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Planning of Development

Dr. Yulhendri, S.Pd, M.si

By :
Dina Risnita

‫الرحِيم‬ َّ ِ ‫ِب ْس ِم هَّللا‬
َّ ‫الر ْح َم ِن‬

1. Make a vision, regional mission and explain how the vision, mission can be
derived ?
Answer :
here I take the example of the region, in the city where I live, namely in the city of Pariaman.
Pariaman City's vision and mission
1. Brought about the management of an advanced, religious, orderly and cultured city tourism
2. To realize the life of a cultured and quality society
3. Creating a reliable and excellent government to improve the quality of public services
4. Creating a modern, dynamic and environmentally friendly coastal city
5. Strengthening local (community-based) creative economy and community culture
how to realize the vision and mission of Pariaman City:
1. by continuing the programs, as follows:
- Free Education Program
- Free Health Program
- Free School Bus Program
- Maghrib Koran and Dawn Mobarokah Program
- Construction of Floating Mosque and GOR
2. Smart Pariaman Card (KPP)
3. One Family, One Bachelor Program
4. Youth Center Development
5. Al-Qur'an Education Center
6. Development of Non-Formal Religious Education, MDA, MDW, and MDU
7. Prosperous Pariaman Program
8. Development of Integrated Tourism Areas
9. Development of Pariaman East Side Road
10. Water Front City Development
11. Welfare of Honor Teachers, PAUD, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle School
12. Job Opportunities for Poor Families
13. Revitalization of the PKK
14. Revitalizing the Existing Market in the City of Pariaman.

2. How to make the program, and how to arrange the performance of the program?
here I take the example of making a program that is making training program plans for
Steps that can be taken so that employees have the appropriate knowledge needed by the
1. Perform an analysis of all ways in preparing a training plan. You must understand about all
the needs that are most desired by the company. This step is very important to do because it
can make the time spent more effective.
2. After you have determined the type of training to be held, take further steps so that all
employees involved in the training can receive all the benefits. You must determine all the
things needed in the training. Consider the tools and media most needed in making training.
3. Determine the training participants. It is important for someone who is responsible for
conducting training to know the right goals. Many trainings are considered less useful
because they are not attended by the right participants.
Determine Training Type Needs
Knowing all the sources involved in the training will make the training program show more
useful results. Before you step into the training process, you can determine the type of
training that is most needed by employees. This process can be done using different types of

how to arrange the program performance:

The following is a method for determining the company's goals in accordance with company
1. All programs planned in a company are usually pre-determined. The company can make
plans for these objectives at various scales according to the level of company valuation. The
time scale between 3 to 12 months will be determined with different targets.
2. After knowing all the plans and targets of the company, the training program must be
carried out according to the plan. The development of how to draw up a training plan must
know about all the work plans desired by the company.
For example, if a company wants to make a plan that is in line with an increase in production
numbers and cost savings.

3. Making a training plan will not run well before it begins with the preparation of good
documents. Everyone involved in preparing this plan must develop a specific strategy so that
the training program runs well.
Determine the type of document to be created, whether it must be in the form of an email or a
document that has already been printed.
To determine the type of document, the company must also be able to determine the
document that is most easily accepted by the trainees.

3. The main goal in economic planning is how to increase national output , reduce
the unemployment, and improve the quality of life of the people. Describe how to
develop or arrange the economic program? And what is the indicators can be use as a
measure of success in economic planning ?
Answer :
how to develop economic programs in economic planning to increase national output, reduce
unemployment, and improve the quality of life of people is as follows:
a. economic program in improving the quality of life of the people.
using strategies in local economic development or LED can increase human resources both in
skills and expertise in the use of renewable business technology, so as to reduce poverty
levels by building new businesses that have an impact on regional economic growth in the
form of increasing economic competitiveness and increasing regional income and society
b. program to increase national output.
The government is preparing a strategic economic step 2020-2024 designed to encourage
national economic growth through the manufacturing sector. There are three main policy
directions prepared, among others
1. increase productivity through increasing the skills of the workforce
2. increasing the competitiveness of manufacturing exports, and
3. strengthening the upstream industry strategy.
overall The following is the government's effort to improve the Indonesian economy.

