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Alien Anthropologist

Possible Profile: You look as close to being human as your race can get, so you've decided to go
amongst the primitives and find out what they're really like. Human customs, rituals, and slang
fascinate you. Elvis Christ, you'll get the hang of them, eventually!
Stamping Grounds: Shangri-L.A.
Quote: “Are we having funk yet, my canine? You are hitting a touchdown out of the parking lot with
that shade throw!”
Gear: hoverboard disguised as a skateboard, outlandish outfit based on what you believe will help
you blend-in, anachronistic flash-bulb camera, ancient tape recorder, pre-apocalypse tourist map, and
other outdated earth technologies in a vintage suitcase that’s shockingly bigger on the inside...
Styles: Ingenuity, Charm
Skills: Languages, Weird Trivia, Unusual Abilities, Hiding in Plain Sight

Bad Asssss
Possible Profile: You are the most dangerous lady or dude around. Whether you’re a bloody-
knuckled, barroom brawler or haute-couture-suit-modeling gunsel, you have style, an
inamorata/inamorato hanging off of you, cars, lairs, bling... daaaamn, apocalypse looooooks
gooooood on you.
Stamping Grounds: What’s-Left-of-Texas, Lost Vegas, Shangri-L.A.
Quote: *signature stare, gaze, glance, wink, etc, to maximize bad-ass’ed’ness*
Gear: motorcycle, chic threads, sunglasses, perfect hair, .45 Magnum, brass
Styles: Daring, Charm
Skills: Bad Girl or Bad Boy, Krav Maga!, Gunning Down Suckers, Pure Coolness

Disco Robo-Gigolo or Techno Doxy’droid

Possible Profile: You were manufactured in the robot foundries of Motown, then boxed and shipped
all the way to a juke joint in What’s Left of Texas. You see, there’s a dire shortage of available men
and women who can cut a rug. So you sell your services to lovely ladies and lonely cowpokes as a
dance partner. Not only are you programmed to talk the talk, you can also walk the walk – you never
get tired; you can go until dawn and beyond. You’re just approachable enough, just
coquettish/flirtatious enough, and your rhythm is always on time...
Stamping Grounds: What’s Left of Texas, New Texaco
Quote: “Human engineers made me better at what I do than was ever humanly possible, and I do the
best I can..."
Gear: tricked-out bicycle, portable solar power array, batteries, tight clothing, flashy jewelry, robo-
holo-boombox, junk-in-the-trunk secret compartment
Styles: Might, Charm
Skills: Disco/Techno Dancing, Hurl Objects at Remarkable Velocities, Bending Steel Bars, Pull
Something Out of Your Ass, Pick-Up Lines, Smooth Talkin’

Doom Siren or Moody Crooner

Possible Profile: Raised in the gothic clubs of Shangri-L.A., you were inducted at a prodigious age
into a cabal of chanteuse enchantresses and troubadour warlocks. You’ve grown into a true
thaumaturge. And not some New Agey, crystal-whisperer; we’re talking one fully-fledged freak of
black magic with enslaved undead, bound demons, or other ensorcelled mooks at your beck and call.
Stamping Grounds: Shangri-L.A.
Quote: “Black hides bloodstains.”
Gear: dinky sedan with tinted windows and held together by band stickers, black clothing, stage
makeup, pointy-toed boots, voodoo dolls, silver udjat eye necklace/choker, phantasmal back-up
Styles: Charm, Magic
Skills: Dancing, Sing, Fashion Sense, Sneer of Superiority, Necromancy, Demonology, Voodoo,
Santería, or other magic tradition

Possible Profile: Raiders killed your parents along with all the adults of your tribe, orphaning you as
the eldest son/daughter of the chief. Though tender-footed, you proved yourself a capable and strong
leader of the massacre’s young survivors. The young’uns have prospered instead of just surviving, yet
the raiders might return. To ensure your tribe’s freedom from that threat, you’ve set out to discover a
better means of protecting them … or maybe even to take the fight to the raiders.
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands
Quote: “In the roar of an engine, I lost everything and became a shell of a child, a burnt-out desolate
child, a child haunted by demons, a child who wandered out into the wasteland... And it was out here,
in this blighted place, that I learned to live again.”
Gear: sturdy pair of moccasins, crossbow, modified football pad armor, modified football helmet,
tomahawk, interesting hairstyle & warpaint
Styles: Craft, Charm
Skills: Archery, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Leadership, Intimidation, Survival

