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1. AGRA BIMA YUDA (07311940000046)

3. MUHAMMD HUMAM S (04211940000033)
4. NAFILA CAHYA ANDANIS (07311940000020)



All praise belongs only to Allah. Which has bestowed all His Grace and guidance, so
that We were able to complete this paper in order to fulfill the task of the religious course.
Religion as a system of belief in human life can be studied through various
perspectives. Islam as a religion that has developed over the past fourteen centuries holds
many problems that need to be investigated, both concerning religious teachings and thinking
as well as social, political, economic and cultural realities.
This paper is arranged so that readers can expand their knowledge about how to
achieve world happiness and safety in the hereafter. , which is presented based on
observations from various sources, information, references, and news. "The nature of the
preparation of this paper is not as little as the obstacles faced. However, the smoothness of
the preparation of this paper is due to the help and encouragement from various parties so that
the obstacles can be overcome. To the lecturer of religious subjects, We ask for input for the
improvement of the making our paper in the future and expect criticism and suggestions from

Surabaya, 21 February 2020


A. Background
Happiness in Islam is authentic happiness. It means happiness that grow from
the essential values of islam and manifest in a servant who is able to show repentance
to do instroprection and self correction to always hold on to the values of truth, to
thank God for the blessings of faith, Islam, and life, and uphold honesty, truth, and
justice in living personal social and professional lives. There is another side,
happiness becomes incomplete if it does not manifest in a concrete life by making
others happy.
No one wants his life to be unhappy in the world even in the afterlife.
Everyone certainly wants to be happy in the world and safely to the afterlife. But only
a few people understand the true meaning of happiness. Living happily in the world
and surviving in the afterlife is everyone's dream, even a symbol of the success of a
life. Not a few people who sacrifice everything to achieve it. Hanging the ideals
soaring as high as the sky with the peak of these goals, namely how to achieve the
happiness of this life becomes the ideal of every person who is a believer or an infidel
against God.
If happiness lies in the pile of property, they have sacrificed everything to
achieve it. In fact, it was never achieved and made sacrifices in vain. If happiness lies
in the rank and position, they are also ready to sacrifice anything to get what they
want. but still, happiness will never be found. If the happiness lies in the fame of the
name, they have tried to achieve it with anything and they do not find what is called

B. Formulation of The Problem

a. What is the definition of religion?
b. What is the definition of Islam?
c. What is the definition of happiness in Islam view?
d. How the concepts and characteristics of religion as a path to god and happiness?
e. Why humans must be religious and how religion can make us happy?
f. How can we describe the essence and urgency of commitment to monotheistic
values to achieve happiness?
C. Writing Purpose
a. To find out the definition about religion.
b. To find out the definition about Islam.
c. To find out the definition about happiness in islam view.
d. To find out the concepts and characteristic of religion as a path to god and
e. To find out the answer about why humans must be religious and how religion can
make us happy.
f. To find out the way we describe the essence and urgency of commitment to
monotheistic values to achieve happiness.


