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Wake up in the morning feeling lethargic and hungry with a steady mucus stream. There are times where there’s so
much mucus that I struggle to swallow and I’m literally choking. My throat being clogged up with so much mucus also affects my ability to
speak clearly. Breakfast doesn’t quell hunger but helps to lessen it from a 10/10 to 6/10 and it also helps subside the mucus.
After eating breakfast I gradually and rapidly begin to feel hungry and tired/lethargic again both mentally and physically. Both of these symptoms
go together I can’t remember a time that I was hungry that I wasn’t also tired. The critical time for me to eat again is between 9am
and 11am. The longer I delay eating “brunch” the worse my symptoms get, to the point that I don’t just feel exhausted but
also nauseous giddy accompanied by one massive migraine/headache.
In my own self-diagnosis I’m a 100% certain there’s a correlation between the phlegm/mucus and hunger/fatigue that I
experience. When I start to feel tired and hungry the mucus production increases without fail. And when I’m not feeling as hungry/tired
(right after eating a meal) there’s less mucus running down my throat. I suspect that mucus is affecting my digestive system in one way or
another. It’s like it’s impeding my stomach from absorbing the nutrients in the food and basically eating air.
Is there a medical explanation for my symptoms/condition? And what can I do about it?
I've been drinking the juice for about a week now and my voice has been great. People are even telling me how good I sound.
Sinus on right side has been clear for the most part. I did recently finish a round of antibiotics though. But, just for the right side to feel clear is
good for me! No real coughing, choking fits but do feel the need to cough after eating. Breathing has been good too. Taking my Nexium only at
night instead of twice a day. No stomach problems at all. Ears pop some but could be allergy related. Certainly not going to say I'm cured but
will say I'm doing much better. Hoping I can convince myself that this is going to make me well for good! We all know the mind/body connection.
I was wondering if anyone with LPR and on Prevacid once daily suffers or has ever suffered from breakthrough symptoms. I
have been on Prevacid for 1 1/2 years now and have tried to be aware of what I eat and drink. I love coffee and diet soda but have been diligent
in my efforts to keep them to a minimum. I think last week I overdid it and allowed myself to drink more coffee and soda than usual as well as
more fried foods than usual. I guess I was feeling good and was thinking why not?
I started feeling the burning throat and bad taste in my mouth along with some mucus and coughing. Then I got to the point where I was sore
and tender if I even touched my upper neck/esophagus area. It was worst upon awaking so I even moved into the guest room for 2 nights where
I elevated the guest bed about 6 inches (can't do my bed as it is a king platform). I went to my ENT today who said that when breakthrough
symptoms occur I can double my Prevacid dose to one in the morning and one at night as well as take OTC Tums or other antacids as needed.
That was good to know. Today I am feeling a bit better from the extra dose, the elevated bed and trying to not intake anything that will aggravate
Just wanted to hear if others have been through similar experiences and how they got through it.
I have read many posts on this board about people who had GERD and difficulty breathing that were wrongly prescribed 'asthma medications
(inhaled steroids, rescue inhalers, etc.) to treat the breathing difficulties - and that these treatments did not help.
Can anyone please tell me if the asthma medications made them worse? Or if they gave them any worse of different symptoms?
Also - did the rescue inhalers ever work for anyone when the breathing was really bad?
Thank you so much!
well, its been 30 hrs since my nissen, and as long as I lie still, the pain is no worse than some of my worse days of reflux and
gastritis.... hopefully things will get better and better. I just came home from the hospital and my cats are settling on me for comfort.
I had an episode of chest and back pain,that radiated to my jaw and ear, and ever since that one incident , it left me with a
feeling like something is caught in my throat. I am concerned......Any advice?
Thank you
Just diagnosed with all three of these. Usually I have one or the other but this time all lucky me has all three. The only thing I
have been given is the PPI which I was on before obviously with not help. I am going back tomorrow to Dr. Endo done two weeks ago but I have
been in pain all day in chest that is only relieved by burping and then it comes right back. I am just filled with gas constantly and not happy with
my treatement so far. It has been so painful today I am close to tears.
fatigue after a meal? When I eat I tend to get slight pains in my chest/upper abdomen--I find cheese especially intolerable. I also
get slight pains in my shoulder and shoulder blade--all this is only when I eat. I also get a little nauseous.
