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Maria Corina Abreu


Subject: English

5th Year

Teacher: Oly Velasco de Mantellini

Novel Corona Virus: Outbrake, Travel and economic impact

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that was discovered in the 1960s but whose origin is still unknown.
Its different types cause different illnesses, from a cold to a severe respiratory syndrome (a severe form of
Most coronaviruses can be treated effectively and are not that dangerous. They are more frequent in
autumn or winter, but they can infect at any time of the year. The coronavirus owes its name because it
looks like a crown.
There are many types of coronavirus, but the most recent is COVID-19 and this is the one that is affecting
The COVID-19 was discovered in late December 2019, the first cases of coronavirus were reported in
Wuhan, China. Since then the news of new infected by the COVID-19, has been continuous and its
transmission from person to person has accelerated.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it a pandemic situation. There are many countries
with infected people, and health professionals insist on the need to follow preventive measures and avoid
social alarm.
To date, the origin of this virus is unknown, but everything seems to indicate that the virus has an animal
originonly, certain animals such as bats are known to act as reservoirs. This virus is easily transmitted
between humans, mainly due to the contact they have, since if you are infected and you touch another
person and they touch their face, it is most likely to spread.
Like most viruses that are transmitted between humans that cause respiratory illnesses such as
pneumonia, contagion occurs by the respiratory route through sneezing, coughing, or when an infected
person coughs or exhales.
The main symptoms of coronavirus depending on the type and severity of the infection are, sore throat,
fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, headache and general malaise. When you get this infection it is very
likely that you will get pneumonia. Studies have been done and these say that 80% of people infected
with this virus have mild symptoms. This virus is more risky in old people, people who have blood
clotting problems, and the symptoms of sepsis. The duration of fever and respiratory difficulties for
survivors have a duration of approximately between 12 and 13 days, these patients are discharged more or
less in 22 days from the beginning of the disease. For the deceased, the average time to death is
approximately 18 days or a little more.
The way to determine if the patient's discomfort is a simple flu or a coronaviruses, perform a nose and
throat culture, blood tests, torax tomography to determine symptoms of pneumonia, biochemical analysis,
a blood count, and blood coagulation tests. These tests are done on people who have symptoms and may
be prone to the virus.
There is no vaccine against the human coronavirus that causes a cold, but milder cases can be overcome
by following the same steps as a common flu. This does not require medical intervention and simply by
washing your hands frequently, resting and drinking plenty of fluids, the symptoms will disappear after a
few days. You can use pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve sore throats or fever.
In cases of COVID-19 coronavirus, it is recommended to go to the hospital in severe cases. Treatment is
usually adapted to the severity of the patient, as there are cases of severe pneumonia, but in others the
manifestations are mild.
Protective measures for all people are, wash hands thoroughly and frequently using an alcohol-based
disinfectant or soap and water, keep a minimum distance of 1 meter from anyone who is coughing or
sneezing, avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth, try to maintain good airway hygiene i.e. cover mouth
and nose with bent elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing, used tissue should be thrown away
immediately, stay home if you are not feeling well, if you have a fever, cough and shortness of breath
seek medical attention and call ahead, follow the instructions of the local health authorities, stay informed
on the latest news from COVID-19, follow the advice of relevant national and local health authorities on
how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19., check the latest news on areas of Greater danger, if
possible, avoid moving to these areas, especially if you are old or have diabetes, heart or lung disease.

The coronavirus will have and is already having a serious impact on the societies and economies of the
countries affected by the east. These are sharp falls in domestic demand and in trade and production ties,
reduced tourism and business travel, interruptions in supply or effects on health. Most economies are
already responding to the Covid-19 outbreak.

To help protect their citizens, political leaders in countries have implemented various forms of travel
restrictions or warnings, strengthened detection procedures and quarantine policies. Countries are also
strengthening their health systems by dictating contact only when necessary, equipping them with
adequate personal protection supplies, strengthening laboratory capabilities, and ensuring adequate
communication of risks.

Theories about the origin of the coronavirus have multiplied in recent days. “Theories suggest that the
virus would have "escaped" from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, an idea denied by most experts.”
“Another theory puts the center of the origin of COVID-19 in the United States… It is said that the virus
did not originate in China and, according to reports and other means, may have originated in the United
States.” (Pérez) “It is possible that the US military brought the epidemic to Wuhan, a spokesman for the
Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, said on Twitter on Thursday night.” (AFP)

Work Cited Page

Pérez, 2020, Atalayar.com. 2020. Conspiracy theories about the origin of the coronavirus. Available at:

AFP, 2020, Semana.com. 2020. China Denies Origin Of Coronavirus, Raises Conspiracy Theories.
Available at: <https://www.semana.com/mundo/articulo/las-teorias-de-conspiracion-sobre-el-origen-del-

 Felman, 2020. Medicalnewstoday.com. 2020. Coronaviruses: Symptoms, Treatments, And Variants.

Available at: <https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/256521>

Kirby, 2020, Vox.com. 2020. Will coronavirus cause a global recession? We still don’t know. Available
at: <https://www.vox.com/2020/2/28/21153492/coronavirus-recession-china-stock-market-economy>

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