1. Improving the quality of human resources

In 2018 the government poured large investments to improve the quality of
Indonesian human resources. This year's education budget reaches Rp 444 trillion, which is
20 percent of the state budget. Not surprisingly, of the 250 million population, 60% are young
people who become Indonesia's demographic bonus. The government will move from
providing facilities and infrastructure in schools, the quality of the teachers, adjusting the
direction of schools to industry needs, and so on. It is expected that with improvements from
upstream to downstream, the education of the nation's children will increase and be able to
compete with other countries. Do not let job opportunities in the country that are so large are
taken by trained foreign workers with better skills than Indonesian workers. Improved
employment systems and incomes that increase each year are included in the IV economic
policy package which is the focus of the government.

2. Increase the number of entrepreneurs

Employers are one of the creators of jobs that help the economy of a country. In 2017 the
number of Indonesian entrepreneurs reached 3.1 percent of the population. This number is
still far below neighboring countries such as Malaysia with a ratio of 5 percent and Singapore
by 7 percent. While developed countries such as Japan and the United States have an
entrepreneurial ratio that skyrocketed reaching 11 and 12 percent. To increase the number of
entrepreneurs the government seeks to create low-cost credit schemes such as the People's
Business Credit (KUR) with an interest rate of 9 percent, the Revolving Fund Management
Institute (LPDB) with an interest rate of 0.2-0.3 percent or an Ultra Micro Credit which has a
maximum loan of 10 million. This is one way the government is attracting young people to
start small businesses even though they are still attending college.
In addition, President Joko Widodo promised lower interest rates to micro, small and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) to 12%, which previously reached 22-23%. The granting of relief to
labor-intensive industries is included in the economic policy package VII of PPh 21, which is
the responsibility of the company.

3. Open new jobs

According to the Minister of Manpower Hanif Dhakiri, currently the number of unemployed
people in Indonesia has reached the lowest point of 5.5%. This is driven by the role of the
education sector which is able to create skilled workers and be able to compete with foreign
workers. In addition, one of the ways the government suppresses unemployment is by
creating an apprenticeship program in the service sector and providing skills training. This
method is an effort to facilitate the workforce in the hope that the participants are skilled and
professional when entering the labor market. The Government through the Department of
Manpower and Transmigration continues to strive and coordinate with the private sector in
preparing a qualified and ready to compete workforce. The development of information
technology and internet technology helped create start-ups that created new jobs. As a new
business in transportation services that provide opportunities for people to work quickly and

4. Increase investment
Investment into a country is very meaningful to help development and economic growth. The
capital investment can be used by the government to improve infrastructure and improve the
living standards of the people of Indonesia As ordinary people we can contribute to the
country's development. The government prepared a number of strategies to facilitate
investment in Indonesia, including:
- Facilitate the licensing process. Make use of internet technology with fast and
licensing processes
- Optimize tax allowance and tax holiday faster.
- Freeing VAT (Value Added Tax) for the import of certain conveyances.
- Provide a lower deposit interest tax for exporters
- Full support from the local government.

5. Boost export value

In 2016, according to the Ministry of Trade's record, Indonesia's export level decreased by
6.6% per year. At present the Indonesian government has special attention to the five
industrial sectors as export orientation, including: the oil and gas mining industry,
agribusiness and fisheries, labor-intensive industries, the tourism and creative industries, and
Indonesia's leading industries. To increase the value of exports the government is targeting to
expand the export market. Some things you can do include:
- Expanding export markets to Africa, South America, Iraq, Bangladesh and India.
- Expanding to non-traditional markets.
- Product diversification, examples of halal products, wood products.
- Providing incentives to MSME entrepreneurs. For example tax and promotion costs.
- Increasing collaboration between local and central government.
- Cooperation between nations in the trade sector helps to increase Indonesia's exports.
For example, market expansion through the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). In 2017
Indonesia has established international trade cooperation with several countries, such as
the European Union, Australia, Japan, Pakistan, Iran and Chile.

