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John 14
Peace In The Midst Of Troubles And The Giving Of The Spirit

The disciples were troubled. Yeshua had told them some very disturbing things:
one of them was a traitor; He was about to leave them; they couldn’t follow Him;
and Peter would deny Him three times before the morning was over. Now He
helped them deal with their troubles.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My
Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I
am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for
you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

How do we not let our hearts be troubled?

Answer: By believing in Yeshua just as we believe in God the Father. When we

know how powerful Messiah is, and how much He loves us, and how close He is
to us, and how committed He is to us, our hearts can have peace in the midst of
troubles. And when we believe that He has prepared a place in His Father’s house,
with enough rooms for us to live in; and when we believe that He will never
abandon us but will return for us and take us to be with Him - our hearts can have
peace in the midst of our troubles.

And we can let our hearts not be troubled because we know the way to get to the
place where He was going. You know the way to the place where I am going.

One of the disciples was confused. Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know
where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Yeshua clarified what He meant. He was the way to get to God and God’s house.
Yeshua answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.”

What does “I am the way” mean?

Answer: Yeshua is the way to get to God, to God’s house, to Heaven. When we
believe in Yeshua, we will reach the welcoming presence of the eternal God, and
God’s house and Heaven.
What does “I am the truth” mean?

Answer: Yeshua created what we know as reality. He created what we know as

truth. He is the source of truth. He knows all truth. He speaks only the truth. When
we believe in Yeshua, we are united to the truth and will be accepted by the true
God, who loves those who love the truth.

What does “I am the life” mean?

Answer: Yeshua created life. He gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.

No one comes to the Father except through me.

Is there any other faith, belief system or world view that enables people to come to
the Father?

Answer: No. Absolutely none. Zero. Zip. Nada. Efes.

If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do
know him and have seen him.

Is Yeshua teaching us that seeing Him is the same as literally seeing the Father?

Answer: No. The Father is not the Son. The Son is not the Father. The Father and
the Son are two distinct persons. But, the nature of the Son is identical to the
nature of the Father, so to understand who Messiah is to understand who the
Father is.

What did Yeshua mean: You do know him and have seen him?

Answer: When He came among us, Messiah did many great things for us. He gave
us great teachings. He died on the cross to atone for us. He rose from the dead.
And He enabled us to see as much of God as we are capable of seeing. He revealed
God to us in a far greater way than God had been revealed before.
Philip didn’t understand what Yeshua was teaching them. Philip said, “Lord,
show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Seeing God the Father, who is
glorious and honorable and majestic and powerful and beautiful and wise and holy
- is the greatest sight possible. It’s understandable that Philip and the others would
want to see the Father.

Is it possible for mortals to see God the Father in His fullness, as He really is?

Answer: No. The Father is so much greater than we are that it’s impossible for us
to see God as He really is. It’s like an ant at the bottom of the Empire State
building, trying to see all of that great building. It’s impossible. And if we, who
are unholy, were able to fully see God, who is infinitely holy - we would not
survive that encounter. The Word of God is clear that no man can see God and

Yeshua expressed surprise that Philip, who had been with Him for several years,
who had heard His great teachings, experienced His wisdom, witnessed His
miracles which were unprecedented in number and greatness - still did not
understand that He is the Son of God who shares the Father’s nature. Yeshua
answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a
long time?” Then Yeshua repeated what He had previously claimed: Anyone who
has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, “Show us the Father”?

And Yeshua expressed surprise that Philip didn’t understand who He is and His
relationship to the Father. Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the
Father is in me?

What does this mean?

Answer: The Father and Son are two distinct Persons who are completely united
because they share the same nature.

The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the
Father, living in me, who is doing his work.

Why should Philip believe what Yeshua was saying?

Answer: The Father was living and working in Yeshua and speaking through Him.
The things Yeshua was saying to Philip were authorized by God.
Yeshua said that the Father was living Him. How does the Father live in the Son?

Answer: The Father lives in the Son by means of the Spirit they share. The Holy
Spirit lives in the Father and lives in the Son.

Messiah repeated His teaching that there is a complete unity between Him and
God the Father. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in

He reminded them that if it was difficult for them to believe what He was teaching
them, there were reasons why they should. Or at least believe on the evidence of
the works themselves.

What is the evidence for believing everything Yeshua said?

Answer: His sinless life; His wisdom; His miracles, which were unprecedented in
number and greatness.

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing,
and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

When a great man dies, his life’s work may end. Why would Yeshua’s life’s work
not end?

Answer: Because He would be alive and be with the Father, and from that
powerful and exalted position, He would enable His disciples to continue and
expand His ministry.

Does this mean that every disciple will be as wise or sinless as Yeshua? Do more
or greater miracles than Yeshua did?

Answer: No. No one as ever been as wise as Yeshua. No one has been sinless like
Yeshua. No one has ever done more or greater miracles than Yeshua. Over the
centuries, God has allowed only a few to do miracles.
Yeshua was telling His disciples that His mission of gospel proclamation would
continue through His followers. They would bring the message of salvation and
advance the kingdom of God beyond the borders of the lost sheep of the house of
Israel - something Yeshua never did. More people would be saved through the
members of Messiah’s Community than by Messiah Himself.

