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Netto @10 mL Netto @10 mL

ATEKSI Netto @10 mL ATEKSI®®
Atenolol Injection SOLINOL
Composition: Atenolol Injection Composition:
Atenolol Injection
Atenolol Injection
Each 10 ml contains: Composition:
Each 10 ml contains:
Atenolol : 2.5 mg
Tiap 10 ml mengandung : Each 10 ml contains:
Atenolol 2.5 mg
Atenolol 0.35%
2.5 mg Atenolol 2.5 mgmg
Sodium Chloride 0.554
NaOH / As. Citrate
Natrium Klorida q.s
0.554 mg NaCL
Sodium Hydroxide/ Citric Acid 0.35%
Water Pro
Natrium Injection
Hidroksida / Asam Sitrat ad 100%
q.s NaOH / As.
Water Pro Citrate
Injection q.s
ad 10 mL
Water Pro Injeksi ad 10 mL Pharmacology:
Water Pro Injection ad 100%
Pharmacology: Hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, and myocardial infarction
Hypertension,: angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, and myocardial
infarction angina pectoris, aritmia jantung,dan infark miokard Work mechanism :
Hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, and myocardial
Blocking β1 adrenergic receptors. Decreases heart rate, cardiac output and
Mekanisme kerja : infarction
decreases renin release. The effect of bronchoconstriction is less compared to
Work mechanism
Memblok :
reseptor adrenergik β1. Menurunkan frekuensi denyut jantung, curah substances that bind to β2 receptors.
jantung dan penurunan receptors.
Blocking β1 adrenergic pelepasan Decreases heart
renin. Efek rate, cardiac output
bronkokonstriksi kurang Work mechanism :
and decreases
dibandingkan renin
zat-zat release.
yang The
berikatan effect
dengan of bronchoconstriction
reseptor β2. is less Blocking β1 adrenergic receptors. Decreases heart rate, cardiac output
compared to substances that bind to β2 receptors. Aboutdecreases
and 50% of therenin
oral dose of atenolol
release. is absorbed.
The effect Peak plasma concentrations
of bronchoconstriction is less
Farmakokinetik : are reachedto
compared in substances
2-4 hours. Atenolol hasto
that bind lowβ2fat solubility. Through plasma can be
Dosage50% anddari dosis oral atenolol diserap. Konsentrasi plasma puncak dicapai
Administration: distributed to KE where the concentration is higher than the plasma is achieved.
Cardiac arrhythmias: bymemiliki
2-4 jam. Atenolol kelarutan
intravenous lemak of
injection yang
mg at aMelalui
rate ofplasma
1 mg Only a small amount can cross the blood-brain barrier and minimal plasma protein
dapat didistribusikan keASI dimana konsentrasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan plasma Dosage and Administration:
/ min or by intravenous infusion of more than 20 minutes at a dose of 150 increase. The blood plasma time is around 6-7 hours. Atenolol experiences little /
yang tercapai. Hanya sejumlah kecil yang dapat melewati sawar darah-otak dan Cardiac arrhythmias:
no metabolism by and
in the liver intravenous
is excretedinjection of 2.5 mg at a rate of 1 mg
in the urine.
micrograms protein
peningkatan / kg. plasma minimal. Waktu plasma darah sekitar 6-7 jam. / min or by intravenous infusion of more than 20 minutes at a dose of 150
Atenolol mengalami sedikit/tidak ada metabolisme pada hati dan diekskresikan micrograms / kg.
Dosage and Administration:
pada Interactions: Cardiac arrhythmias: by intravenous injection of 2.5 mg at a rate of 1 mg / min or
Drugs that cause hypertension such as aldesleukin and general by intravenous
Drug infusion of more than 20 minutes at a dose of 150 micrograms / kg.
Dosis dan Pemberian
anesthesia, :
other drugs such as NSAIDs. The combination of virapamil IV Drugs that cause hypertension such as aldesleukin and general
Aritmia jantung:must
and β-Bloker melalui
be injeksi intravena
avoided. 2,5 mg
The use pada lajufor
of digoxin 1 mg/menit
patients atau
with Drug Interactions:
anesthesia, other drugs such as NSAIDs. The combination of virapamil IV
dengan infus intravena lebih dari 20 menit dosis 150 mikrogram/Kg.
diabetes β-Bloker can reduce the response to insulin and oral Drugs that cause hypertension such as aldesleukin and general anesthesia, other
and β-Bloker must be avoided. The use of digoxin for patients with
hypoglechemistry through its effects on β-pancreatic receptors. drugs such as NSAIDs. The combination of virapamil IV and β-Bloker must be
Interaksi Obat : diabetes
avoided. Theβ-Bloker can reduce
use of digoxin thewith
for patients response to insulin
diabetes β-Bloker and oral
can reduce the
Obat yang menyebabkan hipertensi seperti aldesleukin dan anesteti umum, obat hypoglechemistry through
response to insulin and its effects on β-pancreatic
oral hypoglechemistry receptors.
through its effects on β-pancreatic
lain seperti NSAID. Kombinasi virapamil IV dan β-Bloker harus dihindari. receptors.
Β-Blocker may
Penggunaan not be
digoxin used
untuk by AV-Block
pasien diabetes patients especially
β-Bloker dapat those who
mengurangi are
respons Contraindications:
untuk For dan
insulin sufferers of asthma,
hipoglekimia bronchial
oral melalui and
efeknya pulmonary
pada amphysema.
reseptor β-pangkreas. Contraindications:
Β-Blocker may not be used by AV-Block patients especially those who are
Use in patients with diabetes and heart problems. Β-BlockerFor
elderly. maysufferers
not be used
of by AV-Block
asthma, patients especially
bronchial those who
and pulmonary are elderly.
Kontraindikasi : For sufferers of asthma, bronchialand
and pulmonary amphysema. Use in patients with
Use in patients with diabetes heart problems.
Β-Bloker tidak boleh digunakan pasien AV-Block terutama yang lanjut usianya. Bagi diabetes and heart problems.
Side effects :
penderita asma, bronkis dan amfisema paru. Penggunaan pada pasien diabetes
Given carefully to pregnant women, the effects on the eyes, heart, lipid Side effects: :
dan gangguan jantung. Side effects
metabolism and on the liver. Given carefully
Given carefully to to pregnant
pregnant women,
women, the effects
the effects on the
on the eyes, eyes,
heart, lipidheart, lipid
Efek samping : metabolism and on the liver.
and on the liver.
Diberikan secara hati-hati pada ibu hamil, efek pada mata, jantung, metabolisme
lipid dan50% of the oral dose of atenolol is absorbed. Peak plasma
pada hati. Pharmacokinetics:
concentrations are reached in 2-4 hours. Atenolol has low fat solubility. Attention:
About 50% of the oral dose of atenolol is absorbed. Peak plasma
Through :plasma can be distributed to KE where the concentration is Please be careful are
if you suffer from asthma,
concentrations reached in 2-4 hours.diabetes,
Atenolol hyperthyroidism, impaired
has low fat solubility.
higher berhati-hati jika menderita
than the plasma asma,Only
is achieved. diabetes,
a smallhipertiroidisme, gangguan
amount can cross the liver and kidney function, peripheral arterial disease, heart failure, heart attack,
fungsi hati dan ginjal, penyakit arteri perifer, gagal jantung, serangan jantung, Through plasma can be distributed to KE where the concentration is
blood-brain barrier and minimal plasma protein increase. The blood pheochromocytoma and myasthenia gravis.
pheochromocytoma serta myasthenia gravis. higher than the plasma is achieved. Only a small amount can cross the
plasma time is around 6-7 hours. Atenolol experiences little / no blood-brain barrier and minimal plasma protein increase. The blood
metabolism in
Penyimpanan : the liver and is excreted in the urine plasma time be
Atenolol should is stored
around in a6-7 hours.
closed Atenolol
container at roomexperiences little it /away
temperature, keep no
Sebaiknya atenolol disimpan di dalam container tertutup pada suhu ruangan, metabolism in the liver
from heat, moisture, and is
and direct excreted
light. inmust
Atenolol the urine
not be frozen. It should be kept
jauhkan dari panas, lembab, dan cahaya langsung. Atenolol tidak boleh dibekukan. out of the reach of children. Pay attention to the expiration date of the drug.
No. Reg dijauhkan dari
Sebaiknya : DKL2012300243A1
jangkauan anak-anak. Perhatikan masa kadaluarsa obat.
No. Batch : A9043002
Mfg Date : March 2020
Exp Date HARUS
HARUS 2023
: DKL2012300243A1
HET : 139.999.- No. Batch : A9043002
No. Reg : DKL2012300243A1 Mfg Date : March 2020
No. Batch : A9043002 No. Date
Exp Reg :: March
Mfg Date Produced By :
: Maret 2020 HET Batch
No. :: 139.999.-
Exp Date : Maret 2023Solida Farma
PT. Mfg Date : March 2020
HET Makassar-Indonesia
: 139.999.- Exp Date : March 2023
Produced By :
HET : 139.999.-
PT. Solida Farma
Diproduksi Oleh : Makassar-Indonesia
PT. Solida Farma Produced By :
Makassar-Indonesia PT. Solida Farma

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