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the Presence of your
beside You...
and series of Numbers
Have you recently noticed the surprising appearance of identical Se-
ries of Numbers in your everyday life?...

Yes! You probably have... This phenomenon is no coincidence. It is connected to the

concept of Synchronicity. Synchronicity involves observing two events with no apparent
causal link, occurring at a specific time, and the association of which reveals a particular
Meaning... But solely for THE Person who perceives it.

This may be translated into mirror times appearing on mobile phones, computers, alarm
clocks... 10:10 AM, 11:11 PM, etc. But also into the repetition of Numbers on number
plates, in digital or IT codes.

If you are noticing these Signs more and more often, that means that your Spiritual
Guide is trying to send you an important Message. He therefore plants powerful Symbols
along your “Life Path”, like Series of Numbers such as 777 or 99 99... In order to capture
your attention.

He’s thus testing your Alertness. He is asking you to analyze what you are feeling at the
exact moment when you notice these phenomena. The more frequent they are, the more
importance you need to attach to what is being signaled to you and which needs to be

Above all, if you experience a sudden strong sensation, which pushes you to look at the
time, at a specific moment, do so... And if a number repetition appears, remain alert. And
observe your environment very attentively.

It’s up to you to be there...

of temperature
Have you ever felt a Shiver or a feeling of cold sweep over you
suddenly, despite being in a warm and mild environment?...

Almost certainly!... Sudden and apparently inexplicable temperature variations are often
a sudden change of situation destined to warn you that a possible danger is watching you
or that you need to watch out for someone temporarily or often near you. It could be a
sudden manifestation from your Spiritual Guide. He is sending you a clear and meaning-
ful Sign: you must place yourself under his Protection.

He uses what you sense, which manifests itself through the immediate appearance of a
feeling of warmth or cold at different times and in places that you regularly, or maybe
always, go to... Like your car, your home, your office or place of work.

He wants to awaken your senses, pique your interest and make you aware of what is
happening at a very specific moment in your environment. He asks you to take a step
back, listen to your Intuition and let yourself be guided.

He is extending a nurturing hand... Seize it!

and ideas
Have you recently had a “genius idea”?... An immediate Solution to a
problem?... Sudden and inexplicable Knowledge
about something unusual?...

Yes, incredibly so! A spark flew... You suddenly had an Idea, which burst forth like a “Mi-
racle”... You instantly managed to get out of trouble and remove yourself from a delicate
problem. Without having to make the slightest effort... You saw the magic acting in your
favor thanks to simple mental clarity. At the right time, at the precise instant when it was
supposed to occur.

It was no coincidence. It was simply the intervention of your Spiritual Guide. He uses a
specific form of telepathy in order to contact you. He suggests you act in accordance with
what is good for you, faced with a specific defining situation.

Imagine a private Adviser watching over you and remotely guiding you along the Right
Path... That’s exactly it! Your Spiritual Guide “is whispering a few words in your ear”...

There’s no such thing as coincidence. Follow your Instinct...

and perfumes
Have you recently smelled strong familiar aromas at certain
specific times in unlikely places?...

Rose, hyacinth, lily, lily of the valley for floral fragrances... Tobacco, earth, hummus, dead
leaves for natural scents... Nothing around you would result in the presence of such a
smell. The place is not appropriate, with no connection to this scent, which nonetheless
fills the space and engulfs all your senses.

There’s nothing unusual about that... That is “simply” a Sign from your Spiritual Guide.
He uses this process in order to ask you to pay attention to your immediate environ-
ment… For instance, when there’s an imminent danger, a strong and unexpected per-
fume will make you react and you will therefore be able to get out of its way.

The Invisible World is also capable of manifesting itself before you in this olfactory way...
In order to banish from your mind all sorts of dark thoughts that go against your well-
being. The pleasant smells produce in your subconscious an environment that is favo-
rable to your fulfillment and to the flood of positive ideas that immediately benefit your
everyday life.

The Invisible World invites you to breathe and be positive!

of Animals
Have you recently noticed a pet or stray change
its behavior in your presence?...

It’s well known that animals perceive and sense things in advance, that humans cannot
see or sense… Like the early warning Signs for an earthquake, disaster or even the favo-
rable or dangerous presence of other animals. Not to mention the various possible dan-

As for you, if you notice your pet change behavior, at a specific moment, for no apparent
reason. Don’t be shocked. He will probably have “detected” a Presence around you. Al-
most definitely that of your Spiritual Guide.

It’s not uncommon for animals to act in accordance with the presence and benevolence
of Invisible Beings. By analyzing their behavior, you can become aware of the reality of
your environment at a given time. You will then thank your “Friend” for having cast a
danger aside, for having helped you avoid a specific pitfall or for having pushed you to
act in your interest...

It will simply be the Will of the Beyond. The Invisible Entities watch over you and exer-
cise complete vigilance to ensure that you remain under THE Light.

So open your Mind to Energy, open your Heart to Love and follow the Path of Eternity.

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