A. The Meaning of Happiness in Islam Point of View

Talk about the meaning of true happiness or ultimate happiness, Islam hasviews on
the meaning or meaning of true happiness based on the proposition of the wordAllah SWT. in
the book of Al-quranand also the argument of the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.
HappinessTrue someone can not bemeasured by the amount of wealth or wealth, status or
ranksocial in society and or all the luxuries that a person has.true or true happiness lies in the
calmness of one's heart. I havemany people are rich with their wealth, but their
wealthpossessing cannot make their hearts calm, but on the contrary it is a treasurethe wealth
they accumulate makes them negligent, forgetful and busy for everchasing shortcomings.
This is because of some of their property and wealthstill they consider less.This has been
explained by Allah. in His word which reads:
It means: "glory has neglected you. Until you enter the tomb." 36S.At-takatsur 1-2
The source of true happiness is peace of mind or tranquility of the soul which isa gift
from God Almighty. very valuable. Everyone would want it, but onlyVery few people get it.
This is because many people forget its creator, forgetting "the giver of happiness, and
forgetting about" the creator's essenceserenity in the true soul or heart. God has explained in
His word,It means
“that which has brought peace to the hearts of believers in ordertheir faith increases in
addition to their existing faith. and belongs toAllah is the army of heaven and earth and Allah
is the most knowledgeable of the wise. “
36S. Al-Fath : 4
which is meant by the army of heaven and earth is a helper made by Godfor believers
such as angels, animals, wind, and othersso. from the explanation of the word of Allah swt., it
can be concluded that someone whowant happiness, want to have a calm heart and soul, but
forget about thethe creator, then all these desires are just futile.therefore, to seek and then get
true happiness isin a way :
1. Always remember Allah Almighty. as in the explanation of the word of Allahthat it is
Allah who gives, creates and determines happiness inHis servant. 
2. Always try to get peace in the soul and heart with pietyto Allah truly
truthfulness.Allah SWT. is giving peace to whomever He wills, as it isthe word of
God Almighty. another,

This means that “unbelievers say why not muhammad signthe miracles of his god say,
Verily Allah deceives who "he iswill and guide those who repent to Him” 36S. Ar-Ra’d : 27
And also Allah saidmeaning :
"and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, they will be withpeople are blessed by Allah,
thatis the Prophets, the shiddiiqiin, those who aremartyred, and pious people. "and they are
the best of friends. that is a gift from God, and Allah knows enough. “
36S. An-Nisa: 69-70
These are God's promises to His chosen servants, then they willget true grace and
happiness. for people who obey God andHis Messenger, these promises are not meant for
those who are ungodly toAllah SWT. need to be reminded that luxury, position, position and
everythingthe grandeur that exists in this world is only false and nothing will be eternal and
surewill be destroyed and damaged. Life in this world is just a mere trajectorythe means in
finding provisions to travel to the afterlife. "and the best ofprovisionsit is a provision of

B. Tracing the Concepts and Characteristics of Religion as a Path to God and

Happiness in Islam is authentic happiness that means to be born and grow from
Islamicvalues and creating in a person a servant who is able to demonstrate the attitude of
the penance performs introspection and correction to always hold on to the values and divine
Truth, grateful for God's gift of favor of faith, Islam, and life. The following opinions from
some experts about the meaning of happiness
1. Al-Alusi

According to Al-Hulusi happy is a feeling of delight and joy because it can reach desires or
ideals that are intended and dreamed about. Other opinion states that happiness is to remain in
goodness or to enter pleasure and success.
2. Qayyim At jauziyah

Qayyim argues that happiness is a feeling of delight andHealthy and functioning properly.
Because, a healthy and functioning heartWell can relate to God as the owner of Happiness.
i.e. the owner Happiness, wealth, success, glory, science and wisdom.

Characteristics of healthy hearts are as follows :

A. The soul receives food that serves as a nutrient and medicine. As for the food
Most beneficial to the liver is faith, whereas most medicines areBeneficial to the liver is Al-
B. always oriented to the future and the hereafter. To succeed in the future, we must fight at
the present time. People who want to fight in the present time is owners of the future, while
those who do not want to struggle in the present time becomePast owners.
C. Always encourage the owner to return to God.There is no life,Happiness, andenjoyment
except with his ridha and close to him. God is a food of the same, longing to God is a life
D. Never forget from remembering God, Berdzkikir to Allah, do not stop serving
God, and do not feel happy with other than Allah SWT.
E. If the moment just forgot to God soon he immediately realized and returned closer and to
him. if it is in prayer, then lose all the confusion and busyness
And soon he came out of the world so that he had peace,
pleasure, and happiness and the tears of his eyes and the love of his heart.
G. Attention to time so as not to lose in vain beyond concern to other human beings
and his treasure.