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in
the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Why could the disciples be confident that Yeshua’s ministry that He was
entrusting to them would succeed?

Answer: Yeshua’s mission to save people would continue and expand through His
followers, and be successful, because He would be alive, and full of power, and
would be able to answer their prayers.

Yeshua promised to do whatever we ask Him, as long as what we ask Him is in

His name. What does it mean to ask for something in Yeshua’s name?

Answer: “Name” means who the person is. So, asking for something in Yeshua’s
name means asking for something that is in agreement with who He is. It must be
something He agrees with and approves of.

Give three examples of asking for things that are in Yeshua’s name:

Help me love You more.

Help me love Your gospel more.
Help me be more concerned about the lost.
Fill me with Your Spirit so I can carry on Your mission of world evangelism.
Help me love my brothers and sisters the way You want me to.
Help me be holy.
Help me hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Help me endure my trials with wisdom and patience.
Help me be more like You, think like You, value what You value, dislike what
You dislike.
Give me this day my daily bread.
Give three examples of asking for things that are not in Yeshua’s name:

Bless me so that I die at 100 in perfect.

Bless me with prosperity so I can live an easy life.
Don’t allow me to suffer.
Help me to be popular.

I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the

Why is the Father glorified in the Son when we ask the Son for something that is
in the Son’s name, and the Son answers our prayer?

Answer: The Word of God is crystal clear: we are to pray only to God. We are
never to pray to idols, false gods, people or angels. So, when we pray to the Son
and He answers our prayer, He is shown to be the divine and glorious Son of God.
And since fathers are honored when their sons are honored, when the Son is
honored, His Father, who shares the Son’s nature and who loves the Son, is

Yeshua loves us and will help us by answering our prayers - but not if we don’t
love Him. Therefore it is essential to love Him the way we should. He told us how
we can know our love for Him is genuine. If you love me, keep my commands.

Are the commands of Yeshua identical to the commands of Moses?

Answer: No. The commands of Moses were directed to the Jewish nation living
under the Sinai covenant. There are 613 of them. While some of the commands of
Moses and Yeshua are the same, the commands of Moses and Yeshua’s commands
are not the same.

What are Yeshua’s commands?

Answer: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your
neighbor as you love yourself. Love one another. Forgive one another. Proclaim
the gospel with boldness and courage to everyone around you. Build Messiah’s
Community. Be holy. Be righteous.
Yeshua had told His followers He was leaving. Now He told them that He would
send someone else who is just like Him to help them. I will ask the Father, and he
will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever - the Spirit of

What does advocate mean?

Answer: Advocate means someone who is called alongside to help. Advocate

means helper.

Who is the advocate?

Answer: The Holy Spirit.

Why does Yeshua call the Holy Spirit another advocate?

Answer: Because Yeshua had been their advocate while He was with them. He
was with them, helping them. The Holy Spirit would be with them, and in them,
and would help us.

Will the Holy Spirit, after He is given to us, ever leave us?

Answer: No. He will be with us forever.

Who is involved in the giving of the Spirit?

Answer: Both the Father and the Son. The Son asks the Father to give the Spirit to
Yeshua’s disciples.

Why is the Holy Spirit called the Spirit of truth?

Answer: Because He is the Spirit of the true God. Because He knows all truth,
communicates only the truth, and help us know the truth and live according to the

The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you
know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
After Yeshua died and was resurrected, how would their relationship of the Holy
Spirit change?

Answer: The Holy Spirit is the invisible presence of the Father and the Son. He is
present everywhere throughout the universe. The Holy Spirit had been with them
to some degree because of His all-presence. And He had been living with them
because He was living in Yeshua. As great as that was, He would be even closer to
them. He would be “in them.” He would live in them like He lived in Yeshua.

Why can’t the world accept the Spirit, see Him or know Him, but Messianic Jews
and Christians can?

Answer: The world is alienated from God; hostile to God; far from God. The
people of the world don’t understand the Spirit of God and don’t want Him.
Believers are the opposite: we are reconciled to God; at peace with God; close to
God. The Holy Spirit lives in us. We we know the Spirit.

Yeshua again promised His disciples that, like a good father doesn’t abandon his
children, even though He was leaving, He would not abandon them. He would
return for them. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me.

How are Messianic Jews and Christians able to see Yeshua but the world is unable
to see Him?

Answer: These men, and hundreds of other men and women, literally saw Yeshua
after His death. The literal sight of the resurrected Messiah, however, has been
given to very few. Nevertheless, all believers are able to see Yeshua with the eyes
of faith. We know He is alive and exalted and at the right hand of God. So, in that
sense, we see Him.

Because I live, you also will live.

Why will we live because Yeshua lives?

Answer: Because of our faith, we are united to Messiah. Our lives are connected to
His life. Because He lives, we will live with Him, forever.

On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in

On what day would they realize this?