6. Infrastructure improvement
The government continues to improve overall infrastructure development from Sumatra to
Papua. Poor infrastructure certainly affects the attractiveness of investment in Indonesia.
Foreign investors are certainly worried that investment in Indonesia will not go smoothly.
Barriers that may arise such as high transportation costs, frequent blackouts, become the
government's homework in providing adequate infrastructure for all parties.

Infrastructure improvements aim to cut logistics costs that are still very high. High logistics
costs will hamper stretching the economy in remote areas. The large population followed by
the shape of an archipelago would be a challenge for the government in infrastructure
development. So far, the provision of infrastructure has been slow due to various obstacles
such as poor coordination, which hampered project implementation.

indicators of success in economic planning:

1. Economic Structure
economic development can be measured by sector changes which contribute the largest
contribution to national income. For example, the shift of the agricultural sector to the
industrial sector.
2. Per capita income
Economic growth is closely related to per capita income. If per capita income rises, it must be
caused by a stable economy. That is, people's welfare will be guaranteed.
3. Human Development Index (HDI)
Finally, the human development index (HDI), which explains how residents can access the
results of development in obtaining income, health, education, and so on. This index is
formed by 3 (three) basic dimensions namely long life and healthy life, knowledge, and
decent living standards that can be seen based on income per capita, life expectancy, and
duration of school duration.

analysis tools as a measure of the success of economic planning that is :

Analysis of Input - Output can be used as a tool for economic planning of a country (region).
Economic planning is an idea of the influence, direction and control of economic variables
(GDP, consumption, investment, etc.) of a country (region) within a certain time period in
accordance with the goals that have been previously set.

4. Regional development planning is an effort to determine the development goals

based on local needs and authority that given from the central government to the
regional government. Please, arrange a regional plan based on innovation/breakthrough
of regional characteristics (use references)
Answer :
The Ministry of PPN / Bappenas, supported by the Knowledge Sector Initiative, a
collaboration program between the governments of Indonesia and Australia, held the 2018
Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) on 10-11 July 2018 in Jakarta. IDF 2018 is an
international forum for discussion to discuss strategic issues and Indonesia's development
priority agenda, as well as find innovative solutions that are appropriate to the development
context in Indonesia. In its second year, the IDF took the theme "Breakthroughs to Overcome
Regional Inequality Across the Archipelago" and aimed to accommodate the Indonesian
government, academics, civil society, development partners and the general public to gather
cross-disciplinary development perspectives.
The theme is broken down into seven sub-themes, that are :
(1) Development of Growth Centers: Challenges & Good Practices;
(2) Efforts to Reduce Disparities in Underdeveloped Regions and Borders;
(3) Improvement of Basic Services to Reduce Regional Inequality;
(4) Utilizing Digital Economic Potential to Encourage Regional Development;
(5) Strengthening the Connectivity of Indonesia as an Archipelago;
(6) Innovations in Local Governance;
(7) Optimization of Development Funding Sources. The holding of IDF 2018 also still carries
the spirit of the previous IDF theme, namely "Combating Inequality for Better Growth".

to overcome disparities between regions (between regions). how to overcome it,

where the strategy that has been implemented leads to development with certain regional
characteristics, namely:

1. developing regions with high potential and leverage for national economic growth, with an
emphasis on accelerating the development of metropolitan urban growth and development
2. Regional development with regional economies of scale and potential local economies,
with a focus on the development of regional or local activity centers, rural areas, and medium
3. Development of areas with infrastructure and basic services that lag behind, which focuses
on development in disadvantaged areas, border areas, islands, and eastern Indonesia.

