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The Art of Flirting

Love your all gimmick

Raise your hands if you are celebrating valentine’s today?
Well obviously that’s why we are all here  ….however don’t worry people
still celebrate world cancer day even if they aren’t the patient 
Raise your hands if you feel that you are good at flirting?
Raise your hands if you feel flirting is a bad thing?
Raise your hands if you are on tinder? Ok kidding no need to raise hands
Now why I am qualified to speak on this topic, well I am a tinder user
since 2013 and up till now I had 93 matches with 0 zero dates, not
because I am bad at it, I am just too lazy to g o out and meet someone ,
but why I do it I will discuss that later. I am hoping that one day tinder
will ask to be their community manager, because I use the app so much
just for software quality check.
Now I know that this subject has lot of gray areas, but today I am not
talking about the psychological effects, proximity strategies or
physiological study of testseroeren or oxytocin level…but simply the
association of the word ‘flirt’
You know in my teens if I said to my mom that I’m flirting with a lady she
will say behave yourself…If I told my dad…he would say what the
heck(may be deep down smiling about the power of genes)
Without referring to the oxford or Cambridge dictionary, which has
defined the ‘word’ flirting with a very narrow scope. The etymology of the
word Flirt is from a French word, fleurette meaning dropping the flower
petals but these days what men do in the name of flirt …dropping crap
and losing the self-esteem.
A researcher from North Illinois University named David Dryden did a
research paper on the art of flirting and revealed very interesting facts.
Like there can be 6 aspects of motivation for flirting i.e. Sex, relational,
exploring, esteem, , instrumental, and fun). the worker sample is less
likely to view flirting as motivated by sexual or relational motivations than
is the student sample.
If we look at the mathematical equation of flirting its

which is similar to social influencing.

According to some evolutionary psychologists, flirting may even be the
foundation of civilisation as we know it. They argue that the large human
brain – our superior intelligence, complex language, everything that
distinguishes us from animals – is the equivalent of the peacock's tail: a
courtship device evolved to attract and retain sexual partners
Raise your hands if you feel fliting is a social skill?
There is a thin line between persuasion and manipulation and that’s
where you need to understand that flirting is just like any super power its
your decision to become a super hero or a super villain but ethics says
that with any skill you shouldn’t be exploiting, spoiling, avoiding your own
personal responsibilities without hurting your personal legacy.

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