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A .H.Zemanian
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-2350
Telephone: 516632-839318400

a finite path except that it closes 011 itsdl.

Abstract Two nodes 01 two braiiclics i n a gibcii 0-network are qaid to be
0-corrtirctcdif there is a fiiiite 0-path roiii&iing thein. A 0 - ~ c c f i o tisi
Tratisfiiiile electricd iielworks arc iiifiuite wlworks iii which soiiie of
a sulmetnork induced I)y a iiiaxiiual set of biaiiches that are pairwise
the nodes are connected 1i.v iiifiitite paths hut not by finite ones. Such
networhs aiise natriially hs rertaiii transitional cases betwen lumped 0-collllccted.
and clistributed iietworhs, Iiut up till iiow neither a definition nor a The infinite grid of Vigrrica I is an example of a single 0-section.
ftiiiilaiueiital theooly existed for them. After the structure of such
Howcvc-r, we ran get iiiaiiy 0-sections I n coiiiiecling iiiaiiy iitfiiiite
aetworhs is esplicated. soiiie fouiidatioiial theoreins for the existence gricls togetliet as is indicated in Figuie 2. To do so, we u u s t Brst de-
h i e what we iiieaii by a 0-lip. We partilion all the one-ended 0-paths
of uuicpe voltage-ciirrait i e g i i i i e h i n rebistive iiifiiiite rietworks are
iii N" iitto eqitivaleiice rlasres where any t a o 0-paths in oiie such rlass
st atcd.
differ by no iiiore than a fiiiite uumbei of nodes aiitl branches. Soch
an eqiiivaleiicr clas3 is called a 0-lg; it is to these 0-tips that we
1 INTRODUCTION iiiakc 0111 "ronncctioiis at iiifiiiity".
A I - t w h 11' i h a finite 01 infinite set of tlir form
The itlea of a traiisfuite eleclricnl network is new ill circiiit theory. It
was fir<( i i i t i o d i i c c 4 i n b2] Cor raacade striictiires. For arbitrary resis-
tive networks a complete set of definitions and a fiinclaineiitaltlieory
is given i n [J). One reason w h y this concept is iinportant in circuit having at 1ch.t two nicmbcrs, where lhr ton2 are 0-tips aiid ng is a.
tlieoiy is ( l i e Mlowing. Iiiliiiite electrical networks occiir naturally 0-node; nia,y be a.bseitt. a.iicl 011 the other Iia.iid [io inore tliaii oiie
b fiiiitr.dillhciicr arid finjtt~-clr~iiicut
as r i ~ ~ d e lor approsiuialiwis ol 0-iiotle is a.llowetl. It. is also required t1iu.t.dilferent. 1-nodeshave void
variotts partial differential eciitation.; (1, Sertiou SI. hIoreaver, if the ii Ikrscc 1.ioiis.
niedium is auitably anisotropic. tlie infinite extreiiiities of the network A I-grrtph N1 is a. triplet, (f3..G,.-k'1), where B and A(" are as
become perceptible to measiircnients within the network; in this re- before a.iid .krl is a. set of I-iiodes. For cxa.iitple, iii Figure 2 consider
gard, see [RI. This iiieaiis that resistive lowls can be coiiiiected to the horizoiita.1ou~--eiitletl0-1)iit.h whose branches are 0 , b, ...; Pp
the network at infinitj. a d those loads will afFect the voltage-current is a reprt.seiita.tive of a 0-tip ty a.nd iiideed specifies ty. Similarly.
regiiiie of the network. However, if resistive loads can be connected the horizontal one-ended U-path .
with tlie branches ct,/3,. . spec-
at iiilinity. SO loo caii othw electrical itetworks. Tlius, we arrive a t ifies aiiotIier @tip tq. If a I-notIe U' is spwified as having ip a i d
transfinite networks, which are charartrrized by the fact that two t i as riienihers, it is iiiiderstootl that the rriit.er-ruost 0-section in
iiodcs iiiag be toniiectcd by an infinite path but iiot necessarily by a that figure is shorted to t.Iic O-sert.iou oii it,s riglit t hroiigh n.'; iiiore-
finite path. 111) to now, all tlieorirs of infiiite iietworks reqnired that o v w . a riirreiit, rii.ii llow along 1 . 1 1 ~I ra.tisAnit.epa.t.li wit.lr the branrhrs
a pair of nodes be connected by a finite path if they are conuected r i , h . . . . , / j . n i f t.lic resintaiirc- values a.loiig t.liat pa.t.li lmve a. fiitite
at all. suiii. r\ct.riaIIy. t(: wed iiot IN sliortetl t.o f: anel iiiag iiistca.tI be