I am 23 y/o and recently had all kinds of heart tests (stress, multiple EKG's, chest x-ray and cardiac enzymes) and I also had a CT scan of the
abdomen with contrast--all good. I figure it's not my heart, so...
Thanks in advance.
I almost forgot last year when I was really sick I was told by one of the doctors to take the chewable acidophilus everyday. Of
course as I started to improve I forgot to take it but a going to start up again. I have heard this from more then one source so I am curious has
anyone else? It does say to consult doc. before taking with any other meds also. Since I am going for surgery I will wait but am going to check it
out with the doc or pharmacist after. Sammy
Hello all,
I have been reading here for months, but have not yet posted. I am just at the end of my rope...
For me, this all started in early 2006, although I didn't know it at the time. I had a spell of dizziness/vertigo when I was out shopping and felt like I
was going to black out. I went to the Dr. and he told me it was due to a cold I had just gotten over, prescribed me Deconamine and sent me on
my way. The meds helped and through the rest of the spring/summer and fall I was ok.
January 2007, I started having this full headed feeling and dizzy spells. I thought that it was perhaps due to my allergies. Went back to the Dr, he
gave me more Deconamine, a prescription for Zyrtec and some Flonase. It helped a little, but I still was in misery most of the time. I would have
such bad dizzy spells at work that I had to get up and walk quickly because I felt like I was going to faint.
March of 2007, the spells get worse. The Dr. finally exams my sinuses, he tells me that I have chronic sinusitis and severe allergies. They refer
me to the allergist, but the allergist wanted me to go sans antihistamine for 3-4 days before my appointment and I just couldn't do that, I felt
terrible enough with the medication. More decongestants, more antihistamines, a different allergy medication and an order to flush my sinuses
with saline 3-4 times per day. Still no real improvement and at this time, my ears were starting to make all sorts of crazy noises, popping, etc
when I laid down at night.
Over easter weekend last year, I had the first spell of shortness of breath. I laid down and just felt like I couln't breathe. I was actually terrified
that I wouldn't make it through the night. My husband assured me that my breathing was fine, normal. But I felt like I couldn't take a full breath
and it scared the heck out of me.
Back to the Dr., where they tell me that my allergies are triggering some very mild acute asthma I had as a child. They put me on Singulair and
give me an albuterol inhaler.
It didn't help, at all. At this point I am on 4 different pills and an inhaler and I still feel like garbage. I started having palpitations and the feeling
that my heart was racing. I let a week pass and had many more episodes of breathing difficulty, I went to the ER several times where they told
me that my pulse ox was fine and my lungs were clear. Then why am I gasping for breath?
Back to the Dr. mid-April 2007, this time he tells me that he thinks I have mild viral pneumonia. He put me on inhaled steroids but tells me that I
don't need antibiotics because it's viral. I still didn't notice a difference. My sinuses were constantly congested, my left ear felt full all of the time,
more heart palpitations and breathing difficulties.
Finally, about a week after this, I felt acid in my throat for the first time and my esophagus was so swollen I could barely swallow. I did some
research myself and realized that I had many symptoms of GERD. I began self treatment with Prilosec OTC and Zantac. Cut down on the
caffeine. It worked a little.
I went back to the Dr and told them that I thought I had GERD, even though I didn't often feel a burning sensation. They put me on Nexium, and
it seemed to help a bit. However, after a few months on Nexium, I felt as if I was constantly bloated, had a strange metallic taste in my mouth
and was gaining weight.
I went off of the Nexium and have tried combatting the symptoms with Zantac 150. It was working pretty well, but now that my husband has
deployed again to Iraq, I think my nerves are shot and the reflux seems to be kicking back in. The last two nights I have had palpitations and
breathing difficulty at night. I am so tired, all of the time. I don't sleep well and my entire body aches at times. I still have the dizziness, the ear
fullness and popping.
I guess I need to go back to the Dr. and get back on the Nexium and maybe an endoscopy. I am just so leary of Dr's because they seem to be
able to help so little. I was misdiagnosed so many times, and all of the medications they had me on seems to have made the problem so much
worse. Does anyone have any suggestions of other things I could try?
I am sorry for the book, but I just needed to vent. I have not felt "normal" for a year now, and I am truly at the end of my rope.
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