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Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper

have become the essential part of our lives. What is your
opinion? OR The mass media including TV, Radio and
newspaper influence our society and shape our opinions and
characters. What is your opinion?

In this day and age, mass media have become epidemic all around the world. People of different
ages follow and use them, such as television, newspaper and the internet which have become more
popular among individuals. On the contemporary worlds, whether the influence of mass media in
shaping people's life is controversial issue. One group of people believes that media have no effects
on people's lifestyle, while others are advocate of powerful influence of mass media in our lives. I
personally agree with the latter group, because of two main reasons which are elucidated below.

First group claims that mass media cannot have an effect on our decisions and believes; since, it has
been taken for granted. Of course they are right to some extent, but I think they considered this
issue superficially.

First of all, mass media have a profound impact on cultures. It causes to eliminate the boundaries of
cultures among people and creates globalization. The globalization is a good instance to depict the
effect of mass media, because individuals can see what happen in other countries, how they
dressed, how they cook and what their culture is. As a result, they usually imitate what others do.

Secondly, mass media is a source of information. It informed people about daily events or new
discoveries. This information sometimes is used to change people's opinion. For example, in election
of president, the fan of candidates advertise in media like, television or the internet for them, and
absorb attention to elect any person that they want.

In conclusion, as I mentioned above, the influence of mass media is undeniable, and it can change
our beliefs and our ideas.

2. Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products

or is it the responsibility of producers?

Over packaging of products has become a trend in today's competitive world. Producers are trying
to attract consumers with attractive packaging of their products, not bothered about its negative
impact not only on our environment but on the users as well. It should be the responsibility of the
producers to limit the wastage of the resources in the form of un-necessary packaging.  

The cost of over packaging is actually added to the product sold. In fact, at times it is seen the
packing cost and durability is more than the product itself. The type of packaging found in
pharmaceutical industries can be taken as an example here. Pills and tablets are found to be packed
in much bigger and colourful strips than needed. Does this increase the sale of medicine? No. Such
packaging is of no concern to the consumers. But, the cost of medicine would have definitely been
lesser if sold in a simple outlook.

Further, the material used is mostly non-disposable which adds to the environmental pollution to a
great extent. Snacks and other food items packaged in eye-catchy shimmering coloured packets are
consumed in a large scale by everybody. These packets are really difficult to dispose as they emit
poisonous gas if burnt and if not can be seen to contaminate water somewhere. Producers should
realize the importance of using materials like paper and stick to simple packaging.

Packaging as seen increases the cost of the product and also makes our environment unhealthy. So,
this packaging boom should be checked on a serious note by the producers. Moreover, the
producers should be restricted with predefined rules and parameters set by the government. It is
also recommended that an awareness among the users that quality of the product is important
rather than the attractive packaging.

3. Company’s top level authorities should get their employees in

decision making process. Discuss
In today's competitive world, it has become essential for all organizations to do their best in every
sphere of their business. Innovations and new ideas have become, somewhat indispensable to be
able to remain as a part of the competition. Now, the question is who in the organization should
take part in making the business survive? One group of people think that it should be the higher
management, whereas, other group believes people across all levels should be encouraged to give in
their ideas where ever possible.

It is a fact that people working in the particular area knows the ins and outs of the processes
involved to perform that job. He is the best person to come out with ideas which can provide a
higher output for the organization in that particular area. For this reason, in many manufacturing
houses labourers are given incentives for each new idea they come up with. Such companies value
the thoughts of its each and every employee.

On the other hand, there are companies which believe that it should be the duty of only the higher
management to come up with innovations and decisions. Management has a belief that taking ideas
and suggestion from everybody would only lead to chaos. Employees may provide suggestion having
personal interest, which could be harmful for the company.

Innovations and ideas is something which has brought us to this technologically developed world.
Perhaps, it has been accepted by all by now. Organization can only flourish well where its employees
are given the freedom to innovate and rewarded for the same. Top level management should be
smart enough to judge its plausibility of implementation, as the final decision has to be taken by

4. Some people think law changes our behaviour. Discuss.

It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people’s behaviour, but legislation cannot
reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds. Many problems of
modern society cannot be solved by laws and legal system because moral behaviour cannot be

To start with, laws are developed to discipline the society and so that every individual can live in
peace and harmony without any insecurities and fears. To maintain such a control, rules are
formulated to prevent all offences and punishments for every social and personal transgression, so
that crimes once committed are not repeated again. An acute system like this is enough to keep
people from all kinds of crimes and wrongdoings; however if this was true there would not have
been such a high crime rate as we see today.

Also humans have a tendency of getting intrigued and do something which is generally not allowed
to. A punishment in such cases may deter the individual from doing it again but a more
contemplative question here is whether such a punishment brings in any reform which I think is not
the case.

To conclude, in my opinion, to thwart a crime the state of the mind and heart of the individual
should be explored to determine the core cause which perpetuated the crime. Also there is an
active collaboration required between the legal system and the reformatory facilitative
organisations to bring in a necessary change to the lives of individual who went on such a heinous
path. Law should not just be a system of restriction and punishments but also of rehabilitation, only
then it will help transform human immorality which in turn will facilitate the development of a
peaceful novel society.

5. Space research
There is an argument that exploring space is a waste of money and that there are more urgent needs
to be addressed on earth, such as reducing poverty and preventing environmental destruction.
However, I completely disagree with this opinion for two reasons.

First of all, many of the technologies we take for granted today were originated, thanks to space
research. Take satellite technology, for example, which we depend on for broadcasting and weather
forecasting. Without satellites, we would not be able to follow global events as they happen, nor
give populations any warning of approaching storms or any natural calamities. Space research has
also led to the development of new lightweight materials that offer us heat protection and enable
food preservation. Therefore, the challenge of sending human beings into space has often driven the
development of new technologies that benefit our everyday lives.

Second, we cannot foresee the distant future, so we ought to develop the capability to escape from
the earth. Gradually, we are learning how humans can survive for long periods in space and even
travel to other planets in the future. If space exploration is halted, this valuable knowledge will never
be acquired. It is true that environmental destruction is also a serious issue, but it is also true that
we remain dependent on our environment if we never accept the challenge of exploring other

In conclusion, while we undoubtedly face serious problems on our own planet, it is imperative that
we continue to explore space. This will promote further technological advances as well as provide a
possible means of escape should earth become uninhabitable in future. Ideally, all nations should
cooperate in the advancement of space research.