The objectives of lhis paper a r c to dcliiie traiisliuite resistive net- shorted to n m i y otlicr 0-tips, possibly, to oiie that is specified by a.
works aiid to state soiiie loriiidatioiial tlicoreiiis about the existence spiraling 0-pat.11 i n some 0-scd.ion far away. It iiiay also be shorted
t.0 OIW ( h ~ i 011ly t 0 1 1 ~ )O-~iodea.iiy\vlierc i l l all.
of unique voltage-corrciit reginics for tlirm.
A I - p / h PI is an all.eriiat.ingsequencr

2 TRANSFINITE GRAPHS P' = { .... n!,,. q8./(,,+i. . .}

Coiisider t.he iiifi1iit.e grid of Figiire 1. How does one specify coiiiiec- wliick iiiav or n1a.y iiol. t.ertiiiitale lo tlw left or t.o tlie riglit. The
tioiis lo it. a t iiifiiiit.g? C!ert,a.iiily,a st.rict,ly horizontal (or vertical) indices t,ravcrse tio iiiorc t,lian t.lw iiitegrrs. The I I ! , ~ are 1-nodes.
pa.tli is O W wa.y of approaching infinity. nut., how a.bout a path that If the seqiieiire leriiiiiiates. it does so at, eit.lier a U-notle or a I-node.
spirals oiit.ward indefinitely or iitore getierally waiiders in soiiie a.r- The w e 0-palhs t.ltat iiirel. the a~tlja.wil.noderj with either a U-
bi1.rary lasliiori out towa.rd iiifiiiity? D o (.hey a.lso a,pproacli a. place l i p or a. 0-11ocIr.h h x i v e r . any ~ - i i w I (t1ia.t
~ a.ppears iii P$>does 1101
where a. coiiiiectioii can be iiiadc'? More precisely. just. as a. loop cur- a.ppcar i i i ii.1t>'ot,ItcrP:, iior tloes it. a.ppear ili aiiy n: for JI # J J I . m + l .
rent follows sonic pa.th bcforc closing oil i tself. ca.11 a. current, follow Sitiiila.rly. a.11 the 1-iiodes are distilwt. lit ot her words. a tracing along
aloiig a. 1iiea.iideriugpath out. to infinity and theii pa.ss beyolid iiilin- P' does i w t . iwet it.scIf t.wice at ally ~-trotIc.or L-itode.
i1.y iiito say aaotlicr irifiitit.egrid a.Ioiig soiiie pa.t,h in that other grid? Foor inst.a.iice.the nl'oreriieiit ioiied tra.iisfiiiitepa.lli with tlie bra.nch-
The answer is yes if t.he Iwa.nch resista.nces suiii to a, fiiiite aiiiouiit es (1, b, . . ,,d. (1 is t.lre R i i i k I-pail1
dong the overall finii.sfitrifc pa.111. It is wlieii siicli a current closes on
itself afkr passiiig through iiia.ny (possil,ly a,ii inli1iit.g of) tliKerent
itiliiiite iietivorks tliroiigh coiutt4oiis I)el.wtwi t.hosc iiet,works tha,t
we obtaiu a h ~ ~ v j i ~IOO~J / i / rcurrelit. where $ 2 , (or V I < +) is the 0-node t.o the left of I)ra.nch (1 (respectively,
M'P iiwd 1.0 vsplicate tlic~scIicvirist.ic. itlws i i i ( j r c prer to the right of branch CY), Pi' (or e) is the one-ended 0-path with
ordiimry graph will iiow be ca.llctl a. 0-grrqdi N" , t1ia.t. is. i branches ( I , b: . . . (respect,ively,n,/3,. . . tra.versedin the reverse tlirec-
(B,.kh).wlirrc. L< is a sct of hraiiclies atid ,4.5 is a set of ordina.ry tioii). and / t i = {t(,',t:}. A I-loop is a. fini1.e 1 - p d i except that. its
notles. called iiow 0-nodrs. B a.nd A$ are required to be either finire first a d last iiodcs arr eitlicr the sa.~iic--orone iiotlc c t ~ i b m c c s(i.e.,
or coutit,a.bly iufinitc. con t.:i.iiis ) t.lic othcr .
A O - p t t h is a fi1iit.e. one-ended. or enclless pa.t,liin the iisual sense; We sa,y t.ltat two iiodcs or two lira,iiclirs arc I-rortrtcctd i l there;
t1ia.t is. it is liiiilely couicc.ct.d. A O - h p i s ail ordinary loop. that is, is a. finite l - p a t h frribrviring t.liem. that is. t,liey apprw as elenients