Possible Profile: You flashback to a life long ago, but know these fleeting recollections to be so old
as to be false. The corporation implanted identical bogus memories into the heads of you and who
knows how many other clones kept in stasis deep down in a salt mine converted into laboratories for a
DARPA R&D contractor. A short while ago, an artificial intelligence kicked back into operation after
decades of dormancy. This A.I. immediately started breaking clones out of stasis to test weapon
systems. You’re the only clone who evaded every blade, neurotoxin, and laser on these trial runs.
Ultimately, you overcame the A.I. itself.
Now, you’re on your own on the outside...
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands
Quote: “No. No, I would not like some cake.”
Gear: shock-absorbing/power leap boots, orange jumpsuit with corporate logo, tank top with
corporate logo, portal gun, A.I. module powered by a potato battery, companion cube, child’s
backpack, protein bars, water bottle with corporate logo
Styles: Craft, Daring, Ingenuity
Skills: Gunnery, Weird Science, Evasion, Escapist, Parkour, Set Trap

Queen or King of The Drag Strip

Possible Profile: You’ve travelled from glitzy nightclubs in FollyWood to the neon playground of Lost
Vegas, chasing mirages of queer stardom. Along the way, you’ve met all sorts of interesting
characters, which was part of the reason that you moved away from your tiny hometown on the edge
of The Wasteland. Small towns equal small minds, and even smaller ideas about gender. You might
never realize your big dreams, but you’ve lived a bigger life in pursuit of them. You’ll work any gig.
Livestock auctioneer, hot rod race announcer, mutant beauty contest presenter, exotic dancer, lounge
singer, street magician, slapschtick comedian, and any other role is fair game. Make or break, you’re
the hardest working soul in showbiz.
Stamping Grounds: Shangri-L.A., Lost Vegas
Quote: “Bubs, try that again and I'm gonna to smack your face so hard you'll have to stick a
toothbrush up your arse to clean what’s left of your pearly whites, capisce?"
Gear: bus pass, sequined gown or sharkskin suit, feather boa/silk scarf, stage makeup, platform-hell-
on-heels or crocodile skin loafers, shaving kit, steamer trunk full of unlimited fabulous attire for
challenging gender norms, a vial of Ziggy’s “stardust”
Styles: Charm
Skills: Mistress or Master of Ceremonies, Burlesque, Entertainment Lore, Variety Showmanship,
Mimicry, Seduction, Healthy Sense of Irony

Possible Profile: The road warrior’s best friend is a good greasemonkey, who can spell the
difference between victory and ruination. Drivers tend to treat you well. There’s nothing you like better
than working on a classic from the foundries of Motown. Japanese jetcars are flashy and all, but
nothing’s finer than a piece of pre-collapse American steel. Hoo-boy. Yessir.
Stamping Grounds: Anywhere
Quote: “Put your seatbelt on, boy. I don't ride with anybody 'less they wear their seatbelt. It's one of
my rules.”
Gear: towtruck battlewagon, greasy overalls, toothpick, tool set, pocket knife, monkey wrench
Styles: Ingenuity
Skills: Fixin’ and Modifying Vehicles, Drive Anything, Improvised Weapons, The Lost Art of Common

Hard-Rock Caveman
Possible Profile: Reared in a cave out in the middle of nowhere, you descend from a clan of the
great unwashed. Lately, you came into contact with “normal folks,” and your subsequent introduction
to electric amplification guaranteed you’ll never rock acoustic again. You’re curious about many things
in this relatively more civilized land, but are just as often confused, flummoxed, and confounded. You
can carry a solid beat, however, and your great strength and endurance make you a valuable ally. Or
a dangerous opponent.
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands
Quote: “If you're edged 'cause I'm weazin’ all your grindage, just chill. 'Cause if I had the whole
wrecked scene thing happenin' at my pad, I'd drop hard over there, so don’t tax my gig so hardcore,
cruster. Chillllll.”
Gear: One-size-fits all saddle, filthy animal skin garb, tortoise shell helmet, big club, garbage-can-lid
shield, lil’ dinosaur friend
Styles: Might
Skills: Bang On, Track Prey, Simple Tools, Stink!, Muscular