6. Technology / TV as inventions.
Technology has seen myriad developments and has brought unimaginable changes in our lives. But
as a coin has two sides, these developments have also been both positive and negative. In this essay
I will discuss both the pros and cons of these innovative inventions.

To start with advantages, one cannot disagree that technology has made our life simpler. We are
now super-efficient and easily accessible. Such is the extent of our improved efficiency that just with
a click of a button we can do work which earlier used to take several weeks or months.
Communication barriers have also been broken via high speed internet and thanks to satellite we
can now predict about everything around us in a much better way.

Now looking at the disadvantages, with the comfort provided by technology people have also
become obese, lazy and introvert .A lot of people tend to get glued to their mobile devices and talk
less frequently, while a lot other with others prefer ordering food online rather than walking down
the street. These habits are negatively impacting their health and their life.

To conclude, technological developments have indeed tremendously impacted our life and in my
opinion it is up to us how we make best use of them. We should not let technology take over our
daily habits and anything which we see can negatively impact our life should be shunned

7. Discuss tourism benefits

Tourism, a medium to bridge communicational gaps among countries, not only provides as a
medium to exchange culture but also accounts for one of the major sources of income for many
countries. I personally feel that if tourists travel around the country and see how people live and
have experiences of new customs and cuisines, it would be highly beneficial for the tourist as well as
the local community.

This issue can be looked at from two points of views. From the point of view of the tourist, in the
large pre-managed resort travel they may or may not get authentic local experience. There could be
cultural shows that would be organized to provide information about the local community but like
they say, a copy is never as good as the original. Moreover, it would also be cheaper for the tourist
to organize the trip themselves. It could take a little more effort but would surely be worth the while
in most of the cases.

On the other hand, looking at it from the local community’s point of view, it would be highly
beneficial for them if the tourist came to their places and spent their time in the community itself.
Local cuisine would be advertised along with local culture being spread around the world. The tourist
would also get to know the history of the place from the authentic local people. Also, the local
people would also be aware of different cultures in other parts of the world, making them more
aware of the diverse cultures across the globe.

To sum it up, if the tourist goes to the local community to enjoy their time rather than the pre
managed resorts while travelling, it would be beneficial economically, socially and culturally for
both, the tourist and the local community.

8. The environment we live in is in danger due to various

problems. What are the underlying causes? Who is responsible
to combat this? What measures?
The damage to the environment is increasing at an alarming rate mainly due to human activities.
Even though a great deal of effort is being now made by governments all over the world, individuals
also have a major role to play in the minimizing global environmental hazard.

To begin with, one of the major reasons for the pollution of the environment is the uncontrolled use
of automobiles. If individuals can make a conscious effort to change their lifestyle, by cutting down
the use of private cars and use public transport, it would substantially reduce the burning of fossil
fuels. In other words, serious attempt could be made by individuals to travel to work regularly by
buses and trains, which are cheap and abundant. Hence, Individual perceptive towards using these
transports could help in the reduction of emissions produced by vehicles, and there by playing a vital
role in addressing this issue. 

In addition to this, individual could play a significant role towards safety our environment by not
using enormous amount of plastic in daily life, which is a hazardous pollutant of the soil. In other
words, almost every consumer use plastics while doing shopping, and there is always use and throw
culture. Instead of using this, individual’s efforts could be taken into account opting for eco-friendly
substitutes. For example, people can use paper and cloth bags instead of plastic in supermarkets. So,
use of plastics on the environment is devastating, and must find alternatives to plastic from the
individual perceptive. 

In conclusion, it seems to me that environmental problem is the worrying concern and individuals
have a crucial role in joining hands with the government in reducing the harm caused to the
environment. Lack of individual participation could mean that addressing environmental issue is
beyond reach. 

Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to
reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental
problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to address these problems.

Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissions from
factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a devastating
effect on the planet in the future. As the human population increases, we are also producing ever
greater quantities of waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.
Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They could introduce laws to
limit emissions from factories or to force companies to use renewable energy from solar, wind or
water power. They could also impose ‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies. In this way,
people would be encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore
reducing emissions.

Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on the environment. They can
take public transport rather than driving, choose products with less packaging, and recycle as much
as possible. Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as well as ‘banks’ for
recycling glass, plastic and paper in their car parks. By reusing and recycling, we can help to reduce

In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in looking after the

9. Mall cultures
Mall culture has become big business, as shopping malls have evolved into multi-storied structures
housing a large number of stores that sell diverse products and services. Shopping malls house a
collection of retail stores and restaurants

Parking is one of the major hassles for people who go into the city to shop. Shopping at malls
eliminates this problem, because parking is provided either free of charge or for a nominal fee. This
makes it advantageous for people to choose to shop at a mall rather than a single store. Families
who choose to visit a mall on the weekend or holiday for a family outing find it to be a more
convenient option mainly because parking is provided.

Visiting a mall is advantageous because of the numerous stores housed in one complex. Groceries,
clothes, shoes, reading material, food courts, cinemas and entertainment arcades are available in
one place. Malls make great meeting places for friends to catch up over coffee at a café or a meal at
the food court.

One of the major disadvantages - These include excessive crowding, especially on weekends and
holidays. Crowded aisles and stores make shopping very difficult; people often end up forgetting
items they needed to buy. Parking can also be a problem when the mall is very crowded.

The temptation to browse is always present, and browsing often leads to buying things that are not
needed. Keeping to a monthly budget becomes increasingly difficult every time you visit the mall.
With all the sales and special offers intended to tempt buyers, saying "no" becomes very hard.

10. Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for

children. Is it more positive of their future aspect or have some
adverse effects. Agree or disagree?
Children usually learn a foreign language as early as in secondary school, even though some experts
believe it is better to start learning it from primary school. It seems to me that a foreign language
should only be learnt at secondary level rather than at primary level.
It is undeniable that young children will easily learn vocabulary and pronunciation of any language
much better compared to adolescents. However, they need to learn basic subjects such as sciences,
mathematics and moral which are essential for them to survive in the future, especially at the
beginning of their academic career. In addition, it is compulsory for non-native English student to
focus on their mother tongue language as well as the English language. Learning a foreign language
other than English would make them feel overloaded and distracted which might cause negative
feelings towards learning.

