to the utter pleasure
and advantage of India. US and India have now successfully forged an open and aggressive alliance
against “Islamic” threat from Pakistan. Meanwhile Indians are busy trying to crush the Kashmiri
uprising and resistance in the valley, taking advantage of the favorable environment in the region
against Islamic militancy and Pakistan.

9. The government in Islamabad remains incapacitated, corrupt and dysfunctional almost turning
Paki- stan into a banana republic if the army and the Supreme Court were not there to salvage some
dignity. The economic and governance collapse is almost total with real possibilities of a street level
anarchic chaos unless the regime is changed urgently. This is what both, the Zionists and Kharjees,
had planned to bring about from the very beginning and is being facilitated by the corrupt regime.

10. The national media remains equally confused and directionless, even hostage to the
Kharjee terrorists and the Neo-Cons. US information warfare has penetrated deep into Pakistani
media controlling the di- rection, content and the perception management of the Pakistani nation.
Despite massive devastation and TTP driven war against the State, the media remains dreadfully
silent to nail and name the perpetrators. The “free” media has willfully surrendered its “freedom” to
the dreaded terrorists.

11. Despite having closest and common national security interests, Pakistan has still not used
the power and clout of China to exert itself in the region or in Afghanistan to create a favorable
space for both countries.

12. Iran remains isolated from Pakistan despite some cooperation on security and economic levels.
Both countries have not yet discussed Afghanistan and American presence seriously nor have forged
any com- mon strategy to secure Afghanistan after the US withdrawal or even to force a US

13.Pakistan has still not built any relations with Russia who has great interest in countering US
aggressive postures in the Eurasian region and is looking for allies in South and West Asia.

The Challenge and the Response

The biggest failure of Pakistani leadership so far is that they have failed to see the threats emerging from
the Neo-Con ideology! The Neo-cons are as sinister an existential threat as the Kharjee terrorists, but in
Islama- bad Neo-Cons are taken as friends and masters. While Kharjee terrorist threat is considered as
the biggest
American Wars: Conflicts & Crisis in Muslim Lands
national security risk, the Neo-Con colonial and hostile agenda against Pakistan and in the region is
dismissed as just a conspiracy theory! This sheer lack of political, historic and philosophical vision,
touching the limits of stupidity and insanity by the political leadership, has brought Pakistan to this
unprecedented critical stage.

Pakistan has still not decided if the US presence in Afghanistan is part of the problem or part of the
solution for Pakistan’s national security challenges. It cannot get more pathetically ironic than this.

It is the US presence in Afghanistan which is causing all the chaos and anarchy in the region: Indians,
Kharjees and the terrorism breed under the US umbrella. When Afghan Taliban were in control in
Afghanistan between 1996 to 2001, not a single incident of bombings, terrorism and insurgency was
reported in Pakistan. Indians had been eliminated from Afghanistan and drugs were not flowing into
Pakistan. There was no insurgency in Baluchistan. Pakistan had not lost a single soldier or civilian to
political terrorism during that period. TTP never existed. Even if the so called Al-Qaeda existed in
Afghanistan, they were kept in strong check by the Afghan Taliban, never causing any security hazard to

Even today, a certain mindset exists in the Pakistani government and policy makers that strongly feels
that the US must stay in Afghanistan to bring “stability”. They feel that NATO supplies must pass
through Pakistan so that Pakistan may maintain leverage over US in Afghanistan. It is believed by them
that if Pakistan demands the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, it would make US openly hostile towards
the Islamic republic and it would impose sanctions on Islamabad and the country would collapse under
the economic meltdown! They believe and propagate that Afghans are not capable of managing their
own affairs, hence a foreign Western force is required to eliminate “terrorism” from the region. The
Neo-Con perception management and dis- information teams have done a fantastic job at spreading
despondency and strategic confusion within the Pakistani leadership.

Major segments of the Pakistan government are open collaborators with the Neo-Cons. They are not ex-
pected to protect or understand Pakistan’s security needs. But even a segment of the patriots, for lack of
un- derstanding of the Neo-Con threat and their great game against Pakistan, believe that the US should
continue to stay in Afghanistan and give the above-mentioned reasons as an excuse. This great confusion
within the political and military leadership is the precise reason why there is still no Afghan policy or
vision in Pakistan despite having suffered so much since the last 10 years.

Let us make it clear firmly and decisively: If Pakistan wants to come out of the crisis, there is no option but
to be ruthless.

1. There can be no peace in Pakistan if the US remains in Afghanistan. It is the US presence which
has brought Pakistan to this brink. The sooner we throw the Americans out, the better. The leverage,
which Pakistan has over US for economic and military aid, due to their supply lines passing through
Pakistan, is nothing compared to the damages, losses and chaos which is created in the country due
to the US pres- ence.

2. The US is broken economically as well as militarily. The two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have
broken the back of the Neo-Con war machine. There is no way the US can threaten Pakistan
militarily. This major US vulnerability should be powerfully exploited in strategic negotiations to
demand a US withdrawal and to eliminate Indian influence from Afghanistan.
3. Pakistan must now decisively demand a US withdrawal from the region.

4. A regional political and diplomatic power bloc between Pakistan, China, Iran and Russia can be
created which should further bolster Pakistan’s posture in demanding a US withdrawal. All countries
are anti-US and want an exit of the western forces from Afghanistan.

5. Pakistan must aggressively and openly engage with all factions of the Afghan conflict and exert its
due role in bringing the warring Afghan factions closer for peace. Most of the Northern alliance
factions are former Afghan Mujahideen parties of the Afghan Jihad era and can easily be brought
back into our fold. So far, no serious attempt has been made to bring them back.

6. Pakistan should proactively and preemptively hit at TTP and Kharjee bases in Afghanistan and
21 exert pressure on the US, NATO and Afghan regime to “do more” to check and control the logistics
and sup- plies of the terrorist networks. The war against Kharjees will have to enter Afghanistan by
all covert and overt means.

7. Zero tolerance and no mercy policy towards Kharjee terrorist with special military courts to put to
trial and eliminate the captured militants. Since the civilian courts have totally failed to respond to
the threat, the clauses in the military law should be invoked, which allow for a military court martial
for the captured “civilian” terrorists and insurgents.

8. The Neo-Cons’ influence on Pakistani media and policy making to be eliminated and replaced with
indigenous, homegrown national security and media policy to revive the national ideology and patriotism.

The crisis is staggering. The challenge remains phenomenal. The stakes are of life and death for this
nation. If it were not for the army, the country would have already disintegrated under the two prong
Kharjee and Zionist threat axis. Pakistan has never faced such monumental existential threats of such
staggering intensity in such a short duration of time. What is cruelly ironic is that this crisis is self
created by the leadership since the past 10 years, and has emerged due to the deliberate blunders of
policy, diplomacy, politics, strategy and perception management. The solution lies in undoing the
damage done on the above -mentioned points.

The crisis is still totally manageable in the shortest possible time. The problem is sharply defined and
solutions clear. Assets are available, resources are at hand, military strength available to enforce political
decisions and the global and regional geo-politics rapidly turning into Pakistan’s favor; the military
gaining ground against internal threats and beginning to hard bargain with the foreign forces, but still we
see a complete lack of coherence in the national policies. The ship remains rudderless and in seriously
turbulent waters. The crisis of leadership is phenomenal, undoing all the sacrifices made and the
advantages gained on ground. If saving Pakistan means bringing a regime change in Islamabad first,
then so be it!

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