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Characterization of NiO Thin Films Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering

*L. Ghimpu. V. Suman

Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, MD-2028, Chisinau, Moldova
E-mail: lidia.ghimpu@gmail.com
**I. Lungu
Department of Physics and Engineering, Moldova State University, Chisinau, MD-2009, Moldova
E-mail: ionlungu.md@mail.ru

Abstract - NiO thin films were deposited by RF constant the O2 content in the growing
magnetron sputtering method under constant O2 (99.99%)
in the O2/Ar+O2 flow rate at 450oC substrate temperature atmosphere and substrate temperature.
with different thicknesses. The surface and structural
properties of NiO thin films were investigated using 2. Experimental Details
atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD).
The optical properties were studied by UV-VIS
spectroscopy. AFM studies show that the roughness For sample preparation, a Ni target of 99.5%
parameters of the NiO surfaces are influenced by the film purity was used in the sputtering process. The
thickness. XRD measurement showed that the films were
crystallized in the zinc blende phase type. The grain size sputtering chamber was evacuated down to 4×
was increased with increasing the film thickness. The 10-5 mbar by a turbo molecular pump. The
studies on the optical properties show that the direct band distance between the target and the substrate
gap value slightly changes from 3.48 to 3.43 eV when the
thickness varies from 150 nm to 350 nm. was kept constant at 7-8 cm. The magnetron
Keywords - RF magnetron sputtering; NiO thin films; discharge was done under 3-4 sccm O2
roughness; grain size; band gap. (99.99%) in the O2/Ar+O2 flow rate at 450oC
substrate temperature with 45 ml/min via
independent mass-flow controllers. The
1. Introduction
working total pressure was kept at 7.4 × 10-3
NiO is considered an attractive candidate mbar. Before deposition, the glass substrates
for electronic and spintronic applications due were sequentially sonicated in acetone and
to its intrinsic p-type conductivity, high ethanol, followed by rinsing with distilled
refractive index, high melting temperature, water and drying. NiO thin films were
hardness, corrosion-resistant properties, obtained at 210 W at different thicknesses:150
abundant availability, chemical stability, nm, 200 nm, 250 nm, 300 nm and 350 nm.
non-toxicity and low-cost [1-3]. Both The surface morphology was investigated
optical and electronic properties of NiO using a multimode commercial atomic force
depends on its degree of structural defects. microscope (SOLVER Next – NT-MDT).
NiO is often non-stoichiometric because of Cone-shaped tips from monocrystalline
micro-structural defects, such as nickel silicon (tip radius ~ 10 nm) on cantilevers with
vacancies and interstitial oxygen. There are a stiffness of about 17 N/m were used to
scarce reports on the NiO thin films prepared perform the measurements. The AFM
by magnetron sputtering. Reports on NiO measurements were successfully carried out at
films produced by magnetron sputtering two different scan sizes (10x10 um and 5x5
show that the optical and electrical properties um) in tapping mode in which height
of these films depend on oxygen content in (topography) and phase signals were acquired
plasma, RF sputtering power and on simultaneously. The crystal structures of NiO
substrate temperature. This study reports thin films were measured by Ultima IV X-ray
the effects of the thickness on structural and Diffracrometer (XRD) in a θ-2θ configuration
optical properties of NiO thin films with CuKα radiation (λ=0.154 nm). A double-
fabricated by magnetron sputtering keeping beam Perkin-Elmer Lambda 19 UV–VIS
spectrophotometer was used to record
transmission spectra in the 300 – 1000 nm
wavelength range.

3. Results and Discussion

A. Morphology and structural properties
The AFM study of the samples allows us to
determine the surface roughness. Local
morphology features were measured (length
and width of individual grains) and the
roughness parameters of the surfaces, RMS
and Ra, were calculated using an image
processing software (Nova Px) for
topography. The AFM 3D images for NiO
thin film deposited at an RF power 210 W
with different thicknesses are presented in
Figure 1 with scan area 5µm × 5µm. The
surface parameters of the NiO thin films are
shown in Table 1.