On the other hand, other subjects are often more important to learn in their young age. We should
allow them to focus on the basic subjects, which demand plenty of effort and time. Therefore, they
can begin to learn a foreign language after establishing themselves well by better understanding the
concept of education in primary school. Furthermore, it could be easy for them to practise and
enhance the usage of a foreign language with better approaches when they become older. For
example, they may enjoy learning language through games and discussions, presentations on
current affairs, as well as they can embark on social conversations with people from various

In conclusion, I strongly believe that children should learn a foreign language only in secondary
school rather than at primary level as the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

11. It is a moral duty of developed countries to provide aid to

poorer countries. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
aiding poorer countries?
It is generally considered that International aid practices are an integral part of global relations
between nations. Considering this, some analysts advocate that it is the moral responsibility of
affluent/rich/wealthy nations to provide necessary assistance to poorer countries.

There are immense benefits that poorer countries as well as rich nations can achieve. Firstly,
International aid facilitated by rich countries to poorer countries can alleviate the problems that
usually surround poorer nations. Hunger, poverty, health, and sanitation issues are good examples
to support the fact. The rich countries can set up a system in place that provides free healthcare to
the poor, and also improve the sanitation conditions. With financial support, the poor countries can
spend the funds they had set aside for education on other things like infrastructure and improved
amenities. Moreover, International aid also helps to encourage a healthy relationship between both

Despite international aid being beneficial for poorer countries, demerits of the same in some
situations cannot be overlooked. Firstly, international aid can be lost due to corruption which is
prevalent in many nations nowadays. It has generally been observed that, politicians, government
officials and other people take huge chunks from the aid, and when the richer countries see that
little work has been done with their money, they withdraw their support from that country. This
sours the relationship between the countries as well as deprives the poor people of something good.
Moreover, citizens of the rich countries also disapprove of this behaviour that their hard-earned
money is wasted by their government on corrupt politicians abroad.
In summary, it is an unquestionable fact to consider that international aid provided by rich nations to
poorer nations can act as boon for both; however the negative phases of the similar policy are even
detrimental that need considerable addressing.

12. In the modern world car ownership is regarded as a right.

However, some argue that governments should try to reduce the
number of cars on the road by improving public transport, as
the growing number of cars on the road causes traffic congestion
and pollution. Discuss.
In the 21st century, owing a car is a common attribute. According to some views the government
authorities should enhance the modes of transport for the public in order to lessen the number of
vehicles such as cars and motorbikes. A large number of vehicles on the roads create traffic
pollution and traffic chaos. While there are some problems with this proposal, there are also some
relevant solutions, as will now be discussed.

There are some obvious problems related to this issue, such as: pollution from large number of
vehicles exaggerates the global warming crisis. For example, fuel which is used in cars emit plenty of
poisonous gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. As a result when these gases are mixed in
the environment, they create air pollution. Another problematic issue related with the large number
of cars is noise pollution. It generates disturbance in various activities and at the same time it gives
rise to several health problems. Last but not least, the large number of cars on city roads creates
traffic jams and chaos. This situation, for instance, can be avoided by reducing the number of cars on
roads. Also traffic jams waste a lot of precious time which can otherwise be used in other
recreational activities.

Despite these problems, there are also some suggested solutions like installing anti-pollution devices
in cars. These devices can be very helpful in reducing the pollution to a large extent. Another
possible solution is to provide education to people about traffic sense and imparting knowledge
about global warming problems.

As discussed above, this proposal has a variety of notable problems and solutions. However, the best
way to get rid of this problem is to impart more education and knowledge to the population. By
creating awareness about these issues, the general public will be able to contribute and help
eradicate it.
1. Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products or is it the responsibility
of producers?

2. Many people think that regions affect successful person. What is your opinion about
native region and accomplished person’s influence on the region he belongs to.

3. Roles of governments, companies and individuals to combat climate change

4. Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become the
essential part of our lives. What is your opinion?

5. The mass media including TV, Radio and newspaper influence our society and shape our
opinions and characters. What is your opinion?

6. Company’s top level authorities should get their employees in decision making process.

7. Some people think law changes our behaviour. Discuss.

8. Pros and Cons of extreme/adventure sports.

9. The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems. What are the
underlying causes? Who is responsible to combat this? What measures?

10.In education system, assessment through formal written examination still valid?

11.Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Your opinion? Good or bad

12. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have
time for their personal life. Discuss.

13. It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting
established in a good job? Do you agree or disagree".

14. Some people believe law changes human behaviour. Do you agree/disagree?

15. Talk about pros/cons of this era as it is full of daily inventions

16. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad?

17. Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society

18. In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes
and computers.
What do you think is the most important of them?
Which is the greatest invention in last 100 years medicine or science or technology?

19. Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some
negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

20.Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive ofr
their future aspect or have some adverse effects. Agree or disagree?

21. What are the greatest inventions of the 20th century among medicine, aeroplane and
computers, why?

22. In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite
as well.

23. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss pros and cons

24. The only thing that interferes with my leaning is my education- Einstein. What does he
mean by that? And do you think he is correct?

25. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but
those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Agree or Disagree? 

26. "Value added by travel in Education Is travel a necessary component of education or

not? Will scholar sitting at home have more knowledge than one who travels? "

27. "Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offer and discounts, and in
what ways this can impact on their reputation

28. “In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed”. Does a common man suffer from a
group’s ideology? Express your opinion, and support the same with reasons and

29. Travel to study is overrated. We have brilliant scholars who studied locally. Is travel
really required for higher study?

30. In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory.

31 Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?
If Voting is compulsory in democratic society, what conclusions can we draw about
‘Nature of democracy?’

32. The claim that animals have “rights” has been the subject of much debate since the
Are zoos helping or hurting our animals?
Should zoos be banned?
Do you agree or disagree?

1. Extreme sports, sky-diving, bungee-jumping, risky pursuits, the real dangers of various
high-risk pursuits, turning extreme sports into a multi-billion dollar global industry,
parachuting, numerous fatal accidents, daredevils, scuba-diving, marathon running, Over
the past decade, extreme sports have become extremely popular. And so have extreme
injuries. Between 2000 and 2011, more than four million injuries were attributed to extreme
sports. and some kids try to emulate his tricks
Extreme sports bring excitement and thrill. The daring participants say extreme sports are
all about the thrill and the sense of accomplishment they get. They're climbing higher,
jumping farther and moving faster, all in the name of personal glory. Still, when things go
wrong, they pay a heavy price. Humans aren't supposed to fly

2. Packaging ensures that people can buy and use products when they want them, in good
condition and with little wastage. However, many people think some goods have too much
packaging. Snacks intended to be eaten on the move are an example of products where the
consumer could easily assemble the components him/herself without the need for

The packaged goods industry is highly competitive, and packaging manufacturers, packaged
goods producers and retailers are all under pressure to come up with new and better
packaging solutions. No business wants to spend more on packaging than it has to and the
fewer resources the packaging needs, the lower its cost.