Answer: The day Yeshua was resurrected. His resurrection would enable them to
understand that Yeshua was fully and completely united to God the Father, and
they were fully and completely united to Yeshua, and He was fully and completely
united to them.

Yeshua taught His disciples more about the relationship between love and
obedience. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.
The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and
show myself to them.

Can someone love Yeshua and not obey His commands?

Answer: No.

If someone loves Yeshua, what happens?

Answer: Yeshua reciprocates his love. He loves him; and His Father loves him.
And Yeshua shows Himself to him.

Why is love connected to Yeshua revealing Himself to people?

Answer: Loves creates trust and intimacy and good-will, which results in

If it’s difficult to see Yeshua, what should you do?

Answer: Love Him by getting serious about obeying Him.

Yeshua told them that after He left, they would be able to see Him but the world
wouldn’t be able to see Him. One of the disciples didn’t understand. Then Judas
(not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us
and not to the world?”
Yeshua replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love
them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does
not love me will not obey my teaching.

Yeshua answered Judas’ question by repeating the truths He taught before - but in
a slightly different way. Yeshua reciprocates our love for Him. Our love for
Yeshua, which is based on obedience to His teaching, causes Yeshua to love us,
and causes His Father to love us. And, our love for Yeshua, which is based on
obedience to Yeshua’s teaching, creates closeness and intimacy with the Son and
with the Father. They get very close.

Do the Father and the Son literally make their home in us? Literally live in us?

Answer: No. The Father is seated on His throne in Heaven. The Son is at His right
hand. The Father and the Son live in us and make their home in us by means of the
living in us.

Yeshua assured His disciples that what He was teaching them was true because
His words came from God the Father. These words you hear are not my own; they
belong to the Father who sent me.

Are the words of the Father to be believed?

Answer: Yes.

Yeshua had been helping His disciples by teaching them so many important He
wanted them to know that His great teaching ministry to them would continue. All
this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the
Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of
everything I have said to you.

Who continues the great teaching ministry of the Messiah? How does it happen?

Answer: The Holy Spirit continues Yeshua’s teaching ministry. He lives in us and
enables us to understand the Word of God. The Bible comes alive and becomes
understandable to us.
Who is involved in sending the Holy Spirit?

Answer: Both the Father and the Son work together to send the Spirit. The Son
asks the Father to send the Spirit. The Father sends the Spirit in the name of
Yeshua, because of Yeshua, to those who are loyal to Yeshua.

Remember, Yeshua had just told these men that one of them was a traitor; that He
was about to leave them; that they couldn’t follow Him; that Peter would deny
Him three times before the morning was over. The disciples were upset. They were
afraid. Messiah again promised them that, in spite of their circumstances, they
could have peace. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you
as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Why is the peace which Yeshua gives different from the peace the world gives?

Answer: The world’s peace comes from an absence of conflict, or from

circumstances going well. If there is conflict or circumstances become difficult,
there is no peace. The peace that Yeshua gives is a peace He experienced, an inner
peace, a peace that comes from knowing God, being right with God, knowing that
you will live forever with God. It is a peace that can be experienced in the midst of
conflict or difficult circumstances.

Yeshua told these special men He was about to die. He didn’t want them to be sad,
but to be glad for Him. You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back
to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the
Father is greater than I.

Why is the Father greater than the Son?

Answer: The Father is greater than the Son in authority and in position, not in

Why should they be glad that Yeshua was going to the Father?

Answer: It’s beneficial to be in the presence of someone greater than you. Instead
of being sad for Him, the disciples should have been happy that Yeshua was
returning to His Father who is greater than He is.
I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will
believe. What was about to happen?

Answer: He was going to be arrested, humiliated, tortured, crucified, buried and


Why did Yeshua want them to know that He knew what was about to happen?

Answer: He wanted them to know that He knew what was about to happen so they
would know He was not a fool who was being taken by surprise and overpowered
by superior forces. Yeshua knew what would happen, knew it was what God
wanted to happen, and submitted Himself to God’s will. That made him a wise and
great and godly hero. Knowing He knew what would happened would strengthen,
not lessen, their faith in Him.

Yeshua knew that Satan was manipulating people to kill Him and His time was
short. I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He
has no hold over me, but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the
Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.

Why is Satan the prince of this world?

Answer: When Adam and Eve, who were the prince and princess of this world,
joined the rebellion of the fallen angels by disobeying God, they forfeited their
right to rule. That right was transferred to the leader of the fallen angels. He is the
prince, the ruler, the god of this world.

Why did Satan have no hold over Yeshua?

Answer: Satan repeatedly tempted Him, but Yeshua always resisted. Satan, sin and
death only have power over those who have sinned, and Yeshua never sinned.
Satan might be able to have Yeshua killed, but since Yeshua was a perfectly
righteous man, death could not hold him. Yeshua would come back to life.

What would Satan’s manipulations that resulted in Yeshua’s death accomplish?

Answer: Yeshua’s death, which was voluntary, would show the world the extent
of His love for God and God’s will and His obedience to God and God’s will.
Yeshua put submission to God and the will of God before His own life.

Come now; let us leave.

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