Helljack or Helljill
Possible Profile: Spawned from of a hell dimension to serve the forces of Evil, you were content to
live a life replete with treachery, deceit, and mayhem until that one fateful day when you found
yourself in a strange part of the dark abyss, surrounded by swan-winged creatures all a-glow with
virtue. A flash of light dazzled you into oblivion. When you came-to in the middle of a smoking crater,
strange feelings welled up in your chest. Mercy? Kindness? Charity? Crazy stuff! Congratulations my
smoldering friend: you’ve been Hell-jacked!
Stamping Grounds: Shangri-L.A., Monster Island
Quote: “I’m fireproof. You’re not...”
Gear: bronze greaves, brass bracers, devilish jockstrap or demon bikini, big steel gauntlets
Styles: Might, Magic
Skills: Demonology, Infernal Lore, Fight Dirty, Looking Lean’n’Mean, Weird Hell-spawned Magic
High-Plains Drifter
Possible Profile: You've always wanted to make a difference, it's just that you can't stay in one place
too long without getting itchy. Being free of attachments and obligations is everything to you, and you
always want to know what's down the road, what’s only a little ways further. When you see people
steppin’ on good hard-workin’ folks, it makes you mad… real mad. You ain’t one to sit idly by, but
once the dust settles, you shoulder your pack and continue on.
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands
Quote: “Bury’em? Sister, I don't mind shootin'em for ya, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sweat over'em
for ya.”
Gear: spectral horse, travelling pack, canteen, duster, pinstripe trousers, shirt, suspenders, broad-
brimmed hat, pearl-handled six-shooters, old pocket watch set to Hell’s time zone
Styles: Craft
Skills: Acting Mysterious, Hard Drinkin’, Fast Draw, Straight Shooter

Possible Profile: Out in the wasteland, it is a peculiar sort of fellow who not only survives but actually
prospers. Your home is built from old cars and slabs of sheet metal. Your clothes are patched from
old rags. But you have clean water that you pull from a well you dug yourself, and you’re using it to
irrigate some vegetable gardens out back. Not to mention that the hot tub you resurrected actually
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands
Quote: “Don’t throw that out! I’m sure I can find some use for it…"
Gear: toolbox, lead pencil, notepad, half-finished gizmo
Styles: Ingenuity
Skills: Building Crazy Devices, Misidentifying and Repairing Old Technology, Inspiration, Rube
Goldberg Engineering

Juggalo or Juggalette
Possible Profile: You’re a killah klown who’s gone off on your own as a “freelance comedy
consultant.” You like making people laugh almost as much as you like laughing at people hit by cream
pies. Too bad cream pies are so scarce. You’ve decided to take a more horrorcore approach to
clowning, owing to this dearth of cream pies and all. You like making people scream almost as much
as a you like screaming at people you stab. ‘Cuz unlike cream pies, there ain’t any shortage of stabby
Stamping Grounds: Shangri-L.A., Lost Vegas
Quote: “What…? You think I’m funny? Like I’m some kinda clown or something? WHOOP! WHOOP!”
Gear: gag items, wig and makeup kit, clown outfits, abattoir hammer, meat cleaver, meth
Styles: Daring, Ingenuity, Charm
Skills: Clowning Around, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Animal Training, Disguise, Pratfall

Masked Luchador
Possible Profile: You have left the wrestling arenas of Mexico to fight injustice wherever you might
find it. Americanos might think you a strange sight, clad in your fancy tights and sequined mask, but
they shall soon know of your amazing wrestling techniques, superhuman strength, and jaguar-like
grace. For you are the last in a long line of mascaradas – brave and noble luchadors who champion
the poor and dispossessed!
Stamping Grounds: New Texaco, What’s Left of Texas
Quote: “He say, ‘In order for you to become empowered by eagle, you must climb that cliff, find eagle
egg, crack open egg, and eat yolk.’ But, those eggs, they were a lie! A LIE! They give me no eagle
powers! They give me no especial nutrients to win!”
Gear: lace-up wrestling boots, wrestling tights, bracers, Espanol-Ingles dictionary
Styles: Daring, Might
Skills: Wrestling, Acrobatics, Feats of Strength, Siesta of The Just, Science!