Also, companies see to have gone overboard on packaging – they put food in trays, inside a
box, inside a plastic container with cardboard wrap around to explain what it is. For
instance, MacDonald’s is the first to over-package their food and encourage people to eat
while walking – hence they throw it on the street.

3. Hometown
Success in any area of life never happens in a complete vacuum. Often it is just as much
dependent on an individual’s will-power and intelligence as it is on their environment and
outside circumstances.

To find happiness and success, you therefore need to pay attention and take some control
over the type of environments you are surrounding yourself in on a daily basis; even the
strongest and brightest of minds will find it difficult to achieve their goals if they are in a
completely wrong environment for them. 

This is because every aspect of your external life has some influence over your internal
thoughts and behaviors, especially the people you surround yourself with on a daily basis,
and the type of places where you spend most of your time.

The first main aspect of our environment that influences our success is the people we
surround ourselves with on a daily basis.For example, surrounding yourself with friends who
are more self-disciplined can also help you become more self-disciplined. This is just one of
many examples of how our social network can have an influence over our own behavior and
goal-seeking.It fits well with other research that shows if you hang around people who are
obese and unhealthy, it’s more likely you will become obese and unhealthy. And if you hang
around with people who are lazy and don’t study for class, it’s likely you’ll end up with
similar grades as them too.
The second main aspect of our environment that influences our success is the places we
spend most of our time at.For example, one important factor that has shown to increase
productivity and happiness is giving people some freedom to design their own
workplace.Taking ownership over where you spend your time allows you to choose an
environment that motivates and inspires you. A good environment for success should keep
your senses stimulated and awake while you work on your goals, while not being too

At the end of the day, you can’t meet your full potential for success unless you find an
environment that brings out the very best in you.

4.Climate Change/Global Warming

But what really is the proper role for individuals and institutions in addressing climate
change? An immediate and natural response may be that everyone should do their part

Decisions affecting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, for example, are made primarily by
companies and consumers. This includes decisions by companies about how to produce
electricity, as well as thousands of other goods and services; and decisions by consumers
regarding what to buy, how to transport themselves, and how to keep their homes warm,
cool, and light.

In order to effectively address global warming, we must significantly reduce the amount of
heat-trapping emissions we are putting into the atmosphere. As individuals, we can help by
taking action to reduce our personal carbon emissions. But to fully address the threat of
global warming, we must demand action from our elected leaders to support and
implement a comprehensive set of climate solutions:

 Expand the use of renewable energy and transform our energy system to a cleaner one

Place limits on the amount of carbon that polluters are allowed to emit.

 Build a clean energy economy by investing in efficient energy technologies, industries, and

 Reduce tropical deforestation and its associated global warming emissions.


1.Television is now playing a very important role in our lives.

2. Television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparative cheap

3. Television keeps you informed about current events. It allows you to follow the latest
developments in science and politics.

4. Many television programs introduce people to things they never thought of before and
have never heard of before.

5. Television has been good company to those who do not work, like housewives, lonely old
people, etc.

6. People all around the world are no longer distant and isolated from each other.

7.It brings most distant countries and the strangest customs right into your living room.

8. Compared with radio, everything on television is more lifelike, vivid, and real.

9. Television may be a vital factor in holding a family together.

10. Television keeps people informed of the news and weather. disasters like floods, winds,


1.Television is a great time waster.

2. Television takes up too much of our time.

3.We no longer have enough time for hobbies, entertaining activities.

4.Other outside amusements like theaters, movies, sports, etc get ignored.

5. People have grown addicted to television, often neglecting the necessary and more
important things like meals, sleep, and even work.

6. The more the viewer watches television, the lazier they become. The TV glues them to
the set instead of allowing them to go out.

7. Television prevents people from communicating with each other.

8.It has done much harm to the relationship between family members.

9. Families sit and watch television at dinner instead of talking with each other
6.Employee’s opinion

The solid foundation of any successful company is its people. Employees represent a source
of knowledge and ideas, but oftentimes that resource remains untapped. Involving
employees in the decision-making process not only empowers them to contribute to the
success of an organization, but also saves the company time and money. It also increases
productivity and reduces outsourcing

Improving Morale-Actively engaging workers in the decision-making process increases

overall company morale. Employees understand their ideas are an important contribution to
the company, and gives them the power to influence the outcome of their work, leading to
increased job satisfaction and a positive attitude.

Internal Resources-Using employees in the decision-making process, rather than

outsourcing, saves money, time, and offers the company long-term reliable assistance from
those who know the corporation well.

Teamwork-Participation in the decision-making process gives each employee the

opportunity to voice their opinions, and to share their knowledge with others. While this
improves the relationship between manager and employee, it also encourages a strong
sense of teamwork among workers.


Deforestation- Deforestation is a rapidly-growing problem in areas like Africa, Central and

South America. Not only does this mean less trees, less cleansing oxygen, and the
displacement of the wildlife, deforestation means a dangerous decrease in a natural fighter
of global warming –

Pollution-Pollution comes in many forms and no matter where you live. The main reason for
why pollution has gotten so out of control is that our desire for more “stuff”  has led to our
old stuff being thrown away at an alarming and unnecessary rate. This need for
manufactured items also leads to the air and water pollution emitted from factories, which
in many countries are highly unregulated.

Loss of Biodiversity-Each species has a role in our planet, and when one dies out, it can have
catastrophic effects on the rest of us. Currently, many other animals are in danger of
becoming extinct, either from being forced out of their habitats by man or by climate
6. Written assessment

Writing is an essential skill that allows people to participate fully in today's society and to
contribute to the economy. It is a complex process that is essential for extending learning,
thinking and communicating with others

The assessment of writing is central to the process of effective teaching and learning of
writing  This, in turn, can enable greater understanding of the requirements needed to
support their learning.

It allows students to effectively convey thoughts and ideas through text is classroom-based
writing assessment. Such formative assessments allow teachers to gauge the effectiveness
of their instructional practices, modify instruction as needed, and provide students with
feedback on writing strengths and areas in need of further development.