A healthy heart is always oriented to the quality of charity not to charity alone.
Usman ibnu Hasan Al-shaubawi expressed that the happy man's indicatoris there Tekinya
source in Her Country ,Has a family of Shaleh, the wife and Children who are proud and
happy, and are under the fair ruler whonot dzhalim. The next indicator is that can help a
person to approachto God Although wealthy,it is not oriented to the world but is oriented
towardsFuture lives andhereafter ,The spirit of worship ,Not much speaks in Things that are
useless ,Keep the obligation of praying ,Be sane, namely carefully in the The source of life so
as not to fall to the misconceptions much less, Get along with those Shaleh ,Be tawadu and
not arrogant ,be Philanthropic and not the contrary is stingy ,and not Never forget about

C. Why Humans Must Have Religion and How Religion Can Make People Happy
The key to be religious are fitrah which linguistically means the holy. What it means
by holy are genetically and sinfully holy. Borrowing term made by professor
UdinWinataputra, fitrah is being born with faith. Different with islamic theology, other
certain theology said each human born bearing a sin called inherited sin. According to that
theology, human are tasked to free themselves from that sin. But in Islamic theology, each
and every human are born holy, free from sin. The human must kept their holiness and faith
until it’s time to come back to Allah.

D. Building argument about tauhidullah as the one and only correct religious model.
Tauhidullah freed human from takhayul, khurafat, myth, and bid’ah. Tauhidullah put
humans in a dignified place. Human are the most noble and perfect creature compared to
other creature of Allah. That is why Allah gave amanah and khilafah to human. Humans are
natural spirits, God created nature because Allah created perfect human beings. If there is no
human being, then Allah does not need to recapture this nature, according to the hadith which
states that “and humans who have the right tauhidullah have the potential to approach the
position of insankamil.” Rasulullah said “La ilahaIllallah is my fortress and whoever came
inside my fortress, will be safe from azab.”. Every human must be careful that tauhidullah
which is the only way to get happiness according to Said Hawa can be broken because of this
1. Al – Kibr
2. Azh-Zhulum and Al-Kizb
3. Al – Ifsad
4. Al – Ghafiah
5. Al – Ijram

E. Descripting the essence and urgency of commitment to values of tauhid to reach

Values of life that built on tauhid is a positive value, truth value, and eternal that
include absolute truth and universal. The absolute and universal value inside will make islam
as rahmatanlil ‘alamin, religion that brought peace, salvation, prosperity, and happiness to
mankind. Commitment to universal value of Al – Qur’an became absolute requirement to
obtain happiness. Universal value that human need to have are :
1. Al – Amanah
Al – Amanah means trustworthy. Why does a person is trustworthy? Because
he/she is true to their words. Honesty made person trustworthy
2. Al – Adalah
Al – Adalah etymologically means justice. Justice in the perspective of islam is
the balance between responsibility and right.
3. Al – Huriyah
Freedom of human to be willing and do thing is human rights. Human had the
freedom to think and expand their thought through knowlodge, philosophy, or
newer understanding of religion

A. Conclusion
The purpose of human life is peace in the world and happiness in the hereafter.
"in other words, it can be said as happiness in the world and happiness in the
hereafter. Happiness that was dreamt by people is both in the world and hereafter.It is
impossible to obtain it without the necessary foundation in the religion teachings. We
cannot obtain true happiness if Allah didn’t give it to us. So to reach it, we must obey
the rules of islam. Happiness won’t ever come to those who does syirik because it is
unforgiveable sin. We must understand thoroughly the foundation of our religion
because if not, we wont be able to understand islam correctly and completely. And
that foundation of understanding islam will stand tall if based on tauhidullah
B. Suggestions
Noting that this paper are still far from perfect, there will be more effort to
focus and more detailed on explaining about the paper above with many more
interviewees. Writer hopes for critics and suggestion from reader for improvement
and perfection of incoming papers.

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Alamah dan Abu. 2009. Mengungkap Rahasia Al-Quran. Bandung : Mizan Pustaka.
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Conversation between Bhrekelle and Mr.Anas

Conversation between Nafila and Ms.Risha

Conversation between Humam and Foreigner.
Nafila and Her Interviewees.

Humam and His Interviewees.

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