Possible Profile: Before you learned the ways of heavy metal, you were just a long-haired hoodlum
with a bunch of bootleg tapes and an out-of tune guitar. Now you’re a rock n’ roll wizard with your own
indie record label and a bevy of comely young fans. Of course, fighting incursions from alternate
dimensions must be a priority… just after you sign one more autograph.
Stamping Grounds: Shangri-L.A.
Quote: “This is the most brutal thing ever. It's not like regular hate. It's so much more black. If this
hate were a mutant gang, I'd fucking go to war with it with bottles and chains. This hate is so pure, if it
had a pulse I could sacrifice its blood to the gods of metal for their eternal favor!”
Gear: motorcycle boots, blue jeans you were born to wear, leather jacket, studded leather belt, spiked
leather bracelets, Gibson “Flying-V" guitar, a bigass amp
Styles: Charm, Magic
Skills: Heavy Metal Lore, Spellcasting, Musicianship, Charisma

Monster Smasher
Possible Profile: Athletic. Brave. Dashing. The Monster Smasher has sworn to protect and serve
humankind by kicking monster ass. A throwback to those lantern-jawed heroes and busty heroines of
golden-age pulp fiction, the Monster Smasher has battled space slugs, Martians, and giant ants.
Somehow, this chap always gets clear with just a ripped shirt... A ripped shirt that reveals a rather
ripped physique.
Stamping Grounds: Monster Island, Southern Pyramids of the Mummy Kings
Quote: “This is a game trail. Carnivores hunt on game trails. Pitching tents here is a bloody awful
notion. Do you want to set up base camp or a human buffet?”
Gear: jungle boots, machete, service pistol, dynamite, flashlight, ripped khaki shirt, jodhpurs, pith
Styles: Daring, Ingenuity, Might
Skills: Monster Lore, Hack’n’Slash, Explosives, Dashing, Muscular, Discerning Eye

Mutant Trucker
Possible Profile: It's your job to get cargo across the godforsaken Wastelands, keeping the supply
lines open and the cities running. You face bandits, monsters, low fuel, bad food, lousy roads, and
rotten weather on almost a daily basis. An ordinary person would quit, but you're not an ordinary
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands, What’s Left of Texas, New Texaco
Quote: “Breaker! Breaker! It don’t matter if you’re pushin’ with a tentacle or a paw; all that matters is if
the pedal’s meetin’ metal! Lay the hammer down!”
Gear: eighteen wheeler, Citizen Band radio, gimme trucker cap with pithy saying printed on it, spiked
tire iron, road maps
Styles: Might
Skills: Strange Mutations, Truck Drivin’, Fixing What’s Done Broke, Staying Awake

Old Sawbones
Possible Profile: You make house calls ‘cuz there ain’t any hospitals out here. However, hospitality’s
still to be found, so you give medical care to people in exchange for food and shelter. Other than that,
you don’t charge a fee for your services. An itinerant M.D. always seems to get ahold of necessities.
With all the hazards out in the world, you don’t have to worry about running out of folks who have
need of ya...
Stamping Grounds: Anywhere
Quote: “I ain’t gonna lie to you son. This will hurt.”
Gear: Vespa Scooter painted white with a red cross on it, sensible shoes, tweed suit, bolo tie, white
coat, physician’s satchel, bottle of aspirin, tranquilizer gun with darts
Styles: Ingenuity
Skills: Medicine, Ride Like The Dickens, Act Neighborly, Trustworthiness, Steady Shot

Ostrich Wrangler
Possible Profile: A long time ago you would’ve been called a cowboy. Of course, now there aren’t
too many cows, so you’ve taken to wrangling fast, flightless birds. This work is hard and dangerous,
but you love the challenge. And at the end of the day, ain’t nothing like bringing in the flock and
sinking your head into a soft down pillow beside a campfire.
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands, What’s Left of Texas, New Texaco
Quote: “Git your heads out of the sand, y’all! Git! Go! Git’along! Yeeee-Haw!"
Gear: dire moa, saddle, lasso, chaps, western shirt, feather cape, ostrich down pillow, cowboy hat,
Styles: Craft
Skills: Ridin’ and Ropin’, Cookin’ Mystery Chili, Shootin’, Animal Husbandry, Survival

Outlaw Biker
Possible Profile: You’ve seen a hundred thousand miles roll by under the wheels of the big, black
hog you ride, and you’ve got enough scars and close-calls to last a lifetime. But hell if you’ll ever work
a straight job. You need freedom, the freedom that only the open road can give.
Stamping Grounds: Anywhere
Quote: “After everything she did, after all the lies, after all the death and wreckage, I still love her…
she’s my mom, afterall.”
Gear: vintage motorcycle, motorcycle boots, riding leathers, two scatterguns, so many blest tattoos,
boxes of ammo, a few grenades
Styles: Craft
Skills: Riding, Repairing Your Bike, Scavenging, Brawling, Intimidation, Survival