7.Shopping mall

Mall culture has become big business, as shopping malls have evolved into multi-storied
structures housing a large number of stores that sell diverse products and services.
Shopping malls house a collection of retail stores and restaurants

Parking is one of the major hassles for people who go into the city to shop. Shopping at
malls eliminates this problem, because parking is provided either free of charge or for a
nominal fee. This makes it advantageous for people to choose to shop at a mall rather than
a single store. Families who choose to visit a mall on the weekend or holiday for a family
outing find it to be a more convenient option mainly because parking is provided

Visiting a mall is advantageous because of the numerous stores housed in one complex.
Groceries, clothes, shoes, reading material, food courts, cinemas and entertainment arcades
are available in one place. Malls make great meeting places for friends to catch up over
coffee at a café or a meal at the food court.

One of the major disadvantages - These include excessive crowding, especially on weekends
and holidays. Crowded aisles and stores make shopping very difficult; people often end up
forgetting items they needed to buy. Parking can also be a problem when the mall is very
The temptation to browse is always present, and browsing often leads to buying things that
are not needed. Keeping to a monthly budget becomes increasingly difficult every time you
visit the mall. With all the sales and special offers intended to tempt buyers, saying "no"
becomes very hard.------------------------

8. Work-Life Balance

If people don't have time to relax and recharge, their ability to do their job decreases and
their performance level suffers.•

Work-life balance is about creating and maintaining supportive and healthy work
environments, which will enable employees to have balance between work and personal
responsibilities and thus strengthen employee loyalty and productivity.

Today’s workers have many competing responsibilities such as work, children, housework,
volunteering, spouse and elderly parent care and this places stress on individuals, families
and the communities in which they reside. Work-life conflict is a serious problem that
impacts workers, their employers and communities.

Long work hours and highly stressful jobs not only hamper employees’ ability to harmonize
work and family life but also are associated with health risks, such as increased smoking and
alcohol consumption, weight gain and depression. Work life conflict has been associated
with numerous physical and mental health implications.

Work-life conflict has negative implications on family life. Their work responsibilities
interfere with their ability to fulfill their responsibilities at home.

A growing number of employers have implemented wellness programs or pay for their
employees’ gym membership as part of a benefits package. Some companies invite fitness
trainers or yoga instructors into the office to hold lunchtime sessions.

Companies that have implemented work-life balance programs recognize that employee
welfare affects the “bottom line” of the business. Finally, self-management is important;
people need to control their own behaviour and expectations regarding work-life balance.

4. Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become the
essential part of our lives. What is your opinion?
5. The mass media including TV, Radio and newspaper influence our society and shape our
opinions and characters. What is your opinion?

Newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet—including e-mail and blogs—are

significantly influential on our society, especially in affirming attitudes and opinions that are
already established. The news media focus the public’s attention on certain personalities
and issues, leading many people to form opinions about them.

Mass media sets the news agenda, which shapes the public's views on what is newsworthy
and important.

It is a system used by advertisement agencies and media outlets, such as television channels
and radio stations to "convince" their audiences to do or act in a certain way. It appeals to
the vulnerability of the desired target .

For instance, a famous person or persons Who are recognized and admired by whole
communities. These individuals have the "Power" to convince their followers or fans into
taking any kind of action or decision. Therefore, these famous people usually are linked or
work for some media outlet and are used, to influence the community
The media has changed significantly in the past years.  Because of the availability of
television and radio all populations and classes have been exposed to various types of
media.  The Internet has provided an even newer media resource. The majority of people
live in a very fast paced society.  They have very little time for reading and exploring the
truth of information.  The producers of media publication are aware of this and use the
media to influence public choice and opinion.  The problem lies in that many people are
gullible and society as a whole is easily influenced by the media representations. The media
also responds to public demand and provides the information that the public craves. 
A positive aspect of the media’s bias has been that it has facilitated change in people’s
perception of races in a positive manner, exposed people to other cultures, made people
aware of environmental needs, and the needs of people far away.  While there can also be
negative implications the media also has to reflect the public’s point of view.  With the
growing representation of Hispanics, African Americans, and other minority groups, the
media is under pressure to present them in a more positive light.

7. Some people think law changes our behaviour. Discuss.

14. Some people believe law changes human behaviour. Do you agree/disagree?

Can legislation reform human nature?

Can laws change people's mind?

As far as I am concerned, laws can only prohibit people's evil behaviour by the force of
government power, ensure the freedom of its people and help maintaining the peace and
stability of the society. They can not operate on people's minds.

Moral judgment is motivated largely by avoidance of punishment. Individuals develop an

understanding that rules are necessary to aintain social order, and are motivated by what
they think people expect of them. Thus, people perceive an obligation to uphold the law to
avoid the social disorder that would follow in the wake of others disobeying.

13. It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting
established in a good job? Do you agree or disagree".

There are numerous disadvantages to getting married while still a student. “[Getting
married in college] can create a greater problem when you are dependent on parents to
support you. There is the probability of more tension on the part of both sets of parents.”
Expecting your parents to continue paying your tuition as though you were still a child once
you have chosen to take on the very adult responsibility of marriage can also create

Another reason to wait is the time constraint on enrolled newlyweds. Balancing time at
home, adjusting to a new life and spending time on academics is a daunting task, regardless
of how organized you are. Married college students are often left with not enough time to
do housework, study or have couple time. Little time is left for each other so there’s less
time to work on personal growth and the marriage.

The  college marriage often results in restriction of college experiences, participation in

college functions and of relationships of college friends. 

Not only that, but she also finds that marriage affects academics. “There is often a drop in
grades due to added responsibilities or having to take on a full time job. The distractions
that marriage brings are endless and normal, but if your current schedule and goals make
marriage too much to handle on top of your college life, then the smartest decision may be
taking care of your college career before saying your vows. 

Sometimes the engaged couple isn’t actually ready to decide what they want out of life (or
marriage) yet. College is a time of growth and maturing. Getting married too soon can cut
growth and maturation short. “Most students need some time to be self-supporting, living
on your own and making decisions as you mature. An early marriage can prevent students
from ever getting that time to mature.
15. Talk about pros/cons of this era as it is full of daily inventions 

In today's world, where just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to
advances in technology across almost all sectors, it may seem as though it's a misnomer to
even mention any disadvantages of technological advances. However, despite how far
technology has taken humans and no matter how convenient it may make things, there are
some disadvantages accompanying this level of access. 

Technology advances show people a more efficient way to do things, and these processes
get results. For example, education has been greatly advanced by the technological
advances of computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale without ever leaving
their classrooms. Agricultural processes that once required dozens upon dozens of human
workers can now be automated, thanks to advances in technology, which means cost-
efficiency for farmers. Medical discoveries occur at a much more rapid rate, thanks to
machines and computers that aid in the research process and allow for more intense
educational research into medical matters.This results in cost savings for business owners,
allowing them to invest in growth in other areas of the business, which contributes on a
positive level to the economy as a whole. 