Table 1 The surface parameters of the NiO thin films

NiO thin RMS Standard Ra Standard

(nm) Deviation (nm) Deviation
(nm) (nm
150 nm 3.35 0.47 2.38 0.30

200 nm 5.30 0.30 1.25 0.22

250 nm 4.09 0.34 3.20 0.15

300 nm 5.43 0.25 3.24 0.21

350 nm 8.72 0.46 3.06 0.41

The results from Table 1 show that the

roughness parameters of the NiO surfaces
are influenced by the film thickness. The
surface roughness increases as the film
thickness increases up to 200 nm. As the
thickness reaches 200 nm, the RMS
roughness rises up to 5.30 nm. With further
increasing of the thickness the roughness
increasing and at d=350 nm reached 8.72
nm. These significant changes in roughness
with increasing NiO film thickness are due to
the reflecting nucleation, coalescence and Fig. 1 3D AFM images of NiO thin films with
continuous film growth processes [4]. The different thicknesses deposited at RF power 210 W
RMS value of the roughness is influenced
by the degree of aggregation and grain size 350 - 900 nm wavelength range. At the 350
of the thin films. This is in agreement with nm thickness of the NiO film transmittance
the principle that different grain size affects decrease. For higher film thickness sufficient
the surface roughness of the thin films [5]. numbers of atoms are introduced to the
Therefore, the AFM results show that the deposited films so, the film homogeneity
increase of film thickness increases the mean increases and localized states or trapped
grain size, surface-to-volume ration and levels decrease. Hence, the order and the
RMS roughness. The diffraction patterns of crystallinity of the higher film thickness are
the as-deposited NiO thin films with improved. This leads to the increase of the
different thicknesses are shown in Figure 2. absorption in the region of 500 – 700 nm and
The peak positions are compared with the decreasing transmittance.
JCPDS file [6] and the corresponding Miller
indices were indexed. The X-ray diffraction T-NiO-210-150nm
75 T-NiO-210-200nm
(XRD) investigation of NiO films indicated T-NiO-210-250 nm
T-NiO-210-300 nm
the polycrystallinity of the films with the 60 T-NiO-210-350nm

(111), (200) and (222) reflections

corresponding to the cubic structure of NiO 45

T, %
thin films. 30

5x10 15
Intensity, arb.un

3x10 400 600 800 1000

2x10 λ, nm


Fig. 3 Transmission spectra of NiO thin films deposited at

nm different thicknesses
I 200 nm

250 nm The transmittance of the films varies
300 nm between 25% and 50% (the maximum of
350 nm 50% is for the film with 200 nm). The
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
2θ, degree differences in the shape of the transmittance
envelope are due to differences in film
Fig. 2 The XRD patterns of NiO thin films deposited at 210 thickness. The optical band gap of the films
W sputtering power with different thicknesses.
was estimated by using the relation (αhν)2
The full width at half-maximum (FWHM) =A(hν−Eg), where hν is the photon energy,
decreased with increasing the film thickness, Eg is the optical band gap and A is a constant
indicating that the crystallinity and grain size which does not depend on the photon energy
were enhanced with the film thickness. For [7]. The optical band gap of film is
the 150 nm film, the surface consisted of determined from the extrapolation of the
small grains with size of 27.35 nm. At the linear plots of (αhν)2 versus hν at α=0
350 nm thickness of the NiO thin film, grain illustrated in Figure 4. α is the absorption
size reached 30 nm. coefficient. In the case of varying the
thickness of the films at 210 W sputtering
B. Optical properties power, the curves of NiO with 150 nm and
The optical transmission spectra of the NiO 200 nm of plots of (αhν) 2 versus hν overlap,
thin films with different thicknesses are the Eg values are 3.48 eV. For NiO films
shown in Fig. 3. The transmittance of NiO with 250 nm 300 nm and 350 nm thicknesses
thin films increases with the increasing of the Eg equal to 3.43 eV…3.45 eV. The estimated
film thickness and the positions of the values of the band gap were relatively lower
interference peaks slightly change within the in comparison with 3.78 eV reported by
other authors [8, 9]. The direct band gap would find its feasible applications in
values when the thickness varies from 250 optoelectronic devices.
nm to 350 nm are changing in the interval of
the experimental errors (0.02 - 0.03 eV). Acknowledgments

The authors thank the Ministry of Education,

Culture and Research of Republic of
Moldova for funding the grant


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