Plucky Kid
Possible Profile: Abandoned at a young age, you drift from town to town with merchant caravans or
circuses, usually hitching a ride or stowing yourself beneath some blankets. You’re searching for
someone to take care of you, but in the meantime you’re satisfied with a life of fun and adventure.
Stamping Grounds: Anywhere
Quote: “I keep telling you! Listen to me more and you’ll live longer! ”
Gear: pet, spectacles, patched overalls, baseball cap, sling shot
Styles: Ingenuity
Skills: Sneaking, Skulking, Being Underestimated, Deadshot with a Slingshot

Irradiated, Irreverent Revenant

Possible Profile: Before the blast, you had a bizarre hairstyle, ragged clothes, no respect for
authority, a penchant for loud music, and... you had overdosed and died in a gutter. You were dead.
Dead, that is, until a flash of bright white light and nuclear heat. You un-died. The living have called
you a hungry ghost, wight, lich, zombie, draugr, ghoul, or whatever other undead label their bigoted,
meaty brains wanna slap on ya, but, now that you’re dead-ish, their labels matter even less. OI! HEY!
Stamping Grounds: Shangri-L.A.
Quote: “No gods. No masters. No pulse.”
Gear: combat boots, crusty plaid pants, tattered band t-shirt, portable cassette player with
headphones, bootleg punk music mixtapes
Styles: Craft, Might
Skills: Surviving Almost Anything, Intimidation, Punk Lore, Mosh, Improvised Weapons

Road Warrior
Possible Profile: You used to ride with the road marshals, but you made some bad choices and were
cast out into the Wastelands. Now, you're fighting for survival in a world gone crazy, and your only
companion is the 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT coupe interceptor you drive. Sometimes you perform odd
courier jobs, other times you enter into the battle arenas for death matches.You've made enough
money to keep your ride in good shape, and your ride is all you have left.
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands
Quote: “You know, hope is a mistake. If you can't fix what's broken, you'll, uh... you'll go insane.”
Gear: 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT coupe interceptor, biker leathers, sawn-off shotgun, hip-flask
Styles: Daring, Craft
Skills: Driving, Road Combat, Shooting Moving Targets, Car Repairs, Intimidation

Roller Girl or Roller Boy

Possible Profile: You work one of the drive-in ostrich burger joints out here on the edge of Sin City.
The tips are terrible, but you meet the most interesting people. At night, you skate in roller derby bouts
for blood and money. Thanks to your sharp wit and high-kick, you’ve gained quite a bit of notoriety.
One of these days, you’re gonna ride the derby circuit.
Stamping Grounds: Lost Vegas
Quote: “Nobody puts baby in the penalty box.”
Gear: flamboyant roller skates, micro-skirt or hotpants, tank top with witty graphic on chest, armored
derby pads and helmet, chewing gum, spiral-bound notepad and pencil nub for taking down the
names of those who ordered an ass-kicking
Styles: Charm, Daring
Skills: Roller-Skating, Acting Cute, Plucky, Kickboxing

Six-String Samurai
Possible Profile: You're a legend of The Wastelands – the sword-slashing rock n' roller of the
Apocalypse. Of course, some people want to claim your title for their own. It's a cutthroat, dog-eat-dog
world out there, but you’re the best in the west.
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands, Lost Vegas
Quote: “Float away, little butterfly. Just flutter away. I got a gig in ‘Vegas. And The Wastelands ain't
no place for kids.”
Gear: flashy cowboy boots, vintage electric guitar and amplifier, samurai sword, slinging irons, horn-
rimmed glasses, tattered umbrella, velvet tuxedo
Styles: Daring
Skills: Swordsmanship, Quick-Draw, Guitar Playing, Rock n’ Roll Lore, Martial Arts
Smartcar Sidekick
Possible Profile: You were stranded in the desert with a nothing but an empty canteen punctured by
a bullet hole, and you probably would have died out there if not for a four-wheeled stranger who
detected your heat signature. The smartcar went on an off-road rescue mission and saved you. Since
there was no other place for you to go, you decided to see the world with your new friend. Sometimes
you forget it’s an automotive robot, essentially. Other times, you feel like the meatsack mascot for a
car that’s smarter than you. Still, you're looking forward to all the adventures y’all will have.
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands, Motown
Quote: “I once observed every cowboy needs a sidekick, then the car told me not sell myself short,
told me that I am ‘much more than just a horse.’”
Gear: smartcar, leather jacket, jeans, lounge shirt, comfortable loafers, repair kit
Styles: Ingenuity, Craft
Skills: Emergency Repairs, Stealth, Brawl, Stunts

