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Personal, social and emotional Physical Development

development (including pshme, PE – Swimming at Ladywell Mathematical development

Creative Development (Art, Dance, Music)
emotional lit, citizenship) weekly sessions Tuesdays
ART – (topic link) – 3D clay work – Viking utensils/ creating Continue with weekly circle times to address on- Block A2 – counting on and back
runes/ gaming pieces/ metal wire for jewellery going issues in class- focus on social skills/
playtime games and listening activities. Base
Comparing and ordering numbers, understanding
Investigating pattern – weaving/ embroidery on hessian Games – (Dance this half
sessions on J Mosely’s 101 Games for Social negative numbers
Developing skills- portraits of Anglo Saxons, creating and Skills term)
Block B2 –doubles and halves, multiplication by
decorating Viking shields
partitioning, developing mental strategies
2d shapes and lines of symmetry
MUSIC – (topic link)- Viking Rock and class assembly
Key Questions & Ideas / Creative Entry Point 3d shapes/nets polyhedron tetrahedron
Discrete music lessons based on Music Express planned and
Who were the Vikings? Why did they come to Britain?
deliverd by L Sparkes (PPA)- Painting with Sound – Unit 3 Block C2 – scales, capacity and measures
What were the benefits for them? How did it change life
Reading timetables, time intervals, 24 hour clock
in Britain?
Dance (Topic link) – Beowulf, invasion settlement- developing
dance to tell a story. Improving dance/movement skills using
4 basic shapes and working as group to convey meaning/ For detailed objectives see individual maths plans
story based on invasion of an Anglo Saxon village or Beowulf

Communication, language and literacy (including talking/

Knowledge and understanding of the world (including RE,
speaking & listening, writing, reading, spelling, handwriting,
geography, history, DT)
drama and links to other areas)
RE – Christianity Invasion and 1)- Stories in historical settings (3 weeks)
Geography/History (topic link)– invasion and settlement- settlement - 2)- information texts (3 weeks)
Life in Anglo Saxon Britain- (ICT link- creating an online
Where did the Vikings come from? VIKINGS book, PP presentation?)
How did they travel? What was Scandinavia like- why did they
need to travel? How did they change life in Britain?
(atlas and map skills, understanding weather, northern
European countries and landscape)
DT (topic link)- pop up book (re-telling Beowulf?) investigating
levers. Pivots to make own moving picture book Weekly spelling investigation and dictation based on L&S phonics
ICT- branching databases Science – Keeping Warm (maths link- data handling)
-That ‘yes/no’ questions can be used to divide a set of objects into sub-sets (planned and deliverd by L Sparkes
and that a sequence of ‘yes/no’ questions can dentify an object. learn about thermal insulators as materials which can help to keep
-That a tree diagram can be used to organise information. things warm or cool.
-To search a branching database.
• turning ideas into a form that can be investigated
-To use a branching database to organise, reorganise and analyse information.
-Understand that different graphs are used for different purposes.
• using thermometers to make careful measurements of temperature
Session also used for maths games, publishing learning from other curriculum -identifying and suggesting explanations for can be investigated
areas etc patterns and trends in results and using results to draw conclusions.

Trips, visitors, events and displays

History Man visit
Writing workshop (Vikings/ Beowulf) Community Cohesion / Planning for Diversity
Class assembly – Vikings story (based on dance?) Low ability readers with volunteer Wed and Fri pm
Additional handwriting and reading with Audrey Thompson Tues
Maths booster with L Bridgestock – x4 weekly
Letters and sounds booster with R French – x4 weekly
Billy P and Tairece SW working with New Woodlands outreach Fri

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