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Change Request Document

Employee Attendence Mnagement System

Version: 1.61
Updated on: Jan 28th,2020
Table of Contents

1. Introduction:........................................................................................................... 3
1.1.Purpose:............................................................................................................ 3
1.2.scope:................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. Employee profile:............................................................................................. 3
1.4. Leave Management:......................................................................................... 3
1.5. Time Management:.......................................................................................... 3
1.6 STUDY AND WEAKNESS IN CURRENT SYSTEM:..............................................4
1.6.1. Current system:........................................................................................ 4
1.6.2.Weakness in current system:......................................................................4
2 Issue Resolution................................................................................................... 4
2.1Requirements of new system:............................................................................4
2.1.1 User requirements:.................................................................................. 4
2.2 Word Study:................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Feature of the new system:............................................................................... 5
2.3.1 User Friendly:................................................................................................. 5
2.3.2 Reports are easily generated:........................................................................6
2.3.3 Very less paper work:..................................................................................... 6
2.3.4 Computer operator control:............................................................................6
3.Objective:................................................................................................................ 6
4.Impact..................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Functional Requirements:..............................................................................6
4.2 Non Functional Requirements:.......................................................................8
5.Assumptions:........................................................................................................... 9
6.Open Issues............................................................................................................. 9
7.Conclusion............................................................................................................... 9
8.Management Approval Form.................................................................................10

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1. Introduction:

Attendance Management system is software developed for daily student attendance in school, college
and institute. If faculties to access the attendance information for a particular employee in a particular
industry. The information is sorted by the operator which will be provided by the employee for a
particular working day. This system is also help in evaluating attendance eligibility criteria of a employee.

The purpose of developing attendance management system is computerized by tradition way of talking
attendance. Another purpose for this developing this software is to generate the report automatically at
the end of the session or in between of the session.

The scope of the project is the system on which the software installed that is the project is developed
as a web based application and it will work for a particular organization. But later on the project can be
modified to operate it online.

1.3. Employee profile:

Employee personal information: Name, email, DOB ,mobile no, designation, posting ,address, marital
status, address, blood, nationality, category, date of joining, employee current position and job profile,
bank acc no and qualification details.

1.4. Leave Management:

Manage leaves of all types of employees manage different types of employee leave status: casual,
earned and medical leaves application management to be handled by HR leave structure and policy

1.5. Time Management:

The benefits of using a time and attendance management solution at your workplace cannot be
underestimated with thousands of employees working in many companies around the world, the need
of efficient organizational system of programs are getting more and more vital. therefore there are
many companies implementing time management solution in order to improve productivity. Attendance
management system covers the requirements of the personal department in terms of manpower
analysis, day to day monitoring of the attendance, monitoring of leaves records and transfer of relevant

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information to the payroll system.it also works well as a member database. the program is easy to use
and its well suited for our organization that needs to track of attendance.


1.6.1. Current system:

In the present system all work done is done on paper. The whole session is attendance is stored in
register and at the end of session the reports are generated. We are not interested in generating report
in the middle of the session or as per requirement because its more time in calculation.so we are not
able to get employee regularity report and take necessary action on employees wherever we want
because of having very time consuming process.

1.6.2.Weakness in current system:

1.Not user friendly:

The existing system is not user friendly because the retrieval of data is very slow and data is not
maintained efficiently.

2.Difficulty in report generating:

We require more calculations to generate the report so it is generated at the end of the session.
And the employee not gets a single chance to improve their attendance.

3.Manual control:

All calculation to generate report are done manually so there is greater chance of errors.

4.Lost of paperwork:

Existing system requires a lot of paper work. Loss of even a single registration record led to
difficult situation because all the papers are needed to generate the reports.

5.Time Consuming:

Every work is done manually so we cannot generate report in the middle of the session as per
the requirement because it is very time consuming.

2 Issue Resolution
2.1Requirements of new system:
2.1.1 User requirements:
The user requirements for the new system are to make the system fast, flexible, less,
prone to error and reduce expenses and save time.

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 Time will be saved in scheduling the salary if it were available to make question banks to
store questions for different employee in advance and can be used as per required.
 A system will be able to automate the checking of answers which are pre stored so that
the results will be generated as soon as the employee gives the reasons.
 A facility will be generate result charts as per required without manual interface for
providing how a task is to be done instead only asking what is to be done.
 The system will be able to have employee & its salary records on hand which can be
used as per required only by authorized personnel.
 The system will be more secure in managing the employee records and reliable enough
to be used in any condition.
 Finally, it will prove cost effective as compared to the current system.

2.2 Word Study:

A key part of the preliminary investigation that reviews anticipated costs and benefits and
recommends a course of action based on operational, technical and time factors. The purpose of
the study is to determine if the systems request should proceed further.

 Technical feasibility:
The technical requirement for the system is economic and it does not use any other
additional Hardware and software.

 Behavioral Feasibility:
The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but attractive
interface. user requires no special training for operating the system.