The more advanced society becomes technologically, the more people begin to depend on
computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. This means that when a
machine breaks or a computer crashes, humans become almost disabled until the problem
is resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage,
because they become less self-reliant.

At the same time, human workers retain less value, which is a disadvantage of technological
advances. Because machines automate processes and do the work of 10 people with one
computer, companies find they don't need to employ as many people to get the job done.
As machines and computers become even more advanced and efficient, this will continue to
be a growing disadvantage of technology and an issue that has a global impact.

16. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad? 

Now, more than ever, celebrities are extremely influential in the lives of teenagers. While
there are certainly some positive role models for teens among today’s celebrities, there are
also many who provide a decidedly negative influence. Teens who try to emulate these
celebrities may fall victim to several different issues, 

There include  Drug abuse or drug addiction, Problems with alcohol and drinking
heavily,  Eating disorders and  Low self-esteem and low self-confidence.  
1)       It seems like every day there are more and more stories and pictures on the Internet of
the illicit activities of celebrities. Teens see these people partying, drinking alcohol or doing
drugs, and they think they should too. This sends the message to teens that in order to have
fun or be cool, you have to use these substances. Teens may begin to think that it is no big
deal, and this can cause serious problems leading to and including drug and alcohol
addictions, risk-taking behaviors, and even death.

2)       Some of the most common problems that occur are issues with self-esteem for teens,
especially teen girls. When a teen girl flips through her favorite fashion magazine, she is
inundated with pictures and articles revolving around the erroneous belief that celebrities
are perfect. The air-brushed pictures, workout and diet tips, and pin-thin models can cause
body images issues for teens. In trying to make themselves look like the pictures that they
see, teens can cause real damage to their bodies. Working out too much or not eating
enough can lead to an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia

 17. Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society

18. In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes
and computers. What do you think is the most important of them? Why? Greatest
invention in the last 100 years, medicine, sciene or technology?

It is evident how life has changed since technology has been introduced in the human life.
When we think about technology mostly the first thing that comes to our mind is the image
of a computer. Technological advancements such as computers have been designed and
created with the only purpose to help humans and make their lives easier. Computers have
become indispensable in any workplace where they are basically considered a compliment
for people to help them on developing their activities. In fact, computers are the greatest
invention of all time because they have multi-tasking features that can minimize your work,
they can display and let you manipulate stored information, and they are used in almost all
fields for any purpose. 

 First of all computers have multi-tasking features that can minimize the work you have to
do. For example, computers avoid you having to calculate any result on doing math, the only
thing you must do is to type the information needed and your work is done.  

Secondly, computers can display and let you manipulate stored information. In other words,
you don’t need to use paper in order to store any information on shelves. You don’t even
have to rewrite a whole paper because you did a mistake or you have to add more
information to the written form. You can have as many files as you can in your computer
and organize them the way you like it without having to use any extra material or space.

 Finally, computers are used in almost all fields for any purpose such as entertainment,
education, and any type of job. For example, you can use computers to play videogames,
watch movies, listen to music or chat on the internet for entertainment. In education or any
job you can use them for videoconferences, PowerPoint presentations or just using their
basic features discussed in the first point.

Therefore computers are the greatest invention of all time because they reduce your time
consumption on your activities, you can save your information and edit it anytime, and they
let you do almost everything you need. Computers have become the most powerful tool
ever created.

19. Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some
negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

23. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years.

Discuss some pros and cons.

IT has not only brought the world closer together. Therefore, we can not only share
information quickly and efficiently, but we can also bring down barriers of linguistic and
geographic boundaries. The world has developed into a global village due to the help of
information technology allowing to shares ideas and information with each other.

Communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now
communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them or sending
them an email for an almost instantaneous response. The internet has also opened up face
to face direct communication from different parts of the world thanks to the helps of video

Bridging the cultural gap - Information technology has helped to bridge the cultural gap by
helping people from different cultures to communicate with one another, and allow for the
exchange of views and ideas, thus increasing awareness and reducing prejudice. 

However, While information technology may have streamlined the business process it has
also crated job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. This means that a lot of lower
and middle level jobs have been done away with causing more people to become

Privacy - Though information technology may have made communication quicker, easier
and more convenient, it has also bought along privacy issues. Due to website and email
hacking, people are now worried about their once private information becoming public

Lack of job security - Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security a big
issue as since technology keeps on changing with each day. This means that one has to be in
a constant learning mode, if he or she wishes for their job to be secure.
Dominant culture - While information technology may have made the world a global village,
it has also contributed to one culture dominating another weaker one. For example it is now
argued that US influences how most young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and
behave. Languages too have become overshadowed, with English becoming the primary
mode of communication for business and everything else.

20.Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive ofr
their future aspect or have some adverse effects. Agree or disagree? 

There are several benefits of learning a new language, the latest being it promotes a better
understanding (and acceptance of) psychology and diversity.

1.Bilingualism delays Alzheimer’s disease by as much as five .

2. Being bilingual can lead to improved listening skills, since the brain has to work harder to
distinguish different types of sounds in two or more languages

3. Babies brought up in a bilingual environment have stronger working memories than those
brought up with only one language

This means they are better at mental calculation, reading and many other vital skills.

4. Better multi-tasking-Bilingual people can switch from one task to another more quickly.
They show more cognitive flexibility and find it easier to adapt to unexpected

5. Learning a new language can literally change the way you see the world.Learning
Japanese, for example, which has basic terms for light and dark blue, may help you perceive
the colour in different ways 

People used to think that learning two languages created confusion in the mind.Some
studies did seem to back up the idea that learning two languages could be problematic;
early researchers noted that bilingual people tended to have smaller vocabularies and
slower access to words.

22. In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite
as well.
In recent decades, low cost airfare has made international travel easier and many countries
have, therefore, developed their tourism industries into key sectors of their economies.
While it is clear tourism brings obvious benefits to the countries that host tourists, it is also
true to say it may bring disadvantages as well. 

Undoubtedly, there are significant benefits that tourism brings to a country. First, a thriving
tourist industry implies an increasing need for a variety of services such as hotels, transport,
restaurants, and entertainment. This results in a considerable number of jobs being created
for people who lack a college education and also the development of the infrastructure
needed to accommodate visitors. Moreover, tourism is a "green" industry that, unlike
factories, generates a low level of pollution. In fact, because beautiful natural landscapes
are often places that tourists come to see, a country will often be sure to maintain the
landscape in order to keep it attractive for tourists. 

