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DAY 14


December Fourteenth



ecember 14 people often impress ofters as exhibitioniss, but in fact those bom on
this day are highly selective about when, how and under what circumstances the,v
i'largarer Cilase Smiih (US coir
allow themselves or their work to be viewed. Indeed, although they are not infre
gress\r'oinan, eigni years, senatoa
quently public indlviduals who are very much in the limelight, they inhabit their o$n prilrle
Yaine s x tern'rs), ]arnes Doa irtie
world into which very few ever gain adminance. It is as if they live in a house doing the most
('JS Alr Fcrce gene?i
astonishing rhings but only open the blinds when it suits them to do so. Thus, most often they
ied aiiack cn To<yo
only let people view what they are doing, less often what they are thinking and hardiy at alL
ae onaui;cal eag rieei
who they really are. Actually, seeming to ieveal a great deal can be the best way to conceal
stlnl Drioi. vrae rres:
what is most private.
deal Snell Or) ira"
Decemb€r 14 peopie are often exremely complex, profound, complicated individuals.
Eiua,-c (Frencn poei,
Many areas in their 1ives, inciuding sexual preferences, hobbies. habits and ps1'chologicai indul'
served ln anrbu ance
gences are of a rather unusual, even bizare natirre. Highiy philosophical as well, they can oper
i.jnrt aaarcnlsi.
"y''\^,/i, ate by pdnciples which justify their singular behavior. They most often recognize from an earll
?rety ;ri iruih), Leonardo 3cii
age that they are not like other people. Normally conflicts that arise with authority figures such
lBrzzrtraf Calr'rc c iheolcg ar
as parents or teachers drive this point home to them. They become self conscious but also prone
cramr cr ci coor) 5h rey jac<scr
ro flaunting what others may consider bad or strange habils. It is usually impossible, and cer-
isircri-srory writer, The Lciiery,
ninly nor advisable, for parents to LT to fit a December 14 child into some preordained mold.
nove si), Stan Smith (US Coen,
This simply will not work, for even if it seems initiaily successful it can cause enormous prob
Wtrn; edon tennls cham, o:),
iems down the road, not to mention latent anger, rebellion and resenhent di.ecled at the par-
Sa ke _iores (comic band eade.l
-ier-ry (iazz lrumpeter), ent. Such feelings may also be kansfeffed onto those wilh whom December 14 people zre lat
C ar<
invoived or onto society at large-
Ger"rc Reve (DL.lcrj nove ist, ,rrre
December 14 people are daring (but not reckless) individuals. They display linle fear and
.algtcge ci Love), Dcn ilewiti (TV
wheo necessary do not hesftate to put rhcmselves in harm's way. The rcmplation, however, for
rews produce:_, c:eelor cl 5C
them to outrage others with their behavior is very great. This is oot aiways a supetficial or imma-
,,\y'iruies) Patty Drke (filr^r, TV
rure impulse. Oflen they manage to teach otlers through provocatjoo and stimulation, chal-
aclress) Chrstcpher ParKen ig
lenging the status quo dLrough their own example. They can thus be catzlysts fo. change
(Bi1,sh c ass cai gutadsr), Rosayn
whether it be in their family, social circle or society at large.

li:reci (p an sr, Bach nrerprete.),

lee Ren" .k (iilm, TV aclress)
Sran ey Crouch (poet, Ain. No
A;riblicnces ior No Nrggi]hs rcrrgh:,

NUMBERS AND PLANETS jourra;rst). Shyar
Those bom on the 14e day of the month are ru1ed bl'the number 5 (1*4=5), and by the plan- Benegal (lndian filro

et Mercury. Tle number 5 indicates heightened memal powers for December 14 people. The d .ecio.. Ankrr).
accompanying inJiuence ofjupiter (nrler of Sagiftarius) lends pe$uasiveoess and forcefulness Nico ai Basov (Rus-

to thei. argumenls. For rose December 14 people who do get upset or knocked off balance, sai physi.is:) Cec:
the number 5 forrunately besto$/s a resilient character, s,'hich can recover quickly from the hard Payie (iazz bar
kro<ks of life. icre saxcpnon st),
Gec.ge Vl (Br.isr
TAROT 20'h c. <ing, emper-

The 14'h card of the Major tucana is Temperance, which underlines the need for balance and cr oi lrdla) Sthe Srcwre llale)
moderation in rhe lives of December 14 people. The frgure shown is a gua.dian angel who pro- {cel b o og st. e.r.o.yclcg s:)

tecrs us and keeps us on an even keel. Positively seen, Temperance modifies passions in order
to ailow for new truths to be leamed and incolporated into one's life. The card cautioru against
ali forms of egotistical excess. Because a negative indicatioo of the Temperance card is a ten
dency to change too easily with the mood of the times and cunent fashion, December 14 peo
ple should try to estabiish their own sryle, technique and s.vsrem of thought if possible and stick

|o them with conviction.

December 14 people must be careful that their unusual behavior and risk-taking do not land
them in trouble, palticularly in regard to accidenr or violence. Also. sjnce masy bom on this
day feel misunderstood by the world from a very etrly age. they may tend to withdraw from
Iife. The use of alcohol or other anesthetic drugs that dull emotional pain is daagerous in that
it may lead to despondencies, dependencies and addictions, Th€ December 14 diel is best kept ORIGINAL
balanced rather than exotic or flamboyant, and binges should be avoided, if possible. Only PROVOCATlVI
modelare or mild exercise is recommended. In regard to sexual activities, those bom on this DARING
day should heed the message of the Temperance card described above.


Someri1]1es make lour poinr quietiy. Carefully coosider wbar you do and say. Leam to be tem- MOODY
perate and cul vare your philosophical side. Choose the middle way.


\Y/ith little fuss, a great deal of work can be arcomplisbed

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