2.3 Feature of the new system:

The new system has been designed as per the user requirements so as to fulfill
almost all them.

2.3.1 User Friendly:

The proposed system is user friendly because the retrieval and storing of
data is fast and data is maintained efficiently. Moreover the graphical user

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interface is provided in the proposed system, which provides user to deal with the
system very easily.

2.3.2 Reports are easily generated:

Reports can be easily generated in the proposed system so user can generate
the report as per the requirement (monthly) or in the middle of the session. User
can give the notice to the employees to be regular.

2.3.3 Very less paper work:

The proposed system requires very less paper work. All the data is feted into
the computer immediately and reports can be generated through computers.
Moreover work becomes very easy because there is no need to keep data on

2.3.4 Computer operator control:

Computer operator control will be there so no chance of errors.
Moreover storing and retrieving of information is easy. So work can be done
speedily and in time.

1. Eliminate duplicate data entry and errors in time and attendance

2. Eliminate paperwork and save time.

3. Automatic calculation of attendance

4. To Increase security.


2.3 Functional Requirements – Admin Module


Admin/ employee.

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Process flow

i. Admin will create a user name according to the employee information and store password
corresponding to username.

ii. Admin will able to create new account of employee. Admin the month wise attendance will
maintained and HR will be able to generate a report in a PDF format for each employee
based on the information In the database.

iii. Admin will define the working days and hours that is Monday to Thursday (9:00 to 5:30)
while Friday (9:00 to 6:00) in the system..

iv. User with defined roles will display the content of the database. Being more specific,
employee can only view his/her personal information Admin will not only see his/her
personal information but also employee’s information who are under his/her department.

v. Admin will display their personal information and all employees’ information his/her(name,
address, contact no, post, email, designation etc). Admin will only edit employees’ personal

vi. Admin will edit all information related to all employees’ including their user role type.

vii. The admin will be able to approve leave applications based on the reasons stated, length of
leave as well as available HR on a department.

viii. Leave days accrued. Admin also will define the type of leaves in the system like casual
,earned and medical leaves.

2.4 Functional Requirements – Self Service Module



Process flow

i. The user will login to the HR system with his/her username and password.

ii. Login failure- If the user does not exist in the database or the user has not yet being
authorized by the HR admin. if the user forget the password and want to change the
password so user can do it easily.

iii. After logging in, the user role will be checked from the database and the user interface will be
displayed according to their role.

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iv. After logging employee will mark the attendance in the system.

v. The user will be able to fill in leave application form in the appropriate fields.

vi. The user will be able to check the number of leave days accrued.

vii. The user will review the attendance detail.

viii. Employee will connect this system with organization LAN otherwise employee will not
access this system.

2.5 Non Functional Requirements:

Performance Requirements:

There is no restriction on the number of the users to be added on the database.

Software Requirements:

 Employee management system is a web based application.internet connection must be


 The employee management system software personal database model will support .net,oracle

Hardware requiremants:

Employee management system will be able to work on computer with the following minimum hardware
spscification like Os (operating system),CPU,memory and network interface.

1. We assume that the office personal do all the data entry based and the correct values
obtained fron forms and registers.

2. We assume that the computers that will use the software will be the part of office LAN.

3. Users with administrator access should be careful in deleting and modifying any information
knowledge and unknowledge which will lead to inconsistency of the database.

4. The end users of the software are assumed to have basic level of computer knowledge that
is point and click.

6.Open Issues


PAGE # 8
This system overcome many limitations incorporated in attendance, this system
saves a great
amount of time and reduces errors which may occur during attendance calculation.
The system I have developed is fully responsive which can be used in mobile,
tablets and different
operating systems. Some other benefits are,

Automated and web-based for easy accessibility

 It is a dynamic and flexible system
 
 It excludes paperwork and the possibility of making mistakes while using
paper for
taking attendance
 
 It is very user friendly.
 
 The records of current and previous can be available in prompt and an

8.Management Approval Form

The Chief Operating Officer (COO) during a meeting held in ISD Conference Room, held on 02.12.2016
has directed that in future all changes in changes in functionality as well as data of IT systems shall only
be made after approval by following Change Management Committee.

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Necessary changes in cBAS software shall be made and ready for testing and clarification by the IT-QAD for

In this regards, approval is required, so that the same could be implemented in Production.

Document Version: Updated Date: 28 Feb, 2020

Name Signature

Prepared by: Ms. Javaria Nur


Reviewed by: Ms.Sana


Technically reviewed
Mr. Qaiser Hassan Awan

Submitted for
Qadeer Javaid, CPD

Asad Chaudhry, CVD

Approved by:
Divisional Head Operations Division

Divisional Head Credit Division

Divisional Head Liability Marketing Division

Divisional Head Accounts Division

Divisional Head IS Division

Divisional Head Compliance Division

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Divisional Head Finance Division

Divisional Head Risk Management Division

Divisional Head Recovery and RAM Division

Divisional Head SAM and OREO Division

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