C H 2 8 6 8 - ~ ~ 1 1 .001930
of 1 . 1 ~1-path or as cleincnls of the eleiiients of the 1-patb. Also, Cg,c,w, for all v,w E V . Standard arguments show that V is
a, I-sccfioii is a subnetwork induced by a, niasiiiial set of branches coii~plctea n d therefore a Hilbert space. The conductnticc ojwotor G
t1ia.t a.re pa.irwise I-connectecl. Tlius, all of the network of Figure 2 of Nkassigns to each v E V the current vector (gowu, g ~VI, , gz, Q . . . .).
is a, siiigle 1-sect.ion Iwittg an infinity of O-sec.tions, ea,cli of which is IIere is the fundamcntd cxistcncc and uniqucncss theorein for
iiitlica.ted by a cotit.iguons set or solid lines. the dual approach to k-networks.
TIi~sc~ tlrlinitions caii be extended recursively to obt.ain k-gmyhs Theoir7u 1. Le1 h satisfy C'oiidilioii 11. Then, tliere exists a uiique
. wliere X. is a . ~ yItiit,iird iurinbc~ror iiiorc geuerally a.ny transfi- v E U snch that
nite coiint.ahIr orcliiial. Hrea.use of space' lin\it,a.t,ions,we have nierelj (w,h - Gv)= 0 (2)
surveyed soiiie h s i e ilefinil.ions. A coniplrt.e se(.of clefinitions stated
with all f . 1 1 ~rigorously iierded det.ail i s given i n [?I. for every w E V .


