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NET Cheat Sheet

Command Group: Variables, Constants & Arrays
Command DIM
Purpose Declares a variable
Syntax DIM <variable_name> AS <data_type> [= <value>]
Example Dim StudentAge As Integer or Dim Num As Integer = 45
Command Const
Purpose Declares a constant
Syntax Const <constant_name> = <value>
Example Const MAX = 25
Command DIM
Purpose Declares an array of variables.
Syntax Dim <array_name>(dimension1[,dimension2]) As <data_type>
Example Dim Students(20) As String
Dim Temperature(1,10) As Single

Command Group: Decisions

Command Single Line IF…THEN…ELSE
Purpose Provides decision making ability based on the Boolean condition.
Syntax If <condition> Then <Statement> Else <Statement>
Example If age >= 5 Then Admission = True Else Admission = False
Command Block IF…ENDIF
Purpose Provides decision making ability based on the Boolean condition with multiple statements.
Syntax If <condition> Then
End If
Example If age >= 5 Then If num = 10 then
Admission = True Num = num + 1
Fee = True End If
Admission = False
End If
Purpose Provides decision making ability based on multiple Boolean conditions with multiple statements.
Syntax If <condition> Then
[Elseif <condition> Then

End If
Example If average >= 90 Then
grade = “Distinction”
Elseif average >= 70 And average <= 89.9 Then
grade = “Excellent”
Elseif average >= 40 And Average <= 69.9 Then
grade = “Pass”
grade = “Ungraded”
End If
Purpose Provides decision making based on an expression with multiple statements.
Syntax Select Case <expression>
Case <value>
[Case <value>
Case Else
End Select
Example Select Case average
Case Is > 90
Grade = “Distinction”
Case 70 to 89.9
Grade = “Excellent”
Case 40 to 69.9
Grade = “Pass”
Case Else
Grade = “Ungraded”
End Select

Command Group: Iteration (Loops)

Command FOR…NEXT
Purpose Provides a loop based on the counter variable.
Syntax For <variable> = <start_value> To <end_value> [Step <step_value>]
Example For count = 1 to 10
Console.WriteLine(“Hello There!”)
For count = 1 to 100 Step 2
For count = 10 to 1 Step -1
Purpose Provides a Top-testing loop based on the Boolean condition and runs while condition remains True.
Syntax Do While <condition>
Example answer = “Y”
Do While answer = “Y” or answer = “y”
Console.WriteLine(“Enter your choice.”)
answer = Console.ReadLine
Purpose Provides a Bottom-testing loop based on the Boolean condition and runs while condition remains True.
Syntax Do
Loop While <condition>
Example Do
Console.WriteLine(“Enter your choice.”)
answer = Console.ReadLine
Loop While answer = “Y” or answer = “y”
Purpose Provides a Top-testing loop based on the Boolean condition and runs while condition remains False.
Syntax Do Until <condition>
Example answer = “Y”
Do Until answer = “N” or answer = “n”
Console.WriteLine(“Enter your choice.”)
answer = Console.ReadLine


Purpose Provides a Bottom-testing loop based on the Boolean condition and runs while condition remains False.
Syntax Do
Loop Until <condition>
Example Do
Console.WriteLine(“Enter your choice.”)
answer = Console.ReadLine
Loop While answer = “N” or answer = “n”

Command Group: Subroutines

Command Procedure
Purpose Provides a subroutine that doesn’t return a value after completion.
Syntax Sub <identifier>[([ByVal | ByRef] [Optional] <parameter_name> As <data_type>[,…])]
End Sub
Example Sub MyProc
Console.WriteLine(“MyProc has run successfully.”)
End Sub

Sub AddNums(ByVal Num1 As Integer, ByVal Num2 As Integer)

Console.WriteLine(“Sum of {0} and {1} is {2}.”,Num1, Num2, Num1+Num2)
End Sub
Command Function
Purpose Provides a subroutine that returns a value after completion.
Syntax Function <identifier>[([ByVal|ByRef] [Optional] <param_name> As <data_type>[,…])] As <return_type>
Example Function Add(ByVal Num1 As Integer, ByVal Num2 As Integer) As Integer
Return Num1+Num2
End Function
Command Calling a Procedure
Purpose Calls a procedure with or without parameters.
Syntax Call <procedure_name>
Example Call AddNum or Call AddNum(num1, num2)
Command Calling a Function
Purpose Calls a function with or without parameters.
Example 1. sum = Add(10,20)
2. Console.WriteLine(Add(10,20)) (Note: function call within a function call)
3. sum = sum + Add(10,20) (Note: function Add will be executed first)
4. Do While AverageMarks(10,20,30) < 20
5. If Add(10,20) = 30 Then
Command Group: Built-in Functions & Operators
Command Len()
Purpose Returns the length of a string.
Syntax Len(<source_string>)
Example Console.WriteLine(Len(“Pakistan”)) or s = Len(“Pakistan”)
Command Left()
Purpose Returns a specific number of characters from a source string.
Syntax Left(<source_string>,<No_of_characters>)
Example S = Left(“Pakistan”, 3) >>> This will return “Pak”
Command Mid()
Purpose Returns a specific number of characters from a source string starting from a specific position.
Syntax Mid(<source_string>,<starting_position>,<no_of_characters>)
Example S = Mid(“Pakistan”, 6, 3) >>> This will return “tan”
Command Right()
Purpose Returns a specific number of characters from a source string.
Syntax Right(<source_string>, <no._of_characters>)
Example S = Right(“Pakistan”,4) >>> This will return “stan”
Command ASC()
Purpose Returns the ASCII code of a character.
Syntax ASC(<character>)
Example C = ASC(“A”) >>> This will return 65
Command Chr()
Purpose Returns the character representation of an ASCII code.
Syntax Chr(<ASCII_code>)
Example S = Chr(65) >>> This will return “A”
Command MOD
Purpose Arithmetic operator that returns the remainder of a division.
Syntax <variable1> MOD <variable2>
Example C = 5 MOD 2 >>> This will return 1
Command RND()
Purpose Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
Syntax RND() * <number>
Example C = INT(RND() * 5) + 1 >>> This will return a random integer between 0 and 5
Command INT()
Purpose Returns the integer portion of real number.
Syntax INT(<number>)
Example C = INT(345.88) >>> This will return 345
Command ROUND()
Purpose Rounds off a real number, optionally to the number of digits.
Syntax Round(<real_number>[,<no_of_digits>])
Example C = Round(345.6) >>> 346 or c = Round(345.678,2) >>> 345.68
Command Format()
Purpose Formats source data as the given format. For details of formats, see the VB reference manual.
Syntax Format(<source>, <format>)
Example Format(time(), “HH:MM:ss”) >>> This will return 14:30:45 (24 hour time format)

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