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Name Student’s Reg. Class



1. Genre : Romance,Biography
2. Title : Merry Riana “Million Dollar Dream”, 

Merry Riana is a successful young woman entrepreneur, writer, and motivator. Her life’s
story is told in a movie, Merry Riana “Million Dollar Dream”, which is adapted from her
book with the same title. This film visualizes her struggle to survive from difficulty of life
and become successful.
3. Producer : Dhamoo Punjabi,Manoj Punjabi
4. Director : Hestu Saputra
5. Year of Publication : December 24,2014
6. In details
Fill out the following information about the movie:
1. Who are the most important characters in the film? Also list the names of the actors playing
these characters. (You may have to look these up online!) (15 points)

No The Names of Actors Characteristics

1 Chelsea Islan
2 Dion Wiyoko
3 Kimberly Ryder
4 Ferry Salim
5 Niniek L Karim
6 Sellen Fernandez
7 Mike Muliyandro
8 Chyntia Lamusu

2. What group of people would like this movie (demographics)? (10 points)

who wants to change her/him life,entrepreneur,workman,
3. What is this story about? Be very detailed! (15 points)

The violence that happened in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia in May 1998 makes
Merry Riana forced to flee to Singapore. Merry Riana’s father decided to send his daughter
to Singapore because he was afraid of the unsafe condition. She went alone to Singapore
with the support money that was only enough to buy food for five days. Fortunately, Merry
Riana met with her best friend, Irene, who wanted to go to university in the there, too. With
Irene’s help, Merry could live in a boarding house. She was also accepted in one of the best
college there. But, it could only be reached if Merry paid $40,000. The only hope was to take 
a loan college student that could only be obtained if Merry had a guarantor. Then, Merry met
her senior, Alva, who was very reckoning. He gave many requirements before he finally
agreed to help Merry. He also had Merry look for side job. Merry realized that she should be
successful as soon as possible. She did various work, from spreading online business
brochure, until playing withe high risky shares. The condition of her economy was moving
up and down. Problem of love also occurred when Alva expressed his feeling to Merry.
Meanwhile, Merry knew it well that Irene fell in love with Alva.


4. Did you like this movie? Why or why not? (10 points)

yes i did it,  think this is an inspirational movie which can motivate people to be successful at
young age. It brings good spirit for young men in Indonesia. The script writer is successful to
bring a set of interesting conflicts which make the plot of this movie become alive.

5. What rating would you give this movie? (10 points)

6. What spoilers might ruin the movie for viewers if you told them about it? (10 points)

Merry Riana is a successful young woman entrepreneur, writer, and motivator. Her life’s
story is told in a movie, Merry Riana “Million Dollar Dream”, which is adapted from her
book with the same title. This film visualizes her struggle to survive from difficulty of life
and become successful.

7. All movies teach a lesson (theme/moral). What did you learn from this one? (10 points)

8. What title would you give your review (and can you think of a pun that might work for it)?
(10 points) ahmadbachtiarzen@gmail.com
Change Your Life With Movie

The violence that happened in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia in May 1998 makes
Merry Riana forced to flee to Singapore. Merry Riana’s father decided to send his daughter to
Singapore because he was afraid of the unsafe condition. She went alone to Singapore with
the support money that was only enough to buy food for five days. Fortunately, Merry Riana
met with her best friend, Irene, who wanted to go to university in the there, too. With Irene’s
help, Merry could live in a boarding house. She was also accepted in one of the best college
there. But, it could only be reached if Merry paid $40,000. The only hope was to take  a loan
college student that could only be obtained if Merry had a guarantor. Then, Merry met her
senior, Alva, who was very reckoning. He gave many requirements before he finally agreed
to help Merry. He also had Merry look for side job. Merry realized that she should be
successful as soon as possible. She did various work, from spreading online business
brochure, until playing withe high risky shares. The condition of her economy was moving
up and down. Problem of love also occurred when Alva expressed his feeling to Merry.
Meanwhile, Merry knew it well that Irene fell in love with Alva.

9. What are the new expressions you’ve found and what do they mean? (20 points)

No Expressions Meanings in Bahasa


Total Points = 110

Note: ahmadbachtiarzen@gmail.com
DON’T FORGET that movie titles are written within “quotation marks!”

HEADLINE: Include the title of the movie (try to use a pun!)

PARAGRAPH #1: Introduce the movie by stating that you’ve just seen this movie and would like to give
an opinion about it. Mention a couple of details that might help the reader understand what type of
movie you are talking about.

PARAGRAPH #2: Summarize the plot (story). Where and when did it take place? Who are the main
characters? What is the story about? Remember, do NOT include spoilers and do not tell how the story
ends! Talk about the actors/actresses and discuss who did a good job and who didn’t.

PARAGRAPH #3: Talk about what you liked about the movie and what you didn’t like. Be sure to
include specific details and scenes. What lessons did you learn from this story (theme/moral)? What do
you think others will learn from it?:

PARAGRAPH #4: What group of people would like this movie? Who would you recommend it to?
Who would you not recommend it to? What’s the MPAA rating of the movie (G, PG, PG-13, R, etc…)?
What is your final word on the film: Is it good or bad? Give the movie a score. You can do grades
(A,B,C,D,F+ or -), stars (*** out of *****), numbers (3 out of 5) or something totally original… just don’t
use “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.”


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