llere a.re soinc definitions aid results conreriling the trruisfiiiite net-
work's voI(.agr-currrii( rrgiuw. It. is basc~lU ~ J O I Ia citrrciit nidysis. Actually, a voltage aoalysis and a current analysis as specified by the
WP ~ S S I I I I I Pt h t w e ham: a.t hand a. k-nrttiwk, t1ia.t is. a k-graplt prior two tlieoreiiis yield precisely the sallie voltage-current regime.
whosr I>riI.iicb(~scomprise a coutil~al)leset, a.tid are resist.ances with T/tcoirm 3. Let i be dictated by Theorein 1 and set v = Ri - e.
sourccs possil)ly includrcl. Siiictl t,lie nct.work is couiit,al)le, we ca.n Thcn. v is the uuiquc mc~nberof V spcci tied by Thcorcnl 2.
index a.11 t h hranches by tlic natural numbers j = 0. I, 2,. . . alone. Z%coirm 4. Let v be dictated by Tlicoreni 2 antl set i = G v - h.
Y wit,liout limits of sniiiiiiatioii will always mean a snmma.tion over Tlien, i is the uniqiie inember of Z specified by Tileorein 1.
all thc j. t1ia.t is, CTi0. Assiinir for iiow t.Iiat each I)ra.iich is in it.s
Theveuin's eqiiivaleut Coriii as indica.t.eclin Figure 3. W e shall impose Acknowledgement
C.'oiidiiioii I?. c j y j < 'XI
i = ( i o , i l . i l , . .) IS the vector of all braach currents, v = This work was supported by the Nalioilal Science Foundation under
( t:o.u1. ~ 2 . . .) is tlir vector of all branch volt,agcs,a,nd e = ( cu, r l , cz, antl hflPsX22iiJ.
Grants DA~IS-8r,'21~24
.. .) is tlir vector of all branch vohage soiirces. R is the opera.t.ort.1ia.t
a.ssigris to cacli i t.lic veet.or ( ruio.r l i l , 1'2. i a . . . .) of a.ll volt.age drops
across t lip r,j iueasrirrrl in tlic cliicct.ion of t lie branch orient,ations. References
We tlcfi iir a pairiiig I)ct.wrru a.iiy volt,a.gevector v a.nd any cu rreiit,
vector i by (v,i)= i ~ j i j . [I] A.II.Zeinanian, Infinite electrical networks: A reprise, fEEE
t~eno~cs the space or all i for which +, < m. The 1iiiea.r TIYC~M. . ~ 1 ) .13'16-1358,1988.
C'itrtttlc c t t d S y + f ~ t / t s~. 0 135.
opera.tions are delinetl I)ra.iicliwise. hlorrwver, we define a.n inner 121 A.fI.Zeinaiiian, Ttrtttsjiritfc C(tscciclr.\. C'EAS Technical Report
product by (i.s) = r,i,;.q,,. This iiiakcs Z into a. Hilbert space, 522. State University of New Sork at Stony Brooh, duly G, 1988.
it,s coinplctcness being proven i o a sta.iida.rd way. Now, assign to (4)A.II.Zeiiiaiiiaii. Bozrndrrry Co/irhfrotis crt Itijfr'laifyfor n Discretc
every p-loop a n orienl~a.tioii.A plooji rtit'ir / & / is a. cont;l.ii.nt.current. Form o/ K' . ( o r @ )= cl@, o 2 0, C'EAS Teclinical Report 523,
restricted t.0 tltc 1)ranchesof t.he ploop and following t.he orientation Slale IJiii~cihityof New Yoih a t Stouy Brook, August 2, 1988.
of the gloop. That. loop current. will be i i i Z if and oiily if r,j < 00,
in wliich case we sag t.1ia.t the loop is ~ ~ i r c p ~ i bKO k . is the span [J] A.IL.Zeinaninn. IIiriiihfirirfc Gmphs rriicl Elcrfnccil Nrtu~orks,
of all percept.il)lc p-loop c u r r e i t ~for .
. ~ a.ll 11 = 0. 1, . . . P. K denotes ('EAS 'I'eelunical Heport 5%). State Irniversily or New York at
(.lie c l o s u r ~of K O i n Z aiid is a I[ill)crt space under t,Iie sanie inner Stony Brooh, No\eiubcr 18. 1988.
prod i t c t..
Tlic I'ollowing fiiiitlaiuriit.alt.lieorcnis a.re proveti in [?I. Equation
( 1 ) a i d ( 2 ) a.rc*a. geti(~ri1lizetllornis of 'I'ellegeti's equa,l.ion.
Throrr 1 1 ) 1. IT t.he volt.age-source vector e of a given k-net.work
sat,islics ('oiitlitioti E, tlieti i,lirrc rsist.ti a nriiqtie i E A siieli t1ia.t.

(e- Ni. s) = 0 (1)

I l t l l l

for every s E A'.

Tlie I)raiicIies of t.hc I.-iictwork N" a.re now assumecl t,o be in their
Nort.oii's cqttivalcnt form as s11own in Figiirc -1; h j is a real nuinber
atid y,) = I / V , ~is a positivc ounil~cr. 11 = ( h 0 , h l . h z . ...) dcnotcs the
I>ra.iicIiciirreiil-soiirce vcclor. We sliall a~siiinet1ia.t. h sa.tisfies
C'oiidi/ioit 15 h:r; < rx
'l'liis iseclriivalent. to ('ontlitioii E because / / ; v , ~= E(/,J. r3. ) zgj-.- 1 1 1 1 1 1
Given h, we sea.rch for a. solution for the voltage vector v
tig another gciicrilisrd Tortu of Telleggen's equat.ion ( s c r ( 2 )
below). TIiiiI vector is required 1.0 be also of Riiite power and to
sa i.isTy liirclilio~l'svolt.agv lii.\v a . r o i t ~ i dprrcty)l~il)lc/)-loops. The last Flgure 1
t.wo propcrt irs arr riisurctl by requiring t.lie vo1ta.g~vector to be a.
nieiiil~crof 1 lit. spa.ce U. wliicli is the space of all v = (.UO,VI, 2 9 , . . .)
such t,Iia.t t*,:g,; < cc and (v..) = tvj.q, = 0 ror all s E KO.
This last. contlit.ion insures t1ia.t Iiircliliof€"svolt.a.ge 1a.w is satisfied
a.roirud every pc*rccptiI)leq-loop 0 5 (I 5 k . The linear opcrat.ions a.re
dcftiictl oii V bra.iiehwisc. We assigii 1.0 V t,hc inncr I?roduct. (v,w ) =

Figure 2.

- ej + J

Figure 3.

Figure 4.


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