The strategy is implemented to address various major development issues that cause regional
disparities in Indonesia, which include: (1) uneven connectivity and accessibility; (2) uneven
basic services; (3) the use of local natural resources (SDA) in development that is not
optimal, which is also influenced by differences in regional characteristics; (4) suboptimal
regional development with cultural and socio-cultural diversity of the community; (5) uneven
development funding and affirmation policies; (6) uneven distribution of growth centers.
(source : https://bappenas.go.id/id/berita-dan-siaran-pers/indonesia-development-forum-
2018-terobosan-mengatasi-kesenjangan-dalam-tingkat-regional/ )

5. Explain how to evaluate development programs based on budget and output

with examples.
Evaluation is the process of determining the value or importance of an activity,
policy, or program. Evaluation is an objective and systematic evaluation of a planned,
ongoing or completed intervention. Evaluation according to PP 39/2006, is a series of
activities comparing the realization of inputs, outputs and outcomes against plans and
standards that have been set. Input for future planning.

Periodization of Implementation Evaluation of the implementation of development

plans, through the following stages:
1. Planning Phase (ex ante).
Stages are carried out before the development plan is determined, this stage is to see the
rationality of choices, targets and suitability between planning documents.
2. Implementation phase (on going).
Stages are carried out during the implementation of the Activity, this stage is to ensure the
activities are carried out in accordance with the plan that has been determined.
3. Ex post
The stages are carried out after the implementation of the plan ends. Aims to assess the
achievement (output / results / impact) of the program is able to overcome the development
problems to be solved, and to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and impact on targets), or
the benefits of a program.

When evaluating development policies / programs / activities, we basically carry out a review
and analyze the performance of the thing evaluated according to the achievement of the
targets or targets that were determined at the beginning of the preparation of the program. the
size of the achievement of targets or targets is the choice of variables that can be derived
from the objectives of implementing the policy or program.
if it is part of a main strategy or policy, then the achievement must be part of the variable that
shows the results of the implementation of the policy or program.

6. Combine the following keywords into an argumentative scientific narrative to

develop a concept of regional development :
- Region - watershield
- Gravity - regional economic lingkages
- Budgeting - space
- Location - typology klassen
Answer :
• Region
Regional planning is a planning and utilization of a regional space and planning activities and
can optimize according to the functions in the region. Regional planning is the determination
of the steps used for a particular area in accordance with the objectives set. The steps in
planning the area to find out can set goals, can predict something that will happen in the
future, predict various problems that arise and determine the location or area that is used as a
place to carry out activities that will be carried out. Regional planning is planning the use of a
regional space and activities in regional space, regional spatial planning is usually set forth in
regional spatial planning (arsyad: 1999).

• Spatial (space)
Spatial planning is a arrangement at a location to be able to place objects, an activity that can
be carried out in the room, and a change occurs. Spatial planning is a result of spatial
planning, which is basically in the form of a policy direction and location designation.
Sectors in this spatial planning such as mining, forestry, plantation, transportation,
agriculture, and others who also have specific spatial insight in accordance with the scope of
the sector arranged in the use of space for a particular interest (Ritohardoyo: 2003). Then it
can be concluded that space is something related to the insight of space in all regions.
Space (space) is a container or a place for the continuation of life which includes a space of
land, ocean space, air space, including land, water, air, along with resources and natural
conditions as a single unit. Spatial planning is a structural form and the use of patterns at
various levels in an area (Aziz Budianta: 2011).

• Agglomeration
The theory of agglomeration is to look at economic aspects through two points of view,
namely austerity and urbanization, because ultimately urbanization and globalization will not
be possible in the dynamics of an urban city. When in an urban area, all ecosystems in a
development group in the same area. Much agglomeration occurs in Indonesia, especially in
areas directly adjacent to the city. in the beginning the area was a rural area, but because they
still had adequate agricultural land, and most of the residents or communities in the area were
still farmers. However, as time went by the situation began to change, this agglomeration
region is often referred to as the main urban buffer zone (Williamson: 1965).
• Linked (inter-regional linkages)
Linkages between regions describe a relationship between regions and are interpreted as an
interaction. In terms of interactions between regions of a settlement, according to Rondinelli
(1985) it can be stated that the processes of interaction are shaped by the relationships
between these regions. The relationship between cities and villages in the form of
interdependence, where instead of a one-way city to village or village to city relationship. To
be able to find out the potential of the region, an analysis of the economic structure in the
region is carried out (Mike Douglas: 1998).