Speed Racer
Possible Profile: The scion of a famous Japanese engineer, you began to build your own soap box
race cars out of plywood and scrap metal before you could walk. As you grew older, you became
obsessed with going as fast as possible. You began to design and race your own land jets, mostly for
the sheer joy of it – but your quest remains to become the fastest human alive!
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands, Japan
Quote: “Hah! Let’s see if you can catch me, ha-hah!”
Gear: jetcar, spaceage helmet, flame-retardant racing suit, mirrorshades, sassy scarf
Styles: Daring
Skills: Racing, Celebrity, Stunt Driving, Lightning Reflexes, Automotive Design

Straight-Laced G-Man or G-Lady

Possible Profile: Civil service demands civility because without civility there’s no civilization. When
disaster struck, the U.S. Federal Government put you and few other civil servants on ice. Wiser
eggheads in Washington D.C. knew they’d need serious, determined, and incorruptible agents in the
aftermath. ‘Knew they’d need’em to reinstitute order amidst chaos. You’re still a little frosty from the
cryogenic deep freeze, but you’ve rolled out of the fallout shelter and are on the road to make America
great again. Nothing’s changed, really. The job’s still thankless with lousy pay… but, by the stars and
stripes of Old Glory, you must live up to J. Edgar Hoover’s legacy.
Stamping Grounds: Anywhere
Quote: “I regret to say that we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of damsels in distress, unless
that distress crosses State lines. Thank God, mom, and apple pie: The Mann Act still has teeth.”
Gear: modified 1948 Tucker Sedan, G-man suit, Ray-Bans, .38 revolver, a damn fine cup of coffee
Styles: Craft, Charm
Skills: Acting Official, Law, Pistol, Driving, Basic Human Decency

Stuntman or Stuntwoman Heretic

Possible Profile: You used to be a true believer in the Celluloid Church, listening in awe to tales of
St. Schwarzenegger’s strength, St. Stallone's courage, and St.Van Damme's martial arts abilities.
Then you learned the awful truth: the deeds attributed to the Celluloid Saints were in fact performed
by men and women called “stunt doubles.” You abandoned the Church and joined an unorthodox
order to study The Tao Teh Stuntpeople under the tutelage of a mysterious, disgusting old man
named Jackie 4Chan, who did all of his own spectacular stuntwork. One night, treachery struck! You
woke up to find your sanctuary swarming with the Celluloid Church's inquisitors: the Paparazzi. You,
your stunt brothers and stunt sisters were stripped and branded as heretics. After feeling the hot
brand of the inquisition kiss your skin, you broke free to flee into the night. Now you, like your
stuntman predecessors, must remain anonymous as you perform your feats of derring-do and search
for your missing master, brethren, and sistren.
Stamping Grounds: FollyWood, Shangri-L.A.
Quote: “Hey, buddy… have a seat!” *breaks a chair over someone’s back*
Gear: second-hand track suits and vintage athletic clothes, sun visor or headband, sweatbands,
running shoes, sunglasses, first aid kit
Styles: Daring, Might
Skills: Stunts, Fisticuffs, Falling from Great Heights, More Parkour Than You Can Shake A Stick At,
Movie Lore, First-Aid

Quantum Shaman
Possible Profile: Upon your auspicious birth, medicine men proclaimed you quarky. Your location
and direction cannot be known simultaneously, thus predators cannot track you. For many moons,
you have guided your people safely as they migrate from festival to festival. Giant scorpions, desert
djinni, and ghost convoys are just a few of the hazards you’ve avoided in your role as tribal pathfinder,
guardian, and protector. By the strong medicine of Great Spirits, you will keep your tribe alive in the
most unforgiving of environments. By the light of your glowsticks, you will lead them ever-towards
better music, kinetic sculpture, hula hooping, hacky sack footy, ultimate frisbee, and interactive arts.
Stamping Grounds: The Wastelands
Quote: “Sure, you could just take this for allergies, but you know what makes it even better? If you
take, like, a lot of pot with it. I mean like, like... a lot of pot. A. Lot.”
Gear: Crocs, gasmask, rusty stop sign shield, staff, hemp attire, glass bead jewelry, dreadlock
beeswax, Geiger counter, infinitely reusable glowsticks, wineskin, all of the drugs
Styles: Craft, Magic
Skills: Summoning Nature Spirits, Summoning Not-So-Natural Spirits, Survival, Wilderness Lore,