Despite the benefits, there are aspects of tourism that may prove harmful to a country. For
instance, a country may suffer from the loss of their traditional culture. This is caused by
people in a country changing their lifestyle, customs, and language in order to more
effectively serve visitors or because they become influenced by foreign countries. This can
cause stress in a traditional society and could even lead to animosity towards tourists. In
addition, because tourists often carry expensive objects like cameras and are unaware of
their surroundings, they make good targets for theft. Crime also increases as a result of the
increases in drugs and prostitution that caters to some vacationers. 

In summary, global tourism is greatly beneficial to an economy and environment of a

country. However, it can be detrimental in several ways. To my way of thinking, a country
should seek to develop its tourism industry because it can bring steady jobs to many people
without their need for higher education and without the risk of environmental damages.

23. The only thing that interfere with my leaning is my education- Einstein. What does he
mean by that? And do you think he is correct?

Formal education tends to limit the thinking you can do about a subject. For instance, you
know and accept that the Law of Gravity is valid. You've been taught that in school.
Therefore, you are not going to waste your time trying to get around it.  

Most engineers today are taught that something must be done THIS way. By the time they
get their degrees, they can't see simple solutions to complex problems. That's when you
need someone with no degree and not a lot of knowledge about engineering that you can
bounce the problem off of. In explaining it to them and dealing with their offhand
suggestions, you often get the simple solution you couldn't see.  

Einstein recognized that education also limits the mind and felt he learned more by doing
research without the confines of the degree. 
Einstein was a genius, which back in the old days many never really understood what a
genius really was! So for him to say, the only thing that interferes with my learning is my
education! He was actually saying, he was a lot smarter then any education that could be
taught to him back in them days!

So he had to more or less, self educate on his own to be able to be smarter then he already
was! Many people saw him as off the wall, sort of speak! Because of the fact he was a lot
more smarter then anyone really knew! So instead of him being looked up to because of
being so smart, he was more like an out cast to most! Mostly because of his odd behavior,
and weirdness and very much misunderstood! He plainly just didn't fit in!

I guess you could say, very few people tried to get to know him at his level and partly no one
could possibly even think at his level! So he to many was just a strange person! But the fact
was he was a genius and he was misunderstood back in them days! Geniuses today are
honored and almost worshiped and there is today, way higher education levels in place now
for people that are geniuses!  

Could you imagine if education would have been so high level to teach Einstein to the levels
he was urning for! He would have really accomplished way more then what he did!

And may have changed the world for a lot better then what it is today! Maybe that's why
education is such a high priority in todays world, so that everyone has a chance to be the
next great Einstein, or even greater! If education hadn't changed from the old days, man
would have never made it to the moon!  

Education has to always change for the better, may be at times not fast enough, but if it
didn't life will never get better! If education was still the same as back in Einstein days,
Medical wouldn't be where it is today and millions would have all died every year! Medical
is the biggest resource for longer life and more quality of life! Without it, people would be
dieing at younger ages and from many diseases that wouldn't be cureable without all the
medical education we all have today!

 Einstein would have actually fit in better in todays world then he did back in the old days,
you could say he was born in the wrong Century, so it would be like taking a well educated
person today and put them back into Einstein days of life! The person would feel completely
out of place and most likely wouldn't be able to even cope in that kind of life!  

So what Einstein was saying is, he was being taught 6 th grade education when he was
actually like the highest college degree grad in are time of life! And he wanted higher
education then the highest college education! But back in his days 6 th grade education is all
they had as highest education to offer!
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those
who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Education in the 21st Century: The Challenge  

'The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but
those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.' - Alvin Toffler

How effective is the education that your child receives? As one of the world's wealthy
countries, we could reasonably expect that our education system would rate as one of the
world's best, and certainly in terms of spending on education, Singapore's record is very
good, but it seems that our report card - along with those of all major developed countries -
should read: 'Must do better'.

Around the world, education systems are struggling to remain relevant in a changing world.
Far too often they are failing to prepare students for life in the 'new economies'.

So, what does all this mean to parents, struggling to make the right educational choices for
their children? And what does it mean to a nation like Singapore at the beginning of the
twenty-first century? 

For the individual, there is no way to over-estimate the importance of education.

Many may score well in basic literacy and number skills but performance even in these areas
is often based on the wealth and social position of the students. And besides, education
suited for the new millennium is not the same as in previous decades. The new economy,
brought about by the huge changes of the communications revolution, means that the skills
which will be valued are far more wide-ranging than the 'three Rs' of the past. Literacy and
number skills are still vital, but the successful person in the future will be the person with
wide-ranging abilities - the person 'able to navigate change and diversity, learn-as-they-go,
solve problems, collaborate and be flexible and creative.' (New Learning: A Charter for
Australian Education - Australian Council of Deans of Education (A.C.D.E.)

Creative teachers have understood this for decades, but education systems, are slow to
adapt frustrating most attempts at meaningful evolution.  

Education suited to our children's needs must help them cope as individuals in a complex
world. Experts predict that today's students will be the first in history to face the prospect of
working at ten - or more - different jobs during their working lives. They will need thinking
and learning skills that are creative and flexible. Adaptability will be their most prized
In reality, there is a danger, that outside pressures and the time constraints of an over-
crowded curriculum distract us from the traditional purpose of good schooling, which is to
turn out a well-rounded, decent human being.

Britain's Prime Minister, Tony Blair, made his intentions clear in 1997, with his statement of
priorities: 'Education, Education, Education.' Only last year Singapore's minister for
education, Teo Chee Hean said, 'education is about moulding the future of our nation'. He
was right of course, but he might also have said, 'education is about moulding the future of
each individual.'

The challenge for each of us is to find the method of learning best suited to the demands of
that future, and this will be the subject of my articles over the coming weeks.

