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On “Everybody Worships: David Foster Wallace on Real Freedom and the Skeleton of

Every Great Story”

What think ye?

1. Wallace talks about 2 things that we automatically (“unconsciously”) tend to simply

assume to be certainly true, our natural “default-settings” in life and the way we live
(though in reality these are “totally wrong and deluded”). Identify these 2 things:

A. Natural, basic self-centeredness

B. The worshipping of things that are not of the spiritual-type

2. Share your reactions/responses to these 2 things. Do you think Wallace is exposing

something that is true? Why?

The two things that Wallace identified are completely true. As individuals, we
tend to become focused on just that, the individual, our self. We put ourselves first.
Although doing so is not wrong, it could be taken to the extreme just like what Wallace
pointed out. Things taken to the extreme, whether it is good or bad, never ends well. We
must find contentment in moderation and balance. We must reach out beyond the self
and tend to the many bonds we have or may have as social creatures.

On the matter of not worshipping the spiritual-type, I believe it to be true as well.

We all worship something. However, Wallace pointed out the effects of worshipping
materialistic things and other resources man have and can have, such as intellect or
power. Unlike the worshipping of an almighty, we become obsessed with keeping up
with the things we want to worship. Having a religion is different in a way that the beings
worship tends to be benevolent. Money, however, cannot be benevolent. Appearance,
power, and intellect are not beings. They lack values and are unable to offer guidance
unlike religions.
3. What are your thoughts on this statement by Wallace, “Our own present culture has
harnessed these forces in ways that have yielded extraordinary wealth and comfort and
personal freedom. The freedom to be lords of our own tiny skull-sized kingdoms, alone
at the center of all creation.”

Although Wallace pointed out that the worship of materialistic things and of the
self is something he abhors, it is still possible to achieve great success through it in the
human world. Worshipping money and delaying the inevitable problems brought by it
will help you end up with possessing it the most. This is true for power, intellect and the
worship other non-spiritual things. This is because focus is shifted towards a more
rational perspective instead of that of an existence of a higher spiritual entity.

4. Do you agree with Wallace conclusion that, “The really important kind of freedom
involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to
care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little
unsexy ways, every day. That is real freedom.” Why?

Yes. Having a spiritual being to worship creates bonds as a vast majority of

humanity has a religion. Having worshipped worldly things will leave you obsessing in it.
This obsession is in the end, not freedom. Freedom is being in control and knowing
what you can control. Being more connected with other people extends the freedom you
can live in your life. We will eventually expire, and yet we are given the ability to extend
ourselves to live and enjoy life through other people. Not being bound by the shackles
we unknowingly bring ourselves through the worship of worldly things is true freedom.

5. Why did he take his own life?

Given how he talks about the “default-settings”, it seems he could never escape
it. He clearly identified what he wanted to get away from and ended up taking his own
life. This is evident in his continued efforts in joining religious services and yet not being
able to join a church group. Being raised by atheists, it seems Wallace lacked what
might be a core of a religious worship which could have been attainable as a growing
child. Being depressed and an alcoholic certainly did not help in his efforts in not
wanting to be in a “default-setting.” He wanted to be free from it and he found freedom
in his own way.

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