Two-Fisted Padre / No-Nonsense Nun

Possible Profile: Your mama always said that your great strength was a gift from God, so you felt the
best way to give thanks for it was to take holy orders. You are patient and gentle, but there are
several sinners who have ended up on the ground when they pushed God's grace a little too far.
Stamping Grounds: Anywhere
Quote: “The Devil’s inside you. I’mma beat him to sleep.”
Gear: combat boots, vestments, cross, rosary, The Good Book, heavyweight boxing gloves
Styles: Charm, Might, Magic
Skills: Kickin’ Ass for The Lord, Quoting Scripture, Preachifying, Laying On Of Hands

American Woman
Possible Profile: Those busybodies around the trailer park can call you a menace to society, a
miscreant, a reprobate, or whatever the hell they want – but it was high time people gave you the
respect that you deserve! Hotwiring your old man’s Ford was a snap. Robbing sickos on the open
road has been a piece of cake. Killing for kicks is a lark. Freedom ain’t free, so you’re gonna see to it
that the world pays...
Stamping Grounds: Anywhere
Quote: “I've always been crazy; this is just the first chance I've had to express myself.”
Gear: 1966 Ford Thunderbird rebuilt for death races, hairspray, red lipstick, cat-eye sunglasses,
halter top, tight capri pants, stiletto-heel boots, switchblade knife, sawn-off double-barreled shotgun,
bandolier of shotgun shells
Styles: Daring, Charm
Skills: Cat Fighting, Va-Va-Va-Voom, Delinquent Behavior, Cosmetology, Go-Go Dancing, Stunt

Sandworm Surfer
Profile: Beach bum gurus have chanted the “live to surf” mantra since time out of mind, man, but
where does the surf end and the beach begin? What if life’s a beach? After picking through a dog-
eared sci-fi novel left in a hut on a remote shore, you got a killer idea: giant sandworms kick up a
mighty fierce wake as they plow through the desert. It’s just a simple matter of hooking them ‘worms
and riding’em across the sand. Surfing’em on, like, a wave of sand… on sand aeons-estranged from
any ocean. Trippy. Yeah, so you packed your bags and drove your old Woody into the desert to find
the waves, dude.
Stamping Grounds: Pacifica, The Wastelands
Quote: “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I
will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And, when it has gone past, I will
turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
Gear: pristine 1948 Nash Suburban, shades, Bermuda shorts, Hawaiian shirt, tube of colorful
sunblock, worm hooks, “Thumper” to summon worms, silicone dab container filled with wax of the
Spice Melange, Crysknife
Styles: Daring
Skills: Surfing, Weirding Way, Good Reflexes, Dust Up, Beach Lingo, Impressing the Babes/Boys

‘Za Ninja
Possible Profile: No one slices pizza more swiftly or evenly, and your ability to deliver hot ‘za in 30
minutes or less is legendary. You have never left a trace other than a cardboard box containing piping
hot pie along with the fading memory of a polite knock at the door. A few months ago, the Master of
your pizzeria dojo delivered his last pizza to The Most August Jade Emperor of Heaven. All you have
left are Master’s teachings and recipes so that you too might open a high-quality pizza delivery
franchise somewhere in the world where a market cries out for one.
Stamping Grounds: Shangri-L.A., Japan
Quote: “I shall build a delivery force of extraordinary magnitude. We will forge our spirits in the pizza
baking tradition of our ancestors. You have my most humble gratitude for your business."
Gear: crotch rocket styled motorcycle that runs without a sound, grappling hook, ninjatō sword,
shuriken, insulated delivery bag, small book of arcane pizza lore and Master’s sayings
Styles: Daring, Craft, Magic
Skills: Stealth, Kawaii Strike, Make Change, Climb, Improvised Weapons, Speak Japanese, Ninja
Magic, Cook Pizza

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