Should consumer goods companies concentrate on quality or special discounts and offers to
promote their products?
Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offer and discounts, and in what
ways this can impact on their reputation."
Do you think English will remain as the dominant international language through
RELATED : Learning a new language is helpful/not helpful in this globalized world. Is it
positive or negative for future prospects? Agree or disagree?
Talk about the pros/ cons of this era as is full of daily inventions
Any recent Invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society
What is the recent invention that you encounter? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
In the past 100 years, there are many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and
computers. What do you think is the most important invent for the past 100 years? Why?
Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news & awareness and
for some it acts like a companion. What is your opinion about this.
Television has many useful functions to play in everyone's life, for some its relaxtion ,for
some it is companion. Discuss your viewpoint and support your answer with examples and
discussion point.
Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss the positive and
negative impacts of this change.
Advantages and disadvantages of mass communications
Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some
negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Do you think that formal written examinations are a good way to assess knowledge at
Significance of formal written assessments in today's world to evaluate children's
Education system that assess the student's learning by written exam is correct? what is your
Some people argue laws change human behaviour whereas some people says laws has no
effect on humans. Give your opinion
Some people believe laws changes human behaviour. Do you agree with it?
Human behaviors can be changed by laws. However few do not agree with it. State your
reasons and discuss.
Different people get success in different fields. Some people work long hours to get success,
but others feel that spend free time for joy than Wealth. Which style closely related to you
and explain your views?
Tourism Related Topic
In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as
Do you think consumer should avoid overpacked products or it is responsibility of producer
to avoid extra packaging of products. " Give your views or any relevant example with your
own experience.
Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for
their personal life. Discuss.
Parents should be held legally responsible for there childrens acts. What is ur opinion?
support it with personal examples....

"My education is hindrance in process of my learning"- Expalin this quote by Einstein

The only thing that interfere with my leaning is my education- Einstein. What does he mean
by that? And do you think he is correct?
People believe that we are influenced by the place where they live in. Give a specific person
who were successful / unsuccessful because of the influence.
"Value added by travel in Education Is travel a necessary component of education or not ?
Will scholar sitting at home have more knowledge than one who travels ? "
Travelling is over rated.. travelling is importent for quality education or not ?
Travel to study is overrated. We have brilliant scholars who studied locally. is travel really
required for higher study. ?
Organisations involve employees in decision making process of their products and services.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Extreme sports like skiing, water rafting etc etc are dangerous and should these be banned?
Write any global issue? or Climate Change or Climate change and about the roles that
Government, Corporates and Individuals can play to improve it.
The environment we livin in is in danger due to various problems...so who do u think shud
be responsible to solve tis? is it the goverments, organisation or each individuals?
You are given climate as the field of study. Which area will you prefer? Explain why u picked
up the particluar area for your study
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those
who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ” ― Alvin Toffler
You are given climate as the field of study. Which area will you prefer? Explain why u picked
up the particluar area for your study
Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive ofr their
future aspect or have some adverse effects. Agree or disagree?
Sucessful sportsstars and glamorous film stars are a role model for youngsters. Do u support
it or not(Agree/Disagree)
Do you think that place where the person grew has an influence on his accomplishments.
Explain with example./Do you think that place where the person grew has an influence on
his accomplishments. Explain with example"
It is argue that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion about this? Discuss
with appropiate examples.

Travel to study is overrated. We have brilliant scholars who studied locally. Is travel really
required for higher study?

It is proven fact that many extraordinary intellectuals have been produces locally; however
it has become a trend to travel for studies. I believe that both the statements can be
justified with valid arguments. This essay will shed light on both the aspects of the

Recent statistics portray an uptrend of students travelling to study. Firstly majority of pupils
leave their comfort zones, as there are few options available locally. Especially in densely
populated cities, unless one has brilliant score in their academics throughout, they cannot
get into the studies of their choice. Secondly travelling to study gives one an option to live
independently. As per that old saying “It’s amazing what you learn, when you are never
been taught” those students who travel to study get more exposure, which is good for the
community and society.

On the contrary, it is undeniable that most of the brilliant scholars have studied locally. The
simple reason behind that can be is they might want to study in their close vicinity. As
mentioned in the sentence “brilliant scholars”, since these students are already brilliant it’s
easy for them to crack into local universities or colleges.
All in all, travelling to study is an individual’s choice in my opinion. There are multiple factors
that can affect a person’s decision. Eventually it’s all depends on one’s goals and abilities
that decides which option he will exercise.

In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory.

Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?
If Voting is compulsory in democratic society, what conclusions can we draw about
‘Nature of democracy?’

Compulsory voting in a democratic society is undeniably a controversial topic as it raises a

question: how democratic a nation will be with or without compulsory voting. This system
has many benefits to the nation, if it is implemented in a right manner. In this essay we will
discuss the nature of democracy with few examples of compulsory voting.

Democracy is also known as republic, is a governing system where the citizens of the
country vote to one of the several parties competing for the President’s position. If only 30%
of the people vote then outcome of the election will be unfair, as those who did not vote
may not like the party that won the election. For instance, In America, Bill Clinton won when
mere 34% of the total population voted. Similarly in India on an average only 50 to 55% of
the people vote and rest have to accept the rules drafted by the unwanted members of the

Turning to the compulsory voting, in Australia voting is compulsory since last 80 years.
Almost 90% of public participate and there is a little fine for those who don’t participate.
Moreover, in South American nations like Peru and Bolivia there are harsh punitive action
against those who don’t vote. For example, Non Voters are barred from accessing their own
bank accounts for up to 3 months. This is the reason there are some people who are against
compulsory voting.

In a nutshell it can be said that compulsory voting is an imperative step in a democratic

society, however its implication in a friendly manner is of vital importance. So compulsory
voting is mandatory for a democracy to be a democracy.

The claim that animals have “rights” has been the subject of much debate since the 1970s.
Are zoos helping or hurting our animals?
Should zoos be banned?
Do you agree or disagree?
Since last half century Veganism and animal rights is making headlines. With the
advancement of technology many shocking videos have been coming out on animal cruelty
and many are becoming aware of animal rights. In this essay we will advocate for banning of
zoos as there are alternate ways to see the animals.

Firstly it’s been taught is schools that’s Man is an evolution of and originated from monkeys,
so why cage our ancestors? The Zoos are mostly commercialized and rob animals from their
right of living in natural habitat. Many are have to spend their entire life in a cage just
because some more powerful species like humans can watch them and experiment on
them. Secondly there are alternate ways to see them in their natural habitat. For example,
African safaris take have safe vehicles which go into jungles and forests and get to see these
animals and sometimes feed them as well. In this way humans get to travel as well as watch
them without hurting them.

On the contrary some may argue that everyone cannot afford to travel and pay for safari’s.
However in my opinion for our convenience those animals have to pay the price of their
freedom and a lifetime in artificial caged environment.

So conclude, we should live in harmony with nature and other living entities. Just because
we have more intelligence and have ability to capture and control them does not make us

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