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Apuntes MIDI PT110 v10

Chapter 7: Working with MIDI and Audio

- Views Available when working with MIDI

- Audition and playback MIDI
- Quantize MIDI, Audio clips and Elastic Audio events to the Grid
- Real-Time Properties

MIDI-compatible tracks
- MIDI Tracks
- Instrument Tracks

Viewing data in the Edit Window

- MIDI Clips View - Shows MIDI data grouped together as clips
- MIDI Notes View - Shows individual MIDI notes in a piano-roll format (scroll up and down, audition pitches on keyboard)
☼ Toggle with Control - minus on QWERTY

- MIDI Velocity View

Mostrar Lanes con Velocity, Volume, Pan, Controllers

Editing MIDI Clips - Sobresalen notas individuales al final (se ve en Ch9)

Destructive versus Nondestructive MIDI editing - es data, no metadata como los clips de audio

Pencil tool es como smart tool (se ve en Ch9)

Agregar notas, default note duration (se repite en Ch9)
Selecting MIDI notes (se repite en Ch9)
- Shift click con grabber
- Rectangle drag with grabber
- Selector tool
- From the mini keyboard

☼ Option drag duplica

☼ Shift restringe movimiento vertical y horizontal
☼ Command drag sobre la nota para cambiar velocity

- Options > MIDI Thru
Passes MIDI information from your controller to the instrument on a record-enabled track

Default Thru Instrument

- Preferences > MIDI
Determines the virtual instrument or MIDI output that gets triggered when:
- You play a MIDI controller without record-enabling a MIDI compatible track
- You audition a MIDI clip from the Clip List ☼ Alt-Click

- Grid
- Groove

- Input Quantize
- Quantizing after recording

- Quantizing Audio Clips

- Quantizing Elastic Audio Clips

Quantize Options
- Note On, Note Off, Preserve note duration
- Grid or Groove

- Tuplet
- Offset grid
- Randomize
- Swing
- Include / exclude within
- Strength

Real-Time Properties View - Applies to whole tracks

Real-Time Properties Window - Applies to selected tracks or to specific clips

☼ Options available for viewing MIDI and Instrument tracks in the Edit window
☼ What does the MIDI Thru option do? How is it enabled?
☼ What is the Default Thru instrument? How can you change this setting?
☼ Shortcut to audition MIDI clips in the Clip List
☼ How is quantizing audio clips different from quantizing Elastic Audio?
☼ Options for quantizing existing MIDI data. Which type would you use to apply quantization without affecting the recorded
MIDI data?
☼ Which Real-Time Properties option allows you to apply properties to specific clips?

Chapter 9: Additional Editing Techniques

Extracto de lo de MIDI

Editing MIDI Data

- Mostrar recorte de clips, finales de notas MIDI quedan volando

Pencil Tool
Es como Smart Tool para MIDI
- Middle of note = Grabber
- End of note = Trim tool
- Alt = Eraser (or Selector)

Default Note Duration

- Set to Follow Grid by default

Selecting MIDI notes

- Shift click con grabber
- Rectangle drag with grabber
- Selector tool
- From the mini keyboard

Transposing Notes
- Select and drag
- Press Shift to constrain

Editing Note Velocities

- Mostrar como se editan solo los velocities de notas seleccionadas

☼ What is the difference between Absolute and Relative Grid Modes? When would you use each?
☼ How would you go about selecting a range of MIDI notes using the on-screen keyboard?

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