A watershed is a land area that is an integral part of a river. Where the river serves as a place
to store, store, and drain water that comes from rainfall to the lake and the sea naturally.
Watershed management planning is one form of natural resource development planning using
units in a water catchment management.
The number of watersheds is not always and never even coincides with the boundaries of
government administrative areas, but watershed management plans must be aligned with the
autonomous regional government system. Where watershed management is a human effort in
regulating a reciprocal relationship between natural resources with humans in the watershed
with all activities carried out (Dixon: 1986).
 Budget planning
Budget planning to be carried out is about work programs and activities that are integrated
with budget planning, so that the planned work programs and activities will be in accordance
with the available financial capabilities. Therefore, the medium term development planning is
complemented by the medium term financing planning document.

In this budget planning all work units of an area in order to be able to carry out work
programs and activities based on the duties and functions of each of the work institutions.
The regional budget (APBD) is managed based on work performance and activities carried
out using the APBD which must be formulated clearly and measurably. This budget planning
has several functions, namely service, public, defense, order, and security, economy,
environment, housing, public facilities, health, tourism, and culture, religion, education.
While the local government has nine functions, without the defense and religion functions.

Evaluate the achievement of budget realization. The budget users in the regional apparatus
are asked to be able to accelerate the realization and be able to maximize the absorption of
the regional budget (APBD) in order to avoid accumulation at the end of the fiscal year. To
achieve the realization of the budget is very important, therefore, to achieve that all are
required to be prepared and disciplined from the PPTK and budget management, so that the
implementation of development can be achieved.

• Klassen typology

This Klassen typology bases a grouping consisting of sectors, sub-sectors, businesses or

regional products, and what can be done is to compare the regional economic growth that is
the reference and compare the sectors, sub-sectors, businesses, or products of an area with the
average value in higher level in the reference area.

Analysis of Klassen's typology is used to be able to find out the results of Klassen's typology
analysis, where this Klassen's typology will show the position of growth and share of sectors,
sub-sectors, businesses, or products in shaping the regional variables of a region.

Example of Klassen's typological analysis:

SECTORS growth typology description
Forestry, and 00.21 01.42 no potential

Mining and
excavation 00.13 0,054861111 no potential

industry 0,046527778 02.05 no potential

Electricity and Gas

Procurement 00.00 00.03 no potential

Water Supply,
Management, 00.01 00.04 No potential
Waste and

construction 00.43 0,177777778 no potential

Wholesale and
retail trade; Car
and Motorcycle 0,052083333 04.55 no potential

and Warehousing 0,050694444 06.52 no potential

Provision of
and Food and 00.05 00.39 no potential

Information and
Communication 00.37 03.57 no potential

Financial Services
and Insurance 00.22 0,06875 no potential

Real Estate 00.13 0,049305556 no potential

00.07 00.41 no potential
Defense and 00.26 01.22 no potential
Mandatory Social
00.20 0,090972222 no potential
Health Services
and Social 00.07 00.59 no potential

Other services 00.09 0,063888889 no potential

From the table above it can be seen that the sectors that can be categorized as non-potential
sectors are agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining and quarrying, electricity and gas
procurement, Water Supply, Waste Management, Waste and Recycling, Construction,
Wholesale and Retail Trade. ; Car and Motorcycle Repair, Transportation and Warehousing,
Provision of Accommodation and Food and Beverage, Information and Communication,
Financial Services and Insurance, Real Estate, Corporate Services, Government
Administration, Mandatory Social Security and Mandatory, Educational Services, Health
Services and Social Activities, Services the other.


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