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I want you to Imagine my analogy as I discuss the serious implications of food addiction for following

a healthy diet. Think of food addiction as many walls forming a barrier, behind each wall being an
aspect of a healthy diet that victims struggle to follow. Now these walls arent impossible to
penetrate, climb over, go around or sneak under, but getting to the other side Is a challenge
(emphasis on Image 1 comedy) for victims of food addiction.

Question to class: so who can guess what the fence wall represents (holding pack of food in hand)

*pause* they aint climbing over the wall to

follow that healthy diet.

On the left is the diet and headspace of a food addict, on the right is a recovered food addict who
has climbed the 3 wall barrier of food addiction to finally follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. Wall 1
stands in the way of weight management, wall 2 is binge eating disorder wall 3 is bulimia nervosa.

Wall 1: Food addiction is a wall to (effective) weight management for obese adolescents;
Image of man blocked off by wall from 'weight management aspect'
Obese adolescents were given YFAS-C), Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children before and after a 3
month diet plan for weight loss.
Failure rate was higher in adolescents with food addiction compared to those without (63% vs. 44%,)
demonstrating the mental implication of a reduced will power that food addiction causes. They just
cant say no to KiloJouoles, even when a diet plan is mapped out!
So you decide to get healthy by first managing your weight. Okay, ill go for 45 mins of running (puts
sports headphones on).
I get home staaaarving, (open fridge action) ill just eat a bit. *30 mins later* mud cake almost
finished (wave a laptop to make it disappear)
 HOW to address? Change the environment. Remove high calorie foods from your kitchen altogether
so that they aren’t a temptation. So when you get back from that run, you are greeted by nothing
but strawberries and muesli bars as snacks.
Wall 2 AND 3: Food addiction is a wall to normal eating behaviour. It removes regular eating
patterns, which are replaced with 2 WALLS binge eating, and bulimia nervosa disorders. These
sufferers compensate for their binge eating by volatile behaviour, such as purging (vomiting or using
laxatives or diuretics) and exercising excessively in rare bouts. In fluctuation sufferers go from
(INSERT mudcake skit) spending weeks on end playing video games, watching movies, without
leaving the chair, eyes glued to the screen cramming kilos of smiths chips and mud cake and cadbury
chocolate, followed by a sudden panic- instigated marathon. So once they finally see sunlight,
Psychologically unstable, they may do somehting ridiculous like a 4 hour treadmill session. Of course
the body reacts ill to this lifestyle, unadapted. It snowballs into a catastrophe of further binge eating
of fat and sugar dense food, mitigating that ability of following a healthy diet, or eating a single
vegetable if that.

{ARTICLE"How does food addiction influence the dietary intake profile?" (Jamie Oliver fresh food
A cross sectional survey of 851 subjects in Ankara Turkey supports this hypothesis. Sufferers of
food addiction feasteddd on fat and sugar excessively, compared to the participants
without food addiction